1Just some Voya nui questions.
21. The hole that voya nui created when it blasted through the roof, did it repair itself, since voya nui is going back on its own since being freed, or is there still a hole in the mainland dome?
31) There is still a hole, so it can pass back through
42. Speaking of Voya Nui, after it flew out of its dome, why did it float north, instead of returning soon after leaving, since it was anchored by mahri nui, but that didn't happen for nearly 300 years later?
52) Because the force that should have pulled it back was not operational at that time and by the time it was, Voya Nui was anchored.
63. Was Voya Nui's rocketing up random, as in any area of the mainland could have blasted up, or was it in a spot where it was most vulnerable to that happening, such as being in the center of the continent, since it had no connection to the bottom, thanks to the universe core?
73) I have to think it had to do with geologic conditions around that chunk of land.
84. Do Domes have a autorepair ability, like voya nui's return, or is there a devise used, like the bohrok are for cleaning mata nui?
94) We'll see
21. The hole that voya nui created when it blasted through the roof, did it repair itself, since voya nui is going back on its own since being freed, or is there still a hole in the mainland dome?
31) There is still a hole, so it can pass back through
42. Speaking of Voya Nui, after it flew out of its dome, why did it float north, instead of returning soon after leaving, since it was anchored by mahri nui, but that didn't happen for nearly 300 years later?
52) Because the force that should have pulled it back was not operational at that time and by the time it was, Voya Nui was anchored.
63. Was Voya Nui's rocketing up random, as in any area of the mainland could have blasted up, or was it in a spot where it was most vulnerable to that happening, such as being in the center of the continent, since it had no connection to the bottom, thanks to the universe core?
73) I have to think it had to do with geologic conditions around that chunk of land.
84. Do Domes have a autorepair ability, like voya nui's return, or is there a devise used, like the bohrok are for cleaning mata nui?
94) We'll see
1Hello, Greg.
2I may be wrong, but I seem to remember earlier that you said we should know who is going to wear the Mask of Life by the end of this year.
3a. Is that still the case? 4b. Where and when will it be revealed? 5c. Does it tie into the shocking ending of 2007?
6Thank you.
8Year hasn't ended yet, so wait and see.
9Hmmmm. I am leaning towards someone, but it is too soon to tell if I am right yet.
10I can still clearly remember that Greg said that nobody can wear ignika because he would become too powerfull...or not?
11Well, someone on Jovan's team clearly wore the mask. He said that there could never be a TOA of Life.
1a toa of life would be impossible. a toa is like a physically perfect being, havng the most usefull size, and tools, to do any job. wielding the power of life is so difficult a toa wouldnt be able to handle it physically and mentally
1Hi GregF,
2Just a question, Lesovikk's team was supposed to be part of the first Toa team, but according to your recent pole on who the Toa Mata's trainers were, you said Lesovikk wasn't a toa at the time, so this means that there was a toa team (The Mata) that came before his team. Can you please explain this?
3Good point -- I will go back and correct that
4I corrected a mistake made by GregF. Nothing much lol.
1It almost certainly does. The story team wouldn't do two major transformations on characters not taking a major role in the story.
2I must disagree greatly. In no way is it impossible just because there won't be sets. In fact, if there aren't going to be sets, then the story team can have characters change, because then they aren't restricted by what is going to happen with the sets.
3I can still clearly remember that Greg said that nobody can wear ignika because he would become too powerfull...or not?
4Hmm. No, he's never said that. As others have pointed out, somebody has to wear it to use it. Perhaps you were thinking of it being impossible for there to be a Toa of Life? It has been said that this is impossible because Life is too powerful of an element for Toa to control.
6Yes thats it but remember what happened to Takua when he put the Mask of Light on. He has become a Toa of Light...I just wonder what happens when you put the Ignika on...probably the same but you will become a Toa of Life? Maybe not for long but you probably will...
1Just something about Brutaka...
2Hey Greg, I have a question for you. 31) I recently read somewhere that Brutaka used to work for the BoM. However, in Bionicle World it says "Ex-Dark Hunters or former servants of the Brotherhood of Makuta are also not welcome in our ranks." If Brutaka is a former BoM servant, why did the OoMN let him join them?
