11) Who told Lesovikk that "knowledge is a sharper weapon than a sword"?
21) Follow the story and find out -- if I wanted you to know that now, wouldn't I have just put it in the chapter?
3I got the impression that it was Sarda himself who told Lesovikk.
4I was thinking that it could have been their turaga.
5I thought it might have been Idris.
110) Is it true that Shadow Kraata can speak matoran? BS01 says it can
210) At this point, I am uncertain where they got their info -- the SK appears twice in the comic and is never shown speaking. I'm not going to call them wrong, but I would like to know the source of the info.
310) Some editer most likely read a Galigee story and put it there but is it accurete?
410) All I can tell you is the shadow kraata is not shown speaking in any of the comics in which it appeared. So I don't think there is anything official that shows it speaking.
5Looking at the Kraata page right now, I see nothing about Kraata speaking Matoran. Where did you get this info?
6I edited it off when Greg said it was false
1I got these in yesterday. Nothing that interesting.
2Hi, Mr. Farshety. I have some questions.
31. I heard on a poll that one member read in the OGD that the Nuva will not be sets next year. I think it's still uncomfirmed. Which is right? Unconfirmed or no Nuva?
42. Which set of playsets do you think is best? ('05, '06, '07)
53. Which playset is your favorite?
64. Do you know what the book series will be called after 2008?
7That's all. Thank you for your time.
81) Unconfirmed. Nothing has been said by us about what the sets are for 2008, it's too early to discuss that.
92) I think this year's will be most popular.
103) Don't really have one
114) No, too early to decide that
1I got these in yesterday. Nothing that interesting.2Hi, Mr. Farshety. I have some questions.
31. I heard on a poll that one member read in the OGD that the Nuva will not be sets next year. I think it's still uncomfirmed. Which is right? Unconfirmed or no Nuva?
41) Unconfirmed. Nothing has been said by us about what the sets are for 2008, it's too early to discuss that.
5Hm, perhaps the Nuva have a chance after all.
1My questions
2I have some questions about Lhikan's Toa group. You only have to answe the ones that you know the answer to.
31. What is the name of Lhikan's Toa group? Like the Toa Metru, Nuva, Inika...?
42. Does Nuparu Mahri's Kanohi look exactly like Nidhiki's or was there some difference to them?
53. So far, we know Lhikan, Nidhiki and Tuyet. Will we ever know the Toa of Stone, Earth, and Ice names?
64. What was Tuyet's Mask power and weapon power?
7GregF's Answers
81) Hasn't been given a name by us 92) Not exactly, because Nuparu's has tubes attached, etc. 103) No idea. Only if it becomes relevant to story that you do. Otherwise, I cannot take BIONICLE names off the list for this, because they cost too much to get cleared legally. 114) This will actually be revealed soon on BIONICLEstory.com
2I have some questions about Lhikan's Toa group. You only have to answe the ones that you know the answer to.
31. What is the name of Lhikan's Toa group? Like the Toa Metru, Nuva, Inika...?
42. Does Nuparu Mahri's Kanohi look exactly like Nidhiki's or was there some difference to them?
53. So far, we know Lhikan, Nidhiki and Tuyet. Will we ever know the Toa of Stone, Earth, and Ice names?
64. What was Tuyet's Mask power and weapon power?
7GregF's Answers
81) Hasn't been given a name by us 92) Not exactly, because Nuparu's has tubes attached, etc. 103) No idea. Only if it becomes relevant to story that you do. Otherwise, I cannot take BIONICLE names off the list for this, because they cost too much to get cleared legally. 114) This will actually be revealed soon on BIONICLEstory.com
1I got these in yesterday. Nothing that interesting.2Hi, Mr. Farshety. I have some questions.
31. I heard on a poll that one member read in the OGD that the Nuva will not be sets next year. I think it's still uncomfirmed. Which is right? Unconfirmed or no Nuva?
41) Unconfirmed. Nothing has been said by us about what the sets are for 2008, it's too early to discuss that.
5Hm, perhaps the Nuva have a chance after all.
6I wouldn't really think so, since this arc focuses on saving Mata Nui's life, and not awakening him, but you never know...It would be awsome.
110) Is it true that Shadow Kraata can speak matoran? BS01 says it can
210) At this point, I am uncertain where they got their info -- the SK appears twice in the comic and is never shown speaking. I'm not going to call them wrong, but I would like to know the source of the info.
