1Hi if you could just answer me these, it'd be great. 2How to do you pronounce; 3Tryna 4Arthron 5Faxon 6Zatth
7Thanks a lot, 8TNM
9Tri-nah 10Arr-thrahn 11Fax-on 12Zah-tth
13Thanks: 14just some side questions; 151)Which do you prefer; Cordak, or Squid? 162)which is your favourite Mask power to write about? 173)Which book did you enjoy writing most this year? 184) When do you start write BL9? 19Thanks, 20TNM
211) I haven't gotten the chance to use the Cordak yet, so can't really say 222) This year, probably Reanimation 233) Probably 8, though it was also the hardest 244) Few more weeks, after I finish EXO 7
25Just some stuff.
26EDIT: 666, I'm the devil

1Yes, well, my ? is, who comes up with the mask names? Zatth is pretty cool...
1Gadunka is the father figure to the Gadunka
2So we have these little creatures running around in the pit and they are COMMON?: An inch wide or so... no wonder we haven't seen any Matoran get devoured but have little "mosquito/Gadunka" bites.
3They look so much like Imps if I ever see a small Gadunka..
4Vezok-Piraka of Water

2So we have these little creatures running around in the pit and they are COMMON?: An inch wide or so... no wonder we haven't seen any Matoran get devoured but have little "mosquito/Gadunka" bites.
3They look so much like Imps if I ever see a small Gadunka..
4Vezok-Piraka of Water
11. Did the Great beings create the Bionicle world, or just the inhabitants and lands on it? 22. Did the Great beings create the organic animals on the surface world? 33. When you say the Great Beings are in another universe right now, do you mean Matoran universe, or space universe? 44. How big is the Bionicle world compared to Earth? 55. Do you know the Makuta of Metru Nui's real name? Will we ever learn it? 66. Hypothetically, could the Great Beings have created Earth (in some other universe) at one point in time (past, present, future)?
81) The Great Beings created the Matoran domes. They did not create the entire planet. 92) No. 103) I mean Matoran universe 114) No idea. That info is not in any story bible because it's not relevant to the story we're telling 125) You will learn it if it becomes important to the story you do so. 136) No. That would mean, in the eyes of most BIONICLE fans, we were saying the Great Beings were God, which would offend a huge chunk of our fanbase.
14So wait, are the Great Beings currently on the same planet our Matoran world, or are they working on another planet altogether?
16Can't answer it
17Some interesting tidbits here and there.
18So, are Gadunka sorta like BIONICLE underwater mosquitoes?
116a) Can the Ignika revive Mata Nui? 216b) Can it do anything that can help him?
316a) In and of itself, the Ignika cannot bring back the dead, no 416b) In and of itself, no.
5Hmm... does that mean that in 2008 someone will use the Ignika to bring Mata-Nui back to life? Greg was certainly very specific in his wording of 16a...
6Then again, that could just be a red herring, or nothing at all. *shrugs*
1Gadunka is the father figure to the Gadunka![]()
2So we have these little creatures running around in the pit and they are COMMON?: An inch wide or so... no wonder we haven't seen any Matoran get devoured but have little "mosquito/Gadunka" bites.
3They look so much like Imps if I ever see a small Gadunka..
4Vezok-Piraka of Water
5Mosquitoes. Are you joking?
6Gadunka are mosquitoes, now that's something new.
1Well guys, I don't know about you, but I've never had a PMing session with Greg like this before;
12I feel special
. 13TNM
2Just a quick one, if you don't mind. 3Which Kanohi will you reveal next; 4Stealth or Gravity? 5Thanks, 6TNM
7Which one do you want me to reveal next?
8Um, I think the Mask of Stealth would be a good one, if that is OK. 9Thanks, 10TNM
11Then that will be next:
12I feel special

1Some very Interessting answers from Greg. Some new I think. Take a look:
26I think the ones related to Arthaka are pretty interessting.
