1Hi, Greg, I have some questions that I would like answered:
21) Have you decided which serial is going to be the podcast/blog 3ormal serial yet?
41a) If yes, can you tell me which is which?
52) Does Icarax rebel against the Brotherhood?
62a) If no, then what does this mean: The Makuta forces had split up. Gorast and Vamprah had gone after Icarax; Krika had vanished; Mutran, too, was nowhere in sight; and as soon as he spotted Takanuva, Antroz had sent Bitil and Chirox after him. That left Antroz alone against Lewa, Pohatu and Kopaka.
73) Why did Lego decide to start doing serials for Bionicle?
84) Will Takanuva complete his destiny this year?
95) Does Mata Nui have a destiny?
105a) How about Toa Ignika?
11Thank you for your time.
121) Yes, OOMN-BOM war will be the podcast 132-2a) I can't discuss future storyline. You'll find out what that means when Bionicle Legends 11 comes out. 143) Basically, because we were doing fewer comics and this gave us a chance to tell story on a more regular basis. 154) Can't answer it 165-5a) All things have a destiny.
21) Have you decided which serial is going to be the podcast/blog 3ormal serial yet?
41a) If yes, can you tell me which is which?
52) Does Icarax rebel against the Brotherhood?
62a) If no, then what does this mean: The Makuta forces had split up. Gorast and Vamprah had gone after Icarax; Krika had vanished; Mutran, too, was nowhere in sight; and as soon as he spotted Takanuva, Antroz had sent Bitil and Chirox after him. That left Antroz alone against Lewa, Pohatu and Kopaka.
73) Why did Lego decide to start doing serials for Bionicle?
84) Will Takanuva complete his destiny this year?
95) Does Mata Nui have a destiny?
105a) How about Toa Ignika?
11Thank you for your time.
121) Yes, OOMN-BOM war will be the podcast 132-2a) I can't discuss future storyline. You'll find out what that means when Bionicle Legends 11 comes out. 143) Basically, because we were doing fewer comics and this gave us a chance to tell story on a more regular basis. 154) Can't answer it 165-5a) All things have a destiny.
17Meh, nothing new.

1Hmm. So that's the secret power... Light will save the universe... 

1WOW 6 seconds.....
2Hello Greg, Doing good?
31) You said that using too much of Takanuva's light would cause him to be fully shadow, correct? 41b) But say he uses allhis shadow power's, does he go alll light?
5´Thanks in advance, 6Koro .
71) Yes 81b) No. When you get attacked by a shadow leech, a psychic shield is put in place which keeps light from returning to you -- that's why shadow Matoran stay shadow Matoran instead of turning back to Av-Matoran. So light will not come to replace shadow that's been used
9Somebody post this on BIO
10That's been known for a while actually.

