1Um toa HAGAH just sounds strange then again it fits, RAHkshi and hAGAh make the name RAHAGA.
1What is the name of the new island? 2Are the Bahrag immortal? 3Will Makuta be a main character in 2006?
4That's all for now.
5These are all common knowledge.
6Can't reveal next year's storyline this far in advance. 7Probably just don't age, like Matoran. They have been around for a while. 8No. We won't see him at all.
1Toa Hagah seems ok to me. What you wanted? Toa Bodyguards? And it's known that Roody mutated them, and she gave the name "Rahaga" to them, mixing "Rahi" and "Hagah". Look in the other pages of this same Topic (Well, the Hagah part was not revealed at that point). And maybe the name for the next island isn't even created yet. 2Khote
1Could the other toa of vakama's group be capable of unleashing a attack such as a nova blast,but of their element?
2I'm, glad Greg answered this one. In my epic Kopaka considers using such an attack, refferred to as a "freeze pulse" (an expanding sphere of cold that sends everything inside it into subzero temperatures)
3And the Toa Haga...well, at least we now have something other to call them than the Toa Rahaga.

4So...the Hagah wear special armor...but don't ALL Toa wear some form of armor?
5"They are mere Matoran in Toa armor:"
113. Can you say what spinner powers the 'Toa Rahaga' had? 213) Yes, I think we are close enough to their release in Europe to do that now. Norik's spinner has a slow power, that reduces the speed of an opponent making him easier to defeat. Iruini's spinner has a heal power.
3Iruini has Kanohi Kualsi (koo-ahl-see), the Mask of Quick Travel -- basically, teleportation, but for some reason the head of the story team did not want to call it that.
4Norik has Kanohi Pehkui (peh-koo-ee), the Mask of Diminishment, which lets him shrink but still retain his full power.

7And... We now know the true title for the "Toa Rahaga.:"

1No. We won't see him at all.
2You can't say that for sure. We know nothing of the 2006 storyline.
3No, Greg said that in this very topic. Come here more often and you'd know that.
4Actually, I've come to this topic every day for four month now. Just because I haven't posted doesn't mean I don't come here. So why don't you check before making wild guesses like that.
1greg will we have the toa, toa nuva, turaga and all that old stuff again?Thanks.
1Greg: What will happen to the rahaga after the toa metru go to mata-nui
1Roodaka. Lemony. Please PM GregF with your questions; a page or two back there was an illustrated explanation of what to do if you aren't sure how.
2Anyways, I could probably answer those up-front.
3Roodaka: In 2006, the Metru Nui storyline will be over and we'll get back to the present-day story. (Meaning we'll see the Toa Nuva, Turaga, all that good stuff.)
4Lemony: Greg probably wouldn't answer that. He can't talk about future storyline like that, considering it's likely movie plot what happens to the Rahaga.
2Anyways, I could probably answer those up-front.
3Roodaka: In 2006, the Metru Nui storyline will be over and we'll get back to the present-day story. (Meaning we'll see the Toa Nuva, Turaga, all that good stuff.)
4Lemony: Greg probably wouldn't answer that. He can't talk about future storyline like that, considering it's likely movie plot what happens to the Rahaga.
1Here is the response to several questions I sent to GregF
21)In a question from Mysterius (listed below with your answer).Whose life force did Jaller get?If he got Makuta's life force will he turn evil?
3Q: How exactly was the Protodermic fusion of Makuta and Takanuva into Takutanuva reversed? 4A: Simple. You had two life forces joined, right? Makuta and Takanuva. And then a significant portion of one life force was given to Jaller. So it is sort of like having a table with two legs -- if you cut most of one leg off, the table falls over.
52)Will we ever be able to see the old story bible's 2001 through 2004, or would that give away too much.
6Thanks in advance for your answers
81) My understanding is he got a portion of Makuta's life force. But your life force has nothing to do with whether you are good or evil -- that would be like saying, "I plugged in my stereo, then I turned it up way loud until it hurt my brother's ears, so electricity must be evil."
92) No. Bibles all contain "not for public consumption" material referring to future years of storyline that we have not gotten to yet. They are internal documents only.
1No. We won't see him at all.
2You can't say that for sure. We know nothing of the 2006 storyline.
3No, Greg said that in this very topic. Come here more often and you'd know that.
4Actually, I've come to this topic every day for four month now. Just because I haven't posted doesn't mean I don't come here. So why don't you check before making wild guesses like that.
5uh mabe we should-not trying to be a know it all- stop this conversation before it goes out of hand. Don't want anyone banned for flaming.

