1I knew what he was going to say to these.
21. Does the BoMN or OoMN have more members?
32. I know you probably won't answer this but. Is Axxon a member of the OoMN?
41) No one knows how many member the OOMN has, because it is so secretive, so no way to answer this question at this time. 52) Can't answer it
1QUOTE 2Merry Christmas and a good Boxing Day Mr F
3By the way i have a questions to ask you
41) have you seen Bionicle 3 and if you seen it what do you thing of it? 52) just one thing how did it take 1000 years for the Toa metru to rescue the matoran? 63)Can you please reveal the title of 5th BL book ? 74)Is there possible to have a toa of sand or vegatation or energy?
8Offtopic 9Which cartoon do you think is the best Family Guy,Simpsons or Futurama?
101) I liked it 112) I think you are confused. It didn't. The Toa Metru went to Mata Nui, and then came back and saved the Matoran. It took like a month. Then they returned to Mata Nui, awoke the Matoran, turned into Turaga, and then a thousand years went by before Toa Tahu and that group showed up 123) Fifth title is Inferno, because the fourth book just got made the fifth book. Fourth book does not have an official title yet 134) Energy is too broad ... sand is too close to stone .. and vegetation, I don't know. 145) Don't watch any of them, can't say
3By the way i have a questions to ask you
41) have you seen Bionicle 3 and if you seen it what do you thing of it? 52) just one thing how did it take 1000 years for the Toa metru to rescue the matoran? 63)Can you please reveal the title of 5th BL book ? 74)Is there possible to have a toa of sand or vegatation or energy?
8Offtopic 9Which cartoon do you think is the best Family Guy,Simpsons or Futurama?
101) I liked it 112) I think you are confused. It didn't. The Toa Metru went to Mata Nui, and then came back and saved the Matoran. It took like a month. Then they returned to Mata Nui, awoke the Matoran, turned into Turaga, and then a thousand years went by before Toa Tahu and that group showed up 123) Fifth title is Inferno, because the fourth book just got made the fifth book. Fourth book does not have an official title yet 134) Energy is too broad ... sand is too close to stone .. and vegetation, I don't know. 145) Don't watch any of them, can't say
1Questions on the Great Spirit:
21. Is Mata Nui bound not to intervene by the Great Beings, or does he know if he does, things will get messed up?
3Questions on the Island of Mata Nui:
41. I have always heard Ta-Koro referred to as 'inside a lava lagoon on the Mangai volcano'. However, on maps, Ta-Koro is to the west of the Mangai. Might we get some clarification?
52. About how many Matoran died on Mata Nui?
63. If you can answer 2., were they Matoran protecting their villages or were they ordinary Matoran?
74. Do Ko-Koro, Po-Koro, and Ga-Koro have any defense forces? In the MNOG II, some Matoran were Temple Guards. Is this the Ko-Matoran defense force?
85. If Onu-Wahi is the entire underground of Mata Nui, do Onu-Matoran stick to Onu-Koro's tunnels and mines, or do they go out and mine beneath other Wahi?
96. When the Matoran left Mata Nui, did they bring with them the Wall of Prophecy, and some charts of the 'Wall' of Stars? Or was it not necessary?
101) No, he simply chooses not to. If you owned an ant farm, would you feel bound to intervene, or would you just let them work out their own problems?
111) Encyclopedia lists it as located in the lake of fire, so go with that 122) Not that many. Makuta wasn't looking to kill Matoran. 133) All Matoran acted to protect their villages 144) All of them had their own defense forces, yes, they had to 155) They did have tunnels that extended to other villages, but they did not mine beneath them. 166) No they didn't bring the Wall of Prophecy. They will simply create a new one in Metru Nui
17Interestingly is that Mata Nui is capable of intervening, but chooses not to. Also, the fact that about the Wall of Prophecy was interesting.
1I just recently pmed GregF about Axonn and Brutaka:
2Hey Greg, there's this Axonn & Brutaka topic out in the BZP forums, and it has this page from a german catalogue in it. You see, I translated all of the lines of script and and found very interesting spoilers about Axonn and Brutaka. 3Here's what I translated: "Axonn and Brutaka were the best of friends. Today they have become archenemies, entangled in a struggle over the destiny of Voya Nui. 4Axonn is a colossal "musclepacket(?)" with a great heart. He helps the Matoran with their resistance against the evil Piraka. With his axe he slices the hardest rock like butter. He is practically invulnerable and is able to form balls of lava with his bare hands. 5Brutaka is the (former?) guardian of the holy Temple of Life. Today he has become affiliated with the Piraka. With his revolving blades he struggles in his quest for the Mask of Life through the densest jungle.
6Well, I can tell you for certain that some of the Brutaka info is inaccurate, as is some of the Axonn info. I didn't write any of that, no idea where it came from.
13) Did Lhikan and/or his team of Toa ever come in contact with the Toa Hagah/Rahaga? Roodaka and/or Sidorak?
23) No and no
3I'm not so sure about that answer. But maybe it's that Greg doesn't count Nidhiki as part of Lhikan's team after he went bad, since we know from comic #25 that Nidhiki was heading towards the Rahaga's cage (So maybe he had seen them before), and Roodaka was also there (So probably he has seen her before too, or maybe after the Hagah escaped and were mutated. You know, it shouldn't have taken that long for Nidhiki to reach the cage, and the Toa fought Roodaka just at the cage's side). 4Khote
5Plus, Roodaka made Nidhiki like that in the first place.

1TakunuvaC01, I would find it kind of funny if they brought a giant stone wall across the sea.
1I just recently pmed GregF about Axonn and Brutaka:
2Hey Greg, there's this Axonn & Brutaka topic out in the BZP forums, and it has this page from a german catalogue in it. You see, I translated all of the lines of script and and found very interesting spoilers about Axonn and Brutaka. 3Here's what I translated: "Axonn and Brutaka were the best of friends. Today they have become archenemies, entangled in a struggle over the destiny of Voya Nui. 4Axonn is a colossal "musclepacket(?)" with a great heart. He helps the Matoran with their resistance against the evil Piraka. With his axe he slices the hardest rock like butter. He is practically invulnerable and is able to form balls of lava with his bare hands. 5Brutaka is the (former?) guardian of the holy Temple of Life. Today he has become affiliated with the Piraka. With his revolving blades he struggles in his quest for the Mask of Life through the densest jungle.
