1QUOTE 2I know you get a lot of questions, so I'm thanking you in advance.
31. Will mata nui's location be revealed in 2009? (Yes, I'm talking about the great spirit smile.gif.)
42. Will we ever find out the names of the BoM members who were killed for supporting Mesirix? 52a. If so, will we find out what their masks were/looked like?
6Again, thank you.
72) No, 2008 82) No, because I don't have that many spare approved names, and no point in defining masks of long-dead characters
9MATA NUI'S LOCATION WILL BE REVEALED LATER THIS YEAR . And we will never get to know those poor makuta who were nice to the great spirit. *sniffle*
11Yay . . . . .
1QUOTE 2I know you get a lot of questions, so I'm thanking you in advance.
31. Will mata nui's location be revealed in 2009? (Yes, I'm talking about the great spirit smile.gif.)
42. Will we ever find out the names of the BoM members who were killed for supporting Mesirix? 52a. If so, will we find out what their masks were/looked like?
6Again, thank you.
72) No, 2008 82) No, because I don't have that many spare approved names, and no point in defining masks of long-dead characters
9MATA NUI'S LOCATION WILL BE REVEALED LATER THIS YEAR . And we will never get to know those poor makuta who were nice to the great spirit. *sniffle*
11Yay . . . . .
12I thought this was old news

1QUOTE 2I know you get a lot of questions, so I'm thanking you in advance.
31. Will mata nui's location be revealed in 2009? (Yes, I'm talking about the great spirit smile.gif.)
42. Will we ever find out the names of the BoM members who were killed for supporting Mesirix? 52a. If so, will we find out what their masks were/looked like?
6Again, thank you.
72) No, 2008 82) No, because I don't have that many spare approved names, and no point in defining masks of long-dead characters
9MATA NUI'S LOCATION WILL BE REVEALED LATER THIS YEAR . And we will never get to know those poor makuta who were nice to the great spirit. *sniffle*
11Yay . . . . .
12I thought this was old news![]()
13XD Well it's new news for me.
14Edit: I suspect in BL11, maybe some other online serial in the late fall/early winter.
1QUOTE 2I know you get a lot of questions, so I'm thanking you in advance.
31. Will mata nui's location be revealed in 2009? (Yes, I'm talking about the great spirit smile.gif.)
42. Will we ever find out the names of the BoM members who were killed for supporting Mesirix? 52a. If so, will we find out what their masks were/looked like?
6Again, thank you.
72) No, 2008 82) No, because I don't have that many spare approved names, and no point in defining masks of long-dead characters
9MATA NUI'S LOCATION WILL BE REVEALED LATER THIS YEAR . And we will never get to know those poor makuta who were nice to the great spirit. *sniffle*
11Yay . . . . .
12I thought this was old news![]()
13It is, so we should stop celebrating old news.
1Hi Greg. Valtika again. 2Just some questions.
31) Why did you decide for no Blog for the summer serials?
42) Why did Gorast conceal her identity in BiA?
53) Will all the Islands that have names be on the MU map? 63a) If Destral is on it, will it's location be were it was in Bionicle Legends 9?
74) How does the OoMN give power upgrades to it's members?
85) Why do the Matoran live on the Tren-Krom Peninsula if it's so hazardous?
96) Will the DH kill the Nynrah Ghosts on Xia? 10BTW-Is it possible that Antroz made the Muaka?
11Thanks for answering .
121) Just wanted a change 132) Well, if she went up to Mazeka as herself, he would never have done what she wanted. 143) Yes 153a) Yes 164) Hasn't been revealed 175) Why do humans live in dangerous places on Earth? 186) We'll see 197) Why do you think he did?
20maybe the OoMN uses steroids or something equivalent
1Hi Greg. Valtika again. 2Just some questions.
31) Why did you decide for no Blog for the summer serials?
42) Why did Gorast conceal her identity in BiA?
53) Will all the Islands that have names be on the MU map? 63a) If Destral is on it, will it's location be were it was in Bionicle Legends 9?
74) How does the OoMN give power upgrades to it's members?
85) Why do the Matoran live on the Tren-Krom Peninsula if it's so hazardous?
96) Will the DH kill the Nynrah Ghosts on Xia? 10BTW-Is it possible that Antroz made the Muaka?
11Thanks for answering .
121) Just wanted a change 132) Well, if she went up to Mazeka as herself, he would never have done what she wanted. 143) Yes 153a) Yes 164) Hasn't been revealed 175) Why do humans live in dangerous places on Earth? 186) We'll see 197) Why do you think he did?
20maybe the OoMN uses steroids or something equivalent
21I highly doubt it . Maybe they just modify you like the matoran did to their selves . Or they give them something .
1Maybe they give them things to enhance their abilities XD
1Hi Greg. Valtika again. 2Just some questions.
31) Why did you decide for no Blog for the summer serials?
