1I sent Greg a PM 3 weeks ago, and I haven't received a reply yet. Now I heard something about the server eating PMs at times... So I don't know, am I just very impatient (because I know Greg is or was busy with moving) or should I try and resend my PM?
1I don't think sure means yes as much as yes does. It was obvious when he said yes to Rahi Control that he had already decided to use it, so I wasn't surprised. This one though, it may not true that it will be used.
1I don't think sure means yes as much as yes does. It was obvious when he said yes to Rahi Control that he had already decided to use it, so I wasn't surprised. This one though, it may not true that it will be used.
2Yeah, just because Greg says it would be possible doesn't mean it will see it's day in official story.
1Hey Greg.
2One: Why did Tuyet want to strike at the Brotherhood of Makuta during the Dark Hunter/ Toa War?
3Two: Were the toa in that war suspicious about the Brotherhood because the Makuta weren't intervening with the conflict?
4Three: Considering that Miserix didn't choose to overthrow Mata Nui, would it be possible that he still has some light left in him unlike the other makuta who gave up theirs to rebel against Mata Nui?
5Four: How would Miserix give the Order an advantage over the Brotherhood in the coming war?
6Five: Would you approve of this name: Kogarax (Koo-gar-raks)?
7and Six: How would you have described Icarax's attitude towards Miserix?
8-Toa Deserok
91) Because she saw the BOM as a potential threat, and she was right 102) No. This was a Toa thing to handle. Toa don't go running to Makuta asking for help. 113) They all had light in them then. Miserix chose not to rebel because he thought they would lose -- that's the only reason, it wasn't because he was moral. 124) Well, he knows Destral inside and out for one thing. 135) I can't approve names, Deserok, they have to be approved by our Legal dept. 146) Not politically smart enough to survive
2One: Why did Tuyet want to strike at the Brotherhood of Makuta during the Dark Hunter/ Toa War?
3Two: Were the toa in that war suspicious about the Brotherhood because the Makuta weren't intervening with the conflict?
4Three: Considering that Miserix didn't choose to overthrow Mata Nui, would it be possible that he still has some light left in him unlike the other makuta who gave up theirs to rebel against Mata Nui?
5Four: How would Miserix give the Order an advantage over the Brotherhood in the coming war?
6Five: Would you approve of this name: Kogarax (Koo-gar-raks)?
7and Six: How would you have described Icarax's attitude towards Miserix?
8-Toa Deserok
91) Because she saw the BOM as a potential threat, and she was right 102) No. This was a Toa thing to handle. Toa don't go running to Makuta asking for help. 113) They all had light in them then. Miserix chose not to rebel because he thought they would lose -- that's the only reason, it wasn't because he was moral. 124) Well, he knows Destral inside and out for one thing. 135) I can't approve names, Deserok, they have to be approved by our Legal dept. 146) Not politically smart enough to survive
1Hello Greg,
21.) I loved DiD 3. However, I have a question about the Mask of Rahi Control. What advantages does it offer over a Mask of Mind Control? I remember when the Mask of Flight was introduced, everybody assumed the Mask of Levitation was useless in comparison, but then you explained the differences and advantages both offer. So can you do the same here?
3Thanks a lot
4Mask of Mind Control can only be used on one target at a time. Mask of Rahi Control can be used on more than one, so for instance, you could use it on a small flock of Gukko and get all of them, rather than just one.
5I would have bet money that the Great Komau could control more than one mind... *shrugs*
1QUOTE 2Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have some questions
31. what is this DiD stand for that everyone talks about? 42. Does the Crimson-purple Makuta have any other actions we know of (ex. get armor crushed in great cataclysm, attacked by Conjurer)? 53. Plus does he have a mask that is already known like a Avsa or Hau or anything like that? 64. The said Makuta was carrying the acid tipped spear right in DW 3? 74a) if not was it a lerahk? 85. Is Trinuma still on Destral or did he leave? 96. Is the spy in the BoM member, servant? (Mana Ko?)
101) Dwellers in Darkness, one of the serials on BIONICLEstory.com 112) No 123) I haven't decided yet, I don't know how much he is going to figure into story 134) Yes 145) Trinuma was never on Destral 156) You're assuming there is one -- how do you know Vezon wasn't lying?
16-------------------- 17"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
181. I forget sometimes 192. Well, too bad for that. 203. hmmm... 214. Aha .

25QUOTE26QUOTE27QUOTE 28Hello Mr. Farshtey I have one question:
291. In the story it said that Av-Matoran have a higher rate of becoming Toa than do others. (said in Shadows in the Sky) How is that when only one Toa of Light exists while there have been thousands of others of the other elements? If anything isn't it less likely an Av-Matoran will become a Toa.
30Okay, but how do you know that in 1000 years there might not be 100 Toa of Light, and in 5000 years, 500 Toa of Light? More likely to become Toa does not mean "more likely today" -- it means more likely overall, which encompasses the future too.
31How do they figure that when the past shows only one? Did they use a Mask of Clairvoyance? But past record shows many others.
