1Pekel if you have ever played the Mata Nui online game 1, it is when you (takua) are the second to a le-matoran, and you are battling the Nui-Rama, trying to make your way to their hives.
1Pekel if you have ever played the Mata Nui online game 1, it is when you (takua) are the second to a le-matoran, and you are battling the Nui-Rama, trying to make your way to their hives.
2I know that, but that was on a Kahu. If the two Rahi really are different, then he shouldn't have said he's been a second on a Gukko.
3I was suggesting that maybe he's ridden on both a Kahu and a Gukko, except we never saw him on the latter.
1you say that the rahaga are the best small sets that have a vital role in the story since the turaga. if they are small set, than...
21) Do they come in six colors? 32)If yes, what will the direrence be? 43)Can you tell us anything about the rhoutaka disks?
5Thanks 6~MM~
71) Yes 82) The difference is they are individual characters, not just creatures. 93) Well, I launched one the other day and it flew 40 feet
11they are individual creatures? this is interesting...
1Pekel if you have ever played the Mata Nui online game 1, it is when you (takua) are the second to a le-matoran, and you are battling the Nui-Rama, trying to make your way to their hives.
2I know that, but that was on a Kahu. If the two Rahi really are different, then he shouldn't have said he's been a second on a Gukko.
3I was suggesting that maybe he's ridden on both a Kahu and a Gukko, except we never saw him on the latter.
4That's always been a nitpick of mine...but now they call all of them Gukko, so I'm starting to call them small Gukko, hawk-like Gukko, and regular Gukko.

1Hi Greg
21. We know that Makuta has been planning to take over the Matoran as their new Great Spirit recently (Metru Nui time), but I believe you said that he was making Rahkshi elsewhere for some reason. Can you say why he was?
32. Ive noticed that, while Toa Lhikan threw his Greatswords underneath Matoran Vakama to help him escape the Dark Hunters, he has what appears to be a smaller version of his linked Greatswords as a Turaga. How could this happen?
43. You have said that, when the Bohrok swarms awakened, they would have awakened in the nests underneath Metru Nui as well. Would they have simply traveled through Metru Nui (or whatevers left of it) to get to the surface? And how would they get to the suface?
54. How long would you say Lhikan has been the sole remaining Toa of Metru Nui?
6All I can think of for now, thanks
71) He had other uses for them that had nothing to do with the Matoran.
82) Yeah, I noticed that too. I think that is what is called dramatic license on the part of the moviemakers.
93) As is pointed out in Book 6 (not out yet), there are tunnels leading from Metru Nui up to the surface which Onewa concludes were built for the express use of the Bohrok.
104) Hard to say. I don't have official info on it.
12Nothing really special, but question 3 has given me an idea
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg. 3I`ve been reading the Metru Nui Tourism site and it has inspired me to ask some questions, as well as others.
41. 5Surely, if Matoran cannot reproduce, and there are only so many Matoran, how is it possible to have schools? Surely eventually everone will become a scolor (sp).
62. 7Similar to above, surley, in a world where there is no dying or birth (ok, there is dying if your KILLED), surley the Matoran would end up hating themselves, as they are never gona die. And plus eventually everyone will reach the highest ranks in his/her metru.
83. 9How come some Metruan have the names they don`t get untill their naming day ON MATA-NUI? e.g.Macku, Hewkii
104. 11How are disks given their powers?
125. 13When are we stuck with the Toa Metru till?
146. 15The Matoran that were left on Metru Nui, what physical form do they have? And also, if the Toa Nuva ever awake them, will they be evolved to `2003` Matoran?
167. 17Is Lhikan classed as a `Toa Metru`?
186. 19Can you give us (or me, ha haany info on Dume-the real one, in his post LoMN state?
20Also, What is Dume`s current state (as in Toa Nuva time)? Dead, in origional slumber, or `mind your own business`?
217. 22How did the Kanohi Nuva end up on Mata Nui? I know your giving us info on the origional `olda` masks in a future adventure book.
238. 24Again this is is similar to a point brought up after MOL, but to quote from BA#4, there were hundreds of containers on the beach. Anyway we know there aren`t that many Matatoran (like the term?)
259. 26Any info on this `mysterious book` due in a year or so? Or a Scolastic keeping you bound to a chair? (So to speak)
27There are tons of other question which have slipped my mind at the moment. 28Thanks-Again. 29M-BoS
301) Matoran do not reproduce biologically, that doesn't mean new Matoran do not come into being as needed. And for the rest of the answer, see #2.
