109 info, not sure if i should post it, but i'll put it in a Spoiler
2Yeah, the Front page of BZP says that the '09 sets ARE the Glatorian 3This IS true, correct? 4Thus, we would be able to discuss them as such?
5BZP has its own rules regarding what and can't be discussed on here, so I would say you need to follow their lead on this. Far as I can tell, the info in the article is accurate, however. Also, I can tell you that while Glatorian is the "line name" (the same way Mistika and Phantoka were) not all the 2009 first half year sets are "Glatorian" in story.
6Ok, thanks 7So like How Ignika wasn't a Phantoka, right? 8Or Nocturn not being a Baraki?
9Or how the Av-Matoran were also not Phantoka
10So more MAtoran SIZE(not actuall matoran) sets?
11The basic set line-up -- canister sets, smaller sets, etc -- is not going to be all that different from what we traditionally do.
1Hey Greg . Just wanted to ask some things...
21) Why is it that in the comics, the keystones are placed into the chest area of the Ignika shape (the shape being the size of the Toa) whereas the CGIs have it being six pieces (the shape being about the siaze of the hand)? 31) Because the comic was drawn before the CGI was finished, and the comic artist had no access to the CGI
42) Is space a vaccuum for Bionicles as well? 52) Outer space? Yes, I would assume so
63) So is the reason why the GBs had the Av-Matoran as prototypes because they found that their elemental powers came from their natural light and wanted them separate? In better perspective, Av-Toran's elemental power is NOT separate from their natural light, where a Ta-Torans IS? 73) The Av-Matoran are prototypes because they were the first Matoran made. The first thing you make of anything is always the prototype.
84) Now you said that the 2009 location can be pretty much anything as long as MATORAN space travel tech isn't needed. What about space travel tech created by OTHER beings? 94) We're not doing a space opera, we already have Star Wars for that
105) Why was the Hau chosen as the Kanohi symbolizing Mata Nui? 115) No idea, I did not choose it. Was chosen by the original story team in 2000.
126) Do you think you will doo more BZP exclusive stories, like with Tuyet? 136a) If so, could it be about how the Bahrag make Krana? 146) I doubt I will have time in the foreseeable future. I only did that one as a favor to Bink because it was originally going to be used as part of a CD that would be used to raise money for the site.
157) So when the Ignika is used, it sends a jolt of life force into Mata Nui? 167a) Since the 'Ignika Way' to awaken MN is by sacrifice, would someone else need to die to awaken him? 177) I can't discuss this -- also, we never said the Ignika would need to die -- it's not truly alive, it's an object.
188) Last, will you ever visit the Michigan/Ohio/Illinois/Kentucky area? It seems to be overlooked a lot, though many people live there (including me ) 198) Outside of Comic-Con, my appearances are all places (libraries or schools) that invite me to visit. If you think you know of a place that would be interested in having me come, you can have them go to www.scholastic.com, search for my name, and then click on the first search result, which is my Author Visit Kit. It has all the info on what kind of program I can do, etc. At this point, I mainly do programs in places I can drive to, but am willing to go other places if the place that's inviting me can pay my travel and hotel expenses.
201) Just a quick question that confused me... 212) Darn... 223) Just trying to figure out why the GBs didn't just keep Av-Toran instead of making other tribes... 234) Augh... 245) Hmm... 256) Well, he said doubt, not won't 267) I meant like with Matoro and Jovan's Team member... 278) Now I know how to try to get him to this area .

1hey greg hope your moving is going well. I have a couple of Questions.
21) Is Krika the only Makuta who's pride isn't a curse to him?
32) If there was still a Spear of Fusion, Can it fuse masks together that way you can access both masks? 4- Is there a chance there is a Mask of Fusion?
53) I am guessing when the Order tried to give Jebraz a power up-grade, there might of been one or two other members to have something go wrong? 6- Or was it just a quirk in his species?
74) I am guessing now that they got information out of Zaktan, The rest of the Piraka are now in the pit?
85) Is Helryx older than the Makuta species?
96) Is there a chance we might see Takadox in "Dwellers in the Dark"?
107) Will we know what the "Grand Plan" is by the end of the year?
