1Well, he is as the whole Bionicle storyline is based around waking Mata-Nui up.
2. . . .
8And yes, it was Noble. How it was broken was not shown, but it can be inferred that it broke when Jala's stasis pod was thrown out of the transport used by the Toa or during the Toa's journey from Metru Nui aboveground to Mata Nui.
2. . . .
3legoman, Jala wore a red Komau.
4What was Jala's original mask?
52) Don't know.
6Gukko... how do you know what Jaller's mask is when even GregF doesn't know?

8And yes, it was Noble. How it was broken was not shown, but it can be inferred that it broke when Jala's stasis pod was thrown out of the transport used by the Toa or during the Toa's journey from Metru Nui aboveground to Mata Nui.
1Some more Greg Q&A.
27About #9, I thought that maybe Nidhiki and Krekka might have had different forms before, but they were experimented on and someone tried to turn them into super-Vahki or something. I got that idea because Nidhiki and Krekka kinda resemble the Vahki combiners. But #8 has given me a new theory about Nidhiki. Stay tuned to the S&T forum for that theory, which is coming soon.
2Hi Greg, how's it going? I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions about Mata-Nui, Makuta, and the Dark Hunters. Here they are:
31.Why do the Matoran praise Mata-Nui as their Great Spirit? 42.When did the Matoran start calling Mata-Nui their Great Spirit? 53.Is Mata-Nui just a name that the Matoran use, or is it the Great Spirit's actual name? 64.Does Mata-Nui have a physical form? 75.Was Mata-Nui ever a Toa? 86.Was Makuta ever a Toa? 97.Was Makuta responsible for changing the Matoran into their weak McToran form? 108.If yes to above, could Makuta change a being into a stronger, more powerful form? 119.Do Nidhiki or Krekka have any relation to the Vahki? 1210.Is Krekka biomechanical or fully mechanical? 1311.Has there ever been a Toa of Shadow?
14That's it for my questions. I hope you can answer them all. I have some theories brewing and the answers would help me out. Thanks in advance.
151) Because that's what he is. 162) Far back as we know of. 173) That is his name 184) Can't answer it 195) No 206) Not to my knowledge 217) Yes 228) Yes 239) No. The Vahki are machines built by the Matoran. 2410) Biomechanical. 2511) No. Toa are inherently good .. in the BIONICLE universe, shadow is inherently evil.
27About #9, I thought that maybe Nidhiki and Krekka might have had different forms before, but they were experimented on and someone tried to turn them into super-Vahki or something. I got that idea because Nidhiki and Krekka kinda resemble the Vahki combiners. But #8 has given me a new theory about Nidhiki. Stay tuned to the S&T forum for that theory, which is coming soon.
1Here is what GregF told me about Makuta
8He missunderstood #3 I think. I'm wondering in he could be called "Makuta something" or "Something Makuta"
21) When the Toa first met Makuta wwas he a Matoran or was he the Shadow Toa?31) Okay, first, Makuta was never the Shadow Toa. The Shadow Toa were the dark parts of the Toa given form by Makuta. They weren't him. And Makuta was never a Matoran -- he was simply in the form of a Matoran. Makuta can look like whatever he wants.
42) Could Takutanuva be called "inlightened" Makuta?52) No.
63) What would you call ulltment Dume knowing that he is Makuta?73) Because if we called the set "Makuta" everyone would know Makuta was in the movie. Only 22,000 BIONICLE fans are on BZP, out of millions of BIONICLE fans out there -- most people do not have a chance to see spoilers or find out what happens in the movie ahead of time, and we didn't want to ruin the story for them.
8He missunderstood #3 I think. I'm wondering in he could be called "Makuta something" or "Something Makuta"
1Here's something:
2GregF confirmed that Nidhiki was once a toa:
2GregF confirmed that Nidhiki was once a toa:
4I have very few questions:
51. was Nidhiki a Toa Before?
62. when did makuta put mata-nui to sleep?
73. will the visorak be a set?if yes, will they be in canisters?
84. how did makuta escaped from the cage?
9maybe you can answer question 3, its only about if it will be in canisters or not.
10Thanks, 11Juan_CD
121) Certainly seems like he might have been. 132) During the movie. 143) I have not seen any 2005 packaging. 154) You will have to wait and see.
6I wouldn't consider that proof. He said it seems like he might have been. And you know how Greg likes to mislead us so that we don't know what's going to happen.
2Here's something:
3GregF confirmed that Nidhiki was once a toa:
41. was Nidhiki a Toa Before?
51) Certainly seems like he might have been.
6I wouldn't consider that proof. He said it seems like he might have been. And you know how Greg likes to mislead us so that we don't know what's going to happen.
1Here is what GregF told me about Makuta 23) What would you call ulltment Dume knowing that he is Makuta?33) Because if we called the set "Makuta" everyone would know Makuta was in the movie. Only 22,000 BIONICLE fans are on BZP, out of millions of BIONICLE fans out there -- most people do not have a chance to see spoilers or find out what happens in the movie ahead of time, and we didn't want to ruin the story for them.
4He missunderstood #3 I think. I'm wondering in he could be called "Makuta something" or "Something Makuta"
6Well, in B2, "Ultimate Dume" is simply the same Makuta that we saw in MoL, except with wings. So you could call him "winged Makuta" but I don't really see a different name as being necessary...
1I wouldn't consider that proof. He said it seems like he might have been. And you know how Greg likes to mislead us so that we don't know what's going to happen.
