1Dear Greg 1. can Scarabax Beetles 2fly ? 2. on the summer Vehicle set boxes in the middle of the Rock tribe maze there seems to be a Scarabax Beetles does this hold any importance ?
31) Yup 42) I have not seen any packaging art, so I can't comment on this
53. Is there a reason why Click hangs out with Mata Nui ?
64.Why do Skrall hate Scarabax Beetles ?
73) Yes 84) Why do some people hate insects?
95. Are there any small pools of water in the Skrall river ? 106. Do Scarabax Beetles have any powers ?
115) There is water up near the headwaters of the river in the north, then it turns to sand as it goes further south. The water comes from melting snows in the Black Spikes 126) Nope

1I'd suggest looking it up on BS01. If that doesn't clear it up...well... ![]()
2Hey Greg.
31. BS01 wants confirmation - Rock is the same exact element as Stone, just a different name, correct? 42. There is no official name for the Scroll of Preparations for Mata Nui's Awakening. Considering it was written by the Great Beings, about how to awaken the Great Spirit, and was hidden in the Great Temple, and is the only scroll in the MU, would the official name for the scroll be the Great Scroll? 53. Just curious, but you've said many times that there are things you won't add to the story because you don't want to explain them to eight year olds. Yet you then go and add things like the Masks of Clairvoyance and Psychometry. I, who am near halfway through my teens, had to look up clairvoyance, and only from extended reasearch prior knew what psychometry was. How exactly would an eight year old understand those two things? Like I said, just curious.
6Thank you for your time.
81) Kinda surprised they need confirmation on this, since it can be found in any thesaurus. Of course rock and stone are the same thing, why wouldn't they be? 92) I haven't given it an official name. You're also assuming the Great Beings called themselves the Great Beings among themselves, or that they would refer to their giant robot as the Great Spirit ... 103) In those cases, it's not necessary for them to know the terms, because what the powers do is shown graphically in the story. The powers I reject are ones where it's important to understand electomagnetic principles, etc., which I don't have time to explain in story.
12Thanks for making us look stupid. Appreciate that.
13For future reference, can people please avoid doing that? Confirmation is awesome and all, but don't just whine that it's our fault.
14I have a theory, but I need a few questions answered first. To start off: In a description of one of the crossing books, it describes the Great Beings as Scientist Kings. Also, in a PM reply to me, you included "the Glatorian were not answering to the GBs at that time. So, my first question is, did the GBs ever hold a position of power on Spherus Magna?
16How long before the Core War were they in power, right before?
17Up to it and during it
18And were the elemental lords designed with a purpose, or just to for the will to create?
19They were indeed designed with a purpose
20Did this purpose have to do with the Great Beings being in power?
21Indirectly, yes.
22Okay, I'm just going to go straight out with my theory. We know that during the war, the Glatorian and Agori were fighting under the elemental lords. Now, the question is, why would they have any reason to follow them? So, did the GBs create the ELs to help them govern over the Glatorian and Agori, but then for some reason the ELs started fighting, and drafted the Glatorian and Agori into war?
23Very good, AS. Go to the head of the tribe.
24I am awsome.
25Awesome is relative, but that was indeed a nice find.
27Hey Greg. There's been a number of theories and speculation going on about Spherus Magna and Bara Magna, and based off of several things, including the product description for the Polish book, and RotGB, I'd like to see if I understand it.
28Bara Magna was once an area on a much larger planet (much like California is only a section of the United States). This larger planet was Spherus Magna. When the Shattering occured, the section of the planet that contained Bara Magna broke off, and became the largest fragment, housing the majority of the population. Spherus Magna then ceased to exist, as it had broken into the three chunks.
29Is this accurate?
30Mostly, but we have never stated in story that BM is the largest chunk or that it has the majority of the population. The last part, in particular, is not something the story team has ever discussed.
31Sorry, I said "largest" because it appears to be the biggest chunk in the movie trailer. To specify, the piece of the story that we are focusing on right now.
32So Spherus Magna was the planet, and Bara Magna was simply a region on that planet?
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, thank you for your time reading this PM. I have a few questions:
21. You said that because it would take longer than 100, 000 for a tail to evolve on the Vorox, meaning they had them before the shattering. My question is does that mean although they where a race of proud warriors they where still a sub-species of the glatorian?
31a. Not to complain or anything, but doesn't that make things a little confusing? I mean, you've egnored earth-logic before.
42. In the battle between Strakk and Malum, did Strakk win, but then Malum tried to kill him OR Did Malum win and tried to kill Strakk?
53. The difference between a leader class Skrall and a warrior class is the leader class is much larger. So what makes the special-forces class different?
63a. Do all of the special forces class look the same, or about the same, or what?
