1Odd that people clamor for more of the Toa Nuva - the heroes we've known since 2001 - yet at the same time disapprove when Makuta comes back into the story. It's not fair to say he's been the big mastermind every year. 2002 he awoke the Bohrok, yeah, but he wasn't controlling them, he was recovering. 2005 he appeared in Time Trap, but he wasn't the big man in anyway; it was all Sidorak and Roodaka. Makuta was a post script to explain how he got free from his prison. So if you include this year, that's four years he's been a big part of the story. Tahu's team was the main focus for three years, the main focus for the beginning of this year, and in the frame story of 2004-5. Doesn't seem fair that Makuta gets trashed for being a recurring character.
1Seriously--Without Makuta, there is no BIONICLE. Personally, I am glad he is back, and especially in new form.
1well here are the rest:
9Oh and i have kardas now and I have bl4 thanks to amazon YAY makuta is the AE
10Me out
2hi Greg
3here are some Questions that have been bugging me.
41) What is the connection beetween Vezon & Vezok I can't get Bionicle Books where I live and if you say so I won't post this so please
52) Out of ten what is yourrating of the kardas dragon
71) Vezon's origin will be in the BIONICLE comic out in two weeks, so I don't want to share this info yet. The whole story will no doubt be on BZP by mid-month, once members have the comic.
82) 10
9Oh and i have kardas now and I have bl4 thanks to amazon YAY makuta is the AE

10Me out

1Hey, guys, let's not get all too fussy about this, okay?
2Greg never actually said that the AE = Makuta.
3Kurtrakh's question was ''Are you implying Makuta is the AE?'' The question was NOT: ''Is Makuta the AE?''
4So, while it sounds only reasonable Makuta is the AE, I doubt we have heard all about it. There's much more to come, I'm sure.
2Greg never actually said that the AE = Makuta.
3Kurtrakh's question was ''Are you implying Makuta is the AE?'' The question was NOT: ''Is Makuta the AE?''
4So, while it sounds only reasonable Makuta is the AE, I doubt we have heard all about it. There's much more to come, I'm sure.

11. Why does Vezok hate Vezon? 22. Did Vezok have the form he has now before Vezon was created? 33. If yes, what would have been created if the staff would have been used on any of the other piraka? Would their powers, like ZaktanĀ“s protodite state, make any difference? 44. Way back, early 2006, Vezon was known to be "bonded" to Fenrakk. Is this only physical (the chain) or is there something else? 55. If Axonn throws his axe at Brutaka, who uses his mask to create a portal which it flys into, and then closes it, what happens? 66. If Kongu shoots beams of air from his hands, will it be electrified, looking like Force Lightning in "Star Wars"?
71) Because Vezon is part of him, and Vezon wants him dead. 82) Yes 93) Nope, not really. If you shoot Zaktan, he will still be made of protodites, and then some other being will be created from him. 104) His legs are bonded to Fenrakk 115) Axe is gone 126) Yes, lightning would be mixed with the air he creates.
135 and 6 = REALLY interesting:
71) Because Vezon is part of him, and Vezon wants him dead. 82) Yes 93) Nope, not really. If you shoot Zaktan, he will still be made of protodites, and then some other being will be created from him. 104) His legs are bonded to Fenrakk 115) Axe is gone 126) Yes, lightning would be mixed with the air he creates.
135 and 6 = REALLY interesting:
1Odd that people clamor for more of the Toa Nuva - the heroes we've known since 2001 - yet at the same time disapprove when Makuta comes back into the story. It's not fair to say he's been the big mastermind every year. 2002 he awoke the Bohrok, yeah, but he wasn't controlling them, he was recovering. 2005 he appeared in Time Trap, but he wasn't the big man in anyway; it was all Sidorak and Roodaka. Makuta was a post script to explain how he got free from his prison. So if you include this year, that's four years he's been a big part of the story. Tahu's team was the main focus for three years, the main focus for the beginning of this year, and in the frame story of 2004-5. Doesn't seem fair that Makuta gets trashed for being a recurring character.
2Ah, but he was still in every year, and behind the plot of every year. This year he is again. 3You have to understand what i'm saying. He is a massive all powerful being with loads of powers and plots. Cool yes, but he is almost invincible. Having someone who can barely be defeated just gets boring. Having something else that is more of a challenge is more creative. 4I'm not trying to insult Mak fans, but although he is a cool character, it is time we see a new villain behind the storyline, one that isn't that powerful. I'm sure, even if you are delighted to see Makuta back, you would agree.
5I wonder if the spear was used properly on Zaktan, would he be fused whole again?
1Ah, but he was still in every year, and behind the plot of every year. This year he is again. 2You have to understand what i'm saying. He is a massive all powerful being with loads of powers and plots. Cool yes, but he is almost invincible. Having someone who can barely be defeated just gets boring. Having something else that is more of a challenge is more creative. 3I'm not trying to insult Mak fans, but although he is a cool character, it is time we see a new villain behind the storyline, one that isn't that powerful. I'm sure, even if you are delighted to see Makuta back, you would agree.
4I wonder if the spear was used properly on Zaktan, would he be fused whole again?
6yeah, i was expecting TSO to be the main bad guy.
7i like that idea about the SOF and zaktan.
8i'm sorry, i forgot to ask:
91.are the Rode, Krahkaan, and Olmak one of a kind?
