1Some interesting stuff (for me) 2Hi Mr.Farshtey is it your birthday ? if it is Happy Birthday
31)you said Mata nui was around 700,000 feet tall so when he was poisend by teridax did he probley fell over when he whent into a coma so was the gc a result of him falling over?
42)do the characters that will be in 2009 know about mata nui?
53)will he ever be realesed in set form? 63a)is he to big to be realesed in set form?
74)can Kanohi be melted down into objects and still have there power? 8ex:- you melt a olmak into the a shape of a sword or knife and then with that sword or knife you could cut holes into interDimensional space?
95)will Teridax get another body?
106)is Icarax soppoused to have Black amor because he is described as having Black amor in BL9
117)what is the realese date for BL11?
128)will takanuva go back to being a full toa of light?
139)14what is Helryx's mask power?
1510) dose Trinuma wear a Kanohi? 1610a)if he dose what is it's power
17hope you can answer them thank you for your time 18have a great birthday (if its your Birthday)
191) Actually, what I said was that he was closer to 700,000 feet tall than 100,000 feet tall -- which could also mean he is 7 million feet tall, or 20 million feet tall. As for your Q, I can't answer it now
202-3) I can't discuss 2009 or future set plans
214) Well, a mask can function as a disk -- at the same time, if you are just holding a mask, not wearing it, you can't trigger its power. So unsure how this would work.
225, 8) Cannot discuss future storyline
236) The image I had of him when I wrote the book had black armor
247) Fall
259, 10) This gets dealt with in web serial
14. How would you compare Tuyet and Helryx by personality? 25. When did the Order of Mata Nui barred Toa (except Helryx) from membership? 32. How would you compare Tahu and Helryx in terms of personality?44) Tuyet is nuts. Helryx is not. 55) Helryx formed the Order, so it was her decision from the start that Toa would not be members. 62) Again, really no comparison. Tahu is headstrong and impulsive; Helryx is not. Tahu is a field commander, Helryx is a general.
1Well, if you read an answer back a few posts. He says the sundial won't be a huge plot device, so I doubt that's the knowledge.
2Ha Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha (funny for the makuta)Fried nuva on a plate . Lol . Fish in a barrel, Candy from a baby.
3More like fish out of water on a hot plate in a barrel. In a cave.
1first off, put that into spoilers.
2second3there's no canisters in the codrex.
4Actually, there are, here's a quote from BS01-5The only way for beings to remain safe in the Codrex is to take refuge in Toa Canisters.
6There might not be though, This could be just a statement. Nothing more.
7I think Greg already said that the Codrex won't protect the Nuva from an energy storm anymore, probably meaning there isn't another set of canisters. I don't have a quote though, someone should ask him again.
8No, the Codrex won't protect them, the canisters will.
9Read my stuff below.
111. Do you care that the book was released much earlier then planned? Or can you care less?
122. In the Codrex, is the room that the Toa did not open during their first visit essential to awakening Mata Nui?
133. Can the canisters in the Codrex be replaced? 143a. If so, have they been replaced sicne the Toa Nuva used them?
154. Did Matoran build the Codrex? 164a. If not, have the species that build it known to us? 174b. Any hints![]()
185. Will Shadow Matoran be present in the final battle? Or are they there by the end of BL10, just not mentioned?
196. Who made the keystones?
207. Will we know of Takanuvas destiny by the end of the year?
218. Will BL11 be arranged similar to BL10, with a main story (BL10: Karda Nui, BL11: Final battle) and a side story (BL10:Takanuva, BL11:OoMN assault on Makuta)?
229. Will we be seeing Helryx in the future? 239a. A picture of her? 249b. A set of her?
25I have tons more, but I'll give you a break. Thanks again for doing so much for us .
261) The books always come out a month or more before the release date listed on Amazon. Always have, probably always will. 272) There is definitely a connection, yes 283) They can be, but have not been 294) Great Beings built it 305) Shadow Matoran will be present in Book 11, yes 316) Great Beings 327) I think not, most likely, as I have future plans for him beyond 2008 338) No, it's all main story. The OOMN thing will be dealt with in a serial 349) No set exists of her, so I tend to doubt you will see a pic, but she will reappear again in story this year
35Takanuva beyond 2008 . And no more canisters in the Codrex.
374. How would you compare Tuyet and Helryx by personality?384) Tuyet is nuts. Helryx is not.
39That's kinda funny.

42Wow, haven't posted a while in this topic. Also great info about Mata Nui's length. 43Well, height

1THis is just another theory on the fate of the toa nuva. As we were told, the toa nuva were never matoran. My theory is that the way the toa nuva must awaken mata nui is to pull off a "matoro" move like he did with the mask of life. I think that each toa nuva contributes to Mata Nui and the only way to awaken him iz for their energies to combine into the six tablets and form into Mata Nui.
1THis is just another theory on the fate of the toa nuva. As we were told, the toa nuva were never matoran. My theory is that the way the toa nuva must awaken mata nui is to pull off a "matoro" move like he did with the mask of life. I think that each toa nuva contributes to Mata Nui and the only way to awaken him iz for their energies to combine into the six tablets and form into Mata Nui.
2Who knows . Good guess (theory), it could happen becuase its the final battle but I was thinking something different . They could end it that way though .
1THis is just another theory on the fate of the toa nuva. As we were told, the toa nuva were never matoran. My theory is that the way the toa nuva must awaken mata nui is to pull off a "matoro" move like he did with the mask of life. I think that each toa nuva contributes to Mata Nui and the only way to awaken him iz for their energies to combine into the six tablets and form into Mata Nui.
2Who knows . Good guess (theory), it could happen becuase its the final battle but I was thinking something different . They could end it that way though .
3Both of you, continue this in the Offical Mata Nui Topic.
4Greg said no Nuva dead, and doing a matoro is dying, so no.
1IMPORTANT (but spoilered) INFO . . .
1166) I can't discuss it[/QUOTE]
21. Was the back story for Into the Darkness thought up before the story of The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet, or after?
32. Who comes up with the ideas for the web serials?
43. I thought you said Takanuva shrunk the sundial, but if he didn't, who did?
54. In this image: http://biosector01.com/wiki/images/1/13/Sundial_Markings.png The sundial has 18 markings around it, instead of 12. Does this mean that there is 18 hours or 36 hours in a Matoran day?
87. Has Lego ever thought about doing Legend of Zelda Lego?
98. Do you know if Vultraz is a Walmart exclusive?
109. How did the first Toa team get together?
1110. How come Takanuva arrived in The Kingdom dimension 10 000 years after the Toa Mahri blew up the cord? I thought you said one day in The Kingdom dimension was one day in the MU? So shouldn't only be about one week after that?
1211. Is it possible for Mata Nui to be under Metru Nui?
1312. What is your favorite faction? OOMN, BOM, or DH?
1413. Who is your favorite author?
15Thanks Greg.