11Anyway, I think Greg like the Dark Knight:
12Hey Greg, couple of questions for you.![]()
131) What order do these happens to Takanuva:
14Bionicle Legends#9 15The Kingdom 16Journey of Takanuva 17Dark Mirror 18Bionicle Legends#10
192) Have you seen the Dark Knight? If so what did you think of it?
20Thanks .
211) Bionicle Legends 9, Bionicle Legends #10, JOT, Kingdom, Dark Mirror, then Bionicle Legends 11
222) Saw it last night. The performances were great, but I got a little overwhelmed by the dark, nihilistic tone of it -- I felt the last half hour saved it, when you finally got to see the philosophy behind the movie. What I liked most about it was how true it was to the characters of The Joker and Two-Face -- Nolan didn't try to reinvent who they are or why they do what they do. And the whole "everyone is just like me" approach The Joker took was right out of Killing Joke, which is the best Batman-Joker story ever written.
1Hi, here are some things I got a while back from GregF
2Hi GregF, 3I hope you don't mind answering these questions, there about the transformation from Av-Matoran to Bohrok:
41) If an Av-Matoran becomes a shadow matoran, does he become a Bohrok at the end of his life?
52) How does it get decided wich element you get as a Bohrok when you transform?
63) If Takanuva dies, does he become a Bohrok, or maybe something else (since he's a toa)?
7Thanks for your time,
91) I haven't decided. At this point, it's not relevant, because we won't see a shadow Matoran in that situation in this year's story. 102) Your destiny 113) No. Toa can only become Turaga or stay Toa, they can't become anything else.
1WOW 6 seconds.....
2Hello Greg, Doing good?
31) You said that using too much of Takanuva's light would cause him to be fully shadow, correct? 41b) But say he uses allhis shadow power's, does he go alll light?
5´Thanks in advance, 6Koro .
71) Yes 81b) No. When you get attacked by a shadow leech, a psychic shield is put in place which keeps light from returning to you -- that's why shadow Matoran stay shadow Matoran instead of turning back to Av-Matoran. So light will not come to replace shadow that's been used
9Somebody post this on BIO
10That's been known for a while actually.
11Anyway, I think Greg like the Dark Knight:
12Hey Greg, couple of questions for you.![]()
131) What order do these happens to Takanuva:
14Bionicle Legends#9 15The Kingdom 16Journey of Takanuva 17Dark Mirror 18Bionicle Legends#10
192) Have you seen the Dark Knight? If so what did you think of it?
20Thanks .
211) Bionicle Legends 9, Bionicle Legends #10, JOT, Kingdom, Dark Mirror, then Bionicle Legends 11
222) Saw it last night. The performances were great, but I got a little overwhelmed by the dark, nihilistic tone of it -- I felt the last half hour saved it, when you finally got to see the philosophy behind the movie. What I liked most about it was how true it was to the characters of The Joker and Two-Face -- Nolan didn't try to reinvent who they are or why they do what they do. And the whole "everyone is just like me" approach The Joker took was right out of Killing Joke, which is the best Batman-Joker story ever written.
23Wait, I thought JOT happens after The Kingdom? Or did Greg use his rights as an author to change his mind again? 24And good to hear Greg's opinion on The Dark Knight. Exactly what a hardcore Batman fan would say.
1Of course Greg's a Batman fan. He's basically confirmed it plenty of times.
1Just some stuff on the makuta's motivation
2Thanks for reading this, i have a question
31) in comic 13, krika says that the Toa must die because the makuta envy them. But i thought that the makuta thought of the toa as worthless Bugs. Please explain
41a) Does just Krika envy Toa, or the whole brotherhood
51b) Is the reason Makuta envy toa the reason pulled his plot in 04' to be like a toa
61c) Why do the makuta wake up mata nui, they can do what they want now, due to mata nui being asleep
71d) If the makuta tricked mata nui into think the makuta awakened him and saved is life with the ignika, would mata nui spare them?
81) Simple. Both the Toa and the Makuta were, at one time, doing the same job -- protecting the Matoran. The Toa did it because it was the right thing to do, because they are noble at heart and heroes. The Makuta were not any of those things and could only pretend to be. And most people hate others who genuinely are what they can only pretend to be.
91a) I think most of the other Makuta are not self-aware enough to realize the roots of their hatred for the Toa.
101c) Follow the story and find out
111d) Not possible. Mata Nui knows who attacked him in the first place.
1Just some things.
21. Does Kualus's Sub-Zero Spear do what it says (drop the temp. to sub-zero)?
32. Does Bomonga's Seismic Spear create seismic shocks/activity?
4Like the Toa Mata tools, they are channels for the elemental power of the Toa, that's all.
5Can the Elda track other objects, too?
6No, not that we know of
71. How was Jovan's team able to use the Ignika in Karda Nui if its always in a constant energy storm?
82. Did Jovan's team use the Western gate to enter Karda Nui?
93. Did Jovan's team have to get past Brutaka and Axonn?
104. Did Jovan's team meet any of the Voya/Mahri Nui Matoran before they used the Ignika?
115. Why did Jovan stay in Voya Nui?
126. How did Jovan and Lesovikk meet?
137. What happened to Jovan's team in the Zone of Nightmares?
148. Did any of the Toa die on the way to the Ignika?
159. Could Jovan's team be considered Toa Voya?
1610. Where did the rest of Jovan's team go after Voya Nui?
1711a. How and/or why did Jovan's team go to Voya Nui? 18b. How did they find out about Mata Nui's condition and the Ignika?
191) It's in an energy storm when Mata Nui is awake and active. Mata Nui was ill, which is why it was needed in the first place 202, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11) We haven't told the story of Jovan's team's adventure, so none of this info exists. I basically don't have time to flesh out stories I am not going to tell anywhere. 219) No. They did not act to protect Voya Nui, they only went there to get the mask and then left.
2As the title suggests, I have a small theory of the Sundial's purpose in Karda Nui:
3It's known that the Sundial has a connection with the Cordex, and it's also known that the T vehicles are somwhere inside the Cordex.
4I believe that the Sundial acts as some sort of 'key' that unlocks the area in the Cordex where the T vehicles are being kept.
5Am I close?
7No, sorry.
8I also got another PM from him about a minute later:
10As the title suggests, I have a small theory of the Sundial's purpose in Karda Nui:
11It's known that the Sundial has a connection with the Cordex, and it's also known that the T vehicles are somwhere inside the Cordex.
12I believe that the Sundial acts as some sort of 'key' that unlocks the area in the Cordex where the T vehicles are being kept.
13Am I close?
15It's a good theory, but if it were true, wouldn't it have made more sense to just give the sundial to the Toa Nuva to bring with them, since they are the ones who have to use the vehicles?
2As the title suggests, I have a small theory of the Sundial's purpose in Karda Nui:
3It's known that the Sundial has a connection with the Cordex, and it's also known that the T vehicles are somwhere inside the Cordex.
4I believe that the Sundial acts as some sort of 'key' that unlocks the area in the Cordex where the T vehicles are being kept.
5Am I close?
7No, sorry.
8I also got another PM from him about a minute later:
10As the title suggests, I have a small theory of the Sundial's purpose in Karda Nui:
11It's known that the Sundial has a connection with the Cordex, and it's also known that the T vehicles are somwhere inside the Cordex.
12I believe that the Sundial acts as some sort of 'key' that unlocks the area in the Cordex where the T vehicles are being kept.
13Am I close?
15It's a good theory, but if it were true, wouldn't it have made more sense to just give the sundial to the Toa Nuva to bring with them, since they are the ones who have to use the vehicles?
16Why are there 2 different answers to the same questions?

