1Just a thought about that line about the mask of shadows not that I think of it: it doesn't neccesarily mean that Makuta is controlled by it. I think that can resolve some of the confusion around it
1... 2But do you really thing LEGO is going to make two Toa of Fire exist at the same time? I doubt that would go over well with anybody here on BZP, or anywhere else for that matter. It certainly wouldn't go well with me. In addition, yellow isn't a color usually associated with fire. To me, that's enough proof he's not a Fire Toa. Most likely he's gifted with a power we've never seen before.
4Why not? Now that we know that it there's been two Toas of fire, water, etc., it seems more beleivable to me that there is like a "generation" thing; Lhikan, being his own individual Toa, then Vakama and company, then Tahu and company. If it makes storyline sense, it will not only go over well, it will explain things to us. Read through what I've said in the official Lhikan topic for more detail, but we've known that there's a tradition of Fire Toa being leaders. Well, why? Perhaps because Lhikan was a Fire Toa, and an individual one, Toa for six Metrus? It definately explains a lot if it's true.
5Also, why isn't yellow associated with fire? Candle flames usually look yellow. Yellow, Orange, and Red are all associated with Fire. Look at my avatar, for example. Yellow fire is the symbol for the H.O.T. Drome team.
6But yeah, it'd be cool to see a new power. But then, there are very good reasons not to do that, for one to show that a character can be just as important and developed even if he doesn't have a unique power all the time. They need to come up with new powers, yes, but they've done so many already in Metru Nui, a return to standard powers would help keep the tone consistent. You know what I'm saying? It's not hard to beleive there could have been other Toa of Fire in the past. Sometimes in a story you need to stick to already established themes, just to show you're not abandoning what it is that made the story what it was. Having Lhikan as a Toa of Fire would bring some familiarity to the past, for fans. Make it easier to adjust to the prequel time.
7Because they've certainly already acheived making this year full of new and interesting powers.
8Also, it appears he may have used his Toa tools in interesting ways. Vakama and Tahu are both Toa of Fire, yet they both are interesting, and they're fighting tactics are different; a Kanoka launcher and a sword. Now, I'm not saying there are no good storyline reasons to have him have a new power (actually an old power...), just that there are many for the other way. Really, whichever way it goes, I'll be happy.
1Here's my daily annoyance to Greg
21. You say Takanuva was the predominate force in Takutanuva. Why would Makuta let Takanuva do that? Makuta didn't seem weakened in any way when it happened.
3But remember that right before they fell into the pool, Makuta had his mask removed by Takanuva. So he was weakened by that.
42. How did the balls of Protodermis launch out in Makuta's lair?
5Just something Makuta had built into the lair.
63. Why are there Bohrok on Metru-Nui? The Bohrok are supposed to clear Mata-Nui.
7Yes, they are. But their nests extend well underground, and Onu-Matoran miners stumbled on one. So sleeping Bohrok are in the Archives as a result. Bohrok are not active and awake on Metru Nui.
84. You said the Matoran are constantly coming to Metru-Nui. From where?
9I didn't mean coming from elsewhere, I meant coming into being.
105. Related to #4. About how big a rate are the Matoran entering Metru-Nui?
11As they are needed.
126. Do you know when the origins of the Bohrok will be revealed?
13No. I only know the story through '05.
147. Is there still evil on Metru-Nui when the Toa Nuva are battling Makuta, etc?
15Can't answer it.
16See answers above, 17Greg

21. You say Takanuva was the predominate force in Takutanuva. Why would Makuta let Takanuva do that? Makuta didn't seem weakened in any way when it happened.
3But remember that right before they fell into the pool, Makuta had his mask removed by Takanuva. So he was weakened by that.
42. How did the balls of Protodermis launch out in Makuta's lair?
5Just something Makuta had built into the lair.
63. Why are there Bohrok on Metru-Nui? The Bohrok are supposed to clear Mata-Nui.
7Yes, they are. But their nests extend well underground, and Onu-Matoran miners stumbled on one. So sleeping Bohrok are in the Archives as a result. Bohrok are not active and awake on Metru Nui.
84. You said the Matoran are constantly coming to Metru-Nui. From where?
9I didn't mean coming from elsewhere, I meant coming into being.
105. Related to #4. About how big a rate are the Matoran entering Metru-Nui?
11As they are needed.
126. Do you know when the origins of the Bohrok will be revealed?
13No. I only know the story through '05.
147. Is there still evil on Metru-Nui when the Toa Nuva are battling Makuta, etc?
15Can't answer it.
16See answers above, 17Greg
1But it seems a bit unfair that fire is the predominant element in the Toa Metru. I'd like to see Lhikan with a whole new power, as he is the guardian of Metru Nui, so he should have a power that emphasizes that. Another Toa Of Fire seems too repetitive.
1You know what they say, the more questions you ask, the more questions you get.
2Two PMs this time:
31. Why did Makuta choose the six Rahkshi he did? After all, Power Scream seems a better choice for a Rahkshi power than Gurahk.
41) Story reason: because they were designed with very specific needs in mind. The first three were largely destructive in nature, the second three were designed to shatter unity, duty and destiny. Behind the story reason: the power scream Rahkshi did not exist until i wrote the list of alternate kraata powers, which was a good solid year after the movie was written. Also, the Rahkshi in the movie had to be the Rahkshi we made sets of.
52. Why are there only six Bohrok Kal? Wouldn't the Bahrag's mission be easier if the swarms had their powers?
6Because a side effect of the Bohrok-Kal mutation is that they are able to function independently of the Bahrag. Why would the Bahrag want entire swarms that wouldn't obey them?
73. Vakama says the Rahkshi are seekers. What are the Rahkshi "seeking" on Metru-Nui?
8Nothing. They weren't sent there, they wandered there from elsewhere.
94. Is Makuta on Metru-Nui proper, or off somewhere else?
10Can't answer it.
115. Returning to Mask of Light. Before Takutanuva is crushed, he says "my duty is done". Does that mean, he existed just to open the door and revive Jaller?
12His duty was to open the gateway.
136. Related to #6. Why did Takutanuva not getout of the doorway before reviving Jaller? Everyone else had come through so he wasn't holding it for anyone.
14Ever try holding up a massive doorway, then letting it go and jumping clear in time? It's not easy. The odds are it will come down and crush your legs before you get clear.
157. How did Takanuva, Jaller and Vakama (Not to mention the other Toa) get out into the air in the comic where Vakama tells his tale? Takutanuva is gone, one of the doors is closed, and the other opens up to Metru-Nui.
16Simple. All the Toa had to do was clear away the rubble of the smashed door and they could go back the way they came.
178. Why do Kraata take so long to transform in Protodermis and Toa only take a matter of seconds?
18That's the way nature works, Edit. Some things take a long time to evolve, some don't. Toa to Toa Nuva is also much less of a change than kraata into Rahkshi armor.
199. What happens to a Kraata when it becomes a Rahkshi? I know it needs a "driver" now, but since I haven't turned into a car lately I don't know what happens when you turn into a robot.
20It becomes inorganic armor and loses its sentience.
2110. Why did Makuta (if he even did) revive Jaller? Guilty consience? If you're the incarnation of evil, why revive your first kill?
22Because his personality was being dominated by the light of Takanuva, due to the fact that his mask had been stripped off before they fell into the pool. Exposed to Takanuva's mind, Makuta was "enlightened," and therefore acted out of mercy.
2311. Do you know what happened to Jaller's body after he died? Are there two Jaller bodies around now, or what?
24No, I don't have that information.
25See answers above, 26Greg
27And number two:
281. Will any Kanohi turn into a Nuva if exposed to Protodermis?
292. Why did the Avohkii and Kraakhan merge? After all, Makuta's mask was separated from him before he fell, wouldn't the mask on Takutanuva be an Avohkii since the Kraakhan was away from Makuta?
303. Can we expect to see more energy-based villans like Krekka and Nidhiki?
314. Do the Matoran on Metru-Nui think Makuta is "good". You said that the opinion of Makuta the Metruans have might suprise us.
325. Since the Rahkshi wander from other islands, is this where Makuta is?
336. Does Makuta have a mission the send the Rahkshi he's got on? Or is he just sleeping or something?
347. In the movie, Vakama said they were awakening the Great Spirt, so how come they didn't? After all, Vakama isn't known for saying stuff that doesn't happen.
358. Which character out of all of the heros/villans do you like/ hate the most?
36First off, did you get my batch of answers from yesterday? I tried to send them last night, but BZP's server was being weird again, and I don't know if yo wait for answers before sending more questions.
371) Most likely, yes. 382) Yes, but they were two huge objects of power, so naturally they were drawn to each other. 393) No idea. 404) In this era, I do not believe they think of him as evil. 415) Can't answer it 426) No, these Rahkshi were created for a different purpose -- remember, Makuta is not targeting the Matoran with Rahkshi at this point in the story. So these Rahkshi don't actually have a mission, they are more like wild animals. 437) But you are assuming Vakama has perfect knowledge of just HOW to wake Mata Nui up. He doesn't. He has vague knowledge from his visions, but he has never been able to give the Toa chapter and verse of how to awaken the Great Spirit. He doesn't know how for sure. So he thought they were awakening Mata Nui. 448) I can't say there are any characters that I hate .. a good writer does not hate his characters. The ones I like tend to be the ones who are the most fun to write -- Kopaka, Toa Onewa, the Kal, the Morbuzakh. I like the Vahki too, even though they have no dialogue. Makuta is always fun to write for, though I don't get to do that much. Nuju is pretty fun too.
46So Greg likes writing for the Morbuzahk? You'd think he wouldn't since he didn't like the Rahi.
2Two PMs this time:
31. Why did Makuta choose the six Rahkshi he did? After all, Power Scream seems a better choice for a Rahkshi power than Gurahk.
41) Story reason: because they were designed with very specific needs in mind. The first three were largely destructive in nature, the second three were designed to shatter unity, duty and destiny. Behind the story reason: the power scream Rahkshi did not exist until i wrote the list of alternate kraata powers, which was a good solid year after the movie was written. Also, the Rahkshi in the movie had to be the Rahkshi we made sets of.
52. Why are there only six Bohrok Kal? Wouldn't the Bahrag's mission be easier if the swarms had their powers?
6Because a side effect of the Bohrok-Kal mutation is that they are able to function independently of the Bahrag. Why would the Bahrag want entire swarms that wouldn't obey them?
73. Vakama says the Rahkshi are seekers. What are the Rahkshi "seeking" on Metru-Nui?
8Nothing. They weren't sent there, they wandered there from elsewhere.
94. Is Makuta on Metru-Nui proper, or off somewhere else?
10Can't answer it.
115. Returning to Mask of Light. Before Takutanuva is crushed, he says "my duty is done". Does that mean, he existed just to open the door and revive Jaller?
12His duty was to open the gateway.
136. Related to #6. Why did Takutanuva not getout of the doorway before reviving Jaller? Everyone else had come through so he wasn't holding it for anyone.
14Ever try holding up a massive doorway, then letting it go and jumping clear in time? It's not easy. The odds are it will come down and crush your legs before you get clear.
157. How did Takanuva, Jaller and Vakama (Not to mention the other Toa) get out into the air in the comic where Vakama tells his tale? Takutanuva is gone, one of the doors is closed, and the other opens up to Metru-Nui.
16Simple. All the Toa had to do was clear away the rubble of the smashed door and they could go back the way they came.
178. Why do Kraata take so long to transform in Protodermis and Toa only take a matter of seconds?
18That's the way nature works, Edit. Some things take a long time to evolve, some don't. Toa to Toa Nuva is also much less of a change than kraata into Rahkshi armor.
199. What happens to a Kraata when it becomes a Rahkshi? I know it needs a "driver" now, but since I haven't turned into a car lately I don't know what happens when you turn into a robot.
20It becomes inorganic armor and loses its sentience.
2110. Why did Makuta (if he even did) revive Jaller? Guilty consience? If you're the incarnation of evil, why revive your first kill?
22Because his personality was being dominated by the light of Takanuva, due to the fact that his mask had been stripped off before they fell into the pool. Exposed to Takanuva's mind, Makuta was "enlightened," and therefore acted out of mercy.
2311. Do you know what happened to Jaller's body after he died? Are there two Jaller bodies around now, or what?
24No, I don't have that information.
25See answers above, 26Greg
27And number two:
281. Will any Kanohi turn into a Nuva if exposed to Protodermis?
292. Why did the Avohkii and Kraakhan merge? After all, Makuta's mask was separated from him before he fell, wouldn't the mask on Takutanuva be an Avohkii since the Kraakhan was away from Makuta?
303. Can we expect to see more energy-based villans like Krekka and Nidhiki?
314. Do the Matoran on Metru-Nui think Makuta is "good". You said that the opinion of Makuta the Metruans have might suprise us.
325. Since the Rahkshi wander from other islands, is this where Makuta is?
336. Does Makuta have a mission the send the Rahkshi he's got on? Or is he just sleeping or something?
347. In the movie, Vakama said they were awakening the Great Spirt, so how come they didn't? After all, Vakama isn't known for saying stuff that doesn't happen.
358. Which character out of all of the heros/villans do you like/ hate the most?
36First off, did you get my batch of answers from yesterday? I tried to send them last night, but BZP's server was being weird again, and I don't know if yo wait for answers before sending more questions.
