1Sorry for da bother but i got a few questions.
2When a matoran lets say kotu gets a new mask wloud other matoran who knew him still herekignise him as Kotu?
3Probably as soon as he talks, yes.
4How many mask maskers are there?
5Only a very few Ta-Matoran qualify to be mask makers.
6When will the Metruan and Toa metru sets will be avalible trough out all over the world?
7Don't know, I don't work in sales.
8Toa suva's:
9When the toa found the great kanohi (olda) the puted them on the suva but if they wloud vind a noble mask were did they puted that one?
10Those went on the suva too, I believe.
11All great olda masks were on the suva but if tahu found a nuva mask (when nuva) wloud he replace it?
12All of the old masks disappeared when the Toa got their gold masks, and they lost the gold masks when they became Nuva. So there was no need to replace anything on the suva.
13How musth bigger is metru nui?
14It's not, it's smaller.
15And do you know when we will have more bio's on bionicle.com we now only have vakama and nurhii
16They are going to be spread out over the coming months.
17The 3th comic forgoten the name wen wil it be afalible?
18I don't understand your question.
19Thats all 20Thanx very mutsh
2When a matoran lets say kotu gets a new mask wloud other matoran who knew him still herekignise him as Kotu?
3Probably as soon as he talks, yes.
4How many mask maskers are there?
5Only a very few Ta-Matoran qualify to be mask makers.
6When will the Metruan and Toa metru sets will be avalible trough out all over the world?
7Don't know, I don't work in sales.
8Toa suva's:
9When the toa found the great kanohi (olda) the puted them on the suva but if they wloud vind a noble mask were did they puted that one?
10Those went on the suva too, I believe.
11All great olda masks were on the suva but if tahu found a nuva mask (when nuva) wloud he replace it?
12All of the old masks disappeared when the Toa got their gold masks, and they lost the gold masks when they became Nuva. So there was no need to replace anything on the suva.
13How musth bigger is metru nui?
14It's not, it's smaller.
15And do you know when we will have more bio's on bionicle.com we now only have vakama and nurhii
16They are going to be spread out over the coming months.
17The 3th comic forgoten the name wen wil it be afalible?
18I don't understand your question.
19Thats all 20Thanx very mutsh
1It doesn't say that it's the Vahi persay....but that the origins of the Vahi are revealed in the movie.
2Sure Vakama was asked to make it...but it doesn't mean he's the one that will.
4A. The turaga will regain the ability to become toa metru
5B. They can swtich between the two forms willfully
6C. You were referring to a Different set of toa metru
7Can't answer it.
8This is also interesting, I once asked Greg if there was a way to devolve... I posted the PM here, he said 'maybe' I believe... so seeing the Turaga changing back to Toa Metru would not be that impossible...
1This is just a question I had about Nokama.
2Even though Toa Nokama does not wear the Kaukau, does that mean that she cannot swim and as deep as Gali? Also does that mean she doesn't last longer, such as breathing capabilities, in water.
4The Kaukau is a mask of water-breathing, and is different from a Kaukau Nuva. Not wearing a Kaukau simply means that Nokama has to hold her breath underwater.
1Hi Greg: Haven't PMed you in a while. I have some questions that have been locked away inside my brain waiting to be answered for a while. Here they are:
21. How are Krana made?
32. Who is the mask maker in the new movie this 2004?
43. Will Kongu speak in the movie?
54. Will the other Matoran you mentioned in the movie going to speak?
65. Did the Krahli use to patrol the city?
76. Why was it replaced by the Vahki?
87. How are the Dark hunters defeated without phisicly killing them?
98. What other weapons were on the weapon rack in the temple?
109. What have you seen animated in the movie so far?
1110. Are there other islands on the surface besides Mata Nui?
1211. Where is the other opening for the sun besides the Mangai?
1312. Is Nivawk strong?
1413. Why didn't the Matoran let the Vahki come to Mata Nui?
1514. Is Lhikan's mask a mask we've seen before?
1615. Will we find out about the dark hunter's origin?
1716. Are there other dark hunters?
1817. Does the Morbuzakh know about the dark hunters?
1918. What does Nidhiki want with the great disks?
2019. Is Krekka stupid?
2120. Is Mata Nui awake at the time in the Metru Nui saga?
2221. Does Lhikan wear a Hau?
2322. Where does Lego get their ideas?
2423. Are you that Redini person from the Lego club? ( I heard that somewhere...)
2524. Do Onewa's weapons snap easily?
2625. How could there not be computers on Metru Nui?
2726. What crimes have some Matoran commited on Metru Nui?
2827. Did the Matoran captured by the Morbuzakh get devoured by it?
2928. Are there any Matoran to this present day who could transform into Toa? If so, who are they?
3029. I didn't see Vhisola or Ehrye in the MNOLGII. Are they still on Metru Nui?
3130. Do the Toa Metru fail their mission on Metru Nui?
3231. Does this mean the 5th enemy won?
33Thank you for you're time.
341) I have been asked not to share that info. 352) Watch the movie. 363) Yes. 374) No. 385) Yes. 396) Its powers were too debilitating and left the Matoran too weak to work. 407) Watch the movie. 418) Don't know. 429) I've seen the first 20 minutes. 4310) Not that I am aware of. 4411) Can't answer it. 4512) I suppose so. 4613) Watch the movie. 4714) Can't answer it -- movie plot. 4815-16) Don't know and probably. 4917) Doubt it. 5018) He wants to keep the Toa from getting them. 5119) Not stupid, just dense. 5220) At the beginning of this year, yes. 5321) Can't answer it. 5422) We have people whose job it is to come up with them 5523) In the magazine, yes, not on the web. 5624) No. 5725) Because there aren't. They don't have that high a tech level. 5826) No idea. 5927) No. 6028) Any Matoran can become a Toa if it is his/her destiny to do so. 6129) No, they just didn't exist as characters when MNOLG2 was being designed. 6230-31) Watch the movie.