10thank you for the answers.
111)No, probably, and no.
12i was just curious.
1Hey, guys, let's not get all too fussy about this, okay?
2Greg never actually said that the AE = Makuta.
3Kurtrakh's question was ''Are you implying Makuta is the AE?'' The question was NOT: ''Is Makuta the AE?''
4So, while it sounds only reasonable Makuta is the AE, I doubt we have heard all about it. There's much more to come, I'm sure.
6Message Forwarded From GregF
7some questions for you mr. F
81. Have you seen the toa team that comes out after the inika?
92. do they have the regular powers (fire water ice ground etc..) or do they have special powers(magnetics, sonics, electricity, plasma).( hope you can answer this one![]()
103.will you ever make a karshani set or do you even have plans for one?most bzpers say that when you say something like cant answer that they think that it is true then(i dont know why)
111) I have seen all the 2007 sets, but I cannot discuss them.
123) That's not my call to make. That gets decided by the set designers and marketing people in Denmark, and if they are planning one for next year, I am not aware of it.
13Hi again mr F I have a few questions for you
141.have you seen the new pick-a-brick on lego .com? if so do you know if they will add bionicles to the mix?![]()
152. there has been an ongoing rumor that nidhikis mask of stealth will be a new inika mask next year is this true:
163. can you hint to us what at least one of the new mask powers for next year![]()
171) I know they were talking about adding TECHNIC elements to LEGO Digital Designer at some point, but not sure the status of that.
182-3) I can't discuss 2007
19hey greg here is another one.
201.Can you confirm to me right now that Makuta is the ancient evil:?:
212. have you seen the Mata nui set or any prottypes for it ?
223.is it bigger and better than the makuta set from 2003?
23thanks :?:?:
241) Yes 252-3) There are no plans for a set of Mata Nui, never have been. Mata Nui is asleep, so how exciting would a set of a sleeping being be?
26here is your proof and some questions
1I could think of a Million things to do with a sleeping Mata Nui set, pretend he's awake
. But seriously folks, I've got a ton of excellent Q&A for all you guys from GregF about Makuta.. 2Check it:
38Happy reading.

3Mr. F, I've created a theory that could mean that the Makuta, AE, and Antidermis are one:
4When Makuta seemingly lost the battle with Takanuva, his energy, no longer housed in a suit of armor, his green/black energy was released into the free air. Now over a couple weeks or so if I'm not mistaken, Most of his energy may have floated all the way to Voya Nui, leaving small amounts back at his own layer to wait for the Piraka to come along. And when they had, the remaining vapor descended into each of the Piraka's minds, telling them of the Ignika. But Makuta may have noticed that he and Zaktan were sort of alike, in different forms of their previous selves (Makuta was in Physical form the into energy, while Zaktan to an extent, was Physical, then into protodites) and decided that he should give Zaktan the info he needed to collect the Antidermis AKA his own energy on Voya Nui in return for letting the Makuta's remaining energy be kept inside Zaktan (without Zaktan actually agreeing (hence the different growl that was a surprise to each of the Piraka) to do it). 5When at Voya Nui, the Antidermis spheres that were shot at Matoran were what Makuta wanted, although he himself wouldn't control them, the Piraka would. And this could be similar to what Makuta intended to do with the Matoran back in the Metru time. And again, it would be Makuta's energy/Antidermis that was used to to this.
6Is this theory correct? I noticed that you also said to someone that the tendrils in the Mangaia were both Makuta and in a different set of question, Antidermis. Did you let that slip or intend for us to pice the questions together? I'd appreciate your feedback on this.
7Thanks a ton.
8Your basic idea is correct. However, your theory is a LITTLE BIT off --
91) Makuta did not go to Voya Nui until after he had the Piraka on the way there. 102) Makuta did not choose Zaktan to influence because he saw similarities in them, but rather because Zaktan was obviously the Piraka leader and could get the others to do what he wanted. 113) The "noises" in Zaktan's mind were the result of Makuta's telepathy.
12I don't know if you got one of my other recent PM's, so I'll ask you again Mr. F:
131. Seeing as how you've revealed that the AE, Antidermis and the Makuta are one, was this an intentional decision on your part? Or did you let it slip accidentally?
142. Is there a part of Makuta in each of the Piraka? 152a. If not all, then is there more of him in Zaktan? Hench the low growl and laughter that he had not heard of before? 162b. Is Makuta living inside of him?
173. In Antidermis form, can Makuta still think?
184. Once an Antidermis Zamor is shot, can the virus be re-collected from its target?
195. Why does Brutaka get stronger because of the Antidermis? Does Makuta help him try to stop the Inika and Nuva? Or is it a species thing?
206. When you say wreak havoc upon the Universe, how much havoc could AE Makuta do? 216b. Is the AE form Makuta's original form?
227. If Zaktan has Makuta inside of him (without him knowing) and he grabs the Ignika, does that activate Makuta's AE form or something of that latter?
238. How did Antidermis get all the way to Voya Nui?
249. Is all of Makuta's energy Antidermis? And is it all in the vat or are some vapor still floating about somewhere?
2510. Is this part of Makuta's plan?
26Thanks in Advance (if you get this).