4Because he was recruited before that rule was made and long, long before the BOM went bad. Keep in mind BIONICLE World was written close to 100,000 years after his recruitment
15I don't want to answer these as they touch on future storyline issues.1Okay, first some facts:The Mainland is (at least) partially flooded 2Voya Nui left behind a hole in the dome of TWTFTW 3TWTFTW is lower than the MainlandSo some of the water that flooded the Mainland drained down into TWTFTW (I assume). Did this damage TWTFTW at all, or inhibit its ability to perform its purpose?
4Thanks, 5-?
6Yes and yes.
71. Was any of the water that drained into TWTFTW mutagenic? 82. Is it still flooded? (Skip #3 & 4 if it isn't) 93. How deep is the flooding? Like, 10 ft., 50 ft., 100 ft? 104. Is the only way to fix TWTFTW to remove all the water? 115. Did the water do anything to "the wellspring of flame" in TWTFTW? 126. Is TWTFTW within the "Swamp of Secrets"?
13Thanks a lot, Greg, 14-?
16If the water is deep enough in TWTFTW, the Mahri could survive there without having to mutate.
1It almost certainly does. The story team wouldn't do two major transformations on characters not taking a major role in the story.
2I must disagree greatly. In no way is it impossible just because there won't be sets. In fact, if there aren't going to be sets, then the story team can have characters change, because then they aren't restricted by what is going to happen with the sets.
3I can still clearly remember that Greg said that nobody can wear ignika because he would become too powerfull...or not?
4Hmm. No, he's never said that. As others have pointed out, somebody has to wear it to use it. Perhaps you were thinking of it being impossible for there to be a Toa of Life? It has been said that this is impossible because Life is too powerful of an element for Toa to control.
6I never said they COULDN'T do that-They most certainly could-But the thing is, they /won't/ do that. You must remember the story exists for the sole purpose to sell the sets. If the Rahaga won't be sets, then the story team has no reason to change them. A mention in a book, perhaps, but nothing majorly drastic like a transformation.
1It almost certainly does. The story team wouldn't do two major transformations on characters not taking a major role in the story.
2I must disagree greatly. In no way is it impossible just because there won't be sets. In fact, if there aren't going to be sets, then the story team can have characters change, because then they aren't restricted by what is going to happen with the sets.
3I can still clearly remember that Greg said that nobody can wear ignika because he would become too powerfull...or not?
4Hmm. No, he's never said that. As others have pointed out, somebody has to wear it to use it. Perhaps you were thinking of it being impossible for there to be a Toa of Life? It has been said that this is impossible because Life is too powerful of an element for Toa to control.
6I never said they COULDN'T do that-They most certainly could-But the thing is, they /won't/ do that. You must remember the story exists for the sole purpose to sell the sets. If the Rahaga won't be sets, then the story team has no reason to change them. A mention in a book, perhaps, but nothing majorly drastic like a transformation.
7If we're right about our theory then they'll be getting a transformation in the next Nuva Blog... Anyway Lego Universe PM... But no news at that same time.
8Hi Greg: As the title says a few things... 91. Will Lego Universe be a Download, not a download, or you don't know/can't say? 102. Is LOU(Lego Online Universe is what the Acro stands for... Some people made it up.) an MMORPG like the Trailer makes it seem or not? 11I think that's all for now... Thanks Greg:
12I have no info on this, I am not involved in the project. It is being managed out of Denmark.
13Ah well.... I wish I knew who had info though...
1You mentioned in your blog something about '09 sets being tested in Oct. Tested on whome? Where? Will people be allowed to take and spread pictures?
2And do you know when your amazon blog will next be updated?
31) They are tested by focus groups of kids selected by a market research group employed by LEGO Company. And no, anyone who is part of the testing has to sign a confidentality agreement, breach of which can get them sued. You can't let pics of your products get out more than a year ahead of time, you would give your competition time to rush out knock-offs.
42) Probably this weekend, if I have time. 5--BufFooN
2And do you know when your amazon blog will next be updated?
