1Comparing the Miru to a Kadin is like comparing a helicopter to an airplane. A Miru lets you manuver better, so the Kadin isn't all that superior.
2True but still, which one would you rather have?
3Well, if I were a Toa of Air, I would rather pick the Miru. It gives you more control, and since Toa of Air can push themselves with air currents, they're really not deprived of flight.![]()
4Nuparu, on the other hand, is not a Toa of Air, so in order for him to fly, he needed the Kadin because he cannot push himself with air currents.5
6Actually olny Lewa Nuva can do that by compinig his Miru, his air powers, and his Air Katanas, as a Mata he couldn't fly unless he used the gold mask to combine the Miru and the Kakama to give him an extra speed boost.
7His Air Katanas only made him more aerodynamic and gave him more control; if wind is blowing at you strong enough, regardless if you had wings or swords to help you glide, you would be pushed by the wind. So no, Lewa could fly before he was a Toa Nuva, he just had less control because he didn't have wing-like weapons.


1Well I'm pretty sure just a page or two back Greg said that Lewa had better maneuverability (sp?) or control because, as Hahli said, he combines the flight with levitation so he could stop mid air and yada yada....
1I just asked Greg so when he answers I'll clear this up.
11. What happened to Spinax in between his debut in Legends #7 and this battle with Makuta that I hear he's going to have in Legends #8?
22. Why is it that the new Hydraxon wasn't affected by Nocturn's "death touch"?
33. Did Brutaka's attack on Makuta stop the Nui Stone's reconstruction, or did it finish before Brutaka got the Staff of Artakha? Then again, would the Staff's removal have any effect once the process was started?
44. On a personal note, why did you decide to pit Brutaka against Makuta/Maxilos? Did it just work out that way with your stories, or did you share the dream some fans have had of seeing the two big bad Titans from 2006 and 2007 going head to head?
51) Nothing happened to him, he has been with Maxilos for most of that time, just not doing anything significant enough to be worth mentioning 62) Because at the time Nocturn touched him, he was not holding the mask. Once you are not in physical possession of the mask, the curse is lifted. 73) Yes, it did stop it. The staff needs to be used until the project is done, you can't stop in the middle 84) I brought him back because I am trying to tie up loose ends, and B's fate was a loose end.
91. I've noticed that you're trying to tie up loose ends-the Kanohi Dragon, the Rahaga, the Bohrok, and of course Brutaka-I do see that you're doing that. But aside from the fact that it helps wrap up the story, aren't you just a little bit excited by the prospect of writing about two nearly equal Titans meeting in battle? (Sure, Makuta has 40 powers or whatever, but I recall it being said that Brutaka had a power level nearly equal to his.)
102. What store is Icarax going to be exclusive for? I'd kind of like to know early, so I can arrange to obtain him as soon as possible after he comes out.
113. Are there any Makuta still out there who are opposed to the universal conquest thing? I know that the question was sort of answered in Bionicle World, but I'm just wondering because it would be typical of Bionicle to have one or more members of a group who ended up not going with the typical group ethic.
124. Why didn't Shadow Stealer join the Order of Mata Nui after the Hand of Artakha was reorganized?
135. Just what was up with 2003's Makuta Nui? I mean, Lego went through all the trouble of coming up with how to combine several sets for that (creating a combiner that looks noticeably similar to all descriptions of an Ash Bear) and then it doesn't get used in the storyline at all? Did Lego not let you do that, or did you just not have any idea how you were supposed to include it?
141) Not particularly, I have written big battles before. I don't jump up and down in my chair about them. 152) I don't have this info. 163) No, if they weren't fully on board, they're dead. As you say, that's typical of BIONICLE, which means been there, done that. 174) He chose not to. 185) You have to remember that 2003 was a movie year, and Makuta Nui was not in the movie. Given that Makuta was fighting through surrogates the whole year, and did not engage in combat himself until the fight with Takanuva (all of which was covered in the film), there was no way to show him in story in that form. There are numerous examples of combo models from early on in BIONICLE that never appeared in story, and the reason is always the same -- no room. These days, I try where I can to work them into the books, but I wasn't writing the books in 2003, Cathy Hapka was.
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg I'm havin a bit of an argument with another member, mabey you can clear it up for us.
3Could a toa of air fly by combining his power over air with a Miru. I know Lewa can because of his Air Katanas 4but without any aid from a toa tool?
5Thank you.
6Basically, yes, the same way Wonder Woman flies by riding wind currents in the old comics. But the katana aid in maneuvering.
