1Does Toa Ignika have a pesronality? 2Does he think like other toa or still just a mask?
3It would be great to know cause the describtion said it wants to prove he is a hero, and that brought a lot of questions to my mind.
4You have to PM Greg here.

1And questions for us go in the Questions Topic. 

1Hello, Greg. I am a BZPower member and I have a few questions relating to the Bionicle storyline.
21. Who created the Krana and how were they created? (I heard that they were made by the Great Beings using the same process that created the Matoran and the Zyglak, but I may be wrong.)
32. How did Voya Nui rise to the surface of the Bionicle planet after it broke off from the Bionicle Mainland? Did it just "float" to the surface, or was it blasted through the surface by some kind of explosion?
43. Is Mata Nui the only Great Spirit?
54. How large is the Bionicle planet, relative to Earth?
65. Is the Bionicle planet mostly empty, or are there inhabited areas throughout it?
76. What types of beings are Artakha and Mata Nui?
87. In the past, there have been storyline references to some sort of Bionicle "Paradise." 9Does this refer to: (A: Artakha), (B: some other place), or (C: no longer canon)?
108. Is one Kio equal to one mile? If not, what is it equal to?
11Thank you for reading this.
12-The Lord of the Masks-
131) The Great Beings created the first krana, and later the Bahrag made the rest. 142) It was blasted to the surface by the force of the Great Cataclysm 153) Only one we know of in the story 164) Impossible for me to say - that data is not in the story bibles because it isn't relevant to the story we're telling 175) See answer to #4 186) Mata Nui is a Great Spirit. Artakha is not 197) Artakha is considered a paradise in Matoran legend 208) One kio is equal to .85 miles
21I have some additional questions to ask.
221. What species do Artakha and Karzahni belong to?
232. Does the Bionicle universe include the entire Bionicle planet, or just the underground chambers? If it only includes the underground chambers, then is the rest of the Bionicle planet considered part of another universe?
243. Was the Po-Koro epidemic in the MNOLG caused by antidermis? Was antidermis the substance that caused the infection? (I noticed that the Koli balls had a moving, blackish-green substance that looked exactly like Antidermis.)
254. Does the Matoran word "ka" indicate "energy" (as in "Inika")?
265. Do the Piraka and/or Skakdi have their own language? If so, are words such as "Dezalk", "Nektann", and "Hakann" from this language? They all seem different from other Matoran words.
27Thank you again.28-The Lord of the Masks-
291) Hasn't been revealed 302) When the Matoran or Turaga refer to the universe, they are referring to the domes in which they live. They are not meant to live outside of them, so they don't consider that part of their world. 313) It was caused by the infection spread by kraata, the same thing that infects masks. 324) Not that I know of 335) It is possible they have their own dialect or language, yes
341. Why are the general shapes of Metru Nui and Mata Nui nearly identical? 352. What is Mata Nui's exact size in kilometers and/or miles? 363. What is Metru Nui's exact size in kilometers and/or miles? 374. If all of the Toa Mata's masks are made of Protodermis, then why are they red, green, blue, brown, etc. instead of silver? Are they painted, or is there some other reason? 385. Why was there an unusual Bohrok-like creature with a Matoran/Toa head in LoMN? I examined it very closely, and it looks like a cross between a Bohrok and a Matoran.
391) Hasn't been revealed. 402) 303.5 miles long, and 151.3 miles wide 413) 40.45 miles long, and 20.4 miles wide 424) Masks in their natural (unworn) state are gray. They change color to match the color of the being who wears them as a natural property of protodermis. The only exceptions we have seen to this are the Vahi and the Ignika, which are Legendary masks and so in a different class. 435) No idea what you're referring to, but no doubt the moviemakers put lots of things into the films for visual interest that may or may not have been mentioned elsewhere in the canon.
44I have some questions about the Bionicle storyline. Thanks for your help.
451. Are the events of the Tales of the Tohunga game considered canon?
462. If not all parts of the game are canon, then which parts are?
473. What was the impenetrable rock layer (featured in the MNOLG) in Onu-Koro made of?
484. What was the purpose of the sundial that opened into the rock layer?
495. Where did the Book of Chronicles, given to Takua in the Mata Nui Online Game, come from? It appeared to be a complex device.