21: You once told me that Karzahni met Arthaka in person, does that mean that Karzahni is one of the only beings that knows how Arthaka looks like? 32: Has Arthaka ever tried to make a mask of Time. 43: The makuta that was stationed at Arthaka, did he knew how arthaka looks like? 54: When the bohrok Kal were defeated, were the Bahrag disappointed in them because they had some sort of error, because they wanted the power them selves. 65: Do the newly reformed army of the Visorak have a Queen and a King? 76: Is it known what vehicle Lessovik travels with? 87: Is it possible that there could excist a Toa of Energy, say that he or she can use pure energy? 98: Is pridak a good tactical thinker? 109: Could you tell me something about Maxilos? Example, who created him and what some of his powers are? 1110: Will the Crazy Matoran come back in the story? 1211: Does in the Dome of Xia lie a Matoran harbour city? Would be very cool though, and make sense since the Toa in the DH war most have come somewhere from. 1312: Has it been confirmed that Destral has a permently makuta assinged to it?
141) Yes 152) No. You need the six Great Disks to do that, and he didn't have them. 163) He wasn't stationed on Artakha, he was simply overseeing that entire region of the universe. 174) The Bahrag were disappointed that the Bohrok-Kal failed to free them. 185) They most likely have a leader 196) I haven't seen the set yet 207) No, it is too broad a power 218) Yes 229) No 2310) No idea at this point 2411) I don't understand your question. 2512) It would make sense that it did.
26I think the ones related to Arthaka are pretty interessting.
1Just something I thought of: 2Do Sarda and Idris now have 'gills' and breath water like the Toa? 3Did they get new weapons or did they have them before the mutation? 4They get mutated right?
5GB #1
6They were mutated in the same way that all the Mahri-toran were, but they have not been mutated since. They are not water-breathers.
7What's up with the tubes on the sets then? 8New question: 9Can EP revive someone in theory? 10Does it have any other powers than transformation and cure of Antidermis?
111) They outfit themselves with prototype breathing equipment because of the mission they are on. 122) No, EP cannot bring back the dead 133) EP, as you know, does one of two things -- transform or destroy. In the case of antidermis, it was destroying it. That is all it does.
14So HYDRAXON does not get revived by EP.
1What's up with the tubes on the sets then?
21) They outfit themselves with prototype breathing equipment because of the mission they are on.
3Since they were talking about Sarda and Idris, dont you think that maybe their mission is to capture and/or hunt down Karzhani?? maybe that is what the trap is for::::: if you look on the box picture from TRU, it looks like its trapping Karzhani:
21) They outfit themselves with prototype breathing equipment because of the mission they are on.
3Since they were talking about Sarda and Idris, dont you think that maybe their mission is to capture and/or hunt down Karzhani?? maybe that is what the trap is for::::: if you look on the box picture from TRU, it looks like its trapping Karzhani:

1Well guys, I don't know about you, but I've never had a PMing session with Greg like this before;2Just a quick one, if you don't mind. 3Which Kanohi will you reveal next; 4Stealth or Gravity? 5Thanks, 6TNM
7Which one do you want me to reveal next?
8Um, I think the Mask of Stealth would be a good one, if that is OK. 9Thanks, 10TNM
11Then that will be next:
12I feel special. 13TNM
14You are, awesome 15~~~~~~~~~~~ 161. After Gravity can I pick the next mask for you to reveal? Please?
17Thanks Greg
18Stealth is next, actually, not Gravity
19Oh, still, can I pick? It was cool how that one guy picked...
20If you like -- what do you think should be after stealth?
21What an honor YES THANK YOU:: 22Gravity please:
23Okay, will do
1Well guys, I don't know about you, but I've never had a PMing session with Greg like this before;2Just a quick one, if you don't mind. 3Which Kanohi will you reveal next; 4Stealth or Gravity? 5Thanks, 6TNM
7Which one do you want me to reveal next?
8Um, I think the Mask of Stealth would be a good one, if that is OK. 9Thanks, 10TNM
11Then that will be next:
12I feel special. 13TNM
14You are, sweet: 15:::::::::::::::::: 161. After Gravity can I pick the next mask for you to reveal? Please?
17Thanks Greg
18Stealth is next, actually, not Gravity
19Oh, still, can I pick? It was cool how that one guy picked...
20If you like -- what do you think should be after stealth?
21What an honor YES THANK YOU:: 22Gravity please:
23Okay, will do
24Lol. The mask of Gravity was the only one left after stealth anyways...or was it?
1yeah it was.
1Oh man I thought I was special2Oh, and I'm editing my above post, I didn't mean to do all that weird : stuff...
3Actually, I was expecting him to say which was next, not ask me. So I think I just PMed him at the right time.
4I know, that's pretty cool. 5On a different note: 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7Yes, well, my ? is, who comes up with the mask names? Zatth is pretty cool...
