1Why doesn't Greg understand that only the exceptionally intelligent 9-year-olds read the serials? It's always getting in the way of scientific-accurate events. Not that any of them are likely to happen, but... still...
2Same reason a Toa of Lightning won't be able to create a magnetic field by firing a coil of electricity, and vice versa. The Kal elements are the most wonderful and fun elements in the story IMO, but Greg can't make them do all that neat physics stuff because he would have to explain it in story. I guess the alternative is some lame line like "fire and sand makes glass" like in the first movie.
3Keep in mind this is also a universe where darkness, cold, etc have physical manifestations, instead of those things being a lack of something else like in our universe.
1Regarding Telluris - Yeah, it's in Mata Nui's Guide. I happened to have that page scanned, if anybody is doubting.
1Eh, from a while ago. Decided against not posting it. I'll take the Psionics part to the Official Elements topic too.
2Edit: If you have any direct questions for me, just pm me, since I forgot to check the "send notice for any replies" box.
2Edit: If you have any direct questions for me, just pm me, since I forgot to check the "send notice for any replies" box.
3Hi Greg, it's Lewinga, and I have a few new questions.
4It concerns the new Element, Psionics.
5Now, I know that you're tired from all the elemental hype, but I just wanted to point this out before you work on your new serial about the toa team. So please hear me out . >_<;
6We know that psionics is basically power linked to the mind. This means they have slight control over other beings' minds; however, we also know that they can't absorb their own elemental power.
7Well, the mind is connected to emotion. We also have the kanohi Avsa, mask of hunger, which drains the target of positive emotions and transfers it to the user, which is basically absorbing, according the BS01 definition.
8Because we already have a mask power that connects to emotion, which can also mean it's connected to the psionics power, could we allow Toa of Psionics the power to absorb emotions?
9Empathy itself, is a characteristic of psionics, as it is the extrasensory (mind) ability to "share another being's emotions and feelings." People who are empathetic tend to describe themselves as capable of absorbing another person's emotions. I, myself, being an empathetic person, often find myself affected by how other people feel.
10When people are angry, I tend to feel angry. 11When people are sad, I tend to feel sad. 12And when people are happy, I tend to feel happy as well.
13In fact, this is a passive skill that many people have commented to me about. I know that this passage was seemingly irrelevant, but wouldn't it make sense for toa of psionics to be receptive to other beings' feelings? Maybe even matoran, since it's passive?
14It occurs to me that such a power not used for something so appropriate would be a shame. It would be especially fitting since psionics toa apparently cannot absorb their element. 15We have a mask power of similar capabilities, so we know for a fact that it wouldn't be a problem. The ability was also used before by Vamprah, so we already have a demonstration of what its effects could be like.
16And, if you don't like the idea of absorbing negative emotions, it wouldn't have to be like that. Mask powers often are limitations of what the actual elemental power can do. If it's possible, toa of psionics can absorb any emotions, which would lead to anyone in the proximity to feel numb or just emotionless. A psionics blast would then, theoretically, be a temporary stun or overwhelming of feelings.
17To me, that just doesn't occur to me as being overpowered. It's effects aren't that terrible. Other nova blasts would have more devastating results on the environment. Think of Gali's nova in Karzahnii. She wiped out a whole continent, whereas psionics wouldn't even effect the environment. Though it may have something to do with Gali being a nuva, that would further the notion that a psionics blast wouldn't be as devastating as everyone else makes it out to be.
18Thank you very much for reading this. 19I'm very excited to hear from you .
21P.S. Thank you so much for writing the BIONICLE storyline. I've followed it since its roots, and I am proud to have gotten the chance to see its story unfold. Thank you, once again.
22I guess my question would be, how is this of any real utility? Is making my enemy in a fight feel emotionless going to help me any? I mean, that means he can't feel fear ... he can't feel anger, which might make him make a mistake .. I have turned him into a numb killing machine.
23Well, to answer your question for uses, the kanohi Avsa's power gives its user energy. This could be used in conjunction if the toa of psionics ever exhausted her power.