118) In the "Kingdom", how much did the island of Mata-Nui Grow? 12- was the 09 universe flooded as well? 13- say some creature mutated by the mutagen found the Codrex and activated it.... would anything happen now that Karda Nui is flooded in that dimension?
149) Did the Great Cataclysm affect the 09 Universe?
151) I don't see him as being spared that -- he is just proud and cynical 162) Since there is no Spear of Fusion, it really doesn't matter, and no, there is no Mask of Fusion I am aware of 173) Unknown 184) They haven't gotten the information yet -- if he just handed it all over, they wouldn't need to carry him around. 195) I would have to check the timeline, not sure 206) I don't know yet 217) Yes 228) A lot 238a) No 248b) Highly doubtful a creature would have the sense to assemble the keystones and get through the force field, etc. 259) No
26At least we know that the Spear of Fusion will never return, and there isn't a mask of fusion... though We already new that. I also wanted to see two masks be fused together...
21) Is Krika the only Makuta who's pride isn't a curse to him?
32) If there was still a Spear of Fusion, Can it fuse masks together that way you can access both masks? 4- Is there a chance there is a Mask of Fusion?
53) I am guessing when the Order tried to give Jebraz a power up-grade, there might of been one or two other members to have something go wrong? 6- Or was it just a quirk in his species?
74) I am guessing now that they got information out of Zaktan, The rest of the Piraka are now in the pit?
85) Is Helryx older than the Makuta species?
96) Is there a chance we might see Takadox in "Dwellers in the Dark"?
107) Will we know what the "Grand Plan" is by the end of the year?
118) In the "Kingdom", how much did the island of Mata-Nui Grow? 12- was the 09 universe flooded as well? 13- say some creature mutated by the mutagen found the Codrex and activated it.... would anything happen now that Karda Nui is flooded in that dimension?
149) Did the Great Cataclysm affect the 09 Universe?
151) I don't see him as being spared that -- he is just proud and cynical 162) Since there is no Spear of Fusion, it really doesn't matter, and no, there is no Mask of Fusion I am aware of 173) Unknown 184) They haven't gotten the information yet -- if he just handed it all over, they wouldn't need to carry him around. 195) I would have to check the timeline, not sure 206) I don't know yet 217) Yes 228) A lot 238a) No 248b) Highly doubtful a creature would have the sense to assemble the keystones and get through the force field, etc. 259) No
26At least we know that the Spear of Fusion will never return, and there isn't a mask of fusion... though We already new that. I also wanted to see two masks be fused together...
1Just a quick interesting bit on 09: 2Hi Greg, 3I just have 1 question today, which I could understand if you couldn't answer: 4Did the GB's create the 2009 location? 5thanks for your time
7No, they did not. It is not a domed universe.
9Well, taking that answer into account, if the 2009 characters are biomechanical (they probably will be, the story IS named "Bionicle" after all), then it would be really intriguing as to how their "universe" wasn't made by the great beings since the GBs made the biomechanical life in our current realm.
11. Just exactly how loyal is Krika to the Plan? 21a. If he could, would he stop it?
32. Are the T-series the only things inside the half of the Codrex that the Toa are currently in?
43. Is the source of the Lightstones and the T-series in the Codrex? 53b. In the unopened side of the Codrex? 63b. In Karda Nui?
74. We know that Kopaka gets Jetrax back from Antroz.......would the ship take a new form for him? 84a. Would he change as well? 94b. This wouldnt be the new model we were hearing about would it?
105. If the Ignika explodes, it will bring everything to life correct? Would this be only in the Matoran Universe or the Entire Planet?
116. Is the map of the 3 Virtues a literal map, meaning to a specific location? or is about a specific alignment or positioning?
127. Does Teridax know where Mata Nui(Spirit) is? 137a. Does he know how to get there?
148. Who else at the current time knows the location of Mata Nui(Sprit)?
159. After Mata Nui awakened....what did he create first? 169a. About how long after were the Matoran created? 179b. Makuta? 189c. Toa?
19thanks that all for now...i cant wait for wuts next .
201) Krika has no loyalty to the Plan, as such. But he sees no reasonable alternative to it either. His expectation is that he loses either way. At this point, if you scrap the Plan and Mata Nui awakens, odds are he will all the Makuta as punishment.
212) Other that what? What else do you think might be there?
223) T-series vehicles were made by Artakha. Lightstones were made by the Great Beings.