73b. For all classes: Does each individual Skrall wear a different mask?
83c. Just to make sure: Can only warrior class can have a different secondary colour?
93d. Which class does the female class resemble the most?
104. What villages will we see in The legend reborn?
114a. Will any play a major roll?
125. You said that most glatorian have a Strakk-like personnality (Working only for money) are any of the summer canisters a good example of that?
136. Do the glatorian trainers privide shelter for trainees?
146a. What are some examples of how a trainee can become a #1 or #2 Glatorian?
156b. You said if a glatorian is injured than a trainee takes his place for that time, but if a more experienced warrior offers glatorian services, would that village take it?
167. Did Gresh become a #2 Glatorian after last years tournament?
178. Can Glatorian be suspended from a village or from battle for a certain period of time if they commit a crime in the arena?
189. Finally, based on the image from the Legend Reborn, was BM originally the region of SM that was desert, and due to the shattering the desert expanded in size so the inhabitants simply called the entire planet by that name?
19Thanks you for your time,
20The Last Chronicler
211) Ah, but who is to say they aren't the same species as Glatorian, genetically tinkered with by the Great Beings? 222) Malum won 233) More agile and stronger and quicker thinkers than warrior class. 243A) Roughly the same, yes 253b) No 263c) No 273d) Unknown, since we have never seen one in story. I don't think the females look much like any of them, frankly 284) I can't discuss movie plot 295) Well, none of them work for free, LC. They all expect to be paid, and if you don't pay them, they go elsewhere. 306) No, the village does 316a) Generally, if a #1 or #2 slows down, gets hurt, dies, or moves on to another village ... it's about performance, the same way a minor league baseball player becomes a major league player if the major league player in his position gets hurt or has his numbers go down 326b) Depends on their priority at the time. If they don't have a major, crucial match coming up, it's more economical to use the trainee until their Glatorian heals 337) I don't have an exact time he became #2 348) Generally, if they commit a crime, they get exiled. Minor things generally get overlooked. If it is something that changes the outcome of a match, that's not minor. 359) Yes
36Now we can understand the BM/SM relationship better, also some sort of interesting info on the Vorox .
11. On BS01 there's some info that's been there a long time, saying any being can produce Rhotuka based on their nature but they need either a natural or mechanical launcher. However, just to clarify, does this really apply to all beings or just beings within the Matoran Universe?
22. What did Po-Matoran use the Husi pecking bird for? They are seen bartering them in the MNOG.
33. Did the Great Beings use Protodermis for anything before they began working on the Matoran Universe?
44. Something I was curious about: Why is gender divided up so exclusively by element in all Matoran except Av-Matoran, while the beings that inspired them (the Agori) have either gender in each tribe? As a theory, Are the genders of the Matoran based on the genders of the Element Lords who share their elements?
55. BIONICLE Legends #6 states in its description of the Venom Eel that it is distantly related to the Lava Eels found "near volcanoes on the surface". Does this mean Mt. Valmai and the Mangai Volcano have Lava Eels?
65b. How are Lava Eels related to Venom Eels when Lava Eels are Rahi and Venom Eels are creatures of the Endless Ocean Planet?
76. Also in Bionicle Legends#6, Kalmah obtained the memories of a sea squid by brushing against it with his great tentacle. This refers to the tentacles attached to his hand, right?
86b. Obviously he can't just read anyone's mind by brushing them with his tentacle. What limits are there on this power? For instance, does it work only on sea squids or on any beings willing to submit a memory or memories to him?
91) MU beings only. At the time that info was promulgated, BM was not in story and we couldn't acknowledge its existence. 102) No idea. I had nothing to do with MNOG and can't answer questions regarding it. 113) I am sure they dabbled with it, yes. 124) No. The reason it is the way it is, is that originally there weren't going to be females in BIONICLE. Water being all-female was added at the last minute, and it set a precedent for all of one gender or the other. 135) Certainly possible 146) I'd have to go back and reread the section, A, I wrote that book in 2006 and really don't remember it.
154) I was just curious whether there was an in-story explanation for the difference in gender distribution among Agori and Matoran. So there isn't any?
165) Could I get a definite yes (they live in Mt. Valmai) or no (they don't)? The Wiki only mention the ones on Metru Nui, where there aren't any volcanoes it could be speaking of, and I can't find a non-awkward way to add that they live in volcanoes without knowledge of which volcanoes they live in.
176) For your convenience I'll quote the section here:
Bionicle Legends#6 18The master's great tentacle reached out and brushed against the squid. In that instant, information was exchanged from being to being. All that the squid had seen now resided in it's master's memory as well.
19A mask of such great power that this beast could sense its energies from far away... a mask active even when it is not being worn, thought the tentacled cave dweller. It could not be-- and then again, why not? Perhaps the universe has followed us all into the abyss.