31) They are tested by focus groups of kids selected by a market research group employed by LEGO Company. And no, anyone who is part of the testing has to sign a confidentality agreement, breach of which can get them sued. You can't let pics of your products get out more than a year ahead of time, you would give your competition time to rush out knock-offs.
42) Probably this weekend, if I have time. 5--BufFooN
1It almost certainly does. The story team wouldn't do two major transformations on characters not taking a major role in the story.
2I must disagree greatly. In no way is it impossible just because there won't be sets. In fact, if there aren't going to be sets, then the story team can have characters change, because then they aren't restricted by what is going to happen with the sets.
3I can still clearly remember that Greg said that nobody can wear ignika because he would become too powerfull...or not?
4Hmm. No, he's never said that. As others have pointed out, somebody has to wear it to use it. Perhaps you were thinking of it being impossible for there to be a Toa of Life? It has been said that this is impossible because Life is too powerful of an element for Toa to control.
6I never said they COULDN'T do that-They most certainly could-But the thing is, they /won't/ do that. You must remember the story exists for the sole purpose to sell the sets. If the Rahaga won't be sets, then the story team has no reason to change them. A mention in a book, perhaps, but nothing majorly drastic like a transformation.
7No actually ET's right only the main Toa ned to be sets, just because they transform doesn't mean they'll be main Toa.
1A couple quickies: 2You mentioned in your blog something about '09 sets being tested in Oct. Tested on whome? Where? Will people be allowed to take and spread pictures?
3And do you know when your amazon blog will next be updated?
41) They are tested by focus groups of kids selected by a market research group employed by LEGO Company. And no, anyone who is part of the testing has to sign a confidentality agreement, breach of which can get them sued. You can't let pics of your products get out more than a year ahead of time, you would give your competition time to rush out knock-offs.
52) Probably this weekend, if I have time. 6--RFT: 63
3And do you know when your amazon blog will next be updated?
41) They are tested by focus groups of kids selected by a market research group employed by LEGO Company. And no, anyone who is part of the testing has to sign a confidentality agreement, breach of which can get them sued. You can't let pics of your products get out more than a year ahead of time, you would give your competition time to rush out knock-offs.
52) Probably this weekend, if I have time. 6--RFT: 63
1I know I just sent you a PM, but I forgot to add one question.
2Bioniclestory.com describes the Kanohi Faxon's power as:
3Mask of Kindred- allows the user to duplicate the powers of Rahi beasts that share the same environment.
4Now, I have taken this definition literally, so I believe that Hahli is able to duplicate the powers of sea Rahi due to the fact that she is underwater, and that if she were to switch with, say, Jaller, he would be able to use the powers of sea Rahi as well, though he would be more limited since he has less knowledge of sea creatures.
5However, some other members believe that the Faxon grants the user powers of Rahi who are similar to them, in the sense that they share the same powers. Therefore, they believe that Hahli is able to use the powers of sea Rahi because of her ability to manipulate water, and if she were to trade with Jaller he would have the powers of, say, the Kanohi Dragon, because he is a Toa of Fire, despite the fact that he is currently in the ocean.
6Which definition is correct?
7The first one is correct. "Environment" means environment, not element.
8Finally, the Faxon debate has been resolved:
1Yes thats it but remember what happened to Takua when he put the Mask of Light on. He has become a Toa of Light...I just wonder what happens when you put the Ignika on...probably the same but you will become a Toa of Life? Maybe not for long but you probably will...2No, matoran can only become Toa of their element. Takua was already a Matoran of light.
1dear greg, 2there is somthing that is pressing my mind. 3is the bionicle universe a bunch of solar systems and galexies like our universe or is it just a planet with a star and more stars for a stary night sky? 4if the first case is the case and the inhabitants just have no concept of planets, i'll be laughing hard
5with all due respect, 6n.t.d.r.7Why would the inhabitants have any concept of planets? If you lived your entire life in your basement, with no windows, would you have any concept of grass and trees and sunlight? No. These beings have lived their entire existence inside of domes, so why would they know anything about the world beyond, or even that there was one?
8very strange that they would have no comcept of planets. 9I wish he could have been clearer as to the question of "are there more planets and galexies" 10i'm guessing that he ment that there was only constellations and a planet 11that means that there are no world maps or anything. 12dosen't that seem strange?