2Do you know of a date the entrants for the BM Toa contest should know whether or not they've won?I didn't see it in the fine print of the contest rules this time.
3And whilst I'm here...
4-Toa Hagah?Is that what we're lookin' at with the Rahaga?
5-I've been hearing things about beings like "Sentrakh" and "The Shadowed One".Are these from the books, or future enemies for all to see?
6-What are the Rhotuka powers for the Toa Hagah?Specifically Norik and Iruini.
7-Have the playsets of late spured the creation of more in the future?
8-I'm rather conflicted in some information I've seen.I was nearly positive that 06 would bring the Nuva to Metru Nui.But it's now being said they're going to a whole new place.Which is legit?
9-If the Rahaga have seen the Visorak overrun lands "dozens of times", are the Visorak just super-fast, or have the Rahaga been Rahaga for a -very- long time?
10-How much are we going to see of Sidorak in B3?It seems I barely even know who he is, whereas I know a ton of Roodaka.
11-I'm doubting that the Visorak took over the Coliseum and never found -any- of the Matoran pods.And it also seemed that between the thousands of Matoran on Metru Nui and the hundreds on Mata Nui, there's a large quantity lost.Are Roody's "experiments" limited only to Rahi and Toa, or might Matoran be on the operating table too?
121) We are doing the judging over next few weeks, and then letters will go out. 132) That is what the Rahaga were before becoming Rahaga. 143) Those are combo models of the Roodaka, Sidorak, and Keetongu sets. They will be in BA #10 and most likely returning in later stories as well. 154) Norik's slows down opponents, Iruini's heals. 165) I believe there are plans to design some for '06, but of course that will depend on how the '05 ones sell. 176) They both are. They start the year going to Metru Nui with the Turaga and the Matoran, but the 2006 story isn't set there -- we are going somewhere else. 187) Couple hundred years or so. 198) Quite a bit. And Sidorak is in BA #8 quite a bit. 209) First off, there are 1000 Matoran on Mata Nui as well. Second, I have no doubt that given time the Visorak would experiment on Matoran, which is why the Toa Hordika have to not give them the time to do that.
22Just some stuff to chew on. And it would seem the Rahaga are -very- old then...
1whoa: the brotherhood went bad a couple hundred years before Makuta acually tried to take over?
1I PMed GregF some questions. I had to switch some stuff around so it's easier to read.
2First off, I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. A lot of these questions have really been bugging me, so I would really, really appreciate it if you would answer them for me.
31. You have said that if a 'Toa Nui' formed, it would be at the same power level as Mata Nui. Does this mean that Mata Nui is a form of Toa Nui made of 'Toa Mata'? Like becoming a great spirit is an alternate destiny for a team of Toa?
41) No, that's not what it means. If you ramp up your car a lot, you might make it as fast as a Ferrari, but your car still won't be a Ferrari.
52. Other islands besides Mata Nui and Metru Nui have been mentioned, such as Tahtorak's island, Krekka's island, so forth. Are these other islands under Mata Nui (in the protodermis sea) also? Or are they outside of the 'dome'?
62) The ones you cited are at the same depth as Metru Nui, yes
73. It has been said that Makuta-as-Dume closed all gateways to other lands, but didn't close the one to Mata Nui. If (Assuming the answer to #2 is no) all the gateways to other lands were closed, then all of the gateways to Mata Nui would have to be closed, right? How is that explained?
83) I don't understand your question. If there were another island on the surface -- and we have not said there is -- there could well be a passage from Metru Nui to there that did not go to Mata Nui. So you could close the gate to that place and not be closing gates to Mata Nui.
94. Are there multiple 'domes' under Mata Nui for other islands besides Metru Nui?
104) Not sure domes is how I would describe it.
115. Have Visorak, in essence, circumnavigated the 'globe'?
125) Visorak have been to many other islands, yes
136. When Matoran speak, do they really speak in 'English', or do they have their own language that is just translated in all of our media sources? I'm asking this because the Metru Nui guide said that there is a Matoran dialect. It'd be kinda weird if it was Spanish or something like that.
146) Matoran speak Matoran, not English. Hence the Matoran alphabet we created some years back. It is simply translated for your benefit.
2First off, I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. A lot of these questions have really been bugging me, so I would really, really appreciate it if you would answer them for me.