32Because the Great Beings made them to have a higher possibility of becoming Toa, and since the Makuta have Tren Krom's knowledge of the workings of the universe, they know that. 33-------------------- 34"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
351. I think this is very interesting, is it enough to put on BS01?
1Hey Greg. Just a quick question: Is a Mask of Stasis (Fields) possible?
2Thank you for your time.
5*Glances at Pouks, then at the Makuta in DW* Hmmmmm....
6Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 7![]()
8*Glances at Trinuma, then at Helryx, then at Jerbraz* Don't forget them too.

9Also, here's a new reply I just got from Greg.
10Hello again Greg, this is my last PM to you this week.(Unless something pops up of course)
111)Is there a mask of adaption? 122)Does Teridax have any plans for the makuta in Karda Nui? 133)How's moving doing?
14That's my questions for now. Thanks in advance.
151) No 162) I can't discuss future storyline
1Hi Greg, one quick question for you, thanks![]()
2Was the mysterious voice telling Lewa to bring the sundial to Metru Nui's archives Krakua's, using his mask of telepathy?
3Thanks for your time,
6Oh... That disproves a few theories .
7I've read the newest Hagah serial, excellent writing skills by the way . Anyway, I have one more question, thanks:
8Is the place underground Metru Nui a minture island, a few chambers or just one room?
11You'll find out when we get there
12Hmmm... Greg doesn't usually put smileys there.

1he only uses them when it's important...
1oops, double post
1I don't think sure means yes as much as yes does. It was obvious when he said yes to Rahi Control that he had already decided to use it, so I wasn't surprised. This one though, it may not true that it will be used.
2Yeah, just because Greg says it would be possible doesn't mean it will see it's day in official story.
3I never said it would. Personally, I think Greg just gets tired of using "yes" over and over again, so I don't think we should put so much thought into the different variations he uses. If he had meant no, he would have said it, as he did a few posts up.
4And he said a Mask of Rahi Control was possible way before he even started writing DiD3, and since he only adds this stuff in when he writes it, instead of premeditation, he had no set thought in his mind that he was going to use it.

5Still discussing a byproduct of that question with him. Will post it soon.
6EDIT: Here it is. A little disappointing, but understandable.
7Hey Greg. Just a quick question: Is a Mask of Stasis (Fields) possible?
8Thank you for your time.
10Sorry for the blank message. The computer sent it before I typed anything.![]()
11Cool. Which would Icarax consider more useful in a battle, the Kraahkan, or a Mask of Stasis (Fields)?
12Thank you for your time.
13Well, if you have the latter, battle's over before it starts. Problem is, the field is only going to last for as long as you are concentrating on it, but you could certainly position yourself behind the target to strike before you drop it
14But as a Makuta, he already has the stasis field power. So, wouldn't he just consider it unnecessary, as he could do it manually? The mask would simply allow him to use another of his powers in conjunction. So, wouldn't he view the Kraahkan, which would grant him a new power, as better than a Mask of Stasis Fields?
15Thank you for your time.
16Isn't this sort of a tempest in a teapot? I never said Icarax wore such a mask, so why is whether he would or he wouldn't an issue?
17That was the point of it. I was using what you said a while back, that Icarax's previous mask would have had to be of less use in battle than the Kraahkan for him to have gotten rid of it. So, I was speaking hypothetically to determine if it would have been possible for him to have worn one. You said it wasn't important to the story, so I was trying to help tie up a loose end.
18Could he have? (Answer's no, right?)
19Thank you for your time.
20Okay, but there isn't even a Mask of Stasis Fields in the story, I don't think, so why are we even worrying about it?
21I was trying to give you a mask that Icarax could have worn before he wore the Kraahkan, so that people would stop bugging you about it. By asking what he thought about a Mask of Stasis Fields, I was trying to figure out if it fit in with what you said before, that his original mask would have had to be less useful in battle than the Kraahkan. For Icarax, I think that because he already has the stasis field power, he would consider the mask useless, and would have tossed it aside for the Kraahkan. Basically, I'm asking, if we are agreed that there is such a thing as a Mask of Stasis Fields (which is what I'm trying to establish here, is getting a Mask of Stasis Fields used in officialness), would you say that that was Icarax's mask before he began wearing the Kraahkan?
22Thank you for your time.
24Sorry, not interested in creating a whole new mask at this point just to answer a few stray BZPer questions.
25That doesn't mean he won't ever use it, right?

26Drink up, me hearties, yo ho . 27

1note: last 2 pms are new so don't skipp all but the last.
169some mildly interesting stuff. i wonder why the makuta dont susspect anything when the manas obey them with no mask.
2sry about the 2 pm's but recently you said that the makuta can survive a few weeks out of a body. well when teridax was in the crystal with the piraka, did that count as being in armor or if he had been in for too long would he die? also when the piraka took some antidermis for the spheres did it weaken teridax or was it part of teridax just seperated from his main body or where they baby teridaxes or not phase him or what?
3with my regards oh great almost supirior to me being, 4Redge the bat.