506. Are Kraata made from Antidermis? If not, what are they made from?
517. What is the "essence of Makuta?"
528. What is the island of Mata Nui's length and width?
539. What is Mata Nui's land area?
5410. Why do the Matoran of the Voya Nui Resistance Team have the same masks as the Toa Metru of the corresponding elements? Balta is a Ta-Matoran, and has Toa Vakama's Mask, Garan is an Onu- 55Matoran and has Toa Whenua's mask, etc.
5611. Are "Naming Days" still considered canon, or were they a tentative explanation that no longer applies in the storyline? Did they ever actually happen in the first place?
571) Basically, yes. Takua did wander the island, he did find Toa stones, and he did use them to summon the Toa Mata to the island. 582) I never played the game, it came out just as I started at LEGO and I wasn't working on BIONICLE at that time. 593) No idea. I had no involvement with MNOG. Again, made before my time. 604) See answer to #3. 615) See answer to #3 626) They are antidermis in solid form, basically 637) His energy 648) Mata Nui is 357 kio in length and 178 kio in width. A kio is equal to .85 miles or 1.37 kilometers.
65I still have some more questions for you. Thank you.
669. What is Mata Nui's approximate land area? Does a measurement exist?
6710. Why do the Matoran of the Voya Nui Resistance Team have the same masks as the Toa Metru of the corresponding elements? Balta is a Ta-Matoran, and has Toa Vakama's Mask, Garan is an Onu- 68Matoran and has Toa Whenua's mask, etc.
6911. Are "Naming Days" still considered canon, or were they a tentative explanation that no longer applies in the storyline? Did they ever actually happen in the first place?
7012. How do the Bahrag create Krana?
7113. Considering that "Vo-" is found in the words "Vorahk," which takes life-force from its opponents, and in "Amana Volo," which restores life-force to its users, is it possible that "Vo-" is a Matoran prefix meaning "life-force?" It seems like a logical explanation.
729) The island? Yes. 357 kio by 178 kio, with a kio equalling .85 miles. 7310) Because the set designers reused the pieces. 7411) No, they are canon. 7512) Hasn't been revealed 7613) Would that make sense, though, given that there is no "vo" in the Mask of Life's name?
77I have more questions...
781. Is it possible that the words "Kraahkan" and "Kraata" are related, since they both refer to things that are related to Makuta?
792. Could this interpretation be extended to "Krahka," assuming that "Kra-" is the prefix for "shadow?"
803. If "Ga-" is the Matoran prefix for "water," then why is the prefix found in the name "Garan?" It doesn't seem to make any sense.
814. How large is the dome that Metru Nui is located in? Do exact measurements exist?
821) It's possible, I suppose 832) No, because she has nothing to do with darkness or shadow, so it would make no sense to name her after that. 843) You are reading too much into the prefix, LoM. For example, in our language, "re" is a prefix that usually means to do something again -- as in regain, relive, reread. But is also in the names Regis and Regina and Reno and Reading and read and remove, which have nothing to do with doing something again. 854) No, they do not.
1Some of you might find something interesting here:
21. What is the original reason for Makuta being the only beings with shadow as a natural element?
32. Do BIONICLE character curse?4BIONICLE LEGENDS #4 5page 48
6Avak looked at Reidak and said, "I'll flip you for it." When Reidak nodded agreement, Avak lunged forward, grabbed him, and flipped him over the side of the boat and into the water. "Looks like I win." 7Reidak's response was a string of curses that could have seared the scales off a stone serpent
83. Was Reidak cursing in Matoran or in Skakdi or in both?
94. Why did you referred to the Barraki traitor as a he/she?
105. How does a being become a servent of the Order of Mata Nui?
116. Can a Toa of Plant imprison a Makuta in a tree?
121) Just how Mata Nui chose to do it. He did not see a need for Toa to have shadow as an element for what they were going to be doing. 132) Yes, they do 143) I don't know that we have ever established that the Skakdi have their own language, but if they do, he would be cursing in Skakdi. 154) Simply forgot there were no female Barraki. 165) You get asked by an OOMN member to do a job. 176) Yes, but it's unlikely that with a Makuta's strength he will stay trapped long.
1Some of you might find something interesting here: 21. What is the original reason for Makuta being the only beings with shadow as a natural element?
