1Destiny war. It is ok, not the best name ever. But Brothers in Arms, I really hope he keeps that name.
2in answer to your comment, Madara: Mangekyou Master, Greg said a while back that the battle in Dark Mirror would look like a small innocent fray to what has now been named Destiny War
3Amazing. Really wants the story serials now. Brothers In Arms would sound ironic as Vultraz and Mazeka are bitter enemies.
4Excuse me but what does Bitter Enemies mean?
5On-Topic: scotttjt's Question 4 and answer make me wonder if that spinning shield on Tahu is really his Toa Tool or not...
1Excuse me but what does Bitter Enemies mean?
2On-Topic: scotttjt's Question 4 and answer make me wonder if that spinning shield on Tahu is really his Toa Tool or not...
3"Bitter Enemies" is a phrase used to show that two entities hate each other. A lot. Similar words include mortal enemes, nemesis, eternal foes, etc.
4And the shield is Tahu's Toa Tool, we have seen it used to focus his elemental energy in Swamp of Shadows. However, in truth almost any object can be used as a Toa Tool
1Just got these back from Greg,
91) No 102) Most likely it will get used for something else, yes 113) I don't know. 124) Yes
2Hey Greg, hope you're doing well,
31. Would Ehlek's species be considered OoMN servants?
42. Do you plan to do something with TSO's name since it isn't going to be revealed? I ask this because it seems like a waste if Lego had to spend $10,000 on it.
53. Is there a chance that Jerbraz, Tobduk, or Johmak might appear in the OoMN/BoM war serial?
64. Have Roodaka and Vezon been imprisoned yet?
7Thanks a lot .
91) No 102) Most likely it will get used for something else, yes 113) I don't know. 124) Yes
11. Ancient is the Order's spy in the Dark Hunters, correct?
22. I'm a little confused as to the order of the Takanuva-centered stories this year. Some people claim to have quotes from you stating the order is this: JoT, Kingdom, Dark Mirror. However, others say it's Kingdom, JoT, Dark Mirror. So, which is it really?
31) Yes 42) It's JOT, Kingdom, Dark Mirror
5On a semi-related note, take discussion of the web serials to the Official Web Serials Topic, not here.
1Some questions I got back from Greg, not that interesting, but hey:
15Greg got Zaktan and Zakaz confused, and some interesting stuff on the Bohrok Va. I'm sad we'll never learn how Bahrag make Krana.
2Hi Greg, I hope you get these and are able to take tijme away from your busy schedule to answer them. I hope your move goes well and you enjoy you're new house .
31) I have been thinking this over for a while, but since Zakaz is sealed off, are the Piraka(And Vezon) the only Skakdi outside in the other domes?
42)Recently, you revealed the names of the Mazeka-Vultraz's and OoMN BoM war serial's names. Can you reveal the Hagah's?
53) Will we ever learn how the Bahrag make Krana?
6That's it for now.
71) Um, no, the Piraka are in the same place Zaktan is, they are on Daxia, prisoners. 82) I haven't named it yet, otherwise I would have revealed it too 93) Doubt it. Revealing it adds nothing to the story and since we aren't in this universe next year, I can't see it being important in the near future
101)No, I meant Zakaz, not Zaktan. What I mean was, are there any other skakdi out in various domes besides the Piraka?
111) It's possible -- I would say most likely someplace like Stelt
12Thank You, but one last thing struck my mind.
131) Do Av-matoran turn into Bohrok Va too, or does something else?
14Nothing turns into Bohrok Va, they come into being as themselves
15Greg got Zaktan and Zakaz confused, and some interesting stuff on the Bohrok Va. I'm sad we'll never learn how Bahrag make Krana.

1Oh my stars ET... HE'S the spy?
1Just some things on the Destiny War DH spy.
21. How did Ancient get from searching for the Vahi to Odina?
32. How did Ancient get to work for the Order?
41) Once he realized the Vahi was on Metru Nui, he realized there was no need to keep looking, because Dweller already had the city under observation, and a raid to steal the mask would most likely fail anyway 52) He was recruited ages ago
62. Before or after he met The Shadowed One? Also, who recruited him?
72) After, and at this point, who recruited him isn't important to the story
8Does he have mental shielding?
1So that's the spy... YES . He is one of my favorite DH .
1Just some things.