312) I am not sure I understand why you think a long lifespan or even immortality would lead to self-hatred. If I made you immortal, would you hate yourself, or would you revel in the unlimited time to experience things? As for the other part of your question .. if I made Ichiro immortal, he will still never be able to hit home runs like Barry Bonds. Your natural talents are what your natural talents are, time does not change that -- if someone has the mental discipline to be a great scholar, he will, if not, 1000 years probably won't make him one. Different excel at different things, just like people do. A long lifespan doesn't automatically mean you get good at everything.
323) Because the reason those names were changed in the first place is that legally we cannot use their old names anymore. So going back to the old names was not an option.
334) Has to do with the level of purity of the protodermis used
345) "Stuck with ..." ?
356) He is sleeping post LOMN.
367) Well, since they obviously were not there when the Toa first arrived on the island, they had to have been transported or teleported there automatically after the Toa became Nuva.
378) Wrong. Take a look at the crowd scene in MOL -- how many Matoran are sitting in the arena during the kolhii match? And that is only from three tribes. According to the Metru Nui City book site, there are 1000 Matoran on Metru Nui, so you have to assume roughly the same number on Mata Nui. The old figure of 12 Matoran per village simply can't be accurate when compared to MOL.
389) Can't discuss it, it's a year away.
40"Stuck with" means following the storyline with-sheesh.
11. In Darkness Below, Vakama exhibits a dark and cruelly powerful side of him as if he was posessed while he thoght Nokama had betrayed him. That scene was unforgettable, and I am wondering if this will return in some way when Vakama turns into hordika, the toa supposedly become more bestial, and would that side of him be referenced, or return?
22. LOMN seemed to change Matau and Nokama`s relationship a bit in that she trusted him. In there future storyline, is Matau gong to continue to hit on Nokama? It would be cool to see krahka take Nokama`s form and trick him.
33. About the sets now, you mentioned that the rahaga are unique in some way, does this mean the sets will be structurally different, that they have unique names (i.e. different suffixes), or both?
41) Oh, Raptor, you have been looking into your crystal ball again ... shame on you
52) It most likely will be a factor down the line, yes
63) They have totally unique names which I can share at this point -- Kualus, Iruini, Norik, Bomonga, Pouks, and Gaaki. While obviously not Toa, they have unique, individual personalities and ways of behavior -- they are actual characters. And of course the spinner launcher and ripcord make them different from what we have done before.
7Yay: Rahaga names revealed.
22. LOMN seemed to change Matau and Nokama`s relationship a bit in that she trusted him. In there future storyline, is Matau gong to continue to hit on Nokama? It would be cool to see krahka take Nokama`s form and trick him.
33. About the sets now, you mentioned that the rahaga are unique in some way, does this mean the sets will be structurally different, that they have unique names (i.e. different suffixes), or both?
41) Oh, Raptor, you have been looking into your crystal ball again ... shame on you
52) It most likely will be a factor down the line, yes
63) They have totally unique names which I can share at this point -- Kualus, Iruini, Norik, Bomonga, Pouks, and Gaaki. While obviously not Toa, they have unique, individual personalities and ways of behavior -- they are actual characters. And of course the spinner launcher and ripcord make them different from what we have done before.
7Yay: Rahaga names revealed.

1*sniff* Why do the cool sets always have to have hard to pronounce names?
1I'm never going to remember those names.
2At least, it will take me a while. Anyway, I asked a question basically the same as Raptor's, with a different answer:
5So, basically, the Rahaga are unique characters, with unique names, but are the same, structure-wise. 6

2At least, it will take me a while. Anyway, I asked a question basically the same as Raptor's, with a different answer:
3Q: I'm not sure if you've seen all the Rahaga, but assuming you have, what physical differences do they have, set-wise?I know they are different characters, but I'm wondering if they're like the Rahkshi(all the same, barring color/staff) or like the Toa Olda, with structural differences.
4Greg: No, they are more in the Rahkshi vein. Given that they are small sets, only $3.99, not a lot gets invested in new elements for them. Those are saved for things like the Hordika and the bigger sets.
5So, basically, the Rahaga are unique characters, with unique names, but are the same, structure-wise. 6

13) They have totally unique names which I can share at this point -- Kualus, Iruini, Norik, Bomonga, Pouks, and Gaaki. While obviously not Toa, they have unique, individual personalities and ways of behavior -- they are actual characters. And of course the spinner launcher and ripcord make them different from what we have done before.
