1Not shure if this is new but it was somthing I had been wondering about.
21)I was just wondering how the makuta in the core were blinded considering that being energy they have no eyes?
3Thanks in advance and great job on the books so far.
41)The optics in their armor were destroyed. They could see again if they abandoned their armor, but that would make them much more vulnerable to the Toa.
21)I was just wondering how the makuta in the core were blinded considering that being energy they have no eyes?
3Thanks in advance and great job on the books so far.
41)The optics in their armor were destroyed. They could see again if they abandoned their armor, but that would make them much more vulnerable to the Toa.
11. is new bionilce film canon? 22. in cinema or straight to dvd film? 33. will it be on blu ray?
4promo item questions 51. are they canon? 62. what are they? 73. will they appear in storyline? 84. which is your favorite ? 95. where can i get them? 106. could you ask lego to make them avaiable on website? 117. bm promo , you said you may sell it in other countries, why is this?
12can you give us any info on next year storyline or even just the name of a character anything please
131) Yes, all movies are canon 142) Straight to DVD 153) No idea
161) No 172-3) They have no role in story 184) Don't have one 195) No idea 206) They are promotional items in Europe only, they won't be sold through SAH 217) Because otherwise no one outside the US can get it -- it's a BrickMaster exclusive, and BM is only in the US
22on the last question i mean does it have big stroyline signigance 23you wouldnt just make ANY promo avaible would you?
24It will have storyline significance, yes, but that wasn't decided until months after the plan was hatched to sell it elsewhere. We are selling it elsewhere because that raises money for BrickMaster to keep going.
4promo item questions 51. are they canon? 62. what are they? 73. will they appear in storyline? 84. which is your favorite ? 95. where can i get them? 106. could you ask lego to make them avaiable on website? 117. bm promo , you said you may sell it in other countries, why is this?
12can you give us any info on next year storyline or even just the name of a character anything please
131) Yes, all movies are canon 142) Straight to DVD 153) No idea
161) No 172-3) They have no role in story 184) Don't have one 195) No idea 206) They are promotional items in Europe only, they won't be sold through SAH 217) Because otherwise no one outside the US can get it -- it's a BrickMaster exclusive, and BM is only in the US
22on the last question i mean does it have big stroyline signigance 23you wouldnt just make ANY promo avaible would you?
24It will have storyline significance, yes, but that wasn't decided until months after the plan was hatched to sell it elsewhere. We are selling it elsewhere because that raises money for BrickMaster to keep going.
1Hello Greg. I have some questions: first, these ones that the server ate last year:
21) I don't find it, but someone asked if a Matoran could add himself robot members, you answered it would make him bigger, but not stronger, correct? 32) So, What is the trick in the "rebuilding" to make them stronger? 43) Why was even Akhmou rebuilt? 54) Umbra stayed on Voya Nui's underground when it sinks, correct? 65) Did he survive? Was he mutated? 76) You said Toa Ignika is male because the two Toa Ignika meet the closest were male. Is there something of Matoro and the other Toa in Toa Ignika, like Dekar in Hydraxon II? 87) Brutaka accept anyone in his team. So, why not Hydraxon II? Have you another role for him next year? 98)Is Dweller going to give up attacking Takanuva? He had to kill him because Takanuva was Metru Nui's only protection, now there are 6 Toa.useless now109) Why did the OOMN recruited Takadox and Carapar, and none of the Barraki who can cut a Makuta armor?
11And new ones:
1210) The fact that the Exo-Toa hinders the Toa's elemental power, it is a flaw or did the creator of the armor wanted it? 1311) Was the Exo-Toa really made FOR Toa? 1412) You said Hydraxon (II) is searching for the escaped prisonners. Does he have Maxilos with him, or did he gave up rebuilding him? 1513) And Spinax, is he helping Hydraxon? 1614) The other robots are also searching prisonners, correct? So can we consider they are still serving the Order? 1715) We have this quote from Icarax: "I have fought tougher Toa than you before. And as I stepped over their bodies, I will step over yours." It is bluff, or did other Toa as powerful as the Nuva existed? 1816) You said that the universe where Takanuva is is a pocket universe. Does that means that it is a "spin-off" of the "real" universe, or are the two universes equal in status? 1917) Miserix comes from Miserable, correct? It was an ironical thing, giving this name for a so powerful being? 2018) In the future, Krakua protects a fortress island. Matoran living in fortress island, does it means it is a very dark time? 2119) Are all the combo models instructions were given canon? In particular, I wonder if the Bohrok Va Kaita are canon.