21. How are Krana made?
32. Who is the mask maker in the new movie this 2004?
43. Will Kongu speak in the movie?
54. Will the other Matoran you mentioned in the movie going to speak?
65. Did the Krahli use to patrol the city?
76. Why was it replaced by the Vahki?
87. How are the Dark hunters defeated without phisicly killing them?
98. What other weapons were on the weapon rack in the temple?
109. What have you seen animated in the movie so far?
1110. Are there other islands on the surface besides Mata Nui?
1211. Where is the other opening for the sun besides the Mangai?
1312. Is Nivawk strong?
1413. Why didn't the Matoran let the Vahki come to Mata Nui?
1514. Is Lhikan's mask a mask we've seen before?
1615. Will we find out about the dark hunter's origin?
1716. Are there other dark hunters?
1817. Does the Morbuzakh know about the dark hunters?
1918. What does Nidhiki want with the great disks?
2019. Is Krekka stupid?
2120. Is Mata Nui awake at the time in the Metru Nui saga?
2221. Does Lhikan wear a Hau?
2322. Where does Lego get their ideas?
2423. Are you that Redini person from the Lego club? ( I heard that somewhere...)
2524. Do Onewa's weapons snap easily?
2625. How could there not be computers on Metru Nui?
2726. What crimes have some Matoran commited on Metru Nui?
2827. Did the Matoran captured by the Morbuzakh get devoured by it?
2928. Are there any Matoran to this present day who could transform into Toa? If so, who are they?
3029. I didn't see Vhisola or Ehrye in the MNOLGII. Are they still on Metru Nui?
3130. Do the Toa Metru fail their mission on Metru Nui?
3231. Does this mean the 5th enemy won?
33Thank you for you're time.
341) I have been asked not to share that info. 352) Watch the movie. 363) Yes. 374) No. 385) Yes. 396) Its powers were too debilitating and left the Matoran too weak to work. 407) Watch the movie. 418) Don't know. 429) I've seen the first 20 minutes. 4310) Not that I am aware of. 4411) Can't answer it. 4512) I suppose so. 4613) Watch the movie. 4714) Can't answer it -- movie plot. 4815-16) Don't know and probably. 4917) Doubt it. 5018) He wants to keep the Toa from getting them. 5119) Not stupid, just dense. 5220) At the beginning of this year, yes. 5321) Can't answer it. 5422) We have people whose job it is to come up with them 5523) In the magazine, yes, not on the web. 5624) No. 5725) Because there aren't. They don't have that high a tech level. 5826) No idea. 5927) No. 6028) Any Matoran can become a Toa if it is his/her destiny to do so. 6129) No, they just didn't exist as characters when MNOLG2 was being designed. 6230-31) Watch the movie.
1Hi Greg. I hope yu don't mind to ansure these questions.
21. How do the Vahki know if some Matoran are doing there jobs? I mean, Matoran deliver cargo in ussal crabs so how do the Vahki know if they are going to where they are suposed to go?
3Well, you raise a good point. Let's say that an Ussal cart driver is supposed to deliver something. If the Matoran he is delivering it to doesn't receive it, he will tell the Vahki and they will check and see if the Matoran is all right or has had an accident of some sort. If he is just being lazy, they will put him back to work and probably keep an eye on him in future.
42. i'm still not clear on the wheel ussal cart thingy. How can the Ussals pull the carts if the carts don't have wheels? I know it is possible, but wouldn't it be to hevey for the ussal?
5I believe the carts have legs, essentially.
63. Are airships made from kanoka?
7No, but they have disks built into them.
84. Some Matoran say "Thank the great Beings." Mata Nui and Makuta are the only great beings we know of and the Matoran won't thank makuta. So is there more that 1 good GB?
9Don't know.
105. When Makuta wiped the Matoran's knowlege out, did they still remember how to read, their names, etc.?
11Yes, what he erased were their memories of Metru Nui and their lives there.
126. How will the toa Nuva change powers? (Like Tahu will change from lava to molten-proto, Gali will change to licwid purifyed proto, and Kopaka would have to change to frozen proto.)
13You basically nailed it there. The biggest changes are Gali and Nokama, because the lava on Mata Nui was already molten protodermis.
14See answers above. 15Greg
21. How do the Vahki know if some Matoran are doing there jobs? I mean, Matoran deliver cargo in ussal crabs so how do the Vahki know if they are going to where they are suposed to go?
3Well, you raise a good point. Let's say that an Ussal cart driver is supposed to deliver something. If the Matoran he is delivering it to doesn't receive it, he will tell the Vahki and they will check and see if the Matoran is all right or has had an accident of some sort. If he is just being lazy, they will put him back to work and probably keep an eye on him in future.
42. i'm still not clear on the wheel ussal cart thingy. How can the Ussals pull the carts if the carts don't have wheels? I know it is possible, but wouldn't it be to hevey for the ussal?
5I believe the carts have legs, essentially.
63. Are airships made from kanoka?
7No, but they have disks built into them.
84. Some Matoran say "Thank the great Beings." Mata Nui and Makuta are the only great beings we know of and the Matoran won't thank makuta. So is there more that 1 good GB?
9Don't know.
105. When Makuta wiped the Matoran's knowlege out, did they still remember how to read, their names, etc.?
11Yes, what he erased were their memories of Metru Nui and their lives there.
126. How will the toa Nuva change powers? (Like Tahu will change from lava to molten-proto, Gali will change to licwid purifyed proto, and Kopaka would have to change to frozen proto.)
13You basically nailed it there. The biggest changes are Gali and Nokama, because the lava on Mata Nui was already molten protodermis.