7Well KopakaKurahk you were right and I was wrong, but that's alright with me because I learned something new from it, kudos
3Could a toa of air fly by combining his power over air with a Miru. I know Lewa can because of his Air Katanas 4but without any aid from a toa tool?
5Thank you.
6Basically, yes, the same way Wonder Woman flies by riding wind currents in the old comics. But the katana aid in maneuvering.
7Well KopakaKurahk you were right and I was wrong, but that's alright with me because I learned something new from it, kudos

1QUOTE 2Hey Greg I'm havin a bit of an argument with another member, mabey you can clear it up for us.
3Could a toa of air fly by combining his power over air with a Miru. I know Lewa can because of his Air Katanas 4but without any aid from a toa tool?
5Thank you.
6Basically, yes, the same way Wonder Woman flies by riding wind currents in the old comics. But the katana aid in maneuvering.
7Well KopakaKurahk you were right and I was wrong, but that's alright with me because I learned something new from it, kudos
8It's okay. I've been wrong plenty of times in Storyline & Theories and here, so don't feel too bad.


11.) Voya Mahri Nui rocketed out of a dome and left a gaping hole in the dome, which hasn't been plugged at all, right?
22.) How is it the entire dome isn't filled with water now?
33.) How will Voya Nui's return fix the hole problem?
44.) Do you think having Makuta as canister sets cheapens the characters at all? Instead of big and "boss" like it seems to make them feel more run-of-the-mill...
55.) These Makuta wear Kanohi? 65b.) Would you say all Kanohi of that type have the uber-creepy-silly look or are they making use of their shapeshifting powers on the masks?
76.) Can we assume the forms that these Makuta are taking are not their originals? I mean, they look pure dag-nasty evil, and at one point they were good guys...
87.) If Icarax is wearing the MoS, where's the mask he usually wears? 97b.) Will we find out what that mask was?
108.) I can understand how Artahka/OoMN wouldn't have immediately known that something bad happend to delay the Toa Mata from their mission. But after a couple hundred yearrrs why wasn't anyone sent to check up on the situation?
119.) Does Kopaka have a jet pack? I ask because the wings look artificial rather than biomechanical.
1210.) I'm pretty sure this as been asked before, but I forgot... anyway, is it just coinsidence that Voya Nui came to rest just above the Pit?
1311.) I don't think this has been asked: Is the first Toa the Toa who's in stasis?
1412.) Do you know what theoretically would happen if you took two shards of the Nui Stone to other sides of the world, used the SoA on one to recreate it, and then tried to use it on the other?
15Thanks a lot:
161-3) Okay, let me try to explain this. First of all, Mahri Nui did not yet exist at the time VN was ejected -- it formed from cooling lava during the time VN was floating on the ocean.
17Now, for my classic egg analogy -- you have Egg A and Egg B. Egg A (the mainland) surrounds the universe core (the yolk) and is inside Egg B. Part of Egg A (VN) breaks off, leaving a hole in Egg A, and breaks a hole in the shell of Egg B. Water from outside comes down through the Egg B hole and into Egg A, and so into the core. The entire interior of Egg A is not filled with water because it is VAST. And when VN returns to where it is supposed to go, the hole in Egg A is sealed. As for how the hole in Egg B gets sealed, watch the Nuva blog for that answer.
184) No, I don't. I think it makes MOMN look more impressive because he was a titan set. If they were all titans, it would make him look less impressive. In addition, since we aren't going to do six titan sets in a year normally, you wouldn't be able to have as many Makuta. We did discuss doing "minions of Makuta" for the 2008 villains and decided that a final battle had to be Nuva vs. BOM or it was a cheat.
195) Yes, they do, and their masks are affected by their shapeshifting same as MOMN's would be. No point in shapeshifting if your mask always looks the same, right?
206) Yes, you can assume that. They are in an environment where they need to fly, so they take on the aspect of winged creatures.
217) It's probably at his lair in the dome of Karzahni. And no, it's really not relevant to the story what he used to wear.
228) Well, the OOMN had someone on Mata Nui, so that was part of his job. He got killed, and even if he hadn't, it's doubtful he could have done anything because it was Takua's destiny to bring them to shore.
239) I don't want to go into details on '08 sets.
2410) Yes
2511) It has been asked, answer's no
2612) Interesting question. I am assuming it wouldn't work, otherwise why would Makuta insist on getting as many Nui stone fragments as he could to recreate it, as opposed to just taking one, and then doing exactly what you suggest with the others later?