22Thank you for all:
231) I honestly don't recall the question or the answer 242) I think the issue with stronger really comes down to the organic tissue -- I can give you a big, huge cyber arm, but if your muscle tissue isn't strong enough to handle the strain of it, it won't help you any. So if you don't bulk up the Matoran muscle tissue, better mechanical parts aren't going to help much. 253) Refresh my memory -- when was Ahkmou shown as rebuilt? His set was in 2004, which took place before Mata Nui and the 2003 rebuild. 264) Yes 275) He did survive, he was not mutated, because his chamber sealed itself off. And a beam of light can't drown anyway. 286) No 297) Because Hydraxon II has a job -- tracking down Pit escapees - and he is not considered expendable by the OOMN. Brutaka and his team members are. 308) No, he isn't. Those are his orders. 319) Because Pridak and Kalmah would never take orders from anyone, Mantax won't work with Takadox, and Ehlek is too alien to care about what is going on on the surface. 3210) It's the trade-off for the power you do get from it 3311) Yes 3412) Maxilos can't be rebuilt. He has Spinax with him 3513) Yes 3614) Yes 3715) No, but there are Toa out there, like Lesovikk, who are way more experienced than the Nuva are. 3816) It's attached to the main universe, but it does not have equal status, because it could not exist without the main universe 3917) No, that's not where it comes from 4018) When did we say Matoran lived where he was? 4119) Some combo models never made it in the story at all, so some can and some can't be considered canon if they never appeared in story anywhere. In the case of a Bohrok Va Kaita, they had the potential to form a kaita and it would have looked like that, but they never did it in story.
423) BS01 has a picture of him, but I think it's fan-made 4312) Better to update BS01 4419) Hum, same status for Bohrok and Bohrok-Kal
1Actually, the Bohrok-Kal has formed a Kaita once in the 03 storyline.
1Yes, I meant the Bohrok were on the same status as the Bohrok Va, not Kal.
1Hi, Greg.I've been in a heated discussion with BS01 members about Icarax's tools, and which is which. First off, see this quote from S@H:
2Makuta Icarax is the ultimate winged warrior of shadow: He can batter his foes with his massive shield, drive them down with his rotating shadow sword, or crush them in his clawed hands. Can any power in the universe hope to stop him? Includes Tridax pod with four shadow leeches.
3Now, I think that this is the "rotating shadow sword", but one member suggests that this in the sword, because, as seen in that picture, it can rotate. So, I ask you, which is the sword and which is the shield? Thanks for your time.4~Doc C.
5Best thing to do would be for me to actually check it out on the set. Unfortunately, I don't have one yet, as it isn't in the showroom (store exclusives usually aren't) or in our company store yet.
6Well, I hit a dead end.![]()
7~Doc C.
8Easy. The rotating one is the shield. The left-and weapon looks nothing that can shield him.
9Or maybe he's a different species of Steltan.
10That would make the most sense. Then we'd have four: Krekka, Voporak (but it could be mutation), Sidorak, and Gladiator.
1Hope you enjoyed your break: You deserved it.Anyway...
21. In a PM to you, you answered this question:
33)If the turaga hid the great masks, who hid the nuva masks?
43) Artakha
5Did you mean Artakha himself, or one of his servants?
62. Do Hahli's fins have any function above water in Metru Nui? Or are they pretty much dead weight?
73. Considering water has been flowing in for about a thousand years, the Swamp of Secrets must belike an ocean unto itself, right?
83a. About how much does the Swamp take up of Karda Nui?
94. Would the Ignika be able to use the memories of its past users to teach itself how to fight?
105. On Bionicle.com, Kopaka's bayonet is called the Blizzard Blade. Is this canon?
11Thanks if you can get to these.
