1sry about the 2 pm's but recently you said that the makuta can survive a few weeks out of a body. well when teridax was in the crystal with the piraka, did that count as being in armor or if he had been in for too long would he die? also when the piraka took some antidermis for the spheres did it weaken teridax or was it part of teridax just seperated from his main body or where they baby teridaxes or not phase him or what?
2with my regards oh great almost supirior to me being, 3Redge the bat.
41) The crysal served to keep his antidermis together so it did not dissipate. And the amount taken by the Piraka was too small to matter.
5ok i sent a follow up to this a long time ago and you didn't respond so i wasn't sure if you got it. if you did i am sorry. 61.well when teridax was in the crystal could he shape shift? also when he was in maxilos armor or possesing someone without a soul could he shapeshift or was that an ability in normal makuta armor? 72.if it is part of the armor could the makuta still shapeshift before the became antidermiss? 83.when the ignika devolved Icarax did he rcover or is he just in horrible pain or did that kill him or what?
94. on a different subject of all the known makuta what order would the chain of comand be? or is it a free for all with teridax on top and that is it or what? 104b.if there is not a particular chain of comand who would you say teridax favors, krika or antroz?
115. on a new subject how would you say teridax felt when the meatru became toa? suprised, amused, confused?
126.i have noticed, originaly the the toa of fire was the leader and more powerfull than the rest but ever since the adventure saga it has been saying the toa of ice and fire are of equal power and the toa of ice is the debuty, why is this? i am not complaining, ice is my favorite element.
137. what is your favorite element? 147b. what is your second favorite? 158.who is your favorite makuta? 168b.who is your second favorite?
17with my highly sought regards, 18Redge the Bat.
191) No and no 202) No 213) No, he's still in pain 224) Teridax is on top, others serve in charge of projects at his discretion 235) Annoyed 246) Toa power levels are all the same, what differs is usually their experience and skills. The only Toa with higher power levels than normal are the Nuva. 257-8) This really isn't important.
27"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
28ok, here is just some stuff about makuta. most of this is old but i think some is new. i thought it was something to do with light andshadow are 2 oposite of the main parts of life, and the seconed ones being heat and cold. ho-hum.
2with my regards oh great almost supirior to me being, 3Redge the bat.
41) The crysal served to keep his antidermis together so it did not dissipate. And the amount taken by the Piraka was too small to matter.
5ok i sent a follow up to this a long time ago and you didn't respond so i wasn't sure if you got it. if you did i am sorry. 61.well when teridax was in the crystal could he shape shift? also when he was in maxilos armor or possesing someone without a soul could he shapeshift or was that an ability in normal makuta armor? 72.if it is part of the armor could the makuta still shapeshift before the became antidermiss? 83.when the ignika devolved Icarax did he rcover or is he just in horrible pain or did that kill him or what?
94. on a different subject of all the known makuta what order would the chain of comand be? or is it a free for all with teridax on top and that is it or what? 104b.if there is not a particular chain of comand who would you say teridax favors, krika or antroz?
115. on a new subject how would you say teridax felt when the meatru became toa? suprised, amused, confused?
126.i have noticed, originaly the the toa of fire was the leader and more powerfull than the rest but ever since the adventure saga it has been saying the toa of ice and fire are of equal power and the toa of ice is the debuty, why is this? i am not complaining, ice is my favorite element.
137. what is your favorite element? 147b. what is your second favorite? 158.who is your favorite makuta? 168b.who is your second favorite?
17with my highly sought regards, 18Redge the Bat.
191) No and no 202) No 213) No, he's still in pain 224) Teridax is on top, others serve in charge of projects at his discretion 235) Annoyed 246) Toa power levels are all the same, what differs is usually their experience and skills. The only Toa with higher power levels than normal are the Nuva. 257-8) This really isn't important.
27"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
28ok, here is just some stuff about makuta. most of this is old but i think some is new. i thought it was something to do with light andshadow are 2 oposite of the main parts of life, and the seconed ones being heat and cold. ho-hum.
1Some pretty interesting stuff, especially the highlights.
29Sent him a follow-up PM on question 4, I'll post it when he replies.
2Hey Greg, just a few questions that came to mind while skimming over the books and storyline --
31. Since there are six pathways in the Codrex, one for each Toa, are there six vehicles stored there as well? Although I know they won't play any part in story, it would make sense. 41) No. If there were six vehicles, then I would have to put six in the story for it to make sense, and I can't do that.
52. Was Karda Nui made so large to give room for the energy storms? Seeing as they were all that was supposed to be there (aside from the Codrex, that is). 62) No
73. One of the energy sources that feeds the world is inside the Codrex, right? 83) Yes 93a. Are there any other energy sources in or outside Karda Nui? 103a) Well, we know the waters of the swamp glow in places, so it's possible
11Now, relating to some questions way back...