51) The crysal served to keep his antidermis together so it did not dissipate. And the amount taken by the Piraka was too small to matter.
6ok i sent a follow up to this a long time ago and you didn't respond so i wasn't sure if you got it. if you did i am sorry. 71.well when teridax was in the crystal could he shape shift? also when he was in maxilos armor or possesing someone without a soul could he shapeshift or was that an ability in normal makuta armor? 82.if it is part of the armor could the makuta still shapeshift before the became antidermiss? 93.when the ignika devolved Icarax did he rcover or is he just in horrible pain or did that kill him or what?
104. on a different subject of all the known makuta what order would the chain of comand be? or is it a free for all with teridax on top and that is it or what? 114b.if there is not a particular chain of comand who would you say teridax favors, krika or antroz?
125. on a new subject how would you say teridax felt when the meatru became toa? suprised, amused, confused?
136.i have noticed, originaly the the toa of fire was the leader and more powerfull than the rest but ever since the adventure saga it has been saying the toa of ice and fire are of equal power and the toa of ice is the debuty, why is this? i am not complaining, ice is my favorite element.
147. what is your favorite element? 157b. what is your second favorite? 168.who is your favorite makuta? 178b.who is your second favorite?
18with my highly sought regards, 19Redge the Bat.
201) No and no 212) No 223) No, he's still in pain 234) Teridax is on top, others serve in charge of projects at his discretion 245) Annoyed 256) Toa power levels are all the same, what differs is usually their experience and skills. The only Toa with higher power levels than normal are the Nuva. 267-8) This really isn't important.
27ok but lust a few things. 281about the makuta, who would you say terdidax prefers, krika or antroz? 292. will it ever explain hwy the inika had living masks and lightning power? 303what happened to the masks when the theyy turned into mahri. 314.did makuta particually like or dislike matoro?
321) Well, he gave Antroz command of the forces in Karda Nui 332) It's because of how they were made Toa, the energies of the red star 343) They were transformed 354) Makuta doesn't like anyone. He saw Matoro as emotionally vulnerable and played on that.
362) were the inika masks really alive and sentient, or where they just like a plant, or wher they just made out of an organic matiriel?
37on new questions: 381)does someone have to be a matoran of light, matoran toa of light or just any old toa ot be a shadow toa? or could you use shadow leaches on any toa or matoran? 391a)if any toa you said makuta was playing on matoros percinality defects, if matoro hadn't sacrificed himself would teridax considered matoro for a shadow toa? 402)if the mahri hadn't been too late would matoro of still had to sacrifice himself? 413)is there a limit to how small a makuta can transform? 424)the ignika became a toa in respect for matoro, but could it say of became makuta of life, or matoran of life, or somethin of that nature? 434b)if so and the ignika became makuta of life would it have acces to makuta powers? 445)how would you describe matoro compared to most ko-matoran?i have thoguth of him as more open minded, braver, less stuborn, if not quite as smart. 456)are there places where matoran lead? most matoran islands we have seen ahve been led by turaga or makuta. 467)on the trenn krom penensila, is trenn krom aware of them matoran or what is the deal with all that?
47with my everso humble regards, 48Redge the bat.
492) They had to be sentient, because they moved away from physical contact and they reacted to thoughts 501) Any Toa or Matoran 512) Yes 523) I can't see one getting much smaller than a Turaga 534) Thing is, it's really not a Toa -- it simply has a body roughly the same shape as a Toa's. So yes, it could have made a smaller body and looked like a Matoran, but it still would have had the same power 544b) No. The only power it has is its mask power. It did not get any extra powers by becoming a Toa, so why would it as a Makuta? 555) I don't know where you get "not quite as smart" from -- have you ever been a translator? It's not easy. 566) Yes. Voya Nui, where there is no Turaga, for one. 577) Tren Krom does not live on the Tren Krom peninsula. It's just named after him. Tren Krom lives on an island -- an island is not a peninsula
58ok. on 5 i meant because he was smart like all ko-matoran but most have allways been repeced as really super smart along with g-matoran and sometimes onu-matoran. but matoro said if I cannot save mata nui with my skill or my brains then maybe i can help this way. (this is not the exact quote. i have misspleaced my copy of inferno, iwtch is one of my favorites.) 59on the first 2)where the masks still sentient when the became the mahri masks?
607)i meant was trenn krom aware of the penesula with matoran on it named after him?
61new questions 621a)where the toa mata the only toa that where created as toa? or where there some others? 631b)if not only the mata what would you say the proportion of toa created as toa is to toa created as matoran? 641c)if mostly from matoran to toa how come whenua said: "since whne are matoran just zapped into toa?' when he studied the past and would know these things? 652a)did matoro have freinds when he was a matoran? i know he was freinds with jaller and hali but in ko-koro did he or did he keep to himself because of his job? 662b)where jaller and matoro close friends? (i ask all these matoro questions because i am writing a comic book series adout matoro's live and i want it to be as acurate as possible) 672)same as 2a on metru nui. did he have freinds there? i think he must of had more considering he had a pet shop and had onu-matoran friends. 683)matoran cannot use masks but they can feel a power surge when they put on a noble mask and an even bigger one when putting on a toa mask. well if a matoran put on one of the really powerfull ones like the mask of shadows, light, or time could they use it? i ask because the mask of light is so powerfull dekaar astivated part of its abilities just by touching it. 694)is the light lightstones give off a light similar to sunlight, or is it blueish, whiteish? 705)do matoran get light from stuff other than lightstones? like a tourch, or something? 716a)what do bionicles eat? in tales of the masks it says whenua and onua shared a meal from there packs, and takea sharks, mantex, and pridak all eat. 726b)how mutch and how often do they need to eat? we know not often because the stuff like karda nui, the hordika, all this stuff happens with out food.