121) Artakha teleported the various masks to various locations on Mata Nui 132) They are just ornamental, basically. 143) It's pretty vast, yes -- sorta like the Everglades 154) No 165) I think that's what we are calling it, yes
17Regarding question 2. Personally, I don't see how one would get the idea of Hahli's fins being dead weight. Anyway, there is still water in Metru Nui, and they can assist her in moving faster through the water. However, on land they'd be pretty much ornamental.
18its not water its a protodermis sea
1Hi, Greg.I've been in a heated discussion with BS01 members about Icarax's tools, and which is which. First off, see this quote from S@H:
2Makuta Icarax is the ultimate winged warrior of shadow: He can batter his foes with his massive shield, drive them down with his rotating shadow sword, or crush them in his clawed hands. Can any power in the universe hope to stop him? Includes Tridax pod with four shadow leeches.
3Now, I think that this is the "rotating shadow sword", but one member suggests that this in the sword, because, as seen in that picture, it can rotate. So, I ask you, which is the sword and which is the shield? Thanks for your time.4~Doc C.
5Best thing to do would be for me to actually check it out on the set. Unfortunately, I don't have one yet, as it isn't in the showroom (store exclusives usually aren't) or in our company store yet.
6Well, I hit a dead end.![]()
7~Doc C.
8Easy. The rotating one is the shield. The left-and weapon looks nothing that can shield him.
9Not really, because it says Rotating Shadow sword, and the rotating shield looks nothing like a sword.
1Hope you enjoyed your break: You deserved it.Anyway...
21. In a PM to you, you answered this question:
33)If the turaga hid the great masks, who hid the nuva masks?
43) Artakha
5Did you mean Artakha himself, or one of his servants?
62. Do Hahli's fins have any function above water in Metru Nui? Or are they pretty much dead weight?
73. Considering water has been flowing in for about a thousand years, the Swamp of Secrets must belike an ocean unto itself, right?
83a. About how much does the Swamp take up of Karda Nui?
94. Would the Ignika be able to use the memories of its past users to teach itself how to fight?
105. On Bionicle.com, Kopaka's bayonet is called the Blizzard Blade. Is this canon?
11Thanks if you can get to these.
121) Artakha teleported the various masks to various locations on Mata Nui 132) They are just ornamental, basically. 143) It's pretty vast, yes -- sorta like the Everglades 154) No 165) I think that's what we are calling it, yes
17Regarding question 2. Personally, I don't see how one would get the idea of Hahli's fins being dead weight. Anyway, there is still water in Metru Nui, and they can assist her in moving faster through the water. However, on land they'd be pretty much ornamental.
18its not water its a protodermis sea
19The protodermis sea is basicly water, it works like water and tastes like water, but it silver and make of liquid protodermis.
20What Greg means is that she can't move them, making them useless.
1I don't see why she wouldn't be able to move them. It's not something that you can only do underwater or if you can breathe air... 

1Hello Greg, Do you mind answering some questions.
21) Now that the Mahri are back, how did the other turaga except Vakama react? 32) If one of the FOF rebelled against Brutaka, would he be able to defeat or incapacitate them? 43) Has Takanuva mastered his full potential before being transformed? 54) If Icarax is more experienced, why is Antroz the leader? 65) Do the Phankuta really fly like jets as shown in the movie? 76) If it is a big climatic battle in BL11, couldn't you fit in at leas the Mahri. Or any other help. THe Makuta are pretty powerful.
81) I am sure they welcomed them, since they just saved the universe 92) Depends on who it was and how it was done. 103) No 114) Because Makuta of Metru Nui assigned Antroz to be the leader. Icarax was not even assigned to the Karda Nui mission, Antroz summons him after it has begun 125) Yes 136) No, I can't. Whatever final battle there is has to be in the comics as well, and I am not allowed to do non-2008 sets as part of main comic story because we are no longer looking to sell them.
1Just a few questions:
21. Was the error in Karzahni's vision to Lesovikk caused by mutagen damage to his Kanohi or his own insanity?
32. a. Is the Toa Ignika's Lifeboard organic? 4b. Does the Toa Ignika have to expend concentration in order to keep the board working? 5c. If the board is not organic, does that mean the Toa Ignika can control inorganic substances? 6d. Does the Toa Ignika have control over Antidermis?
73. Since you said that as long as a being has both light and shadow, their choices affect the concentrations - does this mean Takanuva could replenish the light he lost during the Leech attack?
