1Hey Greg, got some more questions,
21. BS01 says that Brotherhood of Makuta stole the second Olmak (the one that's now fused to Vezon's face) after Botar used it to imprison Tuyet in another dimension. How did the Brotherhood steal it from the Order of Mata Nui if they didn't know it existed?
32. Has LEGO ever thought about making a new alphabet for Bara Magna?
4Legend Reborn Questions:
53. In the two arena fight scenes, Raanu, Metus, and the leaders of Tesera and Tajun sit together. Where is the leader of Iconox?
64. What is the symbol in the upper-right corner of this image mean?
75. Have you seen the Metus's Revenge extended ending on the DVD?
86. Why were the Agori pulling the giant mechanical parts out of the ground?
97. Are Vulcanus and Iconox part of the United Villages?
108. Since Tajun has been destroyed, are the Water Agori living in Tesera?
119. When Berix is healing Gresh, he's seen holding something resembling a green rope. Is this an organ, a part of a mechanical implant, or some kind of tool?
1210. Why didn't Mata Nui and his team use thornax at all during the movie?
1311. What is the MU area shown in the first scene? The power plant of the Coliseum, perhaps?
14Thanks a lot . 15-Lord Salokin
161) I'd have to go back and specifically read what we have written about this. I haven't dealt with this issue in months. 172) No 183) Nothing in the script refers to those characters being the leaders of Tajun and Tesara. 194) No idea, never saw it before 205) No, haven't watched the movie at all yet 216) Because those are the main shelters of their villages, and if they were going to unite their villages for common defense, they needed to bring those along. 227) Yes 238) No, they are part of the mega-city now. 249) It's a plant, I believe -- was in the script, anyway 2510) Because the Thornax piece was not designed until late in the development of the movie, so there wasn't time to include it in lots of places in the film. 2611) No specific place is mentioned in the script, just "somewhere inside the robot"
272. It'd be a good idea, seeing as every time an alphabet was needed (such as the Book of Certavus page from Secret of Certavus and the Skopio's Thornax Launcher aiming device and Ackar's map from The Legend Reborn), they just used the Matoran alphabet, which isn't canonically correct.
283. Who are these characters then?
294. It's on the coin that Berix showed Mata Nui at the end of the movie, along with an image of the Great Spirit robot, the UDD symbol, and the Skrall shield symbol.
305. When do you plan on watching the movie?
316. Do you mean the Agori lived inside those parts, like how the Skrall lived in the robot's head in Roxtus?
327. Oh, so Tesera is now a mega-city where all the Agori live?
339. Does this plant have a name?
3411. It'd make sense if it was a power plant. Looks a lot like one.
35Thanks again . 36-Lord Salokin
372) We really see no need for it at this time. And why wouldn't the launcher use that alphabet? It is programming language used by the Great Beings, the same ones who fitted the launcher onto the Skopio in the first place. 383) They are not identified in the script. Odds are they were simply meant to be Agori. 394) That doesn't help me any. 405) When I have spare time, which I won't for a while. 416) Yes. 427) Tesara is now part of a mega-city. All the shelters were brought together to form one city instead of multiple villages. 439) Not that we have given it, no
1I didn't want to pm you now when there are so many questions probably flooding you, but here you go.
21. In Legends of Metru Nui, when Nuju, Onewa and Whenua were in the prison cell, why didn't Onewa use his powers over earth to break the cell open? He had already used his powers for much more complex things before then.
32. In TLR there is a scene where Mata-Nui hits Tuma where all of his blades connect to his back, and every time he does this sparks fly out. Also in the movie it is shown that Tuma can mentally control the blades coming out of his back. My theory is that the blades are implanted into his spinal column so that he can control the implant as part of his body. Therefore, every time he gets hit in the right way it sends incredible pain throughout his nervous system. Would you except this theory?
43. What do you do in your spare time?
54. If Teridax wanted to kill someone in the mu, could he simply will them to die, or would he have to actually kill them by crushing them in a pit or something.
65.I am working on my skills as a author, but I am still... not... good. Do you have any advice?
7Thank you so much for everything you do for us, 8Redge the Bat.
91) I didn't write that movie, so I can't comment on what the screenwriter had in mind there. 102) I hesitate to theorize on this without more information from Sean on what she in mind there. 113) Read, build models, watch baseball. 124) He would have to kill them in some physical way, he would not be able to just shut them off. 135) Read. A lot. The best way to learn to write is to read people who are better at it than you are.
