1Sorry that my last question was a little ambiguous.Let me try to rephrase it:
2I know what the legends say about the Great Being(s) sending a Great Spirit, but since we have disregarded most of the Turaga legends, why is this suddenly valid?
3And if it is total truth, why must Mata Nui be below the Being(s) in power to be sent by the Being(s)?Couldn't he be sent because he was the right one for the job?Like Takanuva; no stronger than other Toa, but the perfect one for his destiny.
4Thanks again... again.
5Well, basically, this one is valid because we say it is. And while you can make arguments that the Great Beings should not be superior to Mata Nui, they are, again cause we say so. That is the shape of the universe.
7Greg lays down the law, eh? Just wanted to make sure that this was an entire story team feeling, and not a dangling end. Wonder why that is so set in stone... unless they plan to use it?

1Sorry that my last question was a little ambiguous. Let me try to rephrase it:
2I know what the legends say about the Great Being(s) sending a Great Spirit, but since we have disregarded most of the Turaga legends, why is this suddenly valid?
3And if it is total truth, why must Mata Nui be below the Being(s) in power to be sent by the Being(s)? Couldn't he be sent because he was the right one for the job? Like Takanuva; no stronger than other Toa, but the perfect one for his destiny.
4Thanks again... again.
5Well, basically, this one is valid because we say it is. And while you can make arguments that the Great Beings should not be superior to Mata Nui, they are, again cause we say so. That is the shape of the universe.
7Greg lays down the law, eh? Just wanted to make sure that this was an entire story team feeling, and not a dangling end. Wonder why that is so set in stone... unless they plan to use it?
9Well, he's told me in the past that that part of the legend was "all true"; about Makuta and Mata Nui. I guess, that's so central to the legend, that the Turaga didn't see the need to, or want to lie about those details? It's not like they made up those legends because they enjoy lying.
14. We know that the Matoran see a reason, but is there any actual physical advantage to having Mata Nui awake? What exactly does he do?
2-- Hmmmm ... let me see if I can find a good analogy. Hmmmm. Let's say you are in a car ... and the driver falls asleep .. wouldn't it be in your best interests to wake him up? The Matoran see Mata Nui as the driver of their destiny, the one who guides them and protects them from darkness. Most of the really ###### things that have happened to them have happened since he went to sleep.
3did greg just cursed? lol i wonder if he will get a proto zap because of that
1Sorry to bother you again, but...
21. 3Tahu:Why did the Turaga hide the masks?
4Greg: Well, if you had a bunch of Masks of Power, would you want to leave them where anyone could get their hands on them, or would you put them in places only true Toa can reach?
52. 6Tahu: Where did the Toa come from, and why can't they remember?
7Greg: Can't answer it.
83. 9How is it they know their names?
10Greg: Well, they don't have complete amnesia, or they wouldn't be able to even speak the language. So they remember some things.
114. 12Is Makuta a shapeshifter?-In his old bios, it said he appears as a tiger and a hawk.In MNOLG1, he was a Matoran, now, in MOL, he is a Toa-like being.
13Greg: Yes, he is.
14Thanks, Greg:

1i have something here. i think that it is a dupe but i'm not sure so have fun:
2i'm almost sure that the Transoprting thingy on Metru nui are named Chutes. so here are some question about it: 31) Is it maded from Protodermis? if yes how it works?
42) If it is maded from Proto so how matorans can breth in it?
5Thanks in Advance
61) Chutes consist of liquid protodermis help in place by magnetic force. The protodermis moves at a very high speed, which makes travel very fast.
72) You can't breathe in it. That's why you don't see Matoran having conversations inside the chutes. You hold your breath.
1Hi Greg. After reading your B2 teaser-ish thing, I have a couple of questions.
21. A while ago, you said that there was a line that would make us BZPers go nuts for months. Can you just say whether or not "the line" is in there?
32. Do you know of any DVD special features so far? If yes, what can you say about them?
43. About the TRU Ultimate Dume Promo, can you confirm what Kanohi will be released with it? *Golden Vahi... please...*
54. Do you have a picture of the Rahi that won the contest?
65. ...and could you give us the description of it?
76. About the Dark Hunters' connection to an old enemy, is the enemy the Rahi-Nui?
87. In this topic, I thought that Dume might have ordered the Dark Hunters to gather the Great Disks. Am I on the right track?
9Okay, I think that's all. 10Now I REALLY can't wait for B2... 11-ToM
121) Yes, it is in there.
132) I know there is a feature where a lot of the BIONICLE team gets interviewed, including me -- not sure how it came out, though.