84. What would happen if someone had the light AND shadow removed from them? Would they die?
95. Could Kanoka disks be reforged into non-mask objects with special powers (E.G. levitation disks are forged into leg-mounted armor that allows the wearer to float)?
106. What does Carapar think about Takadox now?
117. Does Botar have any powers besides teleportation and knowing where he's needed?
128. Are there certain ways of forging Protosteel that make it especially strong? 139. How does Protosteel fare against energy attacks?
1410. Would nova blasts for toa of Ice, Stone and Iron consist of small fragments of their element blasting out, or large blocks of their element blasting out? Could they control how big the chunks were?
1511. Are there ways to treat Antidermis (such as blasting it with high intensity sonics) so that the part of a Makuta inside is destroyed?
1612. Are the Makuta's senses (such as sight and hearing) part of their armor, based within their Antidermis, or something else?
1713. Could a non-Toa species have an affinity for elemental energy?
1814. Would a Kaita including an Av-matoran and a non-light toa have access to full light powers, or just the Av-Matoran's limited powers?
1915. If one of the Toa nuva (with adaptable armor) formed a Kaita with non-Nuva toa, would the Kaita's entire armor be adaptable, or just portions of it?
2016. If three Toa Nuva formed a Kaita, would their armor re-adapt to being a Kaita?
2117. Could the Toa Igika join in a Kaita? If so, would the resulting Kaita be better able to access it's life powers?
221) His insanity 232) The board was constructed in part from organic molecules, and yes, he does have to concentrate to keep it working. As for your antidermis question, what do you mean by "control"? 243) Not unless the shield that prevents light from flowing into him is broken. 254) They would be an empty being. Physically alive, mentally empty. 265) Arguably, if you remember that it would probably need to be struck against something to be activated. If it's not a mask, it can't be activated mentally, but by physical contact. 276) He doesn't think much of Takadox, but then he never did 287) Nope 298) I would assume so 309) Pretty well 3110) Well, an Ice nova blast would freeze everything for miles around, if that helps 3211) No. Antidermis is vulnerable to light, it's not vulnerable to things like sound. 3312) When they are in their armor, it comes from their armor. When they are not in their armor, just free-floating energy, it comes from their energy. 3413) Well, we have seen things like fire elementals in the story 3514) You can't form a kaita between different classes, such as a Matoran and a Toa. Only with Toa and other Toa or Matoran with other Matoran. 3615) I don't think a Nuva can form a kaita with a non-Nuva 3716) Re-adapt how? 3817) I wouldn't advise it. Ignika's mind is so alien that it probably wouldn't be a good fit.
39Just some questions
1After seeing this topic, I did a bit of research and found that he was right in saying that Ihu means nose and Mangai means mouth. Even more astonishing is that Mata Nui roughly translates to "Important Face" and in another translation - "Mother Island". so I have a few questions -
21) Which meaning did you originally intend for Mata Nui to have?
3i) Important Face 4ii) Mother Island 5iii) Other
62) Would it be safe to say that originally the plan was for Mata Nui to be the island itself, but after the Maori lawsuit, you decided against it? The reason i say this is that theory makes sense, except all the evidence comes from before the lawsuit and we know it can't be true (eg - you said it is as easy to get to Mata Nui from Voya Nui as it is from Mata Nui (island).
73) Are there any other translations that we have missed?
8Thanks Greg:
9T, I did not work on BIONICLE or even at LEGO at the time any of the original names were chosen, so what the creative team intended these names to translate into, if anything, is not something that I have info on.
10Hey, I have a few questions for the Phankuta topic.111) Does Vican have a power when he links up to Mutran? 122) Can I have a Mutran quote? 133) Is the reason Mutran's mind is down on the stats (compared to Chirox) because of his insanity? Eg - he is smart, but his insanity brings down his score? 144) Unrelated - when Brutaka goes into a pocket dimension to hide, is the dimension basically a blank universe with little or no life, like the Zone of Darkness?
15Thanks, Greg.
161) No, he does not, because he was not an Av-Matoran. 172) I really don't have time to go quote searching at present 183) Yup 194) When has Brutaka ever done this? It's never happened in story so far as I know.