2On the contray, I don't ever recall GregF ever leading us wrong.
3Perhaps I worded that poorly. He may not even know or want us to know that information at this point. He's just saying where all the evidence is pointing. Remember all his answers to "Is Makuta on Metru Nui?" or "Does Makuta have any relation to Dume?" questions?
1I wouldn't consider that proof. He said it seems like he might have been. And you know how Greg likes to mislead us so that we don't know what's going to happen.
2On the contray, I don't ever recall GregF ever leading us wrong.
3Perhaps I worded that poorly. He may not even know or want us to know that information at this point. He's just saying where all the evidence is pointing. Remember all his answers to "Is Makuta on Metru Nui?" or "Does Makuta have any relation to Dume?" questions?
4Greg always misleads us...which cool, on his part.
5Like when he said Takua wasnt Takanuva, or How Dume wasnt Makuta or evil. Or where Makuta was in the 2004 storyline. We'll find out sometime soon
1I wouldn't consider that proof. He said it seems like he might have been. And you know how Greg likes to mislead us so that we don't know what's going to happen.
2On the contray, I don't ever recall GregF ever leading us wrong.
3Perhaps I worded that poorly. He may not even know or want us to know that information at this point. He's just saying where all the evidence is pointing. Remember all his answers to "Is Makuta on Metru Nui?" or "Does Makuta have any relation to Dume?" questions?
4Greg always misleads us...which cool, on his part.
5Like when he said Takua wasnt Takanuva, or How Dume wasnt Makuta or evil. Or where Makuta was in the 2004 storyline. We'll find out sometime soon
9Actually, he said things that left open the possibilities, but he made it sound like it was very unlikely. He mentioned that on page 72 or 73.
10Off topic: Boy this may throw some of Galigees stories off.
1I'm gonna have to come to Greg's aid on this one, he never said anything denying these two theories, Greg only said that Takanuva wasn't Gali or Mata-Nui, everyone else was fair game. Second, he said that, (this is important,) all theories concerning Makuta being in the Metru-Nui storyline had no evidence to back it, Greg never, at any point, said Makuta wasn't on Metru-Nui.
1Here, here, Officer Buzz
2Hi Greg, its KoTL here
31. Any hints at the dread secret of E.P?
41) No
52. Could the Bahrag ally themselves with the Toa if they wanted, or are they too evil?
62) The Bahrag aren't evil. But they are focused on their mission. So unless the Toa want to help them level Mata Nui, I can't see why they would want to work with them.
73. Do you know who won the Rahi building contest? Do you know if it is a BZP member?
83) Yes, and no, it wasn't.
10Thanks a bunch
1I wouldn't consider that proof. He said it seems like he might have been. And you know how Greg likes to mislead us so that we don't know what's going to happen.
2On the contray, I don't ever recall GregF ever leading us wrong.
3Perhaps I worded that poorly. He may not even know or want us to know that information at this point. He's just saying where all the evidence is pointing. Remember all his answers to "Is Makuta on Metru Nui?" or "Does Makuta have any relation to Dume?" questions?
4Greg always misleads us...which cool, on his part.
5Like when he said Takua wasnt Takanuva, or How Dume wasnt Makuta or evil. Or where Makuta was in the 2004 storyline. We'll find out sometime soon
9Well, no.
11Greg had said things that made it seem obvious Dume couldn't be Makuta. And technically, Dume isn't Makuta, Makuta has replaced the real Dume.
12But us S&Ters were the ones that adamantely denied it was possible, including me. I closed topics because I thought it had been disproven. That was our fault, not Greg's. Okay? (And I apologize, I should have seen the loophole.)
13I also want to point out that a good writer doesn't go giving away all the story secrets, in fact, he purposefully puts hints in that make it looks the opposite way. It's not like Greg's trying to "mislead" us, he's just trying not to ruin his own story, and the Bionicle story in general. He doesn't lie. In fact, I think he did an exemplary job of not ruining the story, yet not misleading us or lying either.
14Remember also, many members have misquoted Greg, saying that he said things like "Makuta isn't in '04". But those are BZP rumors and misquotes, so Greg cannot be blamed for it. In fact, it is us who should be apologizing to him; he selflessly comes here and helps us out above and beyond anything he has any obligation to do. To have members misquoting him, then coming back and accuse him of misleading us? That isn't fair. He doesn't even have to be here, much less put up with that.
15I'm sure you guys meant that he misleads us just to keep the story from being ruined, but that's not what's happening, we're just having lotsa rumors flying around that are being falsely attributed to him. Greg doesn't do that.
1good point there bonesiii, quoting from star wars, 2luke: You said darth vader betrayed and murdered my father: 3obi: And from a certain point of view he did. anikan skywalker seised to exist, and darth vader was born.....end quote.
4pay attention to the, certain point of view thing, when ever i ask greg a question, he either steers away from the quetion with a "i can't answer that" or will give us an answer that doesn't directly give away the story, but is still true, look at the quote^ Anakin symbolizes an average jedi, he turned on the jedi part of him, and buried him all together. and from the buried jedi came vader. hope that will clear some issues up, thanks for bringing it up bonesiii
4pay attention to the, certain point of view thing, when ever i ask greg a question, he either steers away from the quetion with a "i can't answer that" or will give us an answer that doesn't directly give away the story, but is still true, look at the quote^ Anakin symbolizes an average jedi, he turned on the jedi part of him, and buried him all together. and from the buried jedi came vader. hope that will clear some issues up, thanks for bringing it up bonesiii
1THANK YOU, bonesiii. I'm getting REALLY tired of seeing comments by people who haven't taken the time to read Greg's responses carefully. Since I've been a BZPower member *points to spinning Avohkii*, I've never once seen him mislead us. I agree, he's kept an admirable balance between spoilers and surprises.