310) Some editer most likely read a Galigee story and put it there but is it accurete?
410) All I can tell you is the shadow kraata is not shown speaking in any of the comics in which it appeared. So I don't think there is anything official that shows it speaking.
5Looking at the Kraata page right now, I see nothing about Kraata speaking Matoran. Where did you get this info?
6I edited it off when Greg said it was false
7He didn't say it was false, he just didn't recall a time when it was confirmed to have happened. Anyway, I talked with him about it:
8As for the kraata -- sometimes things have to get amended, especially in movie years, because in those years I was not the one making the final decision about how things would work/be in the story. So I may have been working from the story bible which then got tossed for the making of the movie. So what was officially shown takes precedence.
9So what Greg told BZP long ago, before the Kraata were ever out, no longer holds water unless it ended up being used in the comic/movie/whatever.
10Thusly... BS01 still got its info from an official source... it was just outdated information XD
1Nothing really, but has any one noticed how, on the Barraki mini-movie (in archive), they started the audio track a couple seconds late?
1Okay. Last month when I got BL4, I had loads of questions, which turned into more. I don't think anything is new information (by now, surely not
, but who knows, something might be interesting.
41I'm sorry if it's not too organized, but some of it might be interesting. You probably can figure out what I said and what Greg said.

2Hello. I just purchased Prisoners in the Pit and had a load of questions. I will not post these until they are allowed.
31. Maxilos demonstrates the ability to fire electric bolts from his staff. But later, Makuta uses three combined powers he controls to shock Matoro. My question is, does Maxilos really have an electric staff?
42. You've said that as a result of the giant venom eel cracking the cord, Voya Nui will return to where it came from. But Makuta seems to want Matoro to smash this cord again- why?
53. Makuta thinks that Mahri Nui will be obliterated and all living on both Voya Nui and Mahri Nui will be killed. Is this really going to happen? Would it affect Umbra as well (living underground)?
64. Is Dekar 'dead' now that the Ignika used his life energy to recreate Hydraxon?
75. If Hydraxon showed up while Makuta was talking to Matoro in the persona of Maxilos, would Hydraxon be able to piece the pieces together and realize what was inhabiting Maxilos?
86. Didn't you say that Artahka would be in the epilogue of Book 7, or was that Book 8?
97. In Comic 8: Sea of Darkness, Nocturn is said to 'Have fired at his island's critical spot and smashed it to rubble'. But Nocturn carries no ranged weapons. Did he smash it or blast it somehow with another weapon?
108. Why is Toa Hahli leading Mantax's manta ray army to Mahri Nui? It wasn't explained in the book.
119. One issue I had with reading is that there are a lot of sections that seem to just be getting into the action, and it goes off to another character. For instance, I know why you stopped after Hydraxon fired at the Ignika, but what about others?
1210. In Book 6, Kyrehx calles the Hydruka by names (Thulox). Do the Hydruka really have names, or are these nicknames given to them by the Matoran?
1311. If answer to 10 is nicknames by the Matoran, then do these mean anything? (Like easily agitated, or slow worker, etc.?)
14Hope you can answer them, and as said before, I won't post this information if you can answer the questions.
151) Maxilos's staff is a weapon, yes, but in that case, it was being used to direct a Makuta power, not its original power. 162) No, I never said that. The eel cracked the cord, but cracks are not enough to shatter it. It needs to be shattered. 173) You'll have to follow the story for this answer 184) Dekar's consciousness is buried under Hydraxon's, so no, he isn't dead. 195) He would certainly know something was going on, because Maxilos never talked that way 206) Book 8, not Book 7. Bahrag were in Book 7. 217) Yup. Brutaka is the only prisoner sent to the Pit with his weapons -- and that was a rare show of sympathy on the part of Botar 228) Yes, it is. Hahli convinces Mantax the other Barraki are plotting against him. Her showing up at the head of his army shows she then conned him into forging an alliance, the same way Jaller did with Kalmah. 239) If it happens at the end, it's a cliffhanger for the next book. If it happens during the book, it's an accepted literary tactic. If I put the hero in a dangerous situation, then cut away, you keep reading because you want to find out what happened to the hero next. And you're in suspense the whole time. 2410) They have proper names, yes, like pets do 2511) I don't have Matoran translations for them
261. Does Maxilos's staff have any powers, though? Because if that was a Makuta power, wouldn't Hydraxon realize that something was up? (Because that power isn't controlled by Maxilos?)