204) What about when Hakann was following Brutaka and Brutaka disappeared? Where did he disappear to if it wasn't another dimension?
214) But he wasn't hiding. He simply slipped through another dimension and reappeared someplace else in ours. That is what he mainly uses the Olmak for, quick travel between points in our world.
224) But te universe he slipped into, was it just a blank universe like the Zone of Darkness?
23Depends. If he simply went through interdimensional space and came back, that is largely a void. If he actually traveled through a pocket dimension and then came back, most pocket dimensions are inhabited by some form of life.
24Questions -
251) Do you reread you own books often? 262) When you say Mata Nui is not in a certain place, does that include being a certain place? 273) Has the source of the light and heat in the SoS always been there?
28Thanks Greg:
291) No 302) I am not allowed to discuss Mata Nui's location 313) Yes
323) Is it actually in the SoS, or does ir just appear to be in it? 334) Will the Summer Toa find it? 345) Will the Summer Makita find it? 356) What would one do if they stumbled on it?
37Since all of this deals with future story, I can't answer it.
1He didn't specifically say so. 

1Greg just said it had nothing to do with the fact that Matoro brought back Mata Nui.
1He didn't say anything about Matoro's death, though. 

1He didn't specifically say so.
2If she could move them, they would have a use in water, and not be ornamental. The member asked if they had a use in water, and he said they were ornamental. hence, they are ornamental, meaning that they are just for show, which is another way of saying useless for anything but looks. O-R-N-A-M-E-N-T-A-L.

3He didn't say anything about Matoro's death, though.
4Reanimation=dying? Maybe. Greg dosn't have to symbolize EVERYTHING with a mask you know.
1hey, what is this shield that everyone keeps talking about? the one with takanuva that lets light and shadow in? anyone care to explain?
1He didn't specifically say so.
2If she could move them, they would have a use in water, and not be ornamental. The member asked if they had a use in water, and he said they were ornamental. hence, they are ornamental, meaning that they are just for show, which is another way of saying useless for anything but looks. O-R-N-A-M-E-N-T-A-L.![]()
3He didn't say anything about Matoro's death, though.
4Reanimation=dying? Maybe. Greg dosn't have to symbolize EVERYTHING with a mask you know.
5You should PM him and ask if they're ornamental in the water.

6Who says that this is everything?

7hey, what is this shield that everyone keeps talking about? the one with takanuva that lets light and shadow in? anyone care to explain?
8When your light is drained, there's this shield that keeps it from coming back.

4Well, I can tolerate "Z"s but for some reason I really hate all the "X"s...1Just one question this time, but I'm a bit afraid to hear the answer... I'm not sure you can answer it anyways, though... Does Makuta's actual name have an "X" or "Z" in it or does have a more classic BIONICLE sound?
2Why are you afraid? Is it really going to make that big of a difference to you?
3Remember, most of the classic BIONICLE names were taken from the Maori language, which is why current names don't sound like that anymore. And x's and z's (and k's) are added because they are used much less frequently in other languages, so it makes it easier to clear names through Legal.
5Personally, I think the classic BIONICLE sound stuck around, more or less, until 2006. Many of the Piraka had good names, in my opinion, but after that a lot of names became clearly based off of real words and got peppered with excessive "Z"s and "X"s. This makes them stand out a lot less among other lines (Vultraz sounds like a Pokemon or a Power Ranger) and I feel it makes them feel less legendary and fantastical.
6I don't really mean they have to sound too Polynesian or anything... I just think names like "Maxilos" and "Vamprah" sound out of place among names like "Keetongu" and "Lhikan." They have a rather different feel to them and sound a bit too... Unexotic.
7Personally, I think Maxilos makes perfect sense for a robot ... and Vamprah for a being who feeds off the hopes of others. Our biggest issue with the names, frankly, is that most fans cannot pronounce them and get frustrated by that, which is why we are planning a new naming convention in 2009.
8Well Vamprah certainly makes sense, but it's much too obvious... You can't think of anything but a vampire when you hear his name... I think it's prominent to the point of misleading, too, because my little cousin Didrik thought he actually drank the Toa's blood. 9So what do you mean by a new naming convention? Is that like how many names have an "-ahk" or is it something completely new? Is it significant to the story?