8Well, it was probably made by the story team, who made a list, sent it to the legal department, got the return list of aproved names, and picked Zath out of that.
1Found these kinda interesting.
22So the Krana will drown/freeze and the Bahrag/Va will shutdown.

2A few questions concerning the Matoran universe when Mata Nui dies.
31) What will happen to the Barraki and Mahri nui etc - since they're technically outside the domes, and if they got back inside when it flooded - couldn't they breath down there anyway?
42) If Matoran escape onto Mata Nui and sail to Voya Nui, could they survive there and live off of fish? (You said the food chain would collapse but technically sea creatures could survive?)
53) What will happen to the Bohrok when their tunnel floods/collapses? 63a) If it collapses, will they be buried or crushed and will Nuhvok be able to dig themselves out? 73b) If it floods, can Bohrok survive (Since they're machines) or will the Krana die.
84) What will happen to the Bahrag if: 9a) They're still encased in Protodermis, or 10They are freed.
115) If the Bohrok Va and the Bahrag are completely mechanical, can't they survive the flood?
12And also, you probably can't awnser this but:
136) I recently read that the Great Beings are outside the universe. 14Does this mean they are elsewhere on the BIONICLE planet, or in a completely new universe as we know it.
171) Outside the domes will not be affected as much. If they go back in the domes, they would perish eventually because there will be no heat or light inside.
182) For as long as Voya Nui survived, yes, but how many Matoran do you think even know Voya Nui is there?
193) Krana would die eventually, either from drowning or from freezing
204-5) Completely mechanical, but that doesn't mean they are designed to function underwater. My car is completely mechanical, but if I drive it into the river ...
216) Can't answer it
22So the Krana will drown/freeze and the Bahrag/Va will shutdown.
1Oh man I thought I was special2Oh, and I'm editing my above post, I didn't mean to do all that weird : stuff...
3Actually, I was expecting him to say which was next, not ask me. So I think I just PMed him at the right time.
4I know, that's pretty cool. 5On a different note: 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7Yes, well, my ? is, who comes up with the mask names? Zatth is pretty cool...
8Well, it was probably made by the story team, who made a list, sent it to the legal department, got the return list of aproved names, and picked Zath out of that.
9Yeah, I think Greg said something about making a list of names to be legally cleared and they make them a couple of years beforehand.
1Oh man I thought I was special2Oh, and I'm editing my above post, I didn't mean to do all that weird : stuff...
3Actually, I was expecting him to say which was next, not ask me. So I think I just PMed him at the right time.
4I know, that's pretty cool. 5On a different note: 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7Yes, well, my ? is, who comes up with the mask names? Zatth is pretty cool...
8Well, it was probably made by the story team, who made a list, sent it to the legal department, got the return list of aproved names, and picked Zath out of that.
9Yeah, I think Greg said something about making a list of names to be legally cleared and they make them a couple of years beforehand.
10I wonder how long the process takes.. We should ask him, but not me, I already PMed hime three times today about thae masks...
1I dunno how long it takes, but I know it's expensive... I can't find where he put the PM he told me that in... It's somewhere on this thread.
1I dunno how long it takes, but I know it's expensive... I can't find where he put the PM he told me that in... It's somewhere on this thread.
2Yup, from what I remember, $14,000.
4To legalify names?: 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 61. Does the Vahi really change color to the wearer like it did for Tahu Nuva? Because it didn't for Vakama. 7A. The Tahu Nuva story was written and illustrated first, before we knew it would not be changing color in the 2004 movie.
82. Have any Toa died without completing their destiny that you know of? 9A. I am sure some have
103. Does every sentient being have a destiny? 11A. I believe so, yes
124. Is THE Red Star the ONLY Red Star? 13A. Only one visible from Mata Nui, yes
145. Does Keetongu have a name? 15A. No
166. Will the Rahaga be a big part of future storyline? 17A. No - story has to focus on current sets, and Rahaga are two years old at this point and not in most stores.
187. Is Dume now like the head of Turaga on Metru Nui? 19A. Yes
208. Where did Nhivakk (SP?) come from? Destral? 21A. Or elsewhere, not something I have really worried about
229. When will you see Spiderman 3? 23A. No idea. I am only semi-excited about it, so not in a big rush
1Hi Greg, it's me atlas. i just have one question for you again.