20Does that help you explain further? I apologize if I seem to be pressuring you into giving an answer, but BIONICLE Legends #6 is one of my favorite of your books-- I can rarely pick it up without finding some story tidbit that I had missed before.
21Thanks in advance for your help . =)
224) Nope. The GBs simply designed the Matoran that way, and as for Agori, they are modelled closer to our society so the genders are mixed. 235) Yes 246) That power only works with the squid, because of the relationship he has with them and because of their natures. It doesn't work in general.
1Hey Greg. There's been a number of theories and speculation going on about Spherus Magna and Bara Magna, and based off of several things, including the product description for the Polish book, and RotGB, I'd like to see if I understand it.
2Bara Magna was once an area on a much larger planet (much like California is only a section of the United States). This larger planet was Spherus Magna. When the Shattering occured, the section of the planet that contained Bara Magna broke off, and became the largest fragment, housing the majority of the population. Spherus Magna then ceased to exist, as it had broken into the three chunks.
3Is this accurate?
4Mostly, but we have never stated in story that BM is the largest chunk or that it has the majority of the population. The last part, in particular, is not something the story team has ever discussed.
5Sorry, I said "largest" because it appears to be the biggest chunk in the movie trailer. To specify, the piece of the story that we are focusing on right now.
6So Spherus Magna was the planet, and Bara Magna was simply a region on that planet?
9Confirmation at last.
1Hey Greg. There's been a number of theories and speculation going on about Spherus Magna and Bara Magna, and based off of several things, including the product description for the Polish book, and RotGB, I'd like to see if I understand it.
2Bara Magna was once an area on a much larger planet (much like California is only a section of the United States). This larger planet was Spherus Magna. When the Shattering occured, the section of the planet that contained Bara Magna broke off, and became the largest fragment, housing the majority of the population. Spherus Magna then ceased to exist, as it had broken into the three chunks.
3Is this accurate?
4Mostly, but we have never stated in story that BM is the largest chunk or that it has the majority of the population. The last part, in particular, is not something the story team has ever discussed.
5Sorry, I said "largest" because it appears to be the biggest chunk in the movie trailer. To specify, the piece of the story that we are focusing on right now.
6So Spherus Magna was the planet, and Bara Magna was simply a region on that planet?
9Confirmation at last.
10Need I say finally?
1Hey Greg. There's been a number of theories and speculation going on about Spherus Magna and Bara Magna, and based off of several things, including the product description for the Polish book, and RotGB, I'd like to see if I understand it.
2Bara Magna was once an area on a much larger planet (much like California is only a section of the United States). This larger planet was Spherus Magna. When the Shattering occured, the section of the planet that contained Bara Magna broke off, and became the largest fragment, housing the majority of the population. Spherus Magna then ceased to exist, as it had broken into the three chunks.
3Is this accurate?
4Mostly, but we have never stated in story that BM is the largest chunk or that it has the majority of the population. The last part, in particular, is not something the story team has ever discussed.
5Sorry, I said "largest" because it appears to be the biggest chunk in the movie trailer. To specify, the piece of the story that we are focusing on right now.
6So Spherus Magna was the planet, and Bara Magna was simply a region on that planet?
9Confirmation at last.
10Need I say finally?
11I've always felt this seemed sort of inherently clear once we got the video from the movie preview a few months back.
1It was, yes. However, it needed to be more explicit, and here it is.
1Hello Greg,
2Just a quick question, you have already said that the Red Star attaches to Mata Nui whilst he is in space, my question is where? would it attach to his chest like a heartlight (like I have suggested in this topic, I thought it would be fitting as every other being in bioincle has one, excluding Bara Magna) or is it somewhere else (if so please specify).
3Thank you for your time,
4On his back
5Hello again, just some follow ups:
61.) Where abouts exactly, upper, lower?
72.) If lower, is it around the Karda Nui area and
8a.) if yes does it also draw its power from there?
9b.) if not does it have a self contained energy source?
103.) in relation to his back how large would you say the Red Star was, would it cover most of his back or only a small part of it?
111) Upper 122b) Self-contained 133) Most of it
14There we go, we now know relatively how large the red star is, where it attaches to specifically and that it has a self contained power source.

1Dear Greg 1. can Scarabax Beetles 2fly ? 2. on the summer Vehicle set boxes in the middle of the Rock tribe maze there seems to be a Scarabax Beetles does this hold any importance ?
31) Yup 42) I have not seen any packaging art, so I can't comment on this
53. Is there a reason why Click hangs out with Mata Nui ?
64.Why do Skrall hate Scarabax Beetles ?
73) Yes 84) Why do some people hate insects?