1It was never publicized on BZP. However, I did add a link to Branar's image in the Official Skrall/Rock Tribe Topic and Official Beginner's Guide to Bara Magna a little over two weeks ago, I believe..
1Oh, so it's confirmed, right?
1GregF can't confirm it for obvious reasons. However, I got it through another source entirely. A valid source at that. So that's confirmation enough for BS01.
1The image is from the cover of the graphic novel. The graphic novel comes out in February of next year. Also, I think we're going off topic here. Maybe we can continue in one of the topics I listed above. 

1Hi Greg
21) As the writer of the story, I hope you could clear something up for me: 3In the movie you see hordes of Agori pulling together several pieces of the Mata Nui prototype near Tesara, among them Skull Mountain. Ackar always talks about "they are uniting the villages" - what exactly is this whole uniting thing and pulling together these pieces about? Are they relocating all villages to one spot? Are all tribes now living in one village? Are they reconstructing the prototype robot? 41b) Is Roxtus actually in Skull Mountain and does that mean they moved the entire city?
52) The movie shows Mata Nui giving powers/changing tools for four Glatorian: Tarix, Gresh, Kiina and Ackar. Vastus was present when Tarix's was changed and this "Metus' Revenge feature" (basically it tells the story of Mata Nui, Kiina, Ackar and Vastus clearing Sandray Canyon from boulders while Snake Metus plans to crush them with a boulder, only to be lured away by Click, trying to kill the bug, but instead running into an army of Scarabax who chase Metus away) shows Vastus using air powers. Did Mata Nui also empower him and is this Metus' Revenge thing canon?
6Thanks for taking the time to answer,
8BTW, BS01 now lists the names "Tidal Spear" (Gaaki) and "Avalanche Spear" (Pouks) as names for their weapons, so this issue has finally been solved.
91) They moved the metal pieces that were serving as shelters, around which the huts and other buildings were built. They are doing it for mutual defense. And yes, all the Agori are now living in one mega-city. They had no idea the pieces were from a robot or that that was what they had built. 102) I haven't seen Metus' Revenge yet, so I can't comment on it.
11And Lord Salokin - the symbol you meant is called "Bara Magna symbol" in several sources (e.g. the Lamincards). You may remember the tribe symbols/banners from Glatorian Arena/BIONICLE.com - compare them to this one and you'll see that they're the same, except that the "tribal circle" in the middle was left out.
1Sorry, I know you're being flooded with questions right now, but...
21) Since other fans have suggested names for Matoran tribes, why not call the Matoran of The Green Bo-Matoran, from botany? 32) Are there any elements in the Matoran universe that we don't know about? 43) Does the mata Nui robot have a region that functions as its brain, like Karda Nui can be said to be its heart? 54) Is Sand an element in the Matoran universe? 65) Will Bota Magna play a larger role in the story?
71) I really don't need a name for them at this point, since they aren't playing a role in story 82) It's possible, certainly 93) Metru Nui 104) No 115) I can't discuss future story plans
12Nothing useful, but at least now we have confirmation that Metru Nui is Mata Nui's "brain." If we didn't already.
1Hi Greg
21) As the writer of the story, I hope you could clear something up for me: 3In the movie you see hordes of Agori pulling together several pieces of the Mata Nui prototype near Tesara, among them Skull Mountain. Ackar always talks about "they are uniting the villages" - what exactly is this whole uniting thing and pulling together these pieces about? Are they relocating all villages to one spot? Are all tribes now living in one village? Are they reconstructing the prototype robot? 41b) Is Roxtus actually in Skull Mountain and does that mean they moved the entire city?
52) The movie shows Mata Nui giving powers/changing tools for four Glatorian: Tarix, Gresh, Kiina and Ackar. Vastus was present when Tarix's was changed and this "Metus' Revenge feature" (basically it tells the story of Mata Nui, Kiina, Ackar and Vastus clearing Sandray Canyon from boulders while Snake Metus plans to crush them with a boulder, only to be lured away by Click, trying to kill the bug, but instead running into an army of Scarabax who chase Metus away) shows Vastus using air powers. Did Mata Nui also empower him and is this Metus' Revenge thing canon?
6Thanks for taking the time to answer,
8BTW, BS01 now lists the names "Tidal Spear" (Gaaki) and "Avalanche Spear" (Pouks) as names for their weapons, so this issue has finally been solved.