371) Most likely, yes. 382) Yes, but they were two huge objects of power, so naturally they were drawn to each other. 393) No idea. 404) In this era, I do not believe they think of him as evil. 415) Can't answer it 426) No, these Rahkshi were created for a different purpose -- remember, Makuta is not targeting the Matoran with Rahkshi at this point in the story. So these Rahkshi don't actually have a mission, they are more like wild animals. 437) But you are assuming Vakama has perfect knowledge of just HOW to wake Mata Nui up. He doesn't. He has vague knowledge from his visions, but he has never been able to give the Toa chapter and verse of how to awaken the Great Spirit. He doesn't know how for sure. So he thought they were awakening Mata Nui. 448) I can't say there are any characters that I hate .. a good writer does not hate his characters. The ones I like tend to be the ones who are the most fun to write -- Kopaka, Toa Onewa, the Kal, the Morbuzakh. I like the Vahki too, even though they have no dialogue. Makuta is always fun to write for, though I don't get to do that much. Nuju is pretty fun too.
46So Greg likes writing for the Morbuzahk? You'd think he wouldn't since he didn't like the Rahi.
1Dear GregF,
2It's me again, I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may.
31)4I actually did a scene this weekend where Onewa makes stone hands come up out of the bottom of a waterway to grab a Rahi5Sounds like a very cool scene, when will we see it?
6BIONICLE Adventures #5.
72) How would you classify the Room Rahi; Mammal, Bird, Reptile, Amphibian, Fish, Mollusk, Arthropod, Anneild, Echinoderm, Coleantrate, Poriveran, or something else i.e. a Fungus or a Colonial Protist?
8Anything he wants to be.
93) Would you say that old Roomie is intelligent to any degree?
10As intelligent as any other animal.
114) What are your work hours?
128-4, for office work, and then writing at all hours when I am home.
135) What time out of the day do you set aside for answering PM's?
14I try to do it in the morning, because the server is less apt to fritz then.
156) What do you do on a regular work day? What kind of things do you do when you're not in a meeting or something?
16If I'm not in a meeting, I am writing the LEGO Magazine or the Shop At Home catalog or the BIONICLE comic or whatever else needs to be written. I sit and write all day.
177) You once said that Takua was created soley for the GBA game, does this mean that the whole "Finding a Seventh Toa" wasn't originally planned?
18It was, but I don't think it was decided that it would be Takua until after he was created.
198) Speaking of meetings, how often do you have one?
20I have meetings probably three to four times a week.
219) How went the meeting about the Underworld concept go? Is it going to be used in the storyline?
22If it goes forward, it will only be on the web as background for the city. It's not going to play a big role in the story, the story for '04 is locked already.
2310) Does the Storyline Team have any control over what a product looks like beyond things like: "He's big with four legs and two big claws"?
24We do get to see designs and give feedback, along with the marketing teams.
2511) I noticed that a few things were changed when Mask Of Light was on Cartoon Network, like Guurahk smashed his staff through the Ta-Koro hut instead of his fist, why were these changes made?
26No idea. I don't work on the movies.
2712) In one of the books you said Onu-Metruan lived in the past, Ko-Metruan looked to the future, and Po- and Le- Metruan thought that life should be lived in the present. What about the other two Metru?
28Doesn't really come into play there. Ta-Matoran really don't have a philosophy, and Ga-Matoran pay attention to both present and past.
2913) In the guidebook that came with the original trading card game, it said that Matau could fly (as a turaga), liking to hover about a foot above the ground, is this still the case, or was it scrapped later on?
30I never heard that. I do know that the card game took a lot of liberties.
3114) In the movie, do any of the Toa Metru get voice-box style masks, or do they all have a jaw thing going on?
32Can't say, haven't paid attention to the footage in that kind of detail.
3315) Is Likahn the Toa of Light? I don't think knowing his element will spoil anything.
34No, he's not. There was no need for a Toa of Light at that time, because Makuta had never done anything to the Matoran.
3516) I know you can't answer this, but I'd like to know if it's a good theory: Was Likahn Jaller's brother when he was a Matoran?
36No. First off, Lhikan was never a Matoran in Metru Nui. Second, there is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE, so there are no actual brothers and sisters. Toa are brothers like all firefighters are brothers.
3717) Will we see any new Rahi in the movie?
3918) Is Bionicle 2 "The Mask Maker" or is it now called "Legends of Metru Nui"?
40BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui is the official title.
4119) You said that Turaga still retain some elemental powers, could you give an example for each Mata Nui Turaga?
42Not really. They have very low level versions of the Toa elemental powers.
4320) If you could be any Bionicle character for one day, who would it be?
44Vakama. I like his mask power.
4521) What would you say is the "dumbest" question someone's ever asked you?
46Not sure. A lot of "dumb" questions just come from people misunderstanding things, and aren't really dumb.
4722) Does it bother you that most kids who collect Bionicle are in for it just for the toys and don't take the time to apprecieate the storyline?
48I don't agree that that is the case for most kids. Even if it was true, if the sets don't sell, then there will be no story and no BIONICLE. So live and let live.
4923) Could you provide a one-word description of 2005's story?
5124) In the first Adventures book, you say that a Matoran "spat" is this to say that Matoran salivate?
52That referred to him spitting his words out, not spitting saliva.
53Thanks in advance for answering these.
55See answers above, 56Greg
1Well, I think it's about time I stopped bugging Greg, so these'll be my last questions for a while.
21. Will Rahkshi play another large role again in the storyline?
31) No idea. They are only in this year's story because I think they're cool. I have no idea if they will play a major role again ...
42. Will Rahkshi ever be released as sets again?
5Can't say absolutely not, but doubtful. Been there, done that.
63. What element does oa Lhikan represent?
7Not discussing Lhikan at this time.
84. Will we see anymore elemental heroes/villans this year?
9Can't answer it.
105. Will we ever get away from the "six rule" of six good guys, six bad guys, and a couple of larger sets?
11Not for the foreseeable future. It works for us, so why change it?
126. Who is Akhmou allied to on Mata-Nui?
13No one.
147. Why did the Toa let Akhmou go?
15They didn't. Ahkmou formed part of the Matoran Nui, which split apart again while the Toa were fighting the king root. Ahkmou then ran off.
168. Is Akhmou's old master still on Metru-Nui?
17He didn't have a master.
189. Is the map of Metru-Nui complete, or are there things on there we don't know about?
19I think it is fairly complete, at least up through this year's movie.
2010. Who is the Great Temple dedicated to?
21The Great Spirit Mata Nui.
2211. You said the Toa cleared the rubble away from the crushed door, doesn't that mean that they would see if Makuta were alive or dead?
23Maybe yes, maybe no. They are not aware of all his capabilities -- he could have simply disappeared if he ceased to exist.
2412. Does Makuta need a body to survive? Or can he go without a body?
25Can't answer it.
2613. How come Makuta did not have a Kraakhan when the toa first met him?
27When they first met him, he was in the shape of a Matoran. So he was wearing the Mask of Shadows, it simply had been reshaped to look like a Matoran mask.
2814. How long have the Bohrok been in existance?
29Long time.
3015. When were the Bohrok supposed to awaken?
31When Mata Nui needed cleaning off.
3216. Why didn't whoever made the Bohrok tell them to stop if Toa challenged them?
33Because the beings who made the Bohrok had no reason to believe anyone would ever be living on the island of Mata Nui.
3417. Are the Bahrag alive in a Toa sense, or like the Bohrok, robots?
35They are artificial life like the Bohrok, yes.
3618. Are the Va robots?
37They're artificial life.
3819. If so, how are they controlled? What keeps the Va from rebelling?
39Well, initially they were controlled by the Bahrag. When the Bahrag were imprisoned, they were controlled by the Kal.
4020. When the Kal were released, why didn't they go ahead with the Bohrok's plan, and then free the Bahrag?
41Simple. Cleaning the island gets done a lot faster with thousands of Bohrok rather than six. Their job is to free the Bahrag and thus the Bohrok, not level the island -- so they adhered to their primary function.
4221. you said that any Kanohi dipped in Protodermis becomes Nuva, so how come all the matoran on Metru-Nui have nuva masks, since anyone who falls into the ocean gets a dose of Proto?
43Yes, but the ocean is not energized protodermis -- and energized protodermis is what causes changes, not just any liquid protodermis.
4422. Related to #21, how come the Avohkii and Kraakhan merged in Protodermis, shouldn't they have Avohkii Nuva or Kraakhan Nuva? *shudders*
45If one or the other being had fallen in alone, maybe they would have. Instead, two beings fell in whose destiny was to merge, not to evolve.
46See answers above. 47Greg
48And the second one:
49These will be my last questions for a while, I hope.
501. You said those who made the Bohrok never expected anyone living there. So why clear it? Is someone making a giant rock garden, or something?
51Well, stop and think for a second. We know Mata Nui was barren in the "before-time" .. and we know that trees and vegetation etc. evolved on it over time. So the Bohrok's job was to return it to its original state and make it barren. As for why that was their mission, I can't answer that.
522. Are the bi-colored masks in Metru-Nui just a product-based change, or did Makuta's power zap take away the color when the matoran went to Mata-Nui?
53Far as I know, they are a product change. No one has discussed a story reason for it with me.
543. Why would Mata-Nui be above Metru-Nui? Wouldn't it make more sense if Metru-Nui was outside Mata-Nui?
55Because it is. Earth literature is filled with the idea of a "world at the center of the planet" kind of thing, so why is the notion of an underground city so off?
564. Is the Matoran belief wrong (The Great Spirit fell from the heavens, etc)?
57Can't answer it
585. Krekka and Nidhiki have "energy-based" weapons. What does that mean? do they fire electricity? Protodermis? Plasma? Tiki torches?
59I know it's energy. You will have to watch the movie and determine what kind for yourself.
606. Just what is the Avokhan or Kraavohkii's power? Light and shadow? Isn't that, dawn?
61But light and shadow are more than just light and shadow -- they are also hope, and fear, and joy and anger. The individual masks did more than just make it dark or make it light.
62Thanks, I'll stop bugging you now.
64See answers above, 65Greg
21. Will Rahkshi play another large role again in the storyline?
31) No idea. They are only in this year's story because I think they're cool. I have no idea if they will play a major role again ...
42. Will Rahkshi ever be released as sets again?
5Can't say absolutely not, but doubtful. Been there, done that.
63. What element does oa Lhikan represent?
7Not discussing Lhikan at this time.
84. Will we see anymore elemental heroes/villans this year?
9Can't answer it.
105. Will we ever get away from the "six rule" of six good guys, six bad guys, and a couple of larger sets?
11Not for the foreseeable future. It works for us, so why change it?
126. Who is Akhmou allied to on Mata-Nui?
13No one.
147. Why did the Toa let Akhmou go?
15They didn't. Ahkmou formed part of the Matoran Nui, which split apart again while the Toa were fighting the king root. Ahkmou then ran off.
168. Is Akhmou's old master still on Metru-Nui?
17He didn't have a master.
189. Is the map of Metru-Nui complete, or are there things on there we don't know about?
19I think it is fairly complete, at least up through this year's movie.
2010. Who is the Great Temple dedicated to?
21The Great Spirit Mata Nui.
2211. You said the Toa cleared the rubble away from the crushed door, doesn't that mean that they would see if Makuta were alive or dead?
23Maybe yes, maybe no. They are not aware of all his capabilities -- he could have simply disappeared if he ceased to exist.
2412. Does Makuta need a body to survive? Or can he go without a body?
25Can't answer it.
2613. How come Makuta did not have a Kraakhan when the toa first met him?
27When they first met him, he was in the shape of a Matoran. So he was wearing the Mask of Shadows, it simply had been reshaped to look like a Matoran mask.
2814. How long have the Bohrok been in existance?
29Long time.
3015. When were the Bohrok supposed to awaken?
31When Mata Nui needed cleaning off.
3216. Why didn't whoever made the Bohrok tell them to stop if Toa challenged them?
33Because the beings who made the Bohrok had no reason to believe anyone would ever be living on the island of Mata Nui.
3417. Are the Bahrag alive in a Toa sense, or like the Bohrok, robots?
35They are artificial life like the Bohrok, yes.
3618. Are the Va robots?
37They're artificial life.
3819. If so, how are they controlled? What keeps the Va from rebelling?
39Well, initially they were controlled by the Bahrag. When the Bahrag were imprisoned, they were controlled by the Kal.
4020. When the Kal were released, why didn't they go ahead with the Bohrok's plan, and then free the Bahrag?
41Simple. Cleaning the island gets done a lot faster with thousands of Bohrok rather than six. Their job is to free the Bahrag and thus the Bohrok, not level the island -- so they adhered to their primary function.
4221. you said that any Kanohi dipped in Protodermis becomes Nuva, so how come all the matoran on Metru-Nui have nuva masks, since anyone who falls into the ocean gets a dose of Proto?
43Yes, but the ocean is not energized protodermis -- and energized protodermis is what causes changes, not just any liquid protodermis.
4422. Related to #21, how come the Avohkii and Kraakhan merged in Protodermis, shouldn't they have Avohkii Nuva or Kraakhan Nuva? *shudders*
45If one or the other being had fallen in alone, maybe they would have. Instead, two beings fell in whose destiny was to merge, not to evolve.
46See answers above. 47Greg
48And the second one:
49These will be my last questions for a while, I hope.
501. You said those who made the Bohrok never expected anyone living there. So why clear it? Is someone making a giant rock garden, or something?
51Well, stop and think for a second. We know Mata Nui was barren in the "before-time" .. and we know that trees and vegetation etc. evolved on it over time. So the Bohrok's job was to return it to its original state and make it barren. As for why that was their mission, I can't answer that.