42) Why did Gorast conceal her identity in BiA?
53) Will all the Islands that have names be on the MU map? 63a) If Destral is on it, will it's location be were it was in Bionicle Legends 9?
74) How does the OoMN give power upgrades to it's members?
85) Why do the Matoran live on the Tren-Krom Peninsula if it's so hazardous?
96) Will the DH kill the Nynrah Ghosts on Xia? 10BTW-Is it possible that Antroz made the Muaka?
11Thanks for answering .
121) Just wanted a change 132) Well, if she went up to Mazeka as herself, he would never have done what she wanted. 143) Yes 153a) Yes 164) Hasn't been revealed 175) Why do humans live in dangerous places on Earth? 186) We'll see 197) Why do you think he did?
20maybe the OoMN uses steroids or something equivalent
21I highly doubt it . Maybe they just modify you like the matoran did to their selves . Or they give them something .
22Well, the Dark Hunters give their members biomechanical implants. So, they could just do that.

23Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 24

1Hi Greg. Valtika again. 2Just some questions.
31) Why did you decide for no Blog for the summer serials?
42) Why did Gorast conceal her identity in BiA?
53) Will all the Islands that have names be on the MU map? 63a) If Destral is on it, will it's location be were it was in Bionicle Legends 9?
74) How does the OoMN give power upgrades to it's members?
85) Why do the Matoran live on the Tren-Krom Peninsula if it's so hazardous?
96) Will the DH kill the Nynrah Ghosts on Xia? 10BTW-Is it possible that Antroz made the Muaka?
11Thanks for answering .
121) Just wanted a change 132) Well, if she went up to Mazeka as herself, he would never have done what she wanted. 143) Yes 153a) Yes 164) Hasn't been revealed 175) Why do humans live in dangerous places on Earth? 186) We'll see 197) Why do you think he did?
20maybe the OoMN uses steroids or something equivalent
21I highly doubt it . Maybe they just modify you like the matoran did to their selves . Or they give them something .
22Well, the Dark Hunters give their members biomechanical implants. So, they could just do that.![]()
23Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 24![]()
25Yeah sounds good . But maybe they even use something more natural or its even someones power to do that (Like TSO's staff) and plus dont they train there members greatly so that could help .
1some questions, some may be old already
21) considering ancient is being paid by the order, how loyal is he to the order 32) from destiny war, "A cold cell, an uncaring guard, and nothing nearby he could use to kill the Piraka. Was that justice? " 4does the uncaring guard refer to trinuma, 5if yes, is that his job? 6if no, can you reveal who it is or is it just a maxilos robot 73) Brothers In Arms will be from whose view, vultraz or mazeka 84) when will it be finished? 95) you told a member vultraz got his skyfighter from the OoMN, was this a mistake
101) As loyal as anyone is to the person who is paying them 112) No 123) I haven't decided yet 134) End of the year. I write them one chapter at a time during the year, I don't do them all at once. 145) Yes, it was -- Mazeka got his vehicle from the OOMN, not Vultraz
151) will he give his life for the order's will 164) i meant the first chapter
176) will destiny war be one attack on destral or going around the universe killing makuta 187) will the hagah be assisted by dark hunters on their search, hence the title??? or are they going somewhere dark 198) would trinuma's mask be the olisi, i see some resemblance
201) We'll have to see if that situation ever arises 214) Probably today or tomorrow 226) It's going to take place in multiple locations 237) No, no DH help the Hagah 248) Um, Trinuma's mask is actually the mask from the Tahu set, as I recall
258) i meant in the storyline, will it be a hau
268) Haven't decided
21) considering ancient is being paid by the order, how loyal is he to the order 32) from destiny war, "A cold cell, an uncaring guard, and nothing nearby he could use to kill the Piraka. Was that justice? " 4does the uncaring guard refer to trinuma, 5if yes, is that his job? 6if no, can you reveal who it is or is it just a maxilos robot 73) Brothers In Arms will be from whose view, vultraz or mazeka 84) when will it be finished? 95) you told a member vultraz got his skyfighter from the OoMN, was this a mistake
101) As loyal as anyone is to the person who is paying them 112) No 123) I haven't decided yet 134) End of the year. I write them one chapter at a time during the year, I don't do them all at once. 145) Yes, it was -- Mazeka got his vehicle from the OOMN, not Vultraz
151) will he give his life for the order's will 164) i meant the first chapter
176) will destiny war be one attack on destral or going around the universe killing makuta 187) will the hagah be assisted by dark hunters on their search, hence the title??? or are they going somewhere dark 198) would trinuma's mask be the olisi, i see some resemblance
201) We'll have to see if that situation ever arises 214) Probably today or tomorrow 226) It's going to take place in multiple locations 237) No, no DH help the Hagah 248) Um, Trinuma's mask is actually the mask from the Tahu set, as I recall
258) i meant in the storyline, will it be a hau
268) Haven't decided
19: Why is Karzahni going to be send to the Pit? He didn't knew anything from the outside world? And will he return in one of the serials?