27So, if Makuta #5 has the Mask of Cool Stuff, the mask is -not- in the same shape a Toa's Mask of Cool Stuff would be. I'm very relieved...
28As for #8..... sigh. I don't think we'll ever get a straight answer. Don't get me wrong, it's not Greg's fault or anything. When you add more and more details to a story, things are bound to get cluttered in some places. Still, it's an awefully big plot hole in my opinion...
22.) How is it the entire dome isn't filled with water now?
33.) How will Voya Nui's return fix the hole problem?
44.) Do you think having Makuta as canister sets cheapens the characters at all? Instead of big and "boss" like it seems to make them feel more run-of-the-mill...
55.) These Makuta wear Kanohi? 65b.) Would you say all Kanohi of that type have the uber-creepy-silly look or are they making use of their shapeshifting powers on the masks?
76.) Can we assume the forms that these Makuta are taking are not their originals? I mean, they look pure dag-nasty evil, and at one point they were good guys...
87.) If Icarax is wearing the MoS, where's the mask he usually wears? 97b.) Will we find out what that mask was?
108.) I can understand how Artahka/OoMN wouldn't have immediately known that something bad happend to delay the Toa Mata from their mission. But after a couple hundred yearrrs why wasn't anyone sent to check up on the situation?
119.) Does Kopaka have a jet pack? I ask because the wings look artificial rather than biomechanical.
1210.) I'm pretty sure this as been asked before, but I forgot... anyway, is it just coinsidence that Voya Nui came to rest just above the Pit?
1311.) I don't think this has been asked: Is the first Toa the Toa who's in stasis?
1412.) Do you know what theoretically would happen if you took two shards of the Nui Stone to other sides of the world, used the SoA on one to recreate it, and then tried to use it on the other?
15Thanks a lot:
161-3) Okay, let me try to explain this. First of all, Mahri Nui did not yet exist at the time VN was ejected -- it formed from cooling lava during the time VN was floating on the ocean.
17Now, for my classic egg analogy -- you have Egg A and Egg B. Egg A (the mainland) surrounds the universe core (the yolk) and is inside Egg B. Part of Egg A (VN) breaks off, leaving a hole in Egg A, and breaks a hole in the shell of Egg B. Water from outside comes down through the Egg B hole and into Egg A, and so into the core. The entire interior of Egg A is not filled with water because it is VAST. And when VN returns to where it is supposed to go, the hole in Egg A is sealed. As for how the hole in Egg B gets sealed, watch the Nuva blog for that answer.
184) No, I don't. I think it makes MOMN look more impressive because he was a titan set. If they were all titans, it would make him look less impressive. In addition, since we aren't going to do six titan sets in a year normally, you wouldn't be able to have as many Makuta. We did discuss doing "minions of Makuta" for the 2008 villains and decided that a final battle had to be Nuva vs. BOM or it was a cheat.
195) Yes, they do, and their masks are affected by their shapeshifting same as MOMN's would be. No point in shapeshifting if your mask always looks the same, right?
206) Yes, you can assume that. They are in an environment where they need to fly, so they take on the aspect of winged creatures.
217) It's probably at his lair in the dome of Karzahni. And no, it's really not relevant to the story what he used to wear.
228) Well, the OOMN had someone on Mata Nui, so that was part of his job. He got killed, and even if he hadn't, it's doubtful he could have done anything because it was Takua's destiny to bring them to shore.
239) I don't want to go into details on '08 sets.
2410) Yes
2511) It has been asked, answer's no
2612) Interesting question. I am assuming it wouldn't work, otherwise why would Makuta insist on getting as many Nui stone fragments as he could to recreate it, as opposed to just taking one, and then doing exactly what you suggest with the others later?
27So, if Makuta #5 has the Mask of Cool Stuff, the mask is -not- in the same shape a Toa's Mask of Cool Stuff would be. I'm very relieved...
28As for #8..... sigh. I don't think we'll ever get a straight answer. Don't get me wrong, it's not Greg's fault or anything. When you add more and more details to a story, things are bound to get cluttered in some places. Still, it's an awefully big plot hole in my opinion...
1QUOTE 2Mr Farshtey, I hope you can answer some questions of mine: 31)In the cord, how do the Toa Mahri speak with Axonn? I mean the latter is an air breather, while the Toa breathe water. 42)Where did Lesovikk fight the Rahi Nui and how he defeated it? If you can't tell me can you tell me if and when 5it's gonna get revealed? 63) How comes the matoran of Voya Nui didn't drown when the island rocketed up? How comes the Endless Ocean didn't submerge the Mainland when Voya Nui got through the dome?