95. Are there any small pools of water in the Skrall river ? 106. Do Scarabax Beetles have any powers ?
115) There is water up near the headwaters of the river in the north, then it turns to sand as it goes further south. The water comes from melting snows in the Black Spikes 126) Nope
13The Skrall are afraid of bugs .
14No doubt, if the bugs were almost the same size as you and were also killer bugs, you'd be scared too.
15And about the pocket dimensions, I don't think they're anchored to Mata Nui specifically. I'll bet that they're simply tied to the OVERALL universe, the one that includes both BM and the Endless Ocean Planet.

1Dear Greg 1. can Scarabax Beetles 2fly ? 2. on the summer Vehicle set boxes in the middle of the Rock tribe maze there seems to be a Scarabax Beetles does this hold any importance ?
31) Yup 42) I have not seen any packaging art, so I can't comment on this
53. Is there a reason why Click hangs out with Mata Nui ?
64.Why do Skrall hate Scarabax Beetles ?
73) Yes 84) Why do some people hate insects?
95. Are there any small pools of water in the Skrall river ? 106. Do Scarabax Beetles have any powers ?
115) There is water up near the headwaters of the river in the north, then it turns to sand as it goes further south. The water comes from melting snows in the Black Spikes 126) Nope
137. So is the water up north deep enough for boats ? 148. Will Maze Valley appear in the movie
157) At the headwaters, yes, but no one uses them because there really is no place to go. You can sail partway down the river and you are just in the middle of desert, and then there's no more water and you run aground. 168) No
17Some new info on the Skrall River.
1Question about that Olmak from Tuyetverse that is now floating in the space between universes -- do you have any plans to use that again in official story? Or as far as you plan to write, will it simply be left floating where it is?
2I ask because we are using either that one, or one like it for the mysterious origins of the noncanon "Expanded Multiverse" thing we're doing (to be a place for character etc. that people can freely use in their own fanfics). You've said that everybody's own fanfics basically exist in their own alternate universes; it would be cool if we could say that the actual official Olmak caused this particular alternate universe. If you're not okay with that we can just say it's one from another random alternate universe though.
3I don't have plans to use it, no, so if you want to, feel free.

1Dear Greg 1. can Scarabax Beetles 2fly ? 2. on the summer Vehicle set boxes in the middle of the Rock tribe maze there seems to be a Scarabax Beetles does this hold any importance ?
31) Yup 42) I have not seen any packaging art, so I can't comment on this
53. Is there a reason why Click hangs out with Mata Nui ?
64.Why do Skrall hate Scarabax Beetles ?
73) Yes 84) Why do some people hate insects?
95. Are there any small pools of water in the Skrall river ? 106. Do Scarabax Beetles have any powers ?
115) There is water up near the headwaters of the river in the north, then it turns to sand as it goes further south. The water comes from melting snows in the Black Spikes 126) Nope
137. So is the water up north deep enough for boats ? 148. Will Maze Valley appear in the movie
157) At the headwaters, yes, but no one uses them because there really is no place to go. You can sail partway down the river and you are just in the middle of desert, and then there's no more water and you run aground. 168) No
179. Are there flash floods on BM? 1810. Were does Mata Nui find his shield ?
199) No, you need rain for that, and they don't get rain in the desert. 2010) That gets revealed in the September comic and in the movie.
2111. Can it rain up north ? 2212.When does the Sept comic take place, its before the movie ?
2311) Possibly, in the valleys, but that won't affect the river 2412) No, during the beginning of the movie. Because you see Mata Nui's first meetings with the other characters in the movie, I can't really tell a story about him without adapting the movie, so that is what they want me to do.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hi Greg. I just have 1 question right now.
51. Seeing as Elemental Lords are made up of their element, can we assume that there is no ELs of Gravity and Magnetism for obvious reasons, or is there some possibility I'm not thinking of?
6Thanks in advance. Atlas
7Actually, the idea that they are "made of their element" is just BZP rumor at the moment. Yes, the Ice EL appeared to be made of ice, but how do we know that wasn't just ice armor? And we haven't even seen the fire EL yet, just his power.
8Okay, thanks. Though, would there still be no possibility of Gravity and Magnetism ELs, right? I mean, how would armor for them work? Now that I think about it, the same would apply for Sound too.
9Thanks in advance again. Atlas
10Mmmm, fair point -- then again, Klaw in Marvel Comics is made of sound, and he manages just fine.
11I'll probably send a follow up.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hi Greg. I just have 1 question right now.
51. Seeing as Elemental Lords are made up of their element, can we assume that there is no ELs of Gravity and Magnetism for obvious reasons, or is there some possibility I'm not thinking of?