124. The Great Temple Scroll told the Nuva to quell the volcanoes on Artidax, a task written on it by the Great Beings. You recently said the Nuva did this to prevent Miserix from getting harmed -- so my question is, did the Great Beings know Miserix would end up there? 134a. Likewise, did the Great beings know the Visorak would one day pose a threat, seeing as retrieving the Heart of the Visorak was a task on the Scroll? 144) I would like, before answering, to go back and just confirm that the volcano task was on the scroll, and not just something the OOMN had them do.
155. Did the organic birds seen in 2001 and 2004 originate on the planet? 165) Yes 175a. If they did, can you confirm the existence of at least one other landmass on the planet at some point in time? 185a) This gets dealt with later in story
196. So long as the Matoran keep working and the universe is in order, would Mata Nui be immortal (in the sense that he could not die of old age)? 206) I would say no
217. BL5 described the Great Beings as wearing cloaks, while at the same time it was said the Matoran could not see them. This lead me to thinking -- do Great Beings regularly wear any kind of clothing? 227) Yes 237a. The Ignika has been described as being "created in forges that burned hotter than the stars, and cooled in caverns of ice." Were those caverns and forges in the Matoran universe, or someplace else? 247a) Someplace else 257b. You have said the Great Beings are "much farther away than the Red Star" -- just checking, does this mean they are not on the BIONICLE planet? 267b) That's correct
27Thanks a ton in advance -- and I understand fully if you can't answer these .
29Sent him a follow-up PM on question 4, I'll post it when he replies.

1Hi. Two questions:
21. Can a Klakk destroy or damage an OoMN member's mental shielding?
32. In this extremely awesome image, it seems that there are six spheres around the lightstones. What are they?
41) No 52) Please discuss the images with Binkmeister, as he posted them
6nice info, where did Bink post those "photos"?
1Reya, nice Great Being information, and the information on the organic Rahi. Though I wonder, when will that be revealed? Maybe 09... 2Anyway, the Great Beings thing, that seems to be the best I've seen on any of the last ten or so pages, this could be big.
3Agreed. Very nice answers Reya

4As for that picture (which I have never seen before, freakin awesome, I love those Hau and Miru light images), I would guess that it is the area described in the latest Takanuva Blog, where the Toa each go down a tunnel and Lewa comes out with the Axalara. It is seen coming out of a sphere in the newest CGI clip too. 5Edit: That image is very Halo-esque. Pretty sweet.
1OO, nice answers Reya.
2That's good afternoon, in espanol.Just uno question, por favor.
3Will at any time the Toa Ignika enter the Codrex? I'm assuming yes based off of the picture on Bionicle.com, but I just wanted to make sure.
4Gracias for your time.
5He goes in when the Nuva go in
6Oo, speedy response. Me likey.![]()
7Do the Nuva/Ignika/Taka exit the Codrex after the vehicles depart, or do some remain? It would seem there is still something of importance in the Codrex, so either they go back or some stay.
8You'll find out in November
1Hey Greg, just a few questions,
21. Did every makuta have an assigned region, or just some of them? 31a. If only some had an assigned region how was it decided who got which region and who got a region at all?
42. When the BoM was at full strength how many members did it have? 52a. If you cant answer can you say if we will find out?
63. How many members does the BoM currently have? 73a. If you cant answer will we ever find out?
84. Did the Mistika makuta take their current forms then enter the swamp and get locked in those forms or just forced into those forms?
95. Who would you say is the highest ranking BoM member in the swamp?
106. if takanuva left the swamp would he revert to his original size?
117. Why would a toa find krika's mask immoral?
128. Krika lost almost all of his powers, right? 138a. If yes could you list the powers he still has?
149. Are the Mistika makuta's essences mutated or just their armour?
1510. Would it be possible for their mutation to be fixed? 1610a. Would a new set of armour fix it?
17Thanks ahead of time,
18The Noble Mutran, Lord of Leeches
191) They all have regions, which are assigned by the head of the BOM 202-3) I have no plans to reveal this 214) The former 225) Antroz 236) If he left Karda Nui as a whole, yes 247) Because it makes even nature itself repel you 258) I never said that, no 269) Their essences had to be affected or their powers could not have been affected 2710) The Ignika is the only thing that could fix them
1Hello sir, I have a few questions.
21. Will the Tahtorak on Zakaz plan to wipe out the Skakdi thing play a part at all? I thought Axonn or Brutaka may bring it up to Nektann when they met him...
32. Can Mazeka's Swamp Strider do anything besides walk? I mean any other modes of movement? Like can it hover or anything? The legs on the set fold up, so thats what it seemed like to me.
53. What have been your favorite episodes of the four new series of Doctor Who for each year? Mine have been Dalek, Doomsday, Smith and Jones, Partners in Crime.
64. At the end of Journey's End, Martha and Mickey left with Jack. Would you like to see them in series 3 of Torchwood? I personally would, and I think they've been confirmed by this point to replace Owen and Toshiko respectively.
7That's all, thank you for your time.
81) Why would they want to see all the Tahtorak slaughtered? 92) I haven't decided yet 103) My favorite episodes overall were The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, but I really can't remember most of them by title. 114) Actually, the latest is that Martha will NOT be on Torchwood at all, despite the earlier plans for her to be. The actress accepted a role on the UK version of Law and Order, so she won't be doing the show.