Exo Lhikan, actually, I've been really lucky in a lot of my guesses. Eventually I'm going to go back and fix a few details in my stories that don't agree with the storyline as it's been revealed, but none of the things that I've written really contradict it. (And in a few cases, you can just assume Makuta is lying. That's pretty much in character for him.
) 4
2Off topic: Boy this may throw some of Galigees stories off.3

1Hi Greg,
21: Where on Mata-nui are the sleep spheres that the Matoran were in when they came over from Metru-Nui?
32: is the mask of shadows Makuta wears in B:2 that same one he wears in MoL?
42b: why in the world would a mask maker make a mask of shadows?
53: was the creation of the Vahki Police force an order from dume or Dume/Makuta?
64: for how long before the movie(appoximately) was Makuta posing as Dume?
75: is the "Void/ swirling vortex of bionicle peices" in Makuta's lair made up of Nivawk, Niddhikki, and Krekka?
86: at the time of B:2 was Makuta aware of Mata-nui(the island)
97: do You know Mr. Rob Liefield?(the co-creator of Cable and Deadool?)
108: do you know of any plans of a TPB compiling the Metru-Nui saga?
11thanks for your time Mr F.
131) Since they are part of a pretty bad memory, my guess is they were destroyed or in some other way disposed of.
142) Yes. Like Makuta, the mask can look different ways.
153) The real Dume.
164) Probably 12 to 18 months.
175) No, not to my knowledge.
187) No. Only people I know in the comics biz are the two guys who have done art for BIONICLE.
198) There has been some talk about that, yes.
21I dont think any of this is breakthrough, but it answered a few of my questions, and.........not a single "can't answer it" 9I must've hit the lottery


1Hi Greg, I'll try to make these quick
21) 6 Toa could defend Mata Nui against the Rahi, could they have done it without the Vahki on Metru Nui? (Lhikan's team, not the toa nuva)
32) When Makuta Absorbs someone into himself, does he gain whatever powers that person had?
43) Was Makuta always known as the spirit of destruction or was that what the Turaga called him after they got to Mata Nui?
54) Someone asked whether anyone would've noticed if Makuta was masquarading as Dume, and you said that the Matoran don't keep track of him. Wouldn't Mata Nui have noticed though?
65) Can anything in Bionicle catch on fire?
76) Did you like looking at the rahi who were entered in the rahi building contest?
87) Why does Nidhiki hate toa? Will we ever find out even though he dies?
98) I know that the idea of discs with powers wasn't thought up in 2001, but when Vakama's weapon is a disc launcher, wouldn't he have had some left over when he got to mata nui? And one would've been useful too to prove to the toa nuva that the turaga were once toa
109) Did the kanohi nuva that the toa nuva wore come from metru nui?
1110) has the answer about the sky been revealed yet?\
12Thanks a lot
131) Arguably, yes. But there weren't six Toa on Metru Nui all that long. Because there wasn't that much danger in Metru Nui, most of the rest were going out of the city on missions. Also, part of the Vahki's job was to keep Matoran working, which the Toa would not have been good at doing.
142) It wouldn't surprise me.
153) Not sure if you read the movie novelization or not, so I don't want to give you a spoiler. But the answer to that is pretty much in the movie.
164) Mata Nui does not deal in micro-scale like that. He is worried about things like making sure the sun rises and gravity keeps working. He doesn't worry about individual Matoran or Turaga.
175) Yes. We don't show that too often because of LEGO policy (don't want little kids playing with fire, etc.)
186) Yes, but boy, there were a lot of them::
197) Well, you get a pretty big clue in the movie.
208) As you will see, the Toa had to book it pretty fast when they left the city. I know, though, that they did have some functioning disks when they got to the island. However, 1000 years went by before the Toa showed up, so the disks would have been drained of power by then anyway.
219) Can't answer that one yet.
2210) No, it hasn't been revealed yet
21) 6 Toa could defend Mata Nui against the Rahi, could they have done it without the Vahki on Metru Nui? (Lhikan's team, not the toa nuva)
32) When Makuta Absorbs someone into himself, does he gain whatever powers that person had?
43) Was Makuta always known as the spirit of destruction or was that what the Turaga called him after they got to Mata Nui?
54) Someone asked whether anyone would've noticed if Makuta was masquarading as Dume, and you said that the Matoran don't keep track of him. Wouldn't Mata Nui have noticed though?
65) Can anything in Bionicle catch on fire?
76) Did you like looking at the rahi who were entered in the rahi building contest?
87) Why does Nidhiki hate toa? Will we ever find out even though he dies?
98) I know that the idea of discs with powers wasn't thought up in 2001, but when Vakama's weapon is a disc launcher, wouldn't he have had some left over when he got to mata nui? And one would've been useful too to prove to the toa nuva that the turaga were once toa
109) Did the kanohi nuva that the toa nuva wore come from metru nui?
1110) has the answer about the sky been revealed yet?\
12Thanks a lot
131) Arguably, yes. But there weren't six Toa on Metru Nui all that long. Because there wasn't that much danger in Metru Nui, most of the rest were going out of the city on missions. Also, part of the Vahki's job was to keep Matoran working, which the Toa would not have been good at doing.