29) Um, cause he held Matoran prisoner and mutilated them for thousands of years.
3I just got this from the OGD, so is Karzahni heading for the Pit? Same for the Piraka and Roodaka. Are they heading for the Pit as well?
4Eventually, yes
5Could Axonn cure Karzahni's and Vezon's madness?
6Are the claws on Sarda and Idris natural or tools?
7Have the Order extracted any information from Karzahni or the Piraka yet? If so, what?
8We know the mask life cracked a little bit, but did any tiny, microscopic bits fall off it?
9Have Karzahni, Roodaka, or the Piraka been sent to the Pit yet?
101) K's, maybe V's, no -- Vezon is mad because he is half a being 112) Tools 123) Not from K, he's nuts 134) No 145) No
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, I hope moving is going well and i hope you are enjoying your new home, and I have been thinking of some questions really really hard lately, and I would really like it if you can answer them to the best of your capabilities if that is fine with you, so here they are...
3Mata Nui 41.Will Mata Nui's Recent Dreams of Darkness ever come true in The Matoran Universe or anywhere else (like the Surface World, Field of Shadow, Endless ocean, etc.)?
52. In Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui, When the Toa Metru Confronted Teridax When Turaga Lhikan said "Makuta, You Sworn to Protect the Matoran .", and then Teridax said the Matoran have already been put in a coma, and soon even mata nui will sleep, Why Did Teridax Need to reach the top of the coliseum, and why did the Sun Holes Shut when he did Reach the top can you please explain that entire event?
63. If the Matoran Universe gets Hurt in any way, shape or form, will Mata Nui's status weaken aswell?
74. Why does Mata Nui Need the matoran to work, and why does he rely on them so much, like for example during the matoran civil war - the great disruption, my question is why is this so?
85. If Mata Nui is physically Stronger than the Great Beings, than that must mean he is bigger in size than the Great Beings, right?
95a. Are the Great Beings Human?
106. I've Come to a Fair Conclusion... To Awaken the Great Spirit Mata Nui, the Toa Nuva need to sacrifice their lives am I Correct?
117. What would happen to Mata Nui, and the Matoran Universe If There was No Karda Nui or it stopped functioning?
128. Are their More Universes of Bionicle?
138a. Can anyone see Mata Nui From outsive the Matoran Universe?
149. Ive Calculated that Mata Nui is 3 Billion, 696 Million Miles + in Length, is this right, If so how is that Possible?
16Thanks A Billion Greg ., Have A Great Week .
171) I can't discuss future storyline, but I can tell you that what Mata Nui has been dreaming of is what has been going on in story ... the suffering of the Matoran caused by the Makuta. 182) He went to the top because that was where he could draw the power from the power plant into himself. And the sun holes shutting was a sign that the time of shadow had begun 193) Yes, he is tied to the universe and it to him. 204) See answer to #3 -- his health is tied to the labors of the Matoran and the work they do. It's essential work. 215) Since I can't discuss the Great Beings, I can't answer this. I can say, though, that I am about 5'8 and of average strength -- and I know athletes who are 5'8 and much stronger than me. So greater strength does not automatically mean greater size 225a) There are no humans in BIONICLE 236) Nope, wrong. We did the "heroes must die to achieve (blank)" last year -- no reason to repeat it this year. 247) The universe would die and Mata Nui would die with it. 258) We know there are alternate universes, we saw them in web serials first half of the year 268a) I can't answer this 279) I have no idea where you got that figure from. What is it based on?
3Mata Nui 41.Will Mata Nui's Recent Dreams of Darkness ever come true in The Matoran Universe or anywhere else (like the Surface World, Field of Shadow, Endless ocean, etc.)?
52. In Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui, When the Toa Metru Confronted Teridax When Turaga Lhikan said "Makuta, You Sworn to Protect the Matoran .", and then Teridax said the Matoran have already been put in a coma, and soon even mata nui will sleep, Why Did Teridax Need to reach the top of the coliseum, and why did the Sun Holes Shut when he did Reach the top can you please explain that entire event?
63. If the Matoran Universe gets Hurt in any way, shape or form, will Mata Nui's status weaken aswell?
74. Why does Mata Nui Need the matoran to work, and why does he rely on them so much, like for example during the matoran civil war - the great disruption, my question is why is this so?
85. If Mata Nui is physically Stronger than the Great Beings, than that must mean he is bigger in size than the Great Beings, right?
95a. Are the Great Beings Human?
106. I've Come to a Fair Conclusion... To Awaken the Great Spirit Mata Nui, the Toa Nuva need to sacrifice their lives am I Correct?
117. What would happen to Mata Nui, and the Matoran Universe If There was No Karda Nui or it stopped functioning?
128. Are their More Universes of Bionicle?
138a. Can anyone see Mata Nui From outsive the Matoran Universe?