12Thanks, just some more stuff.
134. I read about that after you said it, and my source was apparently wrong, it was supposudly quoted from comiccon or something, but still, Series 3 of Torchwood is only one episode spread out over 5 nights, 20 minutes a night. I don't know a lot about that sort of business involving actors, but it seems to me its still possible for Martha to be on.
145. Did you watch The Sarah Jane Adventures? I personally haven't, I'd rather watch Doctor Who, but mainly because I only saw Sarah Jane in School Reunion and Stolen Earth/Journey's End. 155a. If so, one of the enemies for an episode or two for season 2 will be16The Sontarans
17And18The Brigadier (sp)
19Is returning.
206. About protosteel, is this how it would work if say, Brutaka, attacked a Makuta. If his strength is greater than the Makuta's, the armor is cut open, if the Makuta is stronger, the blade is cut or just stopped by the impact. If its equal nothing happens to either weapon, they act like normal weapons (like the Axonn/Brutaka fight at the end of 06). Is that right?
21Thank you for your time.
223) It's already been confirmed she won't be on at all. The reason Russell Davies wasn't at Comic-Con was that he was rewriting the scripts to take her out. 235) Only saw one, didn't like it much 246) Greater than the toughness of the Makuta's armor, that's what comes into play
253. Ok. I haven't followed up any Comic-Con information, has anything been said about Noel Clarke as Mickey for the season that you know of?
26But before I forget, back to 1. 271. So does the Order plan to act on that information at any point? Or just let nature take its course would you think? I mean Nektann has a Muaka steed, so it doesn't seem they're limited to Tahtorak, if they had to slaughter the species that is.
28Some new ones:
291. I remember reading in I think the OGD, and BS01, that you hope for Gelliger (sp) to draw the Mata Nui picture. Even if he can't, will someone else do it? Or is it only a chance that it will be in the magazine, only if he has time?
302. Just something I thought about yesterday. If say Mutran fired a shadow hand from his stomach, not the blades like Chirox did, at Ignika, would Ignika be able to retaliate and bring the shadow hand to life and connected to the body as a third arm? Or can't the Ignika do that? I have no idea if that would fall into the peramiters of bringing life which as I recall it can't do on its own.
313. How would you describe the four armed OoMN member's axe? I unfortunatly don't have images at the moment of my MOC to describe it, but would you say its like Axonn's, a normal axe, but with maybe four blades, one on each side? Or is it more like multiple blades on each side? Or, how would you describe multibladed?
32That's all, thank you.
333) Never heard anything on that 341) Not anytime soon, it does not profit them 351) It will be in the BrickMaster magazine and he is doing it 362) Hard to say -- it can bring beams of light to life, not sure about shadows 373) Multiple blades on each side
1sry about the 2 pm's but recently you said that the makuta can survive a few weeks out of a body. well when teridax was in the crystal with the piraka, did that count as being in armor or if he had been in for too long would he die? also when the piraka took some antidermis for the spheres did it weaken teridax or was it part of teridax just seperated from his main body or where they baby teridaxes or not phase him or what?
2with my regards oh great almost supirior to me being, 3Redge the bat.
41) The crysal served to keep his antidermis together so it did not dissipate. And the amount taken by the Piraka was too small to matter.
5ok i sent a follow up to this a long time ago and you didn't respond so i wasn't sure if you got it. if you did i am sorry. 61.well when teridax was in the crystal could he shape shift? also when he was in maxilos armor or possesing someone without a soul could he shapeshift or was that an ability in normal makuta armor? 72.if it is part of the armor could the makuta still shapeshift before the became antidermiss? 83.when the ignika devolved Icarax did he rcover or is he just in horrible pain or did that kill him or what?
94. on a different subject of all the known makuta what order would the chain of comand be? or is it a free for all with teridax on top and that is it or what? 104b.if there is not a particular chain of comand who would you say teridax favors, krika or antroz?
115. on a new subject how would you say teridax felt when the meatru became toa? suprised, amused, confused?
126.i have noticed, originaly the the toa of fire was the leader and more powerfull than the rest but ever since the adventure saga it has been saying the toa of ice and fire are of equal power and the toa of ice is the debuty, why is this? i am not complaining, ice is my favorite element.
137. what is your favorite element? 147b. what is your second favorite? 158.who is your favorite makuta? 168b.who is your second favorite?
17with my highly sought regards, 18Redge the Bat.
191) No and no 202) No 213) No, he's still in pain 224) Teridax is on top, others serve in charge of projects at his discretion 235) Annoyed 246) Toa power levels are all the same, what differs is usually their experience and skills. The only Toa with higher power levels than normal are the Nuva. 257-8) This really isn't important.
26ok but lust a few things. 271about the makuta, who would you say terdidax prefers, krika or antroz? 282. will it ever explain hwy the inika had living masks and lightning power? 293what happened to the masks when the theyy turned into mahri. 304.did makuta particually like or dislike matoro?