142) It wouldn't surprise me.
153) Not sure if you read the movie novelization or not, so I don't want to give you a spoiler. But the answer to that is pretty much in the movie.
164) Mata Nui does not deal in micro-scale like that. He is worried about things like making sure the sun rises and gravity keeps working. He doesn't worry about individual Matoran or Turaga.
175) Yes. We don't show that too often because of LEGO policy (don't want little kids playing with fire, etc.)
186) Yes, but boy, there were a lot of them::
197) Well, you get a pretty big clue in the movie.
208) As you will see, the Toa had to book it pretty fast when they left the city. I know, though, that they did have some functioning disks when they got to the island. However, 1000 years went by before the Toa showed up, so the disks would have been drained of power by then anyway.
219) Can't answer that one yet.
2210) No, it hasn't been revealed yet
1Krahka, Krekka and the Little Lost Robot
31. Will we see (well, not really see) Krahka's natural form in book #9?
42. If Krekka was never a Toa, then what the heck is he?
53. Is the Matoran who went missing on Mata Nui now?
7The H-Meister
81) No. I think that what you guys can imagine as her true form is infinitely scarier than what I could come up with. To paraphrase Stephen King, once you reveal the 12-foot cockroach behind the door, it's not scary anymore.
92) Something else. We have seen Matoran, Toa, Rahi, Turaga, and some other things .. but there are other islands and there may be other things that we have not seen yet.
103) Yes
31. Will we see (well, not really see) Krahka's natural form in book #9?
42. If Krekka was never a Toa, then what the heck is he?
53. Is the Matoran who went missing on Mata Nui now?
7The H-Meister
81) No. I think that what you guys can imagine as her true form is infinitely scarier than what I could come up with. To paraphrase Stephen King, once you reveal the 12-foot cockroach behind the door, it's not scary anymore.
92) Something else. We have seen Matoran, Toa, Rahi, Turaga, and some other things .. but there are other islands and there may be other things that we have not seen yet.
103) Yes
1Hi Greg: I have two questions for ya:
21) If Mata-Nui is like Zeus for Greeks, so how matoran's even know that he exsist?
32) Are you happy that bionicle became the biggest part of your life?
4Thanks In Advance:
51) Well, the Greeks knew about Zeus, didn't they? They must have, they wrote enough stories about him.
62) It's not. My girlfriend is the biggest part of my life.
81b) It wasn't what i meant. they don't have any proove that Mata-Nui exist? (except Makuta says he is)
92b) Yeah i know, but you are working a lot on bionicle (books, comics, guide, pm's on bzp ). Do you like your job?
101) Well, again, how does any culture know their supreme being exists? I recently had this discussion with another BZP member .. it's about faith. You don't need physical proof. And since Mata Nui DOES exist, their faith is justified.
112) Yes, sure I do.

1Hello again, Greg. This time I have some (probably unanswerable) questions about Mata Nui himself.
21. Have the Matoran/will they ever physically see(n) Mata Nui?
32. Since you said, and I quote, "He [Mata Nui is worried about things like making sure the sun rises and gravity keeps working," does that mean that... 42a. ...there are things in the Bionicle Universe that could make stuff like that stop if Mata Nui didn't make sure it did? 5or.. 62b. ...Mata Nui himself makes stuff like that happen?
73. And on an unrelated note (regarding a recently posted theory in S&T), were the six original Mata Nui Toa Matoran on Metru Nui?
8Thanks for tolerating me... 9-ToM
101) Can't answer it
112) An orderly universe actually is a statistical rarity, because disorder is the natural state according to entropy theory. Mata Nui works to keep the Matoran universe in order.
123) No, they weren't. The original Mata Nui Toa were already Toa during the 2004 storyline.
141~ I didn't think he'd be able to. 152~ Ah, so Mata Nui basically keeps the universe running properly... then why does it still function when he's asleep????

17Some more stuff for the "Wacky physics"... Explain THAT, Bones:

1I believe I can, ToM. It could be Makuta who is keeping the universe in check, because I doubt he could rule the Matoran if they all suddenly floated up into orbit, or died out because the sun wouldnt rise.
1Hello again, Greg. This time I have some (probably unanswerable) questions about Mata Nui himself.
21. Have the Matoran/will they ever physically see(n) Mata Nui?
32. Since you said, and I quote, "He [Mata Nui is worried about things like making sure the sun rises and gravity keeps working," does that mean that... 42a. ...there are things in the Bionicle Universe that could make stuff like that stop if Mata Nui didn't make sure it did? 5or.. 62b. ...Mata Nui himself makes stuff like that happen?
73. And on an unrelated note (regarding a recently posted theory in S&T), were the six original Mata Nui Toa Matoran on Metru Nui?
8Thanks for tolerating me... 9-ToM
101) Can't answer it
112) An orderly universe actually is a statistical rarity, because disorder is the natural state according to entropy theory. Mata Nui works to keep the Matoran universe in order.
123) No, they weren't. The original Mata Nui Toa were already Toa during the 2004 storyline.
141~ I didn't think he'd be able to. 152~ Ah, so Mata Nui basically keeps the universe running properly... then why does it still function when he's asleep????163~ Didn't think so.
17Some more stuff for the "Wacky physics"... Explain THAT, Bones:![]()
18Perhaps it takes a while for it to matter? Like several thousand years?