274. Right. But if Hydraxon ever 'dies' again, will Dekar take over or something like that? Or what would happen to him?
287. So at one point, Nocturn carried some kind of blaster or launcher?
298. Okay. But why to Mahri Nui? Is she gathering troops to help the Matoran or what else? (What are her intentions to do with this army?)
3010. Do you mean these proper names were given to them by the Matoran?
311) It does, and he would, IF he saw Maxilos use it. But Maxilos is not hanging around with Hydraxon. 324) If Hydraxon dies, Dekar dies, they are the same being now. 337) Or just grabbed one in a fit of temper 348) Because that's the direction Mantax wants to go, and it's in the vicinity of where the other Barraki are. Mantax is fired up about going after the ones he think double-crossed him
35Just a small problem with your answer for 1. In the book, Hydraxon threw a rock into Matoro's cell to show him the reflexes of Maxilos. Maxilos immediatly fires an electrical bolt from his staff, smashing the rock to pieces just as it enters the cell. If that wasn't the staff's power, then why wasn't Hydraxon suspicious then?
36Maxilos is capable of channeling his internal energies through the sword. If Hydraxon was, as I suspect, paying more attention to Matoro's reaction than to Maxilos' power (which he had seen a dozen times before), he might well not have noticed the difference. After all, you are talking about something that took an instant to happen.
37This was from a while ago. If I post it now, should it be in a spoiler tag?
38You never answered number 10 (Do you mean these proper names were given to them by the Matoran?) as referring to the Hydruka. What is the answer?
39Yes, anything to do with Book 7 goes in a spoiler tag.
40And yes, the Matoran did name the Hydruka - who else is there to do it? The Barraki wouldn't be bothered to name them.
31. Maxilos demonstrates the ability to fire electric bolts from his staff. But later, Makuta uses three combined powers he controls to shock Matoro. My question is, does Maxilos really have an electric staff?
42. You've said that as a result of the giant venom eel cracking the cord, Voya Nui will return to where it came from. But Makuta seems to want Matoro to smash this cord again- why?
53. Makuta thinks that Mahri Nui will be obliterated and all living on both Voya Nui and Mahri Nui will be killed. Is this really going to happen? Would it affect Umbra as well (living underground)?
64. Is Dekar 'dead' now that the Ignika used his life energy to recreate Hydraxon?
75. If Hydraxon showed up while Makuta was talking to Matoro in the persona of Maxilos, would Hydraxon be able to piece the pieces together and realize what was inhabiting Maxilos?
86. Didn't you say that Artahka would be in the epilogue of Book 7, or was that Book 8?
97. In Comic 8: Sea of Darkness, Nocturn is said to 'Have fired at his island's critical spot and smashed it to rubble'. But Nocturn carries no ranged weapons. Did he smash it or blast it somehow with another weapon?
108. Why is Toa Hahli leading Mantax's manta ray army to Mahri Nui? It wasn't explained in the book.
119. One issue I had with reading is that there are a lot of sections that seem to just be getting into the action, and it goes off to another character. For instance, I know why you stopped after Hydraxon fired at the Ignika, but what about others?
1210. In Book 6, Kyrehx calles the Hydruka by names (Thulox). Do the Hydruka really have names, or are these nicknames given to them by the Matoran?
1311. If answer to 10 is nicknames by the Matoran, then do these mean anything? (Like easily agitated, or slow worker, etc.?)
14Hope you can answer them, and as said before, I won't post this information if you can answer the questions.
151) Maxilos's staff is a weapon, yes, but in that case, it was being used to direct a Makuta power, not its original power. 162) No, I never said that. The eel cracked the cord, but cracks are not enough to shatter it. It needs to be shattered. 173) You'll have to follow the story for this answer 184) Dekar's consciousness is buried under Hydraxon's, so no, he isn't dead. 195) He would certainly know something was going on, because Maxilos never talked that way 206) Book 8, not Book 7. Bahrag were in Book 7. 217) Yup. Brutaka is the only prisoner sent to the Pit with his weapons -- and that was a rare show of sympathy on the part of Botar 228) Yes, it is. Hahli convinces Mantax the other Barraki are plotting against him. Her showing up at the head of his army shows she then conned him into forging an alliance, the same way Jaller did with Kalmah. 239) If it happens at the end, it's a cliffhanger for the next book. If it happens during the book, it's an accepted literary tactic. If I put the hero in a dangerous situation, then cut away, you keep reading because you want to find out what happened to the hero next. And you're in suspense the whole time. 2410) They have proper names, yes, like pets do 2511) I don't have Matoran translations for them
261. Does Maxilos's staff have any powers, though? Because if that was a Makuta power, wouldn't Hydraxon realize that something was up? (Because that power isn't controlled by Maxilos?)