149. Ive Calculated that Mata Nui is 3 Billion, 696 Million Miles + in Length, is this right, If so how is that Possible?
1510. I've been Hearing something about some Two Bionicle Teams called Glatorians and Vastus, do you Know anything about them in terms of who and what they are?
16Thanks A Billion Greg ., Have A Great Week .
171) I can't discuss future storyline, but I can tell you that what Mata Nui has been dreaming of is what has been going on in story ... the suffering of the Matoran caused by the Makuta. 182) He went to the top because that was where he could draw the power from the power plant into himself. And the sun holes shutting was a sign that the time of shadow had begun 193) Yes, he is tied to the universe and it to him. 204) See answer to #3 -- his health is tied to the labors of the Matoran and the work they do. It's essential work. 215) Since I can't discuss the Great Beings, I can't answer this. I can say, though, that I am about 5'8 and of average strength -- and I know athletes who are 5'8 and much stronger than me. So greater strength does not automatically mean greater size 225a) There are no humans in BIONICLE 236) Nope, wrong. We did the "heroes must die to achieve (blank)" last year -- no reason to repeat it this year. 247) The universe would die and Mata Nui would die with it. 258) We know there are alternate universes, we saw them in web serials first half of the year 268a) I can't answer this 279) I have no idea where you got that figure from. What is it based on?
2810) The terms do not refer to teams, and I cannot discuss 2009 in any case
1Well, there goes anybody's theories that the Toa Nuva will die this year
1Hello, Greg. Unlike my usual ten-question-asking self, I've only got one question to ask.
2I've been reading the BIONICLE comics since way back in 2001. When I look at the newer comics, the "Ignition" and "Battle for Power" series, I find myself shaking my head and saying to myself, "Wow. Why would that character just be... saying that?" For example, in the newest issue, Issue #13: Swamp of Shadows, Gali says out loud to herself, "Wait . What's that sound before me?", right before she sees Makuta Gorast. Why would she be saying that?
3And yet, when I read the books, these 'cheesy lines' are never said by the characters. In the example I gave, in BIONICLE Legends #10: Swamp of Secrets, Gali never says out loud that she is wondering what that sound is. Instead, she is thinking about how danger is not what you see, but what you cannot see, which makes her turn her head just in time to spot Gorast.
4Then, I look back at the old comics, the original issues #1-27. I notice that there are no 'cheesy lines' in them either, but I noticed why. Combining what I figured out from the new comics, the books, and the old comics, I came up with this conclusion:
5The reason why there are no 'cheesy lines' said by characters in the books and old comics are because characters are thinking those lines, therefore they are not as cheesy. I look at the old comics, and I see that there is a constant presence of think bubbles. If there is something that needs to be said, the character will say it in a speech bubble; if it makes more sense for the character not to say it, it will be instead put into a think bubble.
6Then, I look at the new comics. There is not one think bubble, from Issue #1: If a Universe Ends to Issue #13: Swamp of Shadows. All words in those comics are in text boxes or speech bubbles; no think bubbles. It would have made far more sense, and made it less cheesy, if the quote that I mentioned in my first paragraph was instead in a think bubble.
7It would be benefitial to the comics if speech bubbles were put back in, and I'm sure many BZP members would agree that it would cut back on cheesy lines, lines that should've been thought, not spoken. And at what price? I don't think it costs any more to draw a think bubble than it does to draw a speech bubble.
8So why is it that there are no more think bubbles in the new comics, and everything is always spoken? And will putting them back in be considered?
9No particular reason they were taken out, and sure, they will be put back in.
10Figures. I send him an essay, and I get back a sentence... XD
1Could Axonn cure Karzahni's and Vezon's madness?
2Are the claws on Sarda and Idris natural or tools?
3Have the Order extracted any information from Karzahni or the Piraka yet? If so, what?
4We know the mask life cracked a little bit, but did any tiny, microscopic bits fall off it?
5Have Karzahni, Roodaka, or the Piraka been sent to the Pit yet?
61) K's, maybe V's, no -- Vezon is mad because he is half a being 72) Tools 83) Not from K, he's nuts 94) No 105) No
111. But will he, though? 123. Anything from the Piraka yet, then? Also, if Axonn did cure K, could they extract the info then? 135. But they will, right?
141) No. Axonn has missions to carry out in the war, he doesn't have time to play healer for someone as rotten as Karzahni. 153) Not that we know of, and you are assuming Karzahni would talk. 165) They may, it depends on how the war goes. If the Order gets wiped out, there will be no one to send them to the Pit.
1QUOTE 2A few questions for BS01 today, Mr. Farshtey.
31.) Is the Dark Hunter Vanisher's ability to create interdementional gates as well as rumored ties to the BoM responsible for Destral's constantly shifting position?