2You seem to have achieved a familiarity with Greg, eh? A lot of the good answers go to you. But at least we got the names, and that's what counts.
1Sweet, he implied that the Hordika might be sets. Saaaweeeet: (well, yeah, ok, so everyone pretty much knew that already... but STILL)
1Ok, I've got some juicy info on the Rhotuka here...
23Hooray: Knowledge:
24*Coughs* Now we have a little more info on the Rhotuka. Hmm... If they predate Kanoka, do you think masks were made from Rhotuka originally?
3Hello Greg. I hope your having a good month (Not too chaotic, I hope, with the release of LOMN coming up.) I have a few questions about the new developments taking place.
4About the Rhotuka...
51. Do the Rhotuka have any powers, and if so, can you tell us?
62. What makes the Rhotuka a collectible? (Do they have different colours, symbols, etc.)
73. Seeing as Metru-nui seems to have "mutated," did the Kanoka mutate into the Rhotuka?
84. If not, do the Kanoka have any relationship to the Rhotuka?
9About Karzahni...
105. Is it true Karzahni creates things?
116. Does Karzahni know that Makuta exists?
127. How big is Karzahni?
13And finally...
14Do you have any more info on that chart of which kanoka can be mixed to form mask powers? (Last I heard, it was going to come out a while ago.)
15Thanks in advance, Greg:
16PS: Great job on the Rahaga: (Rahi-Turaga. Clever)
171) Yes, they do, want to hold off on sharing them for a little bit, although the Rahaga Rhotuka powers will be up on BZP very soon.
182) The Rhotuka have codes that can be used on BIONICLE.com, like the Kanoka disk codes. However, part of the reason for putting the spinners out in separate packs is that, considering I have seen them fly 30-40 feet when launched right, we figure people will be losing them a lot.
193) No, no.
204) Not that has been established at this time. Rhotuka actually predate the creation of Kanoka, I believe.
215-7) I don't want to discuss Karzahni, since Book 6 has not come out yet.
23Hooray: Knowledge:
24*Coughs* Now we have a little more info on the Rhotuka. Hmm... If they predate Kanoka, do you think masks were made from Rhotuka originally?
12) The Rhotuka have codes that can be used on BIONICLE.com, like the Kanoka disk codes. However, part of the reason for putting the spinners out in separate packs is that, considering I have seen them fly 30-40 feet when launched right, we figure people will be losing them a lot.
2AH, I see now. The rhotuka aren`t a true collectible in the sense that there will be a lot of them, but they are coming n packs so they can be replaced because they are lost easily.
1So, in a sense they aren't really collectibles that are like any other. Technically they can be classified as not a collectible meaning that the fact that their names don't start with "K" doesn't really matter:
1So, in a sense they aren't really collectibles that are like any other. Technically they can be classified as not a collectible meaning that the fact that their names don't start with "K" doesn't really matter:
2I'm sure there will be at least some unique codes in the packs. Still, I'm pretty unhappy with them so far. Even the Kanoka seemed a little half-hearted. They should have been like this.
3I hope the codes aren't the only things distinguishing the Rhotuka. At the very least they need different colors.
1greg told me that the target vahi might be gold. he also told me that they have MNOLG saved, but they can't put it onto the bionicle website. thats what he believes. thats all i've heard.
1None of your answers are truly ground-breaking (no offense) so it's not much of an issue. But could you provide a quote? I mean it's easier for us to believe you.
22. What makes the Rhotuka a collectible? (Do they have different colours, symbols, etc.)
32) The Rhotuka have codes that can be used on BIONICLE.com, like the Kanoka disk codes. However, part of the reason for putting the spinners out in separate packs is that, considering I have seen them fly 30-40 feet when launched right, we figure people will be losing them a lot.
4This is terrible news: at least the Kanoka had colours...yeesh, why does something tell me the people over at lego aren't exactly working as hard as they should with what they get paid.... 5I do hope there is some form of actual collectible....I'm so incredibly tired of this "Kanoka club" and it having ever collectible coming out with a code because of it.
1Here's a whole bunch of 'em, regarding Voyage of Fear. Spoilers apply, I suppose.
2Sep 28 2004, 07:50 AM
3Hiya Greg, I went to my local Books a Million to pick up Voyage of Fear, but they didn't any copies in stock, and it didn't look like they had carried any yet. So, how's everyone been able to get their hands on the book?
6Official release date of the book is 10/1, but from what I understand, a lot of bookstores start putting it out during the last couple weeks of the month before. Most of the people on BZP who have it seem to have gotten it at the Borders chain. Not sure if Amazon is selling it yet or not, haven't looked.