10But is it "too obvious" for an 8 year old, or for a 14 plus year old?
11It's a completely new direction, if we stick with it. The feeling was we had mined the vaguely Polynesian name convention to death in seven years, and it was time to try something new. Given the change in the storyline, it is the one time we can get away with something like that without creating a big contradiction, since we won't be in this Matoran universe in 2009.
12Very interesting...
1Wait, what is the sheild?
4Well, I can tolerate "Z"s but for some reason I really hate all the "X"s...1Just one question this time, but I'm a bit afraid to hear the answer... I'm not sure you can answer it anyways, though... Does Makuta's actual name have an "X" or "Z" in it or does have a more classic BIONICLE sound?
2Why are you afraid? Is it really going to make that big of a difference to you?
3Remember, most of the classic BIONICLE names were taken from the Maori language, which is why current names don't sound like that anymore. And x's and z's (and k's) are added because they are used much less frequently in other languages, so it makes it easier to clear names through Legal.
5Personally, I think the classic BIONICLE sound stuck around, more or less, until 2006. Many of the Piraka had good names, in my opinion, but after that a lot of names became clearly based off of real words and got peppered with excessive "Z"s and "X"s. This makes them stand out a lot less among other lines (Vultraz sounds like a Pokemon or a Power Ranger) and I feel it makes them feel less legendary and fantastical.
6I don't really mean they have to sound too Polynesian or anything... I just think names like "Maxilos" and "Vamprah" sound out of place among names like "Keetongu" and "Lhikan." They have a rather different feel to them and sound a bit too... Unexotic.
7Personally, I think Maxilos makes perfect sense for a robot ... and Vamprah for a being who feeds off the hopes of others. Our biggest issue with the names, frankly, is that most fans cannot pronounce them and get frustrated by that, which is why we are planning a new naming convention in 2009.
8Well Vamprah certainly makes sense, but it's much too obvious... You can't think of anything but a vampire when you hear his name... I think it's prominent to the point of misleading, too, because my little cousin Didrik thought he actually drank the Toa's blood. 9So what do you mean by a new naming convention? Is that like how many names have an "-ahk" or is it something completely new? Is it significant to the story?
10But is it "too obvious" for an 8 year old, or for a 14 plus year old?
11It's a completely new direction, if we stick with it. The feeling was we had mined the vaguely Polynesian name convention to death in seven years, and it was time to try something new. Given the change in the storyline, it is the one time we can get away with something like that without creating a big contradiction, since we won't be in this Matoran universe in 2009.
12Very interesting...
13I can't even imagine what he means by a new naming system. Something that younger fans can pronounce, and won't get frustrated with? Maybe they're gonna stick with more conventional names. Toa Mike? lol
1So they will NOT be in the domes next year. Finally, we have confirmation about that.
1So they will NOT be in the domes next year. Finally, we have confirmation about that.
2Actually, I'm 99% sure that Greg confirmed 2009 would NOT take place in a domed universe, oh, weeks ago.
3On a seperate note; people, come on. This topic is getting really cluttered. I know I'm just adding to the clutter with this small post, but I feel it needs to be said. Do we REALLY need posts that say nothing but, esentially, "interesting," "cool," or "baseless conjecture?" I simply ask that we stop and think about what is genuine discussion about Greg's answers and what's pointless chatter.
1Some new infos:
21. On BS01, it says that the Toa Mahri can now breathe both air and water. I thought you said their gills are now ornaments? 32. The "umbrella name" for Tahu's team and the swamp Makuta has a meaning, much like Phantoka, right? 42a. If so, here's a question: It's only a few weeks before ToyFair 2008 starts, and we'll soon know the name. Do you plan to reveal its meaning as soon as BZP staff members post images of ToyFair here? I mean, it doesn't have much to do with the storyline, other than showing the similarity between the Toa and the Makuta. 53. Now that the name "Artidax" is back to the approved name list, it no longer means "mutation", right?
61) I was overruled by myselfbecause it states in Book 8 they are amphibious. 72) Yes 82a) Yeah, probably, it's not that big a deal 93) Correct
1But if it was another Matoran Universe, then it would most likely have been made by Great Beings, but they only make domed universes... 2I really don't think it means anything, it sounds perfectly normal to me...