19This might play a role in the future, if the Nuva can't awaken Mata Nui quickfast. Perhaps the universe will start to decay. o.O
20Or perhaps it has mattered already. The Matoran did get gradually weakened after all. Without getting into spoilerish detail, Metru Nui's in pretty bad shape, and Mata Nui had that random rapid evolution thing for the plants. Perhaps all that happened precisely because Mata Nui wasn't at the controls, but once it became disorderly, it wouldn't just keep getting disorderly, it reached the limit of rapid disorder... Greg had said that many things happen that wouldn't have if Mata Nui had been awake.

21There's some theories for ya.
1I have a pretty intresting Question and answer from GregF, question below .
2Note- the question has been shortened but the answer is really a quote
3Q-Can Energized Proto solidify ?
4A- Like Mercury , Energized Protodermis is liquid at room temperature . Solid Energized Protodermis wouldn't do anyone any good , since to Transform anything it has to be immersed in it .
2Note- the question has been shortened but the answer is really a quote
3Q-Can Energized Proto solidify ?
4A- Like Mercury , Energized Protodermis is liquid at room temperature . Solid Energized Protodermis wouldn't do anyone any good , since to Transform anything it has to be immersed in it .
1Here is my latest from GregF:
2Hey Greg, looks like we'll be going on a wild ride in 2005:
3I have a few questions:
41. If Matoran masks have little if no power, why would they go into a 5coma if they weren't wearing one?
62. Did you really say that we would not have a collectible next year or 7that it would be Kanoka again?
83. If Makuta wanted the Matoran to worship him, why didn't he kill 9Mata-Nui instead of putting him to sleep?
104. To put Mata-Nui to sleep, did Makuta take his mask?
115. Did Makuta put Mata-Nui into one of theose spheres?
126. If Vakama and co. are the Toa Metru, what did Lhikan's team call 13themselves?
147. Did Lhikan's fellow Toa really belong in Metru Nui? Couldn't they 15have been Toa from other islands that came in on missions?
168. The Toa Hordika seem really cool: Have you started writing comics 17for them or are you still working on this year's comics?
189. Last year we saw clear pictures of the Toa Metru around Oct./Nov., 19when will we get a clear shot of the Toa Hordika?
20Thanks in advance:
221) Simple. The main function of a mask is to keep the wearer functioning. Some masks, like Great Masks, also have powers you can use. If you take off a Toa's mask, he gets weakened -- that's not because Tahu has lost his shielding power, for example, it's cause he lost the mask. Same situation here.
232) I have not commented at all on next year's sets or collectibles, so whoever said I did is lying.
243) Have you considered that maybe killing Mata Nui was beyond the scope of his power?
254) No
265) No. Mata Nui is not a Matoran, he wouldn't fit.
276) No idea. I have no info on Lhikan's team
287) They were from elsewhere
298) I am just starting on the first comic for next year.
309) Not before then, that's for sure.
2Hey Greg, looks like we'll be going on a wild ride in 2005:
3I have a few questions:
41. If Matoran masks have little if no power, why would they go into a 5coma if they weren't wearing one?
62. Did you really say that we would not have a collectible next year or 7that it would be Kanoka again?
83. If Makuta wanted the Matoran to worship him, why didn't he kill 9Mata-Nui instead of putting him to sleep?
104. To put Mata-Nui to sleep, did Makuta take his mask?
115. Did Makuta put Mata-Nui into one of theose spheres?
126. If Vakama and co. are the Toa Metru, what did Lhikan's team call 13themselves?
147. Did Lhikan's fellow Toa really belong in Metru Nui? Couldn't they 15have been Toa from other islands that came in on missions?
168. The Toa Hordika seem really cool: Have you started writing comics 17for them or are you still working on this year's comics?
189. Last year we saw clear pictures of the Toa Metru around Oct./Nov., 19when will we get a clear shot of the Toa Hordika?
20Thanks in advance:
221) Simple. The main function of a mask is to keep the wearer functioning. Some masks, like Great Masks, also have powers you can use. If you take off a Toa's mask, he gets weakened -- that's not because Tahu has lost his shielding power, for example, it's cause he lost the mask. Same situation here.
232) I have not commented at all on next year's sets or collectibles, so whoever said I did is lying.
243) Have you considered that maybe killing Mata Nui was beyond the scope of his power?
254) No
265) No. Mata Nui is not a Matoran, he wouldn't fit.
276) No idea. I have no info on Lhikan's team
287) They were from elsewhere
298) I am just starting on the first comic for next year.
309) Not before then, that's for sure.
17. Did Lhikan's fellow Toa really belong in Metru Nui? Couldn't they have been Toa from other islands that came in on missions?
27) They were from elsewhere
4I personally think that they were called the Toa Mata, but that's just me. I've always thought of these six toa (#4 & #5 are sheer products of my imagination):
5Toa Lhikan (Fire) 6Toa Dume (Stone) (since he also controls fire. meybe he was expiramented on?) 7Toa Nidhiki (Ice) 8Toa Krekka (Earth) 9Toa Akaru (Water) 10Toa Takura (Air)
11But again, that's just me.
1Alot of people had been saying the Nuvas still had their noble masks so I asked 2QUOTE 3Do the Toa Nuva still have the Noble Mask, or not?
4I would think all the Noble Masks are with the Turaga. The Toa Nuva masks are so much powerful that i can't see the Toa being bothered wearing Noble Masks at this point.
4I would think all the Noble Masks are with the Turaga. The Toa Nuva masks are so much powerful that i can't see the Toa being bothered wearing Noble Masks at this point.