6Well, I can tell you for certain that some of the Brutaka info is inaccurate, as is some of the Axonn info. I didn't write any of that, no idea where it came from.
7O.O Woah. The only thing that could discredit that is not knowing who wrote it. Other than that, I think it would make sense.
8Except... The Piraka have most everything under control on Voya Nui... Why haven't they been able to find such a temple when they essentially run the island?
1Hi Greg
2At some point, I believe you said if Zaktan were to separate his hand from the rest of his body for some purpose, it would fly around as opposed to crawling. Does this mean Zaktan has the ability to fly (like a Rahkshi, Hoi, etc) as a whole being, or is able to telekinetically control his separate limbs/individual protodites, which I would assume as being a side-effect of the infliction of his protodite state?
3Also, on the actual state itself, is Zaktan just able to split into his separate molecules, or is he actually made of the Rahi protodite, the same we heard about in 2004?
4Thanks hugely in advance, and Merry Christmas![]()
51) Yes. Protodites can fly, so so can he. 62) He's made up of Rahi protodites
7Just something I wanted to know.
1I thought this paragraph from Greg's post here was very important, so I'm putting it here:
2See, to me, the detriment of a clone set is if it hurts sales -- so if you can look at the packaging and say, "Hey, those are all the same, just different colors, I am just going to buy one:" then that is a bad thing in my mind. Lack of different pieces, lack of different colors, lack of any variety, those are all bad things to me. The fact that varied sets build the same is not a bad thing to me, because I don't believe the majority of BIONICLE canister set buyers buy them for the challenge of building them -- they are quick and easy builds designed for people who want to hurry up with the roleplay. If that was not the case, then there probably would be no BIONICLE storyline, because we wouldn't need it -- the appeal would all be the building experience and we wouldn't need to worry about the roleplay.
1That paragraph was very good, important and true. Thanks for adding it here, bones.
BTW, these are my latest Q&A batch of 20: I've bolded the important ones.
21. Have Axonn and Brutaka been on Voya Nui for more than a 1000 years? That is, before the Turaga died, before the great cataclysm and such?
3A: Yes
42. What is the Mask of Life?
5A: Not sure I understand your question -- it's a Kanohi mask
63. What is the mask's name?
7A: Can't answer this yet
84. How long has it been on Voya Nui? Either a 1000 years or less?
9A: More
105. Are Axonn and Brutaka on Voya Nui for the same reason?
11A: Not now, they're not, no
126. What are the masks that Axonn and Brutaka wear? (At least their names...?)
13A: Can't answer it -- sets do not come out anywhere before March, so no one needs to know this in December
147. Have the Doomtoran been in Makuta's pods before? If yes, is that a key to their past and their forms being "altered" as you described?
15A: No and no
168. What's the "sort of -- it's very subtle" 2006 clue you described being presented in BA#10?
17A: Krakua's speech
189. Do all BoM members don the Kraahkan?
19A: Can't answer it
2010. You used to say that the BoM will be a background enemy from now on, but all we have are the Piraka: And they don't work for anyone -- they're all by theirselfs: I don't see how the BoM comes into the story like this...
21A: Maybe you aren't meant to see it?
2211. What is Makuta's destiny?
23A: Can't answer it
2412. Has Takanuva completed his destiny?
25A: Can't answer it
2613. "...as past, present and possibly even future Toa met at the shores." What did that quote actually mean?
27A: Well, the Rahaga and Dume were past Toa, the Toa Nuva were current Toa, and the possibility exists in the Toa Nuva and Turaga's mind that someday one or more of the Matoran might be destined to be Toa. They don't know -- that's why it says "possibly"
2814. Who'll be the ruler of Metru Nui now? Will Dume resume his reign, or will Vakama & co. chip in, too?
29A: Dume
3015. Is not TSO bothered over the Piraka's betrayal? If yes, what are his actions?
31A: Well, if he knows where they are and what they're doing, odds are he would wait until they have achieved their goal and then eliminate them so he could have the mask.
3216. When Makuta/Dume hired Nidhiki and Krekka, did they know that Dume was fake? I don't think silly old Krekka would have known...
33A: They had to have suspected, since Dume is a long-time enemy of the Dark Hunters and wouldn't hire them.
3417. Does Nidhiki have self-hatred? In Birth of a Dark Hunter, he had such resentment over multi-legged Rahi -- he even wanted Metru Nui to be rid of them:
35A: Probably, but he's dead now, so moot point
3618. Does Nidhiki regret his actions into becoming what he had sworn to destroy?
37A: I don't think Nidhiki ever swore to destroy anything -- he did not have the passion to fight evil Lhikan had
3819. Is there a name for Nidhiki's Mask of Stealth?
39A: Not an official BIONICLE one, no
4020. When will we know more about the Bohrok? e.g. origin, purpose, creators, motive, etc. Or are you just not planning to reveal all of this yet?
41A: Well, you got one clue in the Encylopedia, and you already know what their mission was. I think we are going to do more on them in this story arc, but I do not know for sure.
42The ones in bold sure are important to the story development now...
the one about the Bohrok is most intriguing:

21. Have Axonn and Brutaka been on Voya Nui for more than a 1000 years? That is, before the Turaga died, before the great cataclysm and such?
3A: Yes
42. What is the Mask of Life?
5A: Not sure I understand your question -- it's a Kanohi mask
63. What is the mask's name?
7A: Can't answer this yet
84. How long has it been on Voya Nui? Either a 1000 years or less?
9A: More
105. Are Axonn and Brutaka on Voya Nui for the same reason?
11A: Not now, they're not, no
126. What are the masks that Axonn and Brutaka wear? (At least their names...?)
13A: Can't answer it -- sets do not come out anywhere before March, so no one needs to know this in December
147. Have the Doomtoran been in Makuta's pods before? If yes, is that a key to their past and their forms being "altered" as you described?
15A: No and no
168. What's the "sort of -- it's very subtle" 2006 clue you described being presented in BA#10?
17A: Krakua's speech
189. Do all BoM members don the Kraahkan?

19A: Can't answer it
2010. You used to say that the BoM will be a background enemy from now on, but all we have are the Piraka: And they don't work for anyone -- they're all by theirselfs: I don't see how the BoM comes into the story like this...
21A: Maybe you aren't meant to see it?