143) Don't count the Vahi out, but it is not in the Dume set.
154) Nothing I can post, no. Pics of the winners will be up on the web in November.
165) It sort of looks like a cross between a dino and a dragon.
176) Read Book 6 and find out. If I give it away, it stops being a teaser, right?
187) Gonna have to watch the movie for Dume info, I can't comment.
201--- Yahoo: I wonder what it IS... 212--- That should be interesting... 223--- Alas... I was so hoping for a Vahi. 234--- Oh, good. I'd like to see who won... *bangs head on desk for missing the deadline* 246--- *is suspicious* 257--- I suspected as much.[/COLOR
14. We know that the Matoran see a reason, but is there any actual physical advantage to having Mata Nui awake? What exactly does he do?
2-- Hmmmm ... let me see if I can find a good analogy. Hmmmm. Let's say you are in a car ... and the driver falls asleep .. wouldn't it be in your best interests to wake him up? The Matoran see Mata Nui as the driver of their destiny, the one who guides them and protects them from darkness. Most of the really ###### things that have happened to them have happened since he went to sleep.
3did greg just cursed? lol i wonder if he will get a proto zap because of that
4I doubt it. It did that (#####) thing when I posted an OK word once.
14. We know that the Matoran see a reason, but is there any actual physical advantage to having Mata Nui awake? What exactly does he do?
2-- Hmmmm ... let me see if I can find a good analogy. Hmmmm. Let's say you are in a car ... and the driver falls asleep .. wouldn't it be in your best interests to wake him up? The Matoran see Mata Nui as the driver of their destiny, the one who guides them and protects them from darkness. Most of the really ###### things that have happened to them have happened since he went to sleep.
3Yeah, that kinda shocked me a bit cause I couldn't figure it out then my bro looked at it and told me. Lol. But Greg probably said "cruddy" or "######" or something like that. I don't think he'd cuss when replying to a question. Just doesn't seem GregF-ish.
1Don't try to get past the autocensor, Leader of the Metru. If GregF wasn't allowed to say it, why should you be?
1QUOTE 2Just a few questions
3Is it true that Dume has some control of fire?
4Is there some sort of antidote to disk and vahki staff powers? (for factory workers that accidentally get hit)
5Do Metruan have Literature?
6If so, is writing considered a real job, or something to do during free time?
7Can Nivawk speak?
81) Yes, the same way that Turaga Vakama did in Ta-Koro.
92) No, not really.
103) Far as we know, they have carvings, but not books.
114) Writing is a real job if you are the Chronicler, yes, or someone who records legends. But they don't have novelists.
125) Yes, he speaks bird language
3Is it true that Dume has some control of fire?
4Is there some sort of antidote to disk and vahki staff powers? (for factory workers that accidentally get hit)
5Do Metruan have Literature?
6If so, is writing considered a real job, or something to do during free time?
7Can Nivawk speak?
81) Yes, the same way that Turaga Vakama did in Ta-Koro.
92) No, not really.
103) Far as we know, they have carvings, but not books.
114) Writing is a real job if you are the Chronicler, yes, or someone who records legends. But they don't have novelists.
125) Yes, he speaks bird language
11. You said Makuta was not a great spirit in your eye, why not?
22. If Makuta can make Rahkshi with all these powers, does that mean he can use them, or does he have other powers than the Rahkshi, or both?
33. If hoverships used Levitation disks, and disks lost power over usage, does that mean they have to change thier disks periodicly, or was I misinformed?
44. Why is Kopaka & Gali as well as Onua & Pohatu different elements? Was this for storyline purposes?
55. Did the Rahkshi Nokama defeat not have thier staffs? I recall her defeating three out of resourcefulness, while 6 Toa Nuva had a hard time defeating 6 (desperate) Rahkshi.
66. Do the stars they see on Metru NUi the stars in the sky above Mata Nui, or are they Lightstones or something we don't know about?
77. How could Mata Nui have changed the Matoran if he was asleep?
88. If the Disks lose power over usage, does that mean they would eventually be powerless regardless of thier power level?
99. This might be a dumb question, but does Dume's power of fire and power of transforming into Ultimate Dume he some way of being remotely related to the least?
1010. Let's say a level 8 Kanoka was made and used a hundred times, if they made it into mask, would it be a Great mask with full power, or something less?
1111. Who crafted the Great Disks?
1212. Does whoever created the Great Disks have any relaton to the ones who built the Proto tubes/bohrok that transformed the Toa, or are they them?
131) Just isn't. I don't put him on the same power level as Mata Nui.