2You told one member that the tubes on Sadra and Idris were special prototype breathing equipment for their mission. Well in BL6, Sarda was thrown out of the air bubble. Well by now, wouldn't Sarda already be mutated/dead?
3Thanks in advance. atlas
4No. He still had his personal air bubble around him, so he was not exposed to the water, and obviously he didn't die or he couldn't be in the Karzahni set. (We know he had a personal bubble because Defilak obviously did, otherwise he would have been mutated during his conversation with Pridak)
5well, wow

1wouldnt that be scary to find little gadunkas running around bitting thigs and the have ( not saying this actually happens) some stupid guy ( hydraxon) hit the mask and the mask hits a gadunka cousing it to grow and grow , then to have it crawl up to a barraki place and actually pick up a squid louncher and load it himself after growing lots and shooting up the place??????
4i meant for avak [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
61. can Gadunka talk?
72. not that i am complaining or anything but is there any reason that you know of why my local book store gets bionicle books 1 month before the date that they are supposed to? I got the atlas in march and legands 6 in january.
83. since they help awaken mata nui, are the bohrok bad or good?
94. will the giant venom eel play an important role in the futer?
105. will we find out about vezons werabouts in book 7?
116. this is kindof off topic but are you going to see spider man 3?
131) No 142) Most bookstores do -- I don't know why, but they seem to be out most places in the month before the official release date. 153) Neither, really, Bohrok aren't moral or immoral creatures -- they just exist to do a job. 164) Follow the story and find out 175) No. You would have in original Book 7, but that is not being published. The Book 7 that is being published focuses on the Mahri, not the Voya Nui setting. 186) Eventually, I guess. I am in no rush.
19cool. do you play world of warcraft ( just wondering)
20Yes, I do, have for some time

2the batrayer of the barraki probably isnt annyone. Just like every1 thought avak was a traitor. it turned out that they were just paranoid.
3No it turned out to be Hakkan![]()
4i meant for avak [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
61. can Gadunka talk?
72. not that i am complaining or anything but is there any reason that you know of why my local book store gets bionicle books 1 month before the date that they are supposed to? I got the atlas in march and legands 6 in january.
83. since they help awaken mata nui, are the bohrok bad or good?
94. will the giant venom eel play an important role in the futer?
105. will we find out about vezons werabouts in book 7?
116. this is kindof off topic but are you going to see spider man 3?
131) No 142) Most bookstores do -- I don't know why, but they seem to be out most places in the month before the official release date. 153) Neither, really, Bohrok aren't moral or immoral creatures -- they just exist to do a job. 164) Follow the story and find out 175) No. You would have in original Book 7, but that is not being published. The Book 7 that is being published focuses on the Mahri, not the Voya Nui setting. 186) Eventually, I guess. I am in no rush.
19cool. do you play world of warcraft ( just wondering)
20Yes, I do, have for some time
1Greetings, folks: 2I'm new here at bzp.
3Here's a recent PM from Greg.
4QUOTE 5Hello, Greg, my name is Gravitan. 6I'm new here and I have some questions which I hope you can answer.
71. Does Gadunka have any powers?
82. Are there more of Botar's race in the OoMN?
93. I know that Hydraxon does not wear a mask, but can he?
104. This one has been bothering me for a while: What is the use of becoming a Turaga? Once a Toa has completed his destiny, he is offered the choice, but it seems to me like a downgrade. Because he can still lead a village as a Toa, but with more of his power still in him. Do you think you can explain the benefits of becoming a Turaga?
115. I'm not sure you can answer this, but will we see any characters who control secondary elements (Sonics, Plasma, etc.) in 2008?
126. What does Avak's tool do? Because in the Bionicle animations, it shows him using it as a gun, but in other places it is a pickaxe.
137. Are the Krana-Kal still alive?
14Thanks in advance: 15[endquote
161) No, I am trying to keep extra powers to a minimum this year 172) Possibly 183) Most likely 194) Okay, good question, and long answer. First off, remember a Toa's choice is not "become a Turaga or don't" -- it's "give up your Toa power for the greater good or don't." The Metru did not face a "do we want to be Turaga or not?" choice, they faced a "do we want to give up our power to revive the Matoran or not?" choice. 20Also, while it is true a Toa could run a village, Superman could run Metropolis -- and while he was busy mediating disputes and making sure the subways ran on time and balancing the budget, he would have no time to fight enemies of Earth. You don't want your superhero running the city -- you want a manager running your city so the hero is free to fight. 215) I cannot discuss 2008, and no books have even been written yet for '08, so too early to know anyway. 226) His weapon was listed as a combo of pickaxe and jackhammer. Some aspects of the animations were not canon (such as the Toa waking up and emerging from caverns, etc.) 237) Some are, yes

4QUOTE 5Hello, Greg, my name is Gravitan. 6I'm new here and I have some questions which I hope you can answer.