8Sep 30 2004, 03:04 PM
9Hiya, Greg. Pretty interesting timing on a reply. I had more Jury duty selections to go thru today, and made my day unbearably long...but had to drop by Wal-Mart to pick up some things to eat, and I spotted Voyage of Fear in the book aisle. I'm glad I was able to pick it up, it made the whole day worth it. Haven't read much as I'm pretty worn out...but I got a question for this portion I thought intresting.
10"Ordinarily, he would have been consumed with questions. Who had made this tunnel? Where did it lead? Were the lightstones that provided illumination a natural part of the rock walls, or had someone embedded them there?" It seems like this paragraph was written to kind of give the storylines and theories more things to discuss. Was it intended to be a sort of bait for discussion?
11Sorry if my phrasing doesn't make much sense. I'm pretty much running on fumes.
13Couldn't remember if I answered this one or not. Basically, that section was written that way because that was what I thought Onewa would be thinking at that time. It wasn't really aimed at BZP ... it was just a logical thing for him to be thinking.
15Oct 1 2004, 05:46 AM
16Hey Greg. Sounds good. I managed to finish reading it, and had a few (more) questions.
171.)How big is the Vahki Transport really? It sounds like they coulda crammed more than six on the inside, with six on the outside acting as the floaters. I kept picturing the Vahki Transport being like a boat from the descriptions at some points.
182.)How did the Vahki follow them? borrowed a few Ga-Metru boats, maybe?
193.)How did Kralhi get to where they were too, for that matter? gathered on a boat and floated off to parts unknow?
204.)Who was in favor of keeping the Rahi for scientific research? Real Dume or Makuta Dume?
215.)I was curious, but what mask did you picture Mavrah wearing? (I sort of pictured Turuga Nokama-like mask, due to his ability to communicate with Rahi.)
226.)With the way it was written, will we see Mavrah come back?
237.)"Matau glanced down at it. He had never been fond of marine life, and this was a particularly ugly specimen. Has the same happy-smile as Makuta ,he thought. Just what the world needs - A Makuta Fish" This might of been a coinidince but knowing how you've been a comic book fan for years, It made me flash back to the Joker Fish from the Fox Batman Animated series. I was wondering, when you were having Matau describe his feelings of the Makuta Fish, were you thinking of the Joker Fish from Batman?
24That's all I have to ask, I think.
261) It probably could have held more than six spheres, but they only had time to grab six because Makuta was growing in power outside the door at the time and the city was falling apart.
272) Vahki can fly
283) No, Kralhi used some of the largely abandoned underwater chutes
294) Real Dume
305) Pakari, I believe
316) No idea. Depends on if people want him to come back
327) No, not really ... just because the concept of Makuta fish already existed (created by someone else), so it was just a matter of coming up with a reason to call it that. Logical one was that it looked like Makuta.
34Whoops, I keep forgetting the Vahki can fly. I never really picture it, since there's been no pics of a flight mode or anything like the Rahkshi.
35and those Matoran love that Pakari, huh? (can't complain much...my Matoran character wears a Pakari.
) 36Aoi
2Sep 28 2004, 07:50 AM
3Hiya Greg, I went to my local Books a Million to pick up Voyage of Fear, but they didn't any copies in stock, and it didn't look like they had carried any yet. So, how's everyone been able to get their hands on the book?
6Official release date of the book is 10/1, but from what I understand, a lot of bookstores start putting it out during the last couple weeks of the month before. Most of the people on BZP who have it seem to have gotten it at the Borders chain. Not sure if Amazon is selling it yet or not, haven't looked.
8Sep 30 2004, 03:04 PM
9Hiya, Greg. Pretty interesting timing on a reply. I had more Jury duty selections to go thru today, and made my day unbearably long...but had to drop by Wal-Mart to pick up some things to eat, and I spotted Voyage of Fear in the book aisle. I'm glad I was able to pick it up, it made the whole day worth it. Haven't read much as I'm pretty worn out...but I got a question for this portion I thought intresting.
10"Ordinarily, he would have been consumed with questions. Who had made this tunnel? Where did it lead? Were the lightstones that provided illumination a natural part of the rock walls, or had someone embedded them there?" It seems like this paragraph was written to kind of give the storylines and theories more things to discuss. Was it intended to be a sort of bait for discussion?
11Sorry if my phrasing doesn't make much sense. I'm pretty much running on fumes.