161) After 172) I do183) Brutaka did
194) No it doesn't mean that. We have never established a distinct system of time for the Matoran.
227) No, as far as I know, it's not a license we are interested in. Video games are competing products, so not much point in doing something that promotes them. 238) Vultraz is not a store exclusive, Mazeka is 249) Pretty much the same way the Avengers did -- they realized there were some threats too great for one Toa to deal with alone2510) Time moves at a faster rate in the Kingdom universe than it does in ours.
2611) No 2712) Don't have a favorite 2813) Jeffery Deaver and Jasper Fforde
295. When will we learn who the DH spy is?
306. What will TSO do when he finds out about this?
318. Do you know what store Mazeka is exclusive too?
3210. So one day here is not one day there?
335) Summer serials346) Who says he will?
358) Not off the top of the my head3610) No, it might be several years there.
375. The OOMN-BOM war serial?
4010b. But is one day here one day in the TEPD?
41Thanks Greg.
425) Yup436) Dweller is not sending messages back and forth. That would be a great way for his presence there to be discovered. His job is to take out Takanuva, then come back and report.
4410) No. A day here is years there -- and he wasn't there for years, he was there for a day or two at most.
4510b) Correct
46[quote[spoiler]1. Was Helryx at least a member of the HoA?
472. Will we learn what is on the other side of the Codrex?
483. Could Takanuva make a shadow hand come out of his chest like a Makuta?
494. Does Takanuva's Midak grow with him?
505. If Takanuva takes off his Avohkii, would it go back to being gold, gray, or stay black?
516. A level 6 teleport kraata can teleport though walls, can Makuta teleport to this level too?
527. If a Toa is about 7 bio tall, then how tall is Takanuva after he grows? 15 bio?
538. Do you plan on dealing with Ancient and Voporak looking for the Vahi in the summer serials?
549. The DH Lurker is investigating Teridax's "death", will he find anything while investigating?
5510. Brutaka shrunk the sundial with a shrinking Kanoka disk, right?
5611. Where is Miserix flying to?
5712. Dweller is imprisoned on Daxia, right?
5813a. Does Axonn still think Brutaka is in the Pit? 5913b. Is Brutaka the vistor Axonn will be getting?
6014. Do you write all the Bionicle comics like 12.5?
6115. Krika was given his light draining power by the Pit waters, right?
6216a. Seeing as how the Mistika sets are starting to come in stores, are you going to reveal their special powers soon? 6316b. Will they use these powers in BL11?
6619. Will Gorast use her Felnas in BL11?
67Thanks again Greg.
681) Yes 692) Yes 703) Yes, but he couldn't absorb other beings with it 714) No 725) Gold 736) Yes 747) Take the two sets, put them side by side, and that's your relative answer 758) I haven't started writing the summer serials yet. I'll decide as I go along 769) Why would I want to give that away here? 7710) Yes 7811) An island not far from Daxia 7912) Correct 8013) Yes 8113a) I am not going to answer this 8214) Yes. That's standard format for a comic script 8315) Krika doesn't drain light. Gorast does. 8416) Most people already seem to know them 8517) Yes8618) Helryx was never hanging around with loads of Matoran, so she wasn't missed.
8719) Yes
885. But it goes back to black when he puts it on, right?
897. You mean the first Takanuva set?
9015. Sorry, meant his energy draining power.
9116. Oh. Well, can you tell me?
9217. Does she carry with her right now?
935) Yes 947) No, take the current Takanuva set, put it next to a Phantoka or Mistika set, and you'll see how much bigger he is than a normal Toa 9515) Yes 9616) Well, you already named one in question 159717) Sure, why wouldn't she?
9816. Krika's energy draining power? And is Gorast's power is her stinger?
9917. Does it have a name?
1001. If Takanuva takes off the Avohkii, would it go back to it's normal size?
1012. Will we learn what is on the other side of the Codrex in BL11?
1023. Who does Gorast use her Felnas on in BL11?
1034. Did Brutaka do anything else on Metru Nui besides shrinking the sundial, getting Dweller, and sending Takanuva away?
1045. You said a while ago that the island of Mata Nui will play a role in future story. Perhaps in BL11?
1056. Are the red star beings just in the star, or on some kind of location?
106Thanks again Greg.
10716) Right 10817) Yes 1091) Over time, yes 1102) Yes 1113) Why would I want to give you BL11 plot info three months ahead of time? 1124) No 1135) Mmmmm, does not show up in the book, no, but will show up elsewhere in story this year 1146) I don't understand your question.
1156. Like, are they just floating in the star, or is there some place in there that they live on?
1166) I can't discuss it[/QUOTE]
1Yes, Voranza Nui, that is neat info... but I don't think it's 'MASSIVE INFO' classified.
57WOWZERS . Blimey, that is new. The Island of Mata Nui will reappear this year? But not in BL11?2IMPORTANT (but spoilered) INFO . . . 285) Yup255. The OOMN-BOM war serial?215) Summer serials175. When will we learn who the DH spy is?31. Was the back story for Into the Darkness thought up before the story of The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet, or after?2. Who comes up with the ideas for the web serials?101) After2) I do54. In this image: http://biosector01.com/wiki/images/1/13/Sundial_Markings.png The sundial has 18 markings around it, instead of 12. Does this mean that there is 18 hours or 36 hours in a Matoran day?43. I thought you said Takanuva shrunk the sundial, but if he didn't, who did?77. Has Lego ever thought about doing Legend of Zelda Lego?8. Do you know if Vultraz is a Walmart exclusive?9. How did the first Toa team get together?65. How did Brutaka know about Dweller?6. What did the OOMN do with Dweller?911. Is it possible for Mata Nui to be under Metru Nui?12. What is your favorite faction? OOMN, BOM, or DH?13. Who is your favorite author?Thanks Greg.810. How come Takanuva arrived in The Kingdom dimension 10 000 years after the Toa Mahri blew up the cord? I thought you said one day in The Kingdom dimension was one day in the MU? So shouldn't only be about one week after that?124) No it doesn't mean that. We have never established a distinct system of time for the Matoran.113) Brutaka did147) No, as far as I know, it's not a license we are interested in. Video games are competing products, so not much point in doing something that promotes them.8) Vultraz is not a store exclusive, Mazeka is9) Pretty much the same way the Avengers did -- they realized there were some threats too great for one Toa to deal with alone135) He ran across him in the Archives -- don't forget the Order has a spy in the Dark Hunters6) Imprisoned him1611) No12) Don't have a favorite13) Jeffery Deaver and Jasper Fforde1510) Time moves at a faster rate in the Kingdom universe than it does in ours.198. Do you know what store Mazeka is exclusive too?186. What will TSO do when he finds out about this?2010. So one day here is not one day there?238) Not off the top of the my head226) Who says he will?2410) No, it might be several years there.2710b. But is one day here one day in the TEPD?Thanks Greg.266. But won't he get suspicious when he