71) But sound carries very well in water, which is why sonar works. 82) I don't plan to reveal that, as I have no room to tell the story. 93a) Happened too fast 103b) Water flowed down through the hole in the dome roof made by Voya Nui like a waterfall, and into the universe core (where there was also a hole, due to VN breaking off the mainland). So all the water went into the core.
71) But sound carries very well in water, which is why sonar works. 82) I don't plan to reveal that, as I have no room to tell the story. 93a) Happened too fast 103b) Water flowed down through the hole in the dome roof made by Voya Nui like a waterfall, and into the universe core (where there was also a hole, due to VN breaking off the mainland). So all the water went into the core.
111.) I don't think this has been asked: Is the first Toa the Toa who's in stasis? 211) It has been asked, answer's no
3Yeah, I asked that, I thought I was onto something.
4It's a pity that the Toa in stasis isn't the first toa.That would've made a great plot twist.But she's showing up next year so it should be promising.
1Nice information greenlantern.
1Hi, I have two quickish questions21) What's the difference between the power of a Great Kiril and the Staff of Artakha?
32) Does the Staff of Artakha have another name?
41) As you will see before the year is out, SOA has much greater range, for one thing 52) No
6Now what is so large that it needs a "greater range" to be fixed, I wonder? I wonder if it can rebuild a certain ruined city...
11) As you will see before the year is out, SOA has much greater range, for one thing
2And the pieces just clicked together.
3Didn't he recently say they the big hole in Voya Nui's dome would be solved in one of the serials? My money's on the SoA here.
4But if that's true, and if that's the main reason the Nuva had to get the Staff in the first place, it raises some interesting questions. Whoever wrote "the list" knew that if MN got knocked out that Voya Nui would blast off and out of it's dome? Weeeeird:
11) As you will see before the year is out, SOA has much greater range, for one thing
2And the pieces just clicked together.
3Didn't he recently say they the big hole in Voya Nui's dome would be solved in one of the serials? My money's on the SoA here.
4But if that's true, and if that's the main reason the Nuva had to get the Staff in the first place, it raises some interesting questions. Whoever wrote "the list" knew that if MN got knocked out that Voya Nui would blast off and out of it's dome? Weeeeird:
5The same way they knew that EP would leak onto Mata Nui, and created the Bohrok. The Great Beings knew exactly what would happen. But you're right, it is weeeeird:


1I wonder if it'll be in a flashback, or present time or something.
1Is there any plan to release new elements soon?
2As sets, or in story?
3In the story.
4Yes -- keep your eye on the Dreams of Destruction serial on www.BIONICLEstory.com
5That'll be interesting.My bets on lightning.
6Well, that was one thing I was wondering about. Will it be like most of the Kal powers, which weren't elements before there were Toa of<inster Kal power>, or will it be completely unknown, like Plantlife? If it's the first, I'd go with Electricity, but if it's a never-before-seen power, I'd go for Metal.
7jimmybob, Greg did say recently that we'd see how the Nuva fix the shell in Egg A (his oh-so-useful egg analogy) in the GNB. It clicked then for me, too. And I wouldn't say that the GB's would know they'd need the SoA the same way that they knew about the EP leak - the Bohrok weren't necessarily made to counter the EP leak. They could have had earthquakes, volcanoes, or military bases in mind, and the Bohrok would have been just as effective. However, looking at what the UC is ("wellspring of flame"; theories saying it's a massive power plant generating Elemental Energy), the catastrophic results if Mata Nui was forcibly made to sleep could have been foreseen.
4That is certainly possible.3They are saying that they were one of the first prize winners of the LEGO BIONICLE Rahi Building Challenge, so I was assuming that the Night Creeper was one of those models that wasn't sent to LEGO, and so no official images of it exist.1I just have one question...Is this the Night Creeper?2Night creeper appears in the appendix of the Rahi Guide, but there is no image of it in the book. Since the person who built the MOC isn't calling it a night creeper, what's the inspiration for your question?
15.) These Makuta wear Kanohi? 25b.) Would you say all Kanohi of that type have the uber-creepy-silly look or are they making use of their shapeshifting powers on the masks?
35) Yes, they do, and their masks are affected by their shapeshifting same as MOMN's would be. No point in shapeshifting if your mask always looks the same, right?
4So, if Makuta #5 has the Mask of Cool Stuff, the mask is -not- in the same shape a Toa's Mask of Cool Stuff would be. I'm very relieved...