71. Does Gadunka have any powers?
82. Are there more of Botar's race in the OoMN?
93. I know that Hydraxon does not wear a mask, but can he?
104. This one has been bothering me for a while: What is the use of becoming a Turaga? Once a Toa has completed his destiny, he is offered the choice, but it seems to me like a downgrade. Because he can still lead a village as a Toa, but with more of his power still in him. Do you think you can explain the benefits of becoming a Turaga?
115. I'm not sure you can answer this, but will we see any characters who control secondary elements (Sonics, Plasma, etc.) in 2008?
126. What does Avak's tool do? Because in the Bionicle animations, it shows him using it as a gun, but in other places it is a pickaxe.
137. Are the Krana-Kal still alive?
14Thanks in advance: 15[endquote
161) No, I am trying to keep extra powers to a minimum this year 172) Possibly 183) Most likely 194) Okay, good question, and long answer. First off, remember a Toa's choice is not "become a Turaga or don't" -- it's "give up your Toa power for the greater good or don't." The Metru did not face a "do we want to be Turaga or not?" choice, they faced a "do we want to give up our power to revive the Matoran or not?" choice. 20Also, while it is true a Toa could run a village, Superman could run Metropolis -- and while he was busy mediating disputes and making sure the subways ran on time and balancing the budget, he would have no time to fight enemies of Earth. You don't want your superhero running the city -- you want a manager running your city so the hero is free to fight. 215) I cannot discuss 2008, and no books have even been written yet for '08, so too early to know anyway. 226) His weapon was listed as a combo of pickaxe and jackhammer. Some aspects of the animations were not canon (such as the Toa waking up and emerging from caverns, etc.) 237) Some are, yes
1Probably old news but here
2Hi Greg,
3Had a few more questions.
4Q 1. I was wondering, to what extent is a Turaga's power over their element? 5A 1) Basically, if Tahu can do a nova blast, Vakama light a torch.
6Q 2. Has the Makuta of Zakaz been found yet? 7A 2) No
8Q 3. How long has it been since Conjurer fell into a coma? If he does not wake up, will TSO dispose of him? 9A 3) Only if TSO has something to gain by doing so
10Q 4. Did TSO choose to keep the Toa in stasis as a trophy of a particularly difficult battle? 11A 4) Or as means of intimidating his visitors, many of whom have been knocked around by Toa in the past
2Hi Greg,
3Had a few more questions.
4Q 1. I was wondering, to what extent is a Turaga's power over their element? 5A 1) Basically, if Tahu can do a nova blast, Vakama light a torch.
6Q 2. Has the Makuta of Zakaz been found yet? 7A 2) No
8Q 3. How long has it been since Conjurer fell into a coma? If he does not wake up, will TSO dispose of him? 9A 3) Only if TSO has something to gain by doing so
10Q 4. Did TSO choose to keep the Toa in stasis as a trophy of a particularly difficult battle? 11A 4) Or as means of intimidating his visitors, many of whom have been knocked around by Toa in the past
1Hello Mr. Farshtey I was thinking on recent events and got some questions (some are from a friend)Hope you can answer them all:
21.-From who do Sarda and Idris get their mission?
32.-If you can´t answer 1, could you please tell us a hint, please? Is it from someone we know about?
43.-Their mission is going to be in the web, right?
54.-Is their mission going to appear in the EncyclopediaVol2? (hope yes)
65.-If Lesovikk carries a tool, is it possible that Artakha or his Matoran crafted it?
76.-Could you please, please tell us the name of Hewkii Mahri´s tool? (his tool or whatever Mahri tool, please)?
87.-Does Hydraxon still considers himself a member of the OoMN?
98.-The renegade Makuta that mentions TSO (In Tracker´s profile) is the one from Zakaz?
109.-Talking about Tracker...Is his Pet Bull a name for that specific Rahi or is it a species name?
1110.-Is Tracker´s Bull related to Spinax?