1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
31a. Does the Order know about TWTFTW? 41b. Does Axonn know about TWTFTW, where it is?
52. Does the shape of Voya Nui has any special meaning?
63. Where are Axonn and the Mahritoran at the moment?
74. Do the Swamp of Secrets and TWTFTW have any connection?
85a. The Toa Mahri can no longer breath air, correct? 95b. While the Ignika transformed the Inika, it gave them random Kanohi's and weapons, correct? 105c. The Ignika should think about the most important thing when it transformed the Inika, make them water breathers, and now they are no longer air breathers. But, they have to use the Ignika on the right place. But, it can't be above the water, since the Inika are now water breathers, so, can I say now that TWTFTW lies underwater?
116a. TWTFTW is not called the world that feeds the world for no reason, it is fed by something, by some kind of energy, is the energy that it gets, created on TWTFTW itself, or does it gets the energy from other places? 126b. If TWTFTW does not create it owns energy, it get's it from somewhere, does it get continuesly energy, or does the power source just send fragments of energy like around an hour?
137. Hydraxon doesn't see the Robotic Guards as escapees, correct?
148. Since TSO wants to make an offer to the Nuva, he doesn't kill them. Let's say he just sees them as intruders, then would they be dead by now?
159. Why did Makuta allowed the Toa Mahri to escape with the Ignika? (Ignition #10)
1610. Why don't you want meet Crystal Vipers (or something like that) on a sunny day?
1711. Where (wich place) did the Toa Mata trained?
1812. Did Brutaka also worked for the BoM? (Since he also worked for the HoA.)
19Thanks for your time.
201) Yes 211a) He knows it exists, I doubt he has ever been there, so I doubt he knows where it is 222) No, the shape it is in now is the result of new land being added by cooling lava over time. That's not its original shape 233) In chambers beneath Voya Nui 244) I can't discuss 2008 storyline 255a) Correct 265b) It gave them the weapons it felt they would benefit from 275c) No, you can't, because while there is some water there, it is not underwater, nor is it necessary for the Ignika to be air-breathers to be able to do what they have to there. 286a) Can't answer it 296b) Can't answer it 307) No 318) He certainly would have tried to kill them, doesn't mean he would have succeeded. 329) Follow the story and find out 3310) Because the sunlight reflected through their crystalline forms is lethal 3411) Daxia 3512) Brutaka did not work for the HOA - he was recruited into the Order from the BOM
36I really have a quote somewhere that Brutaka worked for the HoA. Oh well, it's some new info on Brutaka to me.
37Too bad he couldn't answer #6
1Yes Greg does change his mind a lot.
1Actually he's very consistent, considering the sheer amount of storyline he has to rattle off from memory when answering these questions. And unless I am mistaken, Greg only said Axonn was in the HoA, not Brutaka.
11: Seeing as Mata Nui is dead, is the Mask of Life now powerless?
22: When someone wears the Ignika, do they transform into, say, a Toa Ignika? Or do they retain their original forms?
33: Seeing as the BoM are making a set appearance(s), will we be seeing Kraata again?
51) No 62) No, they would not turn into a Toa Ignika. 73) No
82: Would it be possible for the Mask of Life to create a body for itself or transform into a Toa Ignika? Somewhat like Majora's mask from the Zelda series, where it grew a body at the end of the game to better defend itself.
9Follow the story and find out
10I've always suspected the mask of life to be like Majora's mask--the way it functions. His answer seems very suspicious: Surely if it wasn't going to do something of the like he would have said it could. Curious... Dang, how cool would that be if it did?
11: Seeing as Mata Nui is dead, is the Mask of Life now powerless?
22: When someone wears the Ignika, do they transform into, say, a Toa Ignika? Or do they retain their original forms?
33: Seeing as the BoM are making a set appearance(s), will we be seeing Kraata again?
51) No 62) No, they would not turn into a Toa Ignika. 73) No
82: Would it be possible for the Mask of Life to create a body for itself or transform into a Toa Ignika? Somewhat like Majora's mask from the Zelda series, where it grew a body at the end of the game to better defend itself.
