1It is possible that the order of mata nui was organizing, while the hoa was still new and mata nui had not yet awoken, but they had not become an official orginization yet. Once the toas mission is complete mata nui is woken up, hoa is still at large, then both the bom and oomn form.
21. I suggest you work a bit on your grammar. 32. You are all looking to much into this. Let's just say they were made in a period close together.
41. I have rechecked several times and the only error is that toas should of been Toa's and that parentheses probably would of been better than comma in the first sentence. well i suppose you could count the first oomn but that was because i felt i should elaborate on it the first time instead of abbreviating. 52. Personally in my opinion this is much more important and complex than if Aqua Magna is a moon of Bara Magna or not.
6P.S. And thank you for not adding ato the end of your post. For some illogical reason I hate those with every fiber of my body, and every drop of my soul.
7And the fact that you don't capitalize your words.![]()
8Please back off a little. He has proper capitalization. It's only two sentences, so he only needs two capital leters, which he has. Sure, he could capitalize the organizations and Mata Nui's name but it's not completely necessary. Other than that it's really fine. And he does make a valid, important point. It's equally as important as the AM/BM/BotaM issues: they both are serious flaws in the storyline.
9True. I apologize.
1Wow, Greg Spoiled Some Of The Up Coming Story Before It Was Released. He Normally Just Says "Wait And Find Out." .
1QUOTE1. Have you come up with a name for the plague Tribe?
22. Is there any other survivors on Bara Magna besides Sahmad and Telluris?
33. Do either Sahmad or Telluris carry the plague without being infected?
44. Did their Tribe have an Elemental Lord?
55. Did the tribe mainly reside on Bota or Bara Magna?
6Thanks you, Greg .
71) No, and don't intend to 82) Most likely 93) No 104) I haven't decided 115) Mostly on Bota
1Wow, Greg Spoiled Some Of The Up Coming Story Before It Was Released. He Normally Just Says "Wait And Find Out." .
2Woah. I take it you got your shift key fixed. Pro tip: you only need to capitalize the first letter of every sentence (not word) and the first letter of names (like Greg).
3I know. I was being comedicly over reactive towards the comments of me not capitalizing. But yes, yesterday's conversation inspired me to buy a new keyboard. It is made of a cool gel-like rubber and can be rolled up and put into a canister for easy storage.
4And your apology is apreciated, Tahurox.
1QUOTE1. Have you come up with a name for the plague Tribe?
22. Is there any other survivors on Bara Magna besides Sahmad and Telluris?
33. Do either Sahmad or Telluris carry the plague without being infected?
44. Did their Tribe have an Elemental Lord?
55. Did the tribe mainly reside on Bota or Bara Magna?
6Thanks you, Greg .
71) No, and don't intend to 82) Most likely 93) No 104) I haven't decided 115) Mostly on Bota
12Ah.... So it's just been confirmed that Sahmad's/Telluris' tribe once resided on Bota Magna. That explains a lot like how the plague struck them. Great catch .
14------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15"But having a really good understanding of history, literature, psychology, sciences - is very, very important to actually being able to make movies." 16-George Lucas
1QUOTE1. Have you come up with a name for the plague Tribe?
22. Is there any other survivors on Bara Magna besides Sahmad and Telluris?
33. Do either Sahmad or Telluris carry the plague without being infected?
44. Did their Tribe have an Elemental Lord?
55. Did the tribe mainly reside on Bota or Bara Magna?
6Thanks you, Greg .
71) No, and don't intend to 82) Most likely 93) No 104) I haven't decided 115) Mostly on Bota
12Ah.... So it's just been confirmed that Sahmad's/Telluris' tribe once resided on Bota Magna. That explains a lot like how the plague struck them. Great catch .
14------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15"But having a really good understanding of history, literature, psychology, sciences - is very, very important to actually being able to make movies." 16-George Lucas
17Makes sense.
1Wow, Greg Spoiled Some Of The Up Coming Story Before It Was Released. He Normally Just Says "Wait And Find Out." .
2Woah. I take it you got your shift key fixed. Pro tip: you only need to capitalize the first letter of every sentence (not word) and the first letter of names (like Greg).