31. You have said that if a 'Toa Nui' formed, it would be at the same power level as Mata Nui. Does this mean that Mata Nui is a form of Toa Nui made of 'Toa Mata'? Like becoming a great spirit is an alternate destiny for a team of Toa?
41) No, that's not what it means. If you ramp up your car a lot, you might make it as fast as a Ferrari, but your car still won't be a Ferrari.
52. Other islands besides Mata Nui and Metru Nui have been mentioned, such as Tahtorak's island, Krekka's island, so forth. Are these other islands under Mata Nui (in the protodermis sea) also? Or are they outside of the 'dome'?
62) The ones you cited are at the same depth as Metru Nui, yes
73. It has been said that Makuta-as-Dume closed all gateways to other lands, but didn't close the one to Mata Nui. If (Assuming the answer to #2 is no) all the gateways to other lands were closed, then all of the gateways to Mata Nui would have to be closed, right? How is that explained?
83) I don't understand your question. If there were another island on the surface -- and we have not said there is -- there could well be a passage from Metru Nui to there that did not go to Mata Nui. So you could close the gate to that place and not be closing gates to Mata Nui.
94. Are there multiple 'domes' under Mata Nui for other islands besides Metru Nui?
104) Not sure domes is how I would describe it.
115. Have Visorak, in essence, circumnavigated the 'globe'?
125) Visorak have been to many other islands, yes
136. When Matoran speak, do they really speak in 'English', or do they have their own language that is just translated in all of our media sources? I'm asking this because the Metru Nui guide said that there is a Matoran dialect. It'd be kinda weird if it was Spanish or something like that.
146) Matoran speak Matoran, not English. Hence the Matoran alphabet we created some years back. It is simply translated for your benefit.
1I PMed GregF some questions. I had to switch some stuff around so it's easier to read.
2First off, I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. A lot of these questions have really been bugging me, so I would really, really appreciate it if you would answer them for me.
31. You have said that if a 'Toa Nui' formed, it would be at the same power level as Mata Nui. Does this mean that Mata Nui is a form of Toa Nui made of 'Toa Mata'? Like becoming a great spirit is an alternate destiny for a team of Toa?
41) No, that's not what it means. If you ramp up your car a lot, you might make it as fast as a Ferrari, but your car still won't be a Ferrari.
5Man, no offense, but what is with everyone and the questions about the Toa Nui? It's just a hypothetical, not even a real character. Although I guess a being of supreme power is worth some discussion...but still, not really something to be fixated on.
1I PMed GregF some questions. I had to switch some stuff around so it's easier to read.
2First off, I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. A lot of these questions have really been bugging me, so I would really, really appreciate it if you would answer them for me.
31. You have said that if a 'Toa Nui' formed, it would be at the same power level as Mata Nui. Does this mean that Mata Nui is a form of Toa Nui made of 'Toa Mata'? Like becoming a great spirit is an alternate destiny for a team of Toa?
41) No, that's not what it means. If you ramp up your car a lot, you might make it as fast as a Ferrari, but your car still won't be a Ferrari.
5Man, no offense, but what is with everyone and the questions about the Toa Nui? It's just a hypothetical, not even a real character. Although I guess a being of supreme power is worth some discussion...but still, not really something to be fixated on.
6your right... however a toa nui brings up many new possibility's... and i never even knew about the toa nui... i might build a moc of one (except with 7-toa instead of just 6)... and i think it's interesting that a toa-nui would be as powerful mata-nui... i think some interesting theroies are gona be in the works...
1I asked Greg 5 questions, two of which depended on the answer to 1 being yes:
2Hi: 5 today:
31) Boggarak can choose which spinner power they're gonna use, even if they're on land or underwater, right? Like, can they use the dust spinner underwater?
41) Nope. One works in water, one works on dry land.
52) If yes to 1, do they use the dust spinner on land and the swelling spinner underwater because it's more convenient?
62) Basically, that is why nature made it work that way.
73) If yes to 1, can they change the power in mid-air? Like, if a Boggarak launched a dust spinner and decided to change it, could she?
83) No, one you launch a spinner, it is what it is.
94) If no to 1, what would happen if one of them launched a spinner on land and it went in the water? I mean, what which power would the target be affected with?
104) Water power.
115) Can you reveal the Toa Rahaga's unit name yet?
125) Toa Hagah.
13Thanks in advance,
15See answers above,

