1More random stuff...
2Hi Greg, glad you finally got my last message. Have some reactions, and new stuff here:
31.) Are all Makuta the same size? I'm asking because of the fact that MoMN was a titan in all of his releases, and Vamprah, for example, is a canister set. Is that just to make MoMN have the "Big Boss" affect you mentioned a while back?
42.) Didn't Artahka make the Nuva's new armour? 52a.) Kind of a wierd question, but when did he make the armour (If he did)? When the Nuva arrived on his Island, or does he make this stuff all in advance? 62b.) If the Nuva were to remove this armour, could another toa put it on, or can only they wear it?
73.) Are there any BOM members that are Artisans? Say, mask makers, or carers for inportant objects?
8Thanks in Advance:
91) Makuta are shapeshifters -- remember, in 2001, Makuta first appeared the size of a Matoran and in 2004 he was the size of a Turaga 102) Yes 112a) He made it before they got there 122b) Most likely another Toa could wear it 133) Not really, no, that is what they have Matoran for
11. Is there a storyline reason why the Nuva's masks changed shape? 22. There are two names which I think are pronounced wrong. Shouldn't Kane-Ra be Cane-Rah? And shouldn't Kaita be Kigh-ta? If these are simple mistakes, forgive me for pointing them out. 33. Do you know if there will be a new comic artist for 2008? 44. Do you like Saygers art?
5Thanks for your time:
61) Yes 72) Um, we decide on the pronunications, Pohatu, so we can't really be "wrong" on them. The "K" in Kane-Ra is pronounced like the k in karate -- and Kaita is "kigh-ee-tah." It's not English, doesn't have to be pronounced as English words would be. 83) Yes, that's already been announced 94) Yes
5Thanks for your time:
61) Yes 72) Um, we decide on the pronunications, Pohatu, so we can't really be "wrong" on them. The "K" in Kane-Ra is pronounced like the k in karate -- and Kaita is "kigh-ee-tah." It's not English, doesn't have to be pronounced as English words would be. 83) Yes, that's already been announced 94) Yes
21. Can Av-Matoran be any color?
3By controlling how light strikes your eye, they can make you see them as any color. They don't actually change color, you just perceive them differently.
41. Is Gavla female?
6So that means for the first time in Bionicle a female matoran could be another set of colors besides blue:
1Not necessarily. Nuhvok Kal basically turned himself into a black hole, and the planets still alive, yeh?
2It all depends on the level of control. A novice Toa might let a black hole spiral out of control, but one with more skill could probabl control it.
3Well, remember that Nuhvok Kal just got a significant boost of power from a/the Nuva symbol(s). Maybe it's impossible to make a black hole unless you have that much power.
4Some stuff I got today:
5There has been an outburst of Mata Nui related theories due to the new comic, Death of a Hero. So I have some questions about those (1 - 7):
61. Is it possible for Makuta to influence Mata Nui mentally when he is asleep? Like putting a suggestion in his mind, a vision, etc.
72. Is it possible for Makuta to threaten Mata Nui with death and thus make him do his bidding? (I assume no, since Mata Nui is so powerful.)
83. Mata Nui is alive, but not awake, correct?
94. If so, then the whole "slow poison" thing Makuta did to Mata Nui has been neutralized, right? He isn't dying again?
105. Does Mata Nui create everyone's destinies?
116. How about his own? Was that set by him, by the Great Beings, or does he not have one?
127. As of now (after Death of a Hero), does Makuta know where Mata Nui is?
13Mutagen Qs:
148. Did the mutagen arrive with or inside Voya Nui?
159. Was it ever intended to mutate anyone?
1610. Is there anything else you can reveal about the mutagen at this time?
17Red Star Qs:
1811. Does the Red Star produce Toa and/or elemental energy?
1912. Have the beings inside the Red Star ever been on and/or in the BIONICLE planet before?
2013. Are they bio-mechanical?
21And one more:
2214. Whose voice was it that told Matoro to put on the Mask of Life?
23Thanks a lot, Greg.
251) There's nothing to influence. He's in a coma. Can you put an idea into someone's head when their mind is shut down? 262) Been there, done that. He already killed him once. And if Mata Nui dies, so does Makuta. 273) Correct 284) Correct 295) Well, he didn't create his own, or the first Toa's, or anything else he did not create or have created 306) No being sets their own destiny 317) No. 328) Neither. 339) No 3410) Nope 3511) Can't answer it 3612) No 3713) Can't answer it 3814) Not going to reveal that yet
1Hello GregF, I saw the bionicle story updates (great chapters by the way), and have a few questions for you.
21) Can a Toa of Stone techically do what a Toa of Iron can do because metal is just basically refined stone?
32) The 9-foot tall warrior the appeared in the latest Gali Nuva blog chapter, is he the leader of the Order Of Mata-Nui?
43) I am still wondering about what the mask of posibilites does, so I made this situation to describe it's power.
5I have a deck of 40 cards, and I want to draw a certain card out of all of them. I activate the mask of 6posibilities, and it changes the probability so that I am almost certain to draw that card.
7Is this basically what the mask does?
84) Do the Phantoka Makuta where masks?
94A) If so, are their masks one-of-a-kind?
10Thanks in advance.
111) No. Because if I have a Toa of Stone creating metal, I am going to confuse all the kids who don't know metal is just refined stone 122) No 133) Bingo 144) Yes 155) I haven't decided
16Just some stuff I was curious about.
1Should i be worried? Everyone is getting replys on stuff updated yesterday, and i sent something on thursday but nothing. 2And they were good questions too... ![]()
3Just re-send them. He apparently took a break from answering questions.
4It has been said by Greg that Av-Matoran have both genders, the only ones with both genders. I wonder... how is Takua able to maintain his colour subconciously?
6Maybe the OoMN "set" his brain to do those colors automatically.
1QUOTE 2Hey GregF-Hope you can answer some of these questions.
31) So Iron is now a Toa element? 42) Is the OoMN ran by a female? 53) If Makuta created Rahi, then why would he be willing to destory them with the visorak. 64) What is the Mask of Possibilities exactly? 75) Will we see Axonn or the Voya Nui matoran any more? 86) Will the matoran from Karzahni be fixed like the matoran of Metru Nui/Mata Nui? 97) I know you can't answer all future storyline but i am wondering, Are all BoM members at The World that feeds the World or are there some fighting Dark Hunters. 108) Will we see The DarkHunters in the future?