142) I believe he does have access to Rahkshi powers, yes.
153) Yes, they have to be replaced now and then, same as parts in a car do. It's not a big deal.
164) Cause that is what was decided back in 2000 when they created BIONICLE. I didn't work for LEGO then.
175) No. Rahkshi who have escaped from the Archives don't have their staffs. Also, as I have said to others -- the Rahkshi the Toa Nuva fought were on a mission for Makuta. They had a strategy and they would have given their lives to succeed. The Rahkshi Nokama fought were basically like wild animals, they didn't have a mission to fulfill.
186) No, the stars seen from Metru Nui are not the same stars seen from Mata Nui.
197) Mata Nui didn't change the Matoran. Why do you think he did?
208) Yes
219) No, there is no connection
2210) It's an interesting question, but doesn't really come up. Level 8 disks are rare in Metru Nui, and when one is made, it is sent to be made into a mask. Outside of Vakama or in akilini tournaments, it's unusual for anyone to be using a disk of that level.
2311) Can't answer it
2412) Can't answer it
26I'll have to ask him again about 7, and so I did/
277. How could Mata Nui have changed the Matoran if he was asleep?287) Mata Nui didn't change the Matoran. Why do you think he did?
291.When the Matoran changed, Vakama said "Testament to your courage and unity, Mata Nui has a gift for you all."
302.Why did Makuta make the Rahkshi on Metru Nui?
311) Ah. Well, keep in mind that the Matoran see everything -- the sunrise, the sunset, the air they breathe -- to be a gift from Mata Nui. It does not mean Mata Nui literally did anything to change their forms.
322) Makuta originally made Rahkshi to do different things for him ... they were sort of like really efficient servants. But the ones on Metru Nui just wandered there from elsewhere, Makuta did not send them there.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Raptor,
4I had the same question you did about the five novels versus six novels thing, but there is a reason for it.
5Scholastic wants people to get into the habit of looking for a BIONICLE novel every other month. Since the last book this year is December, that means the first book next year is in Feb., and you get five books in the year, plus the Rahi Guidebook in one slot. One of the books is planned to be a movie novelization. In '06, we would start in Jan. again and do six novels, or so I have been told.
7That`s cool. So next year`s "extra" book will be a Rahi Guidebook? Will it be an encyclopedia, with pictures of all the rahi, including the ones in the novels?
8It's going to be about half Rahi models that we have done as sets, and half models that won the contest. We can't do pics of all the ones in the novels, because they don't exist as sets. They only exist in my head.
4I had the same question you did about the five novels versus six novels thing, but there is a reason for it.
5Scholastic wants people to get into the habit of looking for a BIONICLE novel every other month. Since the last book this year is December, that means the first book next year is in Feb., and you get five books in the year, plus the Rahi Guidebook in one slot. One of the books is planned to be a movie novelization. In '06, we would start in Jan. again and do six novels, or so I have been told.
7That`s cool. So next year`s "extra" book will be a Rahi Guidebook? Will it be an encyclopedia, with pictures of all the rahi, including the ones in the novels?
8It's going to be about half Rahi models that we have done as sets, and half models that won the contest. We can't do pics of all the ones in the novels, because they don't exist as sets. They only exist in my head.
1More Greg Goodness
21 Is Ultimate Dume really bg (godzilla like) or smaller?
31) He's not the size of Godzilla, no, but he is bigger than the Toa.
4*(In TMD's mind)My Theory = Trash*
52In the Movie, besides theToa-Metru-Matoran, will there be any other Matoran? If so, whom?
62) Jaller, Hahli, Takua, and a Le-Metru Matoran whose name escapes me this early in the morning are in it.
7Methinks it's Kongu...
83. 2005 will be about the Toa Nuva again right?
93) I can't comment on 2005. Besides, the story will make no sense to you until you see the movie.
10By do I wonder...
114. Do all these PMs get annoying?
124) No, I look forward to them.
1Who is the strongest bionicle?Greg if you know please tell me.
1You have to PM Greg your questions.
1Who is the strongest bionicle?Greg if you know please tell me.
2I think I can answer that one. In terms of physical strength its the Toa of Earth . In terms of elemental power its between Ice and Fire (as in comic 15, it says 'the two most powerful toa stood side by side' or something like that when Kopaka and Tahu use thier powers to block a caveful of Kraata)
3If your not referring to the Toa, but Bionicle sets in general, theres to many to choose from for me to say
1Sorry to PM you so soon, but I have a question about Krahka - I just finished the book.