11. Is the Pewku that Takua kept as a pet the same ussal that Orkham had on Metru-Nui?
22. If the answer to number 1 is yes, why would the Toa Metru bring an Ussal crab instead of one or two more Matoran?
33. As you have stated many times before the bohrok had an important purpose for decimating Mata-Nui (island) once all the Matoran, Turaga, and Toa were gone. Since the Bahrag have been trapped by the Toa Nuva, and they don't seem to be in any hurry to let them go, does this mean that whatever purpose the Bohrok had will not happen?
44. In the future will we learn of other islands and their inhabitants?
55. In LOMN, Lhiikan told Nhidiki, "Some of us take our duty seriously." Can this be interprited that Nhidiki and Lhiikan once held a position that Nhidiki advandoned?
6thank you again.
71) Yes 82) Who says they brought it, necessarily? It could well have simply followed them to Mata Nui. 93) Unless the Bahrag are released, no, the Bohrok will not be able to level the island. 104) I can't discuss future storyline. 115) Well, if they were both Toa, and Nidhiki turned away from that role, that would explain that quote.
132. wow, ya gotta hand it to Pewku, following them all the way across the ocean.... 143. now just to find out what the Bohrok's purpose ws... 155. I think this one explains it self...
22. If the answer to number 1 is yes, why would the Toa Metru bring an Ussal crab instead of one or two more Matoran?
33. As you have stated many times before the bohrok had an important purpose for decimating Mata-Nui (island) once all the Matoran, Turaga, and Toa were gone. Since the Bahrag have been trapped by the Toa Nuva, and they don't seem to be in any hurry to let them go, does this mean that whatever purpose the Bohrok had will not happen?
44. In the future will we learn of other islands and their inhabitants?
55. In LOMN, Lhiikan told Nhidiki, "Some of us take our duty seriously." Can this be interprited that Nhidiki and Lhiikan once held a position that Nhidiki advandoned?
6thank you again.
71) Yes 82) Who says they brought it, necessarily? It could well have simply followed them to Mata Nui. 93) Unless the Bahrag are released, no, the Bohrok will not be able to level the island. 104) I can't discuss future storyline. 115) Well, if they were both Toa, and Nidhiki turned away from that role, that would explain that quote.
132. wow, ya gotta hand it to Pewku, following them all the way across the ocean.... 143. now just to find out what the Bohrok's purpose ws... 155. I think this one explains it self...
1Spoiler Warning: Some biggies:
32Thanks as always.
- 2Wondered if you could comment on this topic. In it, Juan_CD points out that in both the case of the Toa Nuva and the Toa Metru, some sort of tranformation occurs when they're already Toa, and before becoming Turaga. He wonders if this means the usual formula, Matoran --> Toa --> Turaga is incomplete.
31) No, I would not say the formula is incomplete. We have seen two sets of Toa transformed, and who knows, we may see more someday. But that is out of who knows how many dozens of groups of Toa that have existed? I would guess transformed Toa is something of a statistical rarity.
- 4You've said you don't know what mask Jaller had as a Matoran. Gukko has said it is a Red (Noble-shaped) Komau. Some members have been doubting that. I wanted to ask if you have found out about that. (I guess it was visible in the Comic Con clips.)
52) No idea. I paid no attention, and it was broken when first seen, so I am not sure how one could divine what it was.
- 6Want to see if I'm understanding this right. The stasis pods do not function like a Stasis Tube in the archives, you've said; if they're opened, the Matoran stays asleep. But did the pods project the power, spell, whatever that put them to sleep in the first place? I am getting that impression. Or did Maktua use his own power to do that?
73) No, Makuta initially put them to sleep. The spheres were both for storage and, as you will find out, played a part in their later appearance and loss of memory.
- 8When that Great Hau appeared over the Suva when Vakama, etc were being tranformed to Toa, am I right that it was some sort of "transmission" from Toa Lhikan, from his jail cell? It sounds like that.
94) Yes, though it may also have been something "programmed" into the Toa stones that activated when they were put in the slots.
- 10And am I right that he was still a Toa at that time, but when the energy started coming out, that was when his actual Toa energy was sacrificed, and that's when he became a Turaga?
115) Probably a good guess.
- 12In many topics, the "Matoran are dissappearing" quote has been talked about. The main issue is that in the Vahki commercial, the wording does not actually say the Matoran were being kidnapped by the Vahki, though it strongly implies it.
13One thing we noticed based on that is that during the Morby Saga, it was said that Matoran would go to fight Morby, and would dissappear. We considered it fact that Morby was responsible. But now they're still going missing after Morby's gone.
14So, anyways, two questions. One, am I right that Morby was never responsible for those dissappearances?
- 15And two, was it revealed in the movie novelization who is responsible? (Not asking you to tell me, unless you can.
166) Morbuzakh would have been responsible for some; Vahki for others; Dark Hunters for others. It's never specifically stated in the movie novel, but everyone had some hand in it.
Exo-Guy 178) There are 3 known "standard" shapes of Toa as I see it.
18Toa Metru 19Like the sets, includes Vakama and co., Lhikan (Nidhiki?)
20Toa (Olda) 21Tahu and co.
22"Toanuva" (don't know any better name) (straight to armor without any need of Proto) 23Takanuva
24Well, does the way of becoming the Toa choose what Toa shape you are gonna be? Like using a mask - "Toanuva", Toa Stones - Toa Metru...