91) They moved the metal pieces that were serving as shelters, around which the huts and other buildings were built. They are doing it for mutual defense. And yes, all the Agori are now living in one mega-city. They had no idea the pieces were from a robot or that that was what they had built. 102) I haven't seen Metus' Revenge yet, so I can't comment on it.
11And Lord Salokin - the symbol you meant is called "Bara Magna symbol" in several sources (e.g. the Lamincards). You may remember the tribe symbols/banners from Glatorian Arena/BIONICLE.com - compare them to this one and you'll see that they're the same, except that the "tribal circle" in the middle was left out.
13Look at Vastus' back when Ackar is doing that kind of demonstration right before Metus and Raanu inform them about Kiina and Berix.
1Nothing new but oh well.
2QUOTE 3Hello Greg, It's been more than a month since I last PMed you, and for a long time nobody was able to PM you, Bet you used that free time wisely. 4I would love to type an entire paragraph, thanking and praising you for all you've done for Bionicle over the years, but alas I don't have the energy, and many other users have already done a fabulous job of thanking you already.
5Now even though I haven't PMed you for a long time, it doesn't mean I have a list of 25 questions I've been waiting to ask you, I know that doesn't work. so here are my questions.
61. Is Mata Nui going to use the remains of the Proto-Nui bot to make a way for him to travel away from Bara Magna?
72. Why Don't Bionicle heroes Kill? Is it because Bionicle would run out of villains, or because it's not ok to have killing in 8 and 9 year-old's books? or something else?
83. if a matoran touched a knife to the Kanohi of life, would the mask upgrade the weapon?
104. How can Mata Nui know how to make the mask of Life give elemental powers to Glatorian, when you stated earlier that Mata Nui had no Idea how to use a Mask?
11Thank you
121) I can't discuss future storyline plans 132) It's for the same reason Superman and Spider-Man and Captain America don't kill -- because heroes have to be better than the people they fight. They need the trust and respect of the public to be able to function. If they set themselves up as outside the law, judge, jury and executioner in one, then people won't respect them, they will fear them, and their job will be impossible to do. 143) Not necessarily, no. First off, the mask would have to want to, and second, the knife would have to have organic material in it or the mask won't work on it. 154) When he first arrives on BM, no, he doesn't know how to use it. But he has been there for some time by the time he does that in the movie.
2QUOTE 3Hello Greg, It's been more than a month since I last PMed you, and for a long time nobody was able to PM you, Bet you used that free time wisely. 4I would love to type an entire paragraph, thanking and praising you for all you've done for Bionicle over the years, but alas I don't have the energy, and many other users have already done a fabulous job of thanking you already.
5Now even though I haven't PMed you for a long time, it doesn't mean I have a list of 25 questions I've been waiting to ask you, I know that doesn't work. so here are my questions.
61. Is Mata Nui going to use the remains of the Proto-Nui bot to make a way for him to travel away from Bara Magna?
72. Why Don't Bionicle heroes Kill? Is it because Bionicle would run out of villains, or because it's not ok to have killing in 8 and 9 year-old's books? or something else?
83. if a matoran touched a knife to the Kanohi of life, would the mask upgrade the weapon?
104. How can Mata Nui know how to make the mask of Life give elemental powers to Glatorian, when you stated earlier that Mata Nui had no Idea how to use a Mask?
11Thank you
121) I can't discuss future storyline plans 132) It's for the same reason Superman and Spider-Man and Captain America don't kill -- because heroes have to be better than the people they fight. They need the trust and respect of the public to be able to function. If they set themselves up as outside the law, judge, jury and executioner in one, then people won't respect them, they will fear them, and their job will be impossible to do. 143) Not necessarily, no. First off, the mask would have to want to, and second, the knife would have to have organic material in it or the mask won't work on it. 154) When he first arrives on BM, no, he doesn't know how to use it. But he has been there for some time by the time he does that in the movie.
1ok, here are some Questions I asked Greg. in spoiler tags, just in case...
2QUOTE: First i'd like to say kudos for the movie. from what I've seen of it, it's great. The storyline is awesome.
3ok, now to the questions.
41. 5In the movie, When Tarix and Vastus fought, They appeared to charge up their thornax before firing. The seemed to be charged with elemental power. This was before Mata Nui Used the mask of life on their weapons. did they have limited elmental powers? if not, how did they charge the weapons?