doesn't hear from Dweller anymore?10a. So Takanuva is now a couple years older than he should be, right?296) Dweller is not sending messages back and forth. That would be a great way for his presence there to be discovered. His job is to take out Takanuva, then come back and report.3110b) Correct3010) No. A day here is years there -- and he wasn't there for years, he was there for a day or two at most.566) I can't discuss it556. Like, are they just floating in the star, or is there some place in there that they live on?5416) Right17) Yes1) Over time, yes2) Yes3) Why would I want to give you BL11 plot info three months ahead of time?4) No5) Mmmmm, does not show up in the book, no, but will show up elsewhere in story this year6) I don't understand your question.4716. Krika's energy draining power? And is Gorast's power is her stinger?455) Yes7) No, take the current Takanuva set, put it next to a Phantoka or Mistika set, and you'll see how much bigger he is than a normal Toa15) Yes16) Well, you already named one in question 15435. But it goes back to black when he puts it on, right?7. You mean the first Takanuva set?15. Sorry, meant his energy draining power.16. Oh. Well, can you tell me?401) Yes2) Yes3) Yes, but he couldn't absorb other beings with it4) No5) Gold6) Yes7) Take the two sets, put them side by side, and that's your relative answer8) I haven't started writing the summer serials yet. I'll decide as I go along9) Why would I want to give that away here? 10) Yes11) An island not far from Daxia12) Correct13) Yes13a) I am not going to answer this14) Yes. That's standard format for a comic script15) Krika doesn't drain light. Gorast does.16) Most people already seem to know them17) Yes333. Could Takanuva make a shadow hand come out of his chest like a Makuta?4. Does Takanuva's Midak grow with him?5. If Takanuva takes off his Avohkii, would it go back to being gold, gray, or stay black?6. A level 6 teleport kraata can teleport though walls, can Makuta teleport to this level too?7. If a Toa is about 7 bio tall, then how tall is Takanuva after he grows? 15 bio?8. Do you plan on dealing with Ancient and Voporak looking for the Vahi in the summer serials?9. The DH Lurker is investigating Teridax's "death", will he find anything while investigating?321. Was Helryx at least a member of the HoA?2. Will we learn what is on the other side of the Codrex?3511. Where is Miserix flying to?3410. Brutaka shrunk the sundial with a shrinking Kanoka disk, right?3713a. Does Axonn still think Brutaka is in the Pit?13b. Is Brutaka the vistor Axonn will be getting?14. Do you write all the Bionicle comics like 12.5?15. Krika was given his light draining power by the Pit waters, right?16a. Seeing as how the Mistika sets are starting to come in stores, are you going to reveal their special powers soon?16b. Will they use these powers in BL11?3612. Dweller is imprisoned on Daxia, right?3919. Will Gorast use her Felnas in BL11?Thanks again Greg.3817. Does Helryx have a Toa tool?18. What does the universe think happened to Helryx? I mean, when she founded the OoMN, she kinda had to disappear, right? So, did she fake her death or something?4219) Yes4118) Helryx was never hanging around with loads of Matoran, so she wasn't missed.4417. Does she carry with her right now?4617) Sure, why wouldn't she?491. If Takanuva takes off the Avohkii, would it go back to it's normal size?4817. Does it have a name?513. Who does Gorast use her Felnas on in BL11?502. Will we learn what is on the other side of the Codrex in BL11?535. You said a while ago that the island of Mata Nui will play a role in future story. Perhaps in BL11?6. Are the red star beings just in the star, or on some kind of location?Thanks again Greg.524. Did Brutaka do anything else on Metru Nui besides shrinking the sundial, getting Dweller, and sending Takanuva away?
1Yes, Voranza Nui, that is neat info... but I don't think it's 'MASSIVE INFO' classified. 57WOWZERS . Blimey, that is new. The Island of Mata Nui will reappear this year? But not in BL11?2IMPORTANT (but spoilered) INFO . . . 285) Yup255. The OOMN-BOM war serial?215) Summer serials175. When will we learn who the DH spy is?31. Was the back story for Into the Darkness thought up before the story of The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet, or after?2. Who comes up with the ideas for the web serials?101) After2) I do54. In this image: http://biosector01.com/wiki/images/1/13/Sundial_Markings.png The sundial has 18 markings around it, instead of 12. Does this mean that there is 18 hours or 36 hours in a Matoran day?43. I thought you said Takanuva shrunk the sundial, but if he didn't, who did?77. Has Lego ever thought about doing Legend of Zelda Lego?8. Do you know if Vultraz is a Walmart exclusive?9. How did the first Toa team get together?65. How did Brutaka know about Dweller?6. What did the OOMN do with Dweller?911. Is it possible for Mata Nui to be under Metru Nui?12. What is your favorite faction? OOMN, BOM, or DH?13. Who is your favorite author?Thanks Greg.810. How come Takanuva arrived in The Kingdom dimension 10 000 years after the Toa Mahri blew up the cord? I thought you said one day in The Kingdom dimension was one day in the MU? So shouldn't only be about one week after that?124) No it doesn't mean that. We have never established a distinct system of time for the Matoran.113) Brutaka did147) No, as far as I know, it's not a license we are interested in. Video games are competing products, so not much point in doing something that promotes them.8) Vultraz is not a store exclusive, Mazeka is9) Pretty much the same way the Avengers did -- they realized there were some threats too great for one Toa to deal with alone135) He ran across him in the Archives -- don't forget the Order has a spy in the Dark Hunters6) Imprisoned him1611) No12) Don't have a favorite13) Jeffery Deaver and Jasper Fforde1510) Time moves at a faster rate in the Kingdom universe than it does in ours.198. Do you know what store Mazeka is exclusive too?186. What will TSO do when he finds out about this?2010. So one day here is not one day there?238) Not off the top of the my head226) Who says he will?2410) No, it might be several years there.2710b. But is one day here one day in the TEPD?Thanks Greg.266. But won't he get suspicious when he doesn't hear from Dweller anymore?10a. So Takanuva is now a couple years older than he should be, right?296) Dweller is not sending messages back and forth. That would be a great way for his presence there to be discovered. His job is to take out Takanuva, then come back and report.3110b) Correct3010) No. A day here is years there -- and he wasn't there for years, he was there for a day or two at most.566) I can't discuss it556. Like, are they just floating in the star, or is there some place in there that they live on?5416) Right17) Yes1) Over time, yes2) Yes3) Why would I want to give you BL11 plot info three months ahead of time?4) No5) Mmmmm, does not show up in the book, no, but will show up elsewhere in story this year6) I don't understand your question.4716. Krika's energy draining power? And is Gorast's power is her stinger?455) Yes7) No, take the current Takanuva set, put it next to a Phantoka or Mistika set, and