271) I have been known to give wrong answers when my memory slips or I misunderstand a question-- but I never give out info I didn't mean to. So yes, it was intentional -- you would all know the answer within a couple months anyway, and most people had already guessed, so I am giving BZP a jump on things. 282) No, no, and no. What was in Zaktan's head was a form of telepathy, which manifested itself as the extra voice in his speech. Similar to the way Makuta affected Vakama's mind in BA #10. Makuta's spirit cannot possess a being who already has a spirit in him. 293) Yes, very much so. 304) No. 315) It's a species thing. 326) If the Toa don't get the Mask of Life, and someone allied with Makuta does, then Makuta controls if Mata Nui revives, AND whether he can ever be revived again. He also would have the ability to remove life from anyone he wanted. It would be like being the only nation with a nuclear bomb in your hands. 336b) No. Makuta had a physical body at one time, but he has evolved past the point of needing it. 347) Zaktan does not have Makuta inside him physically. Makuta is not controlling Zaktan directly, as he does the Matoran, he is influencing him telepathically as he did Vakama in BA #10. 358) Since Makuta is a shapeshifter, he can transform his energy from gas to liquid and back again. Gas floats. 369) Most is in the vat, some is in the zamor spheres. 3710) It's sort of a revised plan. Getting his armor shattered forced him to rearrange things since he now did not have a physical body that would have allowed him to act directly on things. So he improvised.
38Happy reading.
1After have reading through some info i might ask this.
21. is he alive?
32. Is he the leader of the brotherhood?
43. If he uses the piraka and namely Zaktan can it be because makuta knows that Zaktan knows the brotherhood plans ans wants to be a part of them?
54. was the guttural voice and laugh in zaktans head and voice realy makutas?
65. What whould he need the mask of life for? other then regain power? to save mata nuo from death, but keeping him in sleep?
76. Why do the antidermis has so manny similarities to Makuta? like infection?
81) Yes 92) By default, basically. The attack on Mata Nui was his plan, so once the rest of the Brotherhood agreed to follow it, he became leader by virtue of that. 103) No. 114) Yes 125) Makuta has no problem with Mata Nui staying alive or even waking up -- but he wants to control when it happens. 136) Because the antidermis is Makuta. His armor contained his energy -- without the armor, his energy disperses, and that is what antidermis is.
1Greg, 2After reading some of the other Q&As in the OGD, I have some questions.
31.) Is Makuta entirely concious, in that vat, or is he kind of in hibernation?
42.) Is he capable of any of his former power in his current state?
53.) So I assume this means Takanuva's destiny is not complete, or is defeating Makuta not even his destiny?
64.) If not even Takanuva could defeat Makuta, why was the coming of the Toa of Light a huge deal to the BOM?
75.) Since there is very little in the way of living space on the surface of the planet, is that why Karzhani is up there, so no one would find it, or stumble across it?
86.) Is the energy that was in Makuta's armor always antidermis, or was this a change that he made after having the massive door dropped on him?
97.) Had the Piraka not come along, would Makuta have died eventually?
108.) Is it possible that antidermis is Makuta's true form, since you have said we haven't seen his true form?
119.) You've said that the AE will merely cause havoc until the Universe (and Mata Nui) dies, so does that mean that Makuta has no intention of saving Mata Nui, so he has a Universe to rule?
1210.) Does Zaktan know who the Antidermis is?
1311.) Do the other Piraka?
14Okay, that's all the Makuta stuff, now on to more questions:
1512.) Would it have been possible for Matoro to trap Umbra in the "infinite mirror effect, you know where you have two mirrors facing one another and you can see an infinite number of mirrors?
1613.) Does Vezon want to kill his "visitors"? Because in the comic, he seems to regret having to kill them ("Maybe then no one would have to die today.") Or are these the musings of the psychotic?
1714.) Are Axxon and Brutaka a good sampling of the power level of the OoMN?
1815.) I assume that the Matoran of Light are in a safe place, otherwise the BOM would have slaughtered them all?
19That's all for now, thanks in advance for answering the questions.
21Thanks and sorry if you got these already. 22TL007
231) Yes 242) Yes. Anything that is a mind-based power -- like mind reading, shapeshifting (to a very limited extent), illusion, fear, anger, confusion, etc. -- he can do in this form. More physical powers, like laser vision, disintegration, electricity, etc., he would require a physical shell to be able to do. 253) Time will tell. 264) Takanuva might very well have defeated Makuta, had Makuta not chosen to throw the fight first. If you are boxing with Bonesiii, and he is stronger, and you think you might lose -- if you fake being knocked out, he didn't really beat you, doesn't mean he could not have. 275) I don't understand your question. Karzahni is not on the surface. Karzahni is underground, same as Metru Nui, just further south of it. 286) This was always his energy, the Piraka just named it antidermis. 297) If he could not find something to contain his energy, yes. 308) Depends on what you mean by form. Makuta has no physical body, but is just energy contained in armor. He is able to shapeshift the armor as needed. How Makuta originally looked is unknown, since his physical body no longer exists. 319) This is an easy one. Okay, you are Makuta and you have (or have control of through pawns) the Mask of Life. That means you control when and if Mata Nui's life gets saved, and when and if it ever gets saved again if need be. You can remove anyone else's life if you don't like them. You are effectively like the only nation in the world with a nuclear bomb at your disposal. Think of the power that gives you. 3210) Let's say he has a strong suspicion. 3311) No. 3412) It's a good idea, maybe. 3513) Yes, he does. He regrets being cursed and stuck down there, but he does not shy away from killing. 3614) I'd say so. 3715) Up until the Toa Hordika got the Mask of Light, there was no reason to kill those Matoran -- because without the mask, there could be no Toa of Light. And since the Brotherhood did not know there already was a Matoran of Light on Mata Nui, they figured there wasn't THAT much to worry about as long as the Matoran of Light and the Mask of Light were kept far apart. Slaughtering the Matoran of Light would probably have resulted in really bad consequences for the universe -- not "Mata Nui dying" bad, but bad.
