1My two cents on IGNITION:
2Well we all know that Ignition is the crucial moment in combustion. It is basically a split second that decides on how fuel is burned in an engine.
3We also know that the BoM's master plan is really relying on crucial timing. If igniton happens too late in an engine you won't get the result you want. 4The BoM also want Mata Nui to be awakened again. 5So I guess the crucial mment for Ignition is the moment Mata Nui is reawakend. In this second the Makuta have to have control over something or make sure something happens so they can finish their plan successfully.
2Well we all know that Ignition is the crucial moment in combustion. It is basically a split second that decides on how fuel is burned in an engine.
3We also know that the BoM's master plan is really relying on crucial timing. If igniton happens too late in an engine you won't get the result you want. 4The BoM also want Mata Nui to be awakened again. 5So I guess the crucial mment for Ignition is the moment Mata Nui is reawakend. In this second the Makuta have to have control over something or make sure something happens so they can finish their plan successfully.
1My two cents on IGNITION:
2Well we all know that Ignition is the crucial moment in combustion. It is basically a split second that decides on how fuel is burned in an engine.
3We also know that the BoM's master plan is really relying on crucial timing. If igniton happens too late in an engine you won't get the result you want. 4The BoM also want Mata Nui to be awakened again. 5So I guess the crucial mment for Ignition is the moment Mata Nui is reawakend. In this second the Makuta have to have control over something or make sure something happens so they can finish their plan successfully.
6Sounds plausible. I guess the Ignition basically means utter "Destruction" now. Ah well, be thankful we don't have a MoLi in our world then. We would've all died by WWII.
7EDIT: I should change my name to "Utter Destruction" looking back on it.

1Hi there Greg, great job with the serials.I'm sure you're busy with questions concerning them, so I'll try to be quick. 21) If the Ignika's "master kill switch" was activated, would the domes and islands be destroyed, or just the beings that live there? 32) Pretty much the most important thing in the Ignika's mind is to survive so it can fulfill it's functions, correct? 43) Does the Ignika know that the BoM is evil? 54) Does it know the Toa Nuva are good? 65) Was the being Matoro saw before his death a real, living being in the Core with him, or a vision? 7Thanks: 8-Ax-
91) Just the living beings, not the structures. 102) Yes, but it also now harbors a desire to have some of what Matoro had -- friends, the opportunity to be a hero, etc. 113) Yes, it senses their intent 124) It sort of judges the Nuva by their actions -- it knows they are who it should ally with, but if they are perceived as being hostile to it, it will respond with force. 135) A real, living being. Large, bat-winged shapes are not exactly rare in the core these days
14Greg is so awesome, I sent these questions and he answered them in less than five minutes.

1Questions 21. Can Kopaka take his ice bayonet off his Midak Skyblaster and use it as a knife-type thing? 31a. Will he ever do this? 41b. If the Nuva's new weapons are adaptable as well, can Kopaka's change length? 51c. Do you know if how long it is? 62. When you say Takanuva is going to play a major role next year, does this mean he is just going to do one major thing to help the Nuva, or is he going to do more than one? 72a. Is his role bigger or smaller than Krakua's? 83. Couldn't the Toa Ignika be considered an official Toa? The Nuva and the first Toa are Toa, and they were never Matoran. If you say they were created to be Toa, isn't the Toa Ignika created to be a Toa too? confused1a.gif 94. I saw a post in the OGD where you said Axonn brought the Piraka somewhere that they couldn't harm anyone and where they could be interrogated. Will Zaktan give up any information on the BoM's plan?
101) Hard for me to answer, because I do not know if it detaches in the set. But what would he do with it as a knife? He's not going to stab someone with it. 111b) Adaptable in this case means the weapon changes to suit the environment/enemy -- so it is more likely if he were somewhere else, fighting someone else, it would become a completely different kind of weapon. 122) TG, I can't discuss future storyline. 132a) Bigger. 143) But the Toa were created as Toa -- the Ignika is a mask that created a body for itself. He has no powers other than his mask's abilties, he is simply focusing them through his weapon instead of through the mask. 154) Time will tell.
161. Wouldn't he use it for the same thing he used his sword for? Sometimes having two weapons would be more useful than one. 17And some follow-up questions... 181) If the weapons adapt to the enemy, this doesn't mean that they will adapt during the fight, right? (ex. growing longer so that it can hit someone) 192) Do the Midak Skyblasters adapt as well? That would explain why the summer Nuva will have different weapons. 202a) Are they even a part of the adaptable armor?
21Ok, thats all, thanks: I can't wait to get BL8, I hear it's great...
221) He's not carrying a sword in 2008, though. 231) No. They don't work that way. The weapons in 2008 turn into launchers, so length doesn't matter. And the Toa melee weapons are mainly used for focusing their elemental power. 242) Those are the adaptable weapons. 252a) Yes
26Stuff I just got...
1Got some pretty awesome stuff here. Question 5 is what really got me excited.
2Hi, Greg. Just finished with the Bstory updates, and I have a few questions if you don't mind.31. Lesovikk met Krakua, according to Dreams of Destruction. When and where did this happen?
42. What would happen to the Ignika if it ever had to suck all the life out of the universe? Would it just sit there for eternity, or would the Great Beings come and get it?