3I know. I was being comedicly over reactive towards the comments of me not capitalizing. But yes, yesterday's conversation inspired me to buy a new keyboard. It is made of a cool gel-like rubber and can be rolled up and put into a canister for easy storage.
4And your apology is apreciated, Tahurox.
1There are other places to discuss these things. Find them.
1how did you guys all find out about bota magna and the plague and stuff i check the websites every week and no mention is it in the books as i cant find them anywhere is there a website that has them on
1how did you guys all find out about bota magna and the plague and stuff i check the websites every week and no mention is it in the books as i cant find them anywhere is there a website that has them on
2Ah, you have neglected the most important story source of all: Greg Farshtey himself. This topic is where that information came from; all people had to do was ask. Just search for the member GregF and once you reach 10 posts, you'll be able to send him a PM and ask him just about anything you want. Whether or not he'll give you a direct answer is another matter entirely.

1You mentioned that the baterra were probably called something like Armored Combatant Pacification Drones.
21. Can we assume that all or most Great Being's creations are named like this, and 32. What did they call Mata Nui?
41) Well, they're scientists, so it makes sense they would use technical terms. 52) They called him Mata Nui, because they hoped he would carry the spirit of Spherus Magna with him as he traveled.
6Mata Nui had a name, then. Curious that they named in the Matoran language, though, rather than something like Spiritus Magna...
7Did anybody else take the answer to 2 literally. Like, maybe he literally is talking the spirit of Spherus Magna with him?
8I dunno where that would lead, just a thought.
9I don't think it was literal.
10Actually he is onto something.
11Because Greg said that the chapter Vezon entered the alternate Bara Magna, Greg almost scrapped the chapter because he thought it would reveal to much about future storyline. So I think Mata Nui's mission is to gather data from energized protodermis and figure out how to make it transform the three parts back into Spherus Magna, but Mata Nui would have to scarafice himself to release the energized protodermis into the valley of the maze and it would turn them back into Spherus Magna. Thats going on the information I got from Greg to build up my theory.
1One does not have anything to do with the other.
11. Do the Element Lords have individual names? 21a. If yes, will they be revealed?
32. Will Strakk be banished if Iconox survives the Skrall War?
43. Was a replacement Glatorian ever hired in Gelu's place?
5Thankee, Greg.
71) They probably do, but I do not have six names on the approved name list to give them so I have no plans to name them. 82) I would think that would be likely 93) Not yet, no
10Too bad, I'd love hearing an EL name.
1Maybe they gave up their names when they became ELs.
1Or maybe they're called Vulcanus, Tajun, Tesara, Atero, Roxtus and Iconox. Could be, don't you think?
1If there is Northern Frost, was there Southern Frost? 2And Aqua Magna was ruled by Elemen Lord of Water. Is there on Aqua Magna EL of Water's fortress? And ELs were prisoned, so EL of Water is in prision, or on Aqua Magna? 3Best regards 4Vahki530
51) No 62) EL is not on Aqua Magna. Most likely, there would be some structure of his under the sea, possibly having been discovered by escaped Pit inmates by now
7Very interesting. 8Will we see EL as sets in next years or they will be only in story?
9No plans for EL sets, no.
1You mentioned that the baterra were probably called something like Armored Combatant Pacification Drones.
21. Can we assume that all or most Great Being's creations are named like this, and 32. What did they call Mata Nui?
41) Well, they're scientists, so it makes sense they would use technical terms. 52) They called him Mata Nui, because they hoped he would carry the spirit of Spherus Magna with him as he traveled.
6Mata Nui had a name, then. Curious that they named in the Matoran language, though, rather than something like Spiritus Magna...
7Did anybody else take the answer to 2 literally. Like, maybe he literally is talking the spirit of Spherus Magna with him?
8I dunno where that would lead, just a thought.
9I don't think it was literal.
10Actually he is onto something.11Because Greg said that the chapter Vezon entered the alternate Bara Magna, Greg almost scrapped the chapter because he thought it would reveal to much about future storyline. So I think Mata Nui's mission is to gather data from energized protodermis and figure out how to make it transform the three parts back into Spherus Magna, but Mata Nui would have to scarafice himself to release the energized protodermis into the valley of the maze and it would turn them back into Spherus Magna. Thats going on the information I got from Greg to build up my theory.