13Couldn't remember if I answered this one or not. Basically, that section was written that way because that was what I thought Onewa would be thinking at that time. It wasn't really aimed at BZP ... it was just a logical thing for him to be thinking.
15Oct 1 2004, 05:46 AM
16Hey Greg. Sounds good. I managed to finish reading it, and had a few (more) questions.
171.)How big is the Vahki Transport really? It sounds like they coulda crammed more than six on the inside, with six on the outside acting as the floaters. I kept picturing the Vahki Transport being like a boat from the descriptions at some points.
182.)How did the Vahki follow them? borrowed a few Ga-Metru boats, maybe?
193.)How did Kralhi get to where they were too, for that matter? gathered on a boat and floated off to parts unknow?
204.)Who was in favor of keeping the Rahi for scientific research? Real Dume or Makuta Dume?
215.)I was curious, but what mask did you picture Mavrah wearing? (I sort of pictured Turuga Nokama-like mask, due to his ability to communicate with Rahi.)
226.)With the way it was written, will we see Mavrah come back?
237.)"Matau glanced down at it. He had never been fond of marine life, and this was a particularly ugly specimen. Has the same happy-smile as Makuta ,he thought. Just what the world needs - A Makuta Fish" This might of been a coinidince but knowing how you've been a comic book fan for years, It made me flash back to the Joker Fish from the Fox Batman Animated series. I was wondering, when you were having Matau describe his feelings of the Makuta Fish, were you thinking of the Joker Fish from Batman?
24That's all I have to ask, I think.
261) It probably could have held more than six spheres, but they only had time to grab six because Makuta was growing in power outside the door at the time and the city was falling apart.
272) Vahki can fly
283) No, Kralhi used some of the largely abandoned underwater chutes
294) Real Dume
305) Pakari, I believe
316) No idea. Depends on if people want him to come back
327) No, not really ... just because the concept of Makuta fish already existed (created by someone else), so it was just a matter of coming up with a reason to call it that. Logical one was that it looked like Makuta.
34Whoops, I keep forgetting the Vahki can fly. I never really picture it, since there's been no pics of a flight mode or anything like the Rahkshi.
35and those Matoran love that Pakari, huh? (can't complain much...my Matoran character wears a Pakari.

1I find a mud-colour is better then non-colour, don't you? At least then I could differentiate what disk was what from a distance...
1I'm still not clear on Takanuva: what is his mask power, like Tahu Nuva's Mask power is shielding; and another question: what is his element, is it just like he shoots a beam of light and it makes evil go away, or does the light blind them so they can't see...etc.
2Thanks for answering, 3your fan and Tahu Nuva fan,
4Auron 99999

2Thanks for answering, 3your fan and Tahu Nuva fan,
4Auron 99999
1I'm still not clear on Takanuva: what is his mask power, like Tahu Nuva's Mask power is shielding; and another question: what is his element, is it just like he shoots a beam of light and it makes evil go away, or does the light blind them so they can't see...etc. ![]()
2Thanks for answering, 3your fan and Tahu Nuva fan,
4Auron 99999
5Auron 99999, you need to send a PM to Greg F and ask your question. Then you can post what he told you in this topic. 6As for your question you can probably find the answer on this website
7This is terrible news: at least the Kanoka had colours...yeesh, why does something tell me the people over at lego aren't exactly working as hard as they should with what they get paid....
8I didn't see anything in that qoute that said the Rhotuka don't have colors. Still the absence of saying whether or not they do kinda hints that they don't.
1Lots of great info including vital info on the Rahaga: Looks like "Their pretty strong for such scrawny little creatures." (Bonus points to whoever can figure who I copied the phrase from.)
2Big story Spoilers
4[/QUOTE]Hi Greg: Have a few more questions for you. I also finished reading VoF. Great work: I can't wait for Maze of Shadows.
51. Will we ever get to see the Toa Metru battle a Krawwa?
62. How did Marvah manage to get himself and all of those sea beast to the barrier without getting hurt/ Vahki getting him?
73. On a scale of 1-10 what would you judge a Rahaga's power level would be.
84. What time will we switch back to the Toa Nuva story.
95. What book/comic have you enjoyed doing the most this year?
106. Have you gotten permission to write short storie like Nidhike and Krekka's past yet? If so where will put the story at. (Bzpower, Bionicle.com, etc.)
117. Do you have your ow website?
128. Can you give a size comparison for the Visorahk?
13Now about Brickmasters
149. How many pages will the Brickmaster magazine have? I don't mean to complain but the magazines seem to get shoreter, and shorter.