522. Are the bi-colored masks in Metru-Nui just a product-based change, or did Makuta's power zap take away the color when the matoran went to Mata-Nui?
53Far as I know, they are a product change. No one has discussed a story reason for it with me.
543. Why would Mata-Nui be above Metru-Nui? Wouldn't it make more sense if Metru-Nui was outside Mata-Nui?
55Because it is. Earth literature is filled with the idea of a "world at the center of the planet" kind of thing, so why is the notion of an underground city so off?
564. Is the Matoran belief wrong (The Great Spirit fell from the heavens, etc)?
57Can't answer it
585. Krekka and Nidhiki have "energy-based" weapons. What does that mean? do they fire electricity? Protodermis? Plasma? Tiki torches?
59I know it's energy. You will have to watch the movie and determine what kind for yourself.
606. Just what is the Avokhan or Kraavohkii's power? Light and shadow? Isn't that, dawn?
61But light and shadow are more than just light and shadow -- they are also hope, and fear, and joy and anger. The individual masks did more than just make it dark or make it light.
62Thanks, I'll stop bugging you now.
64See answers above, 65Greg
1Hi Greg
21. What are the release dates for the books?
3Darkness Below should be in stores end of May, the city book end of July, the movie book probably late August or September. In general it is a novel every other month.
42. When the Toa Metru learn to use their masks, do they learn gradually or do they suddenly realise how to use them?
5You will have to watch the movie and find out.
63. Why did you pick that particular saying for the bonus footage at the end of MoL?
7You mean for the question? Had to pick something
84. Are their any particular things you are looking for in the Rahi contest?
9Even if there were, I couldn't say. Wouldn't be fair to the other contest participants.
105. Whenever some new info is released, do you get alot of PMs off of members?
11Sometimes, yes. Has been quiet the last few days.
12Thats all for now. Thanks in advance
13See answers above, 14Greg
1Dear GregF,
2It's me again, I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may.
31)QUOTE 4I actually did a scene this weekend where Onewa makes stone hands come up out of the bottom of a waterway to grab a Rahi 5Sounds like a very cool scene, when will we see it?
6BIONICLE Adventures #5.
72) How would you classify the Room Rahi; Mammal, Bird, Reptile, Amphibian, Fish, Mollusk, Arthropod, Anneild, Echinoderm, Coleantrate, Poriveran, or something else i.e. a Fungus or a Colonial Protist?
8Anything he wants to be.
93) Would you say that old Roomie is intelligent to any degree?
10As intelligent as any other animal.
114) What are your work hours?
128-4, for office work, and then writing at all hours when I am home.
135) What time out of the day do you set aside for answering PM's?
14I try to do it in the morning, because the server is less apt to fritz then.
156) What do you do on a regular work day? What kind of things do you do when you're not in a meeting or something?
16If I'm not in a meeting, I am writing the LEGO Magazine or the Shop At Home catalog or the BIONICLE comic or whatever else needs to be written. I sit and write all day.
177) You once said that Takua was created soley for the GBA game, does this mean that the whole "Finding a Seventh Toa" wasn't originally planned?
18It was, but I don't think it was decided that it would be Takua until after he was created.
198) Speaking of meetings, how often do you have one?
20I have meetings probably three to four times a week.
219) How went the meeting about the Underworld concept go? Is it going to be used in the storyline?
22If it goes forward, it will only be on the web as background for the city. It's not going to play a big role in the story, the story for '04 is locked already.
2310) Does the Storyline Team have any control over what a product looks like beyond things like: "He's big with four legs and two big claws"?
24We do get to see designs and give feedback, along with the marketing teams.
2511) I noticed that a few things were changed when Mask Of Light was on Cartoon Network, like Guurahk smashed his staff through the Ta-Koro hut instead of his fist, why were these changes made?
26No idea. I don't work on the movies.
2712) In one of the books you said Onu-Metruan lived in the past, Ko-Metruan looked to the future, and Po- and Le- Metruan thought that life should be lived in the present. What about the other two Metru?
28Doesn't really come into play there. Ta-Matoran really don't have a philosophy, and Ga-Matoran pay attention to both present and past.
2913) In the guidebook that came with the original trading card game, it said that Matau could fly (as a turaga), liking to hover about a foot above the ground, is this still the case, or was it scrapped later on?
30I never heard that. I do know that the card game took a lot of liberties.
3114) In the movie, do any of the Toa Metru get voice-box style masks, or do they all have a jaw thing going on?
32Can't say, haven't paid attention to the footage in that kind of detail.
3315) Is Likahn the Toa of Light? I don't think knowing his element will spoil anything.
34No, he's not. There was no need for a Toa of Light at that time, because Makuta had never done anything to the Matoran.
3516) I know you can't answer this, but I'd like to know if it's a good theory: Was Likahn Jaller's brother when he was a Matoran?
36No. First off, Lhikan was never a Matoran in Metru Nui. Second, there is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE, so there are no actual brothers and sisters. Toa are brothers like all firefighters are brothers.
3717) Will we see any new Rahi in the movie?
3918) Is Bionicle 2 "The Mask Maker" or is it now called "Legends of Metru Nui"?
40BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui is the official title.
4119) You said that Turaga still retain some elemental powers, could you give an example for each Mata Nui Turaga?
42Not really. They have very low level versions of the Toa elemental powers.
4320) If you could be any Bionicle character for one day, who would it be?
44Vakama. I like his mask power.
4521) What would you say is the "dumbest" question someone's ever asked you?
46Not sure. A lot of "dumb" questions just come from people misunderstanding things, and aren't really dumb.
4722) Does it bother you that most kids who collect Bionicle are in for it just for the toys and don't take the time to apprecieate the storyline?
48I don't agree that that is the case for most kids. Even if it was true, if the sets don't sell, then there will be no story and no BIONICLE. So live and let live.
4923) Could you provide a one-word description of 2005's story?
5124) In the first Adventures book, you say that a Matoran "spat" is this to say that Matoran salivate?
52That referred to him spitting his words out, not spitting saliva.
53Thanks in advance for answering these.
2It's me again, I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may.
31)QUOTE 4I actually did a scene this weekend where Onewa makes stone hands come up out of the bottom of a waterway to grab a Rahi 5Sounds like a very cool scene, when will we see it?
6BIONICLE Adventures #5.
72) How would you classify the Room Rahi; Mammal, Bird, Reptile, Amphibian, Fish, Mollusk, Arthropod, Anneild, Echinoderm, Coleantrate, Poriveran, or something else i.e. a Fungus or a Colonial Protist?
8Anything he wants to be.
93) Would you say that old Roomie is intelligent to any degree?
10As intelligent as any other animal.
114) What are your work hours?
128-4, for office work, and then writing at all hours when I am home.
135) What time out of the day do you set aside for answering PM's?
14I try to do it in the morning, because the server is less apt to fritz then.
156) What do you do on a regular work day? What kind of things do you do when you're not in a meeting or something?
16If I'm not in a meeting, I am writing the LEGO Magazine or the Shop At Home catalog or the BIONICLE comic or whatever else needs to be written. I sit and write all day.
177) You once said that Takua was created soley for the GBA game, does this mean that the whole "Finding a Seventh Toa" wasn't originally planned?
18It was, but I don't think it was decided that it would be Takua until after he was created.
198) Speaking of meetings, how often do you have one?
20I have meetings probably three to four times a week.
219) How went the meeting about the Underworld concept go? Is it going to be used in the storyline?
22If it goes forward, it will only be on the web as background for the city. It's not going to play a big role in the story, the story for '04 is locked already.
2310) Does the Storyline Team have any control over what a product looks like beyond things like: "He's big with four legs and two big claws"?
24We do get to see designs and give feedback, along with the marketing teams.
2511) I noticed that a few things were changed when Mask Of Light was on Cartoon Network, like Guurahk smashed his staff through the Ta-Koro hut instead of his fist, why were these changes made?
26No idea. I don't work on the movies.
2712) In one of the books you said Onu-Metruan lived in the past, Ko-Metruan looked to the future, and Po- and Le- Metruan thought that life should be lived in the present. What about the other two Metru?
28Doesn't really come into play there. Ta-Matoran really don't have a philosophy, and Ga-Matoran pay attention to both present and past.
2913) In the guidebook that came with the original trading card game, it said that Matau could fly (as a turaga), liking to hover about a foot above the ground, is this still the case, or was it scrapped later on?
30I never heard that. I do know that the card game took a lot of liberties.
3114) In the movie, do any of the Toa Metru get voice-box style masks, or do they all have a jaw thing going on?
32Can't say, haven't paid attention to the footage in that kind of detail.
3315) Is Likahn the Toa of Light? I don't think knowing his element will spoil anything.
34No, he's not. There was no need for a Toa of Light at that time, because Makuta had never done anything to the Matoran.
3516) I know you can't answer this, but I'd like to know if it's a good theory: Was Likahn Jaller's brother when he was a Matoran?
36No. First off, Lhikan was never a Matoran in Metru Nui. Second, there is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE, so there are no actual brothers and sisters. Toa are brothers like all firefighters are brothers.
3717) Will we see any new Rahi in the movie?
3918) Is Bionicle 2 "The Mask Maker" or is it now called "Legends of Metru Nui"?
40BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui is the official title.
4119) You said that Turaga still retain some elemental powers, could you give an example for each Mata Nui Turaga?
42Not really. They have very low level versions of the Toa elemental powers.
4320) If you could be any Bionicle character for one day, who would it be?
44Vakama. I like his mask power.
4521) What would you say is the "dumbest" question someone's ever asked you?
46Not sure. A lot of "dumb" questions just come from people misunderstanding things, and aren't really dumb.
4722) Does it bother you that most kids who collect Bionicle are in for it just for the toys and don't take the time to apprecieate the storyline?
48I don't agree that that is the case for most kids. Even if it was true, if the sets don't sell, then there will be no story and no BIONICLE. So live and let live.
4923) Could you provide a one-word description of 2005's story?
5124) In the first Adventures book, you say that a Matoran "spat" is this to say that Matoran salivate?
52That referred to him spitting his words out, not spitting saliva.
53Thanks in advance for answering these.
11) not something spiecel just wondering if you got any new info on the lhikan set?
2If I did, it would be on the news page.
32) in mata nui there are 7 elements and in metru nui they have only 6 how so? is a light element not neccery in metru nui?
4There was no Toa of Light on Metru Nui because the TOL exists to fight Makuta -- and as 2004 opens, Makuta has never been a problem for the Matoran.
53) if matoran can create robots(the vahki) to defend them cant they as easly create robots to do their jobs?
6Then what would the Matoran do all day? Besides, things like mask making and carving are things you need skilled crafters to do ... same with making prophecies, machines can't do that.
74) ive always wondered what was the matoran thinking of the dead since it has been proven that they can indeed die(jaller) what kind of beliefs do they have ghosts? heaven? spirit incarnation?
8We don't get into Matoran religion at all. It is too touchy a subject for a toy line.
95) you said that matoran need to hold their breath when they ride the chutes so does this mean they do indeed breath?
10Oh, sure. If they didn't, why would Gali have needed a Mask of Water Breathing?
116) are there intellegent rahi spieces around like one's that can be tought to read and stuff?
12Not that we have seen.
137) do matoran think so much about science like humens do? or do they treat evrything as a creation of mata nui?
14There is Matoran science, yes -- certainly engineering and Rahi research.
158) is there a legal system in metru nui or are the vahki's just "always right"?
16There really isn't a need for one. There are no jails or trials. If you break the law, the Vahki zap you and put you back to work.
179) i dont know if this has been asked before but can matoran\toa\turaga feel pain? and get sick?
18Well, we know they can feel pain, and we know they can be poisoned, based on the movies. We also know they can be knocked out. We have not seen them get ill yet.
1910) if so are there hospitels or something alike on metru nui?
2111) were the metru's\koro's every at war?(each other and against a commen foe)
22Well, they had to fight against Rahi and against Bohrok on Mata Nui, so that might count.
2312) are the kanoka disks an old invention? who tought the matoran to create them?
24Can't answer it.
2513) i really dont understand the unseen dark hunters thing if they stole kanoka disks wouldnt a ropert of theft been reported?(sorry for my bad grammer i dont know english) they were also seen by matoran how doesnt the vahki know about them?
26Seen by Matoran, not necessarily seen by Vahki. And since you know from the movie trailer that Dume is in contact with the Dark Hunters, the Vahki may have been told to just ignore them.
2714) do matoran have cameras? it could be really neet if there were photo's in the matoran houses in the mini cd's
28They do have a form of television, but I have never seen anything akin to a camera.
2915) i didnt want to ask this directly but... i want spoilers j\k but can you please tell me about lhikans power? and can his weapon turn into a surf board?
30I can't discuss Lhikan, he is part of movie plot.
3116) if in theorie a matoran would have made a kanoka out of energized proto would it be diffrent?
32Good question. But I am not sure how well energized protodermis lends itself to making things ... the energy involved keeps the molecules separate, so there is no molecular cohesion to allow it to form a solid.
3317) and if in theorie he would have made a mask from it will it be already nuva?
34See answer to 16.
3518) how long does the morbuzakh saga lasts on metru nui day's? weeks? month's?
3719) i think you said that the matoran air ships had levitation disks right? if so how excacly does it work? i thought you need to throw the disk on a target in order for it to work
38Ah, but what makes the disk work? Not throwing it - striking something with it. The airships have disks attached to machinery that smacks them against the infrastructure of the ship, causing the levitation power to be activated. And the ship rises.