2211. What is Makuta's destiny?
23A: Can't answer it
2412. Has Takanuva completed his destiny?
25A: Can't answer it
2613. "...as past, present and possibly even future Toa met at the shores." What did that quote actually mean?
27A: Well, the Rahaga and Dume were past Toa, the Toa Nuva were current Toa, and the possibility exists in the Toa Nuva and Turaga's mind that someday one or more of the Matoran might be destined to be Toa. They don't know -- that's why it says "possibly"
2814. Who'll be the ruler of Metru Nui now? Will Dume resume his reign, or will Vakama & co. chip in, too?
29A: Dume
3015. Is not TSO bothered over the Piraka's betrayal? If yes, what are his actions?
31A: Well, if he knows where they are and what they're doing, odds are he would wait until they have achieved their goal and then eliminate them so he could have the mask.
3216. When Makuta/Dume hired Nidhiki and Krekka, did they know that Dume was fake? I don't think silly old Krekka would have known...
33A: They had to have suspected, since Dume is a long-time enemy of the Dark Hunters and wouldn't hire them.
3417. Does Nidhiki have self-hatred? In Birth of a Dark Hunter, he had such resentment over multi-legged Rahi -- he even wanted Metru Nui to be rid of them:
35A: Probably, but he's dead now, so moot point
3618. Does Nidhiki regret his actions into becoming what he had sworn to destroy?
37A: I don't think Nidhiki ever swore to destroy anything -- he did not have the passion to fight evil Lhikan had
3819. Is there a name for Nidhiki's Mask of Stealth?
39A: Not an official BIONICLE one, no
4020. When will we know more about the Bohrok? e.g. origin, purpose, creators, motive, etc. Or are you just not planning to reveal all of this yet?
41A: Well, you got one clue in the Encylopedia, and you already know what their mission was. I think we are going to do more on them in this story arc, but I do not know for sure.
42The ones in bold sure are important to the story development now...

1yes greg has made sum false brutaka info besides how the heck does he get his information?:
3Most of the information comes from the BIONICLE team, but Greg puts it down. The way I see it, the team decides the plot point (ie., Takua finds a particular totem, who lives in what village, etc.), and Greg writes how the story gets there (the types of battles, other clashes, etc. that ensue), being sure to include whatever the team decides on (certain stops, encounters, events, etc.).Darnzerf 2His mind. He writes most of the Bionicle story.doomgaurd 1yes greg has made sum false brutaka info besides how the heck does he get his information?:
4Of course, the false, misleading info Greg might've made up himself: I don't see why a team would be needed to make up misleading info... just corroborate his story.

5©1984-2005 Toaraga EAM
3Most of the information comes from the BIONICLE team, but Greg puts it down. The way I see it, the team decides the plot point (ie., Takua finds a particular totem, who lives in what village, etc.), and Greg writes how the story gets there (the types of battles, other clashes, etc. that ensue), being sure to include whatever the team decides on (certain stops, encounters, events, etc.).Darnzerf 2His mind. He writes most of the Bionicle story.doomgaurd 1yes greg has made sum false brutaka info besides how the heck does he get his information?:
4Of course, the false, misleading info Greg might've made up himself: I don't see why a team would be needed to make up misleading info... just corroborate his story.![]()
5©1984-2005 Toaraga EAM
6Negative, GregF has never lied in the info he has given us. He plants seeds of diubt, but he has -never- lied. And doomguard, the Brutaka and Axon info were translated froom a German 'LEGO Book'.
7TMD woz 'ere
1Hi Greg
2At some point, I believe you said if Zaktan were to separate his hand from the rest of his body for some purpose, it would fly around as opposed to crawling. Does this mean Zaktan has the ability to fly (like a Rahkshi, Hoi, etc) as a whole being, or is able to telekinetically control his separate limbs/individual protodites, which I would assume as being a side-effect of the infliction of his protodite state?
3Also, on the actual state itself, is Zaktan just able to split into his separate molecules, or is he actually made of the Rahi protodite, the same we heard about in 2004?
4Thanks hugely in advance, and Merry Christmas![]()
51) Yes. Protodites can fly, so so can he. 62) He's made up of Rahi protodites
7Just something I wanted to know.
8Zaktan can fly?
10I don't know about you guys,but the Snake is starting to become in my opinion the coolest villain ever:

11. Since Mata-Nui is dying, is this where the mask of life come in? 22. Did Nuju stop speaking in that Click language? The thing said that Dume consulted Nuju. 33.If no to 2, Does Dume speak this Click language? Or was Matoro there? 44. Does the OoMN know Mata-Nui is dying? 5Now for Other questions. 65. Will we see any parts of the BoM/DH war in 06? 76.Will the DH guide include the Piraka since they were once DHs?
81) Well, a Mask of Life wouldn't hurt about now ... 92) Don't forget, Dume had several centuries of Kualus' company on Metru Nui, off and on. So he can certainly understand that language, the same way the Turaga can basically understand Nuju from spending so much time with him 104) Some do, perhaps, some don't 115) Yes, but most likely only in BL #4 126) Yes
131,5,and 6 are sort of interesting.
81) Well, a Mask of Life wouldn't hurt about now ... 92) Don't forget, Dume had several centuries of Kualus' company on Metru Nui, off and on. So he can certainly understand that language, the same way the Turaga can basically understand Nuju from spending so much time with him 104) Some do, perhaps, some don't 115) Yes, but most likely only in BL #4 126) Yes
131,5,and 6 are sort of interesting.
1my theory was rihgt mata nui was dying so the that is why the toa need the mask of life . i have a theory of why he is dying but i will post a topic or ask greg. the mask of life must be likelife soport machine.
2i said that in the topic well was makuta like suporting with his power becuase he had the .......love for his brother that he didnt want him to die. but when makuta who know in mol he couldnt suport him anymore so mata nui started dying. the mask of life would be like a life suport machine to him.
3Actually, no -- Mata Nui dying is a result of what Makuta did. Makuta caused this to happen.
4im sure makuta didnt mean to start killing him he had to have a little botherly love man if doensnt man then he is truly evil. 5ps i red some where that dume was the one that didnt let takanuva go with others. is it true.
61) But Mata Nui and Makuta are not brothers by blood -- and yes, Makuta is evil. He may not have intended to kill Mata Nui -- in fact, I know he did not -- but he knew there was the possibility this might happen and he didn't care. He's a villain. 72) Yes
8but why wont dume let takanuva go after seing what the the toa have been t hrough with the piraka.. 9another question. 102 are there other stars like the red star in the gaxlaxy like a blue star etc 113 what was the ball thinghy that the toa olda had ont their chest. 124 what is the kraata - krana cross breed hybrid thing. 135how do barag produce krana.