38New Q&As, ok, the one about Karzhani was my bad, but... 39TL007
31.) Is Makuta entirely concious, in that vat, or is he kind of in hibernation?
42.) Is he capable of any of his former power in his current state?
53.) So I assume this means Takanuva's destiny is not complete, or is defeating Makuta not even his destiny?
64.) If not even Takanuva could defeat Makuta, why was the coming of the Toa of Light a huge deal to the BOM?
75.) Since there is very little in the way of living space on the surface of the planet, is that why Karzhani is up there, so no one would find it, or stumble across it?
86.) Is the energy that was in Makuta's armor always antidermis, or was this a change that he made after having the massive door dropped on him?
97.) Had the Piraka not come along, would Makuta have died eventually?
108.) Is it possible that antidermis is Makuta's true form, since you have said we haven't seen his true form?
119.) You've said that the AE will merely cause havoc until the Universe (and Mata Nui) dies, so does that mean that Makuta has no intention of saving Mata Nui, so he has a Universe to rule?
1210.) Does Zaktan know who the Antidermis is?
1311.) Do the other Piraka?
14Okay, that's all the Makuta stuff, now on to more questions:
1512.) Would it have been possible for Matoro to trap Umbra in the "infinite mirror effect, you know where you have two mirrors facing one another and you can see an infinite number of mirrors?
1613.) Does Vezon want to kill his "visitors"? Because in the comic, he seems to regret having to kill them ("Maybe then no one would have to die today.") Or are these the musings of the psychotic?
1714.) Are Axxon and Brutaka a good sampling of the power level of the OoMN?
1815.) I assume that the Matoran of Light are in a safe place, otherwise the BOM would have slaughtered them all?
19That's all for now, thanks in advance for answering the questions.
21Thanks and sorry if you got these already. 22TL007
231) Yes 242) Yes. Anything that is a mind-based power -- like mind reading, shapeshifting (to a very limited extent), illusion, fear, anger, confusion, etc. -- he can do in this form. More physical powers, like laser vision, disintegration, electricity, etc., he would require a physical shell to be able to do. 253) Time will tell. 264) Takanuva might very well have defeated Makuta, had Makuta not chosen to throw the fight first. If you are boxing with Bonesiii, and he is stronger, and you think you might lose -- if you fake being knocked out, he didn't really beat you, doesn't mean he could not have. 275) I don't understand your question. Karzahni is not on the surface. Karzahni is underground, same as Metru Nui, just further south of it. 286) This was always his energy, the Piraka just named it antidermis. 297) If he could not find something to contain his energy, yes. 308) Depends on what you mean by form. Makuta has no physical body, but is just energy contained in armor. He is able to shapeshift the armor as needed. How Makuta originally looked is unknown, since his physical body no longer exists. 319) This is an easy one. Okay, you are Makuta and you have (or have control of through pawns) the Mask of Life. That means you control when and if Mata Nui's life gets saved, and when and if it ever gets saved again if need be. You can remove anyone else's life if you don't like them. You are effectively like the only nation in the world with a nuclear bomb at your disposal. Think of the power that gives you. 3210) Let's say he has a strong suspicion. 3311) No. 3412) It's a good idea, maybe. 3513) Yes, he does. He regrets being cursed and stuck down there, but he does not shy away from killing. 3614) I'd say so. 3715) Up until the Toa Hordika got the Mask of Light, there was no reason to kill those Matoran -- because without the mask, there could be no Toa of Light. And since the Brotherhood did not know there already was a Matoran of Light on Mata Nui, they figured there wasn't THAT much to worry about as long as the Matoran of Light and the Mask of Light were kept far apart. Slaughtering the Matoran of Light would probably have resulted in really bad consequences for the universe -- not "Mata Nui dying" bad, but bad.
38New Q&As, ok, the one about Karzhani was my bad, but... 39TL007
1Ah, but he was still in every year, and behind the plot of every year. This year he is again. 2You have to understand what i'm saying. He is a massive all powerful being with loads of powers and plots. Cool yes, but he is almost invincible. Having someone who can barely be defeated just gets boring. Having something else that is more of a challenge is more creative. 3I'm not trying to insult Mak fans, but although he is a cool character, it is time we see a new villain behind the storyline, one that isn't that powerful. I'm sure, even if you are delighted to see Makuta back, you would agree.
4I wonder if the spear was used properly on Zaktan, would he be fused whole again?
6Makuta was never actually in 2002. We didn't even know that was him until 2003. And it wasn't really one of his plots, I think that was just something that popped into his head at the last second. And the Toa Nuva were in every single year as well, with decent-sized learning roles in 04 and 05.
7I'd hardly call Makuta invincible if his armor couldn't handle a door. If the Toa went all out on him with physical attacks, he'd probably be easily defeated if caught off guard.