24And for the emotionless, or numb enemy, (I'll use an example from a game) in Kingdom Hearts, nobodies (which were characters that lost their hearts to darkness) were unable to feel anything, thus they could only rely on reason to accomplish their missions. But, that was their main weakness too, as they could not comprehend people with hearts' actions, and if their fighting styles were figured out, they could be defeated. It could be done against foes whose fighting styles have been exposed.... But, to be honest, that was only a possibility of what absorbing emotions could do. There are plenty of more fitting effects of absorbing for toa of psionics, many of which wouldn't result in being overpowered or unbalanced. As for the killing machine as you said, which would be the better alternative for a toa of psionics? Having no more energy to protect yourself against a foe, or having the energy to protect yourself from a senseless (in terms of emotion) but violent being? Certainly having the energy to fight against a tough foe would be better than fighting against an easy foe with no more energy, as you would actually have a chance to win. There are plenty of stories of the underdog becoming the victor. This doesn't mean that I think that it would be a guaranteed win for the toa with energy though, but only a toa with a chance to win now, just like any other underdog story.
25And if you were thinking of a toa of psionics with energy doing that, why would she? Like you said, how would it benefit her if she absorbed her foe's emotions? The only way would be if she was in an emergency and had to take a risk to save her life. In fact, absorbing an element is actually typically done in emergencies. Matau's creating a vacuum against the mutated rahi of sound, Vakama absorbing the energy in his surroundings to defeat the flame entity by producing cold, and Gali absorbing energy to perform a water nova against Icarax in Karzahnii when every other toa on the team had fallen. All were done in cases of emergencies; thus, it would be wrong, in my opinion, to assume that a toa of psionics would do it anytime other than one.
26I've always found it unbalanced for a toa of psionics to not be able to charge up after exhausting her energies, whereas other toa could. I do acknowledge that psionics would be a tricky element to provide an absorption or nova power for, but it can be done with a few possible scenarios. It's a little silly to not allow a psionics toa an ability shared by most others for fear of being overpowered, and in effect, have them be weaker than any other toa in those terms. Instead, there are plenty of possible scenarios of the effects of absorbing, and many of which would not be overpowered in the slightest bit.
27A few would be:
28That its effects would be similar to the kanohi Avsa's. Though it might be unbalanced, you could make it so that toa of psionics would feel the emotions being inflicted on the target as well. This would cause the power to be not used unless in dire situations. Also, it would make sense, as they would be empathetic. Though of course they would have a certain degree of resistance to it, it would in turn, cause a sort of reluctance to ever use the power.
29If I was to bring up an example of the power, I'd have to point at Raven from Teen Titans, DC comics. She wields the power of psionics, and, as a result, is extremely empathetic. She could soothe others by absorbing their emotions and pains (though it would mean that she would have to bear them, so there's a balancer), and inflict fear into her targets. 30This form of absorption would also be appropriate since female characters are typically associated with the power to heal. Water can heal the body, and a toa of psionics can soothe the mind.
31It would be great to see a sort of duality between physical and mental, like how we often stress the two in life. Body and mind you know?
32Or, if you would prefer, it would be possible to absorb a certain emotion. From enemies, it would be positive emotions, and for friends, the negative. This would fall in line with what the Avsa does. Except with a greater spectrum, fitting since a mask is often a limited form of power of the element itself, like I said earlier.
33But, I'll assert once more, I don't think absorbing any certain emotion would be overpowered. The Avsa does it, so it can be done. It just wouldn't have to do more than that, absorbing an emotion. Absorbing positive emotions would make you feel stronger (which is suited for battle), and negative would make you feel weaker (which is suited for healing an ally, since rejuvenating another has to have its drawbacks); however, when I say stronger, I don't mean overpowered, I just mean stronger as in more enduring or energized.