6Thanks in advance. Atlas
7Actually, the idea that they are "made of their element" is just BZP rumor at the moment. Yes, the Ice EL appeared to be made of ice, but how do we know that wasn't just ice armor? And we haven't even seen the fire EL yet, just his power.
8Okay, thanks. Though, would there still be no possibility of Gravity and Magnetism ELs, right? I mean, how would armor for them work? Now that I think about it, the same would apply for Sound too.
9Thanks in advance again. Atlas
10Mmmm, fair point -- then again, Klaw in Marvel Comics is made of sound, and he manages just fine.
11I'll probably send a follow up.
12There was also a Sonic entity that appeared way back when...
1Yeah but the only two fights that we have seen him in, both with Secondary Glatorian, he has lost (against Malum and Kiina respectively). This makes him seem sort of less then, so it is a legitimate question. Also, the other 3 Prime Glatorian (not counting the Skrall), Vastus, Ackar, and Tarix, are all living legends, of the same era as Certavus. So considering that he is the newcomer of the Prime next to the best of the best, and that we have never actually heard of him winning a fight, even against a Secondary, it is a legitimate question.
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, I have some new questions. I really enjoyed Empire of the Skrall 5, and I'm even more excited about RoS 5, Keep up the Great work .
31. Would it be possible for an Olmak wearer to visit the dimension of the Lego Minifigs?
42. Do you have a favorite quote from one of the 2009 characters? If yes what is it and who said it?
53. Are the EL types limited to the six current elements or are there ELs of the non-basic Elements as well? If yes then which of the following do they include?
63a. Iron
73b. Lightning
83c. Magnetism
93d. Gravity
103e. Sonics
113f. Plasma
124. As a huge robot did Mata Nui have any powers besides immense strength?
135. As a Huge robot did Mata Nui have another job/other jobs besides observing other worlds?
146. Is there any chance that Mata Nui will some day learn to control the Mask of Life?
157. Do the Beings in the Red Star serve any particular purpose?
168. If it were added to Bionicle would the element of Space be a legendary element?
179. Where does the energy for the Krada Nui Energy Storms come from?
189a. Is there really a way to control the Energy Storms?
199b. What would a being be able to do if they could control the Energy Storms?
20That's all for now Thanks again . 21You're a real inspiration to me and you're doing a fantastic job with the Web serials. 22I can't wait for RoS 5 23Bye
241) No. The rest of the LEGOverse is not connected in any way to BIONICLE. 252) No 263) Too early to discuss 274) Yes 285) He had a mission to perform, yes 296) If he is in that body and wearing it long enough, it's possible 307) Yes 318) It's not going to be added so it doesn't matter 329) Hasn't been revealed 339a) Well, Mutran thought there was 349b) You would be harnessing enormously destructive energy
31. Would it be possible for an Olmak wearer to visit the dimension of the Lego Minifigs?
42. Do you have a favorite quote from one of the 2009 characters? If yes what is it and who said it?
53. Are the EL types limited to the six current elements or are there ELs of the non-basic Elements as well? If yes then which of the following do they include?
63a. Iron
73b. Lightning
83c. Magnetism
93d. Gravity
103e. Sonics
113f. Plasma
124. As a huge robot did Mata Nui have any powers besides immense strength?
135. As a Huge robot did Mata Nui have another job/other jobs besides observing other worlds?
146. Is there any chance that Mata Nui will some day learn to control the Mask of Life?
157. Do the Beings in the Red Star serve any particular purpose?
168. If it were added to Bionicle would the element of Space be a legendary element?
179. Where does the energy for the Krada Nui Energy Storms come from?
189a. Is there really a way to control the Energy Storms?
199b. What would a being be able to do if they could control the Energy Storms?
20That's all for now Thanks again . 21You're a real inspiration to me and you're doing a fantastic job with the Web serials. 22I can't wait for RoS 5 23Bye
241) No. The rest of the LEGOverse is not connected in any way to BIONICLE. 252) No 263) Too early to discuss 274) Yes 285) He had a mission to perform, yes 296) If he is in that body and wearing it long enough, it's possible 307) Yes 318) It's not going to be added so it doesn't matter 329) Hasn't been revealed 339a) Well, Mutran thought there was 349b) You would be harnessing enormously destructive energy
28. If it were added to Bionicle would the element of Space be a legendary element?
38) It's not going to be added so it doesn't matter
4Actually, space is just vacuum (Or maybe it's depending on what you count as space?

5-Toa Pohatu Mata
28. If it were added to Bionicle would the element of Space be a legendary element?
38) It's not going to be added so it doesn't matter
4Actually, space is just vacuum (Or maybe it's depending on what you count as space?), and since a Toa of Air controls Vacuum as well, you could say that the Element of Space already exists/is part of another element, and is obviously not legendary.