42.) The "Sacred Fire" that Vakama used on Mata Nui, has he continued using it on Metru Nui to divine visions? 52a.) Could other Turaga, etc., make use of a "Sacred Fire" if the had visions? Would the process differ by elemental preference?
63.) Say a Matoran was created on an island with no Toa. He comes across an ancient Toa Stone, and he receives it's power and transforms into a Toa. What does he takes the shape of? I would assume it still be whatever he would imagine a Toa to look like, but the results could be... problematic if it's not a clear image, correct?
74.) These BS01 Contests in the "KanohiJournal" are an interesting concept, and I can't wait to participate. The winners will become canon, correct? Will you have to approve them?
8Thank you for your time.
91) Nope 102) Yes 112a) Other Turaga don't have visions, so point is moot 123) Yes 134) If it is something that's canon, yes, I have to approve it.
14interesting, I suppose.
1I've never heard of a "Sacred Fire"...
1I'm not sure if others have asked you these exact questions, and i'm sorry if i wasste your time,
21. I read on BS01, that when takanuva uses his light power, it will not regenerate, is this true? 31.A. if it is, then that means that when he uses a Nova blast, then he will be left as a Toa of Shadow? 41.B. While the Avhokhi can't enhance his preexisting light powers, could Taka use it as a substitute so he doesn't waste light power?
52. Since the shadow leech attack was incomplete, the shield preventing light is incomplete correct? 62. A. Does this mean in time, his light will be restored? 72. B. If not, will it let in light that he has channeled, like, say he uses half of his light power, leaving him 25% light, 75% shadow, he would slowly absorb light so he's 50-50, right?
83.I read on Taka's Bio in Bionicle.Com, that his light HAS been diminished, I know i read in an ogd that you said he has the same amount as light, just that he controls shadow as well, which is canon? 93.A. Could you say that he can control light and shadow the same as any other toa, but say he fought an actual toa of shadow, he wouldn't have as much power over shadow as him, so the elemental shadows around taka, would respond to the Toa of Shadow. Could it be like that?
104. Journey of Takanuva tells us how Taka looks like a Yeti yes? 114.A. The order is kingdom, journey of taka, ane then DM, right? 124.B. If this order is correct, then how come the Toa of DM, didn't say, "AAAHH YETI . . ." (just as an example.) 134.C. If this order is correct, is it just a coincidence that Tuyet opened a portal to Karda Nui, or did she do it on purpose.
145. If shadow has no moral connotations, then how come that beings use corrupt morals such as anger and hate to channel shadow? Is it because that in peoples minds shadow is bad? 155.A. Say that Makuta were light wielders, would it be the the other way around?
166. Can Matoran channel Shadow?
17thank you for taking time in your busy schedule to answer these trivial, unimportant, questions, that are coming from an annoying 15 year old.
181) Correct 191a) IF he used a nova blast, yes, but Toa very rarely ever do that 201b) Yes 212) No. The shield is the first effect of an attack 222a) Not unless something is done to reverse what the leech did. 232b) No 243) BIONICLE.com is -- he can't have 50% shadow and still be 100% light 253a) He wouldn't have the skill with shadow that a Toa of Shadow would have because he isn't used to using it. 264) A Yeti? I don't understand you 274a) No. It's JOT, Kingdom, then DM 284b) I still don't get you. Takanuva looks nothing like a Yeti. 294c) She didn't open a portal to Karda Nui. She opened a portal to interdimensional space, through which Takanuva journeyed to get to Karda Nui. 305) Where did I say shadow has no moral connotations? 315a) Moot point, since they're not. Sorry, but I have too many people asking questions to spend time on hypotheticals 326) Normal, non-Matoran of Light have no access to any elemental ability.
33I replyed again, but I haven't gotten an answer, so either you haven't read them, or you're too busy so i'm trying again.
341.B. Does he use the avhokii instead? 351.C. Does he know about this? 362.If the shield is comlete, how come he isn't completely evil? 373.I mean in terms of raw power, would a toa of Shadow have more power than Taka? 384.The yeti thing is a joke 394.B.Answered in Taka's Blog. But some of the armor is different. Is the armor difference also because of Karda Nui's energies? Also, in the comic, we see Taka emerge from the portal in his 2008 form, is this canon? 404.D.Do the energies in Karda give Takanuva the Claws that we see? And how long does it take for Taka to reach the size he is in set form? 415.The question was why would Mata Nui create an inherently evil species of shadow wielders to create Rahi? The answer was that shadow was only identified as evil after the brotherhoods rebellion. What i'm asking is why beings like Roodaka are able to channel Shadow with negative and destructive emotions like anger? I'm thinking it is because people identify shadow with evil, and use curropt emotions to channel it. Am i right? 425.A. I'm Asking if people identified light with evil, would they channel light with emotions like hate, and shadow with love (Not boy/girl love, family like love). 436.I mean could Matoran use hate and anger to channel shadow?