you'll see how much bigger he is than a normal Toa15) Yes16) Well, you already named one in question 15435. But it goes back to black when he puts it on, right?7. You mean the first Takanuva set?15. Sorry, meant his energy draining power.16. Oh. Well, can you tell me?401) Yes2) Yes3) Yes, but he couldn't absorb other beings with it4) No5) Gold6) Yes7) Take the two sets, put them side by side, and that's your relative answer8) I haven't started writing the summer serials yet. I'll decide as I go along9) Why would I want to give that away here?10) Yes11) An island not far from Daxia12) Correct13) Yes13a) I am not going to answer this14) Yes. That's standard format for a comic script15) Krika doesn't drain light. Gorast does.16) Most people already seem to know them17) Yes333. Could Takanuva make a shadow hand come out of his chest like a Makuta?4. Does Takanuva's Midak grow with him?5. If Takanuva takes off his Avohkii, would it go back to being gold, gray, or stay black?6. A level 6 teleport kraata can teleport though walls, can Makuta teleport to this level too?7. If a Toa is about 7 bio tall, then how tall is Takanuva after he grows? 15 bio?8. Do you plan on dealing with Ancient and Voporak looking for the Vahi in the summer serials?9. The DH Lurker is investigating Teridax's "death", will he find anything while investigating?321. Was Helryx at least a member of the HoA?2. Will we learn what is on the other side of the Codrex?3511. Where is Miserix flying to?3410. Brutaka shrunk the sundial with a shrinking Kanoka disk, right?3713a. Does Axonn still think Brutaka is in the Pit?13b. Is Brutaka the vistor Axonn will be getting?14. Do you write all the Bionicle comics like 12.5?15. Krika was given his light draining power by the Pit waters, right?16a. Seeing as how the Mistika sets are starting to come in stores, are you going to reveal their special powers soon?16b. Will they use these powers in BL11?3612. Dweller is imprisoned on Daxia, right?3919. Will Gorast use her Felnas in BL11?Thanks again Greg.3817. Does Helryx have a Toa tool?18. What does the universe think happened to Helryx? I mean, when she founded the OoMN, she kinda had to disappear, right? So, did she fake her death or something?4219) Yes4118) Helryx was never hanging around with loads of Matoran, so she wasn't missed.4417. Does she carry with her right now?4617) Sure, why wouldn't she?491. If Takanuva takes off the Avohkii, would it go back to it's normal size?4817. Does it have a name?513. Who does Gorast use her Felnas on in BL11?502. Will we learn what is on the other side of the Codrex in BL11?535. You said a while ago that the island of Mata Nui will play a role in future story. Perhaps in BL11?6. Are the red star beings just in the star, or on some kind of location?Thanks again Greg.524. Did Brutaka do anything else on Metru Nui besides shrinking the sundial, getting Dweller, and sending Takanuva away?
58Perhahps in the CGI this year?
1here are more answers:
7thanks,Mr. Farshtey.
21.if you could make a BIONICLE/Pok`emon version of any character,who would it be and why? 32.did you play with LEGO as a Kid? 4and,3. what's your favorite Pok`emon?
51, 3) I'm not familiar with Pokemon, Tent, it was after my time. 62) Some -- I was 9 when LEGO first started being sold in the US, so I didn't have as much time to play with it as today's kids do.
7thanks,Mr. Farshtey.
1I know what the Karda Nui shields are for .
13Some of the above may be considered spoilers, some aren't. I spoiler'd it all just to be safe.
2I sent these over a week ago, and didn't get a reply. Perhaps the server ate them? Also, 4 is new.
31. Does Trinuma actually wear a Kanohi, or is it just a face? If so, is it a Hau (not Nuva), or something else? If something else, have you decided what it is?
42. Is it possible that Trinuma is the same species as Hydraxon? The reason I ask is I noticed a few similarities between him and Hydraxon. First of all, they appear to be a similar height. Also, they have the same shoulders.
53. Related to 2, how similar are members of a species? Would some random Vortixx look identical to Roodaka, or would she have just a slightly different head? Perhaps she would have some variation in the build of her body?
64. I just had a spark of inspiration . Are the ultra-powerful shields of Karda Nui designed to contain the energy storm?
7Thanks for your time, 8~Arzeron
91) He does wear a Kanohi, yes 102) No 113) No idea, not something I have worried about 124) Yes
13Some of the above may be considered spoilers, some aren't. I spoiler'd it all just to be safe.
1That with the energy storm has been revealed before.
1I know what the Karda Nui shields are for . 2I sent these over a week ago, and didn't get a reply. Perhaps the server ate them? Also, 4 is new.
31. Does Trinuma actually wear a Kanohi, or is it just a face? If so, is it a Hau (not Nuva), or something else? If something else, have you decided what it is?
42. Is it possible that Trinuma is the same species as Hydraxon? The reason I ask is I noticed a few similarities between him and Hydraxon. First of all, they appear to be a similar height. Also, they have the same shoulders.
53. Related to 2, how similar are members of a species? Would some random Vortixx look identical to Roodaka, or would she have just a slightly different head? Perhaps she would have some variation in the build of her body?
64. I just had a spark of inspiration . Are the ultra-powerful shields of Karda Nui designed to contain the energy storm?
7Thanks for your time, 8~Arzeron
91) He does wear a Kanohi, yes 102) No 113) No idea, not something I have worried about 124) Yes
13Some of the above may be considered spoilers, some aren't. I spoiler'd it all just to be safe.
14Sweet... 15I wonder what would happen if there wore no shields

1I know what the Karda Nui shields are for . 2I sent these over a week ago, and didn't get a reply. Perhaps the server ate them? Also, 4 is new.
31. Does Trinuma actually wear a Kanohi, or is it just a face? If so, is it a Hau (not Nuva), or something else? If something else, have you decided what it is?
42. Is it possible that Trinuma is the same species as Hydraxon? The reason I ask is I noticed a few similarities between him and Hydraxon. First of all, they appear to be a similar height. Also, they have the same shoulders.
53. Related to 2, how similar are members of a species? Would some random Vortixx look identical to Roodaka, or would she have just a slightly different head? Perhaps she would have some variation in the build of her body?
64. I just had a spark of inspiration . Are the ultra-powerful shields of Karda Nui designed to contain the energy storm?
7Thanks for your time, 8~Arzeron
91) He does wear a Kanohi, yes 102) No 113) No idea, not something I have worried about 124) Yes
13Some of the above may be considered spoilers, some aren't. I spoiler'd it all just to be safe.
14Sweet... 15I wonder what would happen if there wore no shields.
16I'm thinking the storm would spread into the rest of the universe, and the storm would consume it. Total world devestation and all that. The end of life, really.
1Some interesting q's:
@ 8


2I've been wondering about Mata Nui reawakening and the energy storms, and I have some questions.