53. If Jaller had not created the wall of fire that he did, would Makuta still have escaped?
64. Can Makuta perform Nova Blasts?
75. There are no Matoran of Shadow that were created as such. However, would a Matoran who had his light sucked out of him have the same characteristics as a Matoran of Shadow would? As in, would he technically be a Matoran of Shadow?
8Thanks in advance.
91) Prior to his coming to the Pit -- Krakua sought him out. 102) Most likely, that universe would have been left to collapse. If the Great Beings had access to the Ignika, they would retrieve it, but at the moment they do not have such access. 113) It's a good question. I think Makuta was in a lot of trouble at that point. Had his actual energy frozen, he most likely would not have died but might have wound up in suspended animation. 124) No. 135) Yes
14Got it, thanks. Just some follow-ups now.
151. I know this is gonna kill you, but why did he do that?
162. Would they retrieve it because it would be useful to them elsewhere, or just because they respected its power and would not want it to be left there?
173. So Matoro didn't care if he died at that point? He was willing to kill him out of desperation? 183.a. So basically, if a Toa of Ice tries hard enough, he could create ice cold enough to act as stasis?
19Okay, that's all I can think of for that set, so I've got one more here.
201. When will you be able to release the powers of the Makutas' masks? Near the middle of December, perhaps?
21Thanks in advance.
221) Because the Order told him to. 232) The former 243) And that was why Makuta said he was proud of him -- because he felt he had pushed Matoro over that line. 253a) Yes
261) It is looking pretty likely that at least some of the winter sets will be in some stores before Christmas, though how long before I do not know. Once I know they are out in stores, then yes, I will start releasing info.
1Really nice info, Gravitan. That's interesting...so the Order told Krakua to go and find Lesovikk...hmmm.
2Anyway, here are a few things, mostly relating to the fate of Lesovikk:
2Anyway, here are a few things, mostly relating to the fate of Lesovikk:
3Hey Greg.Just some questions. 4I loved how you ended the web serials, all three of them, it was a lot of fun following along with them. But I have a few questions about them: 51) What are Lesovikk and Sarda planning to DO exactly, now? Are they just going to wander through the Endless Ocean? 62) Lesovikk seemed to hint at being able to forge a new life for himself out in the ocean. Are there other creatures out there that he might join in with and protect? 73) Do either Lesovikk or Sarda have a set destination? Are they headed for a specific place? 84) I didn't completely understand the end of Into the Darkness. I didn't download the audio and it was transcribed somewhat poorly on Bio Sector 01, so did you mean that if everything goes wrong in the universe, the Ignika will drain life from everything and end the whole universe? 95) Also, the sentence mentioning the Great Beings was the one transcribed most badly. Is the sentence supposed to say that the Great Beings created this universe but couldn't keep it operating right? 106) Is the Pit now restored since the Staff of Artakha has been used? 117) If it is restored, then is Karzahni locked up in it now? 128) How did Lesovikk get into the Pit in the first place? 139) Also, why did he go into the Pit, and what connection does it have with Krakua? 1410) Just in a hypothetical scenario, let's say the Makuta of Metru Nui catches, say, Jaller, and drains the light out of him. Would that make Jaller a Toa of Shadow?
151) Well, there's an ocean full of escaped prisoners of the Pit, so there is plenty to do. Goodness knows what those guys have been up to over the last 1000 years. 162) Time will tell. 173) No, they aren't 184) Yes. And when the countdown starts, the mask turns silver. 195) No. The GBs created the universe but couldn't be sure the universe would be "successful" -- in other words, work the way they wanted it to. 206) The original Pit, yes 217) No 228) Through the original Pit 239) He went because Krakua told him Karzahni was headed there. 2410) Yes
1QUOTE 21) do the midak projectiles light up like on the pictures? 31a) do any bionicle set have pieces that light up this 2008
42) if tahu were unable to be the leader of the nuva, who would be second and third in command 52a) Same question for haga 62c)Mahri? 72d)Likahn's team 82e)Lesovik's Team?
93)Other that lungs, what other organs to the toa/turaga/matoran posses
104)is their skin organic? 114a) what is it made out of? 124c) does heal like our skin ( if macku accidentally hurt herself would her "skin heal"
135) could Arthaka clone the organic part of a matoran
146) do you sometime wish you could take a break for the holiday from answering questions?
157) would you like a Shmoke and a pancake
168)what was Artaka thinking when he designed metru nui undergroung?:?:?:?:?
179) Did the All american rejects ask TLC if the could be in the inika promtion, or vice versa?
1810) were the new 2008 socket pieces made because of the brittle lime green pieces?
1911) how long before we get glow in-the-dark mask (in terms of years) 2011) a will there be any lego promos this year (other that the :shrudders: McDonald's promo?)
2112) does bionicle every make inconspicuous references to the real world?
22thank you very much for your time
231) Not to my knowledge 241a) No 252) Kopaka would be second in command, and probably Gali would be third 262a) Haven't worried about it since I have not written much about them 272c) Hewkii 282d-2e) Again, very little has been written about these teams so I can't determine who would be second and third in command. Most of the members of the teams have never been identified in story. 293) Hasn't been revealed 304) There's no evidence that they have skin like ours. They are bio-mechanical, machine parts linked together by muscle tissue. There is no skin covering their machine parts. 315) No. Artakha does not create living things, he makes objects. 326) If I wanted to take a break from BZP, I could -- being here is not part of my job, it's something I do for fun. 337) Please don't waste my time with questions like these 348) He was doing what the Great Beings wanted done -- the entire Matoran universe is inside the domes. 359) Vice versa. 3610) I don't work in manufacturing, I do story only, so I have no info on this. 3711) See answer to #10 3811a) This year is pretty much over with. 3912) Such as what?