1I note there's a lot of off topic discussion going on here.. so... gotta remind you guys, please open new topics or post in current ones in the appropriate forums to discuss these things.
2While I'm here....
6Basically, the fans, especially here, wanted more "violent" bad guys, and LEGO's giving it to them.
7And BTW, the shape of the mask thing isn't a contradiction. Mask shape is only connected to powers because the maskmakers choose the shapes. They could make any mask power shaped like anything, and apparently that's what the Toa Hagah's masks were all like. The reason it was done, storylinewise, is because those Toa are elite Toa, so it's like a special honor to have your mask shaped like a past hero's mask.
8But yeah, it's confusing. I dunno why they went with that, but it's not actually a contradiction.
10It's Rahkshi. Roodaka made them look like Rahkshi.
That's what Greg said.
11And again, guys, if you want to ask a question of members, post it in S&T, Sets, whichever forum it goes in, not here.
This topic is just for posting answers from Greg, B Rex said.

2While I'm here....
3I don't know why they can't just stick with Norik's mask being a Kiril. I don't like it when "storyline details" directly contradict the Lego sets themselves. It seems rather sloppy and needlessly complicated to me.
5Greg said previously in this topic that Lego frowns upon powers that would inflict great pain to characters. How then, did the story team get away with giving Vohtarak a Rhotuka power that basically is inflicting excruciating, crippling pain?
6Basically, the fans, especially here, wanted more "violent" bad guys, and LEGO's giving it to them.
7And BTW, the shape of the mask thing isn't a contradiction. Mask shape is only connected to powers because the maskmakers choose the shapes. They could make any mask power shaped like anything, and apparently that's what the Toa Hagah's masks were all like. The reason it was done, storylinewise, is because those Toa are elite Toa, so it's like a special honor to have your mask shaped like a past hero's mask.
8But yeah, it's confusing. I dunno why they went with that, but it's not actually a contradiction.

9yes, Greg has said that their name is a combination of their toa group name, and either rahkshi or rahi. ...
10It's Rahkshi. Roodaka made them look like Rahkshi.

11And again, guys, if you want to ask a question of members, post it in S&T, Sets, whichever forum it goes in, not here.

1And BTW, the shape of the mask thing isn't a contradiction.
2Yes, it is. You and Lego can come up with whatever story you want for it, but that doesn't change the fact that the physical set's mask is a Kiril.
3True. Which does make it confusing. But the name Kiril actually means the power, in Matoran, not the shape, so technically it being shaped like a Kiril doesn't mean it's a Kiril. And BTW, that was stated long before these sets came out, back when we were first learning of maskmaking and Metru Nui. Possibly 'cuz they planned on doing this..