21. Okay, Krahka is a shapeshifter, but she can only assume the shapes of things she has seen.In the end of the book, when she turns into, presumably, the Toa Metru Nui, how did she do it?She never saw the merged form of six Toa Metru.
3Thanks, and your Adventures are awesome:I have read all 3 that have come out:
5Well, if you notice earlier in the book, she very briefly becomes a combo of a Toa and something else as she is shifting. She can combine the traits of anything she has seen -- so she sort of has a mental library of things she can mix and match from.
7Thanks, Greg:

1QUOTE 2Greg, 3I know that you have talked about the special mask coming with the Ultimate Dume set. There has been a thread opened HERE 4in the thread, Twin Matrix has pics of the set with a mask like object. It is under speculation that this is the Special mask that is to come with the set. 5Basically my question is: Is the part in those pics the mask? or do you even know? if you dont know, or cant answer, thats fine. 6Personally, i dont think it is, mainly because it does not attach like a normal mask. Any 'official' word from you would be greatly appreciated: thanks for your time:
8Yes, it is the mask -- I already knew it did not attach like a normal mask.
10Heres my two cents relating to the new Special Ultimate Dume mask.
8Yes, it is the mask -- I already knew it did not attach like a normal mask.
10Heres my two cents relating to the new Special Ultimate Dume mask.
1i asked him some questions i will edit when i ask more
2QUOTE 3why is there yellow silver and orange rahshi in the comic legends of metru nui (the first metru nui comic)
4Well, as you might remember, the kraata we put out last year were in all different colors besides the colors that went with the six Rahkshi figures. Which had to mean there were other Rahkshi that existed with whom those kraata went. And, since Makuta existed during the Metru Nui story, it made sense that the Rahkshi did too, and gave me a chance to work some of the other ones in.
6QUOTE 7QUOTE 8QUOTE 9QUOTE 10QUOTE 11hi greg i was just wonderin when is the next bionicle adventures book commin out and what exclusive mask is the the TRU ultimate Dume Set?????
12I don't have info on the mask. The next book out is the Metru Nui City Guide, which is out in July, I believe. Then the next novel is out in September, the movie novelization.
14another question
15why does mata nui look like a face and will it have a purpose in the storyline????
16I wasn't aware it looked like a face. 17Greg
18just look at it and the volcano is the mouth
19i think it is mata nui's face
20Well, that's interesting. Never noticed that before. 21Greg
2QUOTE 3why is there yellow silver and orange rahshi in the comic legends of metru nui (the first metru nui comic)
4Well, as you might remember, the kraata we put out last year were in all different colors besides the colors that went with the six Rahkshi figures. Which had to mean there were other Rahkshi that existed with whom those kraata went. And, since Makuta existed during the Metru Nui story, it made sense that the Rahkshi did too, and gave me a chance to work some of the other ones in.
6QUOTE 7QUOTE 8QUOTE 9QUOTE 10QUOTE 11hi greg i was just wonderin when is the next bionicle adventures book commin out and what exclusive mask is the the TRU ultimate Dume Set?????
12I don't have info on the mask. The next book out is the Metru Nui City Guide, which is out in July, I believe. Then the next novel is out in September, the movie novelization.
14another question
15why does mata nui look like a face and will it have a purpose in the storyline????
16I wasn't aware it looked like a face. 17Greg
18just look at it and the volcano is the mouth
19i think it is mata nui's face
20Well, that's interesting. Never noticed that before. 21Greg
1QUOTE 2Greg, 3I know that you have talked about the special mask coming with the Ultimate Dume set. There has been a thread opened HERE 4in the thread, Twin Matrix has pics of the set with a mask like object. It is under speculation that this is the Special mask that is to come with the set. 5Basically my question is: Is the part in those pics the mask? or do you even know? if you dont know, or cant answer, thats fine. 6Personally, i dont think it is, mainly because it does not attach like a normal mask. Any 'official' word from you would be greatly appreciated: thanks for your time:
8Yes, it is the mask -- I already knew it did not attach like a normal mask.
10Heres my two cents relating to the new Special Ultimate Dume mask.
12Could you give me that link? I want to see that mask:
1I have some pretty interesting info about the UD Promo Mask.
2I was thinking about buying Ultimate Dume on Lego Shop at Home, but I have a few questions:
31. You get the pieces to build Nidhiki, Krekka, Dume & Nivawk and Ultimate Dume, instructions to all of them and the special Promo Mask, right?
4You get all that and the promo mask through the early summer. As we get closer to fall, SAH will begin selling just the three sets kitted without the promo mask, and the mask will only be available through the TRU stores.