5I wouldn't consider that case closed. While it's possible Greg knew what you ment by the way he answered it I seems he took it as are makuta capable of changing the shape of their masks as they shapeshift. I dont think he got that you ment in their current forms are the makuta's kanohi in their natural forms? Though it could just be me.
1Hi, I have two quickish questions21) What's the difference between the power of a Great Kiril and the Staff of Artakha?
32) Does the Staff of Artakha have another name?
41) As you will see before the year is out, SOA has much greater range, for one thing 52) No
6Now what is so large that it needs a "greater range" to be fixed, I wonder? I wonder if it can rebuild a certain ruined city...
7If your suggesting that the UC will be fixed by the SoA, remember that the SoA will not be appearing outside the Web Serials

1Hi, I have two quickish questions21) What's the difference between the power of a Great Kiril and the Staff of Artakha?
32) Does the Staff of Artakha have another name?
41) As you will see before the year is out, SOA has much greater range, for one thing 52) No
6Now what is so large that it needs a "greater range" to be fixed, I wonder? I wonder if it can rebuild a certain ruined city...
7If your suggesting that the UC will be fixed by the SoA, remember that the SoA will not be appearing outside the Web Serials![]()
8The hole in inner hole (the hole where Voya Nui is supposed to be) in going to be fixed when VN returns, as for the outer hole, get fixed in GNB. So yes, probably SoA.
1Hi, I have two quickish questions21) What's the difference between the power of a Great Kiril and the Staff of Artakha?
32) Does the Staff of Artakha have another name?
41) As you will see before the year is out, SOA has much greater range, for one thing 52) No
6Now what is so large that it needs a "greater range" to be fixed, I wonder? I wonder if it can rebuild a certain ruined city...
7If your suggesting that the UC will be fixed by the SoA, remember that the SoA will not be appearing outside the Web Serials![]()
8The hole in inner hole (the hole where Voya Nui is supposed to be) in going to be fixed when VN returns, as for the outer hole, get fixed in GNB. So yes, probably SoA.
9But the SoA won't be appearing outside the Web Serials...
1Hi, I have two quickish questions21) What's the difference between the power of a Great Kiril and the Staff of Artakha?
32) Does the Staff of Artakha have another name?
41) As you will see before the year is out, SOA has much greater range, for one thing 52) No
6Now what is so large that it needs a "greater range" to be fixed, I wonder? I wonder if it can rebuild a certain ruined city...
7If your suggesting that the UC will be fixed by the SoA, remember that the SoA will not be appearing outside the Web Serials![]()
8The hole in inner hole (the hole where Voya Nui is supposed to be) in going to be fixed when VN returns, as for the outer hole (in the mainland dome), get fixed in GNB. So yes, probably SoA.
9But the SoA won't be appearing outside the Web Serials...
10And GNB is a web serial, right? So there is a chance the outer hole will be fixed with SoA.
1I'm sorry to be a bother, but there seems to be a little confusion in the OGD over an answer you gave me. I'll see if I can be more clear: Let's say for argument that one of the Phantoka Makuta wears a Mask of Stuff. That's not the Mask of Stuff's official shape, right? Like, the Makuta just used his powers of shapeshifting to purposefully change his mask to look sinister, cuz he's evil. If a Toa wanted to wear a Mask of Stuff, its official shape would be different, (hopefully more Toa-ish,) correct?
2Yes, most likely. When a Makuta shapeshifts, then his mask's shape changes as well. Given how radically different most of the Makuta masks look in 2008 from the standard mask designs, it is probably unreasonable to assume those are the standard mask shapes for those powers.
3And we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
1Well just look at Makuta's Kraahkan. At the moment, we have three different shapes of it in plastic: the Makuta set shape, the movie edition shape (packaged w/ Takutanuva), and the Ultimate Dume mask piece. And we will most likey get a new shape with Icarax.
1Hey Greg I have some questions on the most misterious character out there, Artahka and his staff.
21) Does the staff actually have any connection to Artahka or is it just named after him because of it's power?
32) Would the staff of Artahka be powerful enough to fix, say Metru-Nui? 42a) The Universe Core?
53) I know it's unlikely we'll ever see Artahka but just incase, I don't suppose you have any plans to bring him out for the final battle.
6not really about Artahka but... 74) I might have just misread somethig you said but in one of your quotes you seem to say that the armor Artahka gives Kopaka and his team is not actually made for flying, is this true. 84a) If so where do his team get there flying gear? The Av-matoran? I understand if you can't answer this.
95) Do you know what Artahka looks like?