14See answers above. 15Greg
1this is the list of Q'S & A'S that i got from greg-f
2ok not all of these have to do with bionicle but:
31st:can takanuva drive the ussanui without crashing?(becuse ive seen the movie and i know that the kraata was the thing that made it crash)
41) No, the kraata didn't make it crash -- if it did, it would always crash because kraata is what powers it. It crashed because he was smashing through a wall to get to Makuta's lair.
52nd:how powerfull is takanuva to what the turagas were when they were toa-metru?
6About equal in power.
73rd:is makuta dead after the door crushed him in MOL? i mean since takanuvas mask came out of one side his could have gone on the other side and fell into the energized protodermis
8You know as much as I do. We saw the same movie. I have no idea if Makuta is returning after that or not.
94th:and if he did will takanuva ever fuse with makuta again
10No idea.
115th:and also if makuta lived will he ever become makuta-nui or was that combo model made up?
12Again, no idea. The next Toa Nuva storyline is not written yet.
136th:this do's not have to do with bionile but what comic are you working on now?
157th:this has to do with bionicle but do you know if the black part of dume's mask can lift up becuse i don't see any eye holes on it in the picture showen on this site?
16No idea.
17well i think thats all for now.
2ok not all of these have to do with bionicle but:
31st:can takanuva drive the ussanui without crashing?(becuse ive seen the movie and i know that the kraata was the thing that made it crash)
41) No, the kraata didn't make it crash -- if it did, it would always crash because kraata is what powers it. It crashed because he was smashing through a wall to get to Makuta's lair.
52nd:how powerfull is takanuva to what the turagas were when they were toa-metru?
6About equal in power.
73rd:is makuta dead after the door crushed him in MOL? i mean since takanuvas mask came out of one side his could have gone on the other side and fell into the energized protodermis
8You know as much as I do. We saw the same movie. I have no idea if Makuta is returning after that or not.
94th:and if he did will takanuva ever fuse with makuta again
10No idea.
115th:and also if makuta lived will he ever become makuta-nui or was that combo model made up?
12Again, no idea. The next Toa Nuva storyline is not written yet.
136th:this do's not have to do with bionile but what comic are you working on now?
157th:this has to do with bionicle but do you know if the black part of dume's mask can lift up becuse i don't see any eye holes on it in the picture showen on this site?
16No idea.
17well i think thats all for now.
11. What can the vahki exactly do with their staff's, and do the staffs have different powers?
2The staffs are used for pacification, and yes, they do have different powers.
32. How do vahki restock their launchers after they've shot their first, I've heard of Vakama carying a pack with kanoka with him and using whatever possible. 4But how do the vahki get their discs when there's nothing but their own kanoka?
5Vahki are most likely to use Kanoka in an emergency -- like a big Rahi attacking -- in which case some of their number make sure to funnel Kanoka from a central reserve.
63. Metru Nui and the surrounding sea lie in a cave, right?
7Metru Nui lies underneath Mata Nui. I am not sure I would describe it as a cave.
84. If so, how thick exactly is the crust between the 'ceiling' to mata Nui?
9No idea. It's not relevant to the story, so we haven't discussed it.
105. I know that every thing's strange about the cave, stars and such.. but how does the ceiling keeps from falling down. Are there invisible pillars who keep it up?
11No. Think of it this way. If you had a hollow sphere, you wouldn't need pillars to support the top.
126. Is it possible that there are passages to other 'caverns' like the Metru Nui one?
147. Assuming that the planet has a core, what does it produce.. molten prodotermis or magma?
15Can't answer it.
168. And is the Metru Nui cavern far away from core?
17Again, no idea. Not something we have discussed, since we have no journey to the core plans right now.
189. And that brings another question. How could the lava reach the Mangai volcano when there's a giant cavern beneath it?
19Simple. It is not lava, it is molten protodermis and it comes up from Ta-Metru.
2010. Just trying it, is the sky above (apart from the mangai) a projection of the sky above Mata Nui? It would explain the stars..
2211. You said that you didn't knew if great beings could create a physical form.. then what about Makuta? He looks very solid if you ask me.
23Yes, but he has also described himself as a "spirit of destruction." We also don't know the nature of any other Great Beings there might be.
2412. And the last one, assuming that there were some Matoran who don't like working. Has any of the Matoran ever felt like leaving the shores of Metru Nui? Or are they forbidden too?
25No, I doubt anyone would make the journey. For one thing, it's dangerous, for another, anyplace they went to they would just have to go to work there. Matoran don't get to live a life of luxury.
26And please, don't fill out everything with 'I don't know'. I've had pages of discussion about the planet stuff with my friends. 27Thanks in advance.
28Well, sorry, but there are a lot of things we have not defined. I am not going to make up answers that may be completely wrong just so you can get a response.
29Didn't ment to offend you Greg.
31See answers above. 32Greg
1I have a question that, unfortunatly, didn't get answered in my *HIT* message board that put my on the top 10 list (I'm so proud of myself). Here it is, and I'd like Greg F to answer it:
2What's the difference between the 36 types of Rahkshi and Makuta's sons? Are the 36 types common animals, and Makuta's sons are the "select six"? Or are all 36 types sons of Makuta?
2What's the difference between the 36 types of Rahkshi and Makuta's sons? Are the 36 types common animals, and Makuta's sons are the "select six"? Or are all 36 types sons of Makuta?

1I have a question that, unfortunatly, didn't get answered in my *HIT* message board that put my on the top 10 list (I'm so proud of myself). Here it is, and I'd like Greg F to answer it:
2What's the difference between the 36 types of Rahkshi and Makuta's sons? Are the 36 types common animals, and Makuta's sons are the "select six"? Or are all 36 types sons of Makuta?![]()
4You have to PM Greg your questions if you want an answer. Posting questions in the topic just takes up space, as does my telling you this...