3No Matoran most likely means no Toa. I think one of the reasons for this change of direction was a way to get out of the routine of Toa, villians, Toa, etc. Now they can make new heroes, and we should get out of this nearly identical hero body structure rut.
1Well Greg just said: 2- 2009 won't be in a domed universe 3- we won't be in this Matoran universe
4But I don't think that means there are other Matoran universes. 2001-2ßß3 did also not take place in a domed Matoran universe and we still had Matoran living there (Mata Nui). Since Greg said 2009 will not throw all principles of Bionicle overboard, this means there will still be Matoran around, since they are maybe more integral to the story than Toa.
5I got thinking about 2009 maybe a Matoran Exodus from the domed universe.
4But I don't think that means there are other Matoran universes. 2001-2ßß3 did also not take place in a domed Matoran universe and we still had Matoran living there (Mata Nui). Since Greg said 2009 will not throw all principles of Bionicle overboard, this means there will still be Matoran around, since they are maybe more integral to the story than Toa.
5I got thinking about 2009 maybe a Matoran Exodus from the domed universe.
1"No matoran" seems highly unlikely...
1No I doubt Lego would kill the Matoran off. Greghas said this is not a reboot, nor would basic principles of Bionicle be abandoned.
1The '09 "Reboot Refresh" doesn't involve killing everyone off 

1[... 2I can't even imagine what he means by a new naming system. Something that younger fans can pronounce, and won't get frustrated with? Maybe they're gonna stick with more conventional names. Toa Mike? lol
3There is only one problem: Most of the Bionicle names are pronounced in a europian way, for example German or Dansk. This languages are hard to pronounce for someone who speaks only English. E.g., I have no problems with the pronouncation of any name in the Bionicle Universe because I'm from Germany. I just have to read the name, but you have to read the name in a different way.
4I suspect that a six year old children would pronounce such a weird name correctly (And I'm sure, LEGO is sharing my opinion), 5so they start to create a new naming system, which could be pronounced correctly be anyone on the earth.
11. Did Antroz, Vamprah, Chirox, Icarax and Mutran shape-shift their armor to have wings?
22. Did Antroz, Vamprah, Chirox, Icarax and Mutran (and any other Makuta that may have them) shape-shift their armor to be able to hold Tridax Pods?
33. Can you tell me the name of the first Level 3 reader?
44. Will the MOMN be in some kind of set form this year?
55. When we learn the MOMN's real name, will he be referred to by that name all the time?
66. I heard that the Makuta that conquered the Visorak for the BOM to use would be a set this year, is this true?
77. I notice that (the set) Icarax's Kraahkan is black while, (the set) MOMN's Kraahkan is gray. Is this just in the sets? Or is it because the Kraahkan was in the sliver sea for so long (as the same thing happened to the Vahi (gold to orange))?
91-2) Yes 103) I suggested naming it "The Journey of Takanuva," but I don't know if they are going with that name or not. 114) No. 125) When the Makuta discuss him, yes. 136) Yes, it is 147) Just a designer thing, not a story thing
164. But the MOMN will be appearing this year, right?
176. Is his name Mazeka?
18New Questions:
191. About this "Makuta Contest", the winner gets to appear in Bionicle story, in what book will the winners Makuta be in, The Final Battle?
202. Will there be any new mask powers in the summer besides the canister Makuta's?
213. Before you wrote the books for Bionicle, you just wrote the comics, right?
234) I can't discuss future storyline 246) No. Mazeka is not a Makuta. 251) Most likely it will be in web serials. The book has to be finished in two weeks, and we won't even have all the entries in by then. 262) Not to my knowledge, no 273) Yes, and some of the web content
296. Is this Makuta (who conquered the Visorak) one of the canister Makuta?
302. So there will only be six new mask powers this year?
31New Questions:
321. Is the Makuta who took out Krekka's eye a canister Makuta?
332. What is the series name for the Level 3 reader books?
343. Will all the Toa Nuva be together in The Final Battle?
366) Yes 372) Far as I know off the top of my head, yes. 381) Yes 392) There isn't one that I am aware of. They don't really need one, since they are already differentiated from the normal books by their size (the readers are only 1500 words long, max) and would be shelved in a different area. 403) Yes