1510. Can you give a list of the contents inside the magazine?
1611. Will the comics be any different in Brickmasters?
1712. Can you give an example of another Lego set we will get in the mail besides the Rahaga?
181) Don't know, maybe. I will do what I can for you
192) Well, the Vahki were not chasing him when he left -- their orders were for the sea beasts to leave, and he was making them leave, so there was no reason to apprehend him. As for how Mavrah for there, most likely via underwater chute
203) Well, a Rahaga can bring down a Kikanalo or a Muaka, if that is any help to you.
214) Can't discuss future storyline
225) Hmmmm ... I enjoyed BA 5 a lot ... and 3 was fun too .. and 6. 7 was a challenge, 8 has been too.
236) It would probably be on BIONICLE.com, when I get time to do it
247) No
258) Not really, no I don't have the sets
269) The magazine has been 16-20 pages this year, which I agree is pretty short. BrickMaster will be minimum 36 pages each issue.
2710) The contents will be different in each issue, depending on what product lines we are focused on. Is there something in particular you are interested in?
2811) At this point, that is not the plan. We'll see.
2912) I wish I could, but they are still planning that out so I don't have info. I have heard this and that, but I don't want to spread rumors.
30Greg 31[QUOTE
32This ought to bring up some interesting ideas for the S.a.T. Forum.
2Big story Spoilers

4[/QUOTE]Hi Greg: Have a few more questions for you. I also finished reading VoF. Great work: I can't wait for Maze of Shadows.
51. Will we ever get to see the Toa Metru battle a Krawwa?
62. How did Marvah manage to get himself and all of those sea beast to the barrier without getting hurt/ Vahki getting him?
73. On a scale of 1-10 what would you judge a Rahaga's power level would be.
84. What time will we switch back to the Toa Nuva story.
95. What book/comic have you enjoyed doing the most this year?
106. Have you gotten permission to write short storie like Nidhike and Krekka's past yet? If so where will put the story at. (Bzpower, Bionicle.com, etc.)
117. Do you have your ow website?
128. Can you give a size comparison for the Visorahk?
13Now about Brickmasters
149. How many pages will the Brickmaster magazine have? I don't mean to complain but the magazines seem to get shoreter, and shorter.
1510. Can you give a list of the contents inside the magazine?
1611. Will the comics be any different in Brickmasters?
1712. Can you give an example of another Lego set we will get in the mail besides the Rahaga?
181) Don't know, maybe. I will do what I can for you
192) Well, the Vahki were not chasing him when he left -- their orders were for the sea beasts to leave, and he was making them leave, so there was no reason to apprehend him. As for how Mavrah for there, most likely via underwater chute
203) Well, a Rahaga can bring down a Kikanalo or a Muaka, if that is any help to you.
214) Can't discuss future storyline
225) Hmmmm ... I enjoyed BA 5 a lot ... and 3 was fun too .. and 6. 7 was a challenge, 8 has been too.
236) It would probably be on BIONICLE.com, when I get time to do it
247) No
258) Not really, no I don't have the sets
269) The magazine has been 16-20 pages this year, which I agree is pretty short. BrickMaster will be minimum 36 pages each issue.
2710) The contents will be different in each issue, depending on what product lines we are focused on. Is there something in particular you are interested in?
2811) At this point, that is not the plan. We'll see.
2912) I wish I could, but they are still planning that out so I don't have info. I have heard this and that, but I don't want to spread rumors.
30Greg 31[QUOTE
32This ought to bring up some interesting ideas for the S.a.T. Forum.

1Actually, the absence of saying whether they have colors or not simply indicates that I don't know, one way or the other .. the only sets I have seen are prototypes. And we really are not positioning them as a collectible, we are seeing them more as a way of replacing ones you lose (for those people who actually play with their sets as opposed to building and displaying).
2BTW, today I commissioned a new combo model made from all six Visorak -- came out quite nice. Will play a pretty decent role, I think, in story next year.
2BTW, today I commissioned a new combo model made from all six Visorak -- came out quite nice. Will play a pretty decent role, I think, in story next year.
2Told ya.
3All right. Score another one for Raptor.

4No collectibles? I feel. . . empty. But that's good. Less collectibles means less trading. Which means less time on BZP. Which means more free time. Which means more time to do schoolwork. Which means better grades. Which means I can get into college: Yay: Thanks, Lego:
5How considerate of them to drop collectibles in my most crucial school year.
1Hey, no collecitble, IMO, is a LOT better than an IMO half hearted one *coughkraataankanokacough* .