9Follow the story and find out
10I've always suspected the mask of life to be like Majora's mask--the way it functions. His answer seems very suspicious: Surely if it wasn't going to do something of the like he would have said it could. Curious... Dang, how cool would that be if it did?
12Interesting. I wonder if we'll be seeing a Link typ- Oh wait we already have that. His name is Lewa Nuva

11: Seeing as Mata Nui is dead, is the Mask of Life now powerless?
22: When someone wears the Ignika, do they transform into, say, a Toa Ignika? Or do they retain their original forms?
33: Seeing as the BoM are making a set appearance(s), will we be seeing Kraata again?
51) No 62) No, they would not turn into a Toa Ignika. 73) No
82: Would it be possible for the Mask of Life to create a body for itself or transform into a Toa Ignika? Somewhat like Majora's mask from the Zelda series, where it grew a body at the end of the game to better defend itself.
9Follow the story and find out
10I've always suspected the mask of life to be like Majora's mask--the way it functions. His answer seems very suspicious: Surely if it wasn't going to do something of the like he would have said it could. Curious... Dang, how cool would that be if it did?
12Interesting. I wonder if we'll be seeing a Link typ- Oh wait we already have that. His name is Lewa Nuva![]()
13What about a Zelda villain?

1Hello Greg. It's been a lot time since I last PM'ed you. I didn't want to disrupt You, or take Your precious time. But now after few months, I think it's the right moment to ask You about some things... 21)Nowadays, many people ask You what is Mata-Nui's destiny. I became interested of what would happen with him if it's fullfuilled. I don't think he's going to change into Turaga... 32)When are You going to reveal who trained the Toa? You told someone few days ago, that You will, when the poll runs for few more days. It has been a few days ago, and I think that BZP members are getting kind of impatient. 43) 5QUOTE 61. The hole that voya nui created when it blasted through the roof, did it repair itself, since voya nui is going back on its own since being freed, or is there still a hole in the mainland dome?
71) There is still a hole, so it can pass back through
8And nothing is going to repair this hole? 94)When are You going to reveal some new facts about the Red Star? 105)What caused Voya-Nui to break off of the mainland and fly away? I'm wondering especially about the latter. 116)I heard recently for the first time about creature called Kraata-Kal. What is it? 127)Makuta of MN is the leader of BOM, correct? If yes, he became the leader because he was the strongest, or because he had the best plan to finish off Mata-Nui? 13And propably some questions You can't answer. If You don't want to, don't bother... 148)Is Botar the leader of the Order? 158a)If not, when we will learn about who's the leader? 169) I was thinking a lot about the Red Star recently. It's one of the biggest mysteries in Bionicle world, and propably it's the one, which interests me the most. I've made up a nice theory about it. I think that RS is a point on the sky, which shows the current position of Ignika. That's why it was moving on the sky (because Voya-Nui was floating around), and that's why it turned the six Matoran into Toa Inika (because they came too close). Don't even think that You might be allowed to answer it, but I just had to.
17I don't think that's all of my questions, but I can't think of any more You could answer. Very big thanks for everything You're doing for Bionicle, and for BZP. And of course for answers as well.
18P.S. I hope I didn't make a lot of grammar errors...
191) Since Mata Nui is not a Toa, he cannot become a Turaga. 202) Already been revealed, check out the first post in the poll topic 213) Follow the story and find out 224) I have no plans to at this time. It's not relevant to current story 235) The Great Cataclysm 246) Kraata-Kal is a Dark Hunter 257) Because they were following his plan 268) No 278a) In BIONICLE Legends #10 289) Interesting theory, but not one I can comment on one way or the other
29Read that? My theory is interesting

30Some things might be interesting for some people... I guess...
1Nothing at all:
2I believe you said that Kongu would use his mask against Gadunka and his new "friends" (I think it was because he was trying to un-summon them), with "interesting results." I also remember that when someone asked what would happen to the Zyglak in the cord, you said "wait and see." 3So, will Kongu, when using his mask, summon the Zyglak to battle the monsters? There are many of them, and the Toa would get enough time to escape . 4Nope -- fate of the Zyglak has already been determined before that scene takes place.