234) No, because no new form of the set exists for the artist to draw, nor does the ship shapeshift 244a) No, because again, no other model of Kopaka exists 254b) No. The alt. model is made of existing pieces of Jetrax, Kopaka does not come with that set
265) Matoran universe
276) Can't discuss it
287) Can't discuss it
298) Great Beings do
309) Sorry, I am much too busy to dig up the timeline to figure this out
31I thought i has sumthing with 1,4,&5...darn

1hey greg hope your moving is going well. I have a couple of Questions. 28) In the "Kingdom", how much did the island of Mata-Nui Grow? 3- was the 09 universe flooded as well? 4- say some creature mutated by the mutagen found the Codrex and activated it.... would anything happen now that Karda Nui is flooded in that dimension?
59) Did the Great Cataclysm affect the 09 Universe?
68) A lot 78a) No 88b) Highly doubtful a creature would have the sense to assemble the keystones and get through the force field, etc. 99) No
10Well, now we know that wherever the '09 universe is, it isn't attached to (or in

1just somestuff i was pondering
2Hi Greg hope the move has been going well for you
i sent these before im not sure if you got them so ill send them again just in case
31)is the yellow jetrax just a speed bust?
42)why didn't Takanuva and Toa Ignika enter the codrex with the Toa nuva?
53)is the returning character in 2009 some who has been in all the story's since 01 or someone who has been mentioned since 01?
64)what is the alt model for jetrax is it another vehicle?
75)is the 2008 Bionicle ending sort of like a doctor who season final (for example when the titanic crashed through the tardis in the series 3 final (it shows a glimps at somthing from the next season) so bionicle 2008 finishes then we see somthing or someone from 2009)?
8thanks for your time
91) Overall power surge 102) They did. 113) Someone who has been mentioned appeared at some point between 2001-2008 124) Haven't seen it yet 135) Not really, no
15"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
2Hi Greg hope the move has been going well for you

31)is the yellow jetrax just a speed bust?
42)why didn't Takanuva and Toa Ignika enter the codrex with the Toa nuva?
53)is the returning character in 2009 some who has been in all the story's since 01 or someone who has been mentioned since 01?
64)what is the alt model for jetrax is it another vehicle?
75)is the 2008 Bionicle ending sort of like a doctor who season final (for example when the titanic crashed through the tardis in the series 3 final (it shows a glimps at somthing from the next season) so bionicle 2008 finishes then we see somthing or someone from 2009)?
8thanks for your time

91) Overall power surge 102) They did. 113) Someone who has been mentioned appeared at some point between 2001-2008 124) Haven't seen it yet 135) Not really, no
15"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
17) So when the Ignika is used, it sends a jolt of life force into Mata Nui? 27a) Since the 'Ignika Way' to awaken MN is by sacrifice, would someone else need to die to awaken him? 37) I can't discuss this -- also, we never said the Ignika would need to die -- it's not truly alive, it's an object.
4That sort of bypasses the "no heroes will die this year".

11.Why was Mata Nui created with a seeming lack of powers when these could be important for his protection? (like the powers the Makuta have?)
22.Can Mata Nui create universes? 3b.Travel to other universes?
43.Is there some force on the Bionicle planet which could create a new universe? 5b.Could one exist in the future?
6Thanks for your time
71) How do you know what powers he has and does not have? We've never seen him active in story. And what did he have to protect himself from? He is larger and more powerful than anything else we have encountered in this universe. 82) No 92b) Mata Nui can travel outside of the domed universe, yes, but he cannot travel to different dimensions the way an Olmak user can. He can travel in the universe that is outside of the domed Matoran universe. 103) No 113b) No
12In the first question I was referring to the fact you've confirmed he can't shapeshift, change size etc. His main confirmed power seems to physical strength. The Brotherhood, on the other hand, have lots of different powers. Wouldn't it be useful if he could shapeshift etc.? Does Mata Nui have a lot of different powers (I assume he must to control the universe yet he seems lacking in a number of them)?
13Also, could a Great Spirit usurp the Great Beings? Could anything?