737a)how mutch do bionicles need to sleep? i think not as mutch as humans for the same reasons as above. 748)how long would you say the voya/mahri nui saga took? once the inika got to voya nui it happened straight with no rest. so i am guessing about a day?
75thanks for your awsers, 76Redge the bat.
772) No 787) Probably not -- the impression one gets from the serial is that he was not aware of what was going on in the outside world 791a) Helryx was created as a Toa 801b) 99.99 percent of Toa were Matoran first 811c) Whenua studied things like Rahi, etc. He had never seen a Toa come into being, so he had no way to know they come from Matoran. The only Toa he had met were Lhikan's team, who were already Toa when they came to Metru Nui. 822a) He had friends, but there was a lot he could not share with them on Mata Nui 832b) No 842c) Yes 853) No. The Mask of Light was acting on its own in that case, because it is sentient, Dekar did not cause it to happen. 864) Whitish 875) They can, if need be 886a) They absorb energy directly from certain things, like fruits, fish, etc. On Metru Nui, they had a central energy source that they used 896b) Not that often, every couple of days most likely 907) They still do require sleep, but as with soldiers, if a Toa is on a mission he learns to do without. 918) Yes, it didn't take long, as Mata Nui only had a few days to live when the Nuva left Metru Nui
92ok completely new questions,
931)could the ignika'a powers be combined with matoros mahri mask (have trouble with mask names as you can tell) could someone truelly awak the dead?i know a toa can not use 2 masks at once (right?) but what if a being had that power? 942)where the inika masks still sentient when the became the mahri masks? 953)what was going on in the world when the mtoran where on mata nui? 964)what color are the sea squid? i have them in orange, yellow, green, and blue. i think they are tan but i'm not sure. 975)where there many other organic creatures other than the birds on mata nui? 986)in mask of light the gukko birds where half bio-mechanicle, half completely orgainc, is this what they supposed to look like or is that artistic license? 996a)is so where they like that on metru nui? 1007)it says ther whee no organic things in metru nnui, what about kratta, and krana? 1018)how where there bohrock in metru nui? 1029)in tale of the toa, how did the turaga nad matoran predict the mata 103s arival? i think it was one of vakama 104s visions. 10510)in tales of the masks how did the masks get to all those locations? 10611)you probably can't awser this but, if mata nui woke up, could he just think, wipe out all the makuta, and it will happen, or does he have to make less direct influence and make things happen to kill the makuta?
107thank you for all the awnsers so far, 108Redge the bat.
1091) Since no one can use two masks at a time, this can't happen. 1102) Once they became Mahri masks, they went back to being inanimate objects, so no 1113) None of those stories have been told 1124) Colors vary 1135) No 1146) I don't get you -- a bio-mechanical being is partly organic -- you cannot be "half completely" something 1157) There were no kraata or krana native to Metru Nui 1168) There weren't. Bohrok nests extend well below Metru Nui, but they have no programming related to Metru Nui 1179) Yes, it was 11810) The Nuva masks? Teleported by Artakha 11911) Can't answer it
120ok thanks a ton, you have been eal helpfull. 1211)do the nuva still have alll six masks? 1221a) if so and they use kopakas, will they have the lazer sight? 1232)how big is jebraz? 1243)is there a story line reason for the mata nui symbol of old? 1253a)if so will we see it again soon? 1264)how would you describe technology on metru nui, hover chairs, something like cell phones, hover boards, that kind of stuff or some advanced things like chutes but still had no cell phones or stuff like that? 1274a)if relly advanced is it still like that now that the matoran recolenized it? 1285)why did the nuva have so mutch trouble with the rahkshi when the meatru took on loads of them with next to no experience, and the nuva had plenty and were more powerfull? 1296)witch element would you say is most usefull in combat? i think ice as you can firs ice darts, freeze objects and shatter them, freeze enemies, make turrane more idfficult, and such. 1306a)for all around life? i say air on that.
131thank you SO much, 132Redge the bat.
1331) Tahu doesn't, his were destroyed in Mask of Light 1341a) Six of the masks they are wearing now do not exist. Artakha only made one adaptive mask apiece. 1352) Hasn't been revealed 1363) Which symbol? 1374) They don't have things like cell phones, no, or hover technology. 1385) Simple. The Rahkshi the Nuva fought were under direct orders from Makuta and being directed by him. The ones the Metru fought were wild. It's the difference between running into a dog and running into a trained attack dog. 1396) All the elements have things they can do in battle -- why would ice be better than, say, fire? 1406a) Actually, water is just as important to life as air. There are many creatures on our world who need water but can't breathe air. We can breathe air, but die without water.