3920) are there height diffrences between matoran? the toa sets have them but the matoran sets dont are all the matoran the same height?
40Far as I know, they are the same height.
2If I did, it would be on the news page.
32) in mata nui there are 7 elements and in metru nui they have only 6 how so? is a light element not neccery in metru nui?
4There was no Toa of Light on Metru Nui because the TOL exists to fight Makuta -- and as 2004 opens, Makuta has never been a problem for the Matoran.
53) if matoran can create robots(the vahki) to defend them cant they as easly create robots to do their jobs?
6Then what would the Matoran do all day? Besides, things like mask making and carving are things you need skilled crafters to do ... same with making prophecies, machines can't do that.
74) ive always wondered what was the matoran thinking of the dead since it has been proven that they can indeed die(jaller) what kind of beliefs do they have ghosts? heaven? spirit incarnation?
8We don't get into Matoran religion at all. It is too touchy a subject for a toy line.
95) you said that matoran need to hold their breath when they ride the chutes so does this mean they do indeed breath?
10Oh, sure. If they didn't, why would Gali have needed a Mask of Water Breathing?
116) are there intellegent rahi spieces around like one's that can be tought to read and stuff?
12Not that we have seen.
137) do matoran think so much about science like humens do? or do they treat evrything as a creation of mata nui?
14There is Matoran science, yes -- certainly engineering and Rahi research.
158) is there a legal system in metru nui or are the vahki's just "always right"?
16There really isn't a need for one. There are no jails or trials. If you break the law, the Vahki zap you and put you back to work.
179) i dont know if this has been asked before but can matoran\toa\turaga feel pain? and get sick?
18Well, we know they can feel pain, and we know they can be poisoned, based on the movies. We also know they can be knocked out. We have not seen them get ill yet.
1910) if so are there hospitels or something alike on metru nui?
2111) were the metru's\koro's every at war?(each other and against a commen foe)
22Well, they had to fight against Rahi and against Bohrok on Mata Nui, so that might count.
2312) are the kanoka disks an old invention? who tought the matoran to create them?
24Can't answer it.
2513) i really dont understand the unseen dark hunters thing if they stole kanoka disks wouldnt a ropert of theft been reported?(sorry for my bad grammer i dont know english) they were also seen by matoran how doesnt the vahki know about them?
26Seen by Matoran, not necessarily seen by Vahki. And since you know from the movie trailer that Dume is in contact with the Dark Hunters, the Vahki may have been told to just ignore them.
2714) do matoran have cameras? it could be really neet if there were photo's in the matoran houses in the mini cd's
28They do have a form of television, but I have never seen anything akin to a camera.
2915) i didnt want to ask this directly but... i want spoilers j\k but can you please tell me about lhikans power? and can his weapon turn into a surf board?
30I can't discuss Lhikan, he is part of movie plot.
3116) if in theorie a matoran would have made a kanoka out of energized proto would it be diffrent?
32Good question. But I am not sure how well energized protodermis lends itself to making things ... the energy involved keeps the molecules separate, so there is no molecular cohesion to allow it to form a solid.
3317) and if in theorie he would have made a mask from it will it be already nuva?
34See answer to 16.
3518) how long does the morbuzakh saga lasts on metru nui day's? weeks? month's?
3719) i think you said that the matoran air ships had levitation disks right? if so how excacly does it work? i thought you need to throw the disk on a target in order for it to work
38Ah, but what makes the disk work? Not throwing it - striking something with it. The airships have disks attached to machinery that smacks them against the infrastructure of the ship, causing the levitation power to be activated. And the ship rises.
3920) are there height diffrences between matoran? the toa sets have them but the matoran sets dont are all the matoran the same height?
40Far as I know, they are the same height.
113) i really dont understand the unseen dark hunters thing if they stole kanoka disks wouldnt a ropert of theft been reported?(sorry for my bad grammer i dont know english) they were also seen by matoran how doesnt the vahki know about them?
2Seen by Matoran, not necessarily seen by Vahki. And since you know from the movie trailer that Dume is in contact with the Dark Hunters, the Vahki may have been told to just ignore them.
3Now that is interesting. What could Greg mean by that? This is material for that "Proof Dume is Evil" topic in S&T.
1Hey Greg, just got the Chronicles #4, (Had to order it from y'all.... dern Books-A-Million.) Anyway, forgive the nit-picking, but, you know.
21.) You make Kofo-Jaga sound small, but the model is larger than a Matoran. Is the model just out of scale?
3The original PC game (which never came out) featured Kofo-Jaga that were small and swarming and built differently than the one in the MasterBuilder set, so that is the one I was referring to.
42.) You say Nui-Jaga "feast" on bog snakes. Well I thouhgt all Rahi on the island originally came from Metru Nui, so wouldn't "feasts" mean no more bog snakes pretty soon? lol
5Yup, certainly could. Ecosystems are vulnerable like that.
63.) How is it the Turaga even know where the Kanohi Nuva are? I thought they just poped up at random places or something, I think you said.
7The Turaga know lots of things .. after all, the Turaga of Fire does still have precognitive visions.
84.) Been bugging me for a while.... after Pohatu throws his climbing claws, how does he always magically have them later? And don't say he gets them, cuz the one he threw in Onu Koror in the MOL, wasn't that burried by tons of rock?
9He comes from a land of carvers -- I am sure he has extras.
105.) Why are there never any mention of the propeller things on Gali's hands?
11Hasn't come up.
126.) Do you play any musical instruments?'
13I play piano.
15So Po-Matoran can make Toa Tools?

1Good grief, this topic is getting really buggy.
261--- We'll just go by Avohkan, then... 272--- You never know... 283--- Shucks. 294--- *no comment* 305--- Ooh... that means that Makuta COULD be revived: 316--- Yay: 327--- interesting theory... Makes sense; the tissue holds the arm in place, but if the arm falls off, it can regrow in place. Need to find/tell RZ. 338--- THAT MEANS THAT LHIKAN BECAME A TOA ELSEWHERE THAN MATA NUI:::: 349--- Well, it's nice to know that is has a beginning. 3510--- Ah. 3611--- *hyperventilates and falls down*
37Thanks for answering... gotta head to S&T and find RZ in Epics.
2Hi again... I have a few questions. (and it really is a few this time...)
31. Is there an official name for the Kanohi worn by Takutanuva?
4Not that I know of.
52. I just noticed something: In Bionicle, Metru Nui is an island in a sea in a cave beneath the surface of the "earth" where Mata Nui resides. In Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne, the heroes find an immensly large cave with a huge ocean and islands in it. Was Metru Nui pertly inspired by that?
6Well, stories about worlds in the center of the earth even predate Verne. They are a staple of fantasy fiction going back to ancient mythologies.
73. In answering a recent question, you said that the map of Metru Nui is complete up to Bionicle 2. Does that mean that Metru Nui might change in the future, therefore meaning that there WILL be some storyline involving the city?
8It means pretty much what it says .. the locations that will be revealed in the city in the movie are included on that map.
94. How did Vakama revive Takanuva?
10I don't have that info.
115. Since the Avohkii slid out from one side of the door and Takanuva was revived by Vakama, could the Kraahkan have slid out on the other side and Makuta have been revived at some point by a minion of his?
12Anything's possible.
136. On the subject of reviving Makuta... after the end of MoL, does he still have any minions?
14Again, certainly possible.
157. When you write the Bionicle Books, you're with Movie-style characters, right? Because in a question a while ago, you said that if a Matoran got injured on the job and his arm fell off, then he could just stick it back on. Would that instance be in set-style matoran or Movie?
16Good question, and this is the answerAs you know, there is organic tissue in a Toa, for example. But we also know that BIONICLE characters have assembled themselves, rebuilt themselves, etc. So my theory is that the muscle tissue, etc., actually grows out of the mechanical pieces. So if a Matoran lost an arm, he could put a new one on and the muscle tissue would grow and connect to what he already has. Again, that is just my theory, not official, but it would explain a lot.
178. I was reading through some recent questions and you said how Lhikan was never a Matoran on Metru Nui. Does that mean that he was just "born" (I use the term loosely, of course) a Toa, or is it that he was never a Matoran on Metru Nui , but may have been somewhere else?
18Second option.
199. Does the Bionicle Legend have an official beginning (since there are SO many unexplained things that must have happened even before Metru Nui), and if there is, then will we ever see that beginning?
20I am sure it does, when/if you will see it I do not know. Not my call to make.
2110. I read in one of the Admin's posts about how LEGO had 21 years of Bionicle "roughly sketched out". Out of curiosity, how roughly? Would a distant year have something like, "Toa Nuva fight Enemy X, this mystery revealed, etc." or would it go into detail about certain parts?
22I am not the one who has it sketched out -- that is the head of the story team's job -- but normally what he has is high concept, which is later fleshed out by the rest of the story team.
2311. Do you like Muffins, and if so, what's your favorite kind?
24Not really, no.
25-ToM the Muffaholic.
261--- We'll just go by Avohkan, then... 272--- You never know... 283--- Shucks. 294--- *no comment* 305--- Ooh... that means that Makuta COULD be revived: 316--- Yay: 327--- interesting theory... Makes sense; the tissue holds the arm in place, but if the arm falls off, it can regrow in place. Need to find/tell RZ. 338--- THAT MEANS THAT LHIKAN BECAME A TOA ELSEWHERE THAN MATA NUI:::: 349--- Well, it's nice to know that is has a beginning. 3510--- Ah. 3611--- *hyperventilates and falls down*
37Thanks for answering... gotta head to S&T and find RZ in Epics.
1here's my set of questions:
2hi Greg, here are some questions:
31. why did makuta chose to make lerahk, guurahk...etc.? why not make the kal powered rahkshi's? I think there better.
4Well, for one thing, we had just done characters with the Kal powers. Why do six more characters with those powers? People would have complained we were repeating ourselves.
52. will the comics or movie tell us how the toa defeated the morbuzakh and krahka? I've looked for the novels from all the big book stores at beijing(I live in china beijing), but I just can't find 'em.
6The May comic has the end of the Morbuzakh story, yes, and will be up on BIONICLE.com eventually if you do not get it. The Krahka only shows up in BIONICLE Adventures #3: The Darkness Below, and won't be in the comic.
73. can you tell us why dume needed the vahi?
8No, that's movie plot.
94. can you also tell us why the vahi is orange?
10Well, remember that the Vahi was first made (in plastic) back in 2001. It wasn't meant to belong to any one Toa, and there weren't going to be six of them, so there was no point in doing it in any of the six basic colors. We wanted it to stand out from the other masks, so we made it a different color.
115. why is the any mutated ussual crab? why is there a 2 headed tarakava?
125b. what maked them mutate?
13Energized protodermis had something to do with it. They were sort of ... experiments.
146. do you know why ahkmou sell the bad comets in po-koro? is he a servent of makuta?
15Not so much a servant, but he does believe that Makuta will win in the end and he wants to be on the winning side.
167. I've read the reiview of the darkness below by a member, it say's jaller is helping repare the damages done by the rahkshi, so in the books, jaller is alive?: why not be the same as themovie?
17Jaller is alive at the end of BIONICLE: Mask of Light. Takutanuva brings him back to life in the movie. Jaller is also alive in the 2004 story, because he lived on Metru Nui before coming to Mata Nui.
188........... never mind, these are all I can think of now.
2hi Greg, here are some questions:
31. why did makuta chose to make lerahk, guurahk...etc.? why not make the kal powered rahkshi's? I think there better.
4Well, for one thing, we had just done characters with the Kal powers. Why do six more characters with those powers? People would have complained we were repeating ourselves.
52. will the comics or movie tell us how the toa defeated the morbuzakh and krahka? I've looked for the novels from all the big book stores at beijing(I live in china beijing), but I just can't find 'em.
6The May comic has the end of the Morbuzakh story, yes, and will be up on BIONICLE.com eventually if you do not get it. The Krahka only shows up in BIONICLE Adventures #3: The Darkness Below, and won't be in the comic.
73. can you tell us why dume needed the vahi?
8No, that's movie plot.
94. can you also tell us why the vahi is orange?
10Well, remember that the Vahi was first made (in plastic) back in 2001. It wasn't meant to belong to any one Toa, and there weren't going to be six of them, so there was no point in doing it in any of the six basic colors. We wanted it to stand out from the other masks, so we made it a different color.
115. why is the any mutated ussual crab? why is there a 2 headed tarakava?
125b. what maked them mutate?
13Energized protodermis had something to do with it. They were sort of ... experiments.
146. do you know why ahkmou sell the bad comets in po-koro? is he a servent of makuta?
15Not so much a servant, but he does believe that Makuta will win in the end and he wants to be on the winning side.
167. I've read the reiview of the darkness below by a member, it say's jaller is helping repare the damages done by the rahkshi, so in the books, jaller is alive?: why not be the same as themovie?
17Jaller is alive at the end of BIONICLE: Mask of Light. Takutanuva brings him back to life in the movie. Jaller is also alive in the 2004 story, because he lived on Metru Nui before coming to Mata Nui.
188........... never mind, these are all I can think of now.
15. why is the any mutated ussual crab? why is there a 2 headed tarakava?
25b. what maked them mutate?
3Energized protodermis had something to do with it. They were sort of ... experiments.
4Whoa whoa whoa: Hang on a minute: Experiments? Ok, is it just me or does Bionicle get better every day? Oh, wait, Bionicle does get better every day. Wait, could this be the fifth enemy at work? If they made the Morbuzakh (and a failed Morbuzakh) maybe before then they had tried to make 'super-Rahi'. I wouldnt want to fight a two-headed Takakava....