5-Toa Pohatu Mata
6Ah, but I believe that you and everything in your house, (and the planet you live on, for that matter) exists in space and it isn't a vacuum, cause if it was you'd decompress and that would be the end of you.
7Space is different than a vacuum but yes the majority of the universe' space is empty, excluding invisible dark matter.

8Ever heard of the Time Space continuum?
9I wondered if Space would be a legendary element because Time and Space are part of the same spectrum
1This discussion belongs in the Official Vacuum Topic...
2No seriously, about 10 pages in that topic are about Vacuum.
1This discussion belongs in the Official Vacuum Topic...
2No seriously, about 10 pages in that topic are about Vacuum.

4But thank you Aravagantos for the suggestion

1Here's some really new information . . .
2Hi Greg.
31. Is Tuma's informant the same being seen in the first Bara Magna comic, the one seen talking with a Skrall? 41a. Is he an Agori? 51b. Skrall? 61c. Glatorian? 71d. Other?
82. How exactly did Tuma 'kill' the Baterra? Did he use his sword or Thornax?
9Thanks in advance.
101) Yes 111a-1d) I can tell you he/she is not a Skrall. He/she is after all described as a traitor -- how would a Skrall reporting to Tuma be a traitor to anyone, when Skrall serve Tuma? 122) Tuma didn't kill it. Stronius killed it, if I recall correctly
2Hi Greg.
31. Is Tuma's informant the same being seen in the first Bara Magna comic, the one seen talking with a Skrall? 41a. Is he an Agori? 51b. Skrall? 61c. Glatorian? 71d. Other?
82. How exactly did Tuma 'kill' the Baterra? Did he use his sword or Thornax?
9Thanks in advance.
101) Yes 111a-1d) I can tell you he/she is not a Skrall. He/she is after all described as a traitor -- how would a Skrall reporting to Tuma be a traitor to anyone, when Skrall serve Tuma? 122) Tuma didn't kill it. Stronius killed it, if I recall correctly
1Good Find . Toa Razek 

1Dear Greg 1. can Scarabax Beetles 2fly ? 2. on the summer Vehicle set boxes in the middle of the Rock tribe maze there seems to be a Scarabax Beetles does this hold any importance ?
31) Yup 42) I have not seen any packaging art, so I can't comment on this
53. Is there a reason why Click hangs out with Mata Nui ?
64.Why do Skrall hate Scarabax Beetles ?
73) Yes 84) Why do some people hate insects?
95. Are there any small pools of water in the Skrall river ? 106. Do Scarabax Beetles have any powers ?
115) There is water up near the headwaters of the river in the north, then it turns to sand as it goes further south. The water comes from melting snows in the Black Spikes 126) Nope
137. So is the water up north deep enough for boats ? 148. Will Maze Valley appear in the movie
157) At the headwaters, yes, but no one uses them because there really is no place to go. You can sail partway down the river and you are just in the middle of desert, and then there's no more water and you run aground. 168) No
179. Are there flash floods on BM? 1810. Were does Mata Nui find his shield ?
199) No, you need rain for that, and they don't get rain in the desert. 2010) That gets revealed in the September comic and in the movie.
2111. Can it rain up north ? 2212.When does the Sept comic take place, its before the movie ?
2311) Possibly, in the valleys, but that won't affect the river 2412) No, during the beginning of the movie. Because you see Mata Nui's first meetings with the other characters in the movie, I can't really tell a story about him without adapting the movie, so that is what they want me to do.
2513. Does Click appear ? 2614. Does Stronius appear?
27Click is in the movie, Stronius, so far as I know, is not
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2Not sure if this is a plot spoiler since you have already said that Bara Magna was a region on Spherus Magna, but, is Spherus Magna even mentioned in the movie? 3Thanks.
4No, it's not. We didn't come up with that name until after the movie was written and done, and the movie really does not go into detail about the Shattering at all. That's not what the film is about.
1Hey Greg. There's been a number of theories and speculation going on about Spherus Magna and Bara Magna, and based off of several things, including the product description for the Polish book, and RotGB, I'd like to see if I understand it.
2Bara Magna was once an area on a much larger planet (much like California is only a section of the United States). This larger planet was Spherus Magna. When the Shattering occured, the section of the planet that contained Bara Magna broke off, and became the largest fragment, housing the majority of the population. Spherus Magna then ceased to exist, as it had broken into the three chunks.
3Is this accurate?
4Mostly, but we have never stated in story that BM is the largest chunk or that it has the majority of the population. The last part, in particular, is not something the story team has ever discussed.
5Sorry, I said "largest" because it appears to be the biggest chunk in the movie trailer. To specify, the piece of the story that we are focusing on right now.