62. Did all of the glatorian have the potential for toa-like powers? or did mata nui give them thier powers? Mata nui did say in the movie (to Ackar) "fire is your elemental power. the mask has simply sparked it." 7is this true?
83. If number 2 is correct, do the skrall have the potential for rock rock elemental powers? or Vorox with sand powers?
91) That's not something we have dealt with in story, but no, they would not have elemental power. They were simply explosive Thornax. Exactly how Thornax would work and even what they really were had not been decided at the time the movie was written. 102) Mata Nui gave them their powers. 113) If Mata Nui chose to give it to them, yes...
13this is interesting... not that mata nui would give a vorox or a skrall elemental powers, but for a alternate universe, or a fan-fic, this would be cool.
2QUOTE: First i'd like to say kudos for the movie. from what I've seen of it, it's great. The storyline is awesome.
3ok, now to the questions.
41. 5In the movie, When Tarix and Vastus fought, They appeared to charge up their thornax before firing. The seemed to be charged with elemental power. This was before Mata Nui Used the mask of life on their weapons. did they have limited elmental powers? if not, how did they charge the weapons?
62. Did all of the glatorian have the potential for toa-like powers? or did mata nui give them thier powers? Mata nui did say in the movie (to Ackar) "fire is your elemental power. the mask has simply sparked it." 7is this true?
83. If number 2 is correct, do the skrall have the potential for rock rock elemental powers? or Vorox with sand powers?
91) That's not something we have dealt with in story, but no, they would not have elemental power. They were simply explosive Thornax. Exactly how Thornax would work and even what they really were had not been decided at the time the movie was written. 102) Mata Nui gave them their powers. 113) If Mata Nui chose to give it to them, yes...
13this is interesting... not that mata nui would give a vorox or a skrall elemental powers, but for a alternate universe, or a fan-fic, this would be cool.
1Some people might find this one interesting...

2For my Core War Contest entry, would I be able to insinuate that two characters like each other, but not directly mention it? They would not be characters that you have created, and would be of the same species (Vorox).
3Yes, because romance can exist on Bara Magna, Bota Magna or Spherus Magna.
1Some people might find this one interesting... ![]()
2For my Core War Contest entry, would I be able to insinuate that two characters like each other, but not directly mention it? They would not be characters that you have created, and would be of the same species (Vorox).
3Yes, because romance can exist on Bara Magna, Bota Magna or Spherus Magna.
6After eight years of "everyone is incapable of that emotion," this is awesome. It's not going to GO anywhere, but having humanoid emotions finally acknowledged is great.
7Also, this confirms
8KiinaxBerix OTP
1We have known from the very beginning that Bara Magnans can feel love. I just thought it was interesting that we finally get a chance to involve it in the official story.
1GregF said no to that relationship, Cathexis.

1It's a relationship never to be. 

2Hey GregF, just two questions. 33. Will there be new information regarding the Plague Tribe in Mata Nui's Guide to the Universe? 44. We'll be making a page on the wiki concerning the Plague Tribe (after some specifics are gone over), but I have made a page in my sandbox. I wanted to know if the following information is accurate:5The tribe was one of several tribes previously located on Spherus Magna, and established itself near Bota Magna, the Great Jungle. Around 103,000 years ago, inhabitants of the tribe were inflicted with a mysterious disease. The infection killed off many of the tribe members, drastically reducing the population and decimating the tribe. The Agori of other tribes, out of fear that the remaining members still carried the disease and were capable of infecting others, refused to interact with the survivors. Shunned by society, the remaining tribe members retreated to the wilderness. After the Shattering, the survivors were forced to live out in the wastelands, as they were not included in the new social system.
63) No, nothing that substantial 74) The only thing I would make clear is that the survivors who were on Bara Magna had to live in the wastelands ... not every survivor is in Bara Magna.
1It's a relationship never to be. 2Hey GregF, just two questions. 33. Will there be new information regarding the Plague Tribe in Mata Nui's Guide to the Universe? 44. We'll be making a page on the wiki concerning the Plague Tribe (after some specifics are gone over), but I have made a page in my sandbox. I wanted to know if the following information is accurate:5The tribe was one of several tribes previously located on Spherus Magna, and established itself near Bota Magna, the Great Jungle. Around 103,000 years ago, inhabitants of the tribe were inflicted with a mysterious disease. The infection killed off many of the tribe members, drastically reducing the population and decimating the tribe. The Agori of other tribes, out of fear that the remaining members still carried the disease and were capable of infecting others, refused to interact with the survivors. Shunned by society, the remaining tribe members retreated to the wilderness. After the Shattering, the survivors were forced to live out in the wastelands, as they were not included in the new social system.