5It was a good theory, wasn't it? 6Khote
2I believe you said that Kongu would use his mask against Gadunka and his new "friends" (I think it was because he was trying to un-summon them), with "interesting results." I also remember that when someone asked what would happen to the Zyglak in the cord, you said "wait and see." 3So, will Kongu, when using his mask, summon the Zyglak to battle the monsters? There are many of them, and the Toa would get enough time to escape . 4Nope -- fate of the Zyglak has already been determined before that scene takes place.
5It was a good theory, wasn't it? 6Khote
1Since this is the OGD, and in case anyone doesn't know about this yet:
2UPDATE: Well, the winner of the poll seems to be Makuta of Metru Nui, but alas, that is not the right answer.
3Let's go into who it wasn't, then reveal who it was:
4Makuta of Metru Nui: Two things argue against this. One, the Toa Nuva were on Daxia at the time, and Makuta knows nothing of the Order of Mata Nui, so he couldn't have been there. Also, while Makuta is a very formidable opponent, he tends to rely on his 40 powers rather than physical combat skills -- the Toa were being trained as much in physical combat as anything else.
5Artakha - The Toa Nuva did come into being on Artakha's island, but they were not active there. And Artakha is a creator, he is not an expert in physical combat. The only fight we have ever known him to have is one with Karzahni.
6Karzahni - Easily eliminated, since he didn't even know there was such a thing as Toa until a week or so ago.
7Roodaka - Roodaka didn't exist at this point in time.
8Axonn - He was my second choice for the job, but I ruled him out because when he meets the Toa Nuva (Gali in particular), he doesn't display any recognition of them. Given his mask, the fact that they had changed form somewhat would not have fooled him.
9Brutaka - Same problem as Makuta, he was working for the BOM at this time, and so would not have known anything about the Order.
10Lesovikk - Lesovikk's team had only recently been formed at the time of the Toa Mata's creation and was occupied elsewhere.
11Mata Nui -- Never has direct contact with pretty much anyone, plus there is no evidence he has skills in physical combat.
12None of the above - No, that would have been kind of cheap to do.
13And the winner is -- Hydraxon:
14Why? 15-- Skilled in combat and a weapons master 16-- The Pit did not exist yet this early, not as a functional jail, because there weren't any prisoners for it yet. He went on to that assignment after he finished training the Mata. 17-- Since he never encountered the Mata or the Nuva, there was no problem with him not recognizing them in prior story.
1Since this is the OGD, and in case anyone doesn't know about this yet: 2UPDATE: Well, the winner of the poll seems to be Makuta of Metru Nui, but alas, that is not the right answer.
3Let's go into who it wasn't, then reveal who it was:
4Makuta of Metru Nui: Two things argue against this. One, the Toa Nuva were on Daxia at the time, and Makuta knows nothing of the Order of Mata Nui, so he couldn't have been there. Also, while Makuta is a very formidable opponent, he tends to rely on his 40 powers rather than physical combat skills -- the Toa were being trained as much in physical combat as anything else.
5Artakha - The Toa Nuva did come into being on Artakha's island, but they were not active there. And Artakha is a creator, he is not an expert in physical combat. The only fight we have ever known him to have is one with Karzahni.
6Karzahni - Easily eliminated, since he didn't even know there was such a thing as Toa until a week or so ago.
7Roodaka - Roodaka didn't exist at this point in time.
8Axonn - He was my second choice for the job, but I ruled him out because when he meets the Toa Nuva (Gali in particular), he doesn't display any recognition of them. Given his mask, the fact that they had changed form somewhat would not have fooled him.
9Brutaka - Same problem as Makuta, he was working for the BOM at this time, and so would not have known anything about the Order.
10Lesovikk - Lesovikk's team had only recently been formed at the time of the Toa Mata's creation and was occupied elsewhere.
11Mata Nui -- Never has direct contact with pretty much anyone, plus there is no evidence he has skills in physical combat.
12None of the above - No, that would have been kind of cheap to do.