32. Do BIONICLE character curse?4BIONICLE LEGENDS #4 5page 48
6Avak looked at Reidak and said, "I'll flip you for it." When Reidak nodded agreement, Avak lunged forward, grabbed him, and flipped him over the side of the boat and into the water. "Looks like I win." 7Reidak's response was a string of curses that could have seared the scales off a stone serpent
83. Was Reidak cursing in Matoran or in Skakdi or in both?
94. Why did you referred to the Barraki traitor as a he/she?
105. How does a being become a servent of the Order of Mata Nui?
116. Can a Toa of Plant imprison a Makuta in a tree?
121) Just how Mata Nui chose to do it. He did not see a need for Toa to have shadow as an element for what they were going to be doing. 132) Yes, they do 143) I don't know that we have ever established that the Skakdi have their own language, but if they do, he would be cursing in Skakdi. 154) Simply forgot there were no female Barraki. 165) You get asked by an OOMN member to do a job. 176) Yes, but it's unlikely that with a Makuta's strength he will stay trapped long.
18greg has said that go to kharzani is the same as go to h***.
1Does Toa Ignika have a pesronality? 2Does he think like other toa or still just a mask?
3It would be great to know cause the describtion said it wants to prove he is a hero, and that brought a lot of questions to my mind.
4You have to PM Greg here.He acts like a toddler and wants to be treated like Matoro basically. Discussion of the Ignika belongs in the Official Kanohi Ignika Topic .

1Some of you might find something interesting here: 21. What is the original reason for Makuta being the only beings with shadow as a natural element?
32. Do BIONICLE character curse?4BIONICLE LEGENDS #4 5page 48
6Avak looked at Reidak and said, "I'll flip you for it." When Reidak nodded agreement, Avak lunged forward, grabbed him, and flipped him over the side of the boat and into the water. "Looks like I win." 7Reidak's response was a string of curses that could have seared the scales off a stone serpent
83. Was Reidak cursing in Matoran or in Skakdi or in both?
94. Why did you referred to the Barraki traitor as a he/she?
105. How does a being become a servent of the Order of Mata Nui?
116. Can a Toa of Plant imprison a Makuta in a tree?
121) Just how Mata Nui chose to do it. He did not see a need for Toa to have shadow as an element for what they were going to be doing. 132) Yes, they do 143) I don't know that we have ever established that the Skakdi have their own language, but if they do, he would be cursing in Skakdi. 154) Simply forgot there were no female Barraki. 165) You get asked by an OOMN member to do a job. 176) Yes, but it's unlikely that with a Makuta's strength he will stay trapped long.
18greg has said that go to kharzani is the same as go to h***.
19No he didn't.Bionicle doesn't tie to religion because of the controversy that can be caused.Karzahni was ment to be a place where damaged Matoran can be prepared but he was bad at it.As a result he stopped fixing them and never sent them back to their homeland.He sent some to the mainland and he kept some in his domain.There is no ties to H*** in any way.
1Some of you might find something interesting here: 21. What is the original reason for Makuta being the only beings with shadow as a natural element?
32. Do BIONICLE character curse?4BIONICLE LEGENDS #4 5page 48
6Avak looked at Reidak and said, "I'll flip you for it." When Reidak nodded agreement, Avak lunged forward, grabbed him, and flipped him over the side of the boat and into the water. "Looks like I win." 7Reidak's response was a string of curses that could have seared the scales off a stone serpent
83. Was Reidak cursing in Matoran or in Skakdi or in both?
94. Why did you referred to the Barraki traitor as a he/she?
105. How does a being become a servent of the Order of Mata Nui?
116. Can a Toa of Plant imprison a Makuta in a tree?
121) Just how Mata Nui chose to do it. He did not see a need for Toa to have shadow as an element for what they were going to be doing. 132) Yes, they do 143) I don't know that we have ever established that the Skakdi have their own language, but if they do, he would be cursing in Skakdi. 154) Simply forgot there were no female Barraki. 165) You get asked by an OOMN member to do a job. 176) Yes, but it's unlikely that with a Makuta's strength he will stay trapped long.
18greg has said that go to kharzani is the same as go to h***.