311) Well, he gave Antroz command of the forces in Karda Nui 322) It's because of how they were made Toa, the energies of the red star 333) They were transformed 344) Makuta doesn't like anyone. He saw Matoro as emotionally vulnerable and played on that.
36"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
37just some more awnsers. i was kinda hopeing krika because krika was also at teridaxes side in dm and krika was also trusted to create miserex's prison. oh. well. to bad for us krika fans.
2with my regards oh great almost supirior to me being, 3Redge the bat.
41) The crysal served to keep his antidermis together so it did not dissipate. And the amount taken by the Piraka was too small to matter.
5ok i sent a follow up to this a long time ago and you didn't respond so i wasn't sure if you got it. if you did i am sorry. 61.well when teridax was in the crystal could he shape shift? also when he was in maxilos armor or possesing someone without a soul could he shapeshift or was that an ability in normal makuta armor? 72.if it is part of the armor could the makuta still shapeshift before the became antidermiss? 83.when the ignika devolved Icarax did he rcover or is he just in horrible pain or did that kill him or what?
94. on a different subject of all the known makuta what order would the chain of comand be? or is it a free for all with teridax on top and that is it or what? 104b.if there is not a particular chain of comand who would you say teridax favors, krika or antroz?
115. on a new subject how would you say teridax felt when the meatru became toa? suprised, amused, confused?
126.i have noticed, originaly the the toa of fire was the leader and more powerfull than the rest but ever since the adventure saga it has been saying the toa of ice and fire are of equal power and the toa of ice is the debuty, why is this? i am not complaining, ice is my favorite element.
137. what is your favorite element? 147b. what is your second favorite? 158.who is your favorite makuta? 168b.who is your second favorite?
17with my highly sought regards, 18Redge the Bat.
191) No and no 202) No 213) No, he's still in pain 224) Teridax is on top, others serve in charge of projects at his discretion 235) Annoyed 246) Toa power levels are all the same, what differs is usually their experience and skills. The only Toa with higher power levels than normal are the Nuva. 257-8) This really isn't important.
26ok but lust a few things. 271about the makuta, who would you say terdidax prefers, krika or antroz? 282. will it ever explain hwy the inika had living masks and lightning power? 293what happened to the masks when the theyy turned into mahri. 304.did makuta particually like or dislike matoro?
311) Well, he gave Antroz command of the forces in Karda Nui 322) It's because of how they were made Toa, the energies of the red star 333) They were transformed 344) Makuta doesn't like anyone. He saw Matoro as emotionally vulnerable and played on that.
36"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
37just some more awnsers. i was kinda hopeing krika because krika was also at teridaxes side in dm and krika was also trusted to create miserex's prison. oh. well. to bad for us krika fans.
1just some more awnsers. i was kinda hopeing krika because krika was also at teridaxes side in dm and krika was also trusted to create miserex's prison. oh. well. to bad for us krika fans.
2Krika was tasked with killing Miserix, not imprisoning him. And he's not a big fan of the plan. So, he's probably not Teridax's best bud.

3Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 4

1Hello sir, I have a few questions.
21. Will the Tahtorak on Zakaz plan to wipe out the Skakdi thing play a part at all? I thought Axonn or Brutaka may bring it up to Nektann when they met him...
32. Can Mazeka's Swamp Strider do anything besides walk? I mean any other modes of movement? Like can it hover or anything? The legs on the set fold up, so thats what it seemed like to me.
53. What have been your favorite episodes of the four new series of Doctor Who for each year? Mine have been Dalek, Doomsday, Smith and Jones, Partners in Crime.
64. At the end of Journey's End, Martha and Mickey left with Jack. Would you like to see them in series 3 of Torchwood? I personally would, and I think they've been confirmed by this point to replace Owen and Toshiko respectively.
7That's all, thank you for your time.
81) Why would they want to see all the Tahtorak slaughtered? 92) I haven't decided yet 103) My favorite episodes overall were The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, but I really can't remember most of them by title. 114) Actually, the latest is that Martha will NOT be on Torchwood at all, despite the earlier plans for her to be. The actress accepted a role on the UK version of Law and Order, so she won't be doing the show.
12Thanks, just some more stuff.
134. I read about that after you said it, and my source was apparently wrong, it was supposudly quoted from comiccon or something, but still, Series 3 of Torchwood is only one episode spread out over 5 nights, 20 minutes a night. I don't know a lot about that sort of business involving actors, but it seems to me its still possible for Martha to be on.
145. Did you watch The Sarah Jane Adventures? I personally haven't, I'd rather watch Doctor Who, but mainly because I only saw Sarah Jane in School Reunion and Stolen Earth/Journey's End. 155a. If so, one of the enemies for an episode or two for season 2 will be16The Sontarans
17And18The Brigadier (sp)
19Is returning.
206. About protosteel, is this how it would work if say, Brutaka, attacked a Makuta. If his strength is greater than the Makuta's, the armor is cut open, if the Makuta is stronger, the blade is cut or just stopped by the impact. If its equal nothing happens to either weapon, they act like normal weapons (like the Axonn/Brutaka fight at the end of 06). Is that right?