42) if tahu were unable to be the leader of the nuva, who would be second and third in command 52a) Same question for haga 62c)Mahri? 72d)Likahn's team 82e)Lesovik's Team?
93)Other that lungs, what other organs to the toa/turaga/matoran posses
104)is their skin organic? 114a) what is it made out of? 124c) does heal like our skin ( if macku accidentally hurt herself would her "skin heal"
135) could Arthaka clone the organic part of a matoran
146) do you sometime wish you could take a break for the holiday from answering questions?
157) would you like a Shmoke and a pancake
168)what was Artaka thinking when he designed metru nui undergroung?:?:?:?:?
179) Did the All american rejects ask TLC if the could be in the inika promtion, or vice versa?
1810) were the new 2008 socket pieces made because of the brittle lime green pieces?
1911) how long before we get glow in-the-dark mask (in terms of years) 2011) a will there be any lego promos this year (other that the :shrudders: McDonald's promo?)
2112) does bionicle every make inconspicuous references to the real world?
22thank you very much for your time
231) Not to my knowledge 241a) No 252) Kopaka would be second in command, and probably Gali would be third 262a) Haven't worried about it since I have not written much about them 272c) Hewkii 282d-2e) Again, very little has been written about these teams so I can't determine who would be second and third in command. Most of the members of the teams have never been identified in story. 293) Hasn't been revealed 304) There's no evidence that they have skin like ours. They are bio-mechanical, machine parts linked together by muscle tissue. There is no skin covering their machine parts. 315) No. Artakha does not create living things, he makes objects. 326) If I wanted to take a break from BZP, I could -- being here is not part of my job, it's something I do for fun. 337) Please don't waste my time with questions like these 348) He was doing what the Great Beings wanted done -- the entire Matoran universe is inside the domes. 359) Vice versa. 3610) I don't work in manufacturing, I do story only, so I have no info on this. 3711) See answer to #10 3811a) This year is pretty much over with. 3912) Such as what?
1Here is just a simple question I asked.
2Also, these are storyline questions. 31. Could a Kratta be infected by another Kratta? 42. Could a Rahkshi be infected by a Kratta?
61) No. Kraata are the same thing, they are solidified Makuta energy, so it would be like adding a match to a fire. Wouldn't make any difference. 72) Again, pretty pointless. Rahkshi are just kraata inside of armor. There is no need to infect a Rahkshi, it's already being guided by the essence of a Makuta.
1My two cents on IGNITION:
2Well we all know that Ignition is the crucial moment in combustion. It is basically a split second that decides on how fuel is burned in an engine.
3We also know that the BoM's master plan is really relying on crucial timing. If igniton happens too late in an engine you won't get the result you want. 4The BoM also want Mata Nui to be awakened again. 5So I guess the crucial mment for Ignition is the moment Mata Nui is reawakend. In this second the Makuta have to have control over something or make sure something happens so they can finish their plan successfully.
6Sounds plausible. I guess the Ignition basically means utter "Destruction" now. Ah well, be thankful we don't have a MoLi in our world then. We would've all died by WWII.
7EDIT: I should change my name to "Utter Destruction" looking back on it.![]()
8The Ignika seems to be the "Halo ring" of the Bionicle universe... it serves the exact same function, for the exact same reason.
1My two cents on IGNITION:
2Well we all know that Ignition is the crucial moment in combustion. It is basically a split second that decides on how fuel is burned in an engine.
3We also know that the BoM's master plan is really relying on crucial timing. If igniton happens too late in an engine you won't get the result you want. 4The BoM also want Mata Nui to be awakened again. 5So I guess the crucial mment for Ignition is the moment Mata Nui is reawakend. In this second the Makuta have to have control over something or make sure something happens so they can finish their plan successfully.
6And that's why I think Ignition is what the Brotherhood is doing in the Core.
1As I put in the Spoiler tags.
2I think this is connected to the "Ignition" inscribed on the wall.
3Also, there is something (Bionicle) new and strange on Amazon.com I found...
4Bionicle Toa Vakaitla #8601 http://www.amazon.com/Bionicle-Toa-Vakaitl...7641&sr=8-1
5What the-??? [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]

1Most likely that's just Vakama. 

1My two cents on IGNITION:
2Well we all know that Ignition is the crucial moment in combustion. It is basically a split second that decides on how fuel is burned in an engine.
3We also know that the BoM's master plan is really relying on crucial timing. If igniton happens too late in an engine you won't get the result you want. 4The BoM also want Mata Nui to be awakened again. 5So I guess the crucial mment for Ignition is the moment Mata Nui is reawakend. In this second the Makuta have to have control over something or make sure something happens so they can finish their plan successfully.
6Sounds plausible. I guess the Ignition basically means utter "Destruction" now. Ah well, be thankful we don't have a MoLi in our world then. We would've all died by WWII.
7EDIT: I should change my name to "Utter Destruction" looking back on it.![]()
8The Ignika seems to be the "Halo ring" of the Bionicle universe... it serves the exact same function, for the exact same reason.