19No he didn't.Bionicle doesn't tie to religion because of the controversy that can be caused.Karzahni was ment to be a place where damaged Matoran can be prepared but he was bad at it.As a result he stopped fixing them and never sent them back to their homeland.He sent some to the mainland and he kept some in his domain.There is no ties to H*** in any way.
20Not ENTIRELY true. From the atlas:
21Legends grew about Karzahni as a place to which bad workers were sent, never to return, and Matoran would use the tales to frighten one another. "Go to Karzahni:" became a common phrase in their arguments.
22So there is a connection, though I think it was a joke on Greg's part toward us, because we immediately saw Karzahni as "that place" to Matoran when we first heard about it way back in 2004.
1Not ENTIRELY true. From the atlas:
2QUOTE 3Legends grew about Karzahni as a place to which bad workers were sent, never to return, and Matoran would use the tales to frighten one another. "Go to Karzahni:" became a common phrase in their arguments.
4So there is a connection, though I think it was a joke on Greg's part toward us, because we immediately saw Karzahni as "that place" to Matoran when we first heard about it way back in 2004.
5Yeah, also, in one of the books (Forgot which one, sorry):
Hahli 6I'd tell you where you can go, except I think we're already there.
1Some of you might find something interesting here: 21. What is the original reason for Makuta being the only beings with shadow as a natural element?
32. Do BIONICLE character curse?4BIONICLE LEGENDS #4 5page 48
6Avak looked at Reidak and said, "I'll flip you for it." When Reidak nodded agreement, Avak lunged forward, grabbed him, and flipped him over the side of the boat and into the water. "Looks like I win." 7Reidak's response was a string of curses that could have seared the scales off a stone serpent
83. Was Reidak cursing in Matoran or in Skakdi or in both?
94. Why did you referred to the Barraki traitor as a he/she?
105. How does a being become a servent of the Order of Mata Nui?
116. Can a Toa of Plant imprison a Makuta in a tree?
121) Just how Mata Nui chose to do it. He did not see a need for Toa to have shadow as an element for what they were going to be doing. 132) Yes, they do 143) I don't know that we have ever established that the Skakdi have their own language, but if they do, he would be cursing in Skakdi. 154) Simply forgot there were no female Barraki. 165) You get asked by an OOMN member to do a job. 176) Yes, but it's unlikely that with a Makuta's strength he will stay trapped long.
18greg has said that go to kharzani is the same as go to h***.
19No he didn't.Bionicle doesn't tie to religion because of the controversy that can be caused.Karzahni was ment to be a place where damaged Matoran can be prepared but he was bad at it.As a result he stopped fixing them and never sent them back to their homeland.He sent some to the mainland and he kept some in his domain.There is no ties to H*** in any way.
20Not ENTIRELY true. From the atlas:21Legends grew about Karzahni as a place to which bad workers were sent, never to return, and Matoran would use the tales to frighten one another. "Go to Karzahni:" became a common phrase in their arguments.
22So there is a connection, though I think it was a joke on Greg's part toward us, because we immediately saw Karzahni as "that place" to Matoran when we first heard about it way back in 2004.
23Yes but it can't be linked directly to that place because of religous issues.
1Some of you might find something interesting here: 21. What is the original reason for Makuta being the only beings with shadow as a natural element?
32. Do BIONICLE character curse?4BIONICLE LEGENDS #4 5page 48
6Avak looked at Reidak and said, "I'll flip you for it." When Reidak nodded agreement, Avak lunged forward, grabbed him, and flipped him over the side of the boat and into the water. "Looks like I win." 7Reidak's response was a string of curses that could have seared the scales off a stone serpent
83. Was Reidak cursing in Matoran or in Skakdi or in both?
94. Why did you referred to the Barraki traitor as a he/she?
105. How does a being become a servent of the Order of Mata Nui?
116. Can a Toa of Plant imprison a Makuta in a tree?
121) Just how Mata Nui chose to do it. He did not see a need for Toa to have shadow as an element for what they were going to be doing. 132) Yes, they do 143) I don't know that we have ever established that the Skakdi have their own language, but if they do, he would be cursing in Skakdi. 154) Simply forgot there were no female Barraki. 165) You get asked by an OOMN member to do a job. 176) Yes, but it's unlikely that with a Makuta's strength he will stay trapped long.