1I have a question that, unfortunatly, didn't get answered in my *HIT* message board that put my on the top 10 list (I'm so proud of myself). Here it is, and I'd like Greg F to answer it:
2What's the difference between the 36 types of Rahkshi and Makuta's sons? Are the 36 types common animals, and Makuta's sons are the "select six"? Or are all 36 types sons of Makuta?![]()
4You have to PM Greg your questions if you want an answer. Posting questions in the topic just takes up space, as does my telling you this...
5This is wath i got of it 6Makuta's sons are the ones made by him so yes the 6 rakshi are his sones bet only becouse he made them
1Greg answers in bold.
28Interesting, no?
2Hello, Greg.
3I have some questions here that have been bugging me for a while, and would be very grateful if you could answer them for me...
41. If all the masks are made of disks, how is there a mask of shielding, etc? Is there a disk of shielding, or water breathing? Or do you combine some disks to get that?
5Combining disks creates new disk powers.
62. What kind of mask do you get if you combine shrinking and growth?
7Don't know, I haven't made a chart of what powers come from what.
83. If Makuta wasn't on Metru-Nui, where was he? Mata-Nui? The sea? Another island?
9Can't answer it.
104. Is Nivawk a natural creature? I mean... really... It seems like it was custom made to fit Dume inside it, and that doesn't seem very natural to me...
11That's like saying, "Hey, that horse is just the right size for a person to ride, that doesn't seem natural." He's a Rahi -- and because he is the right size for Dume to use for transport, he was chosen to be Dume's pet.
125. How is Dume's name pronounced? Doo-May? Doo-Mah?
13I had thought it was Doo-may, but the last sound recording of the movie I saw it was pronounced Doo-mah.
146. How long has Metru-Nui been around? And for that matter, how long have the Bohrok been around? Since the beginning of time?
15No, they have not existed since the beginning of time.
167. Are there more disk powers then just the ones we have seen so far?
17The ones you have seen are the eight basic ones, which are combined to make others.
188. Do you know when the Kanoka Club will be available?
19They are hoping to have it up by next week.
209. What are the official names for the Metruan, and the Toa Olda?
21I don't understand your question. The Metru Nui Matoran are Matoran, and the Toa Olda are Toa. We called the Toa Metru that because the retailers need to be able to differentiate them from the Toa we put out in 2001, so just calling them "Toa" would not work.
22And that's all.
23Thank you in advance.
24See answers above. 25Greg
28Interesting, no?
1[QUOTEDo any of the Great Kanoka get made into masks? If so how many of them get made into masks? Specifically does the Kanoka of Weakness get made into a Kanohi? If the Vahi made from the The great Kanoka of Enlargement? Can The great disks be destroyed? Does the fading of the matoran's masks have something to do with contact to the disks?
2I know alot of questions some I've been holding for a month or even more. Thanks for your time.
3[QUOTEAt this point in the story, no mask has ever been made from a Great Disk. Whether or not that ever happens in the story is something you will have to wait and see. Yes, I believe a Great Disk could be destroyed. No, the Matoran masks do not have to do with contact with the disks.
4Greg 5[/QUOTE]
2I know alot of questions some I've been holding for a month or even more. Thanks for your time.
3[QUOTEAt this point in the story, no mask has ever been made from a Great Disk. Whether or not that ever happens in the story is something you will have to wait and see. Yes, I believe a Great Disk could be destroyed. No, the Matoran masks do not have to do with contact with the disks.
4Greg 5[/QUOTE]
1I asked about Metru-Nui thing today. He said that Metru Nui was before Mata-nui story:
2Did you know that?
3Not too be rude, but I think most everyone knew that. Try looking in this forum before you ask questions, like you I've seen many people asking him questions that have answered a thousand times in here.
1InnerRayg. Naika and I didn't really know it. We didn't find any information about it, so Naika sent his question to GregF.
2I heard from GregF that Makuta isn't really dead. And also i heard that same thing about Metru-Nui and Mata-nui.
3There is no need to be rude to us about it. We didn't really know. Ok?
2I heard from GregF that Makuta isn't really dead. And also i heard that same thing about Metru-Nui and Mata-nui.
3There is no need to be rude to us about it. We didn't really know. Ok?
1I believe you probably didn't search as hard as you could have, but maypraps BZPower should do some kind of reference guide for metru-Nui on the front page, or a link to that topic in GD.
1InnerRayg. Naika and I didn't really know it. We didn't find any information about it, so Naika sent his question to GregF.
2I heard from GregF that Makuta isn't really dead. And also i heard that same thing about Metru-Nui and Mata-nui.
3There is no need to be rude to us about it. We didn't really know. Ok?
4Kufuto, InnerRayg wasn't being rude; he was explaining how it works. The point of this topic is so we can see what questions Greg has already answered before we ask him. And he's actually not exaggerating; we have known this and had Greg tell us this for a long time. It's okay if you didn't know it, but in the future it would be best to do some research before asking questions. It just makes you look smarter.

5And Naika asked if we knew it, so InnerRayg was just answering the question.
1Hey greg, just got a Few questions on Metru-nui.
21)Is the Ko-metru the only metru with schools? if so, do Matorans from other metrus have to go to Ko-metru to get an education?
3Actually, Ga-Metru is the metru with schools. And in a sense, this is the deal -- students in Ga-Metru go to school to learn the jobs they will do in the metru. Matoran in other metru learn ON the job.
42)If a kanoka has powers, even if its a low level, wouldnt a Matoran mask have powers, cause masks have the same powers as the kanoka used to make it.
5Good question, but no. During the mask making process, the powers of a level 1-6 disk leech out as a result of what has to be done to make it a mask. Hence Matoran masks do not have powers. Even if they did, the Matoran would not know how to use them.
63)We know that the Matoran on mata-nui can rebuild themselves, but, can the Matoran on metru-nui also?
7It is theoretically possible, yes.
84)Does the secret line in the movie you say is gonna have us all talking for 3 months have anything to do with futur storyline, ot current storyline? or the past perhaps?