1416)well fire is more out of control and isnot solid, so ice could pierce armor, but armor sould be firs proof. but ice can travel through small apce via melting and reforming. 1426a)i meant as in your drop somethng delicate, but with your element you keep it form smashing on the ground, or leaping around or just normal utility.
1431)would a mask of water breathing of been useless for the mahri, or would it have added boneses? 1441a)would a mask of flight been useless for the phantoka or mistaka? 1452)who would you say is the smartest speices? 1463)are masks limited to a general shape? other than tahu's advanced hau's they have all been the same general shape. like sould you make a mask of anything look like a different mask? 1474)is there music in the mu? 1484a)instruments? 1495)if the ignika hadn't gone under water how would of matoro gotten to karda nui? 1506)how did the stone cord form? 1517)what kind of rahi were at matoros pet shop? gukko, ussal, and such or smaller, tamer rahi? 1528)did the manas have infected masks when the mata fought them? 1538a)if they did did the masks affect them 1548b)if they didn't have the masks why not? 155thanks once again, 156Redge the bat.
1576) How does the ice melt? A Toa of Ice cannot make the ice melt. 1586a) You drop something on the ground, I create a puddle of water so it's cushioned and does not break. 1591) Pretty much useless 1601a) Same answer 1612) No idea 1623) No. A mask's shape is dictated by the Matoran carver who makes it 1634) Not something we have really dealt with much 1645) He wouldn't have, which is why the mask had to go underwater 1656) Cooling lava 1667) Small Rahi, you can't keep a giant Gukko as a pet in a city 1678) Not that I recall 1688b) Manas didn't need to corrupted.
169some mildly interesting stuff. i wonder why the makuta dont susspect anything when the manas obey them with no mask.
11. Can the Mask of Rahi Control control insects as well as Rahi? 22b. If an Av-Matoran rode Vultraz's Skyfighter, could they channel their light power throught the nose of the vehicle, seeing as Vultraz can channel his shadow power through it? 33. What is it that makes Mazeka's Midak Skyblaster 'heavilly armed'? Can it do rapid-fire? 44. What can Rockoh T3's blaster cannon do? Blow stuff up? 55. Seeing as Gali could see Takanuva's thoughts through her mind link, would you say Toa have limited telepathy powers? 66. Would a Toa be able to establish a mind link with beings that have their mind shielded? 77. If Jerbraz died, would he become visible again? 88. Are Matoran of Plant Life rare? 99. What would you is the least common Toa element in the MU?
10-TN05: Toa of Air
111) Not as well 122b) Most likely 133) A craft can be heavily armed, a weapon can't be 144) That's what most cannons do, don't they? 155) Gali could do it because she did a mind like with Takua in 2001 in MNOG 166) No, that's the point of having your mind shielded 177) Doubt it 188) No 199) Probably Iron and Magnetism, as the majority of those Toa have been killed
20A few interesting answers.
21-TN05: Toa of Air
1Hello,GregF.Hope you are having a good day so far. I just have a couple questions about destral:
21: Did the great beings build the device that makes it teleport,or did the Makuta? 32: If the makuta did,did they make it after the Great Cataclysm,or before? 43: Can the makuta control when/where the island goes? 54: Does the fact that it teleports have anything to do with the well-being of Mata Nui (Being)?
6Thanks for your time .
7~Av out.
81) GBs did not build it 92) Before 103) Yup 114) Nope
12Just some Destral questions.Nothing important,I think.
13~Av out.
2Not to try and spark anything, but that probably won't be good for MN=MU theorists. How would you like it if your kidney or something kept jumping around your body? O_o
3If Destral was part of the MU, constantly changing places can't be beneficial toward MN, and Greg said it had no effect. Hmm...
2Not to try and spark anything, but that probably won't be good for MN=MU theorists. How would you like it if your kidney or something kept jumping around your body? O_o
3If Destral was part of the MU, constantly changing places can't be beneficial toward MN, and Greg said it had no effect. Hmm...
2Not to try and spark anything, but that probably won't be good for MN=MU theorists. How would you like it if your kidney or something kept jumping around your body? O_o
3If Destral was part of the MU, constantly changing places can't be beneficial toward MN, and Greg said it had no effect. Hmm...
5Obviously then, Destral isn't part of Mata-nui's "organs" like the brain of Metru Nui and the Heart of Karda Nui. Possibly Destral wasn't created by the GB as part of Mata-nui's essential workings.
1Either that or the Makuta built Destral themselves, and it is therefore not part of the MU
1You think Destral jumping around could cause harm, without considering Voya Nui? It travelled through the dome and out of the universe, yet nothing has been made of its effect on Mata Nui? Nevermind the massive hole in roof of Karda Nui. For proponents of the MN=MU theory, I would have thought those major bodily injuries, a hole in his heart and his ribcage, would have been big news.