9That's a good comparison... the Halos were made to kill all life to stop the Flood, not if the universe failed to function as its creator(s) wanted, but still, very similar. Good observation

1My two cents on IGNITION:
2Well we all know that Ignition is the crucial moment in combustion. It is basically a split second that decides on how fuel is burned in an engine.
3We also know that the BoM's master plan is really relying on crucial timing. If igniton happens too late in an engine you won't get the result you want. 4The BoM also want Mata Nui to be awakened again. 5So I guess the crucial mment for Ignition is the moment Mata Nui is reawakend. In this second the Makuta have to have control over something or make sure something happens so they can finish their plan successfully.
6Sounds plausible. I guess the Ignition basically means utter "Destruction" now. Ah well, be thankful we don't have a MoLi in our world then. We would've all died by WWII.
7EDIT: I should change my name to "Utter Destruction" looking back on it.![]()
8The Ignika seems to be the "Halo ring" of the Bionicle universe... it serves the exact same function, for the exact same reason.
9That's a good comparison... the Halos were made to kill all life to stop the Flood, not if the universe failed to function as its creator(s) wanted, but still, very similar. Good observation
10Well they both kill everything to stop the bad, right?
11And wait...if Makuta can't perform Nova Blasts, can a Toa of Shadow?
11)Is Mata Nui don't have a mask?
22)Were the other Nuva at?
33)Will we see more Makuta sets or combos?
44)What are the 3 Makuta (Blue Makuta,Red Makuta & Black Makuta) name titles?
55)We see more Titans in Winter or Summer?
66)Is the Mask Pack the next thing?
71) I can't discuss Mata Nui's appearance 82) Same place the first three are, just another region 93) In 2008, yes 104) That's already been announced on BZPower, long time ago 115) Probably both 126) No, no plans for mask packs that I am aware of.
1That means the Nuva are currently on a race to wake Mata Nui, destroy the BoM and stop the Ignika from destroying everything, right? I mean, the time will soon come, with the Ignika being silver in 2008....
1That means the Nuva are currently on a race to wake Mata Nui, destroy the BoM and stop the Ignika from destroying everything, right? I mean, the time will soon come, with the Ignika being silver in 2008....
2Well, they don't really need to stop the mask, as I understand it. The universe has been decaying for a long time already, even without Mata Nui dying, simply from him being asleep. That added to the fact that the protectors of the universe (Makuta) have betrayed those who depended on them and turned against their one superior, and are trying to bring about a reign of destruction have triggered the Ignika's countdown to doomsday. So it's not so much the mask they have to stop, but the things that are causing it to activate.
1Wow,that a really desperate mission.
1Questions About Makutas, Just don't clear
21) If Makuta's head rip from body, which is moving: Head or body?
32) Can Makuta renew his energy body? If yes, see 2a). If no, see 2b). 42a) What rate does Makuta renew his energy body? 52b) If the armor has a little crack, will energy inside leak out slowly? And will he die?
63) Can Makuta hide in someone's body but not possess?
7And last question about Matoro. Why is he "Hit with a thousand kinds of pain." in Battle in The Deep comic?
21) If Makuta's head rip from body, which is moving: Head or body?
32) Can Makuta renew his energy body? If yes, see 2a). If no, see 2b). 42a) What rate does Makuta renew his energy body? 52b) If the armor has a little crack, will energy inside leak out slowly? And will he die?
63) Can Makuta hide in someone's body but not possess?
7And last question about Matoro. Why is he "Hit with a thousand kinds of pain." in Battle in The Deep comic?
1Questions About Makutas, Just don't clear
21) If Makuta's head rip from body, which is moving: Head or body?
32) Can Makuta renew his energy body? If yes, see 2a). If no, see 2b). 42a) What rate does Makuta renew his energy body? 52b) If the armor has a little crack, will energy inside leak out slowly? And will he die?
63) Can Makuta hide in someone's body but not possess?
7And last question about Matoro. Why is he "Hit with a thousand kinds of pain." in Battle in The Deep comic?
8You have to Pm them to Greg.
1Questions About Makutas, Just don't clear
21) If Makuta's head rip from body, which is moving: Head or body?
32) Can Makuta renew his energy body? If yes, see 2a). If no, see 2b). 42a) What rate does Makuta renew his energy body? 52b) If the armor has a little crack, will energy inside leak out slowly? And will he die?
63) Can Makuta hide in someone's body but not possess?
7And last question about Matoro. Why is he "Hit with a thousand kinds of pain." in Battle in The Deep comic?
8You have to Pm them to Greg.
9What is Pm?
1That means the Nuva are currently on a race to wake Mata Nui, destroy the BoM and stop the Ignika from destroying everything, right? I mean, the time will soon come, with the Ignika being silver in 2008....
2Well, they don't really need to stop the mask, as I understand it. The universe has been decaying for a long time already, even without Mata Nui dying, simply from him being asleep. That added to the fact that the protectors of the universe (Makuta) have betrayed those who depended on them and turned against their one superior, and are trying to bring about a reign of destruction have triggered the Ignika's countdown to doomsday. So it's not so much the mask they have to stop, but the things that are causing it to activate.
3Well, let's just hope that stopping the causes will stop the countdown... 4And Cenox, PM is personal message. 5Here's a link.
1i think that to stop the countdown the BOM has to be defeated, and mata-nui awakened, and convincing the ignika.