6So Spherus Magna was the planet, and Bara Magna was simply a region on that planet?
8Ah, excellent. Two more questions arise from that:
91. Is the planet as a whole now referred to as "Bara Magna"? 102. Did the Element Lords command the tribes from the villages on Bara Magna?
11Thanks again.
121) Yes 132) All of the tribes on BM had an EL, yes, but some of these tribes did not have villages on BM prior to the Shattering
14Cool, cool. Just one more question, and I'm done.
151. Did the element based tribes notion exist before the creation of the Element Lords (as in, were the Element Lords created for a specific elemental tribe) or did they group themselves based on whatever element an EL wielded?
17Tribes existed first
1I thiught Branars whip WAS a weapon. Oh, well.
2When I asked Greg if their were ELs of the nonbasic elements he said it was to early to disscus, so I don't think we'll be hearing the answers to either of our questions for awhile.1 Interesting. The tribes existed before the ELs.That also brings up another thing... I wonder if there are more than 6 tribes?
3Eurika .

4QUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTEHello again Greg . I have some new Questions here.
51. Is there any chance that some of the other toa in the MU have the potential to become Toa Nuva?
62. How did Artakha know that the Toa Mata would someday be transformed into Toa Nuva? If he didn't know, then how could he make all their masks, nuva symbols, and Nuva cube if he wasn't already aware that they would be needed someday?
73. How is it that Energized Proto can be used to terraform Mata Nui's face but it normally destroys or transforms anything it touches? In other words how can something that is unstable and unreliable be made to repeatedly do something stable and reliably?
84. Would it be possible for the Mask of Life to grant permanent powers similar to the ones found in the MU to the inhabs of Bara Magna, like giving Malum control over fire, or giving Tarduk X-ray vision to make it easier for him to locate hidden objects, or can the Mask only give powers to the MU inhabs?
95. Can you give us a hint about what other types of powers the Mata Nui Bot has? Thank you Bye
101) I'd say no. If we start making more Toa Nuva, it cheapens the ones we have.
112) He knew the potential existed for that to happen, because Artakha is pretty wired into the way things work in the MU
123) Ah, ah, M ... you're making assumptions. We know that the state of Mata Nui in our story was caused by an energized protodermis LEAK .. we never said EP played a role at all in the other times MN was disguised. How do you know the leak did not transform what was used to create the plant life, thus accelerating the process?
134) Well, it's a good question -- would granting powers like that be a function of Life? I can't say yes or no to that, offhand.
145) Well, think about what you know it was doing -- traveling through space, visiting strange, possibly hostile planets and observing them ... what sort of powers do you think it would need?
16Me (or "M" as Greg refers to me, though I'd preffer Monty) 17Sinse Energized Proto isn't part of the Camouflage system but there are apparently pipes carrying the stuff somewhere near Mata Nui's face, what is it used for?
18Greg 19We haven't revealed that yet, but my personal belief is this -- we know there are what look like spare Mata Nui-ish parts on Bara Magna. To me, it's reasonable to assume that was an experiment that failed. So why, then, did Mata Nui as a project succeed? I think the difference was the use of protodermis and the use of EP. Think about it -- EP is capable of transformation or destruction of ANYTHING -- consider what an energy source that would be if you could harness it.
20Please feel free to reply .

1Hello Greg . Just a quick question:
21)Will the traitor have a minor or a significant role in the movie? 32)Have Strakk ever defeated a Prime Glatorian?
4Thanks in advance .
51) I can't discuss this 62) Sure
72)Can you tell us who he defeated? 83)Since we know who is going to be in the movie, will the others appear in the web serials?
9Thanks again .
102) In the past, he's defeated Vastus and Ackar 113) Web serials, comics, books, etc.
2When I asked Greg if their were ELs of the nonbasic elements he said it was to early to disscus, so I don't think we'll be hearing the answers to either of our questions for awhile.1 Interesting. The tribes existed before the ELs.That also brings up another thing... I wonder if there are more than 6 tribes?
3Eurika .![]()
Please read the last quote from Greg . This Is fantastic . If anyone has any comments Please reply .
4QUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTEHello again Greg . I have some new Questions here.
51. Is there any chance that some of the other toa in the MU have the potential to become Toa Nuva?
62. How did Artakha know that the Toa Mata would someday be transformed into Toa Nuva? If he didn't know, then how could he make all their masks, nuva symbols, and Nuva cube if he wasn't already aware that they would be needed someday?
73. How is it that Energized Proto can be used to terraform Mata Nui's face but it normally destroys or transforms anything it touches? In other words how can something that is unstable and unreliable be made to repeatedly do something stable and reliably?