1211.-Is Spinax related to the Black/Iron Zamors? (They mark a target so that he can be tracked anywhere he goes via an energy pulse )
1312.-Could the Sea Spiders be in Takadox´s army?
1413.-So the supposed Makuta of Destral (the one who always stays there) would be the user of the "Super-Olmak"?
1514.-Can a Makuta absorb Kraata from another Makuta?
1615.-Could you please order the facts about the Makuta of Zakaz? (went to Zakaz, went back to Destral, left Visorak, Tracker sent after him,experimented on Skakdi, etc.)
1716.-Does Krakua exists (or is going to exist) pre or post- Mata Nui´s death?
1817.-(and finally)Could you please reveal us something from the Energized Protodermis Entity? what has he been doing in this 1000 years?
19That´s all, thanks in advance Mr. Farshtey(and excuse me for my regular english, I am still studing)
201) I can't really answer that yet 212) Yes 223) That's the plan 234) No 245) Possible, but I am not definite on it yet 256) I am not revealing tool names yet 267) Yes 278) Yes 289) The bull isn't given a species name or proper name in the book. He's just referred to as his pet bull. 2910) No 3011) No 3112) That depends on if any of them have left the domes 3213) Not necessarily, he might simply oversee its use. We don't know that it is an actual mask he is using and not some piece of tech adapted from the mask's principles 3314) I am not sure I have ever seen a Makuta absorb kraata 3415) Sorry, I really don't have time for this right now 3516) Can't answer it 3617) Not something I have worried about, and probably won't worry about it until and unless he has to come back into the story
1Hello again GregF,
2I like to ask another bunch of questions, twelve of them this time, most of them related to the languages in the BIONICLE world:
31. Seeing as the 'x' at the start of a word is pronounced like a 'z', how does one know the difference between krana Xa and krana Za when one hears these names? I mean, I understand that things that are largely unrelated can have such similar names, such as the Rahkshi Kaita Za, the kraata Za and the Bohrok (/Kal) Kaita Za, but I'd say a mixup of the names of two krana would be very annoying. 42. Is there anyone at LEGO whose task it is to make up the Matoran language? Or are words just made up with no structure behind it? 53. Do 'fire', 'air', 'water', 'earth', 'stone' and 'ice' have other words for them than the prefixes ta-, le-, ga-, (o)nu-, po- and ko-? I'm thinking about nouns and maybe even suffixes here. If so, and if they're already decided, can you state them? 64. Can you confirm whether avohkii means 'light'? 75. Are protodermis and matoran words taken from the matoran language, or just a way of translating what they are really called in matoran? Protodermis is greek for 'first skin' and matoran was (I think) originally meant to mean 'of Mata (Nui)'. 86. Are kanohi and kanoka compound words? 97. This one may seem a bit inappropriate: We know what different genders BIONICLE beings have, but how is that defined? I mean, it is not like they have, how shall I put it, physical differences (apart for being blue etc.). Is the different gender a comparison of personalities? For instance, Gali's personality would be more 'girlish', while Tahu's would be more 'boyish'. Also, is the use of 'he' and 'she' a translation 'correction' from the Matoran language, in which they do not define the genders like we do? 108. Depending on the answer for the above question, would male vortixx and female vortixx in that case be slightly different variations of the same race, that can be distinguished by, for instance, skin coloring, of which the dominant ones have more female-like personalities, and the lower ones have more male-like personalities? 119. In the Toa Hordika and the Mask of Light animations, were the sounds the toa and rahaga made the canonical matoran language, or does real matoran sound a little less... obscure? And if that was real matoran, is it actually possible to translate it or is it just some random gibberish? (I think the latter, but you can never be sure) 1210. Same question for the Visorak (especially the keelerak Sidorak talks to at the start) in WoS, but then of course about the Visorak tongue. 1311. Can you confirm whether Mata Nui translates literally to 'Great Spirit'? 1412. Does DNA have a different function in the BIONICLE universe? I ask this because Shadow Kraata are said to have an extra strand of it so they could get to their seventh stage, while, if it was DNA like on earth, each Kraata would have the same DNA, namely that of its Makuta.