5If this was an attempt at minoins, 2004 is going to shatter all expectations.
114) do matoran have cameras? it could be really neet if there were photo's in the matoran houses in the mini cd's
2They do have a form of television, but I have never seen anything akin to a camera.
3Television? That could lead to some interesting possibilities. 4Anyway, here's my latest batch:
51. When the Toa Metru became Turaga, did their tools transform into their staffs, or did they get the staffs from somewhere else?
6First answer.
72. Do Bohrok Va have elemental powers? I don't recall ever hearing that they do.
8At best, very minor ones.
93. Is it possible that copper masks exist in more designs than the Komau and Huna? (In the storyline, I mean.)
10It's possible, sure.
114. Do Matoran masks have the same names as their Noble and Great counterparts? In other words, do Jaller, Tahu and Lhikan all wear Hau, or just Tahu and Lhikan?
12I would assume the names are kept the same to avoid confusion.
135. Is it possible that the Avohkii was made from a Toa disk?
14I have no information on how the Avohkii was made.
156. Sort of a wierd question, but: If a Reconstitute at Random disk were fired at a Rahkshi, would the disk's power affect the Kraata inside?
16Probably not.
177. Does the Regenerate disk work on vehicles?
198. Do Kanoka powers come into play (pardon the pun) in Akilini, or is it all about the flight characteristics from the different Metru?
20The powers really don't come into play.
219. Set-wise, what's your favorite Toa Metru?
22Hard to say, I have only built one.
2310. Have you ever tried your hand at creating MOCs of the creatures you mention in the books?
24No, I don't really have time for MOCing. I am writing all the time.
1I realllly hope I don't double post, but I posted and I couldn't see the post: I think someone mentioned invisible posts on huge old topics? I dunno:
2That was probably me. It's been happening to GaliGee's story topic for a long time. It goes away eventually--but then, it always comes back. 3You can view Invisible Posts in the Last 10 Posts window if you Submit or Edit a post.
4-Master of the Rahkshi
1hi Greg, here are some questions: 27. I've read the reiview of the darkness below by a member, it say's jaller is helping repare the damages done by the rahkshi, so in the books, jaller is alive?: why not be the same as themovie?
3Jaller is alive at the end of BIONICLE: Mask of Light. Takutanuva brings him back to life in the movie. Jaller is also alive in the 2004 story, because he lived on Metru Nui before coming to Mata Nui.
4See answers above, 5Greg
6about my seventh question: I haven't watched the movie yet, beijing just got them a few weeks ago, and I can't buy it.
7and heres another quick question:
8what kind of kraata does the rahkshi kaita have?
9Don't know. I vaguely recall that it had more than one kraata, but I haven't looked at the model in a long time.
3Jaller is alive at the end of BIONICLE: Mask of Light. Takutanuva brings him back to life in the movie. Jaller is also alive in the 2004 story, because he lived on Metru Nui before coming to Mata Nui.
4See answers above, 5Greg
6about my seventh question: I haven't watched the movie yet, beijing just got them a few weeks ago, and I can't buy it.
7and heres another quick question:
8what kind of kraata does the rahkshi kaita have?
9Don't know. I vaguely recall that it had more than one kraata, but I haven't looked at the model in a long time.
1OK, here is some Q&A...
2Okay, reading some of your Q&A, I found a few things that were intresting...
313) i really dont understand the unseen dark hunters thing if they stole kanoka disks wouldnt a ropert of theft been reported?(sorry for my bad grammer i dont know english) they were also seen by matoran how doesnt the vahki know about them? 4Seen by Matoran, not necessarily seen by Vahki. And since you know from the movie trailer that Dume is in contact with the Dark Hunters, the Vahki may have been told to just ignore them.
51. So Dume knows about that Dark Hunters? Does he know what they are up to?
6We know from the trailer that Dume is speaking with them. I can't comment beyond that.
78. I was reading through some recent questions and you said how Lhikan was never a Matoran on Metru Nui. Does that mean that he was just "born" (I use the term loosely, of course) a Toa, or is it that he was never a Matoran on Metru Nui, but may have been somewhere else?
8Second option.
92. So he was a Matoran somewhere else? Is that all you know, or do you know something of Lhikan's past now?
10I have no info on Lhikan's past.
117) do matoran think so much about science like humens do? or do they treat evrything as a creation of mata nui?
12There is Matoran science, yes -- certainly engineering and Rahi research.
133. In another answer you mentioned the fact that the mutated Ussal Crab and 2 headed Tarakava were 'experiments'. Does this mean that Matoran exepriment on Rahi using Energized Proto?
14No. I never said they were experimented on by Matoran. Matoran don't have access to energized protodermis.
154. You said in another question that they had changed Krekka's script to make him 'less goofy'. That's good, I don't like the idea of goofy Krekka. But what does his voice sound like? Is that goofy? Or is it more creepy like Nidhiki's?
16I can't say, I really paid no attention to his voice because I knew voice recasting was going to be done for some characters.
17Thanks for taking you time to answer this.
19See answers above.
1Wow: Greg answered my PM in a matter of minutes: That was a nice suprise: 2Here's my latest:
21Who's Bob?
3Greetings, Greg: I read that the questioning members have been quiet lately, so I have come to give you company.
41.) The whole thing about the Vahi being a part of the 2004 story... would that have even happened if the BZPower members hadn't so strongly wanted it to appear in tha magazine last year? Would Vakama still be the creator of the Vahi?
5Most likely, yes. Don't forget, the Vahi has existed as a concept since 2001, so Bob most likely had planned to use it at some point anyway. I just beat him to it
62.) Are at least the most intelligent Rahi aware of the exhistance of Mata Nui (the being)?
7Doubful. Mata Nui is part of the Matoran belief system, and Rahi are animals. I doubt they share that system.
83.) Do the Rahkshi and the Kal know about him?
9The Rahkshi, I am sure, have heard Makuta mentionhim, but they aren't deep thinkers and probably don't know or care about him. Not sure about the Kal. My guess is they do know Mata Nui exists.
104.) Does Mata Nui only care about the Matoran, or does he also care for the Rahi and plantlife?
11Everything is important to Mata Nui.
125.) The Rahi on Mata Nui came from Metru Nui, correct? So did Mata Nui(spirit) tell them to go to Mata Nui(island)/physically deliver them there/Noah's Ark kind of thing/wander there? It seems to me that if he delivered them to Mata Nui along with the Matoran, he cares for the future of them, also.
13Mata Nui did not guide the Rahi there, they went on their own. For the most part, the Matoran would have been better off if the Rahi had not gone there, since so many of them fell prey to Makuta.
146.) Same thing w/ the plants. Where did they come from? There are no plants on Metru Nui, so did Mata Nui put them there? I know about the rapid evolution thing, but didnt they have to come from somewhere?
15Well, the plants are made of protodermis, so they simply evolved out of the surface. Mata Nui does not intervene directly in the lives of the Matoran that way.
167.) Do the MOCs for the contest need to be completely made of Bionicle only pieces?
17We will allow TECHNIC pieces as well. We aren't allowing LEGO system pieces because then the creature will not look like something from the BIONICLE universe.
18Thanks a bunch: Exometru
19See answers above, 20Greg
21Who's Bob?
1Bob Thomson, (please forgive misspellings) is the head of the Story team, I believe.

1... 26.) Same thing w/ the plants. Where did they come from? There are no plants on Metru Nui, so did Mata Nui put them there? I know about the rapid evolution thing, but didnt they have to come from somewhere?
3Well, the plants are made of protodermis, so they simply evolved out of the surface. Mata Nui does not intervene directly in the lives of the Matoran that way.
5No plants?: I saw plants in the comics in Metru Nui: There was grass, and trees. Not to mention a particular, larger plant.... But Greg didn't correct you on that. Why?
6Yeah, just checked, there are trees in Comic 17.
1... 26.) Same thing w/ the plants. Where did they come from? There are no plants on Metru Nui, so did Mata Nui put them there? I know about the rapid evolution thing, but didnt they have to come from somewhere?
3Well, the plants are made of protodermis, so they simply evolved out of the surface. Mata Nui does not intervene directly in the lives of the Matoran that way.
5No plants?: I saw plants in the comics in Metru Nui: There was grass, and trees. Not to mention a particular, larger plant.... But Greg didn't correct you on that. Why?
6Yeah, just checked, there are trees in Comic 17.
7He's said there aren't any large plants (not including Morby) on Metru Nui; he's said there smaller plants, like the shrubs in Ga-Metru.
8-Master of the Rahkshi
Dave Concave talking to GregF 1Howdy Greg. It's been a while since I asked you a batch of questions, so ithought, why not send you some now? 2Here are my questions: 31) Does being from a different Koro/Metru affect the powers you get as a Toa? Like...could Hewkii become a Toa of Air?
4Basically, yes, it does. If you are a Le-Matoran, you become a Toa of Air. If you are a Ta-Matoran, you become a Toa of Fire.
52) Are the Toa Stones that transformed the Toa Metru different to the ones that Takua collected?
6Yes.And you will learn the origin of the Mata Nui stones this year.
73) Speaking of Takua: he lost his memory after being blasted by the Toa Stones and hitting his head on a beach. Does he still have amnesia? Or is he cured now?
8He most likely has been cured, but it did not restore his memory of Metru Nui. It only restored it back to the point where Makuta wiped it out.
94) Is the Master Accessory kit available in the UK yet? And how much will it cost, in pounds?
10No idea.
115) When does this Bohrok/Toa relationship come to light?
12Again, no idea -- that is a decision the entire story team will have to make as they chart direction for the years to come.
136) Is it true that Bionicle could last up to 21 years? 'Cos that is a heck of a long time...
14Well, I can name at least two action figure toy lines that have lasted 25 years. And a lot of the young fans I have met this year have just gotten into BIONICLE in the last few months. So as old fans drift away, new ones will take their place.
157)Who made those Vahki? Ko matorans, Po Matorans?
16The parts are made by Ta-Matoran and assembled by Po-Matoran.
178) Were the Bahrag made along with the Bohrok, or did they come into being after, or before?
199) What was your take on the Hapori Dume/ Vahkipower incident?
20Incident? It was an April Fool's thing by the BZP mods. I thought it was cute, but I wasn't able to access BZP that much that day because of server issues.
2110) Where was Mata Nui (The Spirit) when all the Morbuzahk and Dark Hunter fiasco going on?
22Can't answer it.
2311) Is it the 5th Enemy who forces the matoran to go to Mata Nui?
24You'll have to watch the movie.
2512) Do the Vahki have a collectable?
26No, just the Kanoka disks they come with.
2713) Will Bionicle move onto other islands after Metru Nui? Or are there other secrets to learn?
28Again, that is future storyline and I cannot discuss it.
2914) Can Matoran die naturally?
30We have yet to see that happen.
3115) Unrelated to Bionicle: 32Have you heard of the Red Hot Chili Peppers (a rock band) If you have, what did you think of there music? The reason I asked was because I have a big banner in my sig sporting their name. And have you heard of the folk/rock band, REM? If you have, what did you think of them?
33I mainly listen to jazz, Dave.
34That's my batch of questions... I think. Yeah. No idea why I asked that 15th question... I hope you enjoy answering them:
35So Greg can't answer where Mata Nui was, eh? That is very strange...
11. Did the turaga know that Metru-Nui was underground beyong the Makuta's gate?
32. If the answer to 1 is yes, why didn't they tell the toa?
4If you read Tales of the Masks, you saw that the Turaga were considering telling the Toa before the events of Mask of Light. But they weren't sure it was the right time or that the Toa were mature enough to be able to handle the truth.
53. The first sun is through the volcano on mata-nui, what's the second one through?
6Can't answer it.
74. Was that ledge that the turaga and nuva walk through to get to metru-nui there when the toa metru existed, or did the makuta or matoran make that? Or was it originally the 2nd sun?
8Why would a ledge be a second sun? Yes, it was there.
1There is a school of thought that has 'environs' being a specific location in the BIONICLE world, and a second school of thought that you use the word in its standard form.
2Example:13Would you please enlighten us, so we don't end up in some sort of debate over this? 11You found the human defintion to the word, and what it means in our world. Environ on Metru Nui is what Kohrak Matoran said, a Rahi inhabited island. 4The second worst study habit in the world is not using a dictionary.3An environ is a small island in the Metru Nui cavern that Rahi inhabit.
5The first worst study habit in the world is to invent a definition for a word and then pass it on to others as the truth.
6Webster's New World Dictionary
7environs 81. the districts surrounding a town or city; suburbs or outskirts 92. surrounding area; vicinity
10This is from an American dictionary, but then GregF is American, so the American useage is the applicable one.
15I had no idea when I used the term I would spark such debateAnyway, I did use environ in the dictionary sense of the term -- it is not the name of a specific place. Those who think it is the name of a single island basically have nothing on which to base their theory other than wishful thinking.
16If I knew that there was one single place from which all Rahi came, I probably would have indicated it (or used some other word). I don't know that .. everything I do know indicates that it is probably multiple other places, hence "environs."
17Hope that clears it up. 18Greg
19I hope so too.
1Yeah, the overwhelming amount of BZP'ers who were treating "environs" as a Bionicle-specific term amused me... more proof that kids' vocabularies are diminishing.

1Do the toa metru, matoran, etc. on metru-nui know they're underground and there's a world above, or do then not know and think they're on the surface?