111) Yes, with a power over metal 122) Can't answer it 133) Did the Visorak DESTROY loads of Rahi, or did they wrap them in webbing and mutate them? 144) Alters probability 155) Only in web serials, if I can work them in, as Axonn is two year old set. 166) One can only hope 177) Can't answer it 188) Yes
192) oh well fifty-fifty chance 203) that changes a few things for me 215) That would be neat to see 228)I can't wait to see if they do.
232008 will be an exciting year
31) So Iron is now a Toa element? 42) Is the OoMN ran by a female? 53) If Makuta created Rahi, then why would he be willing to destory them with the visorak. 64) What is the Mask of Possibilities exactly? 75) Will we see Axonn or the Voya Nui matoran any more? 86) Will the matoran from Karzahni be fixed like the matoran of Metru Nui/Mata Nui? 97) I know you can't answer all future storyline but i am wondering, Are all BoM members at The World that feeds the World or are there some fighting Dark Hunters. 108) Will we see The DarkHunters in the future?
111) Yes, with a power over metal 122) Can't answer it 133) Did the Visorak DESTROY loads of Rahi, or did they wrap them in webbing and mutate them? 144) Alters probability 155) Only in web serials, if I can work them in, as Axonn is two year old set. 166) One can only hope 177) Can't answer it 188) Yes
192) oh well fifty-fifty chance 203) that changes a few things for me 215) That would be neat to see 228)I can't wait to see if they do.
232008 will be an exciting year
1for takua, one should remember that we as humans do a lot of things without thinking. we eat without thinking "chew, chew" and walking, and driving. it's all subconscious. so i'm assuming that most av-matorans normally put themselves into other colors, as the 08 matoran are, so he wouldn't have to be thinking about doing it constantly. allowing him to never know he can do it, but still do it.
1for takua, one should remember that we as humans do a lot of things without thinking. we eat without thinking "chew, chew" and walking, and driving. it's all subconscious. so i'm assuming that most av-matorans normally put themselves into other colors, as the 08 matoran are, so he wouldn't have to be thinking about doing it constantly. allowing him to never know he can do it, but still do it.
2Chewing, walking, and drving is not subconscious, atleast not for normal people. Subconscious is blinking your eyes, breathing, and things such as that. Sorry, just needed to clarify.
1Yes, Matoro died in Bionicle Legends#5, when a sacrifice is required in the Chamber of Death in order to proceed to the MoLi. Matoro voluntereed, and he was destroyed. But he was reformed, because it's sort of, 'the thought that counts'
2I know,but he said dying.
3He said 'his dying'. That kind of meant the same with 'his death'
1well about the subconcious thing: didnt takua think he was a ta matoran? the OoMn must have plantet the thougt in his head that he is a ta matoran, or used mind control to let him activate this power[i assume both.
2if you think you are who you are, then why would you think you are something you most likely havent heard of[i assume takua didnt know of av matoran, neither the other matoran
2if you think you are who you are, then why would you think you are something you most likely havent heard of[i assume takua didnt know of av matoran, neither the other matoran
1Greg, 2Just wanted to say that I've been loving the Serials going on. It's great that you've been able to bring so much in that is "extra." My favorite serial is the Gali Nuva Blog, just because I've been a fan from the beginning and it''s good to see the Nuva brought back in. I feel that you've struck the perfect balance for new story accessability and enough to appease the older fans. Good job: Anyway, on to the questions.
31.) The Mask of Possiblities, I'm not sure if you've come up with a use for it, but does this seem to fit what you would envision it to do: It is similar to the Spider sense, only that it allows the user to see a short period of time into the future, seeing possible outcomes of upcoming events.
4I guess an example is that the Toa wearing it could use it to see a couple of minutes in advance in a battle and see that one possiblity was their death if they went one direction.
51b.) If that's not right, what is it's power?
62.)There seems to be a lot of discussion on the Nuva's armor. You said something to the effect of: "You'll see when the Nuva get their armor why they won't want their old armor back." I know that's probably not an exact quote, I apologize. Is it possible that the Nuva's armor shifts its design to allow for better usage in an environment? (Not total shapeshifting, but growing wings if they need to fly, etc. And you don't have to answer, maybe just a little hint if I am on the right track?)
73.) The Toa of Lightning seems to give the impression that the Lightning matoran, Toa, etc. are more fiesty and louder than Ga-Matoran. Is this true, and was this done to establish a different sort of female presence in the story?
84.) The female voice in the GNB is not the leader, correct?
95.) Is Jaller's mask kind of useless on land now, sonar works best in the water if I am not mistaken?
10That's all for now, great job this year to everyone on the bionicle team.
111) No, it's actually closer to the Scarlet Witch's original mutant hex power -- it alters the laws of probability. 122) Oh, very good, TL 133) Yes. A lot of times, the attitudes of Toa are tied to the nature of their element in the story, and lightning is by nature more aggressive than water. Water can be placid and calm and soothing, as well as raging and destructive ... when is the last time you saw a placid and calm lightning bolt? 144) You'll find out the leader's identity in 2008 155) Nope -- bats use sonar all the time.
31.) The Mask of Possiblities, I'm not sure if you've come up with a use for it, but does this seem to fit what you would envision it to do: It is similar to the Spider sense, only that it allows the user to see a short period of time into the future, seeing possible outcomes of upcoming events.
4I guess an example is that the Toa wearing it could use it to see a couple of minutes in advance in a battle and see that one possiblity was their death if they went one direction.
51b.) If that's not right, what is it's power?
62.)There seems to be a lot of discussion on the Nuva's armor. You said something to the effect of: "You'll see when the Nuva get their armor why they won't want their old armor back." I know that's probably not an exact quote, I apologize. Is it possible that the Nuva's armor shifts its design to allow for better usage in an environment? (Not total shapeshifting, but growing wings if they need to fly, etc. And you don't have to answer, maybe just a little hint if I am on the right track?)
73.) The Toa of Lightning seems to give the impression that the Lightning matoran, Toa, etc. are more fiesty and louder than Ga-Matoran. Is this true, and was this done to establish a different sort of female presence in the story?
84.) The female voice in the GNB is not the leader, correct?
95.) Is Jaller's mask kind of useless on land now, sonar works best in the water if I am not mistaken?
10That's all for now, great job this year to everyone on the bionicle team.