12Umm... Problem with that theory. If Mata Nui does sacrifice himself... well remember if Mata Nui dies then Aqua Magna will engage its self-destruct system- which takes approximately 3 Matoran days to work. So if merging the three planets back together takes longer then 3 Matoran days, then Aqua Magna will be destroyed and so will the MU and all its inhabitants.

1You are getting something mixed up. If Mata Nui dies, it will take three days for the inside of his body to completely stop working and become inhospitable. Aqua Magna would remain the same and be unaffected.
1Hi Greg,
2Quick q for you - I know you're working on the book for 2010 right now (and probably not done), but... do you have any plans to make it bigger than the norm? Like RoV sized? Or even... bigger?
3Thanks, 4-North
5No, all I got asked for was the standard 20,000 words. At this point, there is no still no US publisher on tap for it, so it may wind up serialized on BIONICLE.com, I don't know yet. I only know it has a European publisher. Given that I was only given five weeks to write it, making it bigger than standard probably would not have been possible anyway.
6Well, at least we're getting another book...
1I hope it is a book and not a serial.
1Greg's answers in bold:
46My thoughts: 471-3) Good, got those things cleared up officially.
484-5) So Pouks's mask only works if he sees the power in action, and we now know what it looks like -- the shape that I'd previously chosen for "Absorbtion" -- but that mask will be renamed whatever is chosen in the BS01 poll.
496) I had thought of that option too and forgot to bring it up in the question. Great minds, great minds. XD
507) So, Masks contest is still up in the air. We'll see next year.
518) I must have never caught that tidbit.
529) No further comment on that, yall can think what you will.
5310) Mhm. Had come up with a Denizens contest entry.
5411) So OoMN will use "evil" mask powers. Defeats some of the arguments used recently against some of the new powers.
2Alright, got some more things to run by you about those mask powers. Wondering if you approve of these minor changes and clarifications.
31) A lot of people didn't like the name "Untranslation" for the power that scrambles speech or written language. I suggested "Incomprehension" as an alternative, and people like it. 4A: Fine
52) For the Shadow Matoran Noble masks -- so Noble Jutlin worn by Radiak, Noble Avsa worn by Gavla, and Noble Shelek worn by Kirop, it was pointed out that they wouldn't have worn these masks before being corrupted (even though powerless). Someone thought you had said that after they were corrupted, the Makuta forced them to wear new masks, but they haven't been able to provide a quote.
6My idea is, say that yes, the Makuta forced them to get new masks after becoming Shadow Matoran because the Makuta do not like good Mask shapes.
7A: Fine
83) For the mask of Undeath (which stores up energy while alive, then animates the body of the user after death for as long as they had charged it up for, to make the body continue working for whatever goal the user would have wanted), the image shows a Matoran with black eyes. Which inspired the part I had put it into the bio about, when undead, the user's eyes do not shine (nor heartlight).
9However, this begs the question of why this Matoran has unlit eyes, since Matoran can't use mask powers. I had two ideas:
10A ) Karzahni, who has changed physics before, actually somehow enabled this Matoran to actually be Undead. Since that is a Karzatoran.
11B ) Or it could just be black visor pieces behind the eye holes, perhaps representing how the Matoran feels trapped in Karzahni's land.
13A: Black visor pieces
144) How does Pouks' mask actually work?
15When I proposed the mask of Absorption (among those powers I had PMed you about), I had assumed from BS01's wording that Pouks' mask works like this -- he sees, with his eyes, the power in use, and analyzes from that how to mimic the power. So, it could theoretically work over a long range.
16But the mask of Absorption would work automatically, but only over short range. Some people have said they think Pouks' power is identical, though, so need this cleared up.
17A: Pouks does need to see the power in use, it is not automatic.
185) Also, though, maybe it would be best just to say this IS Pouks's power, and renamed "Absorption" whatever is chosen in that poll about Pouks' mask? That way, it would a single power, and we would know what Pouks's mask looks like -- like this (the shape you had approved to be Absorption).
19So, however Pouks' power works, that would be how that mask works; same power.