2Basically, Metru Nui is the only world they have ever known. They don't think in terms of "surface" or "underground" -- this is all the world. They have never been aboveground and have no idea it exists.
2Basically, Metru Nui is the only world they have ever known. They don't think in terms of "surface" or "underground" -- this is all the world. They have never been aboveground and have no idea it exists.
5Ok, you said that it takes a while to grow rahkshi and makuta started growing them after his defeat. but makuta didn't know the mol had been found when he made them. so what was their original purpose?
6Prophecy said the MOL would be discovered eventually. He was preparing.
72. There's no water on metru-nui. Is there water on mata-nui?
93. How is Metru-Nui connected to mata-nui (spirit)?
10Not sure I get what you mean? The Matoran venerate him on Metru Nui same as they did on Mata Nui.
114. Is Lhikan a toa of fire or light?
12He is not a Toa of Light. A Toa of Light exists only to fight Makuta, and Makuta had not been a threat to the Matoran.
135. How do the toa learn how to activate their masks? Lhikan, Dume, Knowledge Towers, Archives, etc.?
14You'll have to watch the movie and find out.
1Just some basic questions. Nothing new.
21) When Vakama said "Let us awaken the Great Spirit" at the end of the Mask of Light, is he referring to the small ritual-type thing he performed to revive Takanuva, or does he refer to repopulating Metru-Nui?
3He is referring to repopulating Metru Nui -- keep in mind that Vakama really doesn't know how to awaken Mata Nui, he is sort of improvising.
42) If he referred to repopulating Metru-Nui, then what did the eyes of Mata-Nui's mask flashing represent?
5Basically, that the next step toward awakening Mata Nui had been completed -- Metru Nui had been rediscovered.
63) The book and the movie of the Mask of Light clash in the end scene. Which one should be go by? I'm assuming the movie, since it was closer to the writers of Bionicle, right?
7You need to tell me how they "clash" for me to answer your question.
84) Is the chamber where Takanuva and Makuta battle the same as the one in which the Toa origionally battled Makuta?
9It's near there.
105) The first Bionicle book and the Bionicle Flash Movies clash in that in the book the Toa do not face Makuta nor even see him; in the flash movie they battle Makuta directly. Which one do we trust?
11Actually, there is no conflict. The first book does not have the Makuta battle because we had already shown that elsewhere, so we opted to do the Shadow Toa battle instead, since that had not been shown. The Makuta battle still happened. (The comics don't show the first Makuta battle either, because that was originally supposed to happen in the 2001 software game.)
12And this is my updated question for #3 and his answer:
ertaining to #3, Takanuva "appears in a cloud of dust" after the Door falls on Takutanuva. In the movie, Vakama revives him.
14A: In that case, yes, go with the movie. The movie novelization is ordinarily written about, oh, 8 months or so before the movie comes out, and is based on the "final script." But as you can imagine, things change in movie-making between winter and fall. In this year's novelization, there are entire sequences that did not make it into the film, but are in the book with the blessings of the movie makers.
21) When Vakama said "Let us awaken the Great Spirit" at the end of the Mask of Light, is he referring to the small ritual-type thing he performed to revive Takanuva, or does he refer to repopulating Metru-Nui?
3He is referring to repopulating Metru Nui -- keep in mind that Vakama really doesn't know how to awaken Mata Nui, he is sort of improvising.
42) If he referred to repopulating Metru-Nui, then what did the eyes of Mata-Nui's mask flashing represent?
5Basically, that the next step toward awakening Mata Nui had been completed -- Metru Nui had been rediscovered.
63) The book and the movie of the Mask of Light clash in the end scene. Which one should be go by? I'm assuming the movie, since it was closer to the writers of Bionicle, right?
7You need to tell me how they "clash" for me to answer your question.
84) Is the chamber where Takanuva and Makuta battle the same as the one in which the Toa origionally battled Makuta?
9It's near there.
105) The first Bionicle book and the Bionicle Flash Movies clash in that in the book the Toa do not face Makuta nor even see him; in the flash movie they battle Makuta directly. Which one do we trust?
11Actually, there is no conflict. The first book does not have the Makuta battle because we had already shown that elsewhere, so we opted to do the Shadow Toa battle instead, since that had not been shown. The Makuta battle still happened. (The comics don't show the first Makuta battle either, because that was originally supposed to happen in the 2001 software game.)
12And this is my updated question for #3 and his answer:

14A: In that case, yes, go with the movie. The movie novelization is ordinarily written about, oh, 8 months or so before the movie comes out, and is based on the "final script." But as you can imagine, things change in movie-making between winter and fall. In this year's novelization, there are entire sequences that did not make it into the film, but are in the book with the blessings of the movie makers.

1I have some information about the 5th enemy and other good stuff.
441) Yes 452) Probably 463) Most likely 474) Don't have enough inf5 to answer the first part, and the Toa Metru didn't have to lift it -- they didn't go to Metru Nui by that route. 485) I have no info on Lhikan's past 496) Same way they know of Mata Nui: legends. 507) The Matoran have bigger things to worry about than a few Rahkshi. 517a) No. Most of the Rahkshi are in hiding and really not causing a lot of problems in the city 528) Can't answer it, watch the movie 539) Yes, the fifth enemy is in the movie, no it is not the winner of the Rahi contest (the contest is not being judged until later this month, the movie is already done). Other than that, I can't answer anything on fifth enemy.
2Hi: I have some more questions.
31)Will we get more information about when the Toa Metru battle the Rahi Nui?
42)If the Turaga remember Ahkmou's treachery, did they keep a closer eye on him than the other matoran?
53)Was the door to Metru Nui there when the matoran came to Mata Nui?
63a)If it was, who put it there and how did the Toa Metru lift it?
74)Was the Vahi made by combining all of the great disks?
84a)If so, could a less powerful Vahi be made from weaker disks wih the same powers?
95)If all Toa Metru start as a matoran, what was Lhikan's occupation?
106)If Makuta exists during the time before time and the matoren don't mind him, how do they know of him?
117)Since Makuta made the wild Rahkshi, would he be hated if Metru Nui's inhabidants found out?
127a)Would the Vahki look for him?
138)Which character do we see the most in the movie?
148a)Who do we see the least in the movie?
159)Is the 5th enemy: 16a:looking for revenge? 17b:working for the dark hunters? 18c:commanding the dark hunters? 19d:someone we've seen before? 20e:a matoran? 21f:a set? 22g:a combiner? 23h:an intellegent rahi? 24i:the creator of the Morbuzzkh? 25j:a shapeshifter? 26k:an experiment gone horribly wrong? 27l:Turaga Dume? 28m:an unwanted toa? 29n:intellegent? 30o:someone with elemental powers? 31p:someone with entirely new powers? 32q:someone we'll also see next year? 33r:what made the matoran leave Metru Nui? 34s:what made the Bahrag, Bohrok/Kal, and the Exo-Toa? 35t:in the movie? 36u:in the movie's trailer? 37v:going to be buildable? 38w:the winning rahi from the contest? 39x:lacking a motive? 40y:a hater of toa? 41z:none of the above?
4210)Are you a member of the lego club?
43I'm sorry about all of these questions. I'm very curious.Thank you for your time:
441) Yes 452) Probably 463) Most likely 474) Don't have enough inf5 to answer the first part, and the Toa Metru didn't have to lift it -- they didn't go to Metru Nui by that route. 485) I have no info on Lhikan's past 496) Same way they know of Mata Nui: legends. 507) The Matoran have bigger things to worry about than a few Rahkshi. 517a) No. Most of the Rahkshi are in hiding and really not causing a lot of problems in the city 528) Can't answer it, watch the movie 539) Yes, the fifth enemy is in the movie, no it is not the winner of the Rahi contest (the contest is not being judged until later this month, the movie is already done). Other than that, I can't answer anything on fifth enemy.
11. Did the Toa Metru's tools turn into the staffs when they were transformed into Turaga? Or did their tools vanish and they had to make their staffs on their own? Because it said on Bionicle.com and in Tales of the Masks that Nokama's trident was fashioned from the bones of a Makuta fish...or is it that she lost hers? 21) Actually, I know I have given some conflicting answers on this one over the months, so let me give you a final, official answer (and my apologies for the confusion ): their tools do NOT turn into their Turaga tools. For example, Vakama's firestaff is his mask-making tool from when he was a Matoran.
32. What happened to the Metru Toa Stones? Did they disappear when the Matoran were transformed into the Toa Metru? Do the Turaga have them still? Or did something else happen to them? 4They are still in Metru Nui, but my guess would be they are now powerless.
51. Okay, now we have a final answer. Interesting...we know the origins of two staffs, so now I wonder where the other four came from? 62. Hmmm...maybe Toa Stones are only one-time use things...
7-Master of the Rahkshi
GregF torritorri 1Hey Greg,
2If(and that's a really big if) Bionicle "ended (i.e. no more comics, no more sets)" what would be the final "event"? Awakening Mata Nui?
4torritorri 5![]()
6I really can't say, Torri, I know the storyline through next year and at this point that is all that is written down. We are just starting to plan '06, so I have no way of knowing if Mata Nui may awaken earlier than any planned ending. We have, in the past, at least talked about how the story would go on post-Mata Nui awakening, so that event would not necessarily mean the end of BIONICLE.
8Hmmm... Ultra Powerful Evil Great Spirit(more powerful than Makuta)?
9torritorri 10

1Well lot's of people ask you questions so far I have not so it is time for me to step up.
2Do you ever vote in the BZP BBC Contests
3If so or if not what do you (or if you did) base your votes on. Storyline, Picture graphic or MOC
4You said you built only one Toa Metru what one was that
5Which toa metru do you enfoy writing about most
6What Toa Metru is your favorite acording to personality
7Do you reconize any contest winners or just read through there names like they are no big deal
8If so do you regonize the person who won two lego contests, a prto squad member and wrote you about the thing me and him made up Matoran grab bags
91) No, I don't. It's not really appropriate for me to do so, and I have plenty of official LEGO contests I have to judge. 102) Not applicable 113) Vakama 124) Onewa 135-6) I get a hundred PMs or so a day, and when we do a contest at work, thousands of entries -- so no, I really can't keep who is who straight. Why the roundabout question?
1hey greg, i just wanted to know a few things:
21. you never said lhikan wasn't the toa metru of fire. is he? 32. how come the bionicle comics aren't delivered to asia? 43. is the fifth enemy is destroyed in the bionicle 2 movie? or only in the next sega? 54. i've seen a lot of questions that you answered "i can't answer that". does that means you don't know or you can't revealed? 65. when will you decide on the rahi building contest winner? 76. when will the 3rd book (the darkness below) will be published to online stores such as amazon? 87. will the toa olda ever return? 98. you probably can't answer this, but what is the next year's collectible? 109. why does almost everything is made out of proto-dermis? does proto dermis will have a major role in the story line? 1110. bionicle is going to stay for something like 20 years, are you going to stay with it all the way? or does lego would hire someone else to write the comics (hopefuly not?
121) Can't answer it yet. 132) Oh, because the decision on where they go is made by the LEGO people in charge of each market. So the comics only get to Europe every once in a while, because the marketers there choose to spend their money elsewhere. Only the US and Canada get every issue. 143) Can't answer it, relates to movie plot 154) It usually means it can't be revealed. If I don't know, I try to say I don't know. 165) Probably around the end of May. 176) Darkness Below is on Amazon now for pre-orders, and I think they have it listed as being out June 1st 187) The Toa Nuva probably will, yes, don't know about them in their Olda forms 198) No, I can't answer it 209) Yes, it does. And everything has to be made out of something, after all 2110) Well, I have no plans to leave the LEGO Company at this point. As long as I am here, I am guessing I will be working on BIONICLE along with other things. If I left, I guess they would get someone else to do it.
23so the proto-dermis have a major role in the furue...interesting...
1[QUOTE1) How much would the average ga-matoran (as they are the knowledge center) know about, say, physics?
2Ga-Matoran do know something of science, but they aren't really scientists as such. They learn what they need to know to keep the city running, but there isn't a lot of theoretical knowledge floating around.
32) who designed the "clockwork mechanisms" for the vahki?
53) what is a "clockwork mechanism"?
6A complex combination of gears, levers, and springs.
74) why wouldn't the matoran want to explore, say, the environs or the sky?
8Well, remember that Takua was heavily into exploration on Mata Nui, and he was shunned for it because it was felt that he was ignoring his job. Exploration wasn't going to help the work of the city get done, so there was no need to do it.
95) when they left for Mata-Nui, if they didn't go via the big door, how do they get there?
10You will have to wait for that answer, it's future story.
116) why would the toa metru want to become turaga if lihikan's out of the picture (as protector)?
12They had to make a choice that involved sacrificing their Toa power. You will understand when you see this year's movie.
137) Why would there be a vahki combiner? what would they use it against?
14Large groups of Rahi.
158) The matoran know that disks work, how to make them, and how to use them, but do they know why they work?
16Probably not, no. Think about it -- lots of people in the US use TVs every day, but how many do you think actually know how one works?
179) you said that the metru-nui rahkshi were created for another purpose. what is it, and wouldn't makuta keep an eye on his sons?
18Can't answer it, and obviously he didn't in some cases.
1910) any chance that, in the future, the toa beat someone using their HEADS for a change, instead of just digging up ancient relics? you know, tactics, that sort of thing?
20Yup. But I think we have done that quite a bit, too .. Tales of the Masks has a lot of their using their wits, so does Darkness Below and other books in this year's series.
2110b) and will we ever see the Guard move in formation? that would be neat to see.