44And some questions about Brothers in Arms:
457.ET is being critical about this, but is Mazeka's mentor a Matoran? 468.I can understand if you can't answer this, or if i'm wrong but, Was Gorast disguised as Helryx? 478.A. if so, were the mace and shield Helryx's Toa Tools? 488.B. if so, how does she now what Helryx looks like? 498.C.One thing about Helryx while I'm here, how come she doesn't have a Ga prefix in her name? I thought that the only toa that have the elemental prefixes are the ones born Toa, and i know that you just have a name list or something, but is there a reason that she doesn't have a Ga prefix? 509.Is there something keeping the Matoran of the Tren Krom peninsula from moving away from such a dangerous place? 5110. Is the Lava Gem important to the story?
521b) He certainly can 531c) How would he? 542) Because not all his light was drained 553) No 564b) His coloring is canon, his size change comes later 575) But shadow did not become identified with evil until the Makuta rebelled. It's the same as the swastika, which was a symbol of peace until it was used by the Nazis. The Makuta were given the powers they had because it takes a lot of power to deal with powerful Rahi. Rahi are not created as tame and affectionate creatures. 585a) Same answer as before, I don't have time for "what if" questions, much too busy 596) No, because Matoran cannot tap into elemental abilities of any kind 607) I assumed so 618) No 628c) Because I have no Ga-prefix name on the approved name list. 639) It's their homeland, and it's where their work needs to be done. 6410) No, it's a Maguffin
65Cleared up issues.
1Yeah. I never believed the fire was anything but just that - a fire. Nothing "sacred". Vakama is using an old trick, one humans know as well. You light a candle, clear your mind, stare into the flame, shut out everything else and focus on your problems or whatever may be bothering you. With nothing around to distract you, as you are completely focused on the flame, you have more "room" in your head to think about the problem, and you get calmer. Sometimes you don't even have to think of a particular thing, just stare into the fire - your subconsciousness works on and at some point, you'll suddenly notice that you're thinking of something, follow the thought and may come to a solution. This candle-trick is famous among people who need some undistracted concentration on some matter. And the point I'm trying to make is: Vakama shuts everything else out, focuses on his fire and lets his subliminal mind do the rest. At some point, whatever gives him visions will give him visions, for he as a free mind. And I guess the fire has been called "Sacred Fire" since it may appear "magical" that Vakama gets visions from staring into the flames.
2Enough psychology for now
2Enough psychology for now

1Ok I think some of these are important and some will answer ppls questions . One is just completely random .
373) That probably answers some ppls questions . I dont think its new news though . 384) He rebuilt himself, sweet . So maybe the metru matoran can look like that too . Maybe . 3910a) That stinks 4011) Sweet . . . 4112-13) Ok so that means we will probably see them both . That will be cool . 4214) I hope he likes the other one then and do you guys like them?

2Hello Greg, I was just wondering if you could please answer these questions and great job on the serials . They are really exciting .
31. Was Mazekas mentor a turaga? 41a. Does the Tren Krom penisula have any turaga or toa? 52. Will the Klakk travel to Karda Nui or will someone or something bring them there? 63. Did Vultraz use his skyfighter to follow Icarax? 74. Why is it that Mazeka is as big as the other Av matoran in Karda Nui? 85. Will the OoMN ambush or have an all out attack when they enter Destral? 96. Was Vultraz always evil or did he once have a good side? 107. How do they get Mazeka and the swamp strider to Karda Nui? 118. Can beings in the Bionicle universe sneeze? 129. Can Onua take his shield off his shoulder and use it like that? (Ex: If he got his Nynrah Ghost Blaster knocked out of his hand and had nothing else besides his shield) 1310. If Helryx isnt going to fight then will we still see her in the serials giving orders and stuff? 1410a. Shouldnt she still fight since they need a lot of guys on their side and this is the final battle? 1511. Can a Toa of water and a Toa of fire have a combination of their elements to be steam, like for a distraction or cover? 1612. Will the OoMN ever use the heart of the visorak? 1713. Will the Mana Ko make a appearence in Destiny War, since they are OoMN agents and they work for Makuta?
18-Could I just suggest a couple powers for masks for the future Makuta or other characters in Destiny War . Ok first one is Mask of Futility (renders someone or something ineffective or useless) and the other is Mask of Feudality (cuases a feud or anger between two beings, like Rahkshi Kurahks ability) 19-If you dont like these then is ok .
20Ok Im done . Thanks Greg . I have more questions I just cant remember them . And dont worry if I remember them I wont pm until the 2 serials and podcast come out again with the 2nd chapters . Thank you for your time .