52. Can you tell us anything about the Promo mask yet? Does it play a role in the storyline?
6It does play a role in the movie, which is why I can't discuss it.
1here are my questions I have asked Greg. They are to helpful though.
16Thats wierd Greg didn't answer my last question. 173. Is kind of interesting.
2QUOTE 3I hope you can help me with these questions
41.We now know what the promotional mask that comes with UD is, but do you know why it can't be shipped to the US or Canada yet? Is it because of a US and Canada TRU promo?
52.I have noticed from reading the bionicle chronicles books, that some of the characters seem out of character(IE. Kopaka doesn't really work by himself, unlike how he is portrayed in the comics, Onua seems more out going) I relize you didn't write these books, but do you have any idea why this is?
63. Is the 4th book the movie novel? I am sort of confused because you have said parts book 5 are in the movie.
74.Can you tell us anything about UD mask?
85.Do noble hau, kaukau etc. exist on Metru Nui? Or have they not been made by maskmakers, because if that's true, they would not exist at all.
9Thank you 10-JD
111) Has nothing to do with the TRU promo, has to do with what we have in stock.
122) Because I didn't write the booksAlso, keep in mind that although Kopaka LIKES to work by himself, he doesn't get to to do it that often and there wasn't that much room in the books to show it. Cathy couldn't really go off on tangents because she wasn't as familiar with the universe.
133) The fourth book is the movie. Book 5 takes place during a time lapse in the movie, but it is not a part of the movie story.
144) No.
16Thats wierd Greg didn't answer my last question. 173. Is kind of interesting.
1Yeah, I think Greg said spmewhere around here that the movie skips the last two books, which is why it show the Toa Metru becoming Turaga at the end. Books 5 and 6 apparantly happen during the time frame of the movie
1Hi Greg, I'll try to restrain myself with the questions today
21. About how Kinloka have a weaken disk with them. How would Rahi get access to disks, know how to use them and have the ability to use them?
31) Kinloka long ago accessed a vault filled with Kanoka disks. As for how they know how to use them, well, give a chimp a rock and he will learn to throw it in time.
4I just wondered
52. About Vahki staffs, can the Vahki use their staffs to simply stun the opponent to submission?
62) No, the Vahki cannot turn off the power of their staffs.
7Which means a Rorzahk can see whatever a Rahkshi sees. Seems pretty pointless to me
83. How do the Krahli work (internally)? Is it clockwork like the Vahki, or is it something else?
93) It's clockwork.
10Then if Vahki have to be re-wound, how can the Krahli still be working if they cant be re-wound?
114. Who designed the Krahli?
124) Nuparu.
13Makes sense
145. Is there a limit to how much energy the Krahli can absorb? Could it absorb energy to the point that it destroyed itself?
155) Not that we know of.
16Which means that a Krahli could become the mosty powerful being on Metru Nui
176. Same question for Kraawa.
186) Ah, now, that depends. If the Kraawa gains mass as it gains size, then it is okay. If it doesn't, well, that would be bad thing for the Kraawa.
207. How exactly can Lhikans shield fly like the Silver Surfers?
217) He stands on it and it flies.
22Either he misunderstood me or he doesnt want to tell
238. Which would you rather have at your side, a squad of Vahki or a Krahli?
248) Hmmmm ... probably Vahki. Kralhi tend to be a little too independent sometimes.
25Personally I'd prefer a Krahli
26And if you like Kralhi, check out BIONICLE Adventures 5: Voyage of Fear, for a lot of Kralhi action.
27I swear he did that to tease me
29Tried to restrain myself. Failed miserably. Oh well
30Thanks for your time
31By the way, if you havent noticed by my questions I just love Krahli. I cant help it:![]()
32Greg asnwers in bold, my comments in red
33I'll probably PM him again about the Lhikan one. I dont like him as much now because of that last comment. Its...just..not...fair...
1... 23. How do the Krahli work (internally)? Is it clockwork like the Vahki, or is it something else?
33) It's clockwork.
4Then if Vahki have to be re-wound, how can the Krahli still be working if they cant be re-wound?
54. Who designed the Krahli?
64) Nuparu.
7Makes sense
85. Is there a limit to how much energy the Krahli can absorb? Could it absorb energy to the point that it destroyed itself?
95) Not that we know of.
10Which means that a Krahli could become the mosty powerful being on Metru Nui
116. Same question for Kraawa.
126) Ah, now, that depends. If the Kraawa gains mass as it gains size, then it is okay. If it doesn't, well, that would be bad thing for the Kraawa.