111) No, it's actually closer to the Scarlet Witch's original mutant hex power -- it alters the laws of probability. 122) Oh, very good, TL 133) Yes. A lot of times, the attitudes of Toa are tied to the nature of their element in the story, and lightning is by nature more aggressive than water. Water can be placid and calm and soothing, as well as raging and destructive ... when is the last time you saw a placid and calm lightning bolt? 144) You'll find out the leader's identity in 2008 155) Nope -- bats use sonar all the time.
1Greg, 2Just wanted to say that I've been loving the Serials going on. It's great that you've been able to bring so much in that is "extra." My favorite serial is the Gali Nuva Blog, just because I've been a fan from the beginning and it''s good to see the Nuva brought back in. I feel that you've struck the perfect balance for new story accessability and enough to appease the older fans. Good job: Anyway, on to the questions.
31.) The Mask of Possiblities, I'm not sure if you've come up with a use for it, but does this seem to fit what you would envision it to do: It is similar to the Spider sense, only that it allows the user to see a short period of time into the future, seeing possible outcomes of upcoming events.
4I guess an example is that the Toa wearing it could use it to see a couple of minutes in advance in a battle and see that one possiblity was their death if they went one direction.
51b.) If that's not right, what is it's power?
62.)There seems to be a lot of discussion on the Nuva's armor. You said something to the effect of: "You'll see when the Nuva get their armor why they won't want their old armor back." I know that's probably not an exact quote, I apologize. Is it possible that the Nuva's armor shifts its design to allow for better usage in an environment? (Not total shapeshifting, but growing wings if they need to fly, etc. And you don't have to answer, maybe just a little hint if I am on the right track?)
73.) The Toa of Lightning seems to give the impression that the Lightning matoran, Toa, etc. are more fiesty and louder than Ga-Matoran. Is this true, and was this done to establish a different sort of female presence in the story?
84.) The female voice in the GNB is not the leader, correct?
95.) Is Jaller's mask kind of useless on land now, sonar works best in the water if I am not mistaken?
10That's all for now, great job this year to everyone on the bionicle team.
111) No, it's actually closer to the Scarlet Witch's original mutant hex power -- it alters the laws of probability. 122) Oh, very good, TL 133) Yes. A lot of times, the attitudes of Toa are tied to the nature of their element in the story, and lightning is by nature more aggressive than water. Water can be placid and calm and soothing, as well as raging and destructive ... when is the last time you saw a placid and calm lightning bolt? 144) You'll find out the leader's identity in 2008 155) Nope -- bats use sonar all the time.
16Thanks for this:

1Didn't Artahka make the Nuva's new armour?2Yes
3Isn't this the first time Greg said....
4Hm. I thought he had said that before, if I wasnt mistaken.
5Greg, 6Just wanted to say that I've been loving the Serials going on. It's great that you've been able to bring so much in that is "extra." My favorite serial is the Gali Nuva Blog, just because I've been a fan from the beginning and it''s good to see the Nuva brought back in. I feel that you've struck the perfect balance for new story accessability and enough to appease the older fans. Good job: Anyway, on to the questions.
71.) The Mask of Possiblities, I'm not sure if you've come up with a use for it, but does this seem to fit what you would envision it to do: It is similar to the Spider sense, only that it allows the user to see a short period of time into the future, seeing possible outcomes of upcoming events.
8I guess an example is that the Toa wearing it could use it to see a couple of minutes in advance in a battle and see that one possiblity was their death if they went one direction.
91b.) If that's not right, what is it's power?
102.)There seems to be a lot of discussion on the Nuva's armor. You said something to the effect of: "You'll see when the Nuva get their armor why they won't want their old armor back." I know that's probably not an exact quote, I apologize. Is it possible that the Nuva's armor shifts its design to allow for better usage in an environment? (Not total shapeshifting, but growing wings if they need to fly, etc. And you don't have to answer, maybe just a little hint if I am on the right track?)
113.) The Toa of Lightning seems to give the impression that the Lightning matoran, Toa, etc. are more fiesty and louder than Ga-Matoran. Is this true, and was this done to establish a different sort of female presence in the story?
124.) The female voice in the GNB is not the leader, correct?
135.) Is Jaller's mask kind of useless on land now, sonar works best in the water if I am not mistaken?
14That's all for now, great job this year to everyone on the bionicle team.
151) No, it's actually closer to the Scarlet Witch's original mutant hex power -- it alters the laws of probability. 162) Oh, very good, TL 173) Yes. A lot of times, the attitudes of Toa are tied to the nature of their element in the story, and lightning is by nature more aggressive than water. Water can be placid and calm and soothing, as well as raging and destructive ... when is the last time you saw a placid and calm lightning bolt? 184) You'll find out the leader's identity in 2008 195) Nope -- bats use sonar all the time.
20Nice infor on the armour, TL.

1Greetings Mr.Farshtey, I have some new questions for you...
21) So the Mask of Possibilities could be described as a Mask of Luck?
32) Wouldn't a Toa that controls metal be nearly unbeatable against biomechanical beings that wear metal armor?...It would be like going up against a Toa of Ice with armor of Ice.
43) Since your considering making the Makuta's masks one of a kind masks, does that mean that they are more powerful masks than averadge.
54) Who is the most expirienced Toa or Toa team we have met so far...I would say Lesovikk exept that having been so depressed for so long, he might have taken a few millenia off.
65) Are you happy to be writing about your favorite characater (Kopaka) again after so long?
76) Would you say Kopaka is more talented/skilled then the other Nuva considering that he beat 3 Rahkshi at once alone while Tahu had problems with just one.
87) Do the Visorak have a true purpose that we dont know about yet like the Bohrak did? I ask because of the Hart of the Visorak artifact, the name of which makes me think that the Toa will need to use them for something. 97a) Perhaps the artifact can control the horde?
10Thank you very much for your time.
111) Not really, because there's no luck involved. It is actually more science -- altering the laws of probability. 122) Yes and no. One on one, he would be tough to beat unless you could strike first and keep him off-balance. Two on one, he would be easier, because if he is focusing his powers on one opponent's armor, the other can come up and bash him one. And, if you think about it, a Toa of Fire can melt the armor of anyone he runs up against, yet nobody considers him invulnerable. 133) No, not necessarily. They are still Great Mask level, just not the sort of masks Toa would be likely to wear. 144) Well, the first Toa ever would have to be considered the most experienced, since she is still alive ... of the other living ones, Lesovikk would certainly have to up there -- he has been adventuring all this time, just not with a team. 155) Yes 166) No -- I once saw Spider-Man beat the Juggernaut on his own, that doesn't mean he is more talented than the X-Men. Just means on that particular day, in that particular battle, he was better than his foe. 177) No, the Visorak are "what you see is what you get" -- they are essentially a barbarian horde.