21Thank you for your time.
223) It's already been confirmed she won't be on at all. The reason Russell Davies wasn't at Comic-Con was that he was rewriting the scripts to take her out. 235) Only saw one, didn't like it much 246) Greater than the toughness of the Makuta's armor, that's what comes into play
253. Ok. I haven't followed up any Comic-Con information, has anything been said about Noel Clarke as Mickey for the season that you know of?
26But before I forget, back to 1. 271. So does the Order plan to act on that information at any point? Or just let nature take its course would you think? I mean Nektann has a Muaka steed, so it doesn't seem they're limited to Tahtorak, if they had to slaughter the species that is.
28Some new ones:
291. I remember reading in I think the OGD, and BS01, that you hope for Gelliger (sp) to draw the Mata Nui picture. Even if he can't, will someone else do it? Or is it only a chance that it will be in the magazine, only if he has time?
302. Just something I thought about yesterday. If say Mutran fired a shadow hand from his stomach, not the blades like Chirox did, at Ignika, would Ignika be able to retaliate and bring the shadow hand to life and connected to the body as a third arm? Or can't the Ignika do that? I have no idea if that would fall into the peramiters of bringing life which as I recall it can't do on its own.
313. How would you describe the four armed OoMN member's axe? I unfortunatly don't have images at the moment of my MOC to describe it, but would you say its like Axonn's, a normal axe, but with maybe four blades, one on each side? Or is it more like multiple blades on each side? Or, how would you describe multibladed?
32That's all, thank you.
333) Never heard anything on that 341) Not anytime soon, it does not profit them 351) It will be in the BrickMaster magazine and he is doing it 362) Hard to say -- it can bring beams of light to life, not sure about shadows 373) Multiple blades on each side
38Personally, I think he meant something like this: 39
1just some more awnsers. i was kinda hopeing krika because krika was also at teridaxes side in dm and krika was also trusted to create miserex's prison. oh. well. to bad for us krika fans.
2Come now, you must not know Krika very well. Even if he hid the amount of resentment he had towards the plan, Teridax would still be more than likely to pick up on how pessimistic the Makuta is. Krika has no enthusiasm for what they are doing whatsoever...he even actively tries to stop the plan from happening in the latest comic. That's not exactly a good way to get on Teridax's good side.
1Got a couple of questions to you.
21. Did Toa Jovan's team heal the Great Spirit before the end of the Matoran Civil War, or after? 32. Did everyone feel it when he was healed? 43. If the OoMN wants the Coliseum destroyed, why don't they ask the Toa Mahri? 54. I heard that Ahkmou was intended to be in 2008 and a set of him would even be made. What was your original plan with him?
61) After 72) Yes 83) Because they have other things they need the Mahri to do, plus how would it look to the Matoran of Metru Nui if their heroes destroyed the Coliseum? 94) He was going to be be a shadow Toa
10Forgot to ask why the Toa Mahri didn't recognize the Toa Hagah's names.
1They might recognize their names (from Vakama's stories), but not the fact that they're Toa again.
1They might recognize their names (from Vakama's stories), but not the fact that they're Toa again.
2Yes, but in BIONICLE, there are just one-of-a-kind name (not like here where many people can be named Bob). So Norik is Norik, Matoran, Rahaga or Toa, it's just Toa. And didn't the Rahaga meet the Metru Nui Matoran when they returned from Mata Nui? So wouldn't they recognize them?
1just expectin a answer from greg for my theory so i'll post as soon as i can 

1They might recognize their names (from Vakama's stories), but not the fact that they're Toa again.
2Yes, but in BIONICLE, there are just one-of-a-kind name (not like here where many people can be named Bob). So Norik is Norik, Matoran, Rahaga or Toa, it's just Toa. And didn't the Rahaga meet the Metru Nui Matoran when they returned from Mata Nui? So wouldn't they recognize them?
3Recognition from looks is out of the question.

4And Greg suggested to someone's answer that if six Toa you've never seen before appear out of nowhere wanting to destroy the Coliseum, do you think you'd stop to think if they were friends?
1And for all the residents know, these Toa could be some other beings impersonating the Hagah.
1Hi, 2Nice answers and Great Beings info, and landmasses other then Mata Nui, sweet.
8But what did GregF mean by this?
3Hey Greg, just a few questions,
46. if takanuva left the swamp would he revert to his original size?
5Thanks ahead of time,
6The Noble Mutran, Lord of Leeches
76) If he left Karda Nui as a whole, yes
8But what did GregF mean by this?

1Hi, 2Nice answers and Great Beings info, and landmasses other then Mata Nui, sweet.
3Hey Greg, just a few questions,
46. if takanuva left the swamp would he revert to his original size?
5Thanks ahead of time,
6The Noble Mutran, Lord of Leeches
76) If he left Karda Nui as a whole, yes
8But what did GregF mean by this?![]()
10Karda nui rather than the swamp, because if he left the swamp to go up to the stalactites or something he'd stay big but if he left karda nui as a whole he'd return to his original size
1Hi, 2Nice answers and Great Beings info, and landmasses other then Mata Nui, sweet.