1had the Piraka not come along, would Makuta have died eventually?
2If he could not find something to contain his energy, yes
3Yet another part of makutas plan unfolds he had himself shot into the matoran so he does not die [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
4me out

1Makuta was never actually in 2002. We didn't even know that was him until 2003. And it wasn't really one of his plots, I think that was just something that popped into his head at the last second. And the Toa Nuva were in every single year as well, with decent-sized learning roles in 04 and 05.
2I'd hardly call Makuta invincible if his armor couldn't handle a door. If the Toa went all out on him with physical attacks, he'd probably be easily defeated if caught off guard.
3Dude I'm pretty sure if any other characters I can think could not have surivied being under the weight of that door for very long.
1Got more from Mr. F:
2Thanks for the recent load of answers, they really helped. A few more things though:
31. Wouldn't Makuta be cursed for touching the Ignika (or trying to control it for his uses) or is he destined for it as well (like Jovan's team member)?
42. Did Jovan ever encounter the Makuta or any other Makuta?
53. The Nuva's prison is somewhere someone could walk to right? Seeing as how the Nuva are freed in BL5 I can only assume..
64. Is the deal that helped Xia become rich or whatever, the Kanohi Dragon deal?
75. Could I take a guess on where Mata Nui is? You said someplace that's easy to get to.. and seeing on how Metru Nui is quite important.. Did the Great Beings place Mata Nui in Metru Nui? Or perhaps in Turaga Dume's study?
86. And is Mata Nui's physical body really big, or small (as big as a titan; small as a Matoran)?
9Thanks again.
101) He would be cursed if he touched it, yes, but not for manipulating others. The mask doesn't make those sort of indirect connections. 112) Jovan would most likely not have met our Makuta, but he might have met a Makuta -- but they weren't bad guys back then. 123) Well, you'll find out. 134) No. Predates that by a long, long, long time. 145) No, they did not. 156) I can't answer this.
1Here's something about the trivia contest and something else.
2Queston No1: What ever happpened to the trivia contest? 3Answer No1: Winners have already been notified, and a list of them will be on BIONICLE.com in 4Novenber.
5Question No2: Why did Hakann fire the Spear of Fusion at Vezok? 6Answer No2: He didn't do it on purpose. He triggered it by accident. 7Normally, if you pick up a spear, you don't expect it to 8fire a power beam.
2Queston No1: What ever happpened to the trivia contest? 3Answer No1: Winners have already been notified, and a list of them will be on BIONICLE.com in 4Novenber.
5Question No2: Why did Hakann fire the Spear of Fusion at Vezok? 6Answer No2: He didn't do it on purpose. He triggered it by accident. 7Normally, if you pick up a spear, you don't expect it to 8fire a power beam.
1Useless but interesting Great Beings Question
6hmm... what's the quote i'm looking for?
2sorry if i already asked you this, but i have one really important question about the GBs:
3Are they physical like super-titans or do they have an "ascended living on a higher plane of existance" form? (sorry to bring stargate into this)
4just wondering because i often think of them as the latter.
5Sorry, Zumoro, I can't answer this -- if plans proceed as I hope they will, the existence of the Great Beings will become more important in future years, so I don't want to give away info on them now.
6hmm... what's the quote i'm looking for?
Mr. Burns 7Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxelent
1Interesting Answer Ahead...
91) Yup 102) All of the BOM members have evolved past the point of having physical bodies, yes 113) No. 124) There will be stuff on the BOM, yes 135) I'm going to wait as long as possible.
14#1 Confirms that there could be other beings more powerful then the Makuta: Cool...
2Hi Greg,
31. If Makuta is the most powerful member of the BOM in experience, does that mean other members could be more powerful in attacks and powers? 42. Are the other BOM members made up of antidermis? 53. Makuta is younger then the BOM right? 64. Will anything of Makuta be stated in the atlas? 75. When will be the earliest that Barraki info will be given out?
91) Yup 102) All of the BOM members have evolved past the point of having physical bodies, yes 113) No. 124) There will be stuff on the BOM, yes 135) I'm going to wait as long as possible.
14#1 Confirms that there could be other beings more powerful then the Makuta: Cool...
1Well, since you've revealed that Makuta is alive, he's the AE, etc, I've thought of some questions about him.
21) You've said that Makuta has acually evolved to the point where he no longer needs a physical body. You've also said that he cannot posses anyones body that has a spirit in it. 3Does Makuta want a body back? 41/a)Is it possible for him to take over a body of someone who died? (For instance his own)
52) How fast can antidermis travel? Apparently pretty fast if it beat the Piraka there.
63) And now that Makuta's lost his body, has he lost the ability to use shadow powers?
74) Does Makuta have any plans to tell the BoM he's alive?
85) Can Matoro take over Makuta's body? I mean, his spirit has pretty much left it.
96) Do you have any plans to say where Makuta's species came from/lives?
10Thanks in advance,
121) Yes 131a) No. So he has a few options -- find a living body that has no spirit in it, or find a mechanical body or armor that is suitable to his use. For example, were there any around, he could possess Rahkshi armor (unfortunately, there are none on Voya Nui). 142) Well, it is a gas, and it is left earlier than they did. 153) He has lost the ability to use some of his more physical based powers, like electricity, sonics, etc., but he still retains the power to use his mental-based abilities. 164) Oh, eventually. They don't need to know right this second. 175) For what purpose? Makuta's "body" is a shattered suit of armor, there's not really anything left to take over. 186) You will find out a little more about them in the Atlas.