21. Where's Voporak?
32. Roodaka is still imprisoned, right?
43. Are there any OoMN agents on Metru Nui anymore?
54. Who'll defend Voya Nui now?
65. Is Lariska still on Daxia?
76. What's Trinuma's mask power?
81) Hasn't been revealed 92) Yes 103) Yes 114) No real reason to defend it, the Ignika isn't there and there's nothing else anyone would want 125) Not for long 136) Hasn't been revealed yet
1Ok, this one is a little old, but I have another one wich I won't post until Greg has time to answer it completely (not blaming him, though...he sees REALLY busy...):
91) Correct 102) Technically, yes 113) Only some Av-Matoran. And technically they do not die like we do to achieve it -- it's more like dormancy as they transform
12I personally like this idea of the relationship between Av-matoran, Zyglak and Krana...
2Hi Greg, I have been thinking about this for quite some time...
3If I understand well, it all goes like this: the Av- Matoran were the first matoran created, and the remains of their creation are used to create Krana OR Zyglak. 4We also know that when their life ends, they become Bohrok.
5So basically, the whole thing about the Krana and Bohrok being a entire, sentient being was actually correct, for they both come from the Av Matoran, right?
6Also, do ALL matoran become Bohrok at the end of their lives, or only Av- Matorans?
91) Correct 102) Technically, yes 113) Only some Av-Matoran. And technically they do not die like we do to achieve it -- it's more like dormancy as they transform
12I personally like this idea of the relationship between Av-matoran, Zyglak and Krana...
1Just some more things.
2Is it possible for a Destiny War-Tao Hagah serial team up?
3Same thing for Takanuva's Blog and the Vultraz-Mazeka (Brothers in Arms) stories?
4Events in Destiny War will certainly impact the Hagah serial, but the V-M serial takes place mostly in Karda Nui, so neither of the other serials will touch upon it.
5Sorry, Imeant if the Takanuva's Blog will team up with V-M serial?
6No, Takanuva never encounters them
71. Why did you pick Ancient to be the DH spy?
82. Who is your favorite fan made character?
91) Ancient struck me as a logical choice because he was close to TSO and would be able to get good information 102) I don't read fan fiction, Xander
111. How did Ancient get from searching for the Vahi to Odina?
122. How did Ancient get to work for the Order?
131) Once he realized the Vahi was on Metru Nui, he realized there was no need to keep looking, because Dweller already had the city under observation, and a raid to steal the mask would most likely fail anyway 142) He was recruited ages ago
152. Before or after he met The Shadowed One? Also, who recruited him?
162) After, and at this point, who recruited him isn't important to the story
17Does he have mental shielding?
19Why was he recruited?
20Because the OOMN wanted a spy in the DH
1Just some more things.
2Is it possible for a Destiny War-Tao Hagah serial team up?
3Same thing for Takanuva's Blog and the Vultraz-Mazeka (Brothers in Arms) stories?
4Events in Destiny War will certainly impact the Hagah serial, but the V-M serial takes place mostly in Karda Nui, so neither of the other serials will touch upon it.
5Sorry, Imeant if the Takanuva's Blog will team up with V-M serial?
6No, Takanuva never encounters them
7Hmm, I'm starting to think the Order might help the Hagah on their quest. Indirectly, of course.
1stuf from greg
2Hi Mr.Farshtey
31)does the ignika know about its fail safe? 4A: No 51a)if he does will he warn the toa nuva? 6A: If he did, he would 71b)does mata nui know about the ignikas fail safe? 8A: Yes, but irrelevant, since Mata Nui is asleep
92)will the ignika go back to being a mask at the end of the year? 10A: I can't discuss future storyline
113)what are Toa ignika's power's? 12A: Well, you have seen some of them -- the ability to transform others, to evolve and devolve, to increase plant growth, to kill, to teleport, etc.
134)will mata nui appear in a book? 144a)serials? 15ab)anywere? 16ANSWER: See answer to #3
175)what are mata nui's powers? 18ANSWER: Mata Nui oversees the universe, maintaining things like heat, light and gravity 195a)can he teleport? 20ANSWER: No
216)in my last question when i asked if it will be hard for the Toe nuva to re awaken mata nui and you said that it wouldent be exciting if it wasnt what did you mean what makes it hard?is it that the makuta are there or is it the actual awaking of mata nui? 22ANSWER: I can't discuss what makes it hard
237)will we ever see any other great beings? 24ANSWER: Not anytime soon
258)have you thought of a title fo the hagah serials 26ANSWER: No
27Non bionicle
281)this mite sound silly but do you belive in flying saurcers? 29ANSWER: I believe it is silly to think intelligent life couldn't exist anywhere else, given the size of the universe, but I can't see why if they were smart enough to build ships like that they would waste their time visiting here
302)have you read his dark materials? 31ANSWER: No
32thank you for your time
2Hi Mr.Farshtey
31)does the ignika know about its fail safe? 4A: No 51a)if he does will he warn the toa nuva? 6A: If he did, he would 71b)does mata nui know about the ignikas fail safe? 8A: Yes, but irrelevant, since Mata Nui is asleep
92)will the ignika go back to being a mask at the end of the year? 10A: I can't discuss future storyline
113)what are Toa ignika's power's? 12A: Well, you have seen some of them -- the ability to transform others, to evolve and devolve, to increase plant growth, to kill, to teleport, etc.