106) Could the Staff of Artahka possibly repair the damaged matoran from Karzahni? I'm pretty sure olny the mechanical parts are damaged.
117) Your description of Artahka seems a little grim for someone who runs what is essentually a paradise. Is he at least a reletively kind person?
12and one more not on Artahka... 138) Do you ever get enbarassed by the way some BZP members (Including me occasionally) talk about you, as though your some sort of deity?
14Thanks in advance.
151) It does have a connection, he made it. 162) Follow the story and find out 173) Not at the moment, no. The only fight we know Artakha ever had was with Karzahni - he is not a warrior, he is a scientist/creator type. So it's unlikely he would show up to fight. 184) You'll find this out in 2008. 195) No, not something I have worried about since I am not planning to show him. 206) I don't think so, no. Remember, some of these Matoran had mechanical/physical problems, and some just had rotten attitudes which is why they were sent to Karzahni in the first place. 217) Well, stop and think a moment. Karzahni was regarded as a paradise in Matoran legend -- and there is a huge difference between legend and fact. Also, given the choice between the realm of Karzahni and the realm of Artakha, which one would seem more like a paradise to you? It's all relative. 228) I don't really pay much attention to it. If I start getting a big head, I just remind myself that I didn't create BIONICLE, I am just playing with someone else's bat and ball.
231)That makes sence. 242)Actually the Metru-Nui part was partually for a fanfiction I'm writing. 253)Still Karzahni held his own for a while against the MoMN so I wouldn't say beating him is a small acomplishment, and he could still serve as a beacon of hope or something. 264)O.K.

31And one more thing that I forgot last time
329)I know Artakha is well informed but he can't be that well informed, I mean who brings him his info? He is a recluse after all
33Thanks again.
34No one knows how Artakha know what he knows, it is part of the mystery of the character
359)I figured as much
GregF Ja-Metru 1Hello, Greg. I have a few questions for you.
21. Since Light is an element that can counteract that powers of the element of Shadow, does that mean that the Av-Matoran's additional powers can be effective in battling the Makuta even though they are just Matoran and not Toa?
32. In the year the movie is released, will it be like previous movie years where basically two different stories are told?
43. The Toa Mata trained together, but did they ever actually work together? I ask this because when they arrived on Mata Nui, they were reluctant to work as a team.
54. How come co-packs of the next line of canister sets aren't available to be ordered via the comic or magazine anymore. The last one I remember was in 2004 for the Vahki.
65. In the final battle, will most of the loose ends be tied up in order to start the reboot? I know huge things like what the Red Star is will not be tied up?
76. What is one thing you miss about previous storylines when compared to the current ones?
87. The Toa Nuva will be getting new armor in Artakha, and their masks will be upgraded in appearance. In the storyline, will this be done to all of their Kanohi Nuva (i.e. - All six of Kopaka's Kanohi Nuva), or just the ones they are currently wearing? 97a. Would they be able to make new Nuva for Tahu to replace the ones he lost on Mata Nui?
108. How come Mata Nui did not have any protection? The Makuta had the Hagah, but Mata Nui was just left isolated. Did no one actually know where he is?
119. Have we ever met anyone in the story that has actually encountered Mata Nui and not known it?
1210. This is not really important to the story, but how was Lesovikk's hesitance what caused the death of his team? Were they planning a team attack or was there something he could have done using his powers that would have stopped the Zyglak? Maybe even killing the Zyglak which is something Toa don't do?
13Thank you for your time?