63) No, nothing that substantial 74) The only thing I would make clear is that the survivors who were on Bara Magna had to live in the wastelands ... not every survivor is in Bara Magna.
8Is the plague tribe the Vorox?
1It's Sahmad's/Tellurís' The Vorox just regressed
1Some people might find this one interesting... ![]()
2For my Core War Contest entry, would I be able to insinuate that two characters like each other, but not directly mention it? They would not be characters that you have created, and would be of the same species (Vorox).
3Yes, because romance can exist on Bara Magna, Bota Magna or Spherus Magna.
6After eight years of "everyone is incapable of that emotion," this is awesome. It's not going to GO anywhere, but having humanoid emotions finally acknowledged is great.
7Also, this confirms8KiinaxBerix OTP
9I always thought Kiina and Berix had a Big Sister Little brother relationship
1Not sure if I posted this (asked the questions before the site was updated FYI). As I can't find a Bink Official Dialogue post, I'll put it here. Very interesting IMO
2Hi Bink
3Site is looking great this year![]()
4Just a few questions.
51) When can we expect another story update (The Secret Lab bit)
62) Not sure if you have answered this, but Greg said that I needed to speak to you regarding Aqua Magna and it's moon. The question is, is Aqua Magna's moon now not canon, and if it remains canon, how is it possible?
7Thanks .
81. Story updates are scheduled for about every six weeks. 92. We'll be explaining more about the cosmology of the BIONICLE universe next year. Let's just say that some versions of the universe (like the movie that just came out) take liberties with placement of certain things - like planets and moons. It'll become clearer next year, I think.
1They took liberties with cosmology? So you mean Mata Nui passing by several galaxies on his way to the moon isn't canon? Who knew?
1Bit of info that could be important soon about Mata Nui and his camoflague system. Not sure if this has been discussed before
2Hi Greg
31) Before Mata Nui was put into a coma, had he ever landed on a planet and formed the camoflague island over the top?
42) If so, was the island the same design as the one we were on in 2001 onwards, or was it different
53) And finally, if the island had formed, why aren't the Matoran aware that this happens? Surely they would be instructed to colonise the island upon landing otherwise I can see no purpose for it
6Thanks Greg .
71) Yes 82) It would have matched as best as possible the native flora of the planet 93) No. Matoran were never meant to live outside of Mata Nui -- the ones we know only lived there because of Makuta's attack on Metru Nui. Mata Nui's sensors gathered whatever info he needed from the planet before departing again. The Matoran had to stay inside and work to keep him running properly.
1There's been quite a buzz in the TLR Topic about a reply you sent to a member after he had asked about the new BM romance issue and Kiina. While you said Kiina "wouldn't date Berix on a bet", you said that Kiina has feelings for Mata Nui.
2Now, do you mean actual, romantic feelings? I understand that if this is true, it couldn't be looked into in the story, since most of the target audience is not into that kind of thing, but I expect it would please a lot of Bionicle romance fans and fanfic writers.
3Just wanting to clear that up.
4That is what I meant, yes. Doesn't mean they will be acted upon, but they will be implied in the 2010 novel.
5Kiina and Mata Nui/sittin' in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G
6Comence "eww"ing.
1There's been quite a buzz in the TLR Topic about a reply you sent to a member after he had asked about the new BM romance issue and Kiina. While you said Kiina "wouldn't date Berix on a bet", you said that Kiina has feelings for Mata Nui.
2Now, do you mean actual, romantic feelings? I understand that if this is true, it couldn't be looked into in the story, since most of the target audience is not into that kind of thing, but I expect it would please a lot of Bionicle romance fans and fanfic writers.
3Just wanting to clear that up.
4That is what I meant, yes. Doesn't mean they will be acted upon, but they will be implied in the 2010 novel.
5Kiina and Mata Nui/sittin' in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G
6Comence "eww"ing.
7Ew .
8Anyway, this is pretty interesting. I wonder what the scene will look like?
1This is weird but awesome. An actual romance like thing. I hope it doesn't get too freaky. If Ackar and Gresh make ssome excuse to get out of wherever they are that'd be a bit too far.
1Guys, you know what that actually confirms? That Mata Nui and Kiina will be present in 2010. Greg actually talked about 2010.