258) Far as I know, origin has nothing to do with shape. At the end of the day, shape is being dictated by the advances we make in product design more than anything else.
26This is something that I've been wondering about, and wanted to ask something related.![]()
27Should we basically consider it that Toa appearances are "always" different? I mean, I know those in a group of six often look very similar, and even Toa Lhikan resembles the other Toa Metru. But it seems to me, the easiest way to deal with this would be to say, different generations of Toa will usually look different from each other, and that's just natural, at least partly.
28Because I think it's obvious set design isn't going to be the same for each new Toa that's ever released, if more were to be released, that would be the whole repitition thing.
297) Yes, because our product designs are always evolving. They have to, to compete in a crowded marketplace.
30BTW, the first preliminary product design meeting for 2006 has been held, and next week we have a 2006-2008 story meeting.
1Some quotes, most are not answered:
2I have some questions:
31. If Nidhiki was once a toa how did he transformed to his present state in 2004?
42. Did the Toa Olda came from Metru-Nui?Were they once matoran?
53. Can you give me the schedule of the release of the Bionicle Books?
64. Is dume under a coma until this present storyline?
75. The rahaga, what can you say about them?
86. When can you answer 2005 Questions?
9Thanks in advance,
111) Can't answer it 122) No 133) BIONICLE books come out every other month. BA 5 is out in October, 6 is out in December, 7 is out in Feb., and so on. They are usually in stores the last few weeks of the month before. 144) Until the Toa Nuva story? I can't answer that. 155) Nothing. They are 2005 sets. 166) Not until the movie is out, at least. Probably November.
11. So if another matoran with a mask of telekinesis became toa, he or she wouldn't have the eyepice right?
22. Why do the matoran have a sort of pattern with their masks? (nurhii has a ruru and tehituu has a huna; vakama has ahuna and whenua has a ruru etc.)
33. Could a vahki tell between a motoran is sleeping an one that past out from working hard?
4That it for me until october.
61) Depends on whether their mask has the eyepiece fitted in or not. 72) Certain masks are simply more favored in certain metru. 83) No.
10I was just curious; man a matoran could be really hurt by a vahki (#3):

1Lots of good stuff here:
2- - - -
4Suit yerself.
51. In a certain topic I made, I wondered how many eyes Krekka had.
6- In the set depiction he has no eyes, but a red lens-like apparatus on the left side of his face.
7- In the set box depiction, he has two glowing yellow eyes and the lens.
8- In the movie, Krekka has two lenses mounted on his head. His left lens has a shaded portion which moves like an eyebrow (widening in surprise, narrowing in anger, etc.). His smaller right lens is immobile. Where the set box depicts his glowing yellow eyes and the set the empty sockets, the movie Krekka has what look like empty eye sockets with muscle grown in.
9I know you said that set depiction is always official. But we don't know whether the set's empty eye sockets were not filled only because of parts limitations, or because of his actual appearance. The box suggests one, the movie the other. To add to the confusion, Comic #19 describes Krekka as a one-eyed ape-like being, yet shows a picture of him with two glaringly obvious eyes staring at the reader. I know you don't like theories too much (you being the writer and all), but here's a simple explanation.
10Krekka began with two normal, healthy, yellow eyes. To aid in the use of his shoulder-mounted Kanoka and energy net launcher, he had a targeting reticule sort of thing implanted on his head. He was a very happy ape-like being until one day, when out practicing his risky profession, he experienced an accident which caused the loss of his gleaming peepers. He then had his targeting eye remade to also house mechanics providing normal vision. This explains all the versions:
11- The set depiction has no eyes and the "targeting eye." It shows him in his current form, after his accident.
12- The box depiction is a slightly earlier picture, when he had original eyes and the targeting eye.
13- The movie version is also the current eyeless version, but the two functions of the set's lens (targeting and vision eye) were separated to allow Krekka more expression and detail.
14I hope you didn't mind this droning - though I do recall you saying you liked thought-out questions. Now look what you've gotten yourself into.
15That certainly seems like a reasonable explanation. I REALLY want to do a short story about an early Nidhiki-Krekka adventure, have to see if I can swing that for the web.
162. In Legends of Metru Nui, Lhikan surrendered his Fire Greatswords in the hope that Nidhiki would free Vakama. Krekka landed behind him, and held Lhikan's hands behind his back. As he was holding them, red energy "handcuffs" appeared and held Lhikan bound. This didn't seem like it was done by any visible tool. Might Krekka have some control - however limited - over some sorts of energy?
183. In the Assembler's Village, Nidhiki hit Matau with a blast and caught him in an energy web. As Nidhiki and Krekka fled the oncoming Kikanalo, Vakama freed Matau by putting his hand on him and sending out red energy which dissolved Nidhiki's web. Was Vakama's fire energy somehow cancelling Nidhiki's dark energy or burning the web off?
204. In comic 19, the Toa stow away on an airship. When it takes off, it rises straight into the air. You have said that airships use levitation disks, but you have also said the Mask of Levitation can not get you to rise from a still standing point. Do the airships use thrusters to rise and move once in the air?
21Actually, yes, but it is something we still have to talk about in the team. One of the designers came up with an idea for a ship that uses a portion of protodermis chute as a way of providing thrust. To be honest, not being an engineer, I don't really understand the idea behind it yet .. but it looks cool
22- - - -
23As far as that whole "red Komau" thing goes, I'm just trying to be helpful. You can take my word - which I assure you is correct - or wait until it is confirmed with the release of the movie. Those of you who know me (Tok, basically
) know I'm not one to misquote or start false rumors. In time, all will become clear.