141) He has the powers he needs to have -- shapeshifting and changing size would not make sense for him, for example. The BOM has the powers it has because they have to deal with dangerous Rahi all the time. Mata Nui does not. However, I think it is reasonable to assume that Mata Nui could call on the powers of any Toa element, since he is the one who bestows those powers. 152) I don't think so, no
16Edit: follow-ups added
22.Can Mata Nui create universes? 3b.Travel to other universes?
43.Is there some force on the Bionicle planet which could create a new universe? 5b.Could one exist in the future?
6Thanks for your time
71) How do you know what powers he has and does not have? We've never seen him active in story. And what did he have to protect himself from? He is larger and more powerful than anything else we have encountered in this universe. 82) No 92b) Mata Nui can travel outside of the domed universe, yes, but he cannot travel to different dimensions the way an Olmak user can. He can travel in the universe that is outside of the domed Matoran universe. 103) No 113b) No
12In the first question I was referring to the fact you've confirmed he can't shapeshift, change size etc. His main confirmed power seems to physical strength. The Brotherhood, on the other hand, have lots of different powers. Wouldn't it be useful if he could shapeshift etc.? Does Mata Nui have a lot of different powers (I assume he must to control the universe yet he seems lacking in a number of them)?
13Also, could a Great Spirit usurp the Great Beings? Could anything?
141) He has the powers he needs to have -- shapeshifting and changing size would not make sense for him, for example. The BOM has the powers it has because they have to deal with dangerous Rahi all the time. Mata Nui does not. However, I think it is reasonable to assume that Mata Nui could call on the powers of any Toa element, since he is the one who bestows those powers. 152) I don't think so, no
16Edit: follow-ups added
1I see something debate-worthy there. Mata Nui can travel outside the domed universe. I would assume that confirms that he himself is not the MU
1Hi . I was wondering if you would answer some of my questions.
21.)Is Galis' name a refrence to Galileo? I mean, they were both quite wise.
32.)I once asked if Toa of air and water other than Gali and Lewa could make a storm by combining power, and you said no. What is the reason for that?
43.)Is a toa of airs' agility about on the same level as an olipic gymnist? Higher? Lower?
5Thank you very much.
61) No 72) I don't recall saying that 83) It varies. Not every Toa of Air has the exact same physical capabilties
9not much here.
21.)Is Galis' name a refrence to Galileo? I mean, they were both quite wise.
32.)I once asked if Toa of air and water other than Gali and Lewa could make a storm by combining power, and you said no. What is the reason for that?
43.)Is a toa of airs' agility about on the same level as an olipic gymnist? Higher? Lower?
5Thank you very much.
61) No 72) I don't recall saying that 83) It varies. Not every Toa of Air has the exact same physical capabilties
9not much here.
1Hello Greg, hope moving is doing well.
2Just some questions,
31)Can you give me The Shadowed One's name?
42)Does 2009 have its own list of name?
53)Will you be naming the new makuta?
64)How did the Hagah transport themselves?
7Does are my questions for now.
81) No 92) Yes 103) If I need to, yes 114) Botar's replacement transported them
12Nothing new.
1I see something debate-worthy there. Mata Nui can travel outside the domed universe. I would assume that confirms that he himself is not the MU
2Yeah, it does seem to suggest that, doesn't it? But expect a pro-MU=MN theorist to try and come up with a reason that this proves nothing.
3I doubt that's possible. You can't travel outside of yourself unless you're inside of yourself, can you?
4Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 5

1I see something debate-worthy there. Mata Nui can travel outside the domed universe. I would assume that confirms that he himself is not the MU
2Yeah, it does seem to suggest that, doesn't it? But expect a pro-MU=MN theorist to try and come up with a reason that this proves nothing.
3I doubt that's possible. You can't travel outside of yourself unless you're inside of yourself, can you?
4Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 5![]()
6And being inside of yourself is impossible. Still, I expect to see them try to say this means nothing, regardless.
7Anyway, a little off topic. I'm sure it would be appreciated if we stuck to posting PMs mostly, rather than discussing this here where it could be discussed elsewhere.
1I see something debate-worthy there. Mata Nui can travel outside the domed universe. I would assume that confirms that he himself is not the MU
2Yeah, it does seem to suggest that, doesn't it? But expect a pro-MU=MN theorist to try and come up with a reason that this proves nothing.
3Well, Greg could be using a word play, as he never said Mata Nui was inside the Universe in the first place.