84. Would it be possible for the Mask of Life to grant permanent powers similar to the ones found in the MU to the inhabs of Bara Magna, like giving Malum control over fire, or giving Tarduk X-ray vision to make it easier for him to locate hidden objects, or can the Mask only give powers to the MU inhabs?
95. Can you give us a hint about what other types of powers the Mata Nui Bot has? Thank you Bye
101) I'd say no. If we start making more Toa Nuva, it cheapens the ones we have.
112) He knew the potential existed for that to happen, because Artakha is pretty wired into the way things work in the MU
123) Ah, ah, M ... you're making assumptions. We know that the state of Mata Nui in our story was caused by an energized protodermis LEAK .. we never said EP played a role at all in the other times MN was disguised. How do you know the leak did not transform what was used to create the plant life, thus accelerating the process?
134) Well, it's a good question -- would granting powers like that be a function of Life? I can't say yes or no to that, offhand.
145) Well, think about what you know it was doing -- traveling through space, visiting strange, possibly hostile planets and observing them ... what sort of powers do you think it would need?
16Me (or "M" as Greg refers to me, though I'd preffer Monty) 17Sinse Energized Proto isn't part of the Camouflage system but there are apparently pipes carrying the stuff somewhere near Mata Nui's face, what is it used for?
18Greg 19We haven't revealed that yet, but my personal belief is this -- we know there are what look like spare Mata Nui-ish parts on Bara Magna. To me, it's reasonable to assume that was an experiment that failed. So why, then, did Mata Nui as a project succeed? I think the difference was the use of protodermis and the use of EP. Think about it -- EP is capable of transformation or destruction of ANYTHING -- consider what an energy source that would be if you could harness it.
20Please feel free to reply .![]()
21Interesting...this implies EP is Mata Nui's personal energy source. Apparently the Great Beings have a way of harnessing its energy without its destructive capabilities going wild. No wonder it's so valuable.
2When I asked Greg if their were ELs of the nonbasic elements he said it was to early to disscus, so I don't think we'll be hearing the answers to either of our questions for awhile.1 Interesting. The tribes existed before the ELs.That also brings up another thing... I wonder if there are more than 6 tribes?
3Eurika .![]()
Please read the last quote from Greg . This Is fantastic . If anyone has any comments Please reply .
4QUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTEHello again Greg . I have some new Questions here.
51. Is there any chance that some of the other toa in the MU have the potential to become Toa Nuva?
62. How did Artakha know that the Toa Mata would someday be transformed into Toa Nuva? If he didn't know, then how could he make all their masks, nuva symbols, and Nuva cube if he wasn't already aware that they would be needed someday?
73. How is it that Energized Proto can be used to terraform Mata Nui's face but it normally destroys or transforms anything it touches? In other words how can something that is unstable and unreliable be made to repeatedly do something stable and reliably?
84. Would it be possible for the Mask of Life to grant permanent powers similar to the ones found in the MU to the inhabs of Bara Magna, like giving Malum control over fire, or giving Tarduk X-ray vision to make it easier for him to locate hidden objects, or can the Mask only give powers to the MU inhabs?
95. Can you give us a hint about what other types of powers the Mata Nui Bot has? Thank you Bye
101) I'd say no. If we start making more Toa Nuva, it cheapens the ones we have.
112) He knew the potential existed for that to happen, because Artakha is pretty wired into the way things work in the MU
123) Ah, ah, M ... you're making assumptions. We know that the state of Mata Nui in our story was caused by an energized protodermis LEAK .. we never said EP played a role at all in the other times MN was disguised. How do you know the leak did not transform what was used to create the plant life, thus accelerating the process?
134) Well, it's a good question -- would granting powers like that be a function of Life? I can't say yes or no to that, offhand.
145) Well, think about what you know it was doing -- traveling through space, visiting strange, possibly hostile planets and observing them ... what sort of powers do you think it would need?
16Me (or "M" as Greg refers to me, though I'd preffer Monty) 17Sinse Energized Proto isn't part of the Camouflage system but there are apparently pipes carrying the stuff somewhere near Mata Nui's face, what is it used for?
18Greg 19We haven't revealed that yet, but my personal belief is this -- we know there are what look like spare Mata Nui-ish parts on Bara Magna. To me, it's reasonable to assume that was an experiment that failed. So why, then, did Mata Nui as a project succeed? I think the difference was the use of protodermis and the use of EP. Think about it -- EP is capable of transformation or destruction of ANYTHING -- consider what an energy source that would be if you could harness it.
20Please feel free to reply .![]()
21Interesting...this implies EP is Mata Nui's personal energy source. Apparently the Great Beings have a way of harnessing its energy without its destructive capabilities going wild. No wonder it's so valuable.
22Maybe that's why the Els were fighting about EP. Maybe they didn't want it for its destructive power but more for its energy.