151) To an extent, yes 162) There are going to have to be at least side stories told, otherwise there is nothing to do in the comics and books. We can't tell the whole plot of the movie 6-9 months before it comes out. 173) Yes, they did. That gets detailed in Bionicle Legends #10 next year. 184) We used to do that through the LEGO Club Shop page, but if you have noticed, we don't do Club Shop pages at all anymore except sometimes in November. Reason is sales through the Club Magazine's Shop page were pretty poor in general and it was felt the page could be used for better things. 195) Some things will be, other things won't. 206) I don't really miss anything from past storylines. While I think 2001-2003 were good stories in their own right, they were also repetitive and I was so restricted in terms of the action I could show that I was writing with one hand behind my back. 217) I would assume all. 227a) No, there isn't time. 238) No, no one in the existing universe knows his location. And even if they did, Mata Nui was supremely powerful -- it took treachery to bring him down, at the hands of the group that would have been the ones most likely tasked to protect him from an external threat. 249) No. 2510) That gets revealed in a future chapter of Dreams of Destruction
11.what was idris doing that got her mutated? 22.how come idris and the aqua warblade don't have entries in the encyclopedia? 33.has voya nui reached the mainland yet? 44.what happened to all the hydruka in mahri nui?same thing for the rahi on voya nui 55.if the BOM don't know where the av-maroran are, how come they are invading them? 66.will ITD end with: 7a.makuta telling matoro the cord needs to be destroyed? 8b.matoro freezing makuta 97.will we learn more about lesovikks team(i.e. what elements the team had,how many members,etc.)? 108.will the krahkkan be in its "mask of light form"or will it be different when it's released with icarax? 119.will the name of the OOMN leader be told 1210.did the toa metru fight in the matoran civil war as matoran 1311.were the following ever matoran: 14jovan 15nihidiki 16lihkan 17lesovikk 18krakua 19toa hagah 2012.do you watch "24" 21thanks
221) All she had to be doing is be someplace in the ocean when her air bubble ran out. 232) Not everything could fit into the space I had to play with 243) No 254) There weren't that many Rahi on Voya Nui to start with, and the hydruka are ocean creatures to start with, so they will just stay in the ocean. 265) Well, obviously they know now -- you can't invade someone's land and not notice they're there. 276) I can't discuss this 287) Not a lot more, some 298) I don't have this info 309) Yes, in Bionicle Legends #10 3110) It's possible 3211) They all were. Only the Toa Mata/Nuva and the first Toa were not Matoran first. 3312) No
1Krakua was/is a matoran......very interesting.
1I think it's more interesting that Greg has narrowed down the non-matoran toa to just the first and the mata.
GregF Ja-Metru 1Hello, Greg. I have a few questions for you.
21. Since Light is an element that can counteract that powers of the element of Shadow, does that mean that the Av-Matoran's additional powers can be effective in battling the Makuta even though they are just Matoran and not Toa?
32. In the year the movie is released, will it be like previous movie years where basically two different stories are told?
43. The Toa Mata trained together, but did they ever actually work together? I ask this because when they arrived on Mata Nui, they were reluctant to work as a team.
54. How come co-packs of the next line of canister sets aren't available to be ordered via the comic or magazine anymore. The last one I remember was in 2004 for the Vahki.
65. In the final battle, will most of the loose ends be tied up in order to start the reboot? I know huge things like what the Red Star is will not be tied up?
76. What is one thing you miss about previous storylines when compared to the current ones?
87. The Toa Nuva will be getting new armor in Artakha, and their masks will be upgraded in appearance. In the storyline, will this be done to all of their Kanohi Nuva (i.e. - All six of Kopaka's Kanohi Nuva), or just the ones they are currently wearing? 97a. Would they be able to make new Nuva for Tahu to replace the ones he lost on Mata Nui?
108. How come Mata Nui did not have any protection? The Makuta had the Hagah, but Mata Nui was just left isolated. Did no one actually know where he is?
119. Have we ever met anyone in the story that has actually encountered Mata Nui and not known it?
1210. This is not really important to the story, but how was Lesovikk's hesitance what caused the death of his team? Were they planning a team attack or was there something he could have done using his powers that would have stopped the Zyglak? Maybe even killing the Zyglak which is something Toa don't do?
13Thank you for your time?
151) To an extent, yes 162) There are going to have to be at least side stories told, otherwise there is nothing to do in the comics and books. We can't tell the whole plot of the movie 6-9 months before it comes out. 173) Yes, they did. That gets detailed in Bionicle Legends #10 next year. 184) We used to do that through the LEGO Club Shop page, but if you have noticed, we don't do Club Shop pages at all anymore except sometimes in November. Reason is sales through the Club Magazine's Shop page were pretty poor in general and it was felt the page could be used for better things. 195) Some things will be, other things won't. 206) I don't really miss anything from past storylines. While I think 2001-2003 were good stories in their own right, they were also repetitive and I was so restricted in terms of the action I could show that I was writing with one hand behind my back. 217) I would assume all. 227a) No, there isn't time. 238) No, no one in the existing universe knows his location. And even if they did, Mata Nui was supremely powerful -- it took treachery to bring him down, at the hands of the group that would have been the ones most likely tasked to protect him from an external threat. 249) No. 2510) That gets revealed in a future chapter of Dreams of Destruction
26When did Tahu loose masks on Mata-Nui.
1Hi, I have two quickish questions21) What's the difference between the power of a Great Kiril and the Staff of Artakha?
32) Does the Staff of Artakha have another name?