141) You seem to be a little confused -- Dume never sees what the Toa have been through with the Piraka. All he knows is that the Toa Nuva have gone off to Voya Nui. He knows nothing about the Piraka being there and nor do the Toa until they get there. 152) Not that we have seen so far. 163) Part of the model 174) Hasn't been revealed yet 185) Can't answer it
19i send thes several pms to greg riht now so what do you think.
3Most of the information comes from the BIONICLE team, but Greg puts it down. The way I see it, the team decides the plot point (ie., Takua finds a particular totem, who lives in what village, etc.), and Greg writes how the story gets there (the types of battles, other clashes, etc. that ensue), being sure to include whatever the team decides on (certain stops, encounters, events, etc.).Darnzerf 2His mind. He writes most of the Bionicle story.doomgaurd 1yes greg has made sum false brutaka info besides how the heck does he get his information?:
4Of course, the false, misleading info Greg might've made up himself: I don't see why a team would be needed to make up misleading info... just corroborate his story.![]()
5©1984-2005 Toaraga EAM
6Based on how I understand what Greg has told me in the past, Due to various departures on the staff, the basic Storyteam is now him, along with a few others. He decides the major plot points, character personalities, traits, powers, etc...everything but maybe the basic summery and the parts that the sets are important to (such as how many characters there are)
3Most of the information comes from the BIONICLE team, but Greg puts it down. The way I see it, the team decides the plot point (ie., Takua finds a particular totem, who lives in what village, etc.), and Greg writes how the story gets there (the types of battles, other clashes, etc. that ensue), being sure to include whatever the team decides on (certain stops, encounters, events, etc.).Darnzerf 2His mind. He writes most of the Bionicle story.doomgaurd 1yes greg has made sum false brutaka info besides how the heck does he get his information?:
4Of course, the false, misleading info Greg might've made up himself: I don't see why a team would be needed to make up misleading info... just corroborate his story.![]()
5©1984-2005 Toaraga EAM
6Negative, GregF has never lied in the info he has given us. He plants seeds of diubt, but he has -never- lied. And doomguard, the Brutaka and Axon info were translated froom a German 'LEGO Book'.
7TMD woz 'ere
8Not true. He has lied before. Remember 04? "That thing on the poster isn't a Vahki","Makuta isn't in the story at all".
11. You said that the Voya Nui Turaga died 1000 years ago -- aroud the same time that Mata Nui fell asleep. Does his/her death have something to do with Mata Nui's "predicament," or was it something more straightforward (like an accident) that just happened to happen in that same time frame?
21) It is connected to the cataclysm (i.e., the earthquake that shook Metru Nui, etc.)
32. When will the DH winners get our sets back?
42) I will be starting to send sets back in January
53. In the Rahi Guide, you dedicated it to your ex-cat, and two other names. Who are they? Co-workers' pets?
63) Freddie, Sweetums, Mr. Kitty and Gem were all cats I had at the time or had had in the past
74. Other than some potentially nasty things that Zaktan can do to you, is there anything inherently dangerous about Protodites, or are they just...there?
84) They aren't inherently dangerous, no.
95. If I launched an empty Zamor, would it still have an effect, or would it just knock someone in the head?
105) It wouldn't even do that -- zamor turn intangible when they hit a target
116. Since Zaktan is made of Protodites, can he remain tangible enough to be physically harmed, or does it just phase through him?
126) He can be physically harmed, yes. He does not turn intangible, he simply spreads out his substance to let missiles go through. Energy attacks, mental attacks would not be stopped by that, of course
137. How tall are Piraka in relation to Toa?
147) Probably a little taller
158. Axxon? Brutaka?
168) Axonn and Brutaka are quite a bit taller 17----
1Hey Greg, thank you so much for the book sneak peek. I am DEFINITELY buying it now. But, I do have a few questions --
21. So a Mask of Life would be needed to help out Mata-Nui, no?
32. If Makuta had learned that Mata-Nui was about to die in time, would he have gone to Voya-Nui, gotten the mask, and saved Mata-Nui?
43. Did Makuta know that Mata-Nui was dying in time?
54. If Mata-Nui dies, does the world die, too?
65. How did Dume awaken from his sleeping pod?
76. Has Makuta ever actually talked-to/seen Mata-Nui, as in face-to-face?
8More as I think of them:
91) Wouldn't hurt
102) Nope
113) He knew it was a possibility
124) Universe dies with him
135) The pod was damaged, so he woke up while the Hordika were still in Metru Nui
146) Can't answer it
15Well, now we know how Dume escaped his pod. Off to make a topic:
3Most of the information comes from the BIONICLE team, but Greg puts it down. The way I see it, the team decides the plot point (ie., Takua finds a particular totem, who lives in what village, etc.), and Greg writes how the story gets there (the types of battles, other clashes, etc. that ensue), being sure to include whatever the team decides on (certain stops, encounters, events, etc.).Darnzerf 2His mind. He writes most of the Bionicle story.doomgaurd 1yes greg has made sum false brutaka info besides how the heck does he get his information?:
4Of course, the false, misleading info Greg might've made up himself: I don't see why a team would be needed to make up misleading info... just corroborate his story.![]()
5©1984-2005 Toaraga EAM
6Negative, GregF has never lied in the info he has given us. He plants seeds of diubt, but he has -never- lied. And doomguard, the Brutaka and Axon info were translated froom a German 'LEGO Book'.
7TMD woz 'ere
8Not true. He has lied before. Remember 04? "That thing on the poster isn't a Vahki","Makuta isn't in the story at all".
9Nope. That was how it was interpreted. He said: 10How do you know that that's a Vahki? 11or, 12Who says Makuta's in the story?
13GregF has never lied to us.
14TMD woz 'ere
18. Axxon? Brutaka?
28) Axonn and Brutaka are quite a bit taller
3Well, Axonn is shorter than a Piraka, so I'm not sure if Greg's answer is accurate.