20A: Fine
216) Minor question, but people are wondering whether the mask of Untranslation/Incomprehension should be limited to scramble the speech of only one target at a time, or multiple. On thinking it over, perhaps multiple makes more sense; if a villain scrambles a Toa Team's leader's speech, okay, some confusion there, but someone else could take over for him almost right away.
22The issue is, could the Rau (translation) work on multiple targets at once? If five people talk to you at once, theoretically, could the Rau be translating what they say? Obviously you'd still be unable to understand all of them (at least, assuming the Rau doesn't handle this tooTalking Great Rau here), since they're talking at the same time. But would the power actually be translating more than one at a time.
23If it couldn't, then maybe Incomprehension couldn't, and then we have an issue.![]()
24A: Here is how you resolve your issue. Make it that the mask power does not need focus to work over a span of time. So you use it on A, it will work for say 10 minutes or something, then you do it to B, C, and D in quick succession. So it can't be used on more than one target at once, but it CAN keep working on a target after the user has targeted someone else.
257) And finally, all this has inspired another contest idea.It would be a long time before we could do this, probably mid 2010, but here it is.
26A Masks contest. We would have strict rules requiring the powers be realistic, and weaknesses must be specified (so no godmod masks). This would be a joint Expanded Multiverse / Storyline &Theories contest.
27The top winning entries, as voted in polls, would become official mask powers (and shapes; probably it would be art only). What do you think?
28A bit ahead of time perhaps to plan mid 2010, but a lot of people were suggesting interesting mask powers in discussing the new powers, and I thought they'd like an opportunity to add to the canon in terms of masks themselves.
29A: Let's talk about it next year.
30And some normal questions:
318) An interesting question came up about Bohrok in these discussions. When their Krana were removed, they could be given verbal commands by Matoran, or long-range (something like telepathic, apparently) commands from the Bahrag (like when they were called back to the nests). There was also the Signal to awaken, but maybe that talked to krana.
32Anyways, the question is, how would that work when commands are given to krana-less Bohrok? Do they have Vahki-style clockwork brains in addition to the krana? If so, are they simpler than Vahki?
33Or, did it work purely because Matoran language is programming language, and that somehow worked like a power on the protodermis they were made of? (After all, they used to be Av-Matoran.)
34A: The Bohrok were reprogrammed, remember, so part of that reprogramming could have made them receptive to verbal commands.
359) There's an interesting debate going on here. It's pretty obvious that this suggestion of having a Toa of "Ununseptium" (a heavy artificial unstable atomic element in the real world) doesn't make much sense in the Bionicle world. (And the powers the topic starter suggested all sound more like evil powers anyways; radioactivity and nuclear explosions, lol.)
36But what about the basic idea of having Toa with elements that are based on unique atomic elements?
37For example, I brainstormed an element of Mercury -- Toa would be able to liquify metal, and manipulate it like water. A Toa of Gold could manipulate highly ductile (gold-colored) protometal. These sorts of things might fit the naming scheme of "Toa of Iron", controlling normal protometal.
38The concept reminds me a bit of Primo Levi's series of essays and short stories, each on the theme of a single atomic element, if you're familiar with him (a Holocaust survivor and chemist). It seems to me that these sorts of things might work, as long as they take story realism into account, and are NOT said to actually control the atomic element, since Bionicle elements don't really work that way.
39A: I wouldn't say no offhand, but I personally have no need for more Toa elements in story at this point.
4010) How powerful compared to a Toa is an Element Lord, exactly? Twice as powerful? Three times? Way more?
41A: I'd say twice is a good number
4211) And, one more question about masks. It's been pointed out that the evil powers (including some among the new ones) would not be used by Toa, except the extremely rare evil or very questionable Toa. What about OoMN, though? (Talking, before Teridax's takeover.) Would they have any qualms about using mask powers that are considered immoral by Toa?
43A: No, they would not.
44See answers above, 45Greg
46My thoughts: 471-3) Good, got those things cleared up officially.
484-5) So Pouks's mask only works if he sees the power in action, and we now know what it looks like -- the shape that I'd previously chosen for "Absorbtion" -- but that mask will be renamed whatever is chosen in the BS01 poll.