1I'd believe phonetically (i.e. "HA-ga"). 2And yes, RAHAGA is a combination of RAHKSHI (the Rahaga look like them, don't they?) and HAGAH (the Rahaga's Toa unit name). 3What would be really cool is if one gets to actually see one of the characters come up with the name ("Rahkshi-Hagah...Rahk-Hagah...RaHaga...") in the July comic...

1Alright, talk aside, here are the questions: 21) Was Nivawk Turaga Dume's pet before he was impersonated by Makuta? 32) Were the Rahaga once Toa Hordika? 42a) If yes to #2, then how did they become Rahaga? Did they give up their Toa Power to get rid of the madness, thus in a way becoming Turaga Hordika? 52b) If no to #2, then how exactly did the the Visorak Venom change them into Rahaga? Or do I have to wait for a comic for that answer? 63) Can Keetongu cure the Rahaga as well as the Toa Hordika? 74) Is LEGO going to go back to the Toa Nuva in 2006? 85) Is Turaga Dume still asleep on Metru Nui at the time of the Toa Nuva? 95a) If yes to #5, then will we see him again when LEGO gets back to the Toa Nuva? 10Thanks in advance.
111) No 122) No 132a) Again, no. They were never Hordika. How they became Rahaga is revealed in the July comic 143) No 154) I can't discuss future storyline 165) Same answer as #4
18This is the most recent question I asked Greg.
1I'd believe phonetically (i.e. "HA-ga"). 2And yes, RAHAGA is a combination of RAHKSHI (the Rahaga look like them, don't they?) and HAGAH (the Rahaga's Toa unit name). 3What would be really cool is if one gets to actually see one of the characters come up with the name ("Rahkshi-Hagah...Rahk-Hagah...RaHaga...") in the July comic...
5We know who gave them this name: Roodaka.
1And BTW, the shape of the mask thing isn't a contradiction.
2Yes, it is. You and Lego can come up with whatever story you want for it, but that doesn't change the fact that the physical set's mask is a Kiril.
3True. Which does make it confusing. But the name Kiril actually means the power, in Matoran, not the shape, so technically it being shaped like a Kiril doesn't mean it's a Kiril. And BTW, that was stated long before these sets came out, back when we were first learning of maskmaking and Metru Nui. Possibly 'cuz they planned on doing this..But it isn't a last minute excuse made up after the fact. That's what I meant.
I would have preffered a new shape meself.. but ah well. Mold prices and all that, I guess. Anyways...
4I think the best plan of action would have been to stick with an older mask mold, I mean, we have about thirteen great mask styles to choose from, why go for a Noble mask shape? Do we really need a new power? Methinks not.
1And BTW, the shape of the mask thing isn't a contradiction.
2Yes, it is. You and Lego can come up with whatever story you want for it, but that doesn't change the fact that the physical set's mask is a Kiril.
3True. Which does make it confusing. But the name Kiril actually means the power, in Matoran, not the shape, so technically it being shaped like a Kiril doesn't mean it's a Kiril. And BTW, that was stated long before these sets came out, back when we were first learning of maskmaking and Metru Nui. Possibly 'cuz they planned on doing this..But it isn't a last minute excuse made up after the fact. That's what I meant.
I would have preffered a new shape meself.. but ah well. Mold prices and all that, I guess. Anyways...
4I think the best plan of action would have been to stick with an older mask mold, I mean, we have about thirteen great mask styles to choose from, why go for a Noble mask shape? Do we really need a new power? Methinks not.
5Maybe because it takes money to make a new mold, don't know. We have already seen that masks can come in different ways and keep their powers, as bones¡¡¡ said, the name is for the power, not the shape. Look at Lhikan's and Tahu's mask, they are the same. And for Norik's Pehkui, maybe from all the Great and Noble molds they chose the Kiril because one of the Toa Metru would be a bit repetitive, and since the Metru's heads are long to the back, a Kiril is too, so it's the best choice IMO. 6Khote
1I'd believe phonetically (i.e. "HA-ga"). 2And yes, RAHAGA is a combination of RAHKSHI (the Rahaga look like them, don't they?) and HAGAH (the Rahaga's Toa unit name). 3What would be really cool is if one gets to actually see one of the characters come up with the name ("Rahkshi-Hagah...Rahk-Hagah...RaHaga...") in the July comic...