3Hey Greg, just a few questions,
46. if takanuva left the swamp would he revert to his original size?
5Thanks ahead of time,
6The Noble Mutran, Lord of Leeches
76) If he left Karda Nui as a whole, yes
8But what did GregF mean by this?![]()
10Karda nui rather than the swamp, because if he left the swamp to go up to the stalactites or something he'd stay big but if he left karda nui as a whole he'd return to his original size
11Yeah, Greg means "as a whole" by all of Karda Nui, since the question referenced the swamp only. He doesn't mean if Takanuva left "in one piece"
1Hi, 2Nice answers and Great Beings info, and landmasses other then Mata Nui, sweet.
3Hey Greg, just a few questions,
46. if takanuva left the swamp would he revert to his original size?
5Thanks ahead of time,
6The Noble Mutran, Lord of Leeches
76) If he left Karda Nui as a whole, yes
8But what did GregF mean by this?![]()
10Karda nui rather than the swamp, because if he left the swamp to go up to the stalactites or something he'd stay big but if he left karda nui as a whole he'd return to his original size
11Yeah, Greg means "as a whole" by all of Karda Nui, since the question referenced the swamp only. He doesn't mean if Takanuva left "in one piece"
12Ohw, thanks falling sheep and Darth Gonwa, I misunderstood that

31Oh my....I'm gonna shoot myself if the GBs turn out to be humans. I hope I'm wrong, since the Turaga, Vezon and the Karzahni set all wear clothes/capes, but still...the "regularly" word scares me. Remember all the times he answered with a "Can't discuss this" to questions regarding the size of GBs?1Some pretty interesting stuff, especially the highlights.
2Hey Greg, just a few questions that came to mind while skimming over the books and storyline --
31. Since there are six pathways in the Codrex, one for each Toa, are there six vehicles stored there as well? Although I know they won't play any part in story, it would make sense. 41) No. If there were six vehicles, then I would have to put six in the story for it to make sense, and I can't do that.
52. Was Karda Nui made so large to give room for the energy storms? Seeing as they were all that was supposed to be there (aside from the Codrex, that is). 62) No
73. One of the energy sources that feeds the world is inside the Codrex, right? 83) Yes 93a. Are there any other energy sources in or outside Karda Nui? 103a) Well, we know the waters of the swamp glow in places, so it's possible
11Now, relating to some questions way back...
124. The Great Temple Scroll told the Nuva to quell the volcanoes on Artidax, a task written on it by the Great Beings. You recently said the Nuva did this to prevent Miserix from getting harmed -- so my question is, did the Great Beings know Miserix would end up there? 134a. Likewise, did the Great beings know the Visorak would one day pose a threat, seeing as retrieving the Heart of the Visorak was a task on the Scroll? 144) I would like, before answering, to go back and just confirm that the volcano task was on the scroll, and not just something the OOMN had them do.
155. Did the organic birds seen in 2001 and 2004 originate on the planet? 165) Yes 175a. If they did, can you confirm the existence of at least one other landmass on the planet at some point in time? 185a) This gets dealt with later in story
196. So long as the Matoran keep working and the universe is in order, would Mata Nui be immortal (in the sense that he could not die of old age)? 206) I would say no
217. BL5 described the Great Beings as wearing cloaks, while at the same time it was said the Matoran could not see them. This lead me to thinking -- do Great Beings regularly wear any kind of clothing? 227) Yes 237a. The Ignika has been described as being "created in forges that burned hotter than the stars, and cooled in caverns of ice." Were those caverns and forges in the Matoran universe, or someplace else? 247a) Someplace else 257b. You have said the Great Beings are "much farther away than the Red Star" -- just checking, does this mean they are not on the BIONICLE planet? 267b) That's correct
27Thanks a ton in advance -- and I understand fully if you can't answer these .
29Sent him a follow-up PM on question 4, I'll post it when he replies.![]()
32But really, mine is all just speculation.
1just some more awnsers. i was kinda hopeing krika because krika was also at teridaxes side in dm and krika was also trusted to create miserex's prison. oh. well. to bad for us krika fans.
2Come now, you must not know Krika very well. Even if he hid the amount of resentment he had towards the plan, Teridax would still be more than likely to pick up on how pessimistic the Makuta is. Krika has no enthusiasm for what they are doing whatsoever...he even actively tries to stop the plan from happening in the latest comic. That's not exactly a good way to get on Teridax's good side.
3there seems to be a missconseption in place. this covered who teridax prefered as an agent or tool. he seems to trust krika as deependable if not lyal. it said nowhere that krika is teridaxes best bud. oh and i am a HUGE krika fan, have the comic, and i have personally gone over every thing he has said and done, so that i can know more about him than any one (except for gregf. of course) but beside in the same set of questions it said teridax dosen't like nayone.
1Hello, Greg, I have a couple questions:
21. Recently a member asked you about the preparation scroll with regard to its knowing why the volcanoes on Artidax were needed to be quelled. I was wondering -- is it possible that the Great Beings made the scroll able to change what is written on it according to world circumstances?