1Hi Greg . Just a few questions.
21. Did Helryx fire The Shadowed One?
32. How can a lightstone supercharge Jetrax T6?
43. What's your favorite element?
5That is all. Thanks . . . .
61) No. You don't "fire" your allies in a war. 72) This particular lightstone is very large and has a lot of power in it 83) Don't have one
21. Did Helryx fire The Shadowed One?
32. How can a lightstone supercharge Jetrax T6?
43. What's your favorite element?
5That is all. Thanks . . . .
61) No. You don't "fire" your allies in a war. 72) This particular lightstone is very large and has a lot of power in it 83) Don't have one
1I see something debate-worthy there. Mata Nui can travel outside the domed universe. I would assume that confirms that he himself is not the MU
2Yeah, it does seem to suggest that, doesn't it? But expect a pro-MU=MN theorist to try and come up with a reason that this proves nothing.
3Well, Greg could be using a word play, as he never said Mata Nui was inside the Universe in the first place.![]()
4Exactly. Mata Nui can travel outside of the domed universe because he is outside of the domed universe, which is inside him. It's like being able to travel outside of your stomach.
5Therefore it neither proves, nor disproves the theory.
6The correct question to ask is whether he can travel inside the MU.
13)is the returning character in 2009 some who has been in all the story's since 01 or someone who has been mentioned since 01?
23) Someone who has been mentioned appeared at some point between 2001-2008
3"Appeared at some point?" It sorta sounds like the character will only appear once. Mata- Nui... ?
1I see something debate-worthy there. Mata Nui can travel outside the domed universe. I would assume that confirms that he himself is not the MU
2Or that he is the MU and the MU is actually a humanoid with the cells and organs being the beings and locations and when Mata Nui moves, the MU is him and moves with him.

3Well, it's hard to explain, but you get my point...
1I see something debate-worthy there. Mata Nui can travel outside the domed universe. I would assume that confirms that he himself is not the MU
2Yeah, it does seem to suggest that, doesn't it? But expect a pro-MU=MN theorist to try and come up with a reason that this proves nothing.
3I doubt that's possible. You can't travel outside of yourself unless you're inside of yourself, can you?
4Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 5![]()
6And being inside of yourself is impossible. Still, I expect to see them try to say this means nothing, regardless.
7Anyway, a little off topic. I'm sure it would be appreciated if we stuck to posting PMs mostly, rather than discussing this here where it could be discussed elsewhere.
8It does indeed mean nothing. It can be interpreted in a few different ways. One way being the way that has been mentioned, how could Mata Nui travel outside of himself? This seems to imply that MN would have to at one point be in the Matoran universe in order to travel outside of it. But consider this: To go outside and to travel while outside are two different things. You can go out of your front door into the outside, but still travel on the outside even if you have never been on the inside. 9This leads to the second interpretation. What is the outside? The Endless Ocean and everything beyond it for all we know. If Mata Nui is the MU, and he can travel around in the Endless Ocean, then he is indeed traveling outside the domed universe. Remember that Greg never said that MN can travel inside the MU

103)is the returning character in 2009 some who has been in all the story's since 01 or someone who has been mentioned since 01?
113) Someone who has been mentioned appeared at some point between 2001-2008
12"Appeared at some point?" It sorta sounds like the character will only appear once. Mata- Nui... ?
13In the same vain, this may not have been read correctly. It's either "Someone who has been mentioned [and has] appeared at some point between 2001-2008" or he is just stating that "Someone who has been mentioned [technically has] appeared at some point between 2001-2008".
14(I consider this on-topic because it's discussing the syntax of Greg's answer, besides the fact that this kind of stuff never leads anywhere anyway.)
1I see something debate-worthy there. Mata Nui can travel outside the domed universe. I would assume that confirms that he himself is not the MU
2Yeah, it does seem to suggest that, doesn't it? But expect a pro-MU=MN theorist to try and come up with a reason that this proves nothing.
3I doubt that's possible. You can't travel outside of yourself unless you're inside of yourself, can you?
4Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 5![]()
6And being inside of yourself is impossible. Still, I expect to see them try to say this means nothing, regardless.
7Anyway, a little off topic. I'm sure it would be appreciated if we stuck to posting PMs mostly, rather than discussing this here where it could be discussed elsewhere.