191/a) Cool. So if he got control of a Rahkshi body, could he then use his magnetism, gravity, and probably chameleon powers to shape the armor to his will? I mean, with magnetism, he could bring more Rahkshi/other metal objects to his body, then use gravity to shape it (By making it heavier, he could push in parts, making it lighter he could pull out), then use chameleon to change it's color? 20Just an idea I had.
217) New one: How do you feel at the end of each year, or at least when you finish the books? Has there been a year that you weren't really happy with how it turned out?
228) Would you say that all of VNOLG is accurate, accept for maybe some of the story? I
239) So the MoLi does have the powers to take away life, right? Does it have the powers to give life too?
24Thanks in advance,
26He wouldn't need to. He's a shapeshifter, remember, and was able to shift the shape of his old armor as he needed to, so he could do the same with that armor.
277) I have generally finished a year's books by March of that year. I can't say there has been a year I haven't been happy, although sometimes I wish I had more space/time to spend on certain characters. I think the hardest year for me was 2005, because I wasn't comfortable with the whole Vakama turns bad thing, but I loved Book 10.
288) No, I can't say that, because I haven't played it and I wasn't involved with its design. All I have said is that the Rahi in it are canon.
299) Yes, but not to the dead.
30Just some more answers from Greg. . .
1More stuff about Makuta, including a possible twist in the future...
11Not Matoro:
12There's just something wierd about how he answered #3. I just don't know...
2Okay, with all the new information that you've given us (which I'm very grateful for, by the way), I've tried to gather up info about Makuta:
3The Makuta are an ancient species that formed a Brotherhood to serve Mata Nui and help Matoran. All the members were originally of the same species. However, eventually they changed their plans, and their bodies changed into the substance known as Antidermis. They could then take over mechanical beings, or bodies without spirits.
4Is all this info correct? What parts are wrong, if any?
52. Which happened first: the BoM's betrayal, or their evolving into Antidermis?
63. If Matoro used his mask power, could the Makuta we know take over his body?
7As always, thanks for your time.
81) The Makuta's evolution into pure energy had nothing to do with their changing their plans, and indeed happened well before Makuta struck at Mata Nui. 92) The evolution. And keep in mind -- the Makuta you know struck at Mata Nui on his own, the rest just fell into line behind the plan after he had done it. 103) Mmmmm ... could be.
11Not Matoro:

1Hello again Greg: I have five questions:
21. Could you give me a hint at who was holding Matoro's hand in that tunnel?
32. Why where there 4 Toa of Ice on Lhikan's team of 11 Toa?
43. What will Mata Nui do to Makuta and the Brotherhood when he find out that they put him to sleep?
54. How did you find BZP?
65. Why is it so easy to get to Mata Nui
71) Nope 82) Because if you are fighting a Kanohi Dragon, you want as much ice power as possible. 93) We'll find out when and if he wakes up. 104) It was so long ago, I can't remember. 115) Which Mata Nui? The Great Being or the island?I meant the Great Sprit.
12Anyways, I have more Q's:
131. What would happen if Makuta's plan on Metru Nui actually worked? Ya know, putting the Matoran to sleep and waking them up and saying "I am the Great Sprit"?
142. Will Takanuva be in 2007?
153. Is there gonna be a book about the OOMN? As in, like the DH guide.
16Thanks again. From, Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar.
171) You'll find out if it does 182) I can't discuss 2007 193) No, after next year's Encyclopedia, Scholastic is not planning more guides.
21. Could you give me a hint at who was holding Matoro's hand in that tunnel?
32. Why where there 4 Toa of Ice on Lhikan's team of 11 Toa?
43. What will Mata Nui do to Makuta and the Brotherhood when he find out that they put him to sleep?
54. How did you find BZP?
65. Why is it so easy to get to Mata Nui
71) Nope 82) Because if you are fighting a Kanohi Dragon, you want as much ice power as possible. 93) We'll find out when and if he wakes up. 104) It was so long ago, I can't remember. 115) Which Mata Nui? The Great Being or the island?I meant the Great Sprit.
12Anyways, I have more Q's:
131. What would happen if Makuta's plan on Metru Nui actually worked? Ya know, putting the Matoran to sleep and waking them up and saying "I am the Great Sprit"?
142. Will Takanuva be in 2007?
153. Is there gonna be a book about the OOMN? As in, like the DH guide.
16Thanks again. From, Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar.
171) You'll find out if it does 182) I can't discuss 2007 193) No, after next year's Encyclopedia, Scholastic is not planning more guides.
11: Since there is a mask of life, is there also a mask of death?
22: Can the Ingika shapeshift at will, or does it have to come into contact with something to change?
33: The water that the Land of the Lost sank in, is it also corrosive?
44: I'm not exactly understanding the whole Antidermis thing. You said that Makuta is Antidermis, and that he cannot posses beings which have spirits, but what about the Matoran that the antidermis gets shot into?
55: And, since his body is going into the Matoran, then what happens when the Toa shoot EP into the Matoran? Does it kill that part of him?
66: Is EP the weakness of the BoM's true forms (Antidermis)?