134)will mata nui appear in a book? 144a)serials? 15ab)anywere? 16ANSWER: See answer to #3
175)what are mata nui's powers? 18ANSWER: Mata Nui oversees the universe, maintaining things like heat, light and gravity 195a)can he teleport? 20ANSWER: No
216)in my last question when i asked if it will be hard for the Toe nuva to re awaken mata nui and you said that it wouldent be exciting if it wasnt what did you mean what makes it hard?is it that the makuta are there or is it the actual awaking of mata nui? 22ANSWER: I can't discuss what makes it hard
237)will we ever see any other great beings? 24ANSWER: Not anytime soon
258)have you thought of a title fo the hagah serials 26ANSWER: No
27Non bionicle
281)this mite sound silly but do you belive in flying saurcers? 29ANSWER: I believe it is silly to think intelligent life couldn't exist anywhere else, given the size of the universe, but I can't see why if they were smart enough to build ships like that they would waste their time visiting here
302)have you read his dark materials? 31ANSWER: No
32thank you for your time
1"Oh, by the way, have you met tall, green, and gruesome here?
2A friend confirmed that you actually said "green" in the podcast - that confuses me since I'm assuming this is Miserix, but last I knew he was red.
3(Good start on the serial, by the way.)
4Answered this one a lot today -- he's a shapeshifter -- shapeshifters can be whatever color they choose. See Teridax as Turaga Dume in the second movie.
5I thought so, but why? Seems like it would confuse some readers/listeners.
6Not if they follow the story, it won't. Most of my readers know by now that if something doesn't seem to make sense initially, it will get explained later. For example -- do we know where Miserix is going yet? Do we know if maybe being bright red would make him stand out and vulnerable to attack? No, we don't yet. That's why there are eight more chapters.
7My suspicions exactly.I'll go and post this in the OGD - it might help deter further repeats of this question.
1Hello, first I'd like to say that Destiny War was AMAZING, probably the best you've done.
21) The Codrex can be used to awaken the great spirit, correct? 32) If so, then is it the machinery inside it, or is the outside of the Codrex involved? 43) I've heard lots about The Dark Knight, and I'm tempted to go and see it- what's your opinion on it? Would you reccomend it? 54) You mentioned in a previous post that the Vultraz and Mazeka serial would mostly be set in Karda Nui... does this mean that some of it will take place outside of Karda Nui/ Flashbacks in the past? 65) According to www.Bionicle.com in the products section, Takanuva's power has increased upon arriving in Karda Nui- is this true, or is he still average Toa powered? 76) Can you confirm that Mata Nui's true form will be revealed at the end of the year officially, or will it only be in a magazine? 87) There are only six Nynrah Ghost Blasters in all of the sets- are they most expensive to make than Midaks?
111) It is where you have to go to do that, yes 122) Outside is not involved, no 133) It was a very well-made film, and the performances were stellar. However, if you are looking for a "fun, uplifting" kind of movie, this isn't it. It's dark, dark, dark, and then it gets dark, and easily the most violent of the Batman films. I know a lot of people who loved it, I know others who felt overwhelmed by the tone. I would see it again on DVD for the performances, now that I know the plot, but I can't see it as a "watch over and over again" kind of movie because it is just too downbeat for that. 144) I was hedging my bets, since I haven't started writing it yet 155) Still average Toa powered 166) It should be in other places besides the magazine, including the comic and most likely on the web as well. 177) No idea, I don't work in manufacturing
18Thank you for the answers,
192) So the machinery inside the Codrex will awaken Mata Nui somehow? 203) Would you say it's more violent then Batman Begins? 216) In a CGI, by any chance?
242) Something will, I never said it was the machinery 253) Oh, yes 266) Don't know
27There's something inside the Codrex...

1Just a few things I was wondering.
2Hi Greg, I had a few questions that I wanted to ask. By the way, I really liked the last chapter of Destiny war. I love the direction it's going .