31. When Mata Nui is reawakened, the energy storms will start and kill every living thing in the core, right? 42a. Being inside a Toa canister is the only way to survive the storms, right? Or is there another place in Karda Nui to take shelter? 52b. As the unknown Av-Matoran in Karzahni stated in BL2, Matoran cannot survive in Toa canisters (except for the Inika/Mahri), correct? 63. Do the storms continue indefinitely after MN is awakened, or is it just like a burst of energy that happens when he's awakened and stops shortly after? 74a. I remember reading that something bad will happen if there are no more Av-Matoran. Is there? 84b. If yes, what is it? 95. If 1 is true, 2a and b are true, 3 is the former and 4a is true, does that mean that unless the Av-Matoran escape Karda Nui, something (as described in 4b) very bad will happen?
106a. Is the Western Portal the only way out of Karda Nui? 116b. If yes, during the final battle, will the Av-Matoran be near the WP, say maybe near enough to escape if the Nuva warn them to get out when/if they reawaken MN? 127. If 5 and 6a are true and 6b is false... then that means that the bad thing in 4b is inevitable, right?
138. Am I just thinking about this too hard?
149. The avokah are those lightning bolts in BL10, but are they the energy storms? Or are the storms just plain energy?
151) Yes 162a) Nope, that's it 172b) No, he was discussing Matoran TRAVELING in Toa canisters, not just being in one. 183) No, keeps on 194a) Something bad would happen if any tribe was wiped out 205) Anyone in Karda Nui when the storm hits will die 216) It's the easiest way out 226b) I can't discuss future storyline 238) Probably 249) No, they are not the energy storm


11. Do all the Mistika Makuta still have destiny control and power scream?
22. On BS01 it says that Bitil still has his telepathy power. Is this true? 32a. Do all the Miskuta still have telepathy?
43. Will Antroz, Chirox, Mutran, and Icarax use their Kanohi in BL11?
54. Is it a who or a what that makes the Blade Burrows make the universe map?
6(Link to image)
75. Which spot on this map is the Matoran Universe? 85a. Is this map perhaps of the whole Bionicle Planet? 95b. Are these other dots other universes?
106. On BS01, it says that Bitil is good with energy fields. Is this true? 116a. Does he still have this power? 126b. And by energy fields, that means stasis fields, right?
137. A member said that you told him that the Miskuta still have their chain lightning power. Is this true?
148. That same member also said one of the Miskuta still has their darkness power. Is this true? 158a. Which Miskuta still has the darkness power?
169. Since Krika, Gorast, and Bitil are all of the same species, wouldn't the swamp waters affected them in the same way? Like, for example, if Krika still has his sonics power, then shouldn't Gorast and Bitil still have their sonics power too? Or does it depend on how long they've been in the swamp waters?
17Thanks again Greg, I really appreciate it.
181) Yes 192) Yes 202a) Yes 213) Don't recall, I wrote that book months ago 224-5) Can't discuss this 236) We don't know that it's true or it's not -- it was said by a Makuta about Bitil, and Makuta are not known for being honest. 247) Yes 258) I don't believe I specified that one had it 269) How much they were mutated depends on how long and how often they have been in the water
276. But does he still the stasis field power?
28(New Questions)291. What is Helryx's Toa tool name?
302. Will the island of Mata Nui be in the summer serials?
313. Are there anymore Kraata powers that Miskuta still have?
326, 3) Why this obsession with what powers they still have? Are you planning to fight one of them? 331) Hasn't been announced yet 342) No. Nothing is going on there, it's barren.
351. Will it revealed in the summer serials?
361) Should be
1A few interesting tidbits from Greg...
2Hey GregF --
3I hope you are doing well, and if you wouldn't mind, could you answer some questions from me? Also, I want to say that you did a great job with Bionicle Legends 10: Swamp of Secrets and your work on the three serials.![]()
41. Do you mind if I add you to my friends list? It's just for convenience.51a. How often do you get notified through PM that someone added you as a friend?
62. In Bionicle Legends 10, in several instances, Gali caught Gorast's head in a sphere of water and cut off her air. I thought Makuta didn't breathe air, or did their mutation change that?
73. When the Toa use their Nynrah Ghost Blasters, do they have to maintain concentration in order to keep the object they created there, or is it "fire and forget"? 83a. If it's "fire and forget", does the energy object wear away eventually?
94. Can a Toa use their Nynrah Ghost Blasters (NG, can they create hand-held weapons out of them? 104a. Actual bullet like projectiles? 11-- If so to both or either one of them, can the energy penetrate Makuta Armor?
125. I was reading Aanchir discussion with you regarding Gali and Onua's weapons, and you replied since they didn't have any on the sets, they don't have melee weapons. What do you mean by that exactly? 135a. Is it reasonable to guess that for some reason, the adaptive armor decided to give Gali and Onua weaponry attachments ( Gali has crosshairs and Onua has a fancy "grip" for the NGB ) instead of actual melee weapons?
146. Last year, I remember reading that you replied no or something similar to that when members asked you if the Ignika could revive Mata Nui. Did the no refer to the Ignika reviving Mata Nui single-handlely and not with its powers combined with the spirit and life of a single Toa?
157. How would Antroz feel if he thought about how badly the Makuta were faring physically. The Phantoka ones are blinded with Icarax in excruciating pain and unable to fight as effectively as before and the Mistika are locked into their forms, need energy, and lost many of their powers.
168. Do the Mistika Makuta have more or less of their Rahkshi powers remaining? 178a. Do they all share the same ones that are remaining and missing? Meaning, do they all have the same powers left? 188b. If the Mistika only have a few powers left can you please list them whenever you have time? It would be nice for people like me, because if I role-play with my sets, it'd be kind of annoying that I don't know what powers they have left.![]()
199. I remember you saying that the Phantoka Makuta don't have any vision powers left, is that true? 209a. How come Antroz fired beams of energy from his eyes in Shadows in the Sky at the Toa Nuva while they were on the top of the Karda Nui caves? 219b. Is it possible that they still have their vision powers left, but they can't use them effectively for obvious reasons.
2210. When Vamprah flew through the falls in Karda Nui, how come the water didn't hit and/or mutate him?
2311. How come the Toa Nuva didn't get mutated when they walked on the mud of the swamp? Mud has swamp water in it and swamp water has mutagen in it.
24That's all the questions I have for now, and I promise that I won't post them until July 15th.
25Thanks, 26~SB~
271) Go ahead 282) For Gorast, yes 293) They do have to maintain concentration, its form is dictated by their will 304) I don't understand your question 315) I meant since the sets don't have melee weapons, the characters in story don't either. 325a) No, because the armor didn't "give" the others melee weapons either. The weapon is a separate object. 336) Yes. The Ignika could not do it on its own. 347) Not sure I get your question ... Antroz is one of the ones whose blinded, so he already knows about it. 358) They are missing some powers, such as shapeshifting. I have not made a list of what they have and what they don't because I don't need one. 369) Just a mistake on my part in story 3710) He wasn't exposed to it for that long 3811) Because the soil dilutes it to the point where the effect is so weak it doesn't cause mutation.