1Hello,GregF.Hope you are having a good day so far. I just have a couple questions about destral:
21: Did the great beings build the device that makes it teleport,or did the Makuta? 32: If the makuta did,did they make it after the Great Cataclysm,or before? 43: Can the makuta control when/where the island goes? 54: Does the fact that it teleports have anything to do with the well-being of Mata Nui (Being)?
6Thanks for your time .
7~Av out.
81) GBs did not build it 92) Before 103) Yup 114) Nope
12Just some Destral questions.Nothing important,I think.
13~Av out.
14Hmm... I find it interesting how Greg avoided saying the Makuta built the teleporter. 15~

1My questions all concerned the best Bionicle character ever, Toa Ignika:
18These were Greg's answers:
34Some of these I found very interesting, especially 9 and 11. So the Ignika won't be destroyed this year and even if he gives his body up to awaken Mata Nui, it wouldn't mean the end of the Ignika as a Toa...
21. In the Takanuva blog of 28 August it says that the other Toa nuva seemed a bit wary of Toa Ignika. Why exactly are they wary of him?
32. I read in the Official Greg Discussion somewhere, that you said Ignika is basically a big child that doesn't understand just how fragile other lifeforms around it are. Now that it is a Toa, a Living Being, can it learn how fragile other lifeforms actually are?
43. Going further on 2, can the Ignika now actually learn things to get more than a 'simple mind' like it is described on Bioniclesector01? I mean, when we are young, our minds are pretty simple too, but we learn and go to school and understand more over time. Can the same thing count for the Ignika?
54. I know it's probably a while since you wrote Shadows in the Sky, but I was still wondering if you could tell me how Toa Ignika felt after having battled Icarax and won. It was his first mayor battle, so afterwards, how did he feel? Satisfied? Excited? Dissapointed? I hope you can answer it, but I'll understand when you can't.
65. Does Toa Ignika actually know what the Toa Nuva are fighting for in Karda Nui?
76. What actually made him join the Toa Nuva? The fact that it wanted to experience life as a hero, and that past experiences told him most Toa work in teams? Or perhaps that with other Toa he'd be more safe? Or the desire for friendship?
87. Reading Bionicle Legends 9, I sometimes wonder if the Ignika fully understands what being a Toa actually means. His thoughts in Legends 9 were "What wwould it feel like to be honoured, respected and admired, rather than simply be needed and feared?" Sometimes, to me this feels like the Ignika thinks being a Toa is all about being admired and respected, kind of like Matau in Bionicle 2. But on the other hand, seeing as it learned from Matoro, it makes this seem like it's not the case. Can you clarify this for me?
98. After Bionicle Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky, did the Ignika regret its decision to become a Toa? What did it think about life as a Toa so far then? Or if it's too long ago since you wrote that book to tell me, could you perhaps tell me how it thinks about life as a Toa now, by which I mean, after comic "Endgame"?
109. Would you say Toa Ignika counts as a hero, a living being? The reason I ask is, well, you said no Toa Nuva would die this year, and that the "hero dies and saves the universe" was done last year and I kinda hope Ignika counts as a hero so that he will survive. If there's one character I really don't want to see dying, it's Toa Ignika...
1110. Did/do you enjoy writing about Toa Ignika? To me it seems very fascinating to describe how an object makes itself a body so that it can live, learn and feel, but that's just me. Heh, if you knew how often I actually caught myself wishing there could be an entire serial or book-series about Toa Ignika's experiences... ^^"
12And in the past three weeks more questions appeared in my head:
1311. Well, recently I have put two and two together and concluded there's 95% chance Toa Ignika will cease to exist at the end of the year, in some way or another. It's pretty obvious. Mata Nui has much chance to awake this year, Toa Ignika debates to give up his life to awaken him and the video for the next chapter "The Storm" which I believe refers to the energy storm has a picture of Toa Ignika, probably of him flying to his death. I thought no heroes would die this year because you did it last year? I know you said Ignika is just a mask with a body, but he's still a good guy... So, can you tell me how much chance Toa Ignika has to 'die' this year?
1412. If you can't answer 11, can you tell me if, should the Ignika give up its body and be used to awaken Mata Nui, could it build another body after being used?
1513. How does Toa Ignika's voice actually sound according to you? He likes to think of himself as male, but the Mask itself is still genderless. So how does his voice sound? Male, or genderless? (If a genderless voice is possible.) Is the sound of his voice dependant on the way his body is built?
1614. This question has to do with Dekar's transformation into Hydraxon by the Ignika. I know Ignika wanted a guardian to fight the Barraki, but why Hydraxon? Did it know Hydraxon at some point? Was it coincidence? Did it just use transformation energy or something on Dekar and did he turn into Hydraxon himself because it was destiny or what? I never understood what made Dekar become Hydraxon, and not just an evolved Warrior with Dekar's personality or so. Could you clarify this for me? (I hope I didn't confuse you with this question.)