1Perhaps...but it all saddens me just the same. Collectibles ARE Bionicle in my eyes....I really can't say I feel the actual loyalty to Bionicle as I used to, with this rather despairing news.
2QUOTE 3Yeah...ok, I've never been the most...compliant of Bionicle fans when introduced to the new elements of each year..usually I grow to like them as time wears on, but somethings I just have to tolerate, knowing there will probably be something better next year. Now, I know you do not know if the Rhotuku spinners have any type of collectibly, aside the code factor, and I know that they are not collectibles persay, but merely replacements for lost ones. My question though, is if there will be a true blue collectible for this year, or possibly even two. Honestly, it wouldn't be Bionicle for me without the collectible, so I dearly hope there is one. Details are not neccasary, I just need something to quell my fears.
4Actually, Inner, prior to deciding on the disks this past year, we almost dropped the whole collectible thing because even with the masks, we never made much money off them. It was really the Kanoka club that saved the whole concept. And no, the only collectible that I know of planned for next year is the spinners, which at least has some serious play value, provided you are into playing with the sets.
1Here's alot, and he gives clues to the next Mata-Nui storyline:
2Hi again, just a few
31. Is 2006 already planned?
42. If yes to above how about 2007 and beyond?
53. How many big sets are there for 2005?
64. will there be another TRU promotion next year?
75. Why is the pattern for the collectibles changed? because before, all of the collectibles start with K and now with R.
86. Visorak, Hordika and Rahaga use the Rhotuka?
9Thanks in advance,
111-2) We have roughed out 2006-2008.
123) I can't discuss 2005 sets at this time.
134) Depends on the state of TRU, I guess.
145) Cause
156) Yes, as do the bigger sets next year.
17about your answer in 1 and 2, 18does it mean that 2005-2008 is another chapter? 19I want to get back to the Toa of Mata-Nui.
212005 is one story, then 2006-2008 starts a new book. And don't worry, we do have major things planned for Takanuva, etc., so you won't have to wait too much longer.
1Perhaps...but it all saddens me just the same. Collectibles ARE Bionicle in my eyes....I really can't say I feel the actual loyalty to Bionicle as I used to, with this rather despairing news.
2Despite what I said before, collecting really is what holds my interest. Bionicle without collectibles would be like. . . I dunno. . . a video game where all the enemies self destruct upon sight. That's the single stupidest analogy ever, but you get the idea. No challenge, no fun. Just a game that isn't what it should be.
3Hey, no collecitble, IMO, is a LOT better than an IMO half hearted one *coughkraataankanokacough* .
4I love the kraata. They're little living creatures with a variety of powers that the Turaga hunt down instead of masks - they're little swarms of enemies: In my storyline they play a much bigger role than in the real one. Plus, all the color schemes and patterns look awesome.
5Even I'll admit that the Kanoka were the biggest letdown in all of Bionicle's history. Once again I say. . . look:
1I love the kraata. They're little living creatures with a variety of powers that the Turaga hunt down instead of masks - they're little swarms of enemies: In my storyline they play a much bigger role than in the real one. Plus, all the color schemes and patterns look awesome.
2Even I'll admit that the Kanoka were the biggest letdown in all of Bionicle's history. Once again I say. . . look:
3That`s what the IMO was for, I wasn`t trying to start something. To you, the kraata may be the best thing since sliced bread(where the heck did that expression come from? What`s so good about sliced bread anyway?), but I personally rate the kanoka a little higher because of thier greater use and purpose in the story,even though I`m not that fond of any particular collectible.
4We are deviating from the purpose of this topic, though. We shoudl talk about the rhotuka in their topic in collectibles.
1Spoiler Warning:
2hey long time since i sent questions and i figure it's about time i sould
31)i think i heard somewhere that makuta closed all the gateway's to the environs is that right?
42) ok the visorak and rahaga seem to have appeared from no where and if my first question is correct where could they have come from? undeground?
53) how long have the rahaga been fighting the visorak?
64) i remember you saying that we will have betrayel in the 2005 storyline. could that be related to the rahaga?
75) since it seems that nuju may have been taught his strange 2001 languege from his rahaga then did he pass it on to matoro? does that meen that they both can speek with certain rahi?
85b ) is the languege that makuta speeks with nivawk the same languege the white rahaga uses? if so do the two have any relation?
96) are the visorak led by anyone?
107)setwise, it seems that the visorak will come out in januar\ febuar right? when will the toa hordika come out?