22Which guard? The Ta-Koro guard? Ta-Koro doesn't exist anymore.
2311) since you said that right now, Mata Nui (the spirit) is awake, when he falls asleep, how do the matoran notice (besides instant body change)?
24Their body change was not because Mata Nui fell asleep, Makuta caused their body change. Anyway, gotta watch the movie.
2511b) and vice versa, when he is awakened?
26Can't answer it cause it hasn't happened yet.
27thanks so much for your time. I know that with everyone PM'ing you like this, you don't have a lot of it. 28[/QUOTE]
29See answers above, 30Greg 31[/QUOTE] 32ooh, makuta's a baad daddy:
2Ga-Matoran do know something of science, but they aren't really scientists as such. They learn what they need to know to keep the city running, but there isn't a lot of theoretical knowledge floating around.
32) who designed the "clockwork mechanisms" for the vahki?
53) what is a "clockwork mechanism"?
6A complex combination of gears, levers, and springs.
74) why wouldn't the matoran want to explore, say, the environs or the sky?
8Well, remember that Takua was heavily into exploration on Mata Nui, and he was shunned for it because it was felt that he was ignoring his job. Exploration wasn't going to help the work of the city get done, so there was no need to do it.
95) when they left for Mata-Nui, if they didn't go via the big door, how do they get there?
10You will have to wait for that answer, it's future story.
116) why would the toa metru want to become turaga if lihikan's out of the picture (as protector)?
12They had to make a choice that involved sacrificing their Toa power. You will understand when you see this year's movie.
137) Why would there be a vahki combiner? what would they use it against?
14Large groups of Rahi.
158) The matoran know that disks work, how to make them, and how to use them, but do they know why they work?
16Probably not, no. Think about it -- lots of people in the US use TVs every day, but how many do you think actually know how one works?
179) you said that the metru-nui rahkshi were created for another purpose. what is it, and wouldn't makuta keep an eye on his sons?
18Can't answer it, and obviously he didn't in some cases.
1910) any chance that, in the future, the toa beat someone using their HEADS for a change, instead of just digging up ancient relics? you know, tactics, that sort of thing?
20Yup. But I think we have done that quite a bit, too .. Tales of the Masks has a lot of their using their wits, so does Darkness Below and other books in this year's series.
2110b) and will we ever see the Guard move in formation? that would be neat to see.
22Which guard? The Ta-Koro guard? Ta-Koro doesn't exist anymore.
2311) since you said that right now, Mata Nui (the spirit) is awake, when he falls asleep, how do the matoran notice (besides instant body change)?
24Their body change was not because Mata Nui fell asleep, Makuta caused their body change. Anyway, gotta watch the movie.
2511b) and vice versa, when he is awakened?
26Can't answer it cause it hasn't happened yet.
27thanks so much for your time. I know that with everyone PM'ing you like this, you don't have a lot of it. 28[/QUOTE]
29See answers above, 30Greg 31[/QUOTE] 32ooh, makuta's a baad daddy:
1Well, I just read Bionicle Chornicles #1, and have many questions, mainly about accuracy. (Though the storytelling itself was great, there were many questionable details, as was mentioned in the BZP news article about it.)
- 2I notice the Turaga did not seem to know that Rahi could be freed from Makuta's influence by removing the infected masks, since the Toa had to discover this on their own. Is this right? I got the impression from other sources the Matoran and Turaga already knew that, and told the Toa. How could the Matoran not, when they've had to battle Rahi for thousands of years?
3I have always been of the impression that the Turaga did know, but that only some of them told their Toa. As evidenced by Tales of the Mask, different Turaga have different levels of trust in their Toa.
- 4Not surprisingly, Hapka has the islanders called Matoran right from the start, instead of Tohunga. My question is, would you consider it best if we all just pretended it had been Matoran all along, what with the legal issues and all?
5Yes. We are not allowed to use the term Tohunga at all anymore, so anytime I discuss them, I have to use Matoran.
- 6Kopaka says, "Makuta showed quite a sense of humor when he hid these masks..." I thought it wasn't established yet who hid the masks? Is that official, that Makuta hid them?
7Put yourself in Kopaka's shoes. He doesn't know who hid them -- and he does know Makuta has put Rahi to guard them -- so it would be a logical conclusion for him to think Makuta hid them. Doesn't mean Makuta did, just that at the time Kopaka thought he did.
- 8Hapka has them get their Gold Kanohi at Kini Nui, as opposed to the Suva method from MNOLG. I just want to check, they got them at their Suvas officially, didn't they?
9All I can tell you is that the book was officially approved by the story team, MNOLG was not because the story team did not exist then.
- 10Tahu encounters what I assume are Kofo-Jagas, and demasks one. He describes the mask as "tiny." So, there can be smaller versions of masks? And these would be common on small Rahi on Mata Nui?
11Sure. Just means using a smaller mold.
- 12From the first chapter, it seems a Toa cannot access their fire power at all unless there is a mask on their face; his sword was useless to him until he put on his mask. Hapka says the mask focuses their elemental power. Is this correct? Whenua later tells Onua, "First, you should know that the power itself comes from within you, but it is focused through your mask - the Pakari, the Great Mask of strength." Apparently he means Onua's Earth power is focused through the mask, not the strength, since he doed not seem to be saying the power of strength comes from the Toa (he says, "The Pakari gives you power - great power").
13I do agree that their elemental powers would be phenomenally weakened by not having a mask on and quite possibily inacessible. I don't think putting it as "it's focused through your mask" is the best way to say it .. more like it's energized by the mask.
- 14Hapka also has the Toa Kaita disable the Manas by taking off their masks, while in MNOLG they had to disable those tower things that controlled them. Which is official?
15The way I am approaching it is that the towers do not control them, but they are a power source for them and destroying them weakened them. Hapka was working from sources other than MNOLG, because she did not have access to the game -- she was working from original story bibles, which the game had deviated from in places.
16I think that's all. Thanks in advance.![]()
17See answers above, 18Greg
19Yes, yes, I know, a little late, but hey, I ain't rich. Only got to read it by borrowing it from my cousin. Speaking of that cousin, he also provided pics of the Mask of Elemental energy. Since I mentioned it in a Q to Greg a while back, it's on topic here, so I'll link to the topic where I posted them: Game Mask by digitroy.
20Just read #4, Tales of the masks, too, so many Qs about that are coming: (Such a cool story:

21For number two, I've been wondering if for my fanfics I should just make it Matoran from the beginning. For now, I am considering Tohunga to be the term used at first, just like it happened in the official story at the time. But since my stories do take place in an alternate yet following the official story Universe, the Paracosmos, I could easily get away with whichever way I want it. But I like to keep most things as close to official as possible. I still can't decide which I should go with. It worked well in BC #1 Tale of the Toa, which is why I asked the question. I dunno.
22#3 has kinda been answered in Tales of the Masks; someone mentioned that it was unknown who hid them. And there is huge huge huge evidence that it was the Turaga, as I guessed back in early '03. It looks very much like that theory of mine was right. I wonder if we'll learn for sure in the movie... I doubt I should bother to ask Greg though; movie plot and all.
1Good Answers Below:::
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5QUOTE 6QUOTE 7Hi Greg:I lookforward to the Citybook:
81.There's no way Bionicle would do a cross over with any other (even non)lego brands, right?
9Highly doubtful. LEGO is very careful about who they will be associated with ... also, there really isn't any other fictional universe that BIONICLE could share in, without defining the era in which it is set and the world it is on, which we don't want to do yet.
102.You said there were thirteen great mask forms we know.I counted16(Counting f Dume's Mask,what is it called?, has a great version.).6 Toa Olda's, 6 Toa Metru's, Takanuva's ,Makuta's And the Great...Kirlee, is it?
11You're right, 13 is inaccurate -- I must have mistyped. It is 6 Toa Olda, 6 Toa Metru, Mask of Light, Mask of Time, and Mask of Shadows, so 15 -- 16 if you want to count the Mask of Elemental Energy from the software game. No Great Kiril has ever appeared in the story, so I did not count that.
123.Vakama hints that Krahks isn't gone....can we quote him on this?(As in, will she come back to threaten the island/city again.)
13It is my hope that she will, yes.
144.Can you confrim the Toa Nuva ever get to Metru Nui?I have a feeling they may not.
15We have not written that storyline yet, but as far as I know, they will get there.
165.Will we ever see the exo-toa agian?
17Again, I hope so -- I really like it.
186.Is the vahi gold or orange in the movie?(You probably can't tell me.)
19I think in the movie it is gold. That's what I heard.
207.If you were given a promotion to a spot where you would no longer be involved with Biponicle, would you take it?
21Not at this point, no. One, I enjoy BIONICLE way too much; and two, it would take several months to get someone else up to speed to do what I do; and three, if I stop being involved in BIONICLE, I might lose the chance to work on the novels.
228.My friend's friend get 's free lego sets as his dad works for Lego.Is this at all possible?
23Well, we certainly have access to LEGO sets here, but we don't get them free. We can get them at a discount in the company store, but I don't know of anyone who gets them for free. For example, the Club gets two samples of everything that comes out, but they have to pay for them out of their budget (so they belong to the Club, not to an individual employee to take home).
249.Is it possible to get a Euro mispringt in the 702 tub?Becaus some poele claim to have gotten some.
25No idea.
2610.In comic 12, is Tahu's Vahi red or orange?
27Orange. Just looked darker in the comic.
2811.Is there only one vahi in existence?
3012.Is it spelled Nidhiki, Nihdiki or Nihkiki?
3213.Do matoran from all metrus go to school(if at all) in Ga-Metru?
3414.Is the word "metru" copyrighted by Lego?
35Can't say, don't work in Legal.
3615.We knowthe titles to books 1, 2 ,3 and 6 iin the adventure series.What is the title of book four?Id that the movie's novel?
37Yes, it's Legends of Metru Nui. And 5 is Voyage of Fear.
3816.How early can we expect the movie novel out?
4017.You'll wirte the movie novel, ight?
41It's already written, yes. I just finished Book 5.
4218.What would you say to young authors?
43Actually, my advice would be to get a job on a newspaper out of school, even if it is just a weekly. It teaches you about writing on a lot of different subjects, meeting deadlines, and it can help get you in the door for other writing jobs.
4419Would you enjoy a story based upon bionicle(Even if you couldn't really tell)Or would you need a better description?
45I can't read fan fiction.
4620.You said you didn't like the rahi very much.Is that because thye had no purpose?
47It was because they couldn't talk and they were too easy to beat. I like them better now because I can make them bigger and nastier.
4821.Did vakama make hte vahi, or did he kjust attempt to make a mask of time?
49Can't answer it. Movie plot.
5022.Why would Dume want a Vahi if he can't wear it?
51Can't answer it. Movie plot.
5223.How do yu pronounc Dume?Doo-may, or doo-muh?
53Doo-may, last I heard, but I am not sure how they are pronouncing it in the movie yet.
5424.Will there be story reasons for the new colors?
55Which new colors are you referring to?
5625.Will a new bionicle video game ever come out...like for Metru Nui?
57Actually, there is talk of a possible new one, but not for this year.
58See answers above, 59Greg
60Thanks, I have a fewm ore.Here are my respones to some onf your answers above:
6124.E.X. Vakma(toa metru)'s new colors...Matau's,...the new gray....or wil lthat go unnoticed?
6225.Can you give us any info at all?
63New Questions:
641.If a kanohi automatically becomes a Kanohi Nuva when it touches the correct form of protodermis...Whayt would happen to Matoran and Noble Masks....or already Nuva masks?
652.Can you confrm Lhkan is not a transformed character?
663.Any info you haven't told us yet that you can tel lus?
674.Will a new Bionicle card game ever come out?
685.What is the name of the mask of Elemental Energy?
696.When can ewe expect in it the storyline?
707.What will the next collectible be?
718.Will Kanohi(original) packs ever be rereleasd , as next year we may be in the pastt...so theose aks come up again.
729.The loss of the silver from masks came from Msakuta's stuff..right?
7310.Will more novels come out next year?
7411.Has Comic 18 begun shipping..or do you not know?
7512.Does the proto-morby have a name?
7613.The storyline won't become a loop, will it?Like, Vakmas's story drags on and on, and he continues to go through the saga again and agan?
7714.Will a Lhikan set come out?
7815.Does Lhikan's Hau look any diffewrent at all from Jaller's?
7916.Is Lhikan a Toa of Fire?
8017.If the above is yes...is Bionicle's elelments getting repetitive with three fire characters who are (very) important?
8118.How much would the orange Vahi be worth?
8219.Will Metru Nui have a chronicler(when the Toa Nuva arrive)?
8320.If yes will it be Hahli?
8421.Wil lTakanuva live amongst the matoran and not really fight with the Toa alot...or will he take the life of a hero?
8522.Wil lJaller feel jealous that all he did was die, and Takua tgot himself turned into a Toa?
8623.Why was "The Mask Maker" trashed?
8724. What's the name of the theatrical movie?Do you know?
8825.What two vahki are in the cliub offer?
89Thanks a million:
901) There is no need for a story reason for them, because in the BIONICLE universe, they are not new colors. Yes, Vakama's red is different from Tahu's, but Tahu has never appeared in Metru Nui so who would notice?
912) There is no info to give on the video game at this point, it is only at the conversation stage right now.
923) It would depend on if that mask was destined to change. If so, the masks would mutate in some way.
934) Meaning he is not, say, Vakama exposed to protodermis? Yes, I can confirm that.