274. Right. But if Hydraxon ever 'dies' again, will Dekar take over or something like that? Or what would happen to him?
287. So at one point, Nocturn carried some kind of blaster or launcher?
298. Okay. But why to Mahri Nui? Is she gathering troops to help the Matoran or what else? (What are her intentions to do with this army?)
3010. Do you mean these proper names were given to them by the Matoran?
311) It does, and he would, IF he saw Maxilos use it. But Maxilos is not hanging around with Hydraxon. 324) If Hydraxon dies, Dekar dies, they are the same being now. 337) Or just grabbed one in a fit of temper 348) Because that's the direction Mantax wants to go, and it's in the vicinity of where the other Barraki are. Mantax is fired up about going after the ones he think double-crossed him
35Just a small problem with your answer for 1. In the book, Hydraxon threw a rock into Matoro's cell to show him the reflexes of Maxilos. Maxilos immediatly fires an electrical bolt from his staff, smashing the rock to pieces just as it enters the cell. If that wasn't the staff's power, then why wasn't Hydraxon suspicious then?
36Maxilos is capable of channeling his internal energies through the sword. If Hydraxon was, as I suspect, paying more attention to Matoro's reaction than to Maxilos' power (which he had seen a dozen times before), he might well not have noticed the difference. After all, you are talking about something that took an instant to happen.
37This was from a while ago. If I post it now, should it be in a spoiler tag?
38You never answered number 10 (Do you mean these proper names were given to them by the Matoran?) as referring to the Hydruka. What is the answer?
39Yes, anything to do with Book 7 goes in a spoiler tag.
40And yes, the Matoran did name the Hydruka - who else is there to do it? The Barraki wouldn't be bothered to name them.
41I'm sorry if it's not too organized, but some of it might be interesting. You probably can figure out what I said and what Greg said.
110) Is it true that Shadow Kraata can speak matoran? BS01 says it can
210) At this point, I am uncertain where they got their info -- the SK appears twice in the comic and is never shown speaking. I'm not going to call them wrong, but I would like to know the source of the info.
310) Some editer most likely read a Galigee story and put it there but is it accurete?
410) All I can tell you is the shadow kraata is not shown speaking in any of the comics in which it appeared. So I don't think there is anything official that shows it speaking.
5Looking at the Kraata page right now, I see nothing about Kraata speaking Matoran. Where did you get this info?
6I edited it off when Greg said it was false
7He didn't say it was false, he just didn't recall a time when it was confirmed to have happened. Anyway, I talked with him about it:
8As for the kraata -- sometimes things have to get amended, especially in movie years, because in those years I was not the one making the final decision about how things would work/be in the story. So I may have been working from the story bible which then got tossed for the making of the movie. So what was officially shown takes precedence.
9So what Greg told BZP long ago, before the Kraata were ever out, no longer holds water unless it ended up being used in the comic/movie/whatever.
10Thusly... BS01 still got its info from an official source... it was just outdated information XD
12I don't know U, I was around back then I don't ever remember hearing that Kraata talk....seriously, where did we hear that?
1But In the Short Story never says what's her weapon power. Ah, and the Mask works as you said Frostellus. (Not sure about pass trough others)
1Well, if you turn intangible, then there is no reason why you can't go through walls. 

1it would be great for dodging. wonder if you can control what parts turn intagible. otherwise you throw an intagible weapon at a target, and make it tangible inside it. great for deafeating opponents in nigh-impenerable armour

1it would be great for dodging. wonder if you can control what parts turn intagible. otherwise you throw an intagible weapon at a target, and make it tangible inside it. great for deafeating opponents in nigh-impenerable armour.
2Yes, but that would likely kill the target, which is a big no-no for Toa.