31. What will become of the kardas dragon?
42. Do you really consider Vezon Evil?
53. In destiny war, Trinuma says they need someone who can die horribly without being missed, referring to Vezon. With Takadox gone, would there be any problem with recruiting Mantax or Nocturn?
64. Will we see any maxilos robots in DW?
75. any chance we will be seeing more of the dark hunters with loose ends, such as Tyrant, Lurker, Shadow Stealer, and Tracker? I like how you wrapped up Dweller.
86. Relating to the last one, will the order consider releasing dweller as they did to Vezon?
97. Does Ancient consider himself evil? 107a. Do you consider him evil?
118. were the bat winged rahi that gave Ancient the message klakk? 128a. If not, have we seen them before?
139. In BL7 when Matoro tried to get into Mahri Nui but couldn't breath, couldn't he have taken off his mask and/or water tubes?
14Thanks for answering. Congrats on an amazing new chapter . Keep up the good work .
151) Most likely wind up in the Archives 162) Yes, and psychotic as well. He is capable of killing another intelligent being with no more emotion than most of us would feel swatting a fly. 173) I don't think they have plans to turn to Mantax or Nocturn, but it wouldn't surprise me if more of Ehlek's species show up. 184) Might 195) Impossible to predict who I will or won't be able to fit in right now 206) No. 217) No, he doesn't, and I consider him more amoral than anything else. But if you run down the list of real-life villains -- people like Hitler, Stalin, Osama Bin Laden -- none of them considered themselves evil. Villains don't do that. They rationalize their actions so that they can feel good about themselves, they don't go around saying, "I'm so evil." 228) No and no 239) No. He was not amphibious, he was a water-breather. Taking off the mask would not have made it possible for him to breathe air again.
11. Would you say Vezon is currently a servant of the OoMN?
22. For the purpose of the Karda-Nui mission, would the Toa Nuva consider the Toa Ignika an honorary Toa Nuva like they do Takanuva?
33. Does Takanuva know that his light won't regenerate, and if so, is he using his mask to get around this limit?
44. Can you give a one sentence summary of the Toa Hagan serial? Or its name?
55. Seeing as Dekar/Hydraxon considers himself a member, knows everything about the OoMN that a member would know, and Helryx and every other member still considers him a member (since they don't know he ever died), would it be safe to just say Hydraxon is a OoMN member?
66. Any chance we'll see Hydraxon in Destiny Wars?
77. Will we see the Toa Mahri in Destiny Wars or the Toa Hagan serial?
88. Can you give me any detail on the recruitment and membership processes of the OoMN?
99. Is it more difficult to write about the BoM for Destiny Wars since you can't use any of the established members?
101) No. I would say "pawn of" 112) It's really not something they are worrying about. 123) No, he doesn't know his light won't regenerate 134) I haven't named it yet 145) Pending the OOMN finding out he isn't who he seems to be, yes 156) No plan for that at the moment, but you never know 167) DW 178) Such as what? 189) Only in terms of not having a lot of names available for new characters
19So Hydraxon is a member of the OoMN (that was was more for the wiki than anything else) Big one though is that we'll be seeing the Toa Mahri again.
1Lol, the Kardas Dragon ended up in the archives . 

1Hello, first I'd like to say that Destiny War was AMAZING, probably the best you've done.
21) The Codrex can be used to awaken the great spirit, correct? 32) If so, then is it the machinery inside it, or is the outside of the Codrex involved? 43) I've heard lots about The Dark Knight, and I'm tempted to go and see it- what's your opinion on it? Would you reccomend it? 54) You mentioned in a previous post that the Vultraz and Mazeka serial would mostly be set in Karda Nui... does this mean that some of it will take place outside of Karda Nui/ Flashbacks in the past? 65) According to www.Bionicle.com in the products section, Takanuva's power has increased upon arriving in Karda Nui- is this true, or is he still average Toa powered? 76) Can you confirm that Mata Nui's true form will be revealed at the end of the year officially, or will it only be in a magazine? 87) There are only six Nynrah Ghost Blasters in all of the sets- are they most expensive to make than Midaks?