496) I had thought of that option too and forgot to bring it up in the question. Great minds, great minds. XD
507) So, Masks contest is still up in the air. We'll see next year.
518) I must have never caught that tidbit.
529) No further comment on that, yall can think what you will.

5310) Mhm. Had come up with a Denizens contest entry.
5411) So OoMN will use "evil" mask powers. Defeats some of the arguments used recently against some of the new powers.
1It would be cool if we did have a mask contest.
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg. Sorry to bother you again. Could you please answer a few questions if you have the time?
31. Could the Avohkii break someone out of a trance like the one the Toa Hagah are in?
42. On BionicleSector01, it says the other toa Hagah teams were eliminated or corrupted. are there any other Toa Hagah(Besides Norik's Team) that were just mutated or corrupted in other ways(such as the corrupt Toa used by the Brotherhood of Makuta), but are still living?
53. Has Teridax done anything to the Av-Matoran(In addition to what all Matoran go through) because of their light powers?
64. What are all the former Brotherhood of Makuta agents, servants and such(excluding the Makuta themselves, as they're dead) doing since the Brotherhood of Makuta collapsed?
75. As an Inika, Jaller had two energized flame Swords(storywise), but as a Mahri, he had only one Power Sword as far as I know. Did the Two Swords become one, does he have two Power Swords, or does he still have one Energized Flame Sword?
86. As we've only seen one of the Takanuva Tridax brought from another timeline, what happened to the others? Are they dead, were they imprisoned, did they escape, or are they still there?
91) No 102) I am sure there are other living Hagah out there 113) No, not at this point. They are no threat to him at the moment 124) Obeying Teridax 135) He has one sword 146) They're still alive
15So, know we know there are other living Hagah and other Shadow Takanuva besides the one we saw awake.
16And a few interesting facts-
173a. Does Lewa have access to all of Tren Krom's powers now that he is occupying Tren Krom's body? 183b. Does Lewa still have access to his power over air? 193c. Does Tren Krom now have access to Lewa's power over air? 203d. Does Tren Krom still have access to all his old powers?
219. Is it possible for the Bahrag to make more Bohrok-Kal?
223) Unknown at present. 233b) Yes, but we have no idea if TK's body could handle channeling that power 243c) No, he does not 253d) Like Makuta in other bodies, he would have access to powers that were mental in nature, since his mind is in that body
269) Yes
27So we know what powers Tren Krom has in Lewa's body, and that more Bohrok-Kal could be created.
13a. Does Lewa have access to all of Tren Krom's powers now that he is occupying Tren Krom's body? 23b. Does Lewa still have access to his power over air? 33c. Does Tren Krom now have access to Lewa's power over air? 43d. Does Tren Krom still have access to all his old powers?
59. Is it possible for the Bahrag to make more Bohrok-Kal?
63) Unknown at present. 73b) Yes, but we have no idea if TK's body could handle channeling that power 83c) No, he does not 93d) Like Makuta in other bodies, he would have access to powers that were mental in nature, since his mind is in that body
109) Yes
11So we know what powers Tren Krom has in Lewa's body, and that more Bohrok-Kal could be created.
12Unlikely they'll be more Kal. The Bahrag have finished their mission, they are most likely sleeping. All that matters is their mission, really. And if you were theorizing the Bahrag make Kal to fight Teridax that is very unlikely. The Bahrag wouldn't agree to it, I don't think.
1Don't forget that the Bahrag need to clean of the robot's face each time he moves to new places and goes camo, so they probably will make new kal since the current ones are slightly disabled. They don't care who's in control, they have their orders and other than that they don't care.
1Don't forget that the Bahrag need to clean of the robot's face each time he moves to new places and goes camo, so they probably will make new kal since the current ones are slightly disabled. They don't care who's in control, they have their orders and other than that they don't care.
2I think it's possible the Bahrag care about the stuff that happens to Mata Nui. They appealed to Mata Nui when the Toa fought them, after all.