9Kind of a confusing question, given how we are jumping aroundBut yes, it has a bearing both on the pre-Metru Nui world and on the current (Toa Nuva) world and on the 2004 world.
10Thanks for your time greg, i appreciate it.
12Theres my answers, seems like that secret line is gonnna talk about the whole bionicle storyline. 13Cool, metruan can rebuild themselves

1Hello, Greg. I had some questions running in my mind, so I think it's better if I ask you.
21. Does Coliseum has a Metru? I mean, which Metru does Coliseum located? I'm curious how will the website provide the info about it. Will they make a special section in Metru-Nui site just for Coliseum?
3The Coliseum is located at the point where the six metru meet. And yes, I think there would be a separate section for it on BIONICLE.com.
42. How the Turaga Dume's daily rountine? How many things he need to do as a Turaga of Metru-Nui? Does he has a resting time?(I suppose he has, because he's so free that he can pet a big bird)
5Oh, he keeps pretty busy, especially nowadays. Dume is convinced something bad is going to happen in the city, worse than the Morbuzakh, so he is busy preparing for that.
63. Does the Matoran received any awards if they perform very well in their jobs? If so, who give it? Turaga Dume? And in which forms?
7Yes, they might. They might have naming ceremonies and get a new name, or get a promotion, or maybe some extra time off.
84. Are there a job called Kanoka-maker?
9Yes. There are disk makers in every metru.
105. Does Turaga Dume has any assistants to help him govern the city? If yes, how many of them? If no... Geez, he must be a super-Matoran to take care so much of jobs about Metru-Nui
But then, he got Vakhi to take care about the city, aren't they?)
11No, he doesn't really have any assistants to deal with the day to day running of the city.
21. Does Coliseum has a Metru? I mean, which Metru does Coliseum located? I'm curious how will the website provide the info about it. Will they make a special section in Metru-Nui site just for Coliseum?
3The Coliseum is located at the point where the six metru meet. And yes, I think there would be a separate section for it on BIONICLE.com.
42. How the Turaga Dume's daily rountine? How many things he need to do as a Turaga of Metru-Nui? Does he has a resting time?(I suppose he has, because he's so free that he can pet a big bird)
5Oh, he keeps pretty busy, especially nowadays. Dume is convinced something bad is going to happen in the city, worse than the Morbuzakh, so he is busy preparing for that.
63. Does the Matoran received any awards if they perform very well in their jobs? If so, who give it? Turaga Dume? And in which forms?
7Yes, they might. They might have naming ceremonies and get a new name, or get a promotion, or maybe some extra time off.
84. Are there a job called Kanoka-maker?
9Yes. There are disk makers in every metru.
105. Does Turaga Dume has any assistants to help him govern the city? If yes, how many of them? If no... Geez, he must be a super-Matoran to take care so much of jobs about Metru-Nui

11No, he doesn't really have any assistants to deal with the day to day running of the city.
1Hi Greg, I had a few questions bugging me, so I hope you don't mind answering them.
21. Does Vakama's disk launcher accually work as a jet-pack, and if so is it strong enough to lift Vakama and fly him round?
3Yes, and yes.
42. Do the Matoran accept the Toa Metru as Toa, or are they reluctant to consider them friends?
5At this point, a lot of the Matoran don't know what to make of the Toa. They would certainly like to welcome new heroes, but the Toa Metru need to prove themselves first.
63. Is Lhikan some one we know already, like say... Tahu ?
7No, this is not a character you have encountered before. If Lhikan were Tahu, his name would be Tahu.
84. Have we seen Lhikan's mask before?
9Can't answer it.
105. Do we accually see Lhikan in the movie?
11Oh yes.
126. How do you spell accually
147. I'm signed up to a magazine in Holland, and it says: "The Toa Metru fight the evil Vahki for the city of Metru Nui:" Is this misinformation, or a turn in the story that we do not yet know about?
15That is one of those things written for advertising, and not written by someone who actually knows the storyline.
168. Are there any sets being released that we don't know about yet?
189. Would you happen to know if the Vahki heads are moveable?
19Not offhand.
2010. About when can we expect all Toa Metru biosses to be online?
21I don't know.
2211. When do the Toa find out there mask powers?
23Not until the movie.
2412. What has changed between the Noble Huna and the Great Huna?
25Vakama can stay invisible for longer.
2613. Is Bionicle your Job, or your Job/Hobby?
27It's my job.
2814. Any news about Lhikan being a set?
29Not yet.
3015. Will the Toa Nuva ever fight side to side with the Toa Metru?
31No, that's not possible, two different time periods.
3216. Will the Toa Olda ever return?
33I can't say, not sure.
3417. Will there ever be other collectibles next to the Kanoka (like Kanohi) in the 2004 story line?
35Not in '04, no.
3618. Do you get alot of rude members?
37Not really, no.
3819. Do Staffs come with Rahkshi naturally when they're transformed from Kraata?
4020. What is your favorite Toa Metru?
41Probably Onewa, strangely enough, just because he is fun to write. You know, Pohatu was always pals with everyone and Onewa is really the opposite.
4221. Are there going to be more Kanoka with Toa masks and names on them like which come with Vakama?
43I hope so.
4422. Where is the heartlight located on the Toa Metru?
45No idea, will have to see where it shows up in the movie.
4623. When will the new movie be released?
4824. Do you have alot of artistic freedom in the comics and Schoolastic novels?
49More in the novels, just because I have more room to do stuff.
5025. When is the Kanoka club going to be on Bionicle.com?
51We are hoping sometime this week.
52thanks in advance:
21. Does Vakama's disk launcher accually work as a jet-pack, and if so is it strong enough to lift Vakama and fly him round?
3Yes, and yes.
42. Do the Matoran accept the Toa Metru as Toa, or are they reluctant to consider them friends?
5At this point, a lot of the Matoran don't know what to make of the Toa. They would certainly like to welcome new heroes, but the Toa Metru need to prove themselves first.