181) That sounds like luck to me, but whatever. 192) I wouldn't want to fight someone who had complete control over my armor...It would be like crushing me with my own clothes: And the difference in my mind with the Toa of Fire is that he still needs to hit you with his heat blasts to melt your armor. A Toa that controls metals would stop you with a flick of his wrist before you ever got anywhere near him...or even just crush your armor enough so that it is skin tight and then control you like a puppet...just seems kind of over powered to me. It's like Magneto vs. Wolverine. 203) So they're nasty masks...like Matoro's mask of reanimation? 214) Okay so Lesovikk out of the ones we've met so far, first Toa out of all of them. 225) Yeah: Greg's happy: 236) Well alright, I always figured Spider-man could do that because he was so smart...which I consider a form of talent...but O.K. 247) A barbarian horde? Awesome:
25P.S. Fantastic info on the Nuva's new armor:
2Just one question on the mask of possibilities.
31) I have read that the mask changes the probability that something will happen. However what are the limitations of this mask? Because in theory from what we know a Toa wearing this mask could increase the probability that his/her enemy will just drop dead in the middle of battle. That seems like it makes the mask too powerful.
4~The Eye of Makuta~
5But something like living or dying requires an enormous amount of willpower to accomplish, more than a Toa is going to have, and we are not dealing with a Legendary mask here -- it's a Great Mask, the power of life and death is going to be beyond it. A Toa using this mask would be more likely to be able to cause something flammable to spontaneously combust, or melt a metallic weapon, deflect an object in flight, things on that order.
6Interesting question that I thought should be asked.
1Hi Greg, I know I'm crazy for sending so many questions, but new stuff is always coming into my head.
21.) How would you rank these elements in terms of stregnth: 3Earth 4Stone 5Iron 6I included Iron just because I wanted to get a general idea of how strong a Toa of Iron would be. It sounds tougher than earth, but stone still seems the strongest. (Least to me...)
72.) (Wierd Question) Has the Nuva's new armour actually bonded with them, like, to their bodies, or is it kind of like the mideval armour. And, if it has bonded, can it unbond for them to take it out? 82a.) Did Artahka make this armour with the Nuva in mind, seeing how useful it seems to be? 92b.) Does it... have a name? 102c.) Does the armour come in colors, or is it like a Kanohi mask, were it changes to the color of the wearer? 112d.) Can it change colors depending on your enviroment, just like it phisicaly adapting to the place you are in?
123.) Do the Nuva have any specific thoughts about their "Upgrades"? 133a.) Are they nervous, at all, about what is ahead? 143b.) Was it, by the way, meant to be Ironic that now that the Nuva have no lack of Unity, they have to immidiatly spit up in the core?
154.) Any Idea for what a Toa of Plant's Nature would be? 164a.) Same for a Toa of Iron.
175.) Which color scheme would you say better suits plants: Green-Brown, like the Rahkshi of plants, or Green-Blue, the Toa color of plants.
186.) Any reason why the Great Beings held the Elements Fire, Ice, Water, Stone, Earth, and Air in higher regard than other elements?
19Thanks for Answering all these, and have a good Thanksgiving:
201) I think we would probably keep stone the strongest, followed by iron and then earth. 212) No, Toa armor does not bond to their bodies. 222a) Yes 232b) I call it adaptive armor 242c) Changes with the wearer 252d) Not to my knowledge, no 263) They really don't have the time to worry about it -- let's face it, they went from being Toa Mata to Toa Nuva in the last year (their time), so just changing armor would not be a big deal to them. 273a) Anyone going into combat who says they aren't nervous is probably either crazy or lying 283b) No. They are only splitting up because of the vast distance that has to be covered, and the plan to make it a vast area had nothing to do with their unity or lack of it in the past. It's just the way the world works. 294) Not something I have worried about yet, since neither has played much of a role in story 305) Actually, the color scheme for the Toa of the Green was already given in Bionicle Legends #4, I believe 316) Well, they are very basic elements -- if you ask people to name elements, certainly fire, air, water and earth would immediately come to mind. The only one that we kind of forced into the mix was ice.
32So the armour not only changes color with the wearer, but we know the name now: Adaptive Armour: That, and Iron is stronger than Earth, but Stone is still on top.
11. So no Jan. comic, that's dissapointing. Do you think you could do something to make up for it, like a couple-chapter-length story included in the mag or something?
22. So the Nuva's masks will have the same title. To avoid confusion, will they have a sub-title, like Miru P. etc. or something?
33. What colors would you say a Toa of Iron and a ToGravity would be?
44. Is Lego thinking about a BIONICLE 4: Movie game?
55. We've noticed that you got busy and behind on PMs recently, are you pretty much caught up now?
61) No, there's no room in the magazine for that. There are 2 pages on BIONICLE in the January magazine and another four pages in BrickMaster and they need to focus on selling current sets. I don't have room to do a story. 72) No 83) No idea, that would be up to the set designers if they ever made sets of them. 94) No idea. That would be something negotiated with a licensing partner, since we do not make the video games, and I haven't heard anything about it. We don't even have an approved script yet, so it's much too early for a game developer to worry about this. 105) No, I still have a lot to do. I have been averaging 40-50 PMs a day in the last week or so.
22. So the Nuva's masks will have the same title. To avoid confusion, will they have a sub-title, like Miru P. etc. or something?
33. What colors would you say a Toa of Iron and a ToGravity would be?
44. Is Lego thinking about a BIONICLE 4: Movie game?
55. We've noticed that you got busy and behind on PMs recently, are you pretty much caught up now?
61) No, there's no room in the magazine for that. There are 2 pages on BIONICLE in the January magazine and another four pages in BrickMaster and they need to focus on selling current sets. I don't have room to do a story. 72) No 83) No idea, that would be up to the set designers if they ever made sets of them. 94) No idea. That would be something negotiated with a licensing partner, since we do not make the video games, and I haven't heard anything about it. We don't even have an approved script yet, so it's much too early for a game developer to worry about this. 105) No, I still have a lot to do. I have been averaging 40-50 PMs a day in the last week or so.