1Makuta can form a Kaita .
2Hi Greg, it's me, Valtika again, hope your doing good. 3Some Makuta questions.
41) Can Makuta form a Kaita?
52) In Bionicle Legends 10, you wrote twice that Gorast was breathing. Does she have organics again? 62a) Do the other Makuta have organics to?
73) Does Bitil's Long Swords have a name?
84) Are you going to reveal the Makuta's regions by the end of the year? 94a) Just a thought, could Chirox be the Makuta of Xia? 104b) Could Antroz be the Makuta of Stelt?
11-Non Makuta Questions-
125) Is Rockoh's blaster a prototype Midak?
136) Will Trinuma's mask power be in the OoMN-BoM serial? 146a) Is it a mask we know of?
151) Yes, but they never do 162) Gorast is breathing because of the effects of the mutagen on her, has nothing to do with organic tissue 173) No 184) Depends on if I have time or not. Right now, I don't 195) I always just call it a "blaster cannon" 206) Yes, most likely 217) Haven't decided
41) Can Makuta form a Kaita?
52) In Bionicle Legends 10, you wrote twice that Gorast was breathing. Does she have organics again? 62a) Do the other Makuta have organics to?
73) Does Bitil's Long Swords have a name?
84) Are you going to reveal the Makuta's regions by the end of the year? 94a) Just a thought, could Chirox be the Makuta of Xia? 104b) Could Antroz be the Makuta of Stelt?
11-Non Makuta Questions-
125) Is Rockoh's blaster a prototype Midak?
136) Will Trinuma's mask power be in the OoMN-BoM serial? 146a) Is it a mask we know of?
151) Yes, but they never do 162) Gorast is breathing because of the effects of the mutagen on her, has nothing to do with organic tissue 173) No 184) Depends on if I have time or not. Right now, I don't 195) I always just call it a "blaster cannon" 206) Yes, most likely 217) Haven't decided
1Not sure. Maybe he accidentally pressed 'send' before he finished writing the first one, or something like that.Not sure. Maybe he accidentally pressed 'send' before he finished writing the first one, or something like that.
1Hey there, Mr. Farshety. Hope you're doing good. I had a few questions that I hope you can answer for me.
21. BS01 says that Rahi have no reserves of light, but in Bionicle Legends#10, Gorast mentions that she has to feed off the light of Rahi to sustain her. Is the Light/Shadow balance in Rahi so minimal that it does not affect their judgement, or do they really have no light? 32. If Metru Nui is the northernmost island, then what is the North Continent? 43. Is Artakha naturally a good craftsman, or is it his mask that affords him this talent? 54. Has Helryx ever met Artakha in person?
6Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these questions.
71) It's microscopic, basically 82) Northern continent is south of Metru Nui -- Metru Nui is not big enough to be a continent. It's like if you had Hawaii at the top of the world and then Australia south of it -- Australia would be the northernmost continent. 93) He's naturally skilled 104) It's certainly possible
11Just curious.
1Hi Greg. 2I just have a few quick Questions for you.
31) Concerning the Klakk being the cure for Takanuva being leeched, Would it be safe to assume that the Klakk species is the cure for the leeched Av-Matoran?
42) Can you give me any info how that process works?
53) Which Vehicle has the highest Engine Power, T3, T6, or T9?
64) Will we be seeing Khakra or the Tahtorak in the BoM/OoMN War?
75) Do you plan on revealing any information on the Toa in the Shadowed One's lair that is in Suspended Animation? Such as Name, Element, or how he was trapped?
86) Will the Shadowed One's name be revealed?
97) Is Vamprah ever going to talk? Scream?
108) Will we see any Dark Hunters in the OoMN/BoM war?
131) Yes 142) No 153) Axalara 164) I don't know yet 175) Nope 186) No, it will not 197) No 208) Probably
211) Okay. 222)