111) It is where you have to go to do that, yes 122) Outside is not involved, no 133) It was a very well-made film, and the performances were stellar. However, if you are looking for a "fun, uplifting" kind of movie, this isn't it. It's dark, dark, dark, and then it gets dark, and easily the most violent of the Batman films. I know a lot of people who loved it, I know others who felt overwhelmed by the tone. I would see it again on DVD for the performances, now that I know the plot, but I can't see it as a "watch over and over again" kind of movie because it is just too downbeat for that. 144) I was hedging my bets, since I haven't started writing it yet 155) Still average Toa powered 166) It should be in other places besides the magazine, including the comic and most likely on the web as well. 177) No idea, I don't work in manufacturing
18Thank you for the answers,
192) So the machinery inside the Codrex will awaken Mata Nui somehow? 203) Would you say it's more violent then Batman Begins? 216) In a CGI, by any chance?
242) Something will, I never said it was the machinery 253) Oh, yes 266) Don't know
27There's something inside the Codrex...
29It is the vehicles. it's been confirmed. Check the last page on Blinkys blog on released, scroll down, and you'll see the whole sha-bang

30Just a little secret...
1Some cool stuuff . . .
121) An ally. Miserix would never serve anyone. 132) Yes 143) With the OOMN, as they are paying him 154) We'll see as the story rolls along 165) Depends on how it goes 176) Not as it relates to shadow Matoran, no 187) Not without more info than he has now
2Hello Greg,
3A few questions I had after listening to Destiny War Ch1 (which is great BTW)
41) Is Miserix an order servant now? or just an accomplice?
52) Is Ancient a member of both the DH and OoMN?
63) If so where does Ancient's allegiance lie?
74) Will the OoMN dispatch the Hagah on their mission?
85) Does the war pose a risk for Mata Nui's health?
96) Does the order know about the Klakk? (and their ability)
107) Could Krakua Mimic the sonic scream?
11Thanks again.
121) An ally. Miserix would never serve anyone. 132) Yes 143) With the OOMN, as they are paying him 154) We'll see as the story rolls along 165) Depends on how it goes 176) Not as it relates to shadow Matoran, no 187) Not without more info than he has now
1Just a reply.
21. Why did you pick Ancient to be the DH spy?
32. Who is your favorite fan made character?
41) Ancient struck me as a logical choice because he was close to TSO and would be able to get good information 52) I don't read fan fiction, Xander
6Sorry, I meant made in a contest.
7Not something I have time to dwell on, I am very busy
32. Who is your favorite fan made character?
41) Ancient struck me as a logical choice because he was close to TSO and would be able to get good information 52) I don't read fan fiction, Xander
6Sorry, I meant made in a contest.
7Not something I have time to dwell on, I am very busy
11. Does the target of the user of the Mask of Accuracy have to be in the line of sight or does the thrown projectile become a fire-and-forget missile?
22. Is there a mask that give its user the ability to make a projectile into a fire-and-forget missile?
33. What did the Makuta do about the other beings of Iron and Magnetism (excluding Toa and Makuta)?
44. Can a being summon his/her element from a distance?
55. Can a Toa of Air increase and/or decrease air pressure? 65b. If a being of air concentrate hard enough, can he/she increase air pressure around a Makuta high enough to crush his armor?
76. How did Gorast survived her encounter with the Tahtorak?
81) Has to be in line of sight 92) No 103) Nothing, if they aren't Toa they aren't a threat. 114) No real need to, as a Toa can create it out of thin air 125) Yes, we have seen them do it in story 135b) No idea, the upper limits of the power would depend on the individual Toa's willpower 146) Gorast is a survivor by nature.
1Hi Greg. 2I just read Destiny War(Which is awesome). And i have a few questions.
31) Are the Matoran on Voya-Nui going to wonder where Axonn went?
42) What was Ancient in first, the DH, or OoMN?
53) Is Roodaka going to go to the Pit?
64) What is Trinuma's personalty? 74a) Is the thing on Trinuma's right wrist a Blaster. Picture
85) If Ancient kills TSO, will he go back to Daxia?
91) Probably 102) DH 113) She might, eventually, we'll see 124) We'll get to Trinuma as we go along
13Just some questions.
1Hi Greg. 2I just read Destiny War(Which is awesome). And i have a few questions.
31) Are the Matoran on Voya-Nui going to wonder where Axonn went?
42) What was Ancient in first, the DH, or OoMN?
53) Is Roodaka going to go to the Pit?
64) What is Trinuma's personalty? 74a) Is the thing on Trinuma's right wrist a Blaster. Picture
85) If Ancient kills TSO, will he go back to Daxia?
91) Probably 102) DH 113) She might, eventually, we'll see 124) We'll get to Trinuma as we go along
13Just some questions.
14I think that's code for "she will be killed before she can be put there".
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have two questions I hope you can answer.