3Personally, I would think the Mask only allows the user to become intagible.
1Hi I have a couple of questions if it isn't any trouble. 21) I like your new sig - Where'd it come from? 32) Does The TTC (Toa Terrain Crawler) have a species name? 43) Is it revealed what the Mahri have 24 hours for?
5I think that is all for now, thanks in advance, 6TNM
71) Bionicle Legends #9 82) No, not at this time 93) Until Mata Nui dies
1More stuff.

2Hey Greg, a few questions... 31) Why was there a cage in the Piraka's training room? 42) On bioniclestory.com, in the deep sea port, under deep sea creatures, it shows a rahi with a white Takadox head. It looks very similar to, but not exactly like the rahi in Toa Terrain Crawler with the same head. Are these two rahi the same? 52a) If not, what is it?
61) No idea, I didn't work on the web content that introduced that. I just referenced it. 72) I believe that is a Rahi that appears in the expanded version of the Toa Mahri mini-movie. Whether it was intended by the animators to be same as the one in TTC, I do not know
1Where's "Deep Sea Port?"
1More stuff.
2Hey Greg, a few questions... 32) On bioniclestory.com, in the deep sea port, under deep sea creatures, it shows a rahi with a white Takadox head. It looks very similar to, but not exactly like the rahi in Toa Terrain Crawler with the same head. Are these two rahi the same? 42a) If not, what is it?
52) I believe that is a Rahi that appears in the expanded version of the Toa Mahri mini-movie. Whether it was intended by the animators to be same as the one in TTC, I do not know
6Aha, the expanded version: I knew It: I knew It I knew It... Man, I'm so smart:

1Just some questions about Bionicle Legends#7 -- will put them in spoiler tag, just in case.
21) Throughout the book, Jaller and Co. are consistently called ''Toa Inika'', even after their transformation -- I don't think the term ''Toa Mahri'' was used anywhere else than Defilak's speech to the Toa. 3So, are the Toa still considered Toa Inika? 'Cause, if I remember correctly, they were called 'Inika' up to 4-5 times after their transformation. 41) In the original manuscript, from about Chapter Seven on, they are called Toa Mahri. For some reason, possibly what they saw as consistency, Scholastic changed Mahri to Inika throughout.
52) Why was Lewa wearing a Mask of Speed in the epilogue? Did the Toa Nuva change their masks? 62) All he has to do is summon a mask from his suva to be able to use it, which he obviously did for that scene
73) For how long had the ''to-do-list'' been in the Great Temple? 83) Over 100,000 years
52) Why was Lewa wearing a Mask of Speed in the epilogue? Did the Toa Nuva change their masks? 62) All he has to do is summon a mask from his suva to be able to use it, which he obviously did for that scene
73) For how long had the ''to-do-list'' been in the Great Temple? 83) Over 100,000 years
4I think it would turn her weapon(s) intangible if she was touching them, like Vakama's disk launcher was invisible when he was holding it (I believe) and using his mask power.
1it would be great for dodging. wonder if you can control what parts turn intagible. otherwise you throw an intagible weapon at a target, and make it tangible inside it. great for deafeating opponents in nigh-impenerable armour.
2Yes, but that would likely kill the target, which is a big no-no for Toa.
3Personally, I would think the Mask only allows the user to become intagible.
5Here's some stuff:
6Okay... In the OGD I have read that it is very easy to find Mata Nui; or go to the place where he is, I forgot which. And I was wondering:
71. Is it just as easy to get to where Mata Nui is from Mata Nui (island) as it is from Voya Nui?
82. Is the location of Mata Nui widely known in the Bionicle universe, or is it more of a secret?
93. Was Makuta very close to Mata Nui when he gave injured him?
10Thanks a lot:
121) Yes 132) No one you have met in the story knows where he is 143) Can't answer it
11) Recently, I have read the OGD, and I saw you said that Voya Nui will be pulled back to the southern continent via some kind of magnetic force. I made a topic there, and a member made a reference of Jovan's magnetic powers. So, is it possible Turaga Jovan is still alive, and this supposed force is his?
32) You also recently told a member that the Great Beings planted the scroll detailing what must be done to reawaken Mata Nui over 100,000 years ago. But, Makuta had put Mata Nui to rest 1,001 years ago. So, did the Great Beings know that Makuta was going to put Mata Nui to sleep?