15. You said a while ago that the island of Mata Nui will play a role in future story. Perhaps in BL11?
25) Mmmmm, does not show up in the book, no, but will show up elsewhere in story this year
3hmm i wonder were it will show up? theres a pic of it on bionicle.com

46, 3) Why this obsession with what powers they still have? Are you planning to fight one of them?

1I know what the Karda Nui shields are for . 2I sent these over a week ago, and didn't get a reply. Perhaps the server ate them? Also, 4 is new.
31. Does Trinuma actually wear a Kanohi, or is it just a face? If so, is it a Hau (not Nuva), or something else? If something else, have you decided what it is?
42. Is it possible that Trinuma is the same species as Hydraxon? The reason I ask is I noticed a few similarities between him and Hydraxon. First of all, they appear to be a similar height. Also, they have the same shoulders.
53. Related to 2, how similar are members of a species? Would some random Vortixx look identical to Roodaka, or would she have just a slightly different head? Perhaps she would have some variation in the build of her body?
64. I just had a spark of inspiration . Are the ultra-powerful shields of Karda Nui designed to contain the energy storm?
7Thanks for your time, 8~Arzeron
91) He does wear a Kanohi, yes 102) No 113) No idea, not something I have worried about 124) Yes
13Some of the above may be considered spoilers, some aren't. I spoiler'd it all just to be safe.
14Sweet... 15I wonder what would happen if there wore no shields.
16Just quick, all are fried, no more Mata Nui, no more Toa, no more Skakdi, No More Matoran etc. All are fried

1I know what the Karda Nui shields are for . 2I sent these over a week ago, and didn't get a reply. Perhaps the server ate them? Also, 4 is new.
31. Does Trinuma actually wear a Kanohi, or is it just a face? If so, is it a Hau (not Nuva), or something else? If something else, have you decided what it is?
42. Is it possible that Trinuma is the same species as Hydraxon? The reason I ask is I noticed a few similarities between him and Hydraxon. First of all, they appear to be a similar height. Also, they have the same shoulders.
53. Related to 2, how similar are members of a species? Would some random Vortixx look identical to Roodaka, or would she have just a slightly different head? Perhaps she would have some variation in the build of her body?
64. I just had a spark of inspiration . Are the ultra-powerful shields of Karda Nui designed to contain the energy storm?
7Thanks for your time, 8~Arzeron
91) He does wear a Kanohi, yes 102) No 113) No idea, not something I have worried about 124) Yes
13Some of the above may be considered spoilers, some aren't. I spoiler'd it all just to be safe.
14Sweet... 15I wonder what would happen if there wore no shields.
16Just quick, all are fried, no more Mata Nui, no more Toa, no more Skakdi, No More Matoran etc. All are fried
17Most likely, I like my bohrak suny side up, but no seriusly that would be bad
1Minor BL10 spoilers here, but Ill put that part in spoiler caps anyway.
2Hey Greg, Im back with more questions . I only have 2 this time, to make life for you easier.
31. I recently recieved Axalara, and IMO, this is one of the best sets ever released. When I was examining the box, I noticed the Codrex in the background, and Rockoh is shooting out of a small hole in it. Are the T vehicles indeed found in the Codrex?41a. If so, are they in the second room sealed off when the Toa first visited? 51b. A few months ago, I asked you about said room, and you stated that that room is related to the awakening of Mata Nui. If the vehicles are indeed in that room, do they play a very large role in Mata Nui's awakening? How?
62. Will Vultraz or Mazeka ever be seen in the main storyline or in the books? Or will they be strictly in their online serial.
71) Yes
102) Online serial only
1Well, if you read an answer back a few posts. He says the sundial won't be a huge plot device, so I doubt that's the knowledge.
2Ha Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha (funny for the makuta)Fried nuva on a plate . Lol . Fish in a barrel, Candy from a baby.
3More like fish out of water on a hot plate in a barrel. In a cave.
4whatever you say

1This was sent a long ago...
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5QUOTE 6QUOTE 7QUOTE 8QUOTE 9Hey Greg, I just read Bionicle Legends 10, and loved it. I have some questions about it though, and some others. I'll only post the non-Bionicle Legends 10 questions: 101. Do all Matoran eventually turn into Bohrok? Or just Av-toran? Or just some?
112. How does a Matoran know when it will change? Is it from old age?
123. Will we ever know the name of the krana-kraata hybrid? Or is Kratana official?
134. Did Helryx found the order? Like create it? 144a. Was She in the Hand of Artahka? 154b. Was she always the leader?
165. Could Pohatu have really brought the wall down in the Codrex in the past?
176. Avohkah are just Lighting Bolts, right? Like living lightning? 186a. Is the energy storm made of Avohkah?
197. Can Krakua create the krana-kraata hybrid?
208. Why did the first energy storm happen? In the flashback?
219. Is there going to be a Kingdom 2?
2210. Does the figure on the Ignika symbolize anything other than Toa in general? 2310a. Maybe Mata-Nui?
2411. Is Mata-Nui behind the wall in the Codrex?
2512. Is the Sundial still in Takanuva's possession in dark mirror?
2613. On interlude four, it says Pohatu Nuva never saw something like Karda Nui before. Is the Nuva a mistake? Since it is in the past?
281) Just some Av-Matoran 292) Just instinctive 303) It's not official, no 314) She was involved in its creation 324a) Yes 334b) Always the leader of the OOMN? Yes 345) If it's made of stone, he can bring it down 356) Right 366a) No 377) No 388) Because that's what happens when the Great Spirit awakes 399) Yes, this week. I am writing it tomorrow. 4010) Symbolizes Mata Nui 4111) No, he is not 4212) Yes 4314) Yes, that's a typo
44Thanks. I have some more questions.
455. Is there something important behind it? 466a. Is the storm living in some way? 478. So thats when Mata-Nui was first created/awakened? 4810. Is the shape on the Ignika what Mata-Nui actually looks like? 4912. Is 4 o'clock still important?
511. Any plans to reveal new elements or the prefix of Lightning? 522. In the real story, did the Turaga actually plan to evacuate to Mata-Nui(island)? 533. Is Takanuva's destiny in the Kingdom the same as in the real story? 544. How was Brutaka's appearence in a most unexpected way? 555. What are Fe-Matoran resistant to or what powers do they have?