1I have some Ignika questions, among others. Also, why haven't you been responding to my questions lately? My PM system is fine, and I've sent valid questions I think deserve an answer. This has been happening for over the past few months.
21. Did the Ignika speed up Dekar's evolution rate, or did he just get transformed into Hydraxon. 31) Transformed. Matoran do not naturally evolve into beings like Hydraxon. 41b. If it's the former, does that mean that destined/every single Matoran will eventually evolve into Hydraxon's species one day? 5No 62. Is "Glatorian" the name of Hydraxon's species? 7I have no idea where you would get that from. Glatorian is a 2009 term, and we are not in this universe in 2009, so it has nothing to do with any domed universe species 83. Could you please include Vezon in the war, or somewhere? Loads and loads of Vezon fans won't be able to take the fact that Vezon will be locked up forever in a dark, dank cell. 9We'll see 104. Could you also feature the Matoran-rahi hybrid? That thing was cool. 11I doubt it 125. Can Brutaka summon creatures from different dimensions to help in the war, including the Zivon and the creatures that eat shadow? 13No. 146. Will the war rage around island to island? 15It will take place in more than one setting 167. Could Kardas maybe make an appearance again? With Vezon riding it?17Kardas has been captured by the Toa Metru, so he will most likely not be a factor 188. If Krika had the chance, even at the cost of his own life, would he seize the opportunity to redeem himself by doing a noble act for the Matoran? 19No. Krika is not noble. Krika is realist. Krika doesn't believe the Plan will benefit him, nor will it's failure benefit him. He's not a good guy, he's just looking out for himself first.
20Thanks Greg . I appreciate it. ^^ Also, late Happy Birthday .
21Nothing big. That's awesome that Klakk are the cure for the light drains..glad I MOCed one. In fact, I could probably make a few more.