34Also, if you're sketchy on the nova blast, it doesn't have to be a telepathically crushing wave of power, or an Alzheimer's effect that someone was worried that you were concerned about. Like I said before, it could cause a temporary stun with a flooding of emotions. The target would be overwhelmed and confused about what to do, since emotions typically dictate how we act. The flooding of emotions would change so fast, that it would daze the targets, and would require them to need some time to recover from their emotions, though it doesn't have to be long. This could act as a means of escape, as typically when in battle, it's either a fight or flight scenario, like how history shows us. A drawback could be that if anyone with a particularly strong will in the blast radius was blasted, he or she would recover faster, thus jeopardizing the weakened toa's escape, unless strong teamwork or planning was involved to save her. The teamwork is doubtful, since it is likely that anyone in the radius would be dazed. And toa team mates can fall victim to a nova blast performed by another, evidenced by Hahli's and Jaller's conversation right before he was going to perform one underwater.
35Thanks for reading . I'm very excited about this, since it seems very possible. If you feel that a toa of psionics would be too similar to Raven, I would disagree since Aqualad is basically a toa of water by that same logic.
36Please think about this . It would provide more possibilities for fanfics, but, most importantly, a storyline with many interesting possibilities .
37Thanks for reading .
39You're off slightly in one area here. Toa do not absorb their element to "charge up after exhausting their energies" -- if that were possible, the Metru would not have been without elemental powers in the second movie. The power they absorb pretty much has to be released immediately, because they cannot contain it. It's not a case where if Tahu exhausts his elemental power, he can restore it by absorbing fire. He has to wait for it to recharge on its own.
40But what about Gali Nuva with her and the water in the first movie? @_@; I remember that Vakama almost blacked out from absorbing too much energy (he was struggling with the besting the entitiy), but I thought it was because it was an overload of power much like the Bohrok-Kal?
41Sheesh, I feel foolish now for typing so much now.
42Hmm, sorry for being off... but there's a new question now: wouldn't my points still stand though? Maybe I'm just not on the same page as you are about psionics absorption... but I'm sure that there can be something that they can do.... ._.
43Ah, who am I to complain? It was just a thought after all.But I'm still wondering as to why it's not feasible for any of the abilities I've mentioned... is it because you've already said they can't to another person?
44I appreciate the time you spent on this, thanks.
45There is that, and the fact that there was a reason I said he couldn't, because he is already quite powerful and doesn't need more abilities.
46Haha, that makes sense. At least I can say that I tried now.
47So, aside from psionics now, I had a few other questions about other things.
48Just now you said that toa don't absorb their elements to charge up after exhausting their energies... but BS01 and the first movie state otherwise. Does that mean that what BS01 has needs to be changed?
49Also, I know I've asked you this before, but just to verify (since BS01 always changes it back) the Kaukau allows you to breathe both water and air at the same time, right? For some strange reason, it says something along the lines of once activated, the user can't breathe air....
50I guess that's really it for now, unless I get an explosion of ideas again.
511) Yes, because that is not why they do it. Again, if it was, Lhikan would have told the Metru when they were imprisoned and they would have had elemental powers in the second movie. It was stated in 2004 that exhausted elemental powers require time to recharge. 522) I would have to look it up, because I don't recall that. Why would you need to be able to breathe water and air at the same time? If you are not underwater, there is no reason to activate that mask.
53All right, I'll see what I can do.
54But I may have to post this in the Official Elemental topic just to get approval to do so. Do you mind if I post this in there? I'm worried that you might get a flood of PM's asking about psionics now because of this though....
55Also, here's why I asked you (from almost two years ago): 56Q9. If no, then that also could mean Gali's mask power technically is the most powerful one, since she can force Makuta to go into the water and get mutated, or die. And technically, she didn't kill them, because there was a way to survive. So it would be like the Makuta stuck in his/her pride, commits suicide/chooses to die rather then mutated.
57A9) How does a mask of water breathing force someone to go into the water? And again, the Makuta aren't afraid of the water and a mutation might just make them stronger, so how does it benefit Gali any?
58I am not sure I see how the old question relates to being amphibious. Her being able to breathe water doesn't mean she can force someone else into the water -- her elemental power does, yes, but she doesn't shoot mutagenic water from her hands -- and the only mutagenic water is in the Pit. Makuta was already in the Pit, in a robot body which was not that much affected by it, as we saw.
59Ahahaha.... I may have given you the wrong one.;
60I actually may have deleted that one by accident....
61All right, disregard that .
62Now, just some questions that I've had for a while now (I'm so annoying right now ><): 63How did the suva's get taken down to Metru Nui? The same way as the sundial?
64Also, where are they located now, in the Great Temple with the one the Metru used? Or are they located in their respective metru's now?
65Tahu got a new suva right? Or did he not since he didn't get any new masks yet, which would make it pointless?
671) Who said they did? We never said the suva from the koro were brought to Metru Nui. Suva already existed there, because Toa had lived there before. The masks were taken to Metru Nui, not the suva.
68That makes so much more sense now . Thank you . I was wondering that myself... it looks like BS01 is in need of some big changes.
69So where are their masks now? In the same suva that the Metru used for becoming toa? Wouldn't that mean they have access to the storage of masks there then?
70Can multiple toa use the same suva?
1Hey GregF, just four questions. 21. Is the Mask of Mutation Miserix's mask? 32. Is it possible that we might see Trinuma or Jerbraz or Johmak in Reign of Shadows? It seems we have seen more of Tobduk than the other OoMN agents. 43. If possible, can we see Trinuma's Mask of Charisma in use in Reign of Shadows?
51) I think I am going to go that way, yes 62) Lots of things are possible, depends on if they make sense -- you may see them post Reign of Shadows, though, since ROS only runs through March, most likely 73) See answer to #2 -- I think more likely post-Reign of Shadows
1Hey GregF, just four questions. 21. Is the Mask of Mutation Miserix's mask? 32. Is it possible that we might see Trinuma or Jerbraz or Johmak in Reign of Shadows? It seems we have seen more of Tobduk than the other OoMN agents. 43. If possible, can we see Trinuma's Mask of Charisma in use in Reign of Shadows?
51) I think I am going to go that way, yes 62) Lots of things are possible, depends on if they make sense -- you may see them post Reign of Shadows, though, since ROS only runs through March, most likely 73) See answer to #2 -- I think more likely post-Reign of Shadows
8Where did Mask of Charisma come from?

1Yeah, that's what I thought too.
2I wanted to know whether they had access to the great suva's kanohi. Then that would mean that they had a whole arsenal of masks that they could use readily, since I believe masks made by the Ta-matoran were stored there.
3Or, if they got new Suva's in Metru Nui.
4Some small things that were never mentioned.
5Also, apparently toa can't absorb their elemental power to recover their elemental energies. I'm pretty sure that that's what Greg was telling me when I used that as an example as to why, at least in my opinion, toa of psionics should be able to absorb their own EE.
6There was a bit more, but you'd have to read that wall of text.
7My main concern was just trying to get Greg to reconsider, as there are plenty of other alternatives for the psionics absorption or nova blast.
8Though I'm sure that they can at least perform a nova blast....
2I wanted to know whether they had access to the great suva's kanohi. Then that would mean that they had a whole arsenal of masks that they could use readily, since I believe masks made by the Ta-matoran were stored there.
3Or, if they got new Suva's in Metru Nui.
4Some small things that were never mentioned.
5Also, apparently toa can't absorb their elemental power to recover their elemental energies. I'm pretty sure that that's what Greg was telling me when I used that as an example as to why, at least in my opinion, toa of psionics should be able to absorb their own EE.
6There was a bit more, but you'd have to read that wall of text.

8Though I'm sure that they can at least perform a nova blast....
1Shark: It is been said that if a matoran gets it's mask knocked off, it goes into a coma? Is the coma instantaneous? Or is it a few seconds, or minutes perhaps a significant amount of time in delay?
2Greg: It is not instantaneous, otherwise they could never take their masks off to replace damaged ones, etc. There is a time delay.
3Shark: Vaguely how long is the time delay? Like would they need to switch the mask within the day it gets damaged,, or pretty much they only have few minutes before they switch?
4Greg: If it's so badly damaged it no longer functions, they would need to change it within a matter of hours
5There for all you fanficers.
2Greg: It is not instantaneous, otherwise they could never take their masks off to replace damaged ones, etc. There is a time delay.
3Shark: Vaguely how long is the time delay? Like would they need to switch the mask within the day it gets damaged,, or pretty much they only have few minutes before they switch?
4Greg: If it's so badly damaged it no longer functions, they would need to change it within a matter of hours
5There for all you fanficers.
11. I know that Mata Nui, with the Ignika, is (or was) capable of unlocking Glatorian's elemental powers. Would he be able to do so with a Vorox (I know he wouldn't, but I'm just asking)? 21b. If so, would the Vorox be able to perform a Nova Blast? 32. What would happen if six Toa of different elements all unleashed a Nova Blast at once (other than all of them being killed)? 43. Would the Spear of Fusion be able to fuse Bara, Aqua, and Bota Magna together, or is it not powerful enough? 54. What would a Nova Blast of Psionics do? 64b. What would a Nova Blast of Life do? 75. I know you said a Toa Nui couldn't exist, but could a Spear of Fusion create one?
81) I wouldn't call it "unlocking" so much as bestowing, and yes 91b) Yes, and then it would die. 102) Probably a lot of destruction 113) Not powerful enough 124) Probably a massive mental shock 134b) There is no Toa of Life, so not relevant. 145) No, because one cannot exist
15This is from long ago, and it's not really anything new, but I figured that I would post it anyway.
11. I know you have said that a Toa Nui does not exist, but can six Toa fuse together, and what would the fusion be called if so? 22. I know Ignika does not have a Toa form anymore and he wasn't an actual Toa, but could it perform a Nova Blast in its Toa form? 32a. If so, what would it do? 43. I haven't read about the colors of the Toa of Gravity yet. Do you have any color for them planned or have you given them a color yet? 53a. If no to both, then can you canonize purple or teal for them? If yes to the question I just asked, choose whichever you wish. 64. You said once in the Legends book #8 that the default form for the Adaptive Armor was just like the Nuva's original armor. However, later, you said it was Tahu's little red chest piece. Which is the default form? 75. Could you create some stats for Teridax, seeing that you have not done so yet? 86. Could you also create some stats for Vezon?
9Thank you.
101) No, they can't, because if they could, they would be forming a Nui 112) I don't believe so 123) That's because colors are being decided by BZP polls 134) Ah, but Tahu in 2010 is NOT a Nuva, so it would make no sense for him to be wearing adaptive armor in a Nuva form. He is a Mata, and this is the default form for a Mata. 145-6) If I have time, yes
15Darn, no purple or teal. But the part about the stats is good news, as long as he has enough time.
1Hi Greg
2I've got some questions if you don't mind answering them:
31- During the fight between Mata Nui and Teridax, did Teridax also unleashed the Skakdi at the same time as his Rahkshi? Or will they come later? 41b- Are these Rahkshi directly controlled by Teridax or are they acting like wild Rahkshi? I ask because the wild ones that were encountered by the Toa Metru were less powerfull than the ones that the Toa Nuva encountered.
52- Since some Skrall are also participating in the battle, do they also attack Rahkshi and Skakdi? Or do they ignore them and only attack the Glatorian? 62b- Do the Rahkshi and Skakdi attack Skrall? 72c- Are some of the Rock Agori fighting alongside these Skrall?
83- Did you already decided what the power of the Ba-matoran was going to be? 93b- Are their colors already decided? 103c- If not, could than purple maybe either their secundary or primarly color? I ask because a lot of fans would want to see a purple Toa.
114- Is somebody who is wearing a Mask of Light capable of: 12a- creating (solid) illusions? 13b- moving at the speed of Light? 14c- acting as an energy source?
155- Is a Toa of Light also capable of spreading understanding to others? Or is that an Avohkii only power?
166- About the Toa Mangai: there was still a Toa part of the team that had weared a Kanohi Kakama, was that either Toa Naho or one of the four Toa of ice?
177- Were the melding Makuta created the same way as the main universe Makuta? 187b- Did the melding Makuta have shadow powers at first? 197c- Since they now wield Light based powers, does that mean that they can tap into their inner Light?
208- Was one of the Shadow Takanuva that appeared before melding Teridax and Mazeka the same Shadow Takanuva that appeared earlier? 218b- Do all of these Takanuva'still wear the Avohkii?
229- Was the leader of the Iron Tribe an Agori or was he of the Glatorian species?
2310- Are there some Skrall on Bota Magna? Since that's where they orginated from I thougt maybe there were still some left there 2410- Are there any female Skrall on Bota Magna? Or are all of of them with the Sisters of the skrall?
25That's all for now and thanks in advance
261) They all came out at roughly the same time 271b) They are under orders from Teridax, yes 282) Only the Glatorian 292b) Why would they? The Skrall are attacking their enemies 302c) No 313) No 323a) Colors get decided by fan polls. 334a) All of the powers used by the Av-Matoran are potential Toa of Light powers, but he would have to be trained in their use and there is no one to do that. 345) That's a mask power 356) Has never been revealed 367) Yes 377b) Yes 387c) Yes 398) They are the ones Tobduk encountered 408b) Yes 419) Agori. Glatorian do not lead tribes. 4210) Yes 4310a) Most likely there are, yes
1Just some questions, Greg.
2Bionicle Related 31). I'd just like to know, because I'm writing a story; would it have been possible that the Great Beings could have created another Prototype Robot - that didn't have to do with the Mata Nui/Teridax story - and forgot about it? 42). What island will this new Toa team come from, or haven't you decided? 53). Would Stars Gresh's silver blades have something to show that they're charged up now? 64). When is chapter one of Journey's end going to be uploaded?
7Other 85). Will you be writing the story for Hero Factory? 96). What do you plan to do if/when you're done writing for Lego?
10Thanks for your time.
121) How does one forget building something like that? 132) I doubt they will all be from the same place 143) They're not. The power is in him, not the weapons 154) Mid-Feb. 165) No. I am doing some writing for the line, mainly for the web site, but I am not part of the story team for it. 176) My main job is Editorial Director for LEGO Club, so that is what I spend most of time doing.
181). But is it possible they built one?
201) No. They built one prototype, it exploded, and they did not revisit the project until they built Mata Nui.
21Some new stuff here?

11) Has Tahu been demoted back to a normal toa? 21a)If so, how is he handling it? 32) In the story, should the Heat Vision Rahkshi be of the same size and appearance as the other Rahkshi? 43)Did the Great Beings foresee Teridax's takeover? 5Fly on, 6Zakitano
71) Devolved, yes 81a) See the March comic 92) Same size, yes 103) Teridax was meant to take over, just not in the hostile way he did
1Thats awesome. We get Toa that are from different regions. This could potentially add backstory to a bunch of islands.
1Hello Mr. F, I've recently discovered that Kinetics has found its way back to discussion; this led me to a few questions.
21) Have you allowed BZP to run a poll to decide if Kinetics can be an element or not? 32) Is it possible that it be classified as Legendary, as it seems that the full force of motion would be hard to control, and that it could be called "godly" in a sense, as it can completely stop everything's motion? 42a) If not, I just found a newer, better list of supposed powers for a Toa-element Kinetics: 5QUOTE 6Create kinetic energy 7+shoot a blast of knetic energy at people or objects(heavy objects/people require more kinetic energy to move) 8+apply kinetic energy to one's self
9Control Kinetic energy 10+control the kinetic energy of at a perosn/object 11+change the direction of a already moving person/object(causing an object/person to go upwards would require more kinetic enegry as a result of gravity)
12Absorb Kinetic energy 13