1The Ignika only starts when there is "no hope" left. I think Greg hinted that to stop the countdown, the Toa Newva have to rid the Core of the BoM.
3Greg did say that. Have a look in the Official Toa Ignika topic for proof.
4i think that to stop the countdown the BOM has to be defeated, and mata-nui awakened, and convincing the ignika.
1I would PM Greg some questions, but for some reason, I'm not allowed. Strange.
11) It was Chirox that Matoro saw before he died, correct? 22) I saw somewhere in OGD that a Matoran of Shadow was, in fact, possible, if the light was sucked out of them. How could this be accomplished? If you can't answer this question, will we find out next year? Also, can this be done to any Matoran, or just Matoran of Light? 33) Since the Staff of Artakha was able to repair everything except for the Universe Core, does this mean that the Pit is restored? 44) Is the Pit still flooded? 55) Will the Barraki, Hydraxon, and other Pit residents be returned to the Pit by Botar? If not, what will happen to them? 66) Ok, so the Ignika has turned silver, because it's getting ready to basically destroy the Bionicle Universe if things aren't set right soon? 77) Though he may not have a body, will the Makuta of Metru Nui still have some role to play in this last year of the Ignika trilogy? 88) Did the Staff of Artakha restore the land of Karzahni? If not, why? 99) What will the OoMN do with the Heart of the Visorak? 1010) If the BoM created the Visorak, why did they need the Heart to summon them? 1111) Will the Ignika be capable of speech next year when it takes on the form of a Toa?
12I think that's it. Thanks so much in advance Greg.
13- TLH
141) Mmmm, I THINK it was Vamprah 152) More info is indeed coming on this, and it can be done to any Matoran 163) Yupper 174) Most likely it would need to be pumped out, yes, but once the cracks are sealed, that's way easier to do 185) Future events will play out, especially with regard to Carapar and Takadox 196) Yes, Makuta in the core is a bad thing 207) I can't answer this 218) It restored any damage done by the Great Cataclysm, not damage done since then 229) Keep the Makuta from having it, and/or use it to lure the horde far away from where they could cause trouble 2310) Because getting a horde of insects together can be like herding cats. The heart is a quick and easy way to get all of them in the same place 2411) Possibly, though not initially

1Hi Greg
2Some new questions
31- Did Lesovikk met Krakua as a toa or a matoran?
42- Does Krakua works for the OoMN?
53- Is Toa Vakaitla Canon or not?
64- Is Lesovikk good at building things?
75- Was the heart of visorak also used at the invasion of metru nui? 85b- Where did they get it? Destral?
96- So the Ignika countdown starts in 2008? 106b- Is MoMN trying to prevent it?
11That's all for now
121) Toa 132) Yes 143) There is no Toa by that name in BIONICLE. That is a misspelling on Amazon's part -- #8601 is the old Toa Vakama set from 2004. 154) Somewhat 165) Yes 175b) Haven't decided where it was created 186) Yes 196b) He could stop it just by pulling the BOM out of the core, so no, he's not.
20Some new things
2Some new questions
31- Did Lesovikk met Krakua as a toa or a matoran?
42- Does Krakua works for the OoMN?
53- Is Toa Vakaitla Canon or not?
64- Is Lesovikk good at building things?
75- Was the heart of visorak also used at the invasion of metru nui? 85b- Where did they get it? Destral?
96- So the Ignika countdown starts in 2008? 106b- Is MoMN trying to prevent it?
11That's all for now
121) Toa 132) Yes 143) There is no Toa by that name in BIONICLE. That is a misspelling on Amazon's part -- #8601 is the old Toa Vakama set from 2004. 154) Somewhat 165) Yes 175b) Haven't decided where it was created 186) Yes 196b) He could stop it just by pulling the BOM out of the core, so no, he's not.
20Some new things
1Hey Greg, I just have some questions regarding certain Matoran types:
2#1: Apart from the Toa canister maker on Karzahni, were there any other Matoran types there, apart from the original 6 breeds?
3#2: Same for both Voya Nui and Mahri Nui.
4#3: Considering that the aforementioned canister maker is an Av-Matoran and is currently in Metru Nui, can we expect an encounter between him and Takanuva?
5#4: Ok the last question is off-topic from the other three but I'll ask anyway. Since the First Toa and the Toa Nuva were created instead of transformed from Matoran, would they transform into Turaga like the Toa Metru or would they turn into something different? 6Thank you for your time
71) Quite possibly 82) No 93) I don't plan to spend a lot of time on Metru Nui in 2008, so no 104) Yes, they can turn into Turaga
2#1: Apart from the Toa canister maker on Karzahni, were there any other Matoran types there, apart from the original 6 breeds?
3#2: Same for both Voya Nui and Mahri Nui.
4#3: Considering that the aforementioned canister maker is an Av-Matoran and is currently in Metru Nui, can we expect an encounter between him and Takanuva?
5#4: Ok the last question is off-topic from the other three but I'll ask anyway. Since the First Toa and the Toa Nuva were created instead of transformed from Matoran, would they transform into Turaga like the Toa Metru or would they turn into something different? 6Thank you for your time
71) Quite possibly 82) No 93) I don't plan to spend a lot of time on Metru Nui in 2008, so no 104) Yes, they can turn into Turaga
1Just got these answers. I think they're mildly interesting.