575) Yup 586a) Nope 598) Awakened, yes 6010) Mata Nui's body is two arms, two legs, and a head, yes 6112) No idea what you're referring to
621) Not at the moment, no 632) No, in our universe, they hadn't made those plans. 643) No. Turaga Takanuva achieved his destiny by trapping the Makuta behind light barriers and keeping them out of the Kingdom -- our Takanuva would not have that destiny, since the Kingdom does not exist in our universe. 654) Last time anyone saw him, he was a prisoner of the Pit -- in BL10, he is back to being an OOMN member and he took out Dweller. 665) Matoran don't have powers.
67More questions:
688. Wait, so he was asleep when the Toa Mata were training? 6912. 4 o'clock is where in Mnog you had to use the lightstone for the sundial to open. I was wondering if it would come into play.
705. Yes, but don't some Matoran have resistances, like Ta-Matoran are a little more resistant to lava than Ga-Matoran are?
718) He was not yet active -- that was when Tren Krom was running things. 7212) No. 735) They are more resistant to heat, yes. But I don't consider that a power, anymore than, say, a polar bear being resistant to the cold is a power. It's more like a natural attribute.
745. So do Fe-Matoran have any "natural attributes"?
755) Not that I have identified yet, since I have had no need to do so for story
112. How does a Matoran know when it will change? Is it from old age?
123. Will we ever know the name of the krana-kraata hybrid? Or is Kratana official?
134. Did Helryx found the order? Like create it? 144a. Was She in the Hand of Artahka? 154b. Was she always the leader?
165. Could Pohatu have really brought the wall down in the Codrex in the past?
176. Avohkah are just Lighting Bolts, right? Like living lightning? 186a. Is the energy storm made of Avohkah?
197. Can Krakua create the krana-kraata hybrid?
208. Why did the first energy storm happen? In the flashback?
219. Is there going to be a Kingdom 2?
2210. Does the figure on the Ignika symbolize anything other than Toa in general? 2310a. Maybe Mata-Nui?
2411. Is Mata-Nui behind the wall in the Codrex?
2512. Is the Sundial still in Takanuva's possession in dark mirror?
2613. On interlude four, it says Pohatu Nuva never saw something like Karda Nui before. Is the Nuva a mistake? Since it is in the past?
281) Just some Av-Matoran 292) Just instinctive 303) It's not official, no 314) She was involved in its creation 324a) Yes 334b) Always the leader of the OOMN? Yes 345) If it's made of stone, he can bring it down 356) Right 366a) No 377) No 388) Because that's what happens when the Great Spirit awakes 399) Yes, this week. I am writing it tomorrow. 4010) Symbolizes Mata Nui 4111) No, he is not 4212) Yes 4314) Yes, that's a typo
44Thanks. I have some more questions.
455. Is there something important behind it? 466a. Is the storm living in some way? 478. So thats when Mata-Nui was first created/awakened? 4810. Is the shape on the Ignika what Mata-Nui actually looks like? 4912. Is 4 o'clock still important?
511. Any plans to reveal new elements or the prefix of Lightning? 522. In the real story, did the Turaga actually plan to evacuate to Mata-Nui(island)? 533. Is Takanuva's destiny in the Kingdom the same as in the real story? 544. How was Brutaka's appearence in a most unexpected way? 555. What are Fe-Matoran resistant to or what powers do they have?
575) Yup 586a) Nope 598) Awakened, yes 6010) Mata Nui's body is two arms, two legs, and a head, yes 6112) No idea what you're referring to
621) Not at the moment, no 632) No, in our universe, they hadn't made those plans. 643) No. Turaga Takanuva achieved his destiny by trapping the Makuta behind light barriers and keeping them out of the Kingdom -- our Takanuva would not have that destiny, since the Kingdom does not exist in our universe. 654) Last time anyone saw him, he was a prisoner of the Pit -- in BL10, he is back to being an OOMN member and he took out Dweller. 665) Matoran don't have powers.
67More questions:
688. Wait, so he was asleep when the Toa Mata were training? 6912. 4 o'clock is where in Mnog you had to use the lightstone for the sundial to open. I was wondering if it would come into play.
705. Yes, but don't some Matoran have resistances, like Ta-Matoran are a little more resistant to lava than Ga-Matoran are?
718) He was not yet active -- that was when Tren Krom was running things. 7212) No. 735) They are more resistant to heat, yes. But I don't consider that a power, anymore than, say, a polar bear being resistant to the cold is a power. It's more like a natural attribute.
745. So do Fe-Matoran have any "natural attributes"?
755) Not that I have identified yet, since I have had no need to do so for story
2I didn't know that, this could be useful. Since I have no proof, this is really just a guess, but I think it's possible he and Mata-Nui could have a battle for power or something like that.1Tren Krom was running things at one point?
3That's been known for quite a while. It's not spoilers either. No battle though, TK understands, plus, he's bound to an island.
4He ran the universe when it was easier to do so. Check BS01, can tell you all you need to know.
1'Ello, Greg. I have a question about Mata Nui's whereabouts. I hope you can answer it.
2We all know that Mata Nui isn't the Matoran Universe, or any of the islands. We know that he is close to 700,000 feet tall, which, oddly enough, is about the same size as the island of Mata Nui. Another answer you gave is that he has no power on the surface, but you never said if he was there or not. And of course, Mata Nui(island) is to be flat and unihabited.
3Okay, let's put the facts together. My theory is that he sort of 'sat' on the island of Mata Nui as he watched over the universe. That would explain why it was to be flat and uninhabited. He could then get up and walk through the ocean across the length of the Matoran Universe. When the Makuta virus got to him, he toppled over and crashed into the ocean floor. The resulting shake from his weight could be the equivalent of a universe-wide earthquake.
4I would love to know if this theory is at least warm, if not exactly spot-on. Thanks for your time.
6Two things --
71) What I said at the library was "closer to 700,000 feet than 100,000 feet" -- which can also mean way, way more than 700,000 feet. 82) Even if 700,000 feet was an accurate size for him, Mata Nui would not be the same length as the island of Mata Nui -- a kio equals 4500 feet, which makes the island of Mata Nui 1.6 million feet (357 x 4500)
91. Uh, okay... 102. That's what I get for using someone else's measurements.

11Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 12

1'Ello, Greg. I have a question about Mata Nui's whereabouts. I hope you can answer it.
2We all know that Mata Nui isn't the Matoran Universe, or any of the islands. We know that he is close to 700,000 feet tall, which, oddly enough, is about the same size as the island of Mata Nui. Another answer you gave is that he has no power on the surface, but you never said if he was there or not. And of course, Mata Nui(island) is to be flat and unihabited.
3Okay, let's put the facts together. My theory is that he sort of 'sat' on the island of Mata Nui as he watched over the universe. That would explain why it was to be flat and uninhabited. He could then get up and walk through the ocean across the length of the Matoran Universe. When the Makuta virus got to him, he toppled over and crashed into the ocean floor. The resulting shake from his weight could be the equivalent of a universe-wide earthquake.
4I would love to know if this theory is at least warm, if not exactly spot-on. Thanks for your time.