1^I think Bionicle should have it's own magazine to be honest.
1Nice bit about the armour. Had been meaning to ask about it, but it slipped my mind. Anyhoo, heres some random questions I had answered.
2Good day Mr F. I had a few more question for ya, and was simply curious as to whether or not you could answer them for me.
31. Could a Toa, knowing it was a Matorans destiny to transform, directly transfer his Toa Power into that Matoran and transform him into a Toa? 42. Why does Roodaka work for both the DH and the Brotherhood? I thought she revered Makuta; why would she go behind his back at all? 53. Could life energy theoretically do the same thing as the Ignika could, i.e. could Lesovikk theoretically use his life energy to transport Sarda and Idris to the mainland and make them not water breathers? Or is the Mask of Life the only thing that could do that? 64. Would you consider the Toa Ignika an actual "Toa"? Mostly for a BS01 reference, when he comes into existence, would you count him as being among the 56 Toa alive? 75. Is the Toa in stasis in Odina ever going to make any specific impact in the story later? 86. Can you tell us yet who is directing the new Bionicle Movie? 97. Is Mutran (that is how you spell it, yes?) going to be a set? 108. Do you have a name for the Mask of Possibilities? 119. Could a being like Karzahni or Artakha control the Vahi? 1210. Will we learn the name of the Mask of Creation? 1311. Would a Toa of Iron be able to control solid protodermis? 1411a. If yes, would he be able to use that control to absorb masks? Or at the very least pull one off an enemies face? 1512. Did Artakha have a mask before his fight with Karzahni?
16Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these ^^;
181) Don't think so, no. 192) Because she wants to make sure she is on the side that wins, whoever that might be. 203) How would Lesovikk even access his life energy to be able to do that? 214) That's debatable 225) No plans for that at the moment 236) That has not been decided yet, the studio is still interviewing directors 247) You'll find out in 2008 258) Nope 269) Probably better than a Toa could 2710) I don't have plans to name it right now 2811) Metallic protodermis, yes 2911a) Depends on what the mask is made of 3012) Haven't thought about it
31Aight, cool, cool. This of course leads to some follow up questions... XP
321. As a curiosity, why not, persay? It can be infused directly into beings (Graalok to heal her, and Matoran to wake them up) so why not Matoran to transform? 332. Based on Web of Shadows, it seemed that she revered him, but I guess not, eh? 343. I would assume the same way Takutanuva would be able to do it? I was just curious if that would at all be possible. 354. Aight, fair enough. I'd lean toward the side of no, but that's okay ^^; 365. Fair enough 376. Very nice, very nice. The movie would come out in 2009, yes? 387. K, just curious. 398. Aw, natch 409. Sweet. 4110. Fair enough, fair enough. 4211. So if a Toa's mask was made of Metallic Protodermis, this would be possible then? 4312. All right, just something that popped into my head. 4413. On an unrelated sidenote, I've been reading that the summer Makuta don't have Rahkshi powers. Is this accurate? 4514. Seeing as it's necessary for Mata Nui's health, would cutting the Cord appear on the Scroll of Preparations? 4615. Will we see what the Heart of the Visorak is for in entry 10? 4716. Just curious, what kind of music do you listen to? I've always wondered...
48Thanks once again in advance if you can answer any of these ^^;
501) Well, as you say, it was infused into the Matoran to wake them up, yet it didn't turn Jaller and crew into Toa, right? So wouldn't that be a plot hole? 512) She did, but she is also smart enough to know he uses people, he feels no real affection for anyone. And she is a very smart and very practical female in a very dangerous world. 523) Takutanuva was on a completely different power level though, and doing what he did almost killed Makuta. If Lesovikk COULD do it, he would die doing so. 5311) I think it is something that would be possible, yes 5413) Not all the Rahkshi powers, no 5514) No, because there was no way the Great Beings could predict Mahri Nui would ever exist. 5615) Indeed you will 5716) Jazz, mainly
58Ah... gotcha...
591. Danged Plot holes... =P 602. True, she is pretty smart. 613. So a Toa Kaita could sacrifice a Toa's life energy or two and achieve something similar? 6211. Sweet... 6313. Some, but not all? 6414. Ah, gotcha. 6515. Sweet... 6616. Very nice, very nice. 6717. One last extra question, I've noticed that Gali is usually the one experimenting with different types of powers (i.e. forging a mental link with Takua, the Nova blast, and transferring the powers to the Nuva Cube). Is there any particular reason it's her doing all this?
68Thanks once more in advance if any of these can be answered ^^;
7017) Same reason you might meet a person who is really creative and innovative and then some other people who aren't -- just her personality.
1Hello Greg. Can you share this with me?
21) The big warrior who use the staff of Artakha, is he a member or a servant of the Order? 32) I thought about this: if the Order forgive Brutaka, anyway they can't help him to breath air again? So if the Leader forgive him, the only post he can affect Brutaka is where he already is. 43) Can you confirm that the Order would be a real match for the BoM? 54) From the BoM point of view, the Dark Hunters must be fought for them not to prevent the grand plan, but without hijacking forces who have to play a role in the plan, correct? 65) I guess the BoM is performing this objective. 76) The silver Kanohi are like the Toa Nui, something we know it could exist ut never existed, correct? 87) Toa Nuva is a name for any Toa upgraded by enegized protodermis, but is used as team name by Tahu's team because they are the only known, correct? 98) Same question for Toa Hordika.
10Thank you one thousand time:
111) Member 122) Nope, incorrect -- when the Barraki were in power thousands of years ago, Ehlek was able to survive on land using breathing apparatus 133) Yes 144) Correct 156) They may have popped up somewhere in the story, but not in anything I ever wrote 167) Correct 178) So far as we know, the Hordika were the only Toa infected like that by Visorak, but there could have been others we just haven't seen in story
181) But we don't know if he's one we already heard aout. 192) I'll ask more about apparatus. 208) He forgot Sauvage.
1Just some very random questions, you guys might not find it useful
2Hello Mr. Farshtey, I hope you can answer most of these questions.
31. Did Taipu and Hafu switch masks? I remember Hafu having a Pakari and Taipu having a Ruru but now it's the other way around, did something happen?