8*coughcough* Iden *coughcough*
1Hey Greg, 2I was wondering: 3Is the fortress Island Krauka guards Daxia? 4Have he seen Mata-Nui (GS) in any form of media? 5---Destro
61) No 72) You'll see Mata Nui at the end of the year
8This disproves the mu mata-nui theory
9No it does not. He never said that krakua hasn't seen it. He simply avoided answering your question. No offense, but take that faulty information out of your sig. (Greg said "YOU'LL see mata nui at the end of the year. He never said anything about krakua seeing or not seeing him.
1This leads to the second interpretation. What is the outside? The Endless Ocean and everything beyond it for all we know. If Mata Nui is the MU, and he can travel around in the Endless Ocean, then he is indeed traveling outside the domed universe. Remember that Greg never said that MN can travel inside the MU
2Actually, the Endless Ocean is still part of the MU, just thought id correct that
1This leads to the second interpretation. What is the outside? The Endless Ocean and everything beyond it for all we know. If Mata Nui is the MU, and he can travel around in the Endless Ocean, then he is indeed traveling outside the domed universe. Remember that Greg never said that MN can travel inside the MU
2Actually, the Endless Ocean is still part of the MU, just thought id correct that
3No it isn't, it's outside of the Universe.
1This leads to the second interpretation. What is the outside? The Endless Ocean and everything beyond it for all we know. If Mata Nui is the MU, and he can travel around in the Endless Ocean, then he is indeed traveling outside the domed universe. Remember that Greg never said that MN can travel inside the MU
2Actually, the Endless Ocean is still part of the MU, just thought id correct that
3No it isn't, it's outside of the Universe.
4Here is my proof 5It is listed as being part of the Bionicle Planet(which is part of the Universe)
1This leads to the second interpretation. What is the outside? The Endless Ocean and everything beyond it for all we know. If Mata Nui is the MU, and he can travel around in the Endless Ocean, then he is indeed traveling outside the domed universe. Remember that Greg never said that MN can travel inside the MU
2Actually, the Endless Ocean is still part of the MU, just thought id correct that
3No it isn't, it's outside of the Universe.
4Here is my proof 5It is listed as being part of the Bionicle Planet(which is part of the Universe)
6When we say Universe we mean the Matoran universe which is a series of domes inside the Bionicle planet, which is surounded by the endless ocean.
1The Matoran Universe, or MU, is only the domed areas. The endless ocean is in the area around and above the universe, and covers the Bionicle Planet, which is not included in the MU.
1When did this turn into the Official Mata Nui Topic? Because that's all I see discussed here anymore.
2This is not the purpose of the OGD, and most of you know that. You've been warned plenty of times before not to go into too much depth regarding theories. Now please do that. Next time this becomes a problem, closing the OGD may seem like a viable option.
2This is not the purpose of the OGD, and most of you know that. You've been warned plenty of times before not to go into too much depth regarding theories. Now please do that. Next time this becomes a problem, closing the OGD may seem like a viable option.
1hi Greg, 2Sorry to bother you but i just thought of something and i thought I should get it clarified by you. 3O.k. So we already know that the codrex protects its Machines inside it, but that toa could only survive if they take refuge in the toa canisters. Its also known that there were toa canisters placed across the universe for toa that needed them ( tahu, gali, etc). So my question is that if the toa canisters can protect there contents from the lightning energy storms in Karda Nui why and how did the lightning from the Red Star penetrate Jaller and freinds' toa canisters and transform the if the canisters are supposed to protect them.
4Thanks for taking time to answer this
5Well, first off, the lightning from the red star is a different kind of energy. And second, the Toa have to be in their canisters AND in the Codrex to be protected -- so it's the combined protection of both. Either one on its own would not be enough
1Something about Jetrax
2Hi Greg I have one question
31. When Antroz mentioned the Jetrax T6 getting super charged by "energy older than the stars", does he mean about the lightstone he hit to super charge it is actually older than the stars since the great beings made the Codrex and the light stone over 100,000 years ago?
4Thanks in advance.
5Or the energy in the lightstone is older, as opposed to the lightstone itself
2Hi Greg I have one question
31. When Antroz mentioned the Jetrax T6 getting super charged by "energy older than the stars", does he mean about the lightstone he hit to super charge it is actually older than the stars since the great beings made the Codrex and the light stone over 100,000 years ago?