13Interesting 14...
15That' probably why Vahki were designed to need to be wound up, you know. The Kralhi were more powerful, maybe that's one way they were more powerful, and after they refused to be shut off, Nuparu decided to design the Vahki to need re-winding. Or, maybe the Kralhi wind themselves up?

16Neat info on the Kraawa. So, if it doesn't get more mass, and get heavier, it sounds like it just sorta blows up or something.... yikes. Yeah, that'd be bad. I had thought it automatically gets more mass. Huh.
1... 23. How do the Krahli work (internally)? Is it clockwork like the Vahki, or is it something else?
33) It's clockwork.
4Then if Vahki have to be re-wound, how can the Krahli still be working if they cant be re-wound?
54. Who designed the Krahli?
64) Nuparu.
7Makes sense
85. Is there a limit to how much energy the Krahli can absorb? Could it absorb energy to the point that it destroyed itself?
95) Not that we know of.
10Which means that a Krahli could become the mosty powerful being on Metru Nui
116. Same question for Kraawa.
126) Ah, now, that depends. If the Kraawa gains mass as it gains size, then it is okay. If it doesn't, well, that would be bad thing for the Kraawa.
13Interesting 14...
15That' probably why Vahki were designed to need to be wound up, you know. The Kralhi were more powerful, maybe that's one way they were more powerful, and after they refused to be shut off, Nuparu decided to design the Vahki to need re-winding. Or, maybe the Kralhi wind themselves up?![]()
16Neat info on the Kraawa. So, if it doesn't get more mass, and get heavier, it sounds like it just sorta blows up or something.... yikes. Yeah, that'd be bad. I had thought it automatically gets more mass. Huh.
17Didn't GregF say that the Vahki run off a perpetual motion system? I'd assume Kralhi do the same...
1Latest from my inbox:
15Number 1 sounds interesting
2Here are a couple more questions for you.
31)Can you explane how Akilini is played?
42)Will we get to see it played in the movie?
53)I remember seeing somewhere that someone said that disk powers 1-6 make a matoran mask, 7 makes a noble mask, 8 make a great disk, and 9 makes a great mask. Is that all correct? I'm mainly wondering about the part in bold.
64)Can a disk be destroyed someway other than melting it down?
75)About how many PMs do you get a day?
8Thanks in advance.
91) It's in the city guide, I think -- I don't really have time to write an explanation today.
102) No.
113) 1-6 makes a Matoran mask, 7 makes a Noble Mask, 8 makes a Great Mask, and 9 is a Great Disk.
124) Since it is possible for masks to break, I am sure it is possible for disks to break too.
135) Lots.
15Number 1 sounds interesting
1Groundbeaking news here on the suns in Metru Nui. But first,
2I only vaguely remember the quote on the winding up thing, so I could be way off, but what I thought happened, is Greg originally theorized it could be some sort of perpetual motion thing, then later got info on it, and told us they have to be wound up. But, I can't remember for sure, and don't have time to check.... hint, hint.
3Anyways, this all started in this topic: The Twin Suns Glow..., . QB and I were discussing which sun was blocked off, I had thought it was the Mangai sun, but he thought it was the other.
4QB sent Greg a question about it. Here's that:
14This seemed to go against what I had thought was official before. So, I clarified to Greg, and got this:
26So, I posted that, then, Greg replied again, with this:
38So... now what we knew about the suns has become wrong, and what we didn't know is answered. The Mangai was never one of the suns. It was those two places he said. And, that also answers about the second sun, which we all thought was so mysterious, and wouldn't be answered for a while.
Plus, we know which one was plugged; the Lake Naho one.
2I only vaguely remember the quote on the winding up thing, so I could be way off, but what I thought happened, is Greg originally theorized it could be some sort of perpetual motion thing, then later got info on it, and told us they have to be wound up. But, I can't remember for sure, and don't have time to check.... hint, hint.
3Anyways, this all started in this topic: The Twin Suns Glow..., . QB and I were discussing which sun was blocked off, I had thought it was the Mangai sun, but he thought it was the other.
4QB sent Greg a question about it. Here's that:
5Heya Greg, just a couple of clarification questions here:
61) In this topic, I'm a little confused with what bonesiii has said.We all know that there are two 'holes' on the surface of Mata Nui, that let sunlight down into the Metru Nui Cavern.We know that the Mangai volcano is one of them, and that the second is unknown to fans, but "we'll find out later."I seem to remember you saying that in the present (Nuva) time, the Mangai was the only hole left, as the other one is blocked off (for reasons unknown).If the Mangai is the one blocked off, then wouldn't we be able to see the other hole from the surface of Mata Nui.Can you clear this up a bit
72) Also in that topic, the question of the stars is brought up.Is there anything you can say that can give us an idea of what they actually are?You've said they're not real stars, nor are they light stones; so what are the little blighters?