945) No
956) I don't know of any card game plans at this point
967) Doesn't have a BIONICLE name. We only name things if they are important in the story, and that mask only appears in the software game, no place else.
978) It's already been in the story as much as it will be.
989) I can't discuss future product.
9910) Doubtful we will re-release old product.
10011) No idea. The silver in the masks thing was a product design decision, no one has talked to me about a story reason for it.
10112) Yes, there will be more novels next year.
10213) Comic 18 doesn't ship until middle of this month.
10314) Proto-Morby does not have a name yet because I have not written that book yet.
10415) I don't understand this question -- what do you mean by loop?
10516) No information on a Lhikan set yet that I can release.
10617-18) Can't answer these.
10719) If Lhikan was a Toa of Fire, I am not sure how that is repetitive. Tahu Nuva, Lhikan, and Vakama don't exist as Toa at the same time, so they are not operating together.
10820) Whatever someone wanted to pay for it, I guess. A better source of an answer would be to search for it on ebay and see what people are bidding.
10921-24) The next Toa Nuva storyline is not written yet, so I can't answer any of these.
11025) Movie titles are often changed. I don't have specific reasons for the change, it was decided in Hollywood, not here.
11126) At this point, there is no script for a theatrical movie, hence no title.
11227) I think it's Nuurakh and Bordakh.
114On 15, I meant as in he would say "And then the Toa of Light defeated Makuta and then I told you the teake of six matoran who became Toa Metru..."
115I still don't understand your question. Why would he want to tell them about Takanuva when the Toa Nuva were there for that? He is telling them stories of things they did not experience.
116Greg 117By the Vakma one ,i meant oif by some stupid reason they kept repeating hteir own story lines...Dumb question to ask.
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5QUOTE 6QUOTE 7Hi Greg:I lookforward to the Citybook:
81.There's no way Bionicle would do a cross over with any other (even non)lego brands, right?
9Highly doubtful. LEGO is very careful about who they will be associated with ... also, there really isn't any other fictional universe that BIONICLE could share in, without defining the era in which it is set and the world it is on, which we don't want to do yet.
102.You said there were thirteen great mask forms we know.I counted16(Counting f Dume's Mask,what is it called?, has a great version.).6 Toa Olda's, 6 Toa Metru's, Takanuva's ,Makuta's And the Great...Kirlee, is it?
11You're right, 13 is inaccurate -- I must have mistyped. It is 6 Toa Olda, 6 Toa Metru, Mask of Light, Mask of Time, and Mask of Shadows, so 15 -- 16 if you want to count the Mask of Elemental Energy from the software game. No Great Kiril has ever appeared in the story, so I did not count that.
123.Vakama hints that Krahks isn't gone....can we quote him on this?(As in, will she come back to threaten the island/city again.)
13It is my hope that she will, yes.
144.Can you confrim the Toa Nuva ever get to Metru Nui?I have a feeling they may not.
15We have not written that storyline yet, but as far as I know, they will get there.
165.Will we ever see the exo-toa agian?
17Again, I hope so -- I really like it.
186.Is the vahi gold or orange in the movie?(You probably can't tell me.)
19I think in the movie it is gold. That's what I heard.
207.If you were given a promotion to a spot where you would no longer be involved with Biponicle, would you take it?
21Not at this point, no. One, I enjoy BIONICLE way too much; and two, it would take several months to get someone else up to speed to do what I do; and three, if I stop being involved in BIONICLE, I might lose the chance to work on the novels.
228.My friend's friend get 's free lego sets as his dad works for Lego.Is this at all possible?
23Well, we certainly have access to LEGO sets here, but we don't get them free. We can get them at a discount in the company store, but I don't know of anyone who gets them for free. For example, the Club gets two samples of everything that comes out, but they have to pay for them out of their budget (so they belong to the Club, not to an individual employee to take home).
249.Is it possible to get a Euro mispringt in the 702 tub?Becaus some poele claim to have gotten some.
25No idea.
2610.In comic 12, is Tahu's Vahi red or orange?
27Orange. Just looked darker in the comic.
2811.Is there only one vahi in existence?
3012.Is it spelled Nidhiki, Nihdiki or Nihkiki?
3213.Do matoran from all metrus go to school(if at all) in Ga-Metru?
3414.Is the word "metru" copyrighted by Lego?
35Can't say, don't work in Legal.
3615.We knowthe titles to books 1, 2 ,3 and 6 iin the adventure series.What is the title of book four?Id that the movie's novel?
37Yes, it's Legends of Metru Nui. And 5 is Voyage of Fear.
3816.How early can we expect the movie novel out?
4017.You'll wirte the movie novel, ight?
41It's already written, yes. I just finished Book 5.
4218.What would you say to young authors?
43Actually, my advice would be to get a job on a newspaper out of school, even if it is just a weekly. It teaches you about writing on a lot of different subjects, meeting deadlines, and it can help get you in the door for other writing jobs.
4419Would you enjoy a story based upon bionicle(Even if you couldn't really tell)Or would you need a better description?
45I can't read fan fiction.
4620.You said you didn't like the rahi very much.Is that because thye had no purpose?
47It was because they couldn't talk and they were too easy to beat. I like them better now because I can make them bigger and nastier.
4821.Did vakama make hte vahi, or did he kjust attempt to make a mask of time?
49Can't answer it. Movie plot.
5022.Why would Dume want a Vahi if he can't wear it?
51Can't answer it. Movie plot.
5223.How do yu pronounc Dume?Doo-may, or doo-muh?
53Doo-may, last I heard, but I am not sure how they are pronouncing it in the movie yet.
5424.Will there be story reasons for the new colors?
55Which new colors are you referring to?
5625.Will a new bionicle video game ever come out...like for Metru Nui?
57Actually, there is talk of a possible new one, but not for this year.
58See answers above, 59Greg
60Thanks, I have a fewm ore.Here are my respones to some onf your answers above:
6124.E.X. Vakma(toa metru)'s new colors...Matau's,...the new gray....or wil lthat go unnoticed?
6225.Can you give us any info at all?
63New Questions:
641.If a kanohi automatically becomes a Kanohi Nuva when it touches the correct form of protodermis...Whayt would happen to Matoran and Noble Masks....or already Nuva masks?
652.Can you confrm Lhkan is not a transformed character?
663.Any info you haven't told us yet that you can tel lus?
674.Will a new Bionicle card game ever come out?
685.What is the name of the mask of Elemental Energy?
696.When can ewe expect in it the storyline?
707.What will the next collectible be?
718.Will Kanohi(original) packs ever be rereleasd , as next year we may be in the pastt...so theose aks come up again.
729.The loss of the silver from masks came from Msakuta's stuff..right?
7310.Will more novels come out next year?
7411.Has Comic 18 begun shipping..or do you not know?
7512.Does the proto-morby have a name?
7613.The storyline won't become a loop, will it?Like, Vakmas's story drags on and on, and he continues to go through the saga again and agan?
7714.Will a Lhikan set come out?
7815.Does Lhikan's Hau look any diffewrent at all from Jaller's?
7916.Is Lhikan a Toa of Fire?
8017.If the above is yes...is Bionicle's elelments getting repetitive with three fire characters who are (very) important?
8118.How much would the orange Vahi be worth?
8219.Will Metru Nui have a chronicler(when the Toa Nuva arrive)?
8320.If yes will it be Hahli?
8421.Wil lTakanuva live amongst the matoran and not really fight with the Toa alot...or will he take the life of a hero?
8522.Wil lJaller feel jealous that all he did was die, and Takua tgot himself turned into a Toa?
8623.Why was "The Mask Maker" trashed?
8724. What's the name of the theatrical movie?Do you know?
8825.What two vahki are in the cliub offer?
89Thanks a million:
901) There is no need for a story reason for them, because in the BIONICLE universe, they are not new colors. Yes, Vakama's red is different from Tahu's, but Tahu has never appeared in Metru Nui so who would notice?
912) There is no info to give on the video game at this point, it is only at the conversation stage right now.
923) It would depend on if that mask was destined to change. If so, the masks would mutate in some way.
934) Meaning he is not, say, Vakama exposed to protodermis? Yes, I can confirm that.
945) No
956) I don't know of any card game plans at this point
967) Doesn't have a BIONICLE name. We only name things if they are important in the story, and that mask only appears in the software game, no place else.
978) It's already been in the story as much as it will be.
989) I can't discuss future product.
9910) Doubtful we will re-release old product.
10011) No idea. The silver in the masks thing was a product design decision, no one has talked to me about a story reason for it.
10112) Yes, there will be more novels next year.
10213) Comic 18 doesn't ship until middle of this month.
10314) Proto-Morby does not have a name yet because I have not written that book yet.
10415) I don't understand this question -- what do you mean by loop?
10516) No information on a Lhikan set yet that I can release.
10617-18) Can't answer these.
10719) If Lhikan was a Toa of Fire, I am not sure how that is repetitive. Tahu Nuva, Lhikan, and Vakama don't exist as Toa at the same time, so they are not operating together.
10820) Whatever someone wanted to pay for it, I guess. A better source of an answer would be to search for it on ebay and see what people are bidding.
10921-24) The next Toa Nuva storyline is not written yet, so I can't answer any of these.
11025) Movie titles are often changed. I don't have specific reasons for the change, it was decided in Hollywood, not here.
11126) At this point, there is no script for a theatrical movie, hence no title.
11227) I think it's Nuurakh and Bordakh.
114On 15, I meant as in he would say "And then the Toa of Light defeated Makuta and then I told you the teake of six matoran who became Toa Metru..."
115I still don't understand your question. Why would he want to tell them about Takanuva when the Toa Nuva were there for that? He is telling them stories of things they did not experience.
116Greg 117By the Vakma one ,i meant oif by some stupid reason they kept repeating hteir own story lines...Dumb question to ask.
1Right, 2I got these answers in revord time so `ere goes:
31.On Rahi such as the Muaka with 2 Infected masks, do both need to be knocked off to enlighten it, or can just one make it weaker?
4Removing one would make it weaker, but would not allow you to tame it.
52.How come no-one knows the location of the Toa disks (save Vakamas) even though the Toa picked them?
6The Toa Metru know where they are.
73.If a Matoran found a Toa disk, could they use it`s elemental properties?
94.What would happen if any Matoran other then Takua put on the Avohki?
10Nothing would happen. They would not be able to use its power.
115.What happens if Toa, Turaga.etc put on masks other then their own?
12Every mask, when not being worn, is gray. They don't take on a color until a Toa, Turaga or Matoran puts them on. So Toa don't have masks that are "their own" -- they have masks they have found that change to their color when they put them on.
136.How much do you have to do with the movies?
14Not a lot.
157.Do you have any influence on the storyline?
16Yes, I am part of the story team for BIONICLE.
178.Are you involved in Bionicle.com (e.g. the bios)?
18Yes, I write them.
199.Are you aware of LEGO Adventures Magazine? It ended a while ago and I wondered if you had any involvment there.
20No, I write for the LEGO Magazine that is done by the Club -- I think LEGO Adventures was done by an outside company.
2110.What did you do before Bionicle? Did you work for LEGO?
22I was hired by LEGO in 2000 as LEGO Club Writer, and that is still my job -- BIONICLE is just part of what I do. Before that, I worked as a journalist, copywriter, and game designer.
2311.Do you have any news on the release date of B2?
24Only that is in Ocotber.
2512.What colour is Tamaru? It`s confirmed he has a yellow Rau but I wondered about the rest.
26No idea.
2713.Will we ever see pictures of the Rahi Nui?
28Don't know, his only appearances right now are planned for the Scholastic novels.
2914.Will the Toa disks ever be released?
30Hopefully, but I haven't heard anything on this.
31.On Rahi such as the Muaka with 2 Infected masks, do both need to be knocked off to enlighten it, or can just one make it weaker?
4Removing one would make it weaker, but would not allow you to tame it.
52.How come no-one knows the location of the Toa disks (save Vakamas) even though the Toa picked them?
6The Toa Metru know where they are.
73.If a Matoran found a Toa disk, could they use it`s elemental properties?
94.What would happen if any Matoran other then Takua put on the Avohki?
10Nothing would happen. They would not be able to use its power.
115.What happens if Toa, Turaga.etc put on masks other then their own?
12Every mask, when not being worn, is gray. They don't take on a color until a Toa, Turaga or Matoran puts them on. So Toa don't have masks that are "their own" -- they have masks they have found that change to their color when they put them on.
136.How much do you have to do with the movies?
14Not a lot.
157.Do you have any influence on the storyline?
16Yes, I am part of the story team for BIONICLE.
178.Are you involved in Bionicle.com (e.g. the bios)?
18Yes, I write them.
199.Are you aware of LEGO Adventures Magazine? It ended a while ago and I wondered if you had any involvment there.
20No, I write for the LEGO Magazine that is done by the Club -- I think LEGO Adventures was done by an outside company.
2110.What did you do before Bionicle? Did you work for LEGO?
22I was hired by LEGO in 2000 as LEGO Club Writer, and that is still my job -- BIONICLE is just part of what I do. Before that, I worked as a journalist, copywriter, and game designer.
2311.Do you have any news on the release date of B2?
24Only that is in Ocotber.
2512.What colour is Tamaru? It`s confirmed he has a yellow Rau but I wondered about the rest.
26No idea.
2713.Will we ever see pictures of the Rahi Nui?
28Don't know, his only appearances right now are planned for the Scholastic novels.
2914.Will the Toa disks ever be released?
30Hopefully, but I haven't heard anything on this.