I'm particularly happy that he specifically confirmed the names of the Midak Skyblaster and Tridax Pod, because now I can finally allow those pages on the wiki that I'm an admin on...
2Hey Greg. I've built up some questions that apparently got eaten by the server, and have collected them into this PM. Just in case these PMs actually made it to your inbox, and because I've tracked all of them in anticipation of such an event, I'll delete them after sending this PM so you don't accidentally answer them twice. First off, I have a theory. No problem if you can't answer it.
31. I've developed a little theory, and I'm wondering if you could tell me if I'm on the right track.
4This is the quote I'm basing this theory off of:52. Is it possible for a Makuta to take a body and then shapeshift and then leave the body so that the body is a new form? 62) No. Makuta can only shapeshift when they are in Makuta armor.
7So my reasoning is that perhaps these summer '08 Makuta don't have the power of shapeshifting, and other ones that a Makuta would need Makuta armor to use, because for some reason they left their armor and went into different, spiritless bodies. Am I at least warm? (Seeing as how this has to do with summer '08 stuff and winter '08 hasn't even started yet, I completely understand if you can't answer it.)
81) Nope, not correct, sorry
92. The Phantoka Nuva's collectible weapon is called a Midak Skyblaster, right? I just need confirmation from you for Bioniclepedia.
102) Correct
112a. And the Phantoka Makuta's is called a Tridax Pod?
122a) Yes
133. In an earlier PM, you told me that Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Stone and Ice Matoran are more important in the eyes of the Great Beings. As a follow-up question, is that because those are the types of Matoran who inhabit Metru Nui?
143) No, because they are important they occupy Metru Nui, not the other way around
15And I have some questions sparked by today's Bioniclestory updates:
164. The reason the Ignika is silver in the Toa Ignika set is because it's begun turning black and killing the universe, correct?
174) Correct, the countdown has started
185. According to another member's PM, Krakua was told to inform Lesovikk of Karzahni's location by the Order of Mata Nui. So is he actually a member of it, a servant (like Umbra) or is there some other reason they revealed themselves to him?
195) Servant
206. A lot of the Nuva's missions seemed to have to do with the island of Mata Nui. Getting the sundial, looking at the Red Star, and making sure it was completely cleared by the Bohrok. Obviously it has some significance to Mata Nui's awakening. Does this have anything to do with the fact that it's (supposed to be) the only island above the domes?
216) No, because it was never supposed to be a place where anyone lived.
22Thanks a lot in advance, Greg.

11. From Bionicle Legends #4, Zaktan's discovery of the BoM master plan:"At the bottom of these, a lone word was savagely inscribed in the stone: Ignition." Does Ignition refer to: 2a. Jaller and co. becoming Toa; 3b. the Mask of Life being used to save Mata Nui, or; 4c. something else entirely? 5I don't think it would be "b," since the BoM kinda needs Mata Nui to survive if they still want to exist.
6B and something else.
7No one thinks this is important?So as not to double post, I think this means that the term refers to the entire BoM master plan. Here's a shot in the dark -- could it be MoMN's real name?
8You mean like he was signing his name at the bottom or something?![]()
9That could be true... except "Ignition" sounds like an odd name. No doubt it describes the main theme of the BoM's plans though. I am still struggling with what it could mean.
10What I've done....... I start again, and whatever pain may come..today this ends...- Like what the song says, I believe that he is going to jumpstart the universe in his own image.
1Hi Greg
2Some new questions
31- Did Lesovikk met Krakua as a toa or a matoran?
42- Does Krakua works for the OoMN?
53- Is Toa Vakaitla Canon or not?
64- Is Lesovikk good at building things?
75- Was the heart of visorak also used at the invasion of metru nui? 85b- Where did they get it? Destral?
96- So the Ignika countdown starts in 2008? 106b- Is MoMN trying to prevent it?
11That's all for now
121) Toa 132) Yes 143) There is no Toa by that name in BIONICLE. That is a misspelling on Amazon's part -- #8601 is the old Toa Vakama set from 2004. 154) Somewhat 165) Yes 175b) Haven't decided where it was created 186) Yes 196b) He could stop it just by pulling the BOM out of the core, so no, he's not.
20Some new things
21number 6b is interesting seems to be a part of his plan
1Hello Greg. I just finished Downfall and all of the Bioniclestory.com stories and I have a few questions.
21) The Piraka seemed to get the short end of the stick in regards to the mutagen. I mean it's usually nasty but come on, the Barraki might be hideous but they at least became more powerful (individually I mean) and it actually helped the Matoran. The Piraka just lost their bodies? But it makes me think...The Matoran (good beings) were helped by the mutagen, the Barraki (evil but more purposefully evil) were hurt by it but not terribly (mostly just made ugly), while the Piraka (Totally evil and vicious) were seriously harmed by it. So does the mutegan do more 'nasty' mutations if the person being mutated is also 'nasty'? Sort of like mutating you so that your outside matches your inside?
32) You've said that a Matoran can become a Matoran of Shadow if they are drained of all light. This is understandable but I don't get why it makes them evil? Shadow is olny considered evil because of the Brotherhood right but the element itself isn't actually evil right?
43) You've said that even the bad 08 Matoran are Av-Matoran so I'm assuming this is not what happened to them right?
54) Could Mutran be described as a Mad Scientist?
65) Wouldn't Kopaka be better then Tahu in a swamp? Swamps tend to be very damp and wet, wouldn't that hinder Tahu's fire power?