24I've thought up a new batch of questions, so stay tuned. . .
2- - - -
4Suit yerself.
51. In a certain topic I made, I wondered how many eyes Krekka had.
6- In the set depiction he has no eyes, but a red lens-like apparatus on the left side of his face.
7- In the set box depiction, he has two glowing yellow eyes and the lens.
8- In the movie, Krekka has two lenses mounted on his head. His left lens has a shaded portion which moves like an eyebrow (widening in surprise, narrowing in anger, etc.). His smaller right lens is immobile. Where the set box depicts his glowing yellow eyes and the set the empty sockets, the movie Krekka has what look like empty eye sockets with muscle grown in.
9I know you said that set depiction is always official. But we don't know whether the set's empty eye sockets were not filled only because of parts limitations, or because of his actual appearance. The box suggests one, the movie the other. To add to the confusion, Comic #19 describes Krekka as a one-eyed ape-like being, yet shows a picture of him with two glaringly obvious eyes staring at the reader. I know you don't like theories too much (you being the writer and all), but here's a simple explanation.
10Krekka began with two normal, healthy, yellow eyes. To aid in the use of his shoulder-mounted Kanoka and energy net launcher, he had a targeting reticule sort of thing implanted on his head. He was a very happy ape-like being until one day, when out practicing his risky profession, he experienced an accident which caused the loss of his gleaming peepers. He then had his targeting eye remade to also house mechanics providing normal vision. This explains all the versions:
11- The set depiction has no eyes and the "targeting eye." It shows him in his current form, after his accident.
12- The box depiction is a slightly earlier picture, when he had original eyes and the targeting eye.
13- The movie version is also the current eyeless version, but the two functions of the set's lens (targeting and vision eye) were separated to allow Krekka more expression and detail.
14I hope you didn't mind this droning - though I do recall you saying you liked thought-out questions. Now look what you've gotten yourself into.

15That certainly seems like a reasonable explanation. I REALLY want to do a short story about an early Nidhiki-Krekka adventure, have to see if I can swing that for the web.
162. In Legends of Metru Nui, Lhikan surrendered his Fire Greatswords in the hope that Nidhiki would free Vakama. Krekka landed behind him, and held Lhikan's hands behind his back. As he was holding them, red energy "handcuffs" appeared and held Lhikan bound. This didn't seem like it was done by any visible tool. Might Krekka have some control - however limited - over some sorts of energy?
183. In the Assembler's Village, Nidhiki hit Matau with a blast and caught him in an energy web. As Nidhiki and Krekka fled the oncoming Kikanalo, Vakama freed Matau by putting his hand on him and sending out red energy which dissolved Nidhiki's web. Was Vakama's fire energy somehow cancelling Nidhiki's dark energy or burning the web off?
204. In comic 19, the Toa stow away on an airship. When it takes off, it rises straight into the air. You have said that airships use levitation disks, but you have also said the Mask of Levitation can not get you to rise from a still standing point. Do the airships use thrusters to rise and move once in the air?
21Actually, yes, but it is something we still have to talk about in the team. One of the designers came up with an idea for a ship that uses a portion of protodermis chute as a way of providing thrust. To be honest, not being an engineer, I don't really understand the idea behind it yet .. but it looks cool
22- - - -
23As far as that whole "red Komau" thing goes, I'm just trying to be helpful. You can take my word - which I assure you is correct - or wait until it is confirmed with the release of the movie. Those of you who know me (Tok, basically

24I've thought up a new batch of questions, so stay tuned. . .
1As far as that whole "red Komau" thing goes, I'm just trying to be helpful. You can take my word - which I assure you is correct - or wait until it is confirmed with the release of the movie. Those of you who know me (Tok, basically ) know I'm not one to misquote or start false rumors. In time, all will become clear.
2I believe you man, that CMV didn't get there on it's own... Well, we'll see in October eh?
1I believe you man, that CMV didn't get there on it's own... Well, we'll see in October eh?
2Thanks for believing, but I think the Copper Komau is just a variant of the Copper Huna, and that it's rewarded to winners it athletic tournaments (especially kolhii). Wait, that brings up another question - are copper masks only given to winners in kolhii? What about the Ngalawa, Huai, and the rest?
3Hay Greg, I was wandering when Toa turn into turaga is it because a set amount of time has run out or is it that the reason that thay where turned into Toa has passed?
4The latter. Once they fulfill their destiny and give up their Toa power in the proccess, they become Turaga.
5EDIT: I get it now. I'm weird.

1I believe you man, that CMV didn't get there on it's own... Well, we'll see in October eh?
2Thanks for believing, but I think the Copper Mask of Victory is just a variant of the Copper Huna, and that it's rewarded to winners it athletic tournaments (especially kolhii). Wait, that brings up another question - are copper masks only given to winners in kolhii? What about the Ngalawa, Huai, and the rest?
3I guess that's an interesting question... But, I meant the Copper Huna next to your name which signifies your trustworthiness, etc.
1Oops. . . I was referring to the Copper Komau, which is reddish in color (similar to the dark Metru Red). I thought you meant the Copper Komau was on Mata Nui for a reason. Boy, am I weird. . . I forgot I was an OBZPC. . . and made that obscure connection.
I need to pull my head out of BST for a while.

1Every official description I have read says that the copper masks are awarded to the "champions of village games"; never says Koli specifically. So yes, I believe that Matoran can win them in several sports.