21. I recently read Destiny War, and great job on it, but when Trinuma said that Vezon had to die with no one missing him was that exactly what you were thinking? You know, no one missing Vezon?
32. Is Ancients' name either Jerbraz, Tobduk, or Johmak?
42a. If so, which one?
51) Do you seriously think anyone in the BIONICLE universe considers Vezon a friend or would weep if he died? I wasn't talking about FANS missing him .. I was talking about the fact that no one in story cares if he lives or dies. 62) No
21. I recently read Destiny War, and great job on it, but when Trinuma said that Vezon had to die with no one missing him was that exactly what you were thinking? You know, no one missing Vezon?
32. Is Ancients' name either Jerbraz, Tobduk, or Johmak?
42a. If so, which one?
51) Do you seriously think anyone in the BIONICLE universe considers Vezon a friend or would weep if he died? I wasn't talking about FANS missing him .. I was talking about the fact that no one in story cares if he lives or dies. 62) No
7I hope Vezon doesn't die .
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have two questions I hope you can answer.
21. I recently read Destiny War, and great job on it, but when Trinuma said that Vezon had to die with no one missing him was that exactly what you were thinking? You know, no one missing Vezon?
32. Is Ancients' name either Jerbraz, Tobduk, or Johmak?
42a. If so, which one?
51) Do you seriously think anyone in the BIONICLE universe considers Vezon a friend or would weep if he died? I wasn't talking about FANS missing him .. I was talking about the fact that no one in story cares if he lives or dies. 62) No
7I hope Vezon doesn't die .
8It's a war, someone has to die.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have two questions I hope you can answer.
21. I recently read Destiny War, and great job on it, but when Trinuma said that Vezon had to die with no one missing him was that exactly what you were thinking? You know, no one missing Vezon?
32. Is Ancients' name either Jerbraz, Tobduk, or Johmak?
42a. If so, which one?
51) Do you seriously think anyone in the BIONICLE universe considers Vezon a friend or would weep if he died? I wasn't talking about FANS missing him .. I was talking about the fact that no one in story cares if he lives or dies. 62) No
7I hope Vezon doesn't die .
8Wouldn't Vezok care because he wants to somehow rejoin with Vezon?
1Vezok prefers that... But if Vezon dies, he won't miss him.
1Greg, I was thinking on the subject of the Ignika Countdown.
2If it activates, it will drain all life in the universe, but we have been told that the Toa Nuva won't die this year, but this is not my major argue- ment.
3The countdown has only been explained in Into the Darkness 9, and nowhere else. Frankly, I figure if, hypothecially, the countdown was to happen, I wouldn't expect the comic/book/mabye website to just say "Suddenly, all life in the universe was drained in seconds" without an expliation.
4And I have a feeling that out of all Bionicle fans who pay attetion to the storyline, there must be several that have not heard of the story serials.
5So what I ask is, based on this evidence, will the Ignika Countdown not likly occur, or will you reveal the countdown again in some other media?
6Countdown comes up again in Bionicle Legends 11, because that's when Ignika and the Toa Nuva find out about it. Right now, it's not common knowledge in the story.
7This is my first post here, and I think I'm coming in with a small bang with this info.

1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have two questions I hope you can answer.
21. I recently read Destiny War, and great job on it, but when Trinuma said that Vezon had to die with no one missing him was that exactly what you were thinking? You know, no one missing Vezon?
32. Is Ancients' name either Jerbraz, Tobduk, or Johmak?
42a. If so, which one?
51) Do you seriously think anyone in the BIONICLE universe considers Vezon a friend or would weep if he died? I wasn't talking about FANS missing him .. I was talking about the fact that no one in story cares if he lives or dies. 62) No
7I hope Vezon doesn't die .
8Wouldn't Vezok care because he wants to somehow rejoin with Vezon?
9Well, Vezok can't really fuse back together with Vezon anymore, with the Spear of Fusion now in ashes.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have two questions I hope you can answer.
21. I recently read Destiny War, and great job on it, but when Trinuma said that Vezon had to die with no one missing him was that exactly what you were thinking? You know, no one missing Vezon?
32. Is Ancients' name either Jerbraz, Tobduk, or Johmak?
42a. If so, which one?
51) Do you seriously think anyone in the BIONICLE universe considers Vezon a friend or would weep if he died? I wasn't talking about FANS missing him .. I was talking about the fact that no one in story cares if he lives or dies. 62) No
7I hope Vezon doesn't die .
8It's a war, someone has to die.
9I know but I just hope he doesn't.