76) I got the impression that Artakha is immencely powerful on his island but just normal everywhere else. Is this right?
87) Sarda seems like the kind of Matoran who could possibly become a Toa. And life under the Sea can be dangerous for a little Matoran with nothing more than a disfunctional weapon. Might he become a Toa and make a two Toa team with Lesovikk under the Sea?
98) That seems like kind of a pathetic end for Karzahni. He is one of the two oldest beings in the Bionicle universe and succeeded in doing evil things that even Makuta hasn't accoplished yet (robbing the Matoran of all hope). Is his story over?
109) What would an ice Nova Blast be like? An explosion that shoots ice off in every direction, or a super flash freeze?
1110) If you evaporated water filled with the mutagen would the resulting steam be mutating as well?
12And finaly...11) What would a Matoran of Gravity's mini ability be? The ability to jump higher because gravity dosn't effect them as much?
13Thank you very much.
141) No, the mutagen has no moral sense, it's not a living thing. The Piraka look was actually based on something that was discussed with the set designers a ways back, when there was talk of re-releasing the Piraka in mutant forms. 152) But light in BIONICLE is good, and if you have no light, you have no goodness of spirit. Remember, darkness is not an actual thing, it is simply the absence of light. 163) No, we simply do not have a prefix for shadow Matoran at this point. 174) Yes 185) No, we have seen Tahu use his power in jungles and other humid areas, and Jaller was able to use his underwater, so I don't really see an issue for him. 196) No. He is simply not a warrior, he's an inventor. He would be an inventor anywhere he went. 207) I have no plans to make him a Toa 218) For now ... and that is what happens when you challenge Makuta. 229) Super flash freeze 2310) Yes -- I treat mutagenic water, in my own mind, as I would irradiated water.
241) I figured as much, just wanted to make sure. But in that case, since the Piraka were all mutated the same way, does this mean that the mutagen will effect all beings of the same species the same way (Piraka=Skakdi=Lose their bodies)? 252) That seems to contradict the fact that the Brotherhood of Makuta used to be good. 263) So then they are Shadow Matoran? 273a) Can Shadow Matoran also change their colors? 286) But could he change the weather at a whim anywhere else like he can on his island? 2911) You didn't answer this question. What would a Matoran of Gravity's mini ability be? The ability to jump higher because gravity dosn't effect them as much?
30And a couple more about your new blog info.
311) Is Spiriah really a villian (I would assume he would be an unpleasant sort)? 322) Can Brutaka be assumed to be the leader because he is good...ish and wants to keep the others in check? 333) As much as I love Vezon and am positively screaming to see him in a team with all these other exelent characters, I can't think of any reason why he would ever do something like this. I doubt he cares if the BoM wins or not. 344) Since half of these characters are water breathers, does that mean the story takes place in the sea? Or do Brutaka, Carapar, and Takadox have breathing apparatuses like Ehlek used to? Or does the OoMN find some way to let them breath air again?
35Once again, thank you very much.
361) Maybe, maybe not 372) But were they good, or did they simply do good things because of fear of the consequences if they did not? 383) Yes 393a) No 406) No, because that is not his power, it's a mechanical device doing that 4111) Since there are no Matoran of Gravity in the story yet, I am not worrying about this yet
421) He's a Makuta, so yes 432) He is the closest to someone the OOMN can rely on on that team, plus he is one of the most powerful 443) Well, consider how it was he escapes from the zyglak, and who he thus owes a debt to 454) You'll find out next year
1Hey Greg, I just have some questions regarding certain Matoran types:
2#1: Apart from the Toa canister maker on Karzahni, were there any other Matoran types there, apart from the original 6 breeds?
3#2: Same for both Voya Nui and Mahri Nui.
4#3: Considering that the aforementioned canister maker is an Av-Matoran and is currently in Metru Nui, can we expect an encounter between him and Takanuva?
5#4: Ok the last question is off-topic from the other three but I'll ask anyway. Since the First Toa and the Toa Nuva were created instead of transformed from Matoran, would they transform into Turaga like the Toa Metru or would they turn into something different? 6Thank you for your time
71) Quite possibly 82) No 93) I don't plan to spend a lot of time on Metru Nui in 2008, so no 104) Yes, they can turn into Turaga
11I would just like to point out that they would actually become Turaga Nuva, and retain their ability to share mask powers. I asked Greg some questions on this about a year ago I think.
1Some new stuff.
2I sent these about a week ago and no answer, so here they are again.
3Hello Sir, I was formerly Sir Koji, but I have a few questions regarding information from my epic, The Lost War involving a war of Makuta and Toa when Makuta were placed into the positions they needed to be in. I know you're probably busy but if you could please answer these:
41: From my epic, this quote involving a Makuta named Horth:
5"He got up to the Toa who wore the mask of Telekenesis and grabbed his face, crushing it under his weight. The next thing he knew he was on the ground, and a red blur in front of him, a Toa of Fire using his Kakama. 6The Toa stood above him, sword poised to kill Horth in a stab. Horth activated his Density control power and eliminated all density from the Toa, making his atoms drift apart, killing him."
7Could Density Control do that?
82: Would a Toa of Lava be possible? Or would it be something like too broad or too vague, I've seen you say that about other elements and other things.