4Thanks in advance.
5Or the energy in the lightstone is older, as opposed to the lightstone itself
1Hello, Greg, just one question:
2Makuta can change their appearance in any way they please -- form, color, or mask shape. In theory this makes it impossible for other beings to distinguish one Makuta from another in any surefire way, seeing as any one Makuta could be mimicking another's favored form (e. g., Antroz doesn't always have to be red, he could be green like Gorast). But since Makuta are telepaths and can access each others' minds, can they readily distininguish who's who? Could any telepath or Suletu-user do this?
3Thank you for your time.
5Yes and yes
6Something simple I asked, makes sense.
7I invite anyone who wants to discuss other answers in relation to the Mata Nui=universe theory to do so in my original topic.
128) No 139) The ability to melt things 1413) Mata Nui sets the destinies of the beings he creates 1514) I would call him someone who got in over his head and resorted to evil acts to cover up his own incompetence 161) Don't think so 172) If I need to name him for story, I will 183) Teridax, like most Makuta, saw no reason to share his name with inferior beings. Gorast liked the idea of other beings knowing and fearing her name 194) Yes
2Hello, some of these questions haven't been answered yet. Thanx for your time .
38. Let me rephrase, can [Mata Nui] posess other bodies? Example: Makuta posessing Maxilos
49. Then what are the powers of a Toa of Plasma? Extreme heat, light, and energy?
513. Ha its true...we can leave that to the past philosophers of the 16th century...Can Mata Nui creat people destinies?
614. Would you call Karzahni of the past more evil or inept?
71. Is Krakua the only Toa of Sonics alive?
82. Will the Makuta from Destiny War get a name?
93. How come inhabitants of the Tren Krom peninsula knew Gorast's name but inhabitants of Metru Nui didn't know Teridax's? Was Gorast more of a firecracker making appearances and scares unlike the busy Teridax who was plotting and leading the BoM?
104. Could Mata Nui leave the BIONICLE planet?
11Thanx again . .
128) No 139) The ability to melt things 1413) Mata Nui sets the destinies of the beings he creates 1514) I would call him someone who got in over his head and resorted to evil acts to cover up his own incompetence 161) Don't think so 172) If I need to name him for story, I will 183) Teridax, like most Makuta, saw no reason to share his name with inferior beings. Gorast liked the idea of other beings knowing and fearing her name 194) Yes
2Hello, some of these questions haven't been answered yet. Thanx for your time .
38. Let me rephrase, can [Mata Nui] posess other bodies? Example: Makuta posessing Maxilos
49. Then what are the powers of a Toa of Plasma? Extreme heat, light, and energy?
513. Ha its true...we can leave that to the past philosophers of the 16th century...Can Mata Nui creat people destinies?
614. Would you call Karzahni of the past more evil or inept?
71. Is Krakua the only Toa of Sonics alive?
82. Will the Makuta from Destiny War get a name?
93. How come inhabitants of the Tren Krom peninsula knew Gorast's name but inhabitants of Metru Nui didn't know Teridax's? Was Gorast more of a firecracker making appearances and scares unlike the busy Teridax who was plotting and leading the BoM?
104. Could Mata Nui leave the BIONICLE planet?
11Thanx again . .
128) No 139) The ability to melt things 1413) Mata Nui sets the destinies of the beings he creates 1514) I would call him someone who got in over his head and resorted to evil acts to cover up his own incompetence 161) Don't think so 172) If I need to name him for story, I will 183) Teridax, like most Makuta, saw no reason to share his name with inferior beings. Gorast liked the idea of other beings knowing and fearing her name 194) Yes
20Now that explains everything. Wondering if my theory about the masp is right...
21Thanks a lot Hewkii#1, that's a very important info.

2Hello, some of these questions haven't been answered yet. Thanx for your time .
38. Let me rephrase, can [Mata Nui] posess other bodies? Example: Makuta posessing Maxilos
49. Then what are the powers of a Toa of Plasma? Extreme heat, light, and energy?
513. Ha its true...we can leave that to the past philosophers of the 16th century...Can Mata Nui creat people destinies?
614. Would you call Karzahni of the past more evil or inept?
71. Is Krakua the only Toa of Sonics alive?
82. Will the Makuta from Destiny War get a name?
93. How come inhabitants of the Tren Krom peninsula knew Gorast's name but inhabitants of Metru Nui didn't know Teridax's? Was Gorast more of a firecracker making appearances and scares unlike the busy Teridax who was plotting and leading the BoM?