151) It's not really an issue, because they aren't being referred to verbally that much. If a Bahrag wants a Bohrok-Va to get a krana xa, for example, it telepathically sends both the name and an image of the krana. As for your other examples, context will pretty much tell you if the person is discussing a Rahkshi Kaita or a Bohrok krana -- for example, "That za really tore up the village" is most likely not referring to a krana. 162) No, we do not have some big dictionary including terms we have not used yet. We come up with new names for things each year as we need them, and what they are depends on what we come up with that doesn't mean something offensive in another language and isn't trademarked by someone else. 173) Not something I have worried about, because I have had no need for them. Rule of thumb -- if I don't need it for story, I don't bother coming up with it because I don't have the extra time. 184) I would assume it does 195) I don't recall us ever saying Matoran meant "of Mata Nui." As for protodermis, that is the closest we can translate it to in English. 206) Not to my knowledge 217) It is all about attitude, basically, there are no easily discernible physical differences. 228) There are again no obvious physical differences, the difference is one of attitude -- female Vortixx are aggressive, male Vortixx are not. 239) I don't understand your question. What sounds are you referring to? 2410) He was speaking Visorak 2511) No, I cannot confirm that. It sort of wouldn't make sense if it did -- then they would be going around saying, "The Great Spirit Great Spirit" all day. 2612) Where does it say anything about shadow kraata having DNA, period? That sounds like it is someone's theory. I don't recall us ever saying that, nor have we ever confirmed anything about any BIONICLE character having DNA as such.
1Just a few questions.
21. Can you confirm that Makuta put Mata Nui in the condition he is in now by poisoning him?
32. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being high), how much satisfaction do you get out of your job?
43. Did Makuta put Shadow Kraata in the Rahkshi he used against the Toa Nuva? 53.a. If not, why?
64. Can Turaga create Nova Blasts?
75. In BL4, when Zaktan is in the BoM base, it says he uses impact vision on the secret chamber he found. Zaktan is supposed to laser vision. Was this a slight error on your part, or does it mean each Piraka has more than one vision power?
8Thanks in advance: -- -- Gravitan
91) No, I can't. All I can confirm is that the action had the same effect as a slow poison in that it worked over time. 102) 10 113) No. You don't put SK in Rahkshi if you can avoid it, because they lose their main ability, which is the ability to infect masks at a distance. In the movie, it clearly shows he pulls the kraata out and they go into the armor -- SK are seventh stage, you can't create them as that -- they have to evolve too it over time. 124) No 135) No, just a typo on my part
1Hey there GregF
2Just something,
31. Are Spinax and Makuta the same person
42. Will the Toa Nuva turn into Turaga
53. Will the Toa Mahri turn into Turaga
64. Will any of the Toa Mahri or Toa Nuva die
75. Is Ahkmou going to be a major character in the future
86. When will the Piraka return
97. Will any of the Undestined Toa (Orkham and them) be a major characters in the future
108. Will any Matoran (besides Mahri Nui Matoran) be a major characters in the future
11Thanks GregF
12And BTW, how's it going my friend
141) No. 152) It's possible, but for it to happen, they have to awaken Mata Nui and decide to give up their Toa power. 163) Same answer, basically, it's possible. Whether or not it will happen is not something I can discuss. 174) I cannot discuss future storyline 185) Not been decided yet 196) Book 8 207) Hard to say. Major characters tend to be characters who have sets in a current year, and we have already done sets of them three years ago. 218) Again, I cannot discuss future storyline.
22Sorry about all the PMs you're getting
241. Was it Kalmah who betrayed The Barraki
27You'll find out who betrayed them in Book 8 in December.
1I have something big here:
211. Awesome:
222. Cool.
233. That's kind of harsh.
244. Darn. I thought I was on to something.
255. Too bad.
266. But it says that on the BS01 wiki.
277. Too bad (again).
21. Can you give us a quote from BL8? I'll understant if you can't.
32. Were there other guard robots for the pit other than Maxilos?
43. I recentely re-read BL4, and I came upon the part about the protodermis mine death sentences. What do they do there that gets them killed?
54. Was Zaktan's becoming a mass of protodites something to do with the BoM member comming to Zakaz? For example, did he give Zaktan the ability to transform into a mass of protodites if he was shot with a vision power, like he gave the other Skakdi abilities?
65. Since you gave us the titles of the first two BIONICLE Legends books of 2008, could you give usthe title of the first EXO FORCE book of 2008? Once again, I understand if you can't.
7Thanks in advance for your time:
8And here are the new ones:
96. I'm a little bit confused on why the Universe Core is called "The World That Feeds The World". Can you explain a little bit more?