18So the Skakdi have their own language. Thats pretty cool. I wonder if other creatures have their own language.
1Some of you might find something interesting here: 21. What is the original reason for Makuta being the only beings with shadow as a natural element?
32. Do BIONICLE character curse?4BIONICLE LEGENDS #4 5page 48
6Avak looked at Reidak and said, "I'll flip you for it." When Reidak nodded agreement, Avak lunged forward, grabbed him, and flipped him over the side of the boat and into the water. "Looks like I win." 7Reidak's response was a string of curses that could have seared the scales off a stone serpent
83. Was Reidak cursing in Matoran or in Skakdi or in both?
94. Why did you referred to the Barraki traitor as a he/she?
105. How does a being become a servent of the Order of Mata Nui?
116. Can a Toa of Plant imprison a Makuta in a tree?
121) Just how Mata Nui chose to do it. He did not see a need for Toa to have shadow as an element for what they were going to be doing. 132) Yes, they do 143) I don't know that we have ever established that the Skakdi have their own language, but if they do, he would be cursing in Skakdi. 154) Simply forgot there were no female Barraki. 165) You get asked by an OOMN member to do a job. 176) Yes, but it's unlikely that with a Makuta's strength he will stay trapped long.
18greg has said that go to kharzani is the same as go to h***.
19No he didn't.Bionicle doesn't tie to religion because of the controversy that can be caused.Karzahni was ment to be a place where damaged Matoran can be prepared but he was bad at it.As a result he stopped fixing them and never sent them back to their homeland.He sent some to the mainland and he kept some in his domain.There is no ties to H*** in any way.
20Not ENTIRELY true. From the atlas:21Legends grew about Karzahni as a place to which bad workers were sent, never to return, and Matoran would use the tales to frighten one another. "Go to Karzahni:" became a common phrase in their arguments.
22So there is a connection, though I think it was a joke on Greg's part toward us, because we immediately saw Karzahni as "that place" to Matoran when we first heard about it way back in 2004.
23Yes but it can't be linked directly to that place because of religous issues.
24That's a common insult that can be used completely unreligiously. It wouldn't cause any more controversy than any other swear.
1Some of you might find something interesting here: 21. What is the original reason for Makuta being the only beings with shadow as a natural element?
32. Do BIONICLE character curse?4BIONICLE LEGENDS #4 5page 48
6Avak looked at Reidak and said, "I'll flip you for it." When Reidak nodded agreement, Avak lunged forward, grabbed him, and flipped him over the side of the boat and into the water. "Looks like I win." 7Reidak's response was a string of curses that could have seared the scales off a stone serpent
83. Was Reidak cursing in Matoran or in Skakdi or in both?
94. Why did you referred to the Barraki traitor as a he/she?
105. How does a being become a servent of the Order of Mata Nui?
116. Can a Toa of Plant imprison a Makuta in a tree?
121) Just how Mata Nui chose to do it. He did not see a need for Toa to have shadow as an element for what they were going to be doing. 132) Yes, they do 143) I don't know that we have ever established that the Skakdi have their own language, but if they do, he would be cursing in Skakdi. 154) Simply forgot there were no female Barraki. 165) You get asked by an OOMN member to do a job. 176) Yes, but it's unlikely that with a Makuta's strength he will stay trapped long.
18greg has said that go to kharzani is the same as go to h***.
19No he didn't.Bionicle doesn't tie to religion because of the controversy that can be caused.Karzahni was ment to be a place where damaged Matoran can be prepared but he was bad at it.As a result he stopped fixing them and never sent them back to their homeland.He sent some to the mainland and he kept some in his domain.There is no ties to H*** in any way.
20Not ENTIRELY true. From the atlas:21Legends grew about Karzahni as a place to which bad workers were sent, never to return, and Matoran would use the tales to frighten one another. "Go to Karzahni:" became a common phrase in their arguments.
22So there is a connection, though I think it was a joke on Greg's part toward us, because we immediately saw Karzahni as "that place" to Matoran when we first heard about it way back in 2004.
23Yes but it can't be linked directly to that place because of religous issues.
24That's a common insult that can be used completely unreligiously. It wouldn't cause any more controversy than any other swear.
25Yes I suppose you are right.Lets leave it at that shall we?
1Yes, please. That was enough. The admin will get us in trouble if we continue.