63. Is Lhikan some one we know already, like say... Tahu ?
7No, this is not a character you have encountered before. If Lhikan were Tahu, his name would be Tahu.
84. Have we seen Lhikan's mask before?
9Can't answer it.
105. Do we accually see Lhikan in the movie?
11Oh yes.
126. How do you spell accually
147. I'm signed up to a magazine in Holland, and it says: "The Toa Metru fight the evil Vahki for the city of Metru Nui:" Is this misinformation, or a turn in the story that we do not yet know about?
15That is one of those things written for advertising, and not written by someone who actually knows the storyline.
168. Are there any sets being released that we don't know about yet?
189. Would you happen to know if the Vahki heads are moveable?
19Not offhand.
2010. About when can we expect all Toa Metru biosses to be online?
21I don't know.
2211. When do the Toa find out there mask powers?
23Not until the movie.
2412. What has changed between the Noble Huna and the Great Huna?
25Vakama can stay invisible for longer.
2613. Is Bionicle your Job, or your Job/Hobby?
27It's my job.
2814. Any news about Lhikan being a set?
29Not yet.
3015. Will the Toa Nuva ever fight side to side with the Toa Metru?
31No, that's not possible, two different time periods.
3216. Will the Toa Olda ever return?
33I can't say, not sure.
3417. Will there ever be other collectibles next to the Kanoka (like Kanohi) in the 2004 story line?
35Not in '04, no.
3618. Do you get alot of rude members?
37Not really, no.
3819. Do Staffs come with Rahkshi naturally when they're transformed from Kraata?
4020. What is your favorite Toa Metru?
41Probably Onewa, strangely enough, just because he is fun to write. You know, Pohatu was always pals with everyone and Onewa is really the opposite.
4221. Are there going to be more Kanoka with Toa masks and names on them like which come with Vakama?
43I hope so.
4422. Where is the heartlight located on the Toa Metru?
45No idea, will have to see where it shows up in the movie.
4623. When will the new movie be released?
4824. Do you have alot of artistic freedom in the comics and Schoolastic novels?
49More in the novels, just because I have more room to do stuff.
5025. When is the Kanoka club going to be on Bionicle.com?
51We are hoping sometime this week.
52thanks in advance:
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg this is the first time i have talked to you and my question is why can't Nuju talk, is it because of something that happened to him on Metru-Nui or was he was like that as a toa?
3No, he talked normally for most of the time he was a Toa. He can talk normally now if he chooses to, he simply doesn't choose to. You will learn in the near future why he talks that way, but basically his attitude is that if you are not willing to make the effort to understand him, you are not worth his effort to talk to.
3No, he talked normally for most of the time he was a Toa. He can talk normally now if he chooses to, he simply doesn't choose to. You will learn in the near future why he talks that way, but basically his attitude is that if you are not willing to make the effort to understand him, you are not worth his effort to talk to.
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg this is the first time i have talked to you and my question is why can't Nuju talk, is it because of something that happened to him on Metru-Nui or was he was like that as a toa?
3No, he talked normally for most of the time he was a Toa. He can talk normally now if he chooses to, he simply doesn't choose to. You will learn in the near future why he talks that way, but basically his attitude is that if you are not willing to make the effort to understand him, you are not worth his effort to talk to.
5greedy and that for a turaga 6Nice aditude like him

18. Are there any sets being released that we don't know about yet?
3When people say that, it nearly always means yes. All signs point towards it anyay. Propably the fifth enemy...
5Since we are missing one item # from the list we got earlier, I would say bohrokwill is right.
6OR, i could be that they've designed it, but don't know if they want to release it, or not.
1why wloud they disign it that is just a wste of time and if they are not sure they wloud not give it a numeber
1How exactly do Matoran get Kanoka? Do they just head down to the local Disk Shop? 2They can pick them up at a central reserve or at various trading spots in the city.
3Do you know which month the Metru Nui Citybook is supposed to be released? 4I heard summer, July or August, not sure.
51. Well, now we know how Matoran get their Kanoka. And I guess that Vakama would get his Kanoka there too. 62. Alright:
7-Master of the Rahkshi
1firstly I love everything that you do around here and in the comics and stories:thankyou soo much for making time for millions of fans like us:
2QUESTION: do all masks HAVE to be made from kanoka? or can they be made from something... someone else?
3AND: do kanoka powers have anything to do with the kanohi created?we know more powerfull kanoka=more powerfull kanohi, but as far as the type of mask and type of kanoka: does it matter?
4AND ABOUT THE STORY: I really like how the metru nui saga is going so far mainly because there is treachery, traitors, and hidden objectives.and isn't just BOOM: rahi BOOM: bohrok BOOM: kal BOOM: rahkshi... but I think you could improve the past story of the bohrok by saying they did come from metru nui and were programmed to clear land or whatnot and not just another bad guy that popped out of nowhere.Do you as a writer have power to do that? or do you have to creat a story based on what the bosses tell you kinda thing?
5Thanks a ton:may bionicle flourish forever:
61) They have to be made from Kanoka. 72) Yes, the mask power matches the disk power. In some cases, you have to mix disks together first to create new powers if you want something beside the basic 8. 83) The reason you are less than satisfied with the whole Bohrok thing is that you really don't know the story yet. All you or other BIONICLE fans know is that they were programmed to scrape Mata Nui down to the surface -- you don't know WHY. So no, I cannot change that, because there is a reason for it which ties into future revelations. Making them land-clearers in Metru Nui would not jibe with the real reason behind them.
10cool beens: so the krahkaan and mol WERE made from kanoka: and it's good that the bohrok didn't come from nowhere that makes the plot a whole lot better: man greg's good:
1If the Toa Nuva become Turaga, will they still be able to share the powers of their masks?
2One member asked you:
5Dangerous in what way? What might happen?