32. Do you see being able to recycle one of the Mata Nui location names for the previous Turaga of Metru Nui, i.e. Dume's predecessor?
4Thank you for your time.
61) No 72) No, I am not in the market to reuse Mata Nui location names. Most of those names are Maori words, so I prefer not to haul them out again
8Looks like the fun's over RE the Mata Nui location names.
1Hi . just a few questions.
21. Is the Red Star Mata Nui's Spirit Star? 32. How do you pronounce Trinuma? 43. How long does the silence produced by a Shelek last? 54. Who told the Hagah to destroy the Coliseum?
6Thanks for your time .
81) Mata Nui is not a Toa, so he has no spirit star. 92) Try-new-my 103) Depends on the willpower of the user 114) Follow the story and find out
12-------------------- 13"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
14Some stuff 15~

1Hi, 2Nice answers and Great Beings info, and landmasses other then Mata Nui, sweet.
3Hey Greg, just a few questions,
46. if takanuva left the swamp would he revert to his original size?
5Thanks ahead of time,
6The Noble Mutran, Lord of Leeches
76) If he left Karda Nui as a whole, yes
8But what did GregF mean by this?![]()
10Karda nui rather than the swamp, because if he left the swamp to go up to the stalactites or something he'd stay big but if he left karda nui as a whole he'd return to his original size
11Yeah, Greg means "as a whole" by all of Karda Nui, since the question referenced the swamp only. He doesn't mean if Takanuva left "in one piece"
12I think he meant with no shadow and wholy light, like a klakk breakinf the shadow barrier and Taka gains all of his light back.
1I believe Greg has often said "There are no humans in BIONICLE", so I don't think we need to worry . ![]()
3What if he skipped the yet in that phrase, Reya?
4BTW, I'm wondering if Mata Nui can die of age now...
5he'd better NOT put humans in the story line. It would ruin the entire story.
6As would everything else that's ever happened in the story. Some people just need to get over it.

7Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 8

1I believe Greg has often said "There are no humans in BIONICLE", so I don't think we need to worry . ![]()
3What if he skipped the yet in that phrase, Reya?
4BTW, I'm wondering if Mata Nui can die of age now...
5he'd better NOT put humans in the story line. It would ruin the entire story.
6As would everything else that's ever happened in the story. Some people just need to get over it.![]()
7Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 8![]()
10Hello Mr. Farshtey. I hope you are doing well. 11I have a question. I know you can not say much about the Red Star, but I had an idea that popped into my mind: Can the Red Star Go out like a Sun can? As in it turns into a giant then a black hole?
13Well, it looks like the Red Star is something like a moon to me...
1Hey Greg, hope you can answer these questions, thanx alot .
21. Was Mata Nui the first Great Spirit made by the GB's?
32. Was the Matoran Universe the first universe created by the GB's?
43. Does every universe have a Great Spirit? Seeing as Tren Krom was there so a "great" being was around...
54. Toa were created and are by the power of the GB's? correct
65. The Toa Stones and other means of becoming Toa were created by the GB's?
76. Can the red star be seen from the MU?
87. Is the red star really a star?
98. Since plasma is a super heated gas, and as an element it would be super heat of plasmosis (and could melt things), could a Toa of Plasma manipulater water by heating it into a gaseous form, then heat that into plasma? 108a. Could a Toa of Water and of Plasma combine power to create gas/air? Sustain an air bubble under water? 118b. Could a Toa of Air and of Plasma combine to create a burst of heat energy? 128c. If enough Toa of Plasma combined their energy and power could they create a mini star or a supernova?
139. A Toa of the Green controls the legendary element of life seeing as he could create Plant LIFE, living, breathing plants. Correct?
1410. Is Tridax the now canon name for the Makuta from DW 3? 1510a. If so was his primary involvement in the Shadow Leech project creating the pods for way to store them safely for maximum use/life and safety? Opposed to Chriox and Mutran who mainly were involved in creating the leeches? 1610b. After Miserix was "killed", Teridax was still residing over Metru Nui, so would you say Tridax was made the Makuta of Destral? 1710c. Was Tridax high ranking? Did Teridax like him more than some Makuta?
18Thanx for your time . .
191) Can't answer it 202) Far as I know 213) No. We know only of one domed universe that has a Great Spirit. There is no evidence any other Great Spirits or domed universes exist. 224) No. 235) No. A Toa stone is just a rock imbued by a Toa with a portion of his power 246) No 257) Do you know of stars that have beings living inside of them? 268) Since there is no Toa of Plasma active in story, I have not worried about what one can or cannot do. 279) No 2810) No. All I said was I liked the idea, I have not given the character a name yet.