1Just one more thing to add on the "Go to Karzahni" discussion--in one of the 2007 comics, (#7 or #8, I think), Dekar says "Go to blazes, Barraki," to which Ehlek replies "You first," and gives Dekar an electric shock, stunning him and allowing Pridak to grab the Mask of Life. So it's possible that "Go to Karzahni" is a different insult entirely than "Go to blazes", which is more close to our phrase, since both suggest death.
1wow never expected my little post to do so much argue 

1It's all right. Just forget about it and keep talking about the subject of this topic.
1Hey guys and girls do you know if Greg is answering PM's now?I think he took a break on Tuesday.
1Doesn't really matter, they'll still be answered, even if you have to wait. 

1I just recieved one.I'll post it later with everything.
1Why are you and greg up at Four in the morning? That's insane. he is only one or two timezones ahead of me.
21. Are the evil matoran's masks matoran versions of the Phantoka Makuta's masks?
32. The Kanohi Avsa, does it basically work like the dememntors in Harry Potter?
43. Did Krekka run into one of the Phantoka Makuta, or another Makuta?
54. Could Antroz use his mask powers on other masks?
71) Not in my mind, no 82) No idea, I am not that big a Potter fan. I lost interest in Potter pretty early on. 93) A different one 104) Yes
11It's to bad about number 2, not only would that have been a cool referance, but I mispelled dementors...
21. Are the evil matoran's masks matoran versions of the Phantoka Makuta's masks?
32. The Kanohi Avsa, does it basically work like the dememntors in Harry Potter?
43. Did Krekka run into one of the Phantoka Makuta, or another Makuta?
54. Could Antroz use his mask powers on other masks?
71) Not in my mind, no 82) No idea, I am not that big a Potter fan. I lost interest in Potter pretty early on. 93) A different one 104) Yes
11It's to bad about number 2, not only would that have been a cool referance, but I mispelled dementors...

21. Are the evil matoran's masks matoran versions of the Phantoka Makuta's masks?
32. The Kanohi Avsa, does it basically work like the dememntors in Harry Potter?
43. Did Krekka run into one of the Phantoka Makuta, or another Makuta?
54. Could Antroz use his mask powers on other masks?
71) Not in my mind, no 82) No idea, I am not that big a Potter fan. I lost interest in Potter pretty early on. 93) A different one 104) Yes
11It's to bad about number 2, not only would that have been a cool referance, but I mispelled dementors...
12I wonder why he lost interest in it?
1Hi. I have some questions for you.
2(1) What does Hakann's "energy claw" do?
3Thanks, 4Gali11 5
6Sorry, just realized which claw you're talking about -- it's early in the morning. It basically sends a jolt of electricity through whoever he grabs
7QUOTE 8Hello Greg (Hope you had a Merry Christmas) 9Over my Christmas Break, I have been thinking about some things and came up with these questions:
101) Would a character with gills (such as the Toa Mahri) be able to hold their "breath" and stay on land for say.. five seconds?
112) When you say that the Kanohi Faxon can be used to copy the rahi in your eviornment, do you mean Rahi that could comfortably share the same eviornment as they are in currently ?
123) If the answers to numbers 1 and 2 are yes, could Lesovikk, in theory, jump out of the water, then use his Faxon to copy a land creature's ability to breathe air before he died?
134) In an earilier quote, I remember you saying that Hakann's weapon's energy claw sends a jolt of electricity into anyone it grasps. Could you verify this?
145) In Legends of Metru-Nui, Lhikan turns into a turaga once he turns six matoran into toa. Does this mean that every toa has enough toa energy to create six toa? 155b) If 5 is no, how many toa can a toa create, or do the numbers vary?
166) Do Vamprah's Avsa or Chirox's Shelek have any differences from the normal mask? 176b) If so, what are the differences?
187) Are the Shadow matoran's masks also changed by their transformation? (Or Mutran)
198) Are you planning on giving names for the Av-Matoran's masks? (preferrably making them noble versions of masks we have already seen.)