93: Again, from my epic with a Toa of Sonics and Makuta fighting:
10"Shorkth stood over the stunned Makuta and brought his blade down, only to feel it stopped by a stasis field. "You may be good Shorkth, but not even you can beat me with one arm." Xaukor sneered. 11"One arm? I think you're math is off." Shorkth replied and raised his left arm for a punch with his Sonic Gauntlet. He threw the punch, but stopped, screaming in pain. His right arm was cut off at where the Stasis Field had trapped him."
124: ""One last thing to try." Gark told himself and got back up, ready to use his powers over gravity to crush the armor as best he could to give his team a chance to finish it. 13Gark ran at Quith and started to generate a gravitational pull around his body that he could use offensively, but as he reached Quith, it was used to keep himself away from his opponent."
14And: "Each struck their targets, shifting their personal gravity field to slay each of them; increasing parts of their gravity to crush them and removing parts to rip them off into the sky.
15In the end; they all were slain; their bodies imploded, torn into pieces and more. Chunks of armor lay scattered around the field, organs, blood and chunks of preferably unidentified goo and organics lay strewn over everything else."
16Would any of this be possible for a Toa of Gravity to do? And also, how much of that would be in a Toa? There's the armor they wear and some organics and organs, but any blood substitute or anything like that?
175: One last thing, I noticed that every time I checked your profile you were using the PM system, would you like less PMs a day? I noticed a lot more in the OGD daily and you have been kind enough to give us these answers, but would you prefer less? I could try to help if you wanted less.
18And some more I came up with:
191: I have yet to recieve my November magazine and comic, so is there any way I could get another copy if it got lost in the mail or something? Though I recieved Ignition 0 a few months after its initial mailing, but is there anything I could do other than buying a copy of Ebay or something?
202: Would you describe the Phantoka Makuta mask powers as "unholy"? Like something along these lines, the mask I gave Chirox in my epic, basically a mask of Dark Spirit where the users dark side emerges as an energy blast that destroyes whatever it hits but if you're normally good then the dark side emerges and takes you over.
213: How would you describe Lesovikk? Lost, rogue, etc.?
224: What was your favorite battle to write? My personal favorite was the battle for Tower of Toa in Adventures 8.
23Thank you sir.
241) No. Density control works on you, not on an enemy. So it is more likely he would lower his own density and the sword strike would pass through him. 252) It's not something we would ever do. 263) A stasis field will not cut off your arm, they don't work that way. If he hits a stasis field, he won't be able to punch through it 274) No, they don't have blood and the only organs we know of are their lungs. You certainly can use control of gravity to do things like this, though we wouldn't as it is way too violent for our audience 285) I simply get a lot, I don't mind getting them
291) Contact LEGO Customer Service, they can get you one 302) I wouldn't use that particular adjective, no, since we try to avoid religious terminology 313) Guilt-ridden 324) The Makuta-Vakama confrontation in BA 10
1once again i will list the top questions
21) will one of the Toa Nuva carry the Staff of Artahka? 32) is the World that feeds the world always the most damaged place in the universe or as of now since the staff repaired most of the world? 43) How did Ehlek survive in the pit up to the GC? 5-was it through the device that allowed Idris to survive on land? 64) Does the title "Ignition" stand for the things that have to be done to bring the BoM to their goal? 75) Does the sundial Lewa found happen to be a big importance next year or in the near future? 8-possibly have something to do with the red star, or with the bohrok?(I say this because lewa could understand the bohrok a little) 96) Rencently in the storyline (past couple years of coarse) you said that Makuta are just armor and energy. Did they plan to make themsleves like that (perhaps by expermenting themselves through energized protodermis), or did it just happen over time? 107) will it be explained how Krakua knew Lesovikk, The Toa Inika/Mahri, and Toa Vakama? 118) Will The OoMN ever need the Vahi from Vakama? 129) About the HotV, was it used to bring the Visorak to Metru Nui?
131) No 142) Yes 153) Yes, he had a breathing apparatus prior to being sent to the Pit 164) No 175) It will be of importance to one of the serials 186) They evolved naturally to be that 197) Krakua is working for the OOMN 208) I don't plan to do that 219) No, why would you want a barbarian horde in your city?
21) will one of the Toa Nuva carry the Staff of Artahka? 32) is the World that feeds the world always the most damaged place in the universe or as of now since the staff repaired most of the world? 43) How did Ehlek survive in the pit up to the GC? 5-was it through the device that allowed Idris to survive on land? 64) Does the title "Ignition" stand for the things that have to be done to bring the BoM to their goal? 75) Does the sundial Lewa found happen to be a big importance next year or in the near future? 8-possibly have something to do with the red star, or with the bohrok?(I say this because lewa could understand the bohrok a little) 96) Rencently in the storyline (past couple years of coarse) you said that Makuta are just armor and energy. Did they plan to make themsleves like that (perhaps by expermenting themselves through energized protodermis), or did it just happen over time? 107) will it be explained how Krakua knew Lesovikk, The Toa Inika/Mahri, and Toa Vakama? 118) Will The OoMN ever need the Vahi from Vakama? 129) About the HotV, was it used to bring the Visorak to Metru Nui?
131) No 142) Yes 153) Yes, he had a breathing apparatus prior to being sent to the Pit 164) No 175) It will be of importance to one of the serials 186) They evolved naturally to be that 197) Krakua is working for the OOMN 208) I don't plan to do that 219) No, why would you want a barbarian horde in your city?