44. If Mata-Nui dies, does the world die, too? 54) Universe dies with him
6I suppose that means that the Toa will actually have to SEE Mata Nui to use the MoLi to help him: So maybe we'll see him at some point of the three years: Also, that explains what the 'potential end of the universe' was about. It wasn't the Piraka menace, but Mata Nui's death. And who will use the MoLi on Mata Nui (If they use it)? Takanuva? Tahu? 7Well, lots of questions arise... 8Good, you got the answer to Dume's awakening, TOoMN: Hope Greg posts the script soon... 9Khote
1Guys. Enough with accusing Greg of lying. It's insult enough when you take him out of context and start rumors about what he "said"--it's a whole 'nother monster when you then take those misquotes and use them to accuse him of lying.
2This needs to stop. Now.
3Perhaps many of you simply weren't aware of how common misquoting Greg is here--but please make yourselves aware of it.
4And really, why are we still discussing the fact that Greg plants "seeds of doubt?" Of course he does--all good writers have a duty to plant seeds of doubt, whether in the actual writing or in fan discussions. Otherwise your reader's experience is ruined by figuring out what's coming before they're supposed to. Some of you are treating this as if it's somehow "controversial." *sigh* If Greg had said he doesn't do that, then maybe that would be controversial, 'cuz he'd be giving away way too much.
Beleive it or not, you do not have a "right" to spoilers. If you get them they are gifts.
5I mean... if you think I haven't, for example, planted seeds of doubt about what's coming for my Paracosmos stories, for example... wrongo.
6Sooo... move on, please.
2This needs to stop. Now.
3Perhaps many of you simply weren't aware of how common misquoting Greg is here--but please make yourselves aware of it.
4And really, why are we still discussing the fact that Greg plants "seeds of doubt?" Of course he does--all good writers have a duty to plant seeds of doubt, whether in the actual writing or in fan discussions. Otherwise your reader's experience is ruined by figuring out what's coming before they're supposed to. Some of you are treating this as if it's somehow "controversial." *sigh* If Greg had said he doesn't do that, then maybe that would be controversial, 'cuz he'd be giving away way too much.
5I mean... if you think I haven't, for example, planted seeds of doubt about what's coming for my Paracosmos stories, for example... wrongo.
6Sooo... move on, please.
1Gah, accusations of any sort were not my intentions when I put down my thoughts.
2Yeah, misquoting happens to a lot of people around here.
5©1984-2005 Toaraga EAM

4More than likely it would be Tahu, as that is one of the original destinies. Of course, they could get the maks and have to protect it for awhile; for all we know, it may not even be used next year.Khote 3And who will use the MoLi on Mata Nui (If they use it)? Takanuva? Tahu?

5©1984-2005 Toaraga EAM
1Gah, accusations of any sort were not my intentions when I put down my thoughts. 2Yeah, misquoting happens to a lot of people around here.
4More than likely it would be Tahu, as that is one of the original destinies. Of course, they could get the maks and have to protect it for awhile; for all we know, it may not even be used next year.Khote 3And who will use the MoLi on Mata Nui (If they use it)? Takanuva? Tahu?![]()
5©1984-2005 Toaraga EAM
6I always thought that the Mask of Life would be worn by the $29.99 set coming out. Personally, methinks that that kind of power should have a specialized wearer, kinda like how the mask of light was worn by a completely new toa.
1Couple quick things on this, in response to some questions I have gotten --
21) No, in my opinion, Makuta did not intend to kill Mata Nui when he put him to sleep. However, he did know the risk existed. 3...
4Did Makuta know Mata Nui's death would mean the end of the universe?
5Yup. It was a chance he was willing to take
1Hello, GregF. I was thinking about the Piraka powers, and there were a few things I didn't really understand about some of them.
2For Reidak, how does his "can't be defeated the same way twice" work? I put together I small scenereo below to help with these questions:
3Reidak is walking around, and Kazi sneaks up on him. He uses his echo forks, making Reidak's hearing bad for a few minutes. Kazi bounds away unseen.
41. If Kazi snuck up on him again, and did the same thing, would Reidak be once again temporarily deafened by it, or would the sonic blast thing just hit his armor and not effect him at all?
52. Is his power kind of a very fast learning ability?
63. What is with Vezok's "Water resistance" Does that mean all water, or is the water around Voya-Nui different in some way?
74. I originally had alot of questions involving Zaktan's protodite condition, but I narrowed them all down to two simple questions: What are the protodites that make up Zaktan capable of?
85. Would we expect to see something like the nanobot swarms in Micheal Chrichton's "Prey" novel? (If you havn't read it, you don't have to answer this question)
96. Can Avak create a prison from thin air made up of anything? Or is it made up of what the air around the target is made up of?
10These are some non-Piraka questions:
117. In one of the comics, it says that Roodaka secretly served both sides during the DH/BoM war. How is this possible when she's dead? And if it's a typo, what was it supposed to say?
128. I heard that Keetongu's one eye is a decoy, and that his two real eyes are hidden. Is that true?
139. Do all Zamor spheres cause the target to be a slave of the Piraka, or are those just the Piraka's Zamor powers?
1410. Do Dalu's staffs have to be touching the target for it to work, or can they be over a distance?
1511. Would you say that the Titan's mask powers are better, equal, or not as cool as the Piraka powers?
16That's it for now. Thanks:
171) I am going to modify your example a bit. Kazi blasts him with his echo forks and knocks him out. If used a second time, it would not work.
182) Nope, it is more of a fast adaptation ability.
193) It means that there is some water, someplace in the BIONICLE universe, that is corrosive.
204) I am not sure I understand your question. What do you mean? Can you be more specific?
215) Haven't read it
226) Made up of anything.
237) But she's not dead. Remember the movie - you see Makuta's shadow hand grab her, but you never see him absorb her into himself and you never see her body. He simply got her out of harm's way - after all, she did indirectly free him.
248) Yup
259) Just the ones the Piraka are using
2610) Over distance
2711) I can't discuss those sets
28Number 7 was very interesting to me. The rest of you probably knew that bit of information, though.
29Here we go:
30For number four, I know he can turn into a swarm, but what would happen if that swarm surrounded someone? Would they (the protodites) start eating that someone alive, due to the fact that protodites feed on protodermis?
31And also, for number eleven, you're not discussing the sets in any way, shape or form until their release time, I'm guessing. Correct?
321) Most likely not, mainly because LEGO would never allow me to do that. When Zaktan sends his swarm out around someone, it is generally with an eye toward suffocating them.
3311) Right.
34For number one, I figured that he couldn't do that due to the no violence policy (although that has been a little light lately).