6Two things --
71) What I said at the library was "closer to 700,000 feet than 100,000 feet" -- which can also mean way, way more than 700,000 feet. 82) Even if 700,000 feet was an accurate size for him, Mata Nui would not be the same length as the island of Mata Nui -- a kio equals 4500 feet, which makes the island of Mata Nui 1.6 million feet (357 x 4500)
91. Uh, okay... 102. That's what I get for using someone else's measurements.Either way, he didn't disprove my theory.
11Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 12![]()
13It makes your argument unfalsifiable. It cannot be proven wrong, but it cannot be proven right either. So there is the fallacy with your hypothesis.
11. Will one of the 2009 chapter books be a novelization of the new movie? (I hope not, seeing as theres only two chapter books next year.)
22. If a being blocks their mind from someone else entering it, can they still "hear" someone else via telepathy?
33. Are the Makuta's power level of Kraata powers the same as the power level of a level 6 Kraata?
44. Why did Mata Nui give the Makuta control over shadow, 42 Kraata powers, and telepathy? Did he think they would need those powers for creating Rahi?
55. Can Bitil channel his shadow energy through his longswords?
66. If a past version of Bitil (summoned by the Mohtrek) leaves his Makuta armor, would he just have his Antidermis sent back, or his armor too?
77. Could Takanuva use his Staff of Light to channel his shadow energy?
88. Did all the Matoran of the Tren Krom Peninsula rebuild themselves?
99. Why was Tahu chosen to lead the Toa Mata?
1010. Where are Tanma, Photok, Solek, and Mutran at the end of BL10?
11Thanks again Greg.
121) Hasn't been decided, but I assume it will, since summer-fall story is the movie story. 132) Depends on if they open their mind to that message or not 143) Yes 154) Ever try to handle a wild, crazed Rahi you just created? 165) Yes 176) Antidermis only 187) Yes 198) No 209) Because fire has good leadership qualities, in the eyes of the OOMN.2110) Heading for the swamp behind the Phantoka Toa
22Interesting note on the Mohtrek, and because Bitil can channel shadow through his longswords, shouldn't they have there own page on BS01?
1'Ello, Greg. I have a question about Mata Nui's whereabouts. I hope you can answer it.
2We all know that Mata Nui isn't the Matoran Universe, or any of the islands. We know that he is close to 700,000 feet tall, which, oddly enough, is about the same size as the island of Mata Nui. Another answer you gave is that he has no power on the surface, but you never said if he was there or not. And of course, Mata Nui(island) is to be flat and unihabited.
3Okay, let's put the facts together. My theory is that he sort of 'sat' on the island of Mata Nui as he watched over the universe. That would explain why it was to be flat and uninhabited. He could then get up and walk through the ocean across the length of the Matoran Universe. When the Makuta virus got to him, he toppled over and crashed into the ocean floor. The resulting shake from his weight could be the equivalent of a universe-wide earthquake.
4I would love to know if this theory is at least warm, if not exactly spot-on. Thanks for your time.
6Two things --
71) What I said at the library was "closer to 700,000 feet than 100,000 feet" -- which can also mean way, way more than 700,000 feet. 82) Even if 700,000 feet was an accurate size for him, Mata Nui would not be the same length as the island of Mata Nui -- a kio equals 4500 feet, which makes the island of Mata Nui 1.6 million feet (357 x 4500)
91. Uh, okay... 102. That's what I get for using someone else's measurements.Either way, he didn't disprove my theory.
11Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 12![]()
13It makes your argument unfalsifiable. It cannot be proven wrong, but it cannot be proven right either. So there is the fallacy with your hypothesis.
14How so, old chap? The bigger the island and/or Mata Nui is, the better my theory gets.
15Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 16

1Hello, Greg . 2Just some things I was curious about. Nothing special, I think.
31)from what you saw, do the 2009 sets have any projectiles or functions? 42)does it look like there will be any new collectible aside from ammo next year? 53)I thought the idea of Krika sounding like Vincent Price to be rather neat. Does Krika have any morbid fascinations, or a sort of draw to the horrific? 64)If Krika could join the Federation of Fear, would he? 75)When we see the Hagah's masks, will they have names? 85b)If so, would they be from the last of the old name system, or from the new name system 96)Is there any being who could stand Tren Krom for an extended period of time without falling into madness at the unimaginable horror that lurks on that island? 107)Which of the known Toa of Ice is your favourite or least favourite? 118)on a scale of 1-10, how different would you say 2009 is looking right now? 129) a member that attended that Library thing mentioned something about an Antroz used for testing the new animation for the movie. Will we be able to see that sometime? 1310)When exposed to the mutagen, does it seep into the organics, causing a slow mutation even after salvation, or do you stop mutating after you get out?
141-2) I can't discuss 2009 sets 153) I don't think so 164) No 175) Not BIONICLE names, I don't have enough free names to do that 185b) Would make no sense to use the new name system, as that is not in force in the Matoran universe 196) Mata Nui 207) Kopaka is my favorite 218) I can't discuss 2009 229) No idea -- I hope so, but not my call to make 2310) Well, the Piraka kept mutating after they got out
1'Ello, Greg. I have a question about Mata Nui's whereabouts. I hope you can answer it.
2We all know that Mata Nui isn't the Matoran Universe, or any of the islands. We know that he is close to 700,000 feet tall, which, oddly enough, is about the same size as the island of Mata Nui. Another answer you gave is that he has no power on the surface, but you never said if he was there or not. And of course, Mata Nui(island) is to be flat and unihabited.
3Okay, let's put the facts together. My theory is that he sort of 'sat' on the island of Mata Nui as he watched over the universe. That would explain why it was to be flat and uninhabited. He could then get up and walk through the ocean across the length of the Matoran Universe. When the Makuta virus got to him, he toppled over and crashed into the ocean floor. The resulting shake from his weight could be the equivalent of a universe-wide earthquake.
4I would love to know if this theory is at least warm, if not exactly spot-on. Thanks for your time.
6Two things --
71) What I said at the library was "closer to 700,000 feet than 100,000 feet" -- which can also mean way, way more than 700,000 feet. 82) Even if 700,000 feet was an accurate size for him, Mata Nui would not be the same length as the island of Mata Nui -- a kio equals 4500 feet, which makes the island of Mata Nui 1.6 million feet (357 x 4500)
91. Uh, okay... 102. That's what I get for using someone else's measurements.Either way, he didn't disprove my theory.
11Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 12![]()
13It makes your argument unfalsifiable. It cannot be proven wrong, but it cannot be proven right either. So there is the fallacy with your hypothesis.
14How so, old chap? The bigger the island and/or Mata Nui is, the better my theory gets.
15Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 16![]()
17I can see what you are inferring, but there is no correlation between the two other than the name. The island is big. Mata Nui is big. Therefore the island must be Mata Nui himself. Not much of an argument there my friend.