1715. Does Toa Ignika know of the Toa code (no killing and so)? If yes, does he try to live by it?
18These were Greg's answers:
191) Well, he appeared out of nowhere, he's extremely powerful, and he obviously doesn't seem to know well how and when to use that power 202) Only from experience. 213) Yes, it can learn. 224) I don't think you can really ascribe emotions like we have to Ignika. It's an object with a body. 235) Yes 246) The latter -- Matoro's last act was to help his friends. Ignika wants to understand that 257) Being a Toa is not all about those things, but that is part of it. If Toa are feared by Matoran, then they can't do their jobs. Can you name a Toa who isn't respected and admired by the Matoran? 268) No, it did not regret its decision. Why would it? It helped save the Toa Nuva. 279) Ignika is an object. Objects cannot die, they can only be destroyed, and I have no intention of destroying the mask. 2810) Ignika is an interesting character, because he isn't just a Toa like every other one. I too wish there was more time to play with him. 2911) See answer to #9 3012) If that happened, yes, it could 3113) Sounds like the voice of someone who hasn't spoken in thousands of years. But since he was inspired by Matoro, it sounds a little like Matoro's voice. 3214) Ignika is telepathic. The Barraki hated and probably feared Hydraxon, and it needed someone to fight the Barraki. So why not pick an old enemy of theirs? 3315) No, it doesn't know it.
34Some of these I found very interesting, especially 9 and 11. So the Ignika won't be destroyed this year and even if he gives his body up to awaken Mata Nui, it wouldn't mean the end of the Ignika as a Toa...
113. How does Toa Ignika's voice actually sound according to you? He likes to think of himself as male, but the Mask itself is still genderless. So how does his voice sound? Male, or genderless? (If a genderless voice is possible.) Is the sound of his voice dependant on the way his body is built?
213) Sounds like the voice of someone who hasn't spoken in thousands of years. But since he was inspired by Matoro, it sounds a little like Matoro's voice.
3Sweet. I always pictured him with a deep voice, but now it's more of a raspy Matoro.

4Can you tell I was tired last night?
5Sorry, not interested in creating a whole new mask at this point just to answer a few stray BZPer questions.
6Bummer. Let me try a different note, then.Would it be too far-fetched to assume that a Makuta, who were charged with creating Rahi, might wear a Mask of Rahi Control?
7Thank you for your time.
9Yes, because they already have that power, so why wear a mask of it? It's one thing to wear a mask of one of your powers if you are going to be in combat, so you can use it plus another power at the same time. But if you are creating Rahi, then you really only would need Rahi control, because you aren't in combat.
10Drink up, me hearties, yo ho . 11

1Hey Greg, just a quick one.
2Teridax had not factored getting crushed by a door into his plan. And the only way that he was able to get into the place under the coliseum in Metru Nui would be in his Antidermis form. So my question is this: How was Makuta planning to get where he is with his armor should it have not been crushed by a giant door.
3Thank you in advance
4Makuta are capable of leaving their armor at will, they aren't trapped inside it. They simply don't use that power often because if their armor gets destroyed while they're gone, they have to find a new body.
5So if Makuta hadn't been crushed by a door, he would've simply gone to Metru Nui, and gone outside his armor so he can go to wherever he currently is?
6Yes. But he most likely would not have employed the Piraka in 2006, he wouldn't have needed them.
7Just something I was wondering
1I literally sent this a minute ago, and got it back 30 seconds later. Cool, eh?
2Hey Greg, I just have some questions that have been burning in my mind.
31) Have you written the next BiA? 42) Would a mask of acid be possible? 52a) How about a mask of weather control? 63) How come gravity is an element, and yet there is a mask of gravity? Shouldn't there be a mask of fire or something similar? 74) Can Sidorak's species wield masks? 85) Can Zaktan escape his fish tank if he turns into protodites?
9Thanks again.
101) No 112) Doubt it 122a) That's possible 133) There can be. In 2004, Vakama had an elemental Kanoka disk with a fire power. Had a mask been made of it, it would have been a Mask of Fire. 144) Yes 155) He would suffocate. He can't breathe air, remember?
1I literally sent this a minute ago, and got it back 30 seconds later. Cool, eh?
2Hey Greg, I just have some questions that have been burning in my mind.
31) Have you written the next BiA? 42) Would a mask of acid be possible? 52a) How about a mask of weather control? 63) How come gravity is an element, and yet there is a mask of gravity? Shouldn't there be a mask of fire or something similar? 74) Can Sidorak's species wield masks? 85) Can Zaktan escape his fish tank if he turns into protodites?
9Thanks again.
101) No 112) Doubt it 122a) That's possible 133) There can be. In 2004, Vakama had an elemental Kanoka disk with a fire power. Had a mask been made of it, it would have been a Mask of Fire. 144) Yes 155) He would suffocate. He can't breathe air, remember?
16*Glances at Trinuma, Helryx, Pouks, the makuta in DW and Jerbraz*
1Hey, I just read DiD 3 and loved the Mask of Rahi Control. I sent this to you a couple days ago, but the sever must have eaten it. I just have some questions about it: 21)Where'd you get the idea for it? 32)What are the specifics of its powers? Such as: 4a)The range of effect 5b)Is it exactly like the Makuta power 6c)Would a Makuta use the mask? 7d)Can the Rahi fight back?