13And the winner is -- Hydraxon:
14Why? 15-- Skilled in combat and a weapons master 16-- The Pit did not exist yet this early, not as a functional jail, because there weren't any prisoners for it yet. He went on to that assignment after he finished training the Mata. 17-- Since he never encountered the Mata or the Nuva, there was no problem with him not recognizing them in prior story.
19I don't think it was necessery. In fact, we already have a topic to discuss the trainer of Toa Mata...
1dear greg, 2there is somthing that is pressing my mind. 3is the bionicle universe a bunch of solar systems and galexies like our universe or is it just a planet with a star and more stars for a stary night sky? 4if the first case is the case and the inhabitants just have no concept of planets, i'll be laughing hard
5with all due respect, 6n.t.d.r.7Why would the inhabitants have any concept of planets? If you lived your entire life in your basement, with no windows, would you have any concept of grass and trees and sunlight? No. These beings have lived their entire existence inside of domes, so why would they know anything about the world beyond, or even that there was one?
8very strange that they would have no comcept of planets. 9I wish he could have been clearer as to the question of "are there more planets and galexies" 10i'm guessing that he ment that there was only constellations and a planet 11that means that there are no world maps or anything. 12dosen't that seem strange?
13neo. tyranus. darth. rodakhshus.
14He means that what the matoran think is the universe is really just a section of a planet. There are other planets, but if they have sentinent life is still to be determined.
1Adding to Cytua's post, there are no plans to introduce space travel to Bionicle, so other planet's existance is irrelevant.
1question #1 probably isn't new, but I haven't heard of anyone asking #2
8I don't remember putting the sunglasses smily in there...
2Hey Greg, two questions 31a) The OoMN doesn't know about Hydraxon 2, right? 4If they did, would they consider him a member?
52) If a matoran were to come into being on Metru Nui after the matoran repopulated it, would they be a Metrutoran or would they be a MoLtoran? It seems to me that they'd be Metrutoran but wouldn't they feel a bit left out being different from the others?
61) No, they don't, and no, they would not. 72) They would resemble the Metru Nui Matoran of 2004, because they were not subjected to the changes those Matoran went through just before and during their time on Mata Nui.
8I don't remember putting the sunglasses smily in there...
1question #1 probably isn't new, but I haven't heard of anyone asking #2 2Hey Greg, two questions 31a) The OoMN doesn't know about Hydraxon 2, right? 4If they did, would they consider him a member?
52) If a matoran were to come into being on Metru Nui after the matoran repopulated it, would they be a Metrutoran or would they be a MoLtoran? It seems to me that they'd be Metrutoran but wouldn't they feel a bit left out being different from the others?
61) No, they don't, and no, they would not. 72) They would resemble the Metru Nui Matoran of 2004, because they were not subjected to the changes those Matoran went through just before and during their time on Mata Nui.
8I don't remember putting the sunglasses smily in there...
9When you put "B" and ")" together, it makes that smiley

11: Seeing as Mata Nui is dead, is the Mask of Life now powerless?
22: When someone wears the Ignika, do they transform into, say, a Toa Ignika? Or do they retain their original forms?
33: Seeing as the BoM are making a set appearance(s), will we be seeing Kraata again?
51) No 62) No, they would not turn into a Toa Ignika. 73) No
82: Would it be possible for the Mask of Life to create a body for itself or transform into a Toa Ignika? Somewhat like Majora's mask from the Zelda series, where it grew a body at the end of the game to better defend itself.
9Follow the story and find out
10I've always suspected the mask of life to be like Majora's mask--the way it functions. His answer seems very suspicious: Surely if it wasn't going to do something of the like he would have said it could. Curious... Dang, how cool would that be if it did?
12Interesting. I wonder if we'll be seeing a Link typ- Oh wait we already have that. His name is Lewa Nuva![]()
13What about a Zelda villain?So Toa Ignika huh...? I'm wondering If the Mask Itself can be the destined user...
14To be honest I had suspected something like that back in 2006. But I thought it would create itself a Matoran-like Body. That would have been even a bigger ambiguity. The most powerful mask in the universe with a simple Matoran body. 15However I believe the mask will not be its own user but maybe take on the last part of the journey to its user on its own...