1well, Lemony, you should PM Greg with your question, go a few pages back for an explanation how to, if you don't know how. and 2, I can answer your question though. no. the Rahaga used to be Toa called the Toa Hagah. Roodaka mutated them wither her mutate rhotuka. and, she has control over how she mutates who she hits, so she made them look like rahkshi as a joke, and I think also because of her connection to Makuta.
1Better keep this topic on topic;
22Yay for split launches:
21) How come in Boggarak's bio it said "the only Visorak who's spinner contains two powers, which can apparently be switched back and forth by the Boggarak" when you just told me they can't choose?
31) It does say "apparently" -- after all, what is known about them is what the Hordika have observed, and the Hordika do not know whether they are voluntarily switching them or not.
42) Also on my last bunch, the answer to 3 was "You launch one spinner, that's what it is," then on 4 you said if a Boggarak launched a spinner on land and it went in the water it would have the water effect. So this is the only circumstance where it would change, right?
52) Yes, because the water effect works in water not on land.
63) Will Lego be doing a split launch every year?
73) Don't know. I know we will next year, no idea about the year after.
84) What is Battle of Metru Nui's Rhotuka power? (Image is here)
94) Don't know, no one has asked me to come up with one for it yet.
105) Were the Turaga Metru longer than Hordika?
115) Probably by a little bit.
126) Will that Vahki that you mentioned will have a cameo appearance in the Movie have talking lines or demonstrate it's power?
136) I have no idea if it is even still in the movie, and no, it does not talk. I chose to change them for the books, the movie was already written at that point.
147) Does/will the '03 Matoran combiner have any significance to the story?
157) Can you remind me what was? It was two years ago.
168) Can Norik (Toa) choose his size when he uses his Mask power?
178) There is a lower limit of six inches.
18Thanks in advance,
20See answers above,
22Yay for split launches:

1I'd believe phonetically (i.e. "HA-ga"). 2And yes, RAHAGA is a combination of RAHKSHI (the Rahaga look like them, don't they?) and HAGAH (the Rahaga's Toa unit name). 3What would be really cool is if one gets to actually see one of the characters come up with the name ("Rahkshi-Hagah...Rahk-Hagah...RaHaga...") in the July comic...
5Huhdo you meen the raghaga used to be rahkshi (forgive me if this is a stuid question)
6They just look like them. They were Toa before their transformation. 7BTW, on the whole mask argument...you forget that we have the six original Kanohi as well. They've been missing from the story for much too long already.
1And BTW, the shape of the mask thing isn't a contradiction.
2Yes, it is. You and Lego can come up with whatever story you want for it, but that doesn't change the fact that the physical set's mask is a Kiril.
3True. Which does make it confusing. But the name Kiril actually means the power, in Matoran, not the shape, so technically it being shaped like a Kiril doesn't mean it's a Kiril. And BTW, that was stated long before these sets came out, back when we were first learning of maskmaking and Metru Nui. Possibly 'cuz they planned on doing this..But it isn't a last minute excuse made up after the fact. That's what I meant.
I would have preffered a new shape meself.. but ah well. Mold prices and all that, I guess. Anyways...
4I think the best plan of action would have been to stick with an older mask mold, I mean, we have about thirteen great mask styles to choose from, why go for a Noble mask shape? Do we really need a new power? Methinks not.
5It's fourteen Great Mask styles, really (Olda, Metru, Avohkii, and Lhikan's Hau). Not that it matters too much.
6Although as bonesiii mentioned earlier, perhaps it would be best to have a topic in S&T for this Kiril/Pehkui discussion, because it is slightly annoying to have to go through all these extra posts to find actual Qs&As from Greg.