8Thanks in advance .
91) From the list of Makuta powers 102) Rahi don't have that kind of willpower, other than maybe Krahka or Keetongu. A Makuta most likely wouldn't need to use it much, since they already have that power. I don't have a range for it, but it does work on multiple targets at once.
11Hmm...not much the BS01 wiki...oh well.
1Yes, because they already have that power, so why wear a mask of it? It's one thing to wear a mask of one of your powers if you are going to be in combat, so you can use it plus another power at the same time. But if you are creating Rahi, then you really only would need Rahi control, because you aren't in combat.
2Meh. I was tired last night.
3Anyway, third time's a charm. How exactly are elemental Kanoka made? The same way other Kanoka are, or something special?
42. So, based on answers posted, like, two seconds ago, a Mask of Fire, Water, Stone, Air, Ice, Earth, Lightning, Magnetism, Plasma, Sonics, Plantlife, and Iron could/do exist, am I correct? 52a. If so, has the Brotherhood banned the wearing of/destroyed most Masks of Iron and Magnetism?
6Thank you for your time.
81) Assume so 92) Could, yes. Not necessarily do. 102a) The Makuta really can't "ban" anything, they don't rule the universe. But I am sure they have made efforts to destroy them
111. Cool. 122. Could. That's what I was going for. 132a. I wouldn't want to have worn one of those masks, then.

14Drink up, me hearties, yo ho . 15

1Just some things
20I sent a reply for some of that stuff, so just wait and see.
21. Was the palce mentioned in Gaaki's vision and Bionicle Legends 9's epilouge 1.) the same place and 2.) the place where the Hagah are going now?
32. Do the Mahri know Teridax's real name now?
43a. Will we find out what's done below the Coliseum, what it's for, etc.? 5b. Was the Coliseum's foundation a way to keep people out?
64. Is Teridax still down there?
75. Did Zaktan go down with the Hagah?
86. What kind of Rahi was that three-headed monster?
97. Did you give Kualus the Rahi Conrlo mask because of all the commotion here on BZP, or just because you could?
11Was Takanuva saving Gali a reference to their first metting in Karda Nui?
121) Yes 132) Do they refer to him as Teridax in story, or is it used around them? 143) Yes, that is the point of the serial 154) I can't discuss that 165) Yes 176) Just a Rahi, doesn't have a name 187) What commotion? I wasn't aware of any commotion 198) In what way?
20I sent a reply for some of that stuff, so just wait and see.
11. What is the difference between Rahi control and insect control? 2a. Rahi control cannot be used on insectoids, and vice versa 3b. Rahi control controls Rahi wills more individually, versus a more "hive mind" insect control 4c. other
52.6I've been wondering for a long time, This Matoran's Kanohi looks remarkably like an Elda. Is it possible that it's the inorganic, non- Inika version of the Elda? Or is it just a coincidence?
7Most likely a case of the artists working with the sets they had on hand for reference. But certainly there must have been at one time an inorganic version of the mask, because someone on Jovan's team would have worn it.
8So could it be considered the (approximate) form of the inorganic Elda?
9I tend to doubt that the Matoran would make a Matoran version of a mask very few would ever have seen. It's only been worn twice, once by Gali and once by a member of Jovan's team, since its only real function is to find the Ignika.
10But did Matoran Hahli's mask resemble it whilst in Karzahni?
113. Have we seen or heard about Tuyet's homeland before, other than simply as her homeland?
121) Rahi control is much broader. Insect control only works on insects, Rahi control works on birds, fish, mammals, etc. 132) Yes 143) No, you have not
15Not much.
1More random trivia...
21. Did Ancient tip off the Order of Mata Nui that Nidhiki and Krekka stole those prototype zamor launchers, or did the Order find out some other way? 31) Ancient did it 42. Was it the Order that surreptitiously revealed to the Vortixx that the Dark Hunters were responsible for the theft of the zamor prototypes from the Nynrah? 52) Yes

1Just a quick question:
2Could a Matoran make a Mask with power, but molded into the Shape of some other Mask?
4Not Much, Just something for some MOCers, now you can put whatever mask you want on a MOC, and call it something else.
6Drink up, me hearties, yo ho . 7![]()
8Yes, but that was from Toa, could have been made by anyone. this proves Matoran can.
1Just a quick question:
2Could a Matoran make a Mask with power, but molded into the Shape of some other Mask?
4Not Much, Just something for some MOCers, now you can put whatever mask you want on a MOC, and call it something else.
6Drink up, me hearties, yo ho . 7![]()
8Yes, but that was from Toa, could have been made by anyone. this proves Matoran can.
9It's been known for a long time. The shape of the mask being crafted is independent from it's power, but there are standard shapes for masks to be crafted into based on their power so that if a Toa comes across a pile of kanohi, they'd know which one gives which power. Similarly, Metruan masks have grey streaks on top to show that they are not powered.