6Is the "giant mutated Ussal crab" the thing grabbing Whenua and Nuju in the first Lunchables comic, or is that a two-pronged Morbuzahk vine?
7Here's a Lhikan question that maybe you can answer without giving movie plot away. What color is he?
8Why did Takua's name change when he became a Toa, but not Vakama and Co's? Personal choice? (Obviously, releasing a Toa set called "Takua" would have given the end of the movie away, but I mean within the storyline.)
9Not Bionicle-related, but you work for the story department, so maybe you know. How is the Knight's Kingdom story going to be presented? Website, comics, what?
101) Good question. We will have to see if it happens.
112) Whole system could be disrupted. Chutes all sort of interlock, so reversing the flow in a portion of the sysem could have devastating effects on the rest of it. Interesting. A Bionicle traffic jam: - ToP
123) Yes, it is in Lunchables.
134) Can't discuss Lhikan at all, sorry.
145) I don't have an official answer, my guess is that you are correct, we didn't want to tip off who the new Toa was going to be.
156) In the US, primarily on the web; in Europe, on the web and in comics in the magazine.
2One member asked you:
3Could the Le-Matoran on Metru-Nui make the protodermis flowing through a chute come to a complete stop in case a dangerous Rahi was coming through?
4Yes, but it is very dangerous to tamper with the flow like that.
5Dangerous in what way? What might happen?
6Is the "giant mutated Ussal crab" the thing grabbing Whenua and Nuju in the first Lunchables comic, or is that a two-pronged Morbuzahk vine?
7Here's a Lhikan question that maybe you can answer without giving movie plot away. What color is he?
8Why did Takua's name change when he became a Toa, but not Vakama and Co's? Personal choice? (Obviously, releasing a Toa set called "Takua" would have given the end of the movie away, but I mean within the storyline.)
9Not Bionicle-related, but you work for the story department, so maybe you know. How is the Knight's Kingdom story going to be presented? Website, comics, what?
101) Good question. We will have to see if it happens.
112) Whole system could be disrupted. Chutes all sort of interlock, so reversing the flow in a portion of the sysem could have devastating effects on the rest of it. Interesting. A Bionicle traffic jam: - ToP
123) Yes, it is in Lunchables.
134) Can't discuss Lhikan at all, sorry.
145) I don't have an official answer, my guess is that you are correct, we didn't want to tip off who the new Toa was going to be.
156) In the US, primarily on the web; in Europe, on the web and in comics in the magazine.
11. Is Coliseum the home or the office(or both of them) of Turaga Dume?
32. Are the whole Coliseum the home/office of Dume, or it's just some part of it? Can't imagine I have a gigantic home that is a sporting centre and power generater.
4Just a part of it
53. Can Dume understand the language of Vakhi? I always wonder if the Vakhi need to give report to Dume about the running of the city.
6He has technology that can interpret their signals.
74. So, you said that Vakhi are assembled in Po-Metru... So if that's mean that all things that require to assemble are done in Po-Metru, too?
95. Can you describe the sizes and shape of the Coliseum in general?
10The Coliseum is the largest building in the city.
116. What are the highest job or skill that are avaible in each Metru? For example Ta-Metru: Mask-Maker(Mask-making).
12Oh, hmmm. Mask making in Ta-Metru, protodermis purification in Ga-Metru .. not sure for the other metru.
137. What will the Matoran do to the Great Furnace of Ta-Metru after the Morbuzakh drove off the furnace? Will they repair it and continue to use it?
14No, they would have to rebuild it completely.
158. Are the Toa Metru the best workers in their Metru? BTW, can you give the list of their jobs before they're transform into Toa Metru?
16No, not necessarily. Vakama was a mask maker; Nokama was a teacher; Onewa was a carver; Whenua was an archivist; Matau was an Ussal cart driver; Nuju was a scholar.
179. Are the Matoran in the Onu-Metru Archives makes record how many Rahi they've been captured? Are they study the nature of Rahi and classified them into groups?
1910. Do Matoran write books? If so, where're the books always kept? Do they sell books to others?
20All written texts are in Ko-Metru, but I don't think they have a lot in the way of books.
2111. Does the Archives kept things other than the Rahi? For example do they kept the first Kanohi ever make?
22Anything that has ever been made in Metru Nui is represented in the Archives.
2312. How far do the Matoran know about the past of their city? Back to the beginning of the of the city?
24They know a lot, but probably not that far back.
2513. How the Kanoka are made?
26They are made by heating up liquid protodermis and then cooling it in a mold. Sometimes this process is repeated a number of times before the disk is done.
2714. What are the material needed to make both Kanoka and Kanohi?
28Kanoka are made from liquid protodermis, and Kanohi are made from Kanoka.
2915. Do you know what's the info will be contained inside the Kanoka Club?(Geez, the rules said I must use the code of the real disks, but I have none of them in my country Malaysia, neithier do I know if I will have it forever
30There's an article on this on the BZP homepage
32. Are the whole Coliseum the home/office of Dume, or it's just some part of it? Can't imagine I have a gigantic home that is a sporting centre and power generater.
4Just a part of it
53. Can Dume understand the language of Vakhi? I always wonder if the Vakhi need to give report to Dume about the running of the city.
6He has technology that can interpret their signals.
74. So, you said that Vakhi are assembled in Po-Metru... So if that's mean that all things that require to assemble are done in Po-Metru, too?
95. Can you describe the sizes and shape of the Coliseum in general?
10The Coliseum is the largest building in the city.
116. What are the highest job or skill that are avaible in each Metru? For example Ta-Metru: Mask-Maker(Mask-making).
12Oh, hmmm. Mask making in Ta-Metru, protodermis purification in Ga-Metru .. not sure for the other metru.
137. What will the Matoran do to the Great Furnace of Ta-Metru after the Morbuzakh drove off the furnace? Will they repair it and continue to use it?
14No, they would have to rebuild it completely.