118) what happened to the "lhikan" do the turaga still keep it around on 2001?
129) it seems that the hordika turn semi evil because of the mutation could there be situations where they fight eachother?
1310) if someone would have been bitten by a visorak then went into energized proto what would happen to him?
1411) same as ten just the other way around(regarding the toa nuva)
1512) why do they rahaga even care about the toa mutating? arn't they beast masters?
1613) did the visorak plan on getting to metru nui or did they get there by accident?
1714) did makuta get out of his proto prison by his own?
1815) if so how long did it take for makuta to get out of his proto prison?
1915b ) and does that mean he is stronger then the bahrag twins who couldn't rascape the prison?
2016) is makuta part of the 2005 storyline?
2117) one last and unrelated question: why did makuta send rahkshi on metru nui? you said that they didn't have any mission and they just got cought by the vahki
221) Yes 232) The Rahaga have been in Metru Nui for some time, just hidden. And the Visorak came via ways only Makuta knows. 243) Long time 254) You will have to follow the story and see 265) No 276) Yes 287) The Visorak come out early only in Europe. The Hordika come out first in the US 298) The fate of the Lhikan is revealed in next year's movie 309) Again, gotta follow the story 3110) Depends on whether their destiny is to be changed by energized proto or not. 3211) If the Toa Nuva were subjected to Visorak venom, they would become Hordika as well 3312) Again, follow the story. The Rahaga have a very good reason why this matters to them 3413) No, they are here on purpose 3514-15) Regardless of how Makuta got out, he is way more powerful than the Bahrag. And I can't discuss how his escape happened, that is part of '05 storyline 3616) Not really, no. Some of the action takes place because he is trapped, but he is not really a factor. We wanted to get away from overusing him and do some other villains 3717) He didn't. The Rahkshi on Metru Nui are like bears who wandered out of the woods and into a town. They weren't sent there by Makuta.
2hey long time since i sent questions and i figure it's about time i sould
31)i think i heard somewhere that makuta closed all the gateway's to the environs is that right?
42) ok the visorak and rahaga seem to have appeared from no where and if my first question is correct where could they have come from? undeground?
53) how long have the rahaga been fighting the visorak?
64) i remember you saying that we will have betrayel in the 2005 storyline. could that be related to the rahaga?
75) since it seems that nuju may have been taught his strange 2001 languege from his rahaga then did he pass it on to matoro? does that meen that they both can speek with certain rahi?
85b ) is the languege that makuta speeks with nivawk the same languege the white rahaga uses? if so do the two have any relation?
96) are the visorak led by anyone?
107)setwise, it seems that the visorak will come out in januar\ febuar right? when will the toa hordika come out?
118) what happened to the "lhikan" do the turaga still keep it around on 2001?
129) it seems that the hordika turn semi evil because of the mutation could there be situations where they fight eachother?
1310) if someone would have been bitten by a visorak then went into energized proto what would happen to him?
1411) same as ten just the other way around(regarding the toa nuva)
1512) why do they rahaga even care about the toa mutating? arn't they beast masters?
1613) did the visorak plan on getting to metru nui or did they get there by accident?
1714) did makuta get out of his proto prison by his own?
1815) if so how long did it take for makuta to get out of his proto prison?
1915b ) and does that mean he is stronger then the bahrag twins who couldn't rascape the prison?
2016) is makuta part of the 2005 storyline?
2117) one last and unrelated question: why did makuta send rahkshi on metru nui? you said that they didn't have any mission and they just got cought by the vahki
221) Yes 232) The Rahaga have been in Metru Nui for some time, just hidden. And the Visorak came via ways only Makuta knows. 243) Long time 254) You will have to follow the story and see 265) No 276) Yes 287) The Visorak come out early only in Europe. The Hordika come out first in the US 298) The fate of the Lhikan is revealed in next year's movie 309) Again, gotta follow the story 3110) Depends on whether their destiny is to be changed by energized proto or not. 3211) If the Toa Nuva were subjected to Visorak venom, they would become Hordika as well 3312) Again, follow the story. The Rahaga have a very good reason why this matters to them 3413) No, they are here on purpose 3514-15) Regardless of how Makuta got out, he is way more powerful than the Bahrag. And I can't discuss how his escape happened, that is part of '05 storyline 3616) Not really, no. Some of the action takes place because he is trapped, but he is not really a factor. We wanted to get away from overusing him and do some other villains 3717) He didn't. The Rahkshi on Metru Nui are like bears who wandered out of the woods and into a town. They weren't sent there by Makuta.