53) If so, why didn't they try to stop him?
7Thank you for spending your time on our questions. 8P.V.
91) No, it's not possible. He's dead. 102) No. But just as they knew the Mask of Life might someday be needed, they knew that someday Mata Nui might one day succumb to slumber and need to be reawakened. They had no reason to believe if that happened it would be anything other than an accident.
11Well, there goes my theory.

1I got this from Greg:
17So, that answers MOST of my questions...
2QUOTE 3Hello Greg, I have a few questions:
41. Why can't the matoran bring extra air bubbles to breath with, swim up when it is safe hour, and go to land? Or try and make a watercraft that goes above water?
52. What happened to Keetongu?
63. If the Voyatoran go off of Voya Nui, will they go to Metru Nui?
74. If the Mahritoran get out of Mahri Nui, do you think they would go to Metru Nui?
85. Will we see the Vahi again?
96. Can matoran be different colors than what their fellow matoran go with? (Like, Ga is mainly blue. Can a Ga-Matoran be blue and yellow?)
111) Because they have no idea there is any land up there. The only one who has made it up to the surface is the one who saved Hahli, and he died of the BIONICLE equivalent of the "bends." Remember, they don't remember their life on Voya Nui.
122) Keetongu is wandering the universe, aiding other past victims of the Visorak
133) Impossible to predict -- Metru Nui is a long way from where they are, if they were going to go back into the domes, there are closer islands than that
144) Same answer
155) No idea at this moment
166) No, not to my knowledge
17So, that answers MOST of my questions...
11) Recently, I have read the OGD, and I saw you said that Voya Nui will be pulled back to the southern continent via some kind of magnetic force. I made a topic there, and a member made a reference of Jovan's magnetic powers. So, is it possible Turaga Jovan is still alive, and this supposed force is his?
32) You also recently told a member that the Great Beings planted the scroll detailing what must be done to reawaken Mata Nui over 100,000 years ago. But, Makuta had put Mata Nui to rest 1,001 years ago. So, did the Great Beings know that Makuta was going to put Mata Nui to sleep?
53) If so, why didn't they try to stop him?
7Thank you for spending your time on our questions. 8P.V.
91) No, it's not possible. He's dead. 102) No. But just as they knew the Mask of Life might someday be needed, they knew that someday Mata Nui might one day succumb to slumber and need to be reawakened. They had no reason to believe if that happened it would be anything other than an accident.
11Well, there goes my theory.![]()
12Greg is independant

1Hi Greg, hope you are doing well. Just some stuff for you:
21: Was Makuta inhabiting the body of Maxilos before the events of BL7? 31a: If so, how long?
42: On a simaler note, will it be explained in BL8 why spinax attacked Makuta? 52a: Is it because he sensed it was not just Maxilos, but somthing evil was inside?
63: Returning from saving the Matoran of Mahri Nui in their Toa Terrain Crawler, the Toa Mahri are ambushed by the evil Barraki: Will the Toa Mahri survive or has their quest for the Mask of Life come to a horrible end?
7I found that on Lego S@H, and it got me thinking. If the Toa saved all of Mahri Nui, then how big is the TMTC? 8Can it really hold hundreds of Matoran?
9Thanks in Advance:
101) Yes, but not that long. There was no point in Makuta going down there until the Mask of Life went down there. 112) Yes 122a) No 133) They didn't use the TTC to rescue them. They got the TTC after they had rescued them. So they are "returning from saving the Matoran" -- and they are returning in the TTC.
14Well, thats... odd. How on earth did they save hundreds of Matoran without the TTC?
1just some information, even about what maxilos's staff does::.
141) I don't have an exact date. I don't work on the website, just write for it. 152) I am sure there are a lot of things in BL8 I haven't told you about. 163) Matoro and Takadox 174) Channels the internal energies of the robot 185) No 196) The former, she doesn't know anything about his tablet search 207) Takadox is with Pridak 218) Now why would I want to answer something that might ruin future story for you? 229) See answer to #8 2310) I believe the Ignika will be part of a set next year, yes
2hey greg just asking some questions, and answer any you can please.
31) when is the toa mahri mini movie(extended one) going to come out on bionicle.com?
42)Is their another battle in bl8 you haven't told us about?
53)who is your favorite toa mahri and barraki?
64)what is maxilos battle staff really do?