8That's all for now...
9Cheers 10QB
111) I am confused by your question. As you said, I have stated that the Mangai is not blocked. But then you started your question with, "If the Mangai is the one blocked off ..." It's not.
122) Can't answer it, sorry
14This seemed to go against what I had thought was official before. So, I clarified to Greg, and got this:
15I wanted to ask about the two suns thing, that QB was recently asking you about. I'll explain what was going on here.
16We all know that there were two suns in the prequel time in Metru Nui. One was the Mangai, which you said was an open hole. The other is... something else.
17Then, one of them got plugged up, so that there's only one sun in Metru Nui at the time of the Toa Nuva, you told me.
18In that topic QB brought up, the issue became which one was plugged.
19Now, I had interpreted things you had said to mean that the Mangai was the one that was closed. Because, people had asked how it could have been a sun in the past, and you'd said, because it wasn't a volcano in the past; it was an open hole.
20Which I assumed meant, it is no longer a sun at the time of the Toa Nuva, because it is a volcano at that time. And I had thought that you had said that. That the Mangai became closed as a sun (with the pipes pumping lava up to it), while the other sun remained open.
21But QB thought it was the other way around, that the Mangai is open, the pipes going around an open hole, and the mysterious one was closed. So, I explained why I didn't think that was so, as I did above.
22Then, he got the quote from you, where it appears it backs up what he had said? That the Mangai is still a sun at the time of the Toa Nuva? Is that what you meant, and I'd been interpreting your earlier statements incorrectly?
23In other words, which sun got closed up at the time of the Toa Nuva?
24Not the Mangai.
26So, I posted that, then, Greg replied again, with this:
27I wanted to ask about the two suns thing, that QB was recently asking you about. I'll explain what was going on here.
28We all know that there were two suns in the prequel time in Metru Nui. One was the Mangai, which you said was an open hole. The other is... something else.
29Then, one of them got plugged up, so that there's only one sun in Metru Nui at the time of the Toa Nuva, you told me.
30In that topic QB brought up, the issue became which one was plugged.
31Now, I had interpreted things you had said to mean that the Mangai was the one that was closed. Because, people had asked how it could have been a sun in the past, and you'd said, because it wasn't a volcano in the past; it was an open hole.
32Which I assumed meant, it is no longer a sun at the time of the Toa Nuva, because it is a volcano at that time. And I had thought that you had said that. That the Mangai became closed as a sun (with the pipes pumping lava up to it), while the other sun remained open.
33But QB thought it was the other way around, that the Mangai is open, the pipes going around an open hole, and the mysterious one was closed. So, I explained why I didn't think that was so, as I did above.
34Then, he got the quote from you, where it appears it backs up what he had said? That the Mangai is still a sun at the time of the Toa Nuva? Is that what you meant, and I'd been interpreting your earlier statements incorrectly?
35In other words, which sun got closed up at the time of the Toa Nuva?
36I did some further checking on this ... and rechecked my Mata Nui geography. The Mangai is not one of the suns, as it turns out (and thank you to another BIONICLE authority for pointing that out to me) - one "sun" is under the ice in Ko-Koro, the other is under Lake Naho and therefore no longer functions as a sun.
38So... now what we knew about the suns has become wrong, and what we didn't know is answered. The Mangai was never one of the suns. It was those two places he said. And, that also answers about the second sun, which we all thought was so mysterious, and wouldn't be answered for a while.

1the other is under Lake Naho and therefore no longer functions as a sun.
2I knew it was under Lake Naho: But no one else thought so.

1the other is under Lake Naho and therefore no longer functions as a sun.
2I knew it was under Lake Naho: But no one else thought so.But anyway, this is great news: It completely turns all my theories about the 2 suns upside down: But at least it still goes along with the theory I had in my SSC entry.
4Well, congrats on that, CTOT:
5In this topic: Voyage Of Fear?, Greg posted this (the topic wonders what spoilers we know of for book 5):
6Actually, the Toa are not journeying back to Metru Nui in Voyage of Fear. They are journeying away from it.