42. What exactly would a Plant Life Toa do against his enemies? Vine traps?
53. Have the Toa Hagah completed their destiny?
64. The matoran on the BOM's side, were they recruited by force or their choice?
75. How would you describe Karzahni's mental state after Makuta's attack?
86. Was there any chance of Nidhiki becoming good before his death and transformation?
97. Are the Piraka also trapped with the Barraki now?
108. Why did it say ignition on the BOM's plans in BL4?
119. Do you plan on bringing Takutanuva back or would it be rather impossible?
1210. When will The Final Battle be released?
13I hope you can answer them and btw I just read Birth of a Dark Hunter and I almost cried. biggrin.gif
141) Odds are their masks were damaged and they simply got new ones. 152) Oh, lots of things. Think about the old explosive madu fruit from 2001 -- that's a plant, and a Toa of Plant Life could make it erupt out of the ground and, boom. 163) I would say so, yes 174) You'll find out in 2008 185) Pretty much the same as mine after a Yankee loss in the playoffs
196) No. Nidhiki had no real interest in becoming good, he just missed the adulation he got as a Toa. That's selfishness and ego, not heroism. 207) No 218) Well, Ignition was also the umbrella title for the 2004 comics, so it all ties together. The term obviously has some meaning. 229) No, I don't. Been there, done that. 2310) End of 2008.

2Hello Mr. Farshtey, I hope you can answer most of these questions.
31. Did Taipu and Hafu switch masks? I remember Hafu having a Pakari and Taipu having a Ruru but now it's the other way around, did something happen?
42. What exactly would a Plant Life Toa do against his enemies? Vine traps?
53. Have the Toa Hagah completed their destiny?
64. The matoran on the BOM's side, were they recruited by force or their choice?
75. How would you describe Karzahni's mental state after Makuta's attack?
86. Was there any chance of Nidhiki becoming good before his death and transformation?
97. Are the Piraka also trapped with the Barraki now?
108. Why did it say ignition on the BOM's plans in BL4?
119. Do you plan on bringing Takutanuva back or would it be rather impossible?
1210. When will The Final Battle be released?
13I hope you can answer them and btw I just read Birth of a Dark Hunter and I almost cried. biggrin.gif
141) Odds are their masks were damaged and they simply got new ones. 152) Oh, lots of things. Think about the old explosive madu fruit from 2001 -- that's a plant, and a Toa of Plant Life could make it erupt out of the ground and, boom. 163) I would say so, yes 174) You'll find out in 2008 185) Pretty much the same as mine after a Yankee loss in the playoffs

1Sorry for giving you so many PMs Greg, you just never responded to the last two.
21. Could the Nui Stone work on Mata Nui? 31a. A Great Being?
42. In theory, could two Makuta share armor in their energy forms if it was big enough?
53. What happend to the Piraka?
64. In Time Trap, Nuju said that Vakama weled the teloscope onto his mask. If Vakama did not weld it on, would his Toa mask look different?
7Thank you for your time.
81) No. It has to do with Toa energy, so it only works on Toa. Me: Dang 92) No 103) Piraka's fate gets dealt with in BIONICLE Legends #8, in stores next month. 114) Yes, it wouldn't have the eyepiece Me: Resonable enough
21. Could the Nui Stone work on Mata Nui? 31a. A Great Being?
42. In theory, could two Makuta share armor in their energy forms if it was big enough?
53. What happend to the Piraka?
64. In Time Trap, Nuju said that Vakama weled the teloscope onto his mask. If Vakama did not weld it on, would his Toa mask look different?
7Thank you for your time.
81) No. It has to do with Toa energy, so it only works on Toa. Me: Dang 92) No 103) Piraka's fate gets dealt with in BIONICLE Legends #8, in stores next month. 114) Yes, it wouldn't have the eyepiece Me: Resonable enough
11. Did Taipu and Hafu switch masks? I remember Hafu having a Pakari and Taipu having a Ruru but now it's the other way around, did something happen? 21) Odds are their masks were damaged and they simply got new ones.
3Accualy, that was just an error made by Templar Studios.

1Here's some questions I asked Greg:
171. I understand 182.Understandable 193. Very confusing to me. 203b. I distinctly remember C.A. Hapka, the old writer of the novels, saying one of the Toa Mata was bleeding. 214. They have chutes, hover pads, and blimps yet 100,000 years hasn't led to a computer. 225. So if they removed all their armor, they would be completely organic?
2I already sent you some questions, and I'll ask a few of them again, so sorry, but I also have new ones.
31a. Why didn't the Toa Nuva go into Kaita groups, or are they working on new ones? 41b. Can they even go Kaita anymore?
52a. Since this year is all about the brotherhood, will there be a year entirely about dark hunters etc.?
63a. Do bionicles have organs, I know the skakdi have lungs, but do they have other ones, like hearts, or even a brain. 73b. Can they bleed?
84a. Do they have computers?
95a. Would you say their armor is basically metal skin?
10I asked you questions before , but I think they were eaten, so sorry.
111) Two reasons. One, we have already done kaita a few times in the story, and it gets boring to do it too often. And two, when we did do them, it was because we had existing combination models of the Nuva that formed kaita. Since the old Nuva sets are no longer available, no one can build those kaita now, so no point in promoting models that most fans cannot build. 122) I can't discuss future storyline 133) We know that Toa have organic lungs, because they are shown in the movies. Beyond that, we have not discussed what organs they do or don't have. 143b) No 154) No 165) No, because armor can be removed.
171. I understand 182.Understandable 193. Very confusing to me. 203b. I distinctly remember C.A. Hapka, the old writer of the novels, saying one of the Toa Mata was bleeding. 214. They have chutes, hover pads, and blimps yet 100,000 years hasn't led to a computer. 225. So if they removed all their armor, they would be completely organic?
18"1Hello Greg. Can you share this with me?
21) The big warrior who use the staff of Artakha, is he a member or a servant of the Order? 32) I thought about this: if the Order forgive Brutaka, anyway they can't help him to breath air again? So if the Leader forgive him, the only post he can affect Brutaka is where he already is. 43) Can you confirm that the Order would be a real match for the BoM? 54) From the BoM point of view, the Dark Hunters must be fought for them not to prevent the grand plan, but without hijacking forces who have to play a role in the plan, correct? 65) I guess the BoM is performing this objective. 76) The silver Kanohi are like the Toa Nui, something we know it could exist ut never existed, correct? 87) Toa Nuva is a name for any Toa upgraded by enegized protodermis, but is used as team name by Tahu's team because they are the only known, correct? 98) Same question for Toa Hordika.