201) Arguably, yes, because fish do not die the instant you take them out of water. They live for a couple of minutes before they suffocate. 212) Yes. 223) No, because the Faxon does not allow you to copy basic abilities like air-breathing. It allows you to copy powers, so it might be an electric eel's charge, or another creature's chameleon ability. 234) I don't recall that offhand, but it's possible. Hakann was two years ago, so I don't have it top of mind. 245) No. It means that it was his destiny to create the Metru. Once his destiny was achieved, he chose to become a Turaga. 255b) The amount of energy you put into a Toa stone is a fraction of what you have, it's there to trigger the much greater power already inside a destined Matoran. 266) No 277) Yes 288) No, because if the set designers wind up using them in future as something other than Noble versions of those masks, then I will either have a major contradiction or I will have given you bad info. I have to assume the masks will get resused someday, as most pieces do.
29Nothing too interesting, though the Hakann info is new, and it doesn't look like we are going to get the Av-Matoran masks anytime soon...

1I think the server devoured my last one, sorry if this is a duplicate:
21.)I've heard both that the Av-Matoran can't share their powers with the Nuva and that they have to be attatched to a Nuva to access them. So how does the one guy run fast while he's strapped to someone's back?
32.) Have you announced Mutran's mask and, if it's different, why it's shaped like Chirox's?
43.) The sundial looks pretty huge... Did Lewa just... pick it up?
54.) Why would Hydraxon 2 be able to recognize the Mata if he couldn't even remember who had been in his prison for thousands of years?
65.) Has there be a decision on if the Hagah will make any serial appeaances?
76.) Pretty sure this has been asked, but can't remember: Will we learn the First Toa's mask?
87.) When the EP leak made Mata Nui into what we all knew and loved, did it just create land features and plants, or did it create organic animals too?
9Thanks a lot:
101) I never said anything about running -- BZPers did. What he does is add even more speed to what Pohatu can achieve, with and without his mask. 112) Same mask. So does someone want to update his BS01 now? 123) Well, a hurricane wind can pick up a house, so I am sure Lewa could use a controlled wind to lift a heavy object if he needed to. Well I figured that, or else use his Pakari. I was just wondering how he got it through a door... 134) He had a lot of prisoners. You lose track. 145) No, not yet 156) I think so 167) Just land features and plants. The organic animals, like birds, that were on the island came from off-island. So does that basically confirm that there are other surface islands?
21.)I've heard both that the Av-Matoran can't share their powers with the Nuva and that they have to be attatched to a Nuva to access them. So how does the one guy run fast while he's strapped to someone's back?
32.) Have you announced Mutran's mask and, if it's different, why it's shaped like Chirox's?
43.) The sundial looks pretty huge... Did Lewa just... pick it up?
54.) Why would Hydraxon 2 be able to recognize the Mata if he couldn't even remember who had been in his prison for thousands of years?
65.) Has there be a decision on if the Hagah will make any serial appeaances?
76.) Pretty sure this has been asked, but can't remember: Will we learn the First Toa's mask?
87.) When the EP leak made Mata Nui into what we all knew and loved, did it just create land features and plants, or did it create organic animals too?
9Thanks a lot:
101) I never said anything about running -- BZPers did. What he does is add even more speed to what Pohatu can achieve, with and without his mask. 112) Same mask. So does someone want to update his BS01 now? 123) Well, a hurricane wind can pick up a house, so I am sure Lewa could use a controlled wind to lift a heavy object if he needed to. Well I figured that, or else use his Pakari. I was just wondering how he got it through a door... 134) He had a lot of prisoners. You lose track. 145) No, not yet 156) I think so 167) Just land features and plants. The organic animals, like birds, that were on the island came from off-island. So does that basically confirm that there are other surface islands?
17) Just land features and plants. The organic animals, like birds, that were on the island came from off-island. So does that basically confirm that there are other surface islands?
2Well, Mata Nui's the roof of the Metru Nui dome, so if there are other domes of its size or bigger, its roof would've shown too. 3Like the mainland, for example.
1Hi Greg,I have one question:
2What is the difference between Tanma shooting a light bolt and him firing his Midak light through his tool.
3Thank you.Merry Christmas
4I think you're a little confused. Tanma does not carry a Midak Skyblaster, Lewa does. In terms of the energy itself, there is no difference. The difference lies in the fact that Lewa does not have to draw light from the environment to power his Midak, so using it does not make the core any darker than it already is. Since darkness helps the Makuta, that's a good thing.