7Some more Book 5 teasers:
8- The Toa's first sight of the Manas 9- Some really big, nasty Rahi 10- The origin of Nokama's Makuta fish bone trident 11- The origin of those Toa carvings Gali saw in Tales of the Mask 12- Fun ways to kill Kralhi 13- An untold story of the Onu-Metru Archives. 14- Why kraawa should be kept outdoors. 15- And .. the Toa Metru's very first sight of a land we came to know and love from 2001-2003.
1The basic theory behind the Toa to Turaga change seems to be that at some point the Toa spend their power to deal with some major situation, causing them to lose most of thier power, and shrink down.
2OK, here's the way I view it.
3At some point in time the Toa Metru expended their power to save many lives, or defeat an enemy, or something, in sort of a reversal of the process that turned them into Toa from Matoran. The end result is the weaker, smaller Turaga.
4They no longer have the same mental powers needed to activate Great Kanohi, and their elemental powers have become minimal. They're still a bit more powerful than most Matoran, though it looks like in Dumé's case, he shrank all the way down to the size of a Matoran.
5Have I overlooked something? Am I missing facts that would make this obviously wrong if I had them?
6Or, if you prefer: Am I wrong? Are you permitted to point out some (or all) of my errors?
8I don't see any major errors here. The only reservation I would express is about Dume, since I do not know his background or the exact circumstances that made him a Turaga.
1Hi Greg- 21. Do you know if the other Toa Disks will be produced? 32.Will there be more Kanoka prodeuced in '05? 4Thanks: 5-KE
61) Not that I know of
72) There are going to be a few special Kanoka produced later this year, but none in '05, no. Different collectable then. However, the Kanoka club will still be open and you will still be able to get new codes and more points.
1here are more questions from the very gracious greg:
15well, i found #3 rather enlightening. i'm going to PM him again to kind of expound on that question.
16stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of... 17Q&A with Greg:
21. about the ultimate dume promo mask: does ultimate dume actively wear the mask in the B2 movie?
31) Yes
42. is ultimate dume a more powerful version of turaga dume?
52) Can't answer it
63. can the toa metru use different masks? (i.e. nokama uses a mahiki) 73a. if they can: why don't they use different masks, like the toa olda? 83b: if they can't: why can they use different masks in turaga form?
93) Sure they can. But remember that until midway through the movie, they can't even use their original mask powers (because they don't know how), and they have not had time to go gathering other masks. That is why they don't swap out masks in the stories. Plus we have done go collect masks twice now, it's getting old.
104. the S@H price for ultimate dume is $50.00 (as opposed to $60.00 for the three sets seperately), will this be the same price when it sells at TRU?
114) I believe so, but can't swear to it.
125. you've talked about different disks than the standard ones, (i.e. levitation disks powering airships), and i was wondering: are there many many variations of disks to be found in metru-nui? (e.g. a telekinesis disk being used in an akilini tournament, or a matoran carrying around a shielding disk)
135) It is theoretically possible, although disk powers really don't come into play in akilini tournaments. You are trying to throw the disk through a hoop, not at somebody.
15well, i found #3 rather enlightening. i'm going to PM him again to kind of expound on that question.
16stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of... 17Q&A with Greg:


1In response to the information you've given about the two Sun Hole's location, I've got a few more questions.
21) The Sun Hole you said that is under Ko Koro: do you actually mean under Ko Koro, or just somewhere in the Ko Wahi mountains?
32) If a Matoran was to walk across the ice, would he be able to look down and see Metru Nui (assuming that he can see through that much ice clearly)?
43) I'm not sure if I'm right on this, but was Mata Nui essentially 'nothing' before the Matoran arived?I seem to remember you saying that the island underwent a surge of "rapid evolution" some time around when the Matoran arrived. 5a. Is this true? 6b. And did it happen before or after they arrived? 7c. If it is true, is that how the Lake Naho Hole is blocked up?Or was it blocked by something else?
84) Seeing as there are two suns; does this simply make benefit of as much light as possible as the real sun moves across the sky?Or do the two suns actually rise and set as normal.
95) Does Metru Nui have a moon-of-sorts?I seem to remember one in the B2 trailer.
10Cheers for now,
121) I mean under the ice in Ko-Koro -- that is all I was told.
132) I doubt it -- you are looking through ice and miles down.
143) Mata Nui, during much of the '04 storyline, was basically a barren surface. During the events of the movie, a cataclysm takes place that results in the blocking of one of the suns ... and, since the plant life, etc. on Mata Nui is protodermis, it was able to grow very rapidly from that point on.
154) As far as the Matoran are concerned they rise and set.
165) Don't know.
18See THIS topic for what I'm talking about.