158. Are the Toa Metru the best workers in their Metru? BTW, can you give the list of their jobs before they're transform into Toa Metru?
16No, not necessarily. Vakama was a mask maker; Nokama was a teacher; Onewa was a carver; Whenua was an archivist; Matau was an Ussal cart driver; Nuju was a scholar.
179. Are the Matoran in the Onu-Metru Archives makes record how many Rahi they've been captured? Are they study the nature of Rahi and classified them into groups?
1910. Do Matoran write books? If so, where're the books always kept? Do they sell books to others?
20All written texts are in Ko-Metru, but I don't think they have a lot in the way of books.
2111. Does the Archives kept things other than the Rahi? For example do they kept the first Kanohi ever make?
22Anything that has ever been made in Metru Nui is represented in the Archives.
2312. How far do the Matoran know about the past of their city? Back to the beginning of the of the city?
24They know a lot, but probably not that far back.
2513. How the Kanoka are made?
26They are made by heating up liquid protodermis and then cooling it in a mold. Sometimes this process is repeated a number of times before the disk is done.
2714. What are the material needed to make both Kanoka and Kanohi?
28Kanoka are made from liquid protodermis, and Kanohi are made from Kanoka.
2915. Do you know what's the info will be contained inside the Kanoka Club?(Geez, the rules said I must use the code of the real disks, but I have none of them in my country Malaysia, neithier do I know if I will have it forever

30There's an article on this on the BZP homepage
1Here is some questions I asked Greg.
2Curiousity has gotten the best of me, so I have questions.
31.Did Turaga Dume ever leave Metru Nui, or is he still there? 42.Are the Matoran on Mata Nui the same as the ones on Metru Nui, or did Ahkmou just come over? 53.Do wild Rahkshi on Metru Nui play an important role in the story? 64.Is Mata Nui(creator) on Metru Nui? 75.Are all the masks on Mata Nui pre-made, because they don't have Kanoka?
8Thanks in advanced.
9Some I can answer, some I cannot:
101) You will have to watch the movie. 112) Yes, the Matoran on Mata Nui did all come from Metru Nui. 123) Not a huge role, but they show up a lot in the Scholastic books cause I think they are cool. 134) Can't answer it. 145) Yes, they are.
1my set of questions
2Hy greg 3this time just 2 questions.
41 The vahi can it be found in a kanohi pack of the first serie the one with noble and olda masks?
52 Do you know if the vahi will be in a set like the Shining MOL was in takanuva's set?
71) No, the Vahi was never in the mask packs. I believe it was originally produced to be sold with the PC game in 2001, which ended up getting cancelled. They were then used as giveaways, and at this point I don't think we have anymore.
82) No plans to do so that I know of.
2Hy greg 3this time just 2 questions.
41 The vahi can it be found in a kanohi pack of the first serie the one with noble and olda masks?
52 Do you know if the vahi will be in a set like the Shining MOL was in takanuva's set?
71) No, the Vahi was never in the mask packs. I believe it was originally produced to be sold with the PC game in 2001, which ended up getting cancelled. They were then used as giveaways, and at this point I don't think we have anymore.
82) No plans to do so that I know of.
1I asked him if there will be a deadline for entering the Kanoka Club, and he said that it will be here for a few years. Sorry if this has already been answered and posted, I haven't gotten time to read through the forum yet (takes ages).
11. OK. What's really is the power of Nuurakh(Ta-Metru Vakhi)? It said that the stunned Matoran will 'obey to the exclusion of all else until the stun wears off', but what really this sentence means?
2Here's an example. A Nuurakh blasts you with his Staff of Command. The command you get is to, say, carve a statue of Turaga Dume. You will do nothing but that until the charge wears off, no matter what happens or what anyone else tells you to do.
32. Are Nivawk like the observer of the city, tried to look if the city is running smooth or not?(Now I know who's keep reporting to Dume about the city...)
4Yes, he is sort of Dume's eyes and ears.
53. Are there many Matoran who get stunned by the Vakhi? Because the bios make it sound like there's a lot of Matoran(and Toa Metru, too
who get problem with Vakhi:
6The Vahki watch over the city and keep it safe and secure. Sometimes that involves putting a lot of Matoran in their place.
74. Is the name of the new movie Legends of Metru-Nui? If not, what's the name of the film?
95. Is there any new infos about the Lhikan set?
2Here's an example. A Nuurakh blasts you with his Staff of Command. The command you get is to, say, carve a statue of Turaga Dume. You will do nothing but that until the charge wears off, no matter what happens or what anyone else tells you to do.
32. Are Nivawk like the observer of the city, tried to look if the city is running smooth or not?(Now I know who's keep reporting to Dume about the city...)
4Yes, he is sort of Dume's eyes and ears.
53. Are there many Matoran who get stunned by the Vakhi? Because the bios make it sound like there's a lot of Matoran(and Toa Metru, too

6The Vahki watch over the city and keep it safe and secure. Sometimes that involves putting a lot of Matoran in their place.
74. Is the name of the new movie Legends of Metru-Nui? If not, what's the name of the film?
95. Is there any new infos about the Lhikan set?
4I'm not sure I understand this. 5Are you saying that Matau flies like a helicopter, with the blades on his back? 6All the artwork of Matau flying shows them as static attachments like an airplane's wings. Wouldn't they look like a blurry circle if they worked like helicopter blades? 7I had thought that Matau's Aero Slicers pulled him through the air the same way that Nakoma's Hydro Blades pulled her through the water.1First off, the Miru allows you to levitate -- which means rise up into the air -- not actually fly. If it allowed flight, it would be called a mask of flight.
2Secondly, Matau's blades act as rotor blades to allow him to fly.
8My understanding is that they work like rotors, and can also be used for gliding once he is in the air. As static wings they would be worthless at actually getting him up off the ground, since he does not have a Mask of Levitation.