21. Was Mata Nui the first Great Spirit made by the GB's?
32. Was the Matoran Universe the first universe created by the GB's?
43. Does every universe have a Great Spirit? Seeing as Tren Krom was there so a "great" being was around...
54. Toa were created and are by the power of the GB's? correct
65. The Toa Stones and other means of becoming Toa were created by the GB's?
76. Can the red star be seen from the MU?
87. Is the red star really a star?
98. Since plasma is a super heated gas, and as an element it would be super heat of plasmosis (and could melt things), could a Toa of Plasma manipulater water by heating it into a gaseous form, then heat that into plasma? 108a. Could a Toa of Water and of Plasma combine power to create gas/air? Sustain an air bubble under water? 118b. Could a Toa of Air and of Plasma combine to create a burst of heat energy? 128c. If enough Toa of Plasma combined their energy and power could they create a mini star or a supernova?
139. A Toa of the Green controls the legendary element of life seeing as he could create Plant LIFE, living, breathing plants. Correct?
1410. Is Tridax the now canon name for the Makuta from DW 3? 1510a. If so was his primary involvement in the Shadow Leech project creating the pods for way to store them safely for maximum use/life and safety? Opposed to Chriox and Mutran who mainly were involved in creating the leeches? 1610b. After Miserix was "killed", Teridax was still residing over Metru Nui, so would you say Tridax was made the Makuta of Destral? 1710c. Was Tridax high ranking? Did Teridax like him more than some Makuta?
18Thanx for your time . .
191) Can't answer it 202) Far as I know 213) No. We know only of one domed universe that has a Great Spirit. There is no evidence any other Great Spirits or domed universes exist. 224) No. 235) No. A Toa stone is just a rock imbued by a Toa with a portion of his power 246) No 257) Do you know of stars that have beings living inside of them? 268) Since there is no Toa of Plasma active in story, I have not worried about what one can or cannot do. 279) No 2810) No. All I said was I liked the idea, I have not given the character a name yet.
1Hey, just a few questions for you: 21) Would the Mask of Clairvoyance help at all in a fight? Say you're in mortal combat. Would the mask let you see just a hair into the future, to warn you of what was coming? 31a) If not, then could that be another mask power? Maybe a Mask of Precognition that lets you see a few seconds (or minutes) into the future whenever? 42) Would a Mask of Rahi Control be possible? 53) Would Helryx wear an 'immoral' mask, as she cannot afford to follow the Toa Code? 64) Is it possible to create another Great Mask of Creation? 74a) A Noble Mask of Creation? 84b) A powerless Mask of Creation? 94c) If so, why not? 105) Will we see a Jutlin or Shelek in action this year? 116) Is the 'Vision Mask' from the Voya Nui Online Game canon? 126a) If so, what would its powers be?
13Thanks in advance for your time and for all the effort you put into running BIONICLE .
141) That's possible 152) Yes 163) Not necessarily, no 174) The Great Beings could, yes 184a) Probably 194c) Not sure 205) Think so 216) No
221)Aha . New info . 232)Maybe we could see this mask soon... 243)Hm...even though she doesn't follow the Toa Code, she might not wear a 'dark' mask. Interesting... 254)Off to the BS01 Wiki . 265)Yes . Finally . 276)Oh well...
1I have some questions for you.
21. If Icarax was told the whole plan (mainly about the elimination of makuta and the energy storms) before he met up with Teridax and Matoro, would he have tried to kill him?
32. Did Teridax expect the Kanohi Ignika to make itself a body and fight for the Toa Nuva?
43. How would you compare the Bionicle movie (in both script and animation), with the other Bionicle movies?
54. Would it be possible for you to be in an interview for the movie?
6and 5. How many members would you guess that the Order has?
7- Toa Deserok
81) Probably not, because all that would have gotten him was executed by the other Makuta. You don't attain leadership that way, and he would have had no proof. "Someone told me" is not evidence. 92) It's irrelevant to his Plan. 103) I expect it to be better in both respects 114) I don't think they have plans to do that, no. 125) Can't answer it
21. If Icarax was told the whole plan (mainly about the elimination of makuta and the energy storms) before he met up with Teridax and Matoro, would he have tried to kill him?
32. Did Teridax expect the Kanohi Ignika to make itself a body and fight for the Toa Nuva?
43. How would you compare the Bionicle movie (in both script and animation), with the other Bionicle movies?
54. Would it be possible for you to be in an interview for the movie?
6and 5. How many members would you guess that the Order has?
7- Toa Deserok
81) Probably not, because all that would have gotten him was executed by the other Makuta. You don't attain leadership that way, and he would have had no proof. "Someone told me" is not evidence. 92) It's irrelevant to his Plan. 103) I expect it to be better in both respects 114) I don't think they have plans to do that, no. 125) Can't answer it
1Hi . just a few questions.
21. Is the Red Star Mata Nui's Spirit Star? 32. How do you pronounce Trinuma? 43. How long does the silence produced by a Shelek last? 54. Who told the Hagah to destroy the Coliseum?
6Thanks for your time .
81) Mata Nui is not a Toa, so he has no spirit star. 92) Try-new-my 103) Depends on the willpower of the user 114) Follow the story and find out
12-------------------- 13"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
14Some stuff 15~![]()
16I'm just going to point out that it is likely the filter changed "m-a-h" to "my".