71) Not that we know of. 82) Pretty much at will -- like life, it comes in many different forms 93) I can't discuss that 104) He's not possessing them, because he is not the one controlling them. He is infecting them, same way the masks in 2001 were infected. 115) Yes
1I asked him this on both Friday and Saturday:

2Hi Greg, well I was looking in the OGD, saw a few questions (along with some that you've answered for me in the past) and I put two and two together. I just want to confirm this:
3You told me that the green tendrils in Makuta's lair were in fact Makuta (cause that's what I asked).
4Then you told another member that the green tendrils were Antidermis (cause that's what he asked you).
5So with that, my conclusion is that Makuta is the Antidermis. The Antidermis is the Ancient Evil. Makuta is the Ancient Evil. Please confirm this for me. If you don't want me to, I promise...no, I swear of my Vezon & Kardas set that I just got today that I will not tell anyone or post it.
6Thanks for your time Greg.
7- Toa Lhikan Hordika
8Yes, a number of people made the connection ... if not, they would have known by the beginning of next year anyhow. As you can imagine, Makuta is in a bit of a ... situation. If he does not have a body, he cannot stay intact too much longer ... his powers are reduced significantly with no body to channel them through ... and (first 2007 spoiler) things are just going to get worse next year, as we introduce some of his most bitter enemies (and no, I am not referring to Toa).
10AWESOME: Thanks a million Greg. I did have my suspicions when we found out what the Antidermis looked like and how similar it sounded to Makuta's energy. This just leads me to a couple other questions that I don't think are to spoiler-y compared to what you just answered for me:
111) How exactly did he get to Voya Nui for the vat to collect him without his "body" completely dispersing all into the air and effectively being killed?
122) As long as the Antidermis vat has him in it, is he safe from being, um, dissolved?
133) Was he the gutteral voice and the laugh in Zaktan's mind?
14Thanks again Greg.
15- Toa Lhikan Hordika
161) He is able to maintain his cohesion for a while through sheer willpower, but he cannot stay outside of some kind of physical body for too long. 172) Yes 183) Yes
19It is going to be an interesting story going forward, because the Makuta who will be popping up here and there is "my" Makuta - the one from BA #10, with plans within plans and more of the subtle manipulator about him. He's playing for the biggest stakes of all now, and while getting crushed by a door was a setback, it is still very much a case that everyone is playing his game.

1TLH, I could've sworn that you already posted those answers before because I've seen those somewhere before.
1Actually, I have to say I really like the way the story is going. Makuta is the Ancient Evil, he was behind it all and he is the voice in Zaktan's mind, the guttural growl from Bionicle Legends#2, he is the virus who infected the Matoran, he is the ''evil'' that Kongu read with his mind in Bionicle Legends#3...
2And it just keeps getting better -- that 2007 spoiler sounds awesome. His most bitter enemies... yeah, that's going to rock:
2And it just keeps getting better -- that 2007 spoiler sounds awesome. His most bitter enemies... yeah, that's going to rock:


1Hey Greg. I've got a few more questions I've been wondering about.
21. When Antidermis is shot into Brutaka, it makes him stronger. How can Makuta make someone who used to be on the good side stronger?
32. We know if the Piraka get the mask of life, Makuta will be unleashed. How does that happen? Would the life energy be enough to give Makuta a new body or something?
43. Have the Toa Inika freed all the matoran or are some still enslaved? 53a. Is there a way to get the antidermis out of Brutaka? 63b. If the matoran were all freed, the antidermis from brutaka was gone, and the Inika destroyed the Vat of antidermis and the Pirakas Zamors, would Makuta die or would there still be some antidermis somewhere?
74. Is there any particular reason Scholastic isn't making anymore guidebooks after the encyclopedia volume 2?
8Thanks for your time.
91) Has nothing to do with being good or bad. It is simply how Brutaka's species reacts to that substance. 102) You will have to wait and find out Makuta's plan 113) They're all freed by the end of the year. 123a) No, it dissipates on its own, which is why he needs more then. 133b) Even if the vat is destroyed, it won't destroy the antidermis inside. It would just float back into the air. If Makuta could not find a new physical shell within a given amount of time, then yes, he would dissipate and effectively die. But just breaking the vat won't cause that. 144) Yes. Guidebooks don't sell as well as novels.
1Couple more Q&A's.
2Hi Mr. F,
3Some questions that just popped into my mind. You recently revealed that Makuta=Antidermis=AE. So a few questions about that...
41) Is this the ''secret of the virus'' that Zaktan knew about? If so, did he share it with Brutaka? What does he think about it? 51) Yes, and no.
62) The Toa Inika were immune to the antidermis. Was the antidermis destroyed when it passed through their bodies, or did it simply have no effect? 72) It was blocked by the electrical energy infused in them
83) Could the Mask of Life help Makuta to get a physical body again? 93) Not directly, no. The mask can evolve existing things and give life to inanimate objects, but it cannot create life whole or create life with no spirit. Makuta needs a living or mechanical body with no spirit already in it.
104) Parts of Makuta (antidermis) were destroyed when the Toa Inika cured the infected Matoran with EP. How much did Makuta weaken because of that? 114) Not that much. There's a lot more where that came from.
125) Is Xia Roodaka's homeland? 135) You will find out what Xia is when the Atlas comes out next year
14That's it for now. Thanks in advance.