107. Have you seen Lesovikk yet?
11Thanks again for your time and effort:
121) "What's the point of this, Zaktan?" Jaller asked, trying in vain to hit the Piraka with flame bursts. "You want the Mask of Life, and we don't have it. Fighting us accomplishes nothing." 13Zaktan coiled the end of his spine around a Matoran's throat and began to squeeze. "Wrong. It brings you pain. And we want to go on bringing you pain, Toa. Now lay down your weapons and surrender, or this Matoran dies – along with many more. You know how many we can kill before you can stop us."
142) Not that we know of, but it's possible. They might have been destroyed in the quake.
153) Well, think about what it's like to work in a mine. Now imagine it with no safety devices, little food or water, and supervisors who really don't care if you get hurt or killed.
164) No
175) Doesn't have a title yet, I just started writing it.
186) I have actually never said the two places were one and the same. BZP has said that.
197) No
211. Awesome:
222. Cool.
233. That's kind of harsh.
244. Darn. I thought I was on to something.
255. Too bad.
266. But it says that on the BS01 wiki.
277. Too bad (again).
1I have something big here:
21. Can you give us a quote from BL8? I'll understant if you can't.
32. Were there other guard robots for the pit other than Maxilos?
43. I recentely re-read BL4, and I came upon the part about the protodermis mine death sentences. What do they do there that gets them killed?
54. Was Zaktan's becoming a mass of protodites something to do with the BoM member comming to Zakaz? For example, did he give Zaktan the ability to transform into a mass of protodites if he was shot with a vision power, like he gave the other Skakdi abilities?
65. Since you gave us the titles of the first two BIONICLE Legends books of 2008, could you give usthe title of the first EXO FORCE book of 2008? Once again, I understand if you can't.
7Thanks in advance for your time:
8And here are the new ones:
96. I'm a little bit confused on why the Universe Core is called "The World That Feeds The World". Can you explain a little bit more?
107. Have you seen Lesovikk yet?
11Thanks again for your time and effort:
121) "What's the point of this, Zaktan?" Jaller asked, trying in vain to hit the Piraka with flame bursts. "You want the Mask of Life, and we don't have it. Fighting us accomplishes nothing." 13Zaktan coiled the end of his spine around a Matoran's throat and began to squeeze. "Wrong. It brings you pain. And we want to go on bringing you pain, Toa. Now lay down your weapons and surrender, or this Matoran dies – along with many more. You know how many we can kill before you can stop us."
142) Not that we know of, but it's possible. They might have been destroyed in the quake.
153) Well, think about what it's like to work in a mine. Now imagine it with no safety devices, little food or water, and supervisors who really don't care if you get hurt or killed.
164) No
175) Doesn't have a title yet, I just started writing it.
186) I have actually never said the two places were one and the same. BZP has said that.
197) No
211. Awesome:
222. Cool.
233. That's kind of harsh.
244. Darn. I thought I was on to something.
255. Too bad.
266. But it says that on the BS01 wiki.
277. Too bad (again).
28Awesome, you got a quote from BL8: 29Great job:
1Hey there GregF
2Just something,
31. Are Spinax and Makuta the same person
42. Will the Toa Nuva turn into Turaga
53. Will the Toa Mahri turn into Turaga
64. Will any of the Toa Mahri or Toa Nuva die
75. Is Ahkmou going to be a major character in the future
86. When will the Piraka return
97. Will any of the Undestined Toa (Orkham and them) be a major characters in the future
108. Will any Matoran (besides Mahri Nui Matoran) be a major characters in the future
11Thanks GregF
12And BTW, how's it going my friend
141) No. 152) It's possible, but for it to happen, they have to awaken Mata Nui and decide to give up their Toa power. 163) Same answer, basically, it's possible. Whether or not it will happen is not something I can discuss. 174) I cannot discuss future storyline 185) Not been decided yet 196) Book 8 207) Hard to say. Major characters tend to be characters who have sets in a current year, and we have already done sets of them three years ago. 218) Again, I cannot discuss future storyline.
22Sorry about all the PMs you're getting
241. Was it Kalmah who betrayed The Barraki
27You'll find out who betrayed them in Book 8 in December.
29Awesome quote. Zaktan rocks::::

1If you read that quote closely, it says Zaktan coiled around a Matoran. Does that mean he mutated into some sort of snake?