1If there is Northern Frost, was there Southern Frost? 2And Aqua Magna was ruled by Elemen Lord of Water. Is there on Aqua Magna EL of Water's fortress? And ELs were prisoned, so EL of Water is in prision, or on Aqua Magna? 3Best regards 4Vahki530
51) No 62) EL is not on Aqua Magna. Most likely, there would be some structure of his under the sea, possibly having been discovered by escaped Pit inmates by now
7Very interesting. 8Will we see EL as sets in next years or they will be only in story?
9No plans for EL sets, no.
10I wonder if that structure is the temple of purity in Mnolg2

1If there is Northern Frost, was there Southern Frost? 2And Aqua Magna was ruled by Elemen Lord of Water. Is there on Aqua Magna EL of Water's fortress? And ELs were prisoned, so EL of Water is in prision, or on Aqua Magna? 3Best regards 4Vahki530
51) No 62) EL is not on Aqua Magna. Most likely, there would be some structure of his under the sea, possibly having been discovered by escaped Pit inmates by now
7Very interesting. 8Will we see EL as sets in next years or they will be only in story?
9No plans for EL sets, no.
10I wonder if that structure is the temple of purity in Mnolg2![]()
11The Temple of Purity was in Naho Bay, in the Island of Mata Nui, about 5.000 kilometers from where the pit breached.
1Dear Greg
21. on the map of Bara Magna that came out in the January 09 magazine there is a place called the sea of liquid sand was the Great sea once that place or south of it on SM?
32. On the map it shows that the skrall river leads into the creep canyon did the water that went through the creep canyon go into the great sea on SM?
43. You once said that the Plagued tribe lived on Bota Magna on SM, did they live in the forest part of it?
54. Did Bota Magna have swamps in it on SM?
65. during the shattering the skrall were cut from their homeland. Was their homeland the forested mountains on Bota Magna that the Jungle and Rock element lords ruled?
76. If no to #5 where was the skrall homeland located on SM?
87.Did the element lord of ice or water rule the south pole of SM?
98.is this how SM would of looked liked? (should be circle not a diamond shape sorry)
10____ 11( ) 12( n.frost ) 13( ) 14( Great Jungle ) 15( ) 16( G.Volcano ) 17( ) 18( W. quarts Black s. ) 19( mt. mt. ) 20( ) 21( Great Desert ) 22( ) 23( G. Sea ) 24( s. Pole ) 25_________
26Thanks for your time
27Automatic Peacock out
281) That was not the Great Sea. The Great Sea is Aqua Magna. 292) At one time, ages ago, yes. Now the water does not extend down that far, the river becomes sand fairly early 303) Yes 314) Not that I am aware of 325) Yes 337) Hasn't been confirmed that there is a south pole 348) Roughly, yes, except again for the south pole thing
36"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K
21. on the map of Bara Magna that came out in the January 09 magazine there is a place called the sea of liquid sand was the Great sea once that place or south of it on SM?
32. On the map it shows that the skrall river leads into the creep canyon did the water that went through the creep canyon go into the great sea on SM?
43. You once said that the Plagued tribe lived on Bota Magna on SM, did they live in the forest part of it?
54. Did Bota Magna have swamps in it on SM?
65. during the shattering the skrall were cut from their homeland. Was their homeland the forested mountains on Bota Magna that the Jungle and Rock element lords ruled?
76. If no to #5 where was the skrall homeland located on SM?
87.Did the element lord of ice or water rule the south pole of SM?
98.is this how SM would of looked liked? (should be circle not a diamond shape sorry)
10____ 11( ) 12( n.frost ) 13( ) 14( Great Jungle ) 15( ) 16( G.Volcano ) 17( ) 18( W. quarts Black s. ) 19( mt. mt. ) 20( ) 21( Great Desert ) 22( ) 23( G. Sea ) 24( s. Pole ) 25_________
26Thanks for your time
27Automatic Peacock out
281) That was not the Great Sea. The Great Sea is Aqua Magna. 292) At one time, ages ago, yes. Now the water does not extend down that far, the river becomes sand fairly early 303) Yes 314) Not that I am aware of 325) Yes 337) Hasn't been confirmed that there is a south pole 348) Roughly, yes, except again for the south pole thing
36"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K
1YES . I want a mask power contest . I have four ideas already .
1I'm so sending in that coupon. I love stuff.
1I'm pretty sure the coupon comes with TLR.