1QUOTE 21) If Zahktan is made of hundreds of tiny rahi that each hold part of his consiousness, would Hakann's mind blast be nearly as effective compared to it being used on, say, Vezok?
32) You have stated that Dume is the leader of Metru-Nui- what does that make the Turaga? Is Dume the High Ruler and the other Turaga just the go-to leaders of each Metru?
41) Sure it would. His mind is simply more spread out, but it's still a mind.
52) The Turaga are a council of advisers for Dume, sort of like a city council is for a mayor
1A question for an upcoming myths and misconceptions article... you've said that Makuta is lying under the rubble in his lair. This makes it sound like you're confirming he -is- alive. But I want to make sure, is that confirmed? That he is alive?
2No, one can be lying under something and be dead. If a giant tree falls on you and kills you, guess what, your corpse is lying under it.
3So not confirmed, folks.

4Few more questions. For same article as the last PM.
5One of the things I'm debunking is that Roodaka could have freed Makuta from the proto cage by scratching pieces off. Couple things I'm not 100% sure about though--
61) Did the pain she experienced carving out the piece she did almost kill her? I thought I saw you say that somewhere. It's not in the book. This'n isn't a biggie.
71) Well, it hurt a lot
82) Swert kindly provided the relevent quote from the novel:9Even so small an effort had cost her much pain, for only a Toa could pierce the shelf that surrounded the master of shadows without paying the price.
10Technically that wording seems to allow that a Toa could theoretically scratch Makuta out, so thought I should check... Pretty sure you've said the ONLY method that works is breaking the Toa seal with the six elements. Is that correct? If a Toa tried to break Makuta out same way Roodaka's mistakenly thought to be able to, he/she'd be repelled by waves of pain too?
112) No, that is not what the wording refers to. The wording refers to the fact that only a Toa can break a Toa seal, which is why Roodaka needed the Toa's power. Toa would have no need to scracth anyone out of a prison like that.
12And couple more questions about Voya Nui's floatingness, wanna see if my understanding of what we currently know is correct:
133) Voya Nui floats in the water of the planet's surface, much like a boat, although the specific way it keeps from sinking is unknown. Is this correct?
143) Yes
154) I've seen what seems to be info saying that the island is currently not moving around, that it's been in the same general place for the thousand years. Is that true? Is it "anchored" in some way?
165) And this'n you probably can't answer, but is the volcano connected in some way with the underground magma of the planet? Or does the volcano have a way to be "self sustaining" even if the island moves around"
176) And fifthly, while I'm asking questions you probably can't answer -- how important is its method of floating? Is it a big mystery, or something you could reveal but are holding off on 'cuz it's 2006 related? And do the Matoran understand it?
18That misconception will be about how to interpret "floating" essentially; some have doubted that's possible (lol) and a few others thought it meant it's "flying."
197) And I guess I could ask you this'n... in regards to a recent theory, you've said the island is now smaller or something like that than it used to be. And the Piraka.com riddle says "a world has gone under." Does that mean parts of the island sunk? (Something that would make a ton of sense on a floating island.)
204-7) Can't answer it. I would only caution doubters against trying to apply Earth science to BIONICLE.
21Obviously I decided not to include anything about Voya Nui's floating. Might in a future article; but I want to wait till some story sources come out for 2006 and see if this misconception sticks around.

1Happy New Year~: And I have some questions about 06 story too... 21. Can anyone wear more than one mask? like vakama in lomn? 32. If yes, is it posible that Mata Nui can wear mol and mask of life to revive him? 43. What happen if takanuva wear off his mask? turn back to takua? 54. Is toa nuva toa krakua refer to? Since the toa nuva fail at the end of BL 1. 65. Why didn't Rahaga get injured/harm during Dark Hunter/Brotherhood of Makuta War when they go and help rahi at other island? 76. Why toa nuva take canister instead of airship? Is it that possible that they will again go back to Mata Nui? 87. If voya Nui is a float island, can it float to Mata Nui sea and Metru Nui sea? 98. Are there only six Piraka in Dark hunter army? 109. Why are Piraka purpose when they are dark hunter? treasure -hunting? 1110. Are there different types of army in each side(Dark hunteriraka,Krekka/Makata:rahkshi,visorak/Mata nui:toa) If yes, will we know more of them? 1211. Why Roodaka don't follow Makuta and 'rule' matoran on mata nui as she wanted to become the queen of Makuta? 1312. Is the source of Toa energy from Mata Nui? and Is there any power that is similar? like 'rahkshi energy','Bohrak energy'? 1413. Who can Dark hunter work for since BOM is the main customer of them? 1514. Is there a toa group of toa krakua? 1615. Why Piraka pseronally want to free the ancient evil? What is the pirce of it or who they are working for?
17thank you
181) Yes, but it is not accepted practice 192) Mask of Light would not help him any 203) No, a Toa cannot turn back to a Matoran. 214) No 225) Who says battles were going on on every island? 236) Taking an airship would have meant going back up to Mata Nui and then flying from there. Canisters allow you to travel underwater and go directly. They are also more covert. It is possible to wash up on a canister without too many people noticing, but everyone will see an airship coming. 247) I said it was floating, not that it was moving. 258) "Piraka" is not a species name. It is a name the Piraka chose for themselves. It is quite possible that others of that species are in the Dark Hunters. 269) All Dark Hunters carry out whatever missions they are assigned. Their individual goals don't matter, they follow orders. 2710) There are a lot of different species in the Dark Hunters, many of whom will get detailed in the upcoming Dark Hunters Guide 2811) Rule what Matoran? They were all in pods and rescued by the Toa. Makuta never ruled Metru Nui. 2912) Can't answer it 3013) BOM hired Dark Hunters a lot, but they also get hired by other people. 3114) Yes, Krakua probably was part of a team 3215) They don't. They want the mask, they have no idea what the consequences of their getting it would be.