211) No 221a) Hasn't been revealed yet 232) Neither 243) He travels to KN in the skyfighter, yes 254) Simple. Just like the 2003 Matoran, he rebuilt himself 265) Follow the story and find out 276) Vultraz was always pretty shady 287) See answer to #5 298) I tend to doubt it. 309) Yes 3110) See answer to #5 3210a) No. Abe Lincoln did not fight in the Civil War ... or FDR in World War II ... or George Bush in the Iraq war ... you don't send leaders to do that. 3311) Yes 3412) See answer to #5 3513) See answer to #5 3614) Do you really think the average of 8-9 year old would understand "Mask of Feudality"?
373) That probably answers some ppls questions . I dont think its new news though . 384) He rebuilt himself, sweet . So maybe the metru matoran can look like that too . Maybe . 3910a) That stinks 4011) Sweet . . . 4112-13) Ok so that means we will probably see them both . That will be cool . 4214) I hope he likes the other one then and do you guys like them?
1Hey Greg, just a quick question about the naming system.
21)Do you have to use any remaining names on the "list" for next year? Could you actually spare any names for stuff this year?
3None of the names on the 2008 approved list can be used for 2009, because we are going to a different naming scheme in 2009. So 2009 has its own list.
1Hey Greg, just a quick question about the naming system.
21)Do you have to use any remaining names on the "list" for next year? Could you actually spare any names for stuff this year?
3None of the names on the 2008 approved list can be used for 2009, because we are going to a different naming scheme in 2009. So 2009 has its own list.
4That means GregF might use all the '08 names for the Serials. 5New Makuta &OoMN Members.
1Hey Greg, just a quick question about the naming system.
21)Do you have to use any remaining names on the "list" for next year? Could you actually spare any names for stuff this year?
3None of the names on the 2008 approved list can be used for 2009, because we are going to a different naming scheme in 2009. So 2009 has its own list.
4That means GregF might use all the '08 names for the Serials. 5New Makuta &OoMN Members.
6Yeah and hopefully he uses my mask power I suggested for a Makuta .

1Would it be possible to have Icarax and Toa Ignika in BiA in the present? I ask because I figured Vultraz would try to free Icarax or something.
2No, because Icarax and Ignika are both in Bionicle Legends 11, and there's no mention of Vultraz or Mazeka in that book, so it would wind up being a plot tangle.
3Where is Karda Nui's western portal? Is it on the SC, near Voya Nui, on the dome wall? Where is it in accordance to the SC and Voya Nui? I figured it would be close to Voya Nui because that's where the Mask of Life is, and the mask has to be used in Karda Nui.
4It's on the western wall in Karda Nui. The SC and Voya Nui are roof of the dome, so everything in KN is below VN and SC.
1Would it be possible to have Icarax and Toa Ignika in BiA in the present? I ask because I figured Vultraz would try to free Icarax or something.
2No, because Icarax and Ignika are both in Bionicle Legends 11, and there's no mention of Vultraz or Mazeka in that book, so it would wind up being a plot tangle.
3Where is Karda Nui's western portal? Is it on the SC, near Voya Nui, on the dome wall? Where is it in accordance to the SC and Voya Nui? I figured it would be close to Voya Nui because that's where the Mask of Life is, and the mask has to be used in Karda Nui.
4It's on the western wall in Karda Nui. The SC and Voya Nui are roof of the dome, so everything in KN is below VN and SC.
5Wait, so doesn't that mean that the Western Portal is under-water?
1No, why? Voya Nui now is on dry land, so no more water beneath it. Vican flew through it in Bionicle Legends#9, there's nothing under water.
1No, why? Voya Nui now is on dry land, so no more water beneath it. Vican flew through it in Bionicle Legends#9, there's nothing under water.
2Well, I know Vican flew out, but if the Western Portal is on the side of Karda Nui, which is under the Continent, wouldn't Karda Nui be surrounded by the ocean, keeping the SC above it?
1No, why? Voya Nui now is on dry land, so no more water beneath it. Vican flew through it in Bionicle Legends#9, there's nothing under water.
2Well, I know Vican flew out, but if the Western Portal is on the side of Karda Nui, which is under the Continent, wouldn't Karda Nui be surrounded by the ocean, keeping the SC above it?
3I don't see why Karda Nui would have to be surrounded by an ocean to support the SC? Karda Nui is simply inside a dome that is under the SC. No ocean required.
4Anyways: got a few answers about the Faxon... a few frustrating answers...
5Hey, I had a few questions about the Faxon...
61. What does the Faxon classify as a Rahi? 71a. Is it based upon the lack of a light/shadow balance or strength of mind?
82. A Faxon wearer would be able to mimic Krahka's power, correct?
93. I am a little uncertain as to what you classify as a Power as opposed to a natural ability... 103a. Breathing, strength, flight, things brought on by the beings body shape or form, are natural abilities, correct? 113a. Anything that beign can do that is not directly correlated to the body shape or form is a power, correct?
12Thanks for taking the time to read these, and sorry to bother you when you are getting ready to move.