10Thank you one thousand time:
111) Member 122) Nope, incorrect -- when the Barraki were in power thousands of years ago, Ehlek was able to survive on land using breathing apparatus 133) Yes 144) Correct 156) They may have popped up somewhere in the story, but not in anything I ever wrote 167) Correct 178) So far as we know, the Hordika were the only Toa infected like that by Visorak, but there could have been others we just haven't seen in story
19Thanks for these. But it raises new ones...
201) Is he a member we already heard of? 212) Who has acess to the breathing apparatus technology? 222a) As they tempered him, was it the Order who gave Ehlek his apparatus? 232b) Couldn't Matoran build this apparatus? So Barraki could have forced them to build six. 248) Ahem, I think you forgot Savage.
25Other questions: 261) What is the line between Rahi and sentient? because I think Keetongu is smarter than Nocturn, Krekka is smarter than Airwatcher, etc. 272) Are the Bahrag Rahi? BS01 says "Matoran would classify the Bahrag as Rahi." 283) What is the criterion to be called Toa? We assume Toa Nuva are Toa (arguably they are more than Toa), Toa Hordika were... You must be "not so far" from regular Toa (like Mata, Metru, Hagah) and be a hero? 294) Takua had the powers of an Av-Matoran but didn't know, so he couldn't use it, correct? 305) As Takanuva, does he have all the powers of Av-Matoran?
31I forgot to thank you for two things: 32-At last a second female element: 33-long ago, you told us Axonn could have other powers that he didn't use against Brutaka because Brutaka could dodge it. Perfect, the stasis:
341) No 352) Whoever develops it 362a) No. They had no interest in Ehlek operating on the surface 372b) Which Matoran, exactly? The Mahri Nui Matoran have neither the expertise nor the technology in their city to build something like that. If they did, they would have built it for themselves so they didn't have to rely on air bubbles that can run out 388) Quite possibly![]()
391) You might want to look up the word sentient. All sentient means is "capable of feeling" -- so all Rahi are sentient. 402) Well, they aren't referred to as Rahi in the Encyclopedia, so I would not classify them as that. 413) We know there are a few characteristics common to Toa -- they have mask powers they can use; they have elemental powers; they (with very few exceptions) are evolved Matoran; and they are heroes. Of these four, only the third one has exceptions, since we know of at least seven Toa who were never Matoran. Discounting those seven, since no non-Matoran Toa have come into being in 100,000 years or so, a mask-wielding, elementally-powered being who was not a Matoran first would not be considered a Toa, and a Toa who turned evil would no longer be considered a Toa, since the word means "hero" 424) Correct -- he was unconsciously using his power to change the perception of his armor and mask colors, but he was not conscious of what he was. 435) Yes
443) Hum, Hordika doesn't have acess to Mask power. But let's forget this. I think the Toa Ignika is... Right in the ambigous zone. 454) Excellent:
9Not much here but I doubt I was the only one wondering these things.1GregF:
2I just have a quick pair of questions I hope you can answer:5Thank you so much in advance and I hope you have a good holiday.
- 3Will we see a Mask of Intangibility and/or a Mask of Possibilities in plastic in 2008?
- 4Do either of the aforementioned masks have official Kanohi names yet?
6~ Ausar
71) No 82) No, don't believe so
1You know he could of just as easily ment the silver parts
11) Well, as you say, it was infused into the Matoran to wake them up, yet it didn't turn Jaller and crew into Toa, right? So wouldn't that be a plot hole?
2Hey wait a minuite. 3Greg said at one point that a matoran must become a toa at the right time, or not at all. RIGHT? 4Maybe Jaller&Co. couldn't become toa at that time. They had to become toa at the time they did. 5And

11) Well, as you say, it was infused into the Matoran to wake them up, yet it didn't turn Jaller and crew into Toa, right? So wouldn't that be a plot hole?
2Hey wait a minuite. 3Greg said at one point that a matoran must become a toa at the right time, or not at all. RIGHT? 4Maybe Jaller&Co. couldn't become toa at that time. They had to become toa at the time they did. 5Andat the nuva armor info:
6I think they used all their power to awake Matoran and make the stones.
11) Well, as you say, it was infused into the Matoran to wake them up, yet it didn't turn Jaller and crew into Toa, right? So wouldn't that be a plot hole?
2Hey wait a minuite. 3Greg said at one point that a matoran must become a toa at the right time, or not at all. RIGHT? 4Maybe Jaller&Co. couldn't become toa at that time. They had to become toa at the time they did. 5Andat the nuva armor info:
6I think they used all their power to awake Matoran and make the stones.
7Well, maybe the Red star had alot of toa energy and that's why the inika have lightning.
1Bunch of Great info: I hope this isn't old news to you guys:
2Hi Greg: I have some questions I can hoping you would answer:
31. Can Av-Matoran change how their mask shape looks like by reflecting the light? Can they also change how their body looks like?
42. Is it possible for a Makuta to take a body and then shapeshift and then leave the body so that the body is a new form?
5Thanks: 6[=-PoI-=
71) They can change the color of their body or mask, but not their perceived shape. 82) No. Makuta can only shapeshift when they are in Makuta armor.
9Hey Greg. I sent you a reply some time ago, but it seems the server ate it up. So Here I go again:
101. Connecting of your reply...Makuta can change and the three Phantuka are "weakened" or not at full power. Also in the back of the new comic there was a pic of Antroz and Raidak. They're face looks very similar except the Antroz has sharper teeth. Did Antroz change form to suit the mutated Av-Matoran?
11Same goes for Lewa and Tanma, their masks look the same, especially in the teaser. Did Tanma change his mask form to suit Lewa's?
122. So there is special armor for Makuta? Where is it made? And if a Makuta in Makuta armor shapeshifts and leaves it, will it revert to its original form, or will it stay shape-shifted?
133. In Bionicle World it states that the Coliseum is cracking, and it is related to Mata-Nui's health. No since Mata-Nui is alive again, did it fix itself?
14And since the Ignika is also conneted to Mata-Nui (clor cange) is the Coliseum related to the Ignika?