104. Could Mata Nui leave the BIONICLE planet?
11Thanx again . .
128) No 139) The ability to melt things 1413) Mata Nui sets the destinies of the beings he creates 1514) I would call him someone who got in over his head and resorted to evil acts to cover up his own incompetence 161) Don't think so 172) If I need to name him for story, I will 183) Teridax, like most Makuta, saw no reason to share his name with inferior beings. Gorast liked the idea of other beings knowing and fearing her name 194) Yes
20Now that explains everything. Wondering if my theory about the masp is right...
21Thanks a lot Hewkii#1, that's a very important info.![]()
22Finally . . All those things that "Mata Nui iz te Univeze" will finish .
2Hello, some of these questions haven't been answered yet. Thanx for your time .
38. Let me rephrase, can [Mata Nui] posess other bodies? Example: Makuta posessing Maxilos
49. Then what are the powers of a Toa of Plasma? Extreme heat, light, and energy?
513. Ha its true...we can leave that to the past philosophers of the 16th century...Can Mata Nui creat people destinies?
614. Would you call Karzahni of the past more evil or inept?
71. Is Krakua the only Toa of Sonics alive?
82. Will the Makuta from Destiny War get a name?
93. How come inhabitants of the Tren Krom peninsula knew Gorast's name but inhabitants of Metru Nui didn't know Teridax's? Was Gorast more of a firecracker making appearances and scares unlike the busy Teridax who was plotting and leading the BoM?
104. Could Mata Nui leave the BIONICLE planet?
11Thanx again . .
128) No 139) The ability to melt things 1413) Mata Nui sets the destinies of the beings he creates 1514) I would call him someone who got in over his head and resorted to evil acts to cover up his own incompetence 161) Don't think so 172) If I need to name him for story, I will 183) Teridax, like most Makuta, saw no reason to share his name with inferior beings. Gorast liked the idea of other beings knowing and fearing her name 194) Yes
20Now that explains everything. Wondering if my theory about the masp is right...
21Thanks a lot Hewkii#1, that's a very important info.![]()
22Finally . . All those things that "Mata Nui iz te Univeze" will finish .
23How does that disprove that? I mean when you travel do you leave your organs left behind?

24It is interesting how he can leave though...ooh I hope he's a set in 09.
2Hello, some of these questions haven't been answered yet. Thanx for your time .
38. Let me rephrase, can [Mata Nui] posess other bodies? Example: Makuta posessing Maxilos
49. Then what are the powers of a Toa of Plasma? Extreme heat, light, and energy?
513. Ha its true...we can leave that to the past philosophers of the 16th century...Can Mata Nui creat people destinies?
614. Would you call Karzahni of the past more evil or inept?
71. Is Krakua the only Toa of Sonics alive?
82. Will the Makuta from Destiny War get a name?
93. How come inhabitants of the Tren Krom peninsula knew Gorast's name but inhabitants of Metru Nui didn't know Teridax's? Was Gorast more of a firecracker making appearances and scares unlike the busy Teridax who was plotting and leading the BoM?
104. Could Mata Nui leave the BIONICLE planet?
11Thanx again . .
128) No 139) The ability to melt things 1413) Mata Nui sets the destinies of the beings he creates 1514) I would call him someone who got in over his head and resorted to evil acts to cover up his own incompetence 161) Don't think so 172) If I need to name him for story, I will 183) Teridax, like most Makuta, saw no reason to share his name with inferior beings. Gorast liked the idea of other beings knowing and fearing her name 194) Yes
20Now that explains everything. Wondering if my theory about the masp is right...
21Thanks a lot Hewkii#1, that's a very important info.![]()
22Finally . . All those things that "Mata Nui iz te Univeze" will finish .
23How does that disprove that? I mean when you travel do you leave your organs left behind?
24It is interesting how he can leave though...ooh I hope he's a set in 09.
25I think that Mata Nui is the Character that will return on 2009, hopefully he will be a Set