75)Is spinax going to fight maxilos because he finds out it is not really maxilos?
86)Is hahli's deal with mantax that she can command his army to help him defeat the barraki or distract them while he goes to search for the tablet to expose the traitor? Hot or cold?
97)Where is takadox in all this?
108)Are any barraki specifically Pridak going to die?
119)Is their going to be more deaths this year(not counting sea creatures)?
1210)is their going to be a set that comes with a mask of life next year? or a mask of life next year to get?
13thanks for your time
141) I don't have an exact date. I don't work on the website, just write for it. 152) I am sure there are a lot of things in BL8 I haven't told you about. 163) Matoro and Takadox 174) Channels the internal energies of the robot 185) No 196) The former, she doesn't know anything about his tablet search 207) Takadox is with Pridak 218) Now why would I want to answer something that might ruin future story for you? 229) See answer to #8 2310) I believe the Ignika will be part of a set next year, yes
1Hi Greg, sorry for getting back to you so soon, but I have one last thing to ask you:
2If Pridak and Zaktan fought with each other (Zaktan in his Mutated form), who do you think would win? Personally, I'm leaning towards Pridak, since Zaktan doesnt have his Protodites any more. That means Pridak can tear him to shreds (If he's fast enough).
3Thanks in advance,
5Don't count Zaktan out, though. He has a vision power, which allows him to attack Pridak over distance. Pridak has his squid launcher, but odds are Zaktan nails the squid before they ever get near him. Pridak can do a lot of damage if he gets within melee range, but Zaktan would probably do everything he could to keep this a long-range fight.
6More useless info... Personally, I hope they fight in Downfall...
1Well, just look at Maxilos's shoulder-pads, it's not saying much yet.
2Dang. Your right.
3But still, Greg said a while back that they liked the design of this years Ignika but it was too late to put it into a set. So you never know...
4Exactly, you never know. I would think that it's not going to be like Maxilos.
1Yeah, I don't think Greg means Vezon's Head. I think he knows what we mean when we say "the Mask of Life".
1Ill PM Greg about the whole Ignika thing to be sure, unless someone else does before I get around to it. Anyway...
21. Is there going to be another online game this year? 32. And can you answer which book your new sig quote comes from?
6And there you have it...
21. Is there going to be another online game this year? 32. And can you answer which book your new sig quote comes from?
41) The Toa Mahri online game is going to be running throughout the summer and fall, with new games added as time passes. That is the only online game I am aware of this year. 52) Bionicle Legends #9
6And there you have it...
1Warning, contents from BL7
26Too bad the BDSP and the TUA aren´t going to appear...
, oh well...
2Hello Mr. Farshtey, long time since I send you a PM3As the Pm title states I just read Prisoners of the Pit, great book 4I hope you can answer these...
51.-So, Hydraxon is no longer considered an Order member because he isn´t the real Hydraxon, right?
62.-Will the "Hahi-Mantax´s army" issue be resumed in Downfall?
73.-If you ever decide to publish the Invasion content, will we learn the "things about the Toa themselves that they might preferred not to face"?
84.-Why in the Zyglak battle at the beggining Jaller is said to carry two swords?
95.-Nuparu, Hewkii and Matoro don´t use much their Toa Tools, will we see their Toa Tools more in BL8?
106.-Do you know for when is the long version of the Mahri teaser scheduled? Could you please tell me?
117.-Are the Barraki Deepsea Patrol and the Toa Undersea Attack going to appear in the story?
128.-If yes, where?
139.-Before firing, Hydraxon handles the Ignika, did he became cursed in any way?
1410.-In which comic are you working currently? If none, then in which one are going to work?
1511.-Did you already record "Into the Darkness" pt.2?
161) Bingo 172) Yes, 8 picks up right where 7 leaves off 183) Yes, but right now it isn't looking likely that will get published 194) Cause I wanted him to 205) Hewkii's you will, yes 216) No, though it's done, so it should be soon 227) No 239) He probably would have, but he only held it for a couple seconds, and once he puts it down, the curse is lifted 2410) I am about to start on the November comic 2511) No, I have to do that this week sometime.
26Too bad the BDSP and the TUA aren´t going to appear...

Greg Farshtey 1They [The Rahaga fly in the movie because the moviemakers wanted them to. The set characters cannot fly nor do they fly in the story as I wrote it, because their flight does not match the set features.