1Hello Greg. I recently read the BIONICLE Encyclopedia and I have a few questions I was hoping you could answer:
21.) It's kind of a dumb question, but I was wondering how exactly did Pridak fuse 10,000 Takea shark teeth together to form his Shark-Tooth Blade?
32.) Will we ever see the stories of Makuta possessing Matoro, Vezon geting carried off by murderous Zyglak, Lessovikk's "Hiatus", and the destruction of realm of Karzahni?
43.) Finally, my big question. Why wasn't the name of the First Toa revealed like it was suppossed to be? When will we learn her name?
5Thank you for your time.
61) Sheer brute strength by Nocturn 72) The Karzahni one you will, yes. Lesovikk's would be a flashback story, so probably not, and the other stuff is from the novel that got cut from the schedule. 83) Basically, since she is not playing any role in story, I can't justify taking a name off the approved list for her at this time -- those names cost $10,000 a piece to get cleared through Legal. If I can bring her in more later or at some point do an alt. model or something of her, then I can grab a name for her. Otherwise, at this point she never shows up, so no reason to name her.
9New PMs from Greg:
101.) Well, I guess Nocturn crushed them together or something like that.
112.) Whaa:

123.) DAAAAAAAAAAANG: $10,000 just to make a name like 'Tahu'? I guess it's cheaper than getting sued all the time though.

11. How would you compare The Pit to Alcatraz? 22. Why did Makuta did what he did to Mata Nui? What had Mata Nui ever done to him? 33. Can Kraata-Kal talk? 44. Is the Ignika more powerful than Takutanuva? If so, then Takutanuva can rival the Ignika by ability, right? 55. How do Matoran tell time? 66. If the Piraka and Barraki play dodgeball, which team would win?
71) You can be paroled from Alcatraz. You can also be released when you serve your time. Neither applies to the Pit. 82) If you want supreme power, and someone else has it, what else do you do? It's not like Mata Nui was going to retire and promote Makuta into his job. 93) Yes 104) Differently powered. Takutanuva, for example, can lift a massive stone door -- the Ignika cannot. Takutanuva had the powers of Takanuva and Makuta, but did not have control over life and death - the Ignika does. 115) Well, we know they have sundials, we saw one in 2001 126) I would say the Piraka would win, because Zaktan is made of protodites. Throw a ball at him, he will just open a hole in his body for it to pass right through -- or use his vision power to incinerate the ball before it gets near him.
1Jallerthebountyhunter PUT YOUR POST IN A SPOILER TAG
2Others have not actually read the encyclopedia. Dont go ruin it for them.
4As far as I know Encyclopedia-facts are allowed since Tuesday Sept 25th, so no need to put those things into a spiler tag anymore:
5You are correct in that they are allowed, but, as per the policy, only with a spoiler tag for the next few weeks.
6Actually he's very consistent, considering the sheer amount of storyline he has to rattle off from memory when answering these questions. And unless I am mistaken, Greg only said Axonn was in the HoA, not Brutaka.
7I hate to bring this back up, but I do disctinctly remember Greg saying at one point that Brutaka was in the Hand of Artakha. I could search this topic if I wanted to to find the quote. But, the point is moot, because what is stated in the encyclopedia is what is now fact.
1Jallerthebountyhunter PUT YOUR POST IN A SPOILER TAG
2Others have not actually read the encyclopedia. Dont go ruin it for them.
4As far as I know Encyclopedia-facts are allowed since Tuesday Sept 25th, so no need to put those things into a spiler tag anymore:
5You are correct in that they are allowed, but, as per the policy, only with a spoiler tag for the next few weeks.
6Actually he's very consistent, considering the sheer amount of storyline he has to rattle off from memory when answering these questions. And unless I am mistaken, Greg only said Axonn was in the HoA, not Brutaka.
7I hate to bring this back up, but I do disctinctly remember Greg saying at one point that Brutaka was in the Hand of Artakha. I could search this topic if I wanted to to find the quote. But, the point is moot, because what is stated in the encyclopedia is what is now fact.
9Thanks for clearing things up ET. 10Hope my Encyclopdia gets shipped to Germany soon so I can read everythign on my own: