1Hey GregF, just few questions. 21. You never specified what a Toa of Psionics would absorb, as all Toa absorb something. What would a Toa of Psionics absorb? 32. Would a Nova Blast be a more severe and widespread mind-damaging blast? 4Thanks.
51) Hmmm. Do we know that ALL Toa absorb something, or only that the Toa we have seen in story so far absorb something? 62) Yes
71. Are there kinds of Toa that we know of that cannot absorb their elements, and if so, which kinds? 83. You never specified the number of Toa that Jovan had on his team. I can't find any quotes about this in both OGDs. Could you say how many including Jovan?
91) Psionics 103) Not something I really have time to ponder right now. As you can imagine, the time before Christmas is extremely hectic at LEGO.
111a. Is there any reasoning as to why Psionics is unique like this? 121b. Someone in the Elements topic asked why wouldn't Vacuum make sense now that all elements aren't required to be absorbed?
131a) Because I don't like the alternative. 141b) The inability to absorb had nothing to do with why vacuum is not an element. It's not an element because if I need a vacuum in story, I throw in a Toa of Air. Otherwise, we are going to start parsing every element's powers out so we can make new elements out of them and where does that stop? I felt Psionics worked because, although we have mask powers that can be used for some of that, we have no other Toa whose natural elemental power duplicates Psionics. We do with vacuum, simple as that.
11a. Is there any reasoning as to why Psionics is unique like this? 21b. Someone in the Elements topic asked why wouldn't Vacuum make sense now that all elements aren't required to be absorbed?
31a) Because I don't like the alternative. 41b) The inability to absorb had nothing to do with why vacuum is not an element. It's not an element because if I need a vacuum in story, I throw in a Toa of Air. Otherwise, we are going to start parsing every element's powers out so we can make new elements out of them and where does that stop? I felt Psionics worked because, although we have mask powers that can be used for some of that, we have no other Toa whose natural elemental power duplicates Psionics. We do with vacuum, simple as that.
5And so the final nail in the coffin for Vacuum comes from GregF...can BS01 merge Vacuum with Air now?

11a. Is there any reasoning as to why Psionics is unique like this? 21b. Someone in the Elements topic asked why wouldn't Vacuum make sense now that all elements aren't required to be absorbed?
31a) Because I don't like the alternative. 41b) The inability to absorb had nothing to do with why vacuum is not an element. It's not an element because if I need a vacuum in story, I throw in a Toa of Air. Otherwise, we are going to start parsing every element's powers out so we can make new elements out of them and where does that stop? I felt Psionics worked because, although we have mask powers that can be used for some of that, we have no other Toa whose natural elemental power duplicates Psionics. We do with vacuum, simple as that.
5And so the final nail in the coffin for Vacuum comes from GregF...can BS01 merge Vacuum with Air now?
6Hahaha, hohoho, my dear boy, you wouldn't be suggesting BS01 do something logical that makes sense, would you? You silly head.
7Anyhoo does that mean Toa of Psionics would not gain any strength being around a lot of people? Or enjoy being around people like Ta-Matoran like to live in hot places?
11a. Is there any reasoning as to why Psionics is unique like this? 21b. Someone in the Elements topic asked why wouldn't Vacuum make sense now that all elements aren't required to be absorbed?
31a) Because I don't like the alternative. 41b) The inability to absorb had nothing to do with why vacuum is not an element. It's not an element because if I need a vacuum in story, I throw in a Toa of Air. Otherwise, we are going to start parsing every element's powers out so we can make new elements out of them and where does that stop? I felt Psionics worked because, although we have mask powers that can be used for some of that, we have no other Toa whose natural elemental power duplicates Psionics. We do with vacuum, simple as that.
5And so the final nail in the coffin for Vacuum comes from GregF...can BS01 merge Vacuum with Air now?
6Hahaha, hohoho, my dear boy, you wouldn't be suggesting BS01 do something logical that makes sense, would you? You silly head.
7Anyhoo does that mean Toa of Psionics would not gain any strength being around a lot of people? Or enjoy being around people like Ta-Matoran like to live in hot places?
8Vacuum will stay.

GregF SPIRIT 1I saw a recent batch of pronunciations you gave out and I was wondering if you could tell me where the emphases in the words are. This would complete the BIONICLE Reference Section's pronunciation guide and I would really appreciate it.
2For your reference, here are the words:
3Bota: Bah-tuh 4Skirmix: Sker-mixx 5Stronius: Stroh-knee-us 6Spikit: Spick-it 7Vican: Vye-kan 8Vultraz: Vull-trahz 9Zamor: Zay-more
10Also, there seems to be a bit of confusion over the pronunciation of Zya (as in "Manas Zya"). Can you confirm that it is pronounced "Zuh" (i.e. that there is no Y sound)?
11BAH-tuh 12SKER-mixx 13STROH-knee-US 14SPICK-it 15VYE-kan 16vull-TRAHZ 17ZAY-more 18Yes, I can confirm that.
19And with that, the Guide is complete.
GregF SPIRIT 1I saw a recent batch of pronunciations you gave out and I was wondering if you could tell me where the emphases in the words are. This would complete the BIONICLE Reference Section's pronunciation guide and I would really appreciate it.
2For your reference, here are the words:
3Bota: Bah-tuh 4Skirmix: Sker-mixx 5Stronius: Stroh-knee-us 6Spikit: Spick-it 7Vican: Vye-kan 8Vultraz: Vull-trahz 9Zamor: Zay-more
10Also, there seems to be a bit of confusion over the pronunciation of Zya (as in "Manas Zya"). Can you confirm that it is pronounced "Zuh" (i.e. that there is no Y sound)?
11BAH-tuh 12SKER-mixx 13STROH-knee-US 14SPICK-it 15VYE-kan 16vull-TRAHZ 17ZAY-more 18Yes, I can confirm that.
19And with that, the Guide is complete.
20Good job Spirit, it is finished right before Bionicle Ends.
1And, of course, right before Greg gets his list of 30 new names back.
1Now thats, irony .
1Since the sets are no longer being made, yet you still get to continue the story, how much freedom do you have in where can you take it? Will you have to stick to old characters, or are you allowed to create new characters that have nothing to do with previous story at all? Also how dark can you go? Are you still writing for the same age group? Thanks for answering my questions.
21) I have the freedom of being able to use old characters and create new ones as needed. 32) I am still writing for the same age group. The story is still owned by LEGO, posted on a LEGO website, and has to be approved by LEGO, and there is really no reason to assume that only older fans will be reading it. So I have been given no license to make the story darker/more violent, etc.
42) So will you be following the same formula? What about things such as romance, might you add hints of it now, or do you figure that the target audience is still the same and that you should stick to the same rules as usual in that regard?
52) I have no interest at all in writing romance stories, Adventurer, and it's not something I am good at. If people want romance stories on BM, that is what fan fiction is for.
6Is there anything you've been interested in doing and now can?
7Oh and one last thing, will the Vahi play a role in events to come?
8Thanks again, Greg.
91) More Time Trap-like stories, where I can focus on fewer characters 102) Nothing planned at the moment
11Just me catching up.![]()
12Ugh, why can't he put more violence .? .? .?
1Maybe you should read that again..
1Hi Greg
2I've got some questions if you have time for them
31- I know that the story and characters in the script for bionicle 5 were non-canon, but what about the traps in the maze and the fact that the Great vulcano is a power plant. Are these also non-canon?
42- About the Av-matoran: Are they still in Metru Nui or have they returned to their homeland? 52b- About the ones that turned shadow and got mutated, did they rebuilded themeselves to look less shadow like or do they still have their claws and wings? 62c- Did they also maybe replaced their Makta masks with regular masks (Hau, Pakari etc) or do they still have their Makuta Masks? (Personally I would have rid myself of those masks)
73- Aout the Matoran of Karzahni: Are they still in Metru Nui or have they left for some place else? 83b- Are all of them now rebuild into stronger forms? 93c- Where there also any of those Matoran that weren't part of the six main tribes? (Except for that insane Av-Matoran that builded the Toa canisters)
104- Did Vican went with the Av-matoran to Metru Nui or did he leave back to his homeland? 114b- Does he still has his Makuta mask or did he replaced it? 124c- Does he still has got his wings and claws or did he rebuild himself?
135- Two years ago you mentioned in the OGD that Lesovikk had both met the Rahi Nui, had explored some of the southern islands and that he had saved an island to the south of the Visorak. Are these facts still canon? I ask since they are sill on BS01.
146- Does the Tryna also work on dead non-MU beings or only of those that belong to the MU?
157- Where there also Hydruka in the MU before the Mahri Nui saga? 167b- Where did they live? Southern Continent?
178- Also one request: You once wanted to give Mutran a mask of Mutation, but since his set had a different mask you couldn't give him one. But we also have a dead Makuta scientist that isn't going to appear anymore (at least I think so), namely Tridax. Could Tridax possibly have worn a Mask of Mutation? I ask because throwing such a great mask idea away seems pointless.
18That's all for now and thanks in advance
191) Some things changed, some things didn't. Until I know whether GN #10 is being published or not, I'd rather not go into detail on this. 202) Metru Nui 212b) I don't think they have been cured yet 222c) They have rid themselves of those masks 233) Some are there, some are not 243b) Yes 253c) Possible, yes 264) Yes, Vican did go with them, and he has not changed, because he wants to remind himself of the mistake he made. Remember, he chose to ally with the Makuta, the Av-Matoran did not, so he has more to feel guilty about. 275) Yes 286) MU only 297) Yes 307a) Underwater 318) Well, it is still thrown away in that case, though, right, since Tridax is dead?
32I have sent another pm about 8 33And I definetily believe that the shadow matoran mask replacement and the guilt of Vican is new
1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2I have already asked you this, but in the light of the fact that Teridax is going to land on Bara Magna and that Mata Nui is going to possess to Prototype Robot, i have to get these size questions straight once and for all:
31)How big is the MU robot?
42)How big is the Prototype Robot?
53)How much territory on Bara Magna does the Prototype Robot cover ( considering that, according to your previous answers, it's about 27 million feet tall, two thirds of the MU robot)
64)How much time does it take to get from Vulcanus to Tesara? I mean the prototype robot's height (at least up to now) can't be travelled on Sand Stalker back (at least if we compare it to a horse) in only a few days, yet the robot is reportedly smaller than that distance.
75)How large was Roxtus (comparing it to Metru Nui, for instance)?
86)How high is a Toa (averagely) compared to a Glatorian (maybe the paradox is explained by the fact Glatorain, and therefore Agori, are a lot taller than Toa, though I doubt it)?
97)Where is this map in this image located? And are the dark colors on the planet seas?
10Other questions:
118)We now know why Tahu, Takanuva (more or less) and Gresh aren't like their previous sets. What about the Skrall (which seem, according to previous comics, to be all alike) and the Yellow Rahkshi (same thing: apart from color, spine and staff, the 2003 Rahkshi looked all alike) different in shape?
129)Is Tahu already transformed in 2010? If yes, does he get transformed in RoS?
1310)Have you any projects about which characters you want to show in future RoS chapters? If yes, could you tell me at least some of them?
1411)I don't get how Mata Nui, always Great Spirit, could display emotions like amusement, snese of honor, compassion, anger. It seems to me that as Great Spirit, he couldn't talk or communicate with anyone. Even from watching the MU population (which he didn't do very much), he couldn't have learned these things. I understand that otherwise he would have made a very boring character, but it still seems strange to me. Could you clarify it?
1512) Could you clarify 2008 timeline. I mean, according to BL9, a day or more passes between the separation of the Nuva and their reunification. Yet in BL10 this seems to happen a lot quicker. Also FoF, DW and DiD happen after BL10, yet they seem to take a few days, whether the span of time between the end of BL10 and BL11 seems much smaller.
161) 40 million feet tall 172) 27 million feet tall 183) 27 million feet of it 194) No idea, haven't bothered to calculate it. Writing a story, not programming a GPS smile.gif 205) I have no size for it, none was provided by the city's designers in Billund 216) What paradox? I see them as being roughly the same height 227) Since I did not have any hand in designing the image of the planet, I can't speak to that. That would be up to the designers to say where they saw it as being. I can tell you there are no seas on Bara Magna. 238) I'm not going to bother going into story explanations for them. No real need to do so. 249) No, Tahu transforms during 2010 story 2510) Nope, really haven't thought about it at this point. Too busy. 2611) AI. Simple as that. The Makuta and Toa, etc. are nanotech, yet were capable of bravery, greed, treachery, etc. MN's AI is the same as theirs, so why wouldn't he be able to react emotionally? 2712) No, I really can't. I have been immersed in 2009 and 2010 for so long that I really do not have a clear memory where things fall in story line I wrote a year to two years ago.
282)Of course, but could you give me a few landmarks (ex. from Tesara to the Skrall river; from the former Elbow Peak to Sandray Canyon and so on...) 294)Maybe you can't tell exactly, however the facts are that it takes Gresh only a few days to get from Vulcanus to Tesara. If you don't know the exact distance, can you at least explain the paradox there is between the robot' size and the time it takes on Sand Stalker back to reach Tesara from Vulcanus? 3011)Yes, but the Toa, the Makuta and the Matoran interact with each other and therefore develop emotions, much like we humans do. Mata Nui may have the first "instincts", but how did he develop actual emotions like our own?
31Thank you. I hope I'm not bothering you.
322-4) I don't have this information. People get places as quickly or as slowly as I need them to get there for story purposes. 3311) I think he always had them. We know, for example, that he cared about the welfare of his people ... we know he felt betrayal when Makuta attacked him ... we know he felt selfishness at times ... we know he felt loyalty to the Great Beings. There are things he did discover on Bara Magna, like friendship, vulnerability, etc., but he wasn't a blank slate when he got there. You also have to realize that even if he was not interacting with them, he was observing other cultures during his 100,000 years of traveling.
34Not even he can explain the distance paradox . Yet it should be explained. Does anyone find an explanation for this?
2I have already asked you this, but in the light of the fact that Teridax is going to land on Bara Magna and that Mata Nui is going to possess to Prototype Robot, i have to get these size questions straight once and for all:
31)How big is the MU robot?
42)How big is the Prototype Robot?
53)How much territory on Bara Magna does the Prototype Robot cover ( considering that, according to your previous answers, it's about 27 million feet tall, two thirds of the MU robot)
64)How much time does it take to get from Vulcanus to Tesara? I mean the prototype robot's height (at least up to now) can't be travelled on Sand Stalker back (at least if we compare it to a horse) in only a few days, yet the robot is reportedly smaller than that distance.
75)How large was Roxtus (comparing it to Metru Nui, for instance)?
86)How high is a Toa (averagely) compared to a Glatorian (maybe the paradox is explained by the fact Glatorain, and therefore Agori, are a lot taller than Toa, though I doubt it)?
97)Where is this map in this image located? And are the dark colors on the planet seas?
10Other questions:
118)We now know why Tahu, Takanuva (more or less) and Gresh aren't like their previous sets. What about the Skrall (which seem, according to previous comics, to be all alike) and the Yellow Rahkshi (same thing: apart from color, spine and staff, the 2003 Rahkshi looked all alike) different in shape?
129)Is Tahu already transformed in 2010? If yes, does he get transformed in RoS?
1310)Have you any projects about which characters you want to show in future RoS chapters? If yes, could you tell me at least some of them?
1411)I don't get how Mata Nui, always Great Spirit, could display emotions like amusement, snese of honor, compassion, anger. It seems to me that as Great Spirit, he couldn't talk or communicate with anyone. Even from watching the MU population (which he didn't do very much), he couldn't have learned these things. I understand that otherwise he would have made a very boring character, but it still seems strange to me. Could you clarify it?
1512) Could you clarify 2008 timeline. I mean, according to BL9, a day or more passes between the separation of the Nuva and their reunification. Yet in BL10 this seems to happen a lot quicker. Also FoF, DW and DiD happen after BL10, yet they seem to take a few days, whether the span of time between the end of BL10 and BL11 seems much smaller.
161) 40 million feet tall 172) 27 million feet tall 183) 27 million feet of it 194) No idea, haven't bothered to calculate it. Writing a story, not programming a GPS smile.gif 205) I have no size for it, none was provided by the city's designers in Billund 216) What paradox? I see them as being roughly the same height 227) Since I did not have any hand in designing the image of the planet, I can't speak to that. That would be up to the designers to say where they saw it as being. I can tell you there are no seas on Bara Magna. 238) I'm not going to bother going into story explanations for them. No real need to do so. 249) No, Tahu transforms during 2010 story 2510) Nope, really haven't thought about it at this point. Too busy. 2611) AI. Simple as that. The Makuta and Toa, etc. are nanotech, yet were capable of bravery, greed, treachery, etc. MN's AI is the same as theirs, so why wouldn't he be able to react emotionally? 2712) No, I really can't. I have been immersed in 2009 and 2010 for so long that I really do not have a clear memory where things fall in story line I wrote a year to two years ago.
282)Of course, but could you give me a few landmarks (ex. from Tesara to the Skrall river; from the former Elbow Peak to Sandray Canyon and so on...) 294)Maybe you can't tell exactly, however the facts are that it takes Gresh only a few days to get from Vulcanus to Tesara. If you don't know the exact distance, can you at least explain the paradox there is between the robot' size and the time it takes on Sand Stalker back to reach Tesara from Vulcanus? 3011)Yes, but the Toa, the Makuta and the Matoran interact with each other and therefore develop emotions, much like we humans do. Mata Nui may have the first "instincts", but how did he develop actual emotions like our own?
31Thank you. I hope I'm not bothering you.
322-4) I don't have this information. People get places as quickly or as slowly as I need them to get there for story purposes. 3311) I think he always had them. We know, for example, that he cared about the welfare of his people ... we know he felt betrayal when Makuta attacked him ... we know he felt selfishness at times ... we know he felt loyalty to the Great Beings. There are things he did discover on Bara Magna, like friendship, vulnerability, etc., but he wasn't a blank slate when he got there. You also have to realize that even if he was not interacting with them, he was observing other cultures during his 100,000 years of traveling.
34Not even he can explain the distance paradox . Yet it should be explained. Does anyone find an explanation for this?
1The "distance paradox" can be explained with a classic quote by one of the writers of Star Trek. When asked how fast the Enterprise's engines can go, he answered "it travels at the speed of plot." If the plot needs the Enterprise to get somewhere too late, it's not fast enough. If it needs to arrive just in time and save the day, it's just as fast as it needs to be. Introducing specific guidelines for how long it takes to get from point A to point B would just introduce a lot more contradictions when the plot needs something to happen.
2If you need a story explanation, though, there's more to travel than distance. Especially dangerous or rocky, hilly terrain can take much longer to get across than a smooth, flat plain, even if the smooth path is a lot bigger than the dangerous path. Maybe there's a safe, flat path between Tesara and Vulcanus. That's how trade routes work--finding the best path to take to make your trip quicker.
3Also, we've known since 2003 that there's a lot more kinds of Rahkshi than just the 6 we saw. There's actually 42 kinds of Rahkshi--the yellow ones have the power of heat vision. (Also, given Bara Magna's sparse environment, it must be hard to find matching sets of armor for an entire army. I'm sure some kinds of Skrall have slightly different armor.)
2If you need a story explanation, though, there's more to travel than distance. Especially dangerous or rocky, hilly terrain can take much longer to get across than a smooth, flat plain, even if the smooth path is a lot bigger than the dangerous path. Maybe there's a safe, flat path between Tesara and Vulcanus. That's how trade routes work--finding the best path to take to make your trip quicker.
3Also, we've known since 2003 that there's a lot more kinds of Rahkshi than just the 6 we saw. There's actually 42 kinds of Rahkshi--the yellow ones have the power of heat vision. (Also, given Bara Magna's sparse environment, it must be hard to find matching sets of armor for an entire army. I'm sure some kinds of Skrall have slightly different armor.)
18- Also one request: You once wanted to give Mutran a mask of Mutation, but since his set had a different mask you couldn't give him one. But we also have a dead Makuta scientist that isn't going to appear anymore (at least I think so), namely Tridax. Could Tridax possibly have worn a Mask of Mutation? I ask because throwing such a great mask idea away seems pointless.
28) Well, it is still thrown away in that case, though, right, since Tridax is dead?
38- But it at least confirms that the mask exists and that a Makuta used it in the past, right?
48) I have no problem confirming that the mask exists, if that is all you are looking for
5Not exactly what I hoped for, but I'm not gonna overload Greg with pm's about the same thing
1Since the sets are no longer being made, yet you still get to continue the story, how much freedom do you have in where can you take it? Will you have to stick to old characters, or are you allowed to create new characters that have nothing to do with previous story at all? Also how dark can you go? Are you still writing for the same age group? Thanks for answering my questions.
21) I have the freedom of being able to use old characters and create new ones as needed. 32) I am still writing for the same age group. The story is still owned by LEGO, posted on a LEGO website, and has to be approved by LEGO, and there is really no reason to assume that only older fans will be reading it. So I have been given no license to make the story darker/more violent, etc.
42) So will you be following the same formula? What about things such as romance, might you add hints of it now, or do you figure that the target audience is still the same and that you should stick to the same rules as usual in that regard?
52) I have no interest at all in writing romance stories, Adventurer, and it's not something I am good at. If people want romance stories on BM, that is what fan fiction is for.
6Is there anything you've been interested in doing and now can?
7Oh and one last thing, will the Vahi play a role in events to come?
8Thanks again, Greg.
91) More Time Trap-like stories, where I can focus on fewer characters 102) Nothing planned at the moment
11Just me catching up.![]()
12Ugh, why can't he put more violence .? .? .?
13Because BIONICLE is still owned by LEGO.
1I've got a few questions about the concept of destiny in Bionicle. At the moment, destiny seems to me that, in Bionicle, it's simply another word for "What happens." To clear things up:
21. Can a Toa give up their Toa Power even if they haven't fulfilled their destiny? 32. If they attempt to do so, will "fate" intervene to prevent the process? 43. If not, then will they simply not turn into Turaga until they do fulfill their destiny? 54. If yes to the above, is this why Lhikan didn't become a Turaga until the Toa Metru came into being? Because the final part of his destiny as a Toa was to bring them into being? 65. Would the Mask of Light (from our universe) transform a Takua from an alternate dimension who is destined to become a Toa?
71) Yes, but they wouldn't become a Turaga under those circumstances 82) Nope 93) Exactly 104) Yes 115) It's possible, if that was his destiny.
12Was a little concerned about seeming mis-use of the word destiny. Now we have hard proof that destiny exists.
1We knew that before... Unity, Duty, Destiny, remember. 

11. As the Agori/Glatorian of Iron are orange and black would you say the MU inhabidents are orange and black aswell? 22. Are there Skakdi of the non-main elements or are they only the main 6? 33. What is your favriote element? 44. Could a Golden Kanohi be made from any six Kanohi or only from the Kanohi Mata? 55. You said that Skakdi can't use Kanohi because they lack the mental discipline. Does that mean Vezon has better mental discipline than the other Skakdi? 66. Do Vortixx have the mental capicity to use Kanohi? 77. Could a Toa of Psionics help a Skakdi (and if question six is no, a Vortixx) use a Kanohi? 88. Even though the story was scrapped, is there still biomechanical dinosaurs on Bota Magna?
91) No, because the Agori/Glatorian we have seen are not wearing their original armor. 102) Yes, there are Skakdi of other elements 113) Ice 124) Unknown. The golden Kanohi with the six powers in 2001 are the only ones known to have ever existed. 135) Is he actually using a Kanohi? Or is the Kanohi merged with him and acting on its own? He is not able to control the Olmak, if he could, he would be able to go where he wished, and he obviously can't 146) Probably, yes, but they don't 157) No 168) We'll see when we get there
175. Does that mean the mask is sentient or just malfunctioning
185) Mask is fused to him, which it isn't intended to be, so it is reacting to his stress levels, etc. and activating at random.
191. Mm, kinda dissapointing 202. Hurray for Iron &Psionics Skakdi . 213. Just wondered 224. Oh, dissapointing 235. Pretty shure that was already know, but if not, cool 246. Cool 257. Thought they could boost their mentel discipline, guess not 268. Yay . We're going to Bota Magna . And we might have biomechanical dinosaurs .
1Yeeeeeeeess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we are going to Boto Magna, Greg just confirmed it, he said in summer 2010 and here is the evidence
9well bionicle peices mocer mode come on for biodinos2This is a comment by Greg from his recent blog entry.
GregF 3Couple of things --
41) I don't think I can share the 2009 treatment, because I don't own it. It was written under contract with Tinseltown Toons and purchased by them,so they are the only ones who can share that. The 2010 treatment was never purchased by anyone, which is why I could show you that one.
52) The whole "Earth" thing was simply because we had not yet decided what the plague tribe's element would be at that point, so Earth was a placeholder.
63) Some of this most likely will be canonized if we go to Bota Magna in story (as we most likely will, post spring 2010 .. no reason not to)
7Just thought people here might be interested in point 3).
1We knew that before... Unity, Duty, Destiny, remember.
2I was afraid someone might say something to that effect.
3I have a lot of respect for you, Nuhrii, given your accomplishments, but maybe you should read my whole post. I was getting a feeling that destiny, in Bionicle, was just a fancy word for "what happens" (which destiny isn't supposed to be.) What I meant was that now we know for sure that it's not and there actually is more to it than that.
1Hello, Greg .
2As the title implies, I have some questions.
31. Now first I would like you to know that I am not asking you to reveal this; rather, this is just something I had to ask. So we all know that only you and Ancient, the latter of whom is dead, know The Shadowed One's true name. If only you currently know it, and we all know that he does have a name, what's the use of keeping it secret?
42. Are you proud of any of your BIONICLE-related works in particular (besides Time Trap)?
53. If a person carrying a shield went near a baterra, would the baterra attack the shield-carrier? Because last time I checked people didn't use shields as weapons...
64. Would a Toa of Fire be able to cool lava? Because Toa of Fire control heat. We do, of cource, know that fire and lava are two seperate things.
75. A mask can be molded into the shape of any mask, right (for example, Norik's mask was shaped like a Kiril, when it was really a Mask of Diminishment)?
86. Do you like video games and, on that note, do you have any gaming systems?
97. Is the January comic the last one in the BIONICLE franchise?
108. What's Gali doing right now?
11Thanks. You're work is greatly appreciated.
131) Two reasons. One, TSO is the only one who knows it and has no reason to reveal it, so why would it ever be used in story? And two, the last time BZPers said they wanted to hear a name, they proceeded to act like all of BIONICLE had been ruined because they didn't like the name. Why should I put myself through that again, if I have no story need to do so? 142) I'm proud of all of them 153) You have obviously never read Captain America, who uses his shield as a weapon all the time 164) Yes 175) Yes, same as you could make a Stop sign that is triangular and yellow if you wanted 186) I have a PS3, but I don't use it all that much. I mainly play Warcraft on the PC 197) No, March is 208) Don't recall off the top of my head
2As the title implies, I have some questions.
31. Now first I would like you to know that I am not asking you to reveal this; rather, this is just something I had to ask. So we all know that only you and Ancient, the latter of whom is dead, know The Shadowed One's true name. If only you currently know it, and we all know that he does have a name, what's the use of keeping it secret?
42. Are you proud of any of your BIONICLE-related works in particular (besides Time Trap)?
53. If a person carrying a shield went near a baterra, would the baterra attack the shield-carrier? Because last time I checked people didn't use shields as weapons...
64. Would a Toa of Fire be able to cool lava? Because Toa of Fire control heat. We do, of cource, know that fire and lava are two seperate things.
75. A mask can be molded into the shape of any mask, right (for example, Norik's mask was shaped like a Kiril, when it was really a Mask of Diminishment)?
86. Do you like video games and, on that note, do you have any gaming systems?
97. Is the January comic the last one in the BIONICLE franchise?
108. What's Gali doing right now?
11Thanks. You're work is greatly appreciated.
131) Two reasons. One, TSO is the only one who knows it and has no reason to reveal it, so why would it ever be used in story? And two, the last time BZPers said they wanted to hear a name, they proceeded to act like all of BIONICLE had been ruined because they didn't like the name. Why should I put myself through that again, if I have no story need to do so? 142) I'm proud of all of them 153) You have obviously never read Captain America, who uses his shield as a weapon all the time 164) Yes 175) Yes, same as you could make a Stop sign that is triangular and yellow if you wanted 186) I have a PS3, but I don't use it all that much. I mainly play Warcraft on the PC 197) No, March is 208) Don't recall off the top of my head
1Ok, All Or None, I guess I just misunderstood you.
I am pretty sure there have been mentions of destiny in the way you mean, but not in a long time, so it's actually nice to have one, although I never doubted its existence.

17. What was Lesovikk's team's destiny?
27) To die, basically. We don't know that they accomplished anything major.
3That is quite possibly the worst destiny ever.
4Hey Greg, I just have a few questions about Psionics:
51: Are Toa of Psionics powers of Telepathy and Telekinesis as powerful as the Great Masks of Telekinesis and Telepathy? 62: Can Toa of Psionics project the thoughts of a being into another being's mind (Like Kongu did with the MoL and Vezon)? 73: Can Toa of Psionics use their powers of telepathy to create a telepathic 'punch'? 84: If a Toa of Psionics runs out of Psionics elemental energy, do they have to wait for it to recharge? 95: Are there any Toa of Psionics alive as of now?
10Also, would the Biomechanical dinosaurs have been on Bota Magna?
11Thanks .
131) Yes 142) Yes 153) Not telepathy, no. They have the ability to deliver a mental shock, but that is not the same as actual communication. Telepathy is communication. 164) Yes 175) Yes 186) Yes
19For three I meant telekinetic punch, so I resent that.
1GregF knows that, I think; he's just referring to the fact that Telepathy can't be used in that way.
17. What was Lesovikk's team's destiny?
27) To die, basically. We don't know that they accomplished anything major.
3That is quite possibly the worst destiny ever.
4Hey Greg, I just have a few questions about Psionics:
51: Are Toa of Psionics powers of Telepathy and Telekinesis as powerful as the Great Masks of Telekinesis and Telepathy? 62: Can Toa of Psionics project the thoughts of a being into another being's mind (Like Kongu did with the MoL and Vezon)? 73: Can Toa of Psionics use their powers of telepathy to create a telepathic 'punch'? 84: If a Toa of Psionics runs out of Psionics elemental energy, do they have to wait for it to recharge? 95: Are there any Toa of Psionics alive as of now?
10Also, would the Biomechanical dinosaurs have been on Bota Magna?
11Thanks .
131) Yes 142) Yes 153) Not telepathy, no. They have the ability to deliver a mental shock, but that is not the same as actual communication. Telepathy is communication. 164) Yes 175) Yes 186) Yes
19For three I meant telekinetic punch, so I resent that.
20That means that there will be one in thenew Toa serial .
1Not necessarily. I suggested GregF in that serial PM it could be a past/present/future Toa Team.
1A future Toa team would be weird in a serial. I hope it's present, because then they can have fun trying to overthrow Teridax.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. How are you? There's been some discussion lately of several hypothetical elements, and I was wondering if you could clear this up so that everyone and their uncle isn't sending you questions about various unknown elements. I've gone through several discussions and came up with a list of possible elements (I've excluded things such as Vacuum and Rahi because we have already been given a definitave answer on them, and legendary elements). So, could you give your thoughts on the elements listed?
2Kinetics 3Crystal 4Magma/Lava 5Poison 6Swamp (Acid, though could also include slime) 7Sulfur 8Mercury 9Gold 10Silver 11Insects 12Virus 13Fungi 14Repulsion (the opposite of Gravity, just like Fire is the opposite of Ice) (could also be called 'dark energy') 15Vapour 16Calcium 17Purity (opposite of Poison) 18Absolute Zero (is to Ice what Plasma is to Fire) 19Silence (the opposite of Sonics) 20Emotional Energy 21Salt 22Sand 23Rock (Earth would be metamorphic rock, Stone sedimentary rock, and Rock would be Igneous rock) 24Explosions 25Radiation 26Density 27Ammonia 28Neon 29Anti-matter 30Pure Energy
31Thank you for your time,
32makuta of xhini nui
33I really don't know when I would have time to do this. Frankly, I am not looking to add a mess more new elements into the story, as I don't think it's necessary and frankly just adds more clutter. I would say, though, that you have to think in terms of elements that are broad, encompassing many different things (like Psionics does), but not too broad (like Toa of Matter). Some things work better as just powers, like Repulsion -- some are way too broad, like Energy or Explosions, since they can encompass too many things -- and some do not apply (there is no proof there are those things in the BIONICLE universe, such as Calcium) -- some kind of make no sense (Toa of Fungi -- what, he throws mushrooms at you?) -- and some are simply things LEGO would never approve of as a Toa element, like Poison.
1Hey, I had a few questions:
21) When created the new characters, Tera, Oris and Likus (And I know they're not canon), were they based on sets meant to come out in 2010? 31b) Same with the ELs.
42) Same with Kiina, did she have a new set form for 2010? 52b) Did Ackar have new armor as well?
63) Are the sets coming out as the new theme instead, or scrapped all together? 73b) If they were scrapped, would there be any way of getting pictures of the prototypes.
81) I did, and no, they were not based on sets, they were suggestions for characters that might have been sets if TLC liked them and the story got approved. Same way Ackar, Kiina, etc. started out. 92) Tentative plan was to put them out with new armor, yes 103) No prototypes exist of them, as BIONICLE was ended before any work was done on prototypes. The set designer had not even read this treatment yet when the decision was announced. And so, no, the new line's sets are not sets that were designed for BIONICLE and just repurposed. They were designed for the new line.
1Nevermind, it was off-topic.
1Yeah, but that was like their main destiny. Their ultimate destiny as a group. Anyways, Official Destiny Topic.
3<br />11. You stated before that we are going to Boto Magna after spring 2010, is this true? 1a. will we see bio-mechanical dinosaurs? 1b. does this mean Spherus Magna doesn't get get restore or is post-shattering but pre restoraion, or Boto Magna after the restoration? 1c. Will there be a new villian or will it be Teridax? It is ok if you can't answer but I thought you could since by that time Bionicle is done with Lego. And thanks for continuing the story2<br /><br />1) I think it's very likely, yes<br />1a) We'll see, don't know yet<br />1b) I can't answer this, as it would give away 2010 first half story<br />1c) Can't answer this either<br /><br />You are correct that by that time no more sets will be being done, but the story is still governed by LEGO Company, and I still don't want to give away endings and spoil stuff for people. Thanks for understanding.
4Yes we are going to Boto Magna
3<br />11. You stated before that we are going to Boto Magna after spring 2010, is this true? 1a. will we see bio-mechanical dinosaurs? 1b. does this mean Spherus Magna doesn't get get restore or is post-shattering but pre restoraion, or Boto Magna after the restoration? 1c. Will there be a new villian or will it be Teridax? It is ok if you can't answer but I thought you could since by that time Bionicle is done with Lego. And thanks for continuing the story2<br /><br />1) I think it's very likely, yes<br />1a) We'll see, don't know yet<br />1b) I can't answer this, as it would give away 2010 first half story<br />1c) Can't answer this either<br /><br />You are correct that by that time no more sets will be being done, but the story is still governed by LEGO Company, and I still don't want to give away endings and spoil stuff for people. Thanks for understanding.
4Yes we are going to Boto Magna
5Greg just said, "Very likely, yes." Is it a very likely or a yes? I'm confused.