1Hi Greg. I hope you've had a good holiday.![]()
21. Will Jaller's relationship with Takanuva be more divided now, or will there freindship stay as strong as ever? 32. Will Jaller ever become a more important character other than Captain f the Guard & friend of Takanuva? 43. About how long would it take to go from Mata Nui to Voya Nui by boat? In days, weeks, or months? 54. I'm gonna assume there are Manas living on Voya Nui. Are there any other rhi we've seen before on the island, or are they new, besides the Manas? Is the majority dangerous? 65. Is it possible for there to be more than one Great Spirit? 76. If the dying of Mata Nui means the destruction of the universe, what would happen if a Great Being died? 87. When the term Great Being is used, is it singular or plural? 98. If Mata Nui decended from the Great Beings, wouldn't the destruction of the universe come from a GB dying, not a GS? Seeing as they are stronger. 109. Is Makuta really a Spirit, or a speicies of creature? Because if he was a Spirit, wouldn't that mean the whole BoM are Spirit's, seeing as they are of the same speicies? 1110. What are the chances of the BoM & the DH's teaming up to accomplish a similar goal? Like eradication of Toa or something. 1211. What is the matoran word for "energy"? 1312. Will the Kumu Islets be important in the future? 1413. When will we learn of Onepu's progress with his studies of the Exo-Toa? 1514. Will Hahli ever become as famous as Takua? 1615. How much will we learn about the Red Star this year? find it VERY interesting, & I'm looking forward to it. 1716. Will Roodaka be a main character again, or only a side-character? 1817. Will we ever see Roodaka's home land? 1918. What would you say is the time peiod that Jaller is at Karzahni's domain? Minutes, hours? Does he go there willingly? Does he actually talk with him, or just see him? 2019. Can you confirm if any iraka die, or will they survive for the whole 3 year arc? 2120. What does it take to be a OoMN member? Is there a right of passage, atest, or do you have to be a certain speices, or none of the above? Can a Toa be an OoMN member? 2221. Is the Temple of Life (what Brutaka guarded before he joined the Piraka) on Voya Nui, or another island? 2322. Was Brutaka an OoMN member, & then turned evil, or just a guard? 2423. Are there any more of the Piraka's speicies on another island, or do they all work for TSO? 2524. Was the Voya Nui matoran's appearance willing or forced? 2625. Is the MoLi an elemental mask? 2726. Does the MoL predate the MoLi, or vice-versa? 2827. When will the Dume comics be put on Bonicle.com, the comics said summer, & its the middle of winter.Will they be posted before 2006? I really would like to see em'. 2928. Will the EP entity or Voporak make another appearance any time soon? What about the Pyro? 3029. If the Bohrok fill out there mission while the matoran are living underneath at Metru Nui,will it affect them or bother them? 3130. Are the Toa in the new Online Game the Toa Nuva or new ones we haven't seen? 32Thanks for your time.
331) Do you mean because Takanuva is a Toa and Jaller a Matoran? Well, there has to be some distance, simply because (for example) they can't play kolhii together anymore, etc. 342) Time will tell 353) You would have to go by canister, which would take days. 364) Why are you assuming that? There are no Manas on Voya Nui. 375) Not to my knowledge 386) Hard to say, since we know there is more than one Great Being 397) We usually refer to "Great Beings," plural 408) Obviously not. Remember, Mata Nui is charged with keeping the Matoran's universe running properly, the Great Beings have nothing to do with that. 419) I don't know that I would call him a spirit. I would call him a being made of energy at this point. And we have no idea if all members of the BOM are the same species, that has not been revealed. 4210) Not happening. 4311) Haven't defined one yet 4412) No plans at the moment 4513) Onepu isn't studying them, Nuparu is. 4614) Oh, I would think so, eventually 4715) Well, you will learn something this year 4816) Odds are she will not be a MAIN character, because main characters have to be current sets. 4917) No idea 5018) Read the story and find out 5119) I can't give out this kind of information 5220) No, Toa are not OOMN members, any more than your average Green Lantern suddenly becomes a Guardian of the Universe. At this point, details on the OOMN remain shrouded in mystery. 5321) I wouldn't bother asking questions based on inaccurate German catalog copy. 5422) I am not discussing Axonn and Brutaka until their sets actually come out. No one needs to know about them yet. 5523) I would assume there are others, yes. 5624) Follow the story and find out 5725) Not sure I understand your question 5826) Mask of Life predates it 5927) Odds are what is going to happen is the scripts will go up on BZP, because the web site is busy with 2006 stuff now. 6028) No plans for the pyro, no idea on the other two. Usually, their appearance depends on how many books I get to do that are my stories as opposed to story bible stories. 6129) Nope. If I clean the roof of your house while you are away on vacation, would it bother you in any way? 6230) Toa Nuva are not in the game
Bonesiii 13) Voya Nui floats in the water of the planet's surface, much like a boat, although the specific way it keeps from sinking is unknown. Is this correct?
2I think the reason it doesn't sink is because of Mt. Valmai. You need Volcano's to be attatched to the planets core, so it can recieve the magma and stuff. I'm guessing that this has it rooted to the bottom of the ocean, so that's sort of, "standing it up" if you know what I mean. 3Plus, in the topic somewhere in S&T with the theory of the formation of the islands, many people have posted (Including me) that when the 'riddle' on Piraka.com (At least that's truthfull...) refers to, "Light the heart of the fire", it's referring to Mt. Valmai, and that someone needs to break the thing connecting it to the ocean floor, so then it can float back into the pattern. (Greg has stated that the formations of the islands have something to do with the storyline)
1Here are 20 more juicy Q&As mainly about 2006:
The important ones are in bold ...
21. A month ago you told me that you'll push in Toa Krakua if there's a fifth Legends book. Now that that fact is confirmed, will you still add in Krakua?
3A: Dunno yet
42. You said that Krakua's speech is the 2006 clue in BA#10...those heroes are not the Nuva, right? But are they the same Toa we play in the VNOLG?
5A: Yes
63. Is there anything else you could share with us about Axonn and Brutaka? I mean, we at least need to know who they are, we don't even know that. I know they are only to be released later, but I mean, now all we need to know is at least who they are.
7A: Actually, no, you don't I am trying to avoid the usual problem of BZP knowing EVERYTHING by Jan. 1 and then proceeding to be bored until fall.
84. Were the Piraka ever Toa?
9A: No, no
105. Are all the Piraka like Zaktan? From my point of view, Zaktan is nothing but some protodites which have united and formed some kind of "Piraka"... so what I'm saying is: Are the other Piraka like that too? If no, why not? And how come Zaktan is different?