1So the G word is a 2009 term, after all. I don't know why he would reveal that.
21st 2009 term revealed . Now we know it's official . 3Hmmm.... I guess there are more tribes/lands/ or at last more area's, or something like that. And not something like Po-metru, Ta-Koro, or 'Glator' is the 2009 location, and residents didn't have a name like Matoran, but more like 'American'.
21st 2009 term revealed . Now we know it's official . 3Hmmm.... I guess there are more tribes/lands/ or at last more area's, or something like that. And not something like Po-metru, Ta-Koro, or 'Glator' is the 2009 location, and residents didn't have a name like Matoran, but more like 'American'.
1So we know Kardas has been captured, that's new, we know the fight's outcome now, well part of it at least.
1Great - It seems that Glatorian could be the official "Matoran" species of 2009 until Greg comes and guns our theory down

3Actually, Vamprah already did scream in BL9. The Phantoka Toa Nuva used the Kakama Nuva to speed up and vibrate their molecules to go through solid objects, but turned somewhat solid just as they were passing through Chirox and Vamprah, mixing up their Antidermis. They both screamed in pain. 17) Is Vamprah ever going to talk? Scream?27) No
5Actually, the BrickMaster exclusive set IS the Klakk, I believe.And yes, I'm pretty sure he meant Mahri.4Nothing big. That's awesome that Klakk are the cure for the light drains..glad I MOCed one. In fact, I could probably make a few more. I'm also pretty sure he meant Mahri, not Metru.
1can understand if you can't answer these, but you may be able to because I don't think they'd give away storyline much.
21. I know we will be in another universe in '09, but does that necessarily mean we won't have Toa, Matoran, Makuta, etc.?
32. Does Teridax and Takanuva's destiny span beyond 2009?
4Thank you, Greg .
5I can't answer these, I'd get fired

1Stuff about the Codrex and mysterious sundial.
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr. Farshtey, I just have a few questions.
41. I just read the new Taka blog entry, is the sundial's purpose to lead to the codrex?
52. Does the 4 o'clock marking on the sundial play any major role, or was it just in the MNOG?
63. Is Mata Nui (being) as big as Mata Nui (island)?
74. How many of the serials do you have done?
8Thanks in advance .
91) Yes 102) Just in MNOG 113) I've already said all I can about the size of Mata Nui 124) I don't write the serials completely ahead of time, I do them one chapter at time
41. I just read the new Taka blog entry, is the sundial's purpose to lead to the codrex?
52. Does the 4 o'clock marking on the sundial play any major role, or was it just in the MNOG?
63. Is Mata Nui (being) as big as Mata Nui (island)?
74. How many of the serials do you have done?
8Thanks in advance .
91) Yes 102) Just in MNOG 113) I've already said all I can about the size of Mata Nui 124) I don't write the serials completely ahead of time, I do them one chapter at time
1If she knew about Klakk, or that beings can lose their light in the first place.
1Confirmed a while ago, i think. Might be on biosector
1As I recall they would technically be Metru, but are still called Mahri to avoid confusion in the names.
1It's Mahri .
1Ok because I like Mahri better especially for them . And it would get confusing . Do you have the metru .? Which ones, 04 or 07? 

1Nothing special, just some stuff I wanted to know,
2Hello Greg,
31) If Jovan's team used the Ignika in Karda Nui and the energy storms became active again after that, how did they survive?
42) How large is the southern continent approximately? The size of a country, or more like a continent?
53) Will The OOmN-BOM war take place during the mistika-phantoka saga or after that?
64) Can the Mistika still make Rahkshi?
75) Do the makuta know about the Klakk's ability?
8Thanks again.
91) They left. Energy storms are not like lightbulbs that you turn on and they are instantly full strength - it takes time to build to full strength 102) I don't have this info 113) During 124) Since there is no EP in Karda Nui, not an issue 135) No
1Thank you for answering my last questions and those before that and those before that again.
21. What creatures are Bitil, Gorast and Krika resembling? 32. Can a toa have the element of shadow but still be good? 43. Can a makuta create another makuta? 54. Do you enjoy answering these questions?
6Thank you for taking your time on my questions....again
71) Not a set designer, so no idea 82) No 93) No 104) Yes
111) Should wish somebody knew. 122) Ok 133) Ok 144)