5But couldn't Tanma focus Midak light with his power blade? Also is Midak a container for the light or solid light?
6He can focus light through his blade, yes, but he also provides energy for Lewa's weapon. And Midak is an adaptable Toa weapon, it is not made of light.
7Is the ammo made out of solid light?
8It's spheres of white light, but not solid ones, as far as I remember.
17) Just land features and plants. The organic animals, like birds, that were on the island came from off-island. So does that basically confirm that there are other surface islands?
2Well, Mata Nui's the roof of the Metru Nui dome, so if there are other domes of its size or bigger, its roof would've shown too. 3Like the mainland, for example.
4Just because a dome has a large volume doesn't mean it has to jutt out of the water. It could be very long and still be short.
17) Just land features and plants. The organic animals, like birds, that were on the island came from off-island. So does that basically confirm that there are other surface islands?
2Well, Mata Nui's the roof of the Metru Nui dome, so if there are other domes of its size or bigger, its roof would've shown too. 3Like the mainland, for example.
4Just because a dome has a large volume doesn't mean it has to jutt out of the water. It could be very long and still be short.
5But there's a chance that there's another dome the size of Metru Nui's, right?
1Does anybody know when Greg will update his topic?? 

17) Just land features and plants. The organic animals, like birds, that were on the island came from off-island. So does that basically confirm that there are other surface islands?
2Well, Mata Nui's the roof of the Metru Nui dome, so if there are other domes of its size or bigger, its roof would've shown too. 3Like the mainland, for example.
4Just because a dome has a large volume doesn't mean it has to jutt out of the water. It could be very long and still be short.
5But there's a chance that there's another dome the size of Metru Nui's, right?
6Yes, but it would have to at the same elevation and everything.
11. Of the three good Av-Matoran, which one does Galva hate the most? Kirop? Raidek? 22. Why does Gavla hate her race so much? 33. When were the Shadow Matoran created: Before or after the Phantoka were blinded?
41) I don't think there is any measurable difference. 52) Because she had no friends and the Matoran were kind of cold toward her, because they saw her as always having her nose in the air. 63) Before, though others have been created since
7I think this is some valuable info...
1Some of you might find something interesting here: 21. What is the original reason for Makuta being the only beings with shadow as a natural element?
32. Do BIONICLE character curse?4BIONICLE LEGENDS #4 5page 48
6Avak looked at Reidak and said, "I'll flip you for it." When Reidak nodded agreement, Avak lunged forward, grabbed him, and flipped him over the side of the boat and into the water. "Looks like I win." 7Reidak's response was a string of curses that could have seared the scales off a stone serpent
83. Was Reidak cursing in Matoran or in Skakdi or in both?
94. Why did you referred to the Barraki traitor as a he/she?
105. How does a being become a servent of the Order of Mata Nui?
116. Can a Toa of Plant imprison a Makuta in a tree?
121) Just how Mata Nui chose to do it. He did not see a need for Toa to have shadow as an element for what they were going to be doing. 132) Yes, they do 143) I don't know that we have ever established that the Skakdi have their own language, but if they do, he would be cursing in Skakdi. 154) Simply forgot there were no female Barraki. 165) You get asked by an OOMN member to do a job. 176) Yes, but it's unlikely that with a Makuta's strength he will stay trapped long.
18greg has said that go to kharzani is the same as go to h***.
19No he didn't.Bionicle doesn't tie to religion because of the controversy that can be caused.Karzahni was ment to be a place where damaged Matoran can be prepared but he was bad at it.As a result he stopped fixing them and never sent them back to their homeland.He sent some to the mainland and he kept some in his domain.There is no ties to H*** in any way.
20Not ENTIRELY true. From the atlas:21Legends grew about Karzahni as a place to which bad workers were sent, never to return, and Matoran would use the tales to frighten one another. "Go to Karzahni:" became a common phrase in their arguments.
22So there is a connection, though I think it was a joke on Greg's part toward us, because we immediately saw Karzahni as "that place" to Matoran when we first heard about it way back in 2004.
23Yes but it can't be linked directly to that place because of religous issues.
24It's more like telling someone to go ask a torturer to torture you. or, go make freinds with a trigger happy mobster, you get the picture. you know, 'I wish you would go to *insert really bad place to go*'