131) Anything we classify as a Rahi it classifies as a Rahi 142) Depends on if her mimickry is a power or a natural ability 153) I think you are fairly close there, although there may be exceptions to that layout
1No, why? Voya Nui now is on dry land, so no more water beneath it. Vican flew through it in Bionicle Legends#9, there's nothing under water.
2Well, I know Vican flew out, but if the Western Portal is on the side of Karda Nui, which is under the Continent, wouldn't Karda Nui be surrounded by the ocean, keeping the SC above it?
3I don't see why Karda Nui would have to be surrounded by an ocean to support the SC? Karda Nui is simply inside a dome that is under the SC. No ocean required.
4Well, then the SC would just be an un-reachable place on top of a giant dome in the middle of a desert, like a plateau.
1QUOTE 2A few questions for BS01 today, Mr. Farshtey.
31.) Is the Dark Hunter Vanisher's ability to create interdementional gates as well as rumored ties to the BoM responsible for Destral's constantly shifting position?
42.) The "Sacred Fire" that Vakama used on Mata Nui, has he continued using it on Metru Nui to divine visions? 52a.) Could other Turaga, etc., make use of a "Sacred Fire" if the had visions? Would the process differ by elemental preference?
63.) Say a Matoran was created on an island with no Toa. He comes across an ancient Toa Stone, and he receives it's power and transforms into a Toa. What does he takes the shape of? I would assume it still be whatever he would imagine a Toa to look like, but the results could be... problematic if it's not a clear image, correct?
74.) These BS01 Contests in the "KanohiJournal" are an interesting concept, and I can't wait to participate. The winners will become canon, correct? Will you have to approve them?
8Thank you for your time.
91) Nope 102) Yes 112a) Other Turaga don't have visions, so point is moot 123) Yes 134) If it is something that's canon, yes, I have to approve it.
14interesting, I suppose.
15Um...what are these contests you refer to?
1I thought that Greg said that the Mitikuta weren't mutated by pit mutagen...but they were...
2He said that they would be stupid to enter the swamp waters, he didn't they WEREN'T stupid in that instance.
3I PMed him, he said he never stated that. And the Miskuta were not mutated by
4PIT mutagen. Greg never said it wasn't normal mutagen.
1I thought that Greg said that the Mitikuta weren't mutated by pit mutagen...but they were...
2He said that they would be stupid to enter the swamp waters, he didn't they WEREN'T stupid in that instance.
3I PMed him, he said he never stated that. And the Miskuta were not mutated by4PIT mutagen. Greg never said it wasn't normal mutagen.
5Well, the swamp waters came from the giants waterfall, which came from the the Pit waters, so how could it not be Pit Mutagen?
1A reply for BiA.
21. Who was Gorast imitating when she saved Mazeka? Was it Helryx, or just a Toa of Water she killed?
32. Why did she save him?
43. Did she save Vultraz? If so, why?
54. What info did Mazeka want from Vultraz? Was it the tablets?
65. What was on the tablets?
76. Was that an acid blade Vultraz was carrying? Where did he get? Did he steal it?
87. Who trained Mazeka in combat?
91) Neither, it states specifically she did not look like a Toa. 102) She wanted him to go back and spread the word that Vultraz was dead 113) You'll find out in a later chapter 124) Yes 135) The research that had been done on the mysteries of the universe 146) Yes, it was, and most likely he did steal it 157) Back then, or now?
161. Okay, just someone she killed earlier then, or her own imagination? 172. Why did she wanted the word spread? 185. What mysteries? 197. Both, please?
201) Her imagination 212) Because if people think he's dead, no one will be looking for him 225) The fundamental mysteries of the universe 237) No one trained him back then, now he was trained by the OOMN
24vultraz is dead

1A reply for BiA.
21. Who was Gorast imitating when she saved Mazeka? Was it Helryx, or just a Toa of Water she killed?
32. Why did she save him?
43. Did she save Vultraz? If so, why?
54. What info did Mazeka want from Vultraz? Was it the tablets?
65. What was on the tablets?
76. Was that an acid blade Vultraz was carrying? Where did he get? Did he steal it?
87. Who trained Mazeka in combat?
91) Neither, it states specifically she did not look like a Toa. 102) She wanted him to go back and spread the word that Vultraz was dead 113) You'll find out in a later chapter 124) Yes 135) The research that had been done on the mysteries of the universe 146) Yes, it was, and most likely he did steal it 157) Back then, or now?
161. Okay, just someone she killed earlier then, or her own imagination? 172. Why did she wanted the word spread? 185. What mysteries? 197. Both, please?
201) Her imagination 212) Because if people think he's dead, no one will be looking for him 225) The fundamental mysteries of the universe 237) No one trained him back then, now he was trained by the OOMN
24vultraz is dead![]()
25He isn't. Gorast just want Mazeka to spread that word so people won't go and find him working for the Brotherhood.
26[-The Alchemyst-]