11: The design on the back of Vezon's head now since he has the Ignika fused with it, did he also originally have that design before the fusion?
22a: What would happen if Vezon was fissured like Vezok was to form Vezon?
32b: What would happen if Vezok was fissured again?
43: Have there ever been other Toa Nuva before?
54: How do certain Toa get their titles, ie. Hagah?
65: Say one of the Matoran before 2003 with the new bodies transformed into a Toa, would they look different than a Toa Metru?
76: Now that the McToran design has been transformed into a bigger and better design, would they become different Toa than the McToran and even the Metruan?
81) I don't know what you're referring to, as I have not built the set yet. 92a) He would split into two beings 102b) He would split into two beings again 113) No 124) In some cases, it is related to the place they protect -- like Toa Metru. In some cases, it is related to their powers or how they got them, like Toa Inika. And in some cases, it is related to their specific status or job, like Toa Hagah. Sometimes Toa name their own team -- Inika and Nuva -- and sometimes, as with the Hagah, they are named by others. 135-6) Only way it would make a difference is in which mask they were wearing when they transformed. A Matoran becomes his image of a Toa, it doesn't really matter how he looked as a Matoran.
1Hey, Greg. I have just a few questions based upon the recent info regarding Makuta in 2006.
21) 2006 has shown itself to be something of a storyline jumping-on point, accessable without prior knowledge of half a decade of storyline. Did this alter your portrayal of Makuta and how he figures into the storyline?
31a) Have you had to take extra steps to make Makuta and what he's done make sense to a kid who just started the story?
41b) Will Makuta be in the comics or only the novels?
52) In a recent blog post, you wrote that the storyline team is looking towards making future stories even more accessable to new fans- how could you fit the return of the Toa Nuva to awaken Mata Nui into the story?
64) Does the subject of the Toa Nuva come up at story team meetings? Has the story team, as a whole, decided if they will for sure pick up on the Nuva's storyline in future arcs?
75) The Metru Nui and Ignika storyarcs are both multiple year arcs, with each year leading directly into eachother. (like The Lord of the Rings) The 2001-2003 storyarc seemed to have three distinct stories that were more like sequals to eachother (like the Star Wars Trilogy) With the decision to make new years less continuity-heavy, will future arcs have more of a 2001-2003 feel to their pacing?
81) It hasn't really. I am sticking with the Makuta concept I advanced in Book 10 ... the newer fans only know/care that he is the bad guy, they don't need to know his entire history to follow this story. And there will be enough references to past events for the older fans to appreciate. Basically, comics are for newer fans, books are aimed more at older fans.
92) Again, you can do a Toa Nuva story without making it necessary that the reader know everything about how they became Toa Nuva, etc. For a new fan, it will just feel like a new team of heroes has arrived in the action.
104) It has been discussed, but what we have discussed still needs to be presented to top management for approval. So nothing is certain.
115) Not sure I would say that -- 2006-2008 are very much tied together. They may have different locations, but the overall quest remains the same, much like LOTR. What will happen post-2008, I cannot say, because we are just beginning to talk about 2009 and beyond, and a lot of things can affect the direction we go there.
1A Matoran becomes his image of a Toa, now its confirmed. Then, a Matoran who is going to become a Toa should talk him/herself into believing that Toa are huge invincable warriors that tower way above Makuta so that they can defeat Makuta. LOL:p
1Question 7 is interesting.....
2Message Forwarded From GregF
3hey mr.f i have some questions for you
41. who would win roodaka or vezon and fenrakk
52. who would win the shadowed one or axonn
63, who would win botar or makuta in full force.
74.now some better questions
85.are there going to be titans for 2007:
96.is takanuva ever going to be redone in to a better set in the future? 10are the toa nuva?
117.at what time next year would they start releasing next years titans? 12what about the barraki?
131) Hard to say. Roodaka can't really make any non-physical attacks, but she could shapeshift Vezon and Fenrakk into a less threatening form. 142) No idea. 153) Probably Makuta. 165) I can't discuss future storyline or sets 176) See answer to #6 187) Barraki out in January in the US, March in Europe, far as I know
1I know that I haven't posted this one because I went through my PM's, deleted ones that were already posted, and plus, I just got this one today:

2Hi Greg, I just had a couple of questions concerning Makuta's Kanohi (and himself).
31) How does Makuta feel about his Kanohi being cast into the Protodermis sea?
41.a) If I'm correct, if and when he does get a physical body again, doesn't he need his Kraahkan to contain his energies just as much as he needs his armor?
52) What will happen to his Kraahkan?
62.a) Will it rust (can it)?
7That's it for now. Thanks in advance Greg.
8- Toa Lhikan Hordika
91) He has bigger fish to fry right now 101a) No. Remember, he was in just a suit of armor, and the mask was the "face piece." If he were to inhabit, say, a Bohrok (just as an example), it has a face already - no mask is needed to provide one and act as containment. 112-2a) We'll find out

1Just two quick questions:
21. About the characters we meet next year that are some of Makuta's most bitter enemies: will we realize that's who they are when we're first introduced to them, or will their relation to Makuta be unknown for a while after we meet them?
32. Do you have any idea when we'll find out our Makuta's real name? If so, when?
51) You'll find out pretty quickly 62) No, I don't. It's not something the story team has discussed.