11A: No, they're not. Zaktan is that way because it was inflicted upon him, it's not his natural state
126. Were the Piraka DH before Nidhiki and Krekka became DH?
13A: Possibly Nidhiki, probably not Krekka
147. How many years prior to LoMN does Birth of a Dark Hunter take place?
15A: Probably about 1000
168. Is the Mask of Life hidden at the Temple of Life?
17A: Can't discuss that -- and I strongly suggest you not pay attention to German catalog copy that wasn't written by anyone associated with BIONICLE
18What do you reckon that was all about? Another red herring...?
199. What does this mask do?
20A: Can't answer it
2110. Does Kazi know about the MoLi? If yes, how does he know about it?
22A: Can't answer it
2311. Is the MoLi a Great Mask or more powerful like the Vahi?
24A: It's more powerful
2512. How come Mata Nui is dying? Isn't a being of such power at least immortal?
26A: Can't answer it, but we have never said he was immortal. The Matoran may have assumed that, but Matoran assume a lot of things.
2713. Did Makuta know that his brother might die from his slumber? I'm sure Makuta doesn't want Mata Nui dead...
28A: I would say Makuta had to know the possibility existed
2914. I guess that the dimness of the Metru Nui stars in BL#1 tells Dume and Nuju that Mata Nui is dying, right?
30A: That's part of it
3115. What are the Metru Nui stars, anyway? Last year, you said that this year we would get at least one clue... even now I don't see any.
32A: You got one in BA #10 -- the fact that Mata Nui can manipulate their motion
3316. Is Voporak still in Metru Nui? So is he going to be after Tahu Nuva now that he has the Vahi? That's what was in the Encyclopedia... but I heard that he's returned the mask to Vakama's care?
34A: No, he's not still there -- it's been 1000 years since BA #10, he wouldn't hang out there that long. TSO needed him for other things in the interim
3517. The OoMN is "content with the Mask of Time being in Toa hands" Is that still so in "present day"? My question is: Is the Vahi still a "much sought after" mask even now?
36A: It is pretty much the situation.
3718. If Voya Nui "floats", there has to be an awful amount of air in the island, right? I mean, what exactly is the island's floating mechanism? In other words, what makes it float?
38A: Can't answer it
3919. What is the Axonn/Brutaka combiner supposed to be? Some character with storyline importance, or just the "standard Rahi"?
40A: Haven't seen it yet, so can't answer this
4120. In my earlier PM you told me that you'll fit in the Bohrok next year... but how? Do they actually appear, or just some kind of carvings are discovered or something? Is it going to be an archeological discovery, or something more major? Also, does Voya Nui have any connection to the Bohrok?
42A: Actually, I think what I said was that they would be a part of this story arc -- the story arc lasts three years
43Well, well, well -- twenty questions...(and answers
) and now we know a tad more about the so called "Toa Igniters" -- that the VNOLG Toa are in fact the ones Krakua was referring to... now what does that lead to?

21. A month ago you told me that you'll push in Toa Krakua if there's a fifth Legends book. Now that that fact is confirmed, will you still add in Krakua?
3A: Dunno yet
42. You said that Krakua's speech is the 2006 clue in BA#10...those heroes are not the Nuva, right? But are they the same Toa we play in the VNOLG?
5A: Yes
63. Is there anything else you could share with us about Axonn and Brutaka? I mean, we at least need to know who they are, we don't even know that. I know they are only to be released later, but I mean, now all we need to know is at least who they are.
7A: Actually, no, you don't I am trying to avoid the usual problem of BZP knowing EVERYTHING by Jan. 1 and then proceeding to be bored until fall.
84. Were the Piraka ever Toa?
9A: No, no
105. Are all the Piraka like Zaktan? From my point of view, Zaktan is nothing but some protodites which have united and formed some kind of "Piraka"... so what I'm saying is: Are the other Piraka like that too? If no, why not? And how come Zaktan is different?
11A: No, they're not. Zaktan is that way because it was inflicted upon him, it's not his natural state
126. Were the Piraka DH before Nidhiki and Krekka became DH?
13A: Possibly Nidhiki, probably not Krekka
147. How many years prior to LoMN does Birth of a Dark Hunter take place?
15A: Probably about 1000
168. Is the Mask of Life hidden at the Temple of Life?
17A: Can't discuss that -- and I strongly suggest you not pay attention to German catalog copy that wasn't written by anyone associated with BIONICLE
18What do you reckon that was all about? Another red herring...?

199. What does this mask do?
20A: Can't answer it
2110. Does Kazi know about the MoLi? If yes, how does he know about it?
22A: Can't answer it
2311. Is the MoLi a Great Mask or more powerful like the Vahi?
24A: It's more powerful
2512. How come Mata Nui is dying? Isn't a being of such power at least immortal?
26A: Can't answer it, but we have never said he was immortal. The Matoran may have assumed that, but Matoran assume a lot of things.
2713. Did Makuta know that his brother might die from his slumber? I'm sure Makuta doesn't want Mata Nui dead...
28A: I would say Makuta had to know the possibility existed
2914. I guess that the dimness of the Metru Nui stars in BL#1 tells Dume and Nuju that Mata Nui is dying, right?
30A: That's part of it
3115. What are the Metru Nui stars, anyway? Last year, you said that this year we would get at least one clue... even now I don't see any.
32A: You got one in BA #10 -- the fact that Mata Nui can manipulate their motion
3316. Is Voporak still in Metru Nui? So is he going to be after Tahu Nuva now that he has the Vahi? That's what was in the Encyclopedia... but I heard that he's returned the mask to Vakama's care?
34A: No, he's not still there -- it's been 1000 years since BA #10, he wouldn't hang out there that long. TSO needed him for other things in the interim
3517. The OoMN is "content with the Mask of Time being in Toa hands" Is that still so in "present day"? My question is: Is the Vahi still a "much sought after" mask even now?
36A: It is pretty much the situation.
3718. If Voya Nui "floats", there has to be an awful amount of air in the island, right? I mean, what exactly is the island's floating mechanism? In other words, what makes it float?
38A: Can't answer it
3919. What is the Axonn/Brutaka combiner supposed to be? Some character with storyline importance, or just the "standard Rahi"?
40A: Haven't seen it yet, so can't answer this
4120. In my earlier PM you told me that you'll fit in the Bohrok next year... but how? Do they actually appear, or just some kind of carvings are discovered or something? Is it going to be an archeological discovery, or something more major? Also, does Voya Nui have any connection to the Bohrok?
42A: Actually, I think what I said was that they would be a part of this story arc -- the story arc lasts three years
43Well, well, well -- twenty questions...(and answers