41) As you will see before the year is out, SOA has much greater range, for one thing 52) No
6Now what is so large that it needs a "greater range" to be fixed, I wonder? I wonder if it can rebuild a certain ruined city...
7If your suggesting that the UC will be fixed by the SoA, remember that the SoA will not be appearing outside the Web Serials![]()
8The hole in inner hole (the hole where Voya Nui is supposed to be) in going to be fixed when VN returns, as for the outer hole (in the mainland dome), get fixed in GNB. So yes, probably SoA.
9But the SoA won't be appearing outside the Web Serials...
10And GNB is a web serial, right? So there is a chance the outer hole will be fixed with SoA.
11Yes, but I think such a major event would be more likely be placed in the books, though it is still possible...
12Just a few Lesovikk related questions![]()
131 ) Did Lesovikk have his "sea-sled" before he went to the pit? 14b ) If so, would it be safe to assume that it would have been called something like "sky-sled"?
152 ) Did the mutegan effect Lesovikk at all?
163 ) Is the pipe on his mask pre-Pit?
174 ) Your probably going to say "Can't answer it.", but will Takanuva be a set next year?
181) Yes 19Yes 202) If it hadn't, he'd have drowned by now 213) What pipe? 224) Can't answer it
233) The pipe connecting the mask and the body, here's a picture (sorry I can't add an arrow or circle, photobucket is down): 24
25I would guess that is not pre-Pit
GregF Ja-Metru 1Hello, Greg. I have a few questions for you.
21. Since Light is an element that can counteract that powers of the element of Shadow, does that mean that the Av-Matoran's additional powers can be effective in battling the Makuta even though they are just Matoran and not Toa?
32. In the year the movie is released, will it be like previous movie years where basically two different stories are told?
43. The Toa Mata trained together, but did they ever actually work together? I ask this because when they arrived on Mata Nui, they were reluctant to work as a team.
54. How come co-packs of the next line of canister sets aren't available to be ordered via the comic or magazine anymore. The last one I remember was in 2004 for the Vahki.
65. In the final battle, will most of the loose ends be tied up in order to start the reboot? I know huge things like what the Red Star is will not be tied up?
76. What is one thing you miss about previous storylines when compared to the current ones?
87. The Toa Nuva will be getting new armor in Artakha, and their masks will be upgraded in appearance. In the storyline, will this be done to all of their Kanohi Nuva (i.e. - All six of Kopaka's Kanohi Nuva), or just the ones they are currently wearing? 97a. Would they be able to make new Nuva for Tahu to replace the ones he lost on Mata Nui?
108. How come Mata Nui did not have any protection? The Makuta had the Hagah, but Mata Nui was just left isolated. Did no one actually know where he is?
119. Have we ever met anyone in the story that has actually encountered Mata Nui and not known it?
1210. This is not really important to the story, but how was Lesovikk's hesitance what caused the death of his team? Were they planning a team attack or was there something he could have done using his powers that would have stopped the Zyglak? Maybe even killing the Zyglak which is something Toa don't do?
13Thank you for your time?
151) To an extent, yes 162) There are going to have to be at least side stories told, otherwise there is nothing to do in the comics and books. We can't tell the whole plot of the movie 6-9 months before it comes out. 173) Yes, they did. That gets detailed in Bionicle Legends #10 next year. 184) We used to do that through the LEGO Club Shop page, but if you have noticed, we don't do Club Shop pages at all anymore except sometimes in November. Reason is sales through the Club Magazine's Shop page were pretty poor in general and it was felt the page could be used for better things. 195) Some things will be, other things won't. 206) I don't really miss anything from past storylines. While I think 2001-2003 were good stories in their own right, they were also repetitive and I was so restricted in terms of the action I could show that I was writing with one hand behind my back. 217) I would assume all. 227a) No, there isn't time. 238) No, no one in the existing universe knows his location. And even if they did, Mata Nui was supremely powerful -- it took treachery to bring him down, at the hands of the group that would have been the ones most likely tasked to protect him from an external threat. 249) No. 2510) That gets revealed in a future chapter of Dreams of Destruction
26When did Tahu loose masks on Mata-Nui.
27He lost them when Ta-Koro sunk into the Lake of Fire. The lost masks were all the masks that were in his Suva.
1And technically, all six Toa Nuva had their Masks removed by the Piraka, and it never said that they retrieved each mask back.
3No, they were all wearing just one each -- the other masks are stored on their Suvas in Metru Nui, meaning they telepathically teleport which ever mask they need from the Suva to their face. Once they have no more need of it, the mask gets sent back to the Suva.