154. What happened to Matoro's Tryna? Is it in the Universe Core? Or did it also change into energy?
16Thanks. 17[=-PoI-=
181) No. Antroz could care less about making the Matoran feel better about his appearance. 19Tanma can't do that. He can change how you perceive his color, he is not a shapeshifter.
202) It was originally made on Artakha out of protosteel. And it would stay shapeshifted, most likely.
213) That gets dealt with in Chapter 9 of the Toa Nuva Blog
224) It also changed into energy, along with his armor and weapons.
23Well since I read the new updates (Best so far I think, so much infoA few more questions...
241)...Hmmm...is there a reason why the Mutated Av-Matoran look similar to their Makuta counterparts (set-wise)? 25And can the mutated ones still change color? 26And the same for Tanma... is the color change completely coincidental?
272) Mutran. I was shocked when I heard another Makuta in ItD 8. You also said that there is a Makuta that has the specialty of mutation. Mutran seems to have derived from mutate and transform. Is this the Makuta with the specialty of mutation?
283) Although you can't probably answer this, is Mutran the other titan of January 2008?
294) Well the Ignika was still falling down the waterfall to the core... And so technically since the Swamp of Secrets is so big and it's only a swamp... I'm guessing the mask fell to the swamp?
305) Someone saw Matoro with the Ignika. Is this person "Good", "Bad" or neutral?
316) Is there any specific reason the Nuva split into these groups (Lewa, Pohatu, Kopaka in one and Tahu, Gali, Onua in another)? Or was it just Tahu's whim?
327) Does Metru-Nui know anything about the Nuva's new task about the Universe Core, or are the member of the OoMN the only ones?
338) Ehlek wore a breathing apparatus while he was with the other Barraki on land. Was Nocturn Ehlek's Lieutenant back then? If he was, did he wear a similar apparatus or is he Amphibious? If he is amphibious, couldn't he technically walk out onto land and be free?
34Loads of Thanks Greg. Keep up the serials: It keeps the interest running and it's easier to wait for the comics and books:[=-PoI-=
351) It's how they were made by the set designers. You want Matoran who are going to look right attached to the larger figures. 362) One of two 373) I don't know if you can call him that, because he is not alone in his set, he comes with another character you have not heard of yet 384) Good guess 395) I don't want to reveal that yet, though people should know within a month or so 406) Well, you definitely want Lewa in a team that is fighting in the air ... since Tahu and Kopaka are both good tactical leaders, it makes sense to split them up ... you want Gali where there is going to be water ... and you want Onua where there will be earth/mud. So the only question is whether you have Tahu or Kopaka stay upstairs while the rest go down, and we opted for Kopaka as a January launch, so that made the decision for us. 417) No, no one in Metru Nui would have any way of knowing that. The Mahri have not seen the Nuva since they departed Voya Nui. 428) No, Nocturn did not become Ehlek's lieutenant until after the escape from the original Pit. And I believe it has been stated someplace that Nocturn is amphibious, so yes, he could live on land. But I think his atttitude is, and do what? He doesn't mind where he is -- plenty to eat, no one really bothering him all that much (outside of Pridak) -- last time he was on land, he got hunted down and sent to the Pit, so why risk that again?
1Just some stuff i asked.QUOTE 2Hey Greg. If you already have these sorry, but there are some questions i have in my head. 31)A theory about Mata Nui:is his element fire?I thought this because Fire Toa are always leaders in the group, and even when fire people aren't in the lead, they do important things(Hakann creating Vezon, Kalmah making the squid launchers) 42)Who's job is it to wake Mata Nui up? 53)BSO1 says on one page, Mata Nui is the keader of the Order of Mata Nui and on another page, he's not? Can you clarify please? 6Also some other questions. I ask a lot of them. 71)Why do the Phantoka Makuta not have Rahkshi powers? 81a)Were they taken as punishment? 92)Can the Toa Nuva not turn into Turaga? They were not Matoran at the beginning of there lives, and Tahu said "Now and forever, we are, Toa Nuva"(Great qoute by the way)? 103)What does Nuva mean in the Matoran language? 114)Who's side would Krahka take in the Final 2008 fight? 12Thanks for your time.Please answer 131) We don't know that Mata Nui has an element associated with him. We know that Toa do, Matoran do, and Makuta do, but Mata Nui is not any of those things. 142) Toa Nuva 153) No, he is not. 161) They do. The summer Makuta do not have all the Rahkshi powers. 171a) No 182) Yes, they can -- but before they can do so, they have to achieve their destiny, which is to awaken Mata Nui, and they haven't done that yet. 193) We have never defined it, but my guess is something like "new" 204) If she were recruited, it would probably be on the Toa's side, since she has seen what the Visorak did to Rahi and she didn't like it much.
1PM'ed Greg regarding the Toa of Light vs Toa of Gravity thing and got a reply. Did asked him something else too.
2Hello Mr. Farshtey, 3I've been reading the OGD and there was a discussion on who would win if a Toa of Light challenge a Toa of Gravity. There's a theory that states that a ToL would win because light have no mass, another theory states that a ToG would win seeing as they can create a black hole to suck in the light. Perhaps you can clear this up?
4Other Questions, 51) So the questions on Heart of the Visorak, Southern Volcanoes, where Lewa went and Gali telling the Nuva whats in the Red Star will be answered in Nuva Blog 10 right? 62) When will the Toa Nuva get their new armour? In Downfall or the web serials? 73) Does Artakha know that his staff is with the OoMN? And will the staff be returned to him anytime soon? 84) When will Lesovikk's destiny be revealed?
9Well, those are it, hoping you can answer.
10Thanks in advance, 11F21
121) It is correct that light itself has no mass, but the Toa of Light WOULD. He is not made of light. So the fact that light has no mass only helps him if he strikes first and takes the Toa of Gravity out with one shot. Otherwise, the ToG can just increase the Toa of Light's personal gravity until he sinks to the core of the planet. Now, I am not saying ToG would always win -- for example, ToL could use his light power to blind him temporarily, for example, so he can't see to direct his power. But the "light has no mass" argument, while accurate, is not really that relevant. It WOULD be relevant if you were talking Toa of Gravity vs. Umbra -- but Takanuva cannot turn to light the way Umbra can.
131) Mostly, yes 142) Downfall 153) It's not meant to be with him, it was meant to be in Metru Nui and used for what it is going to be used for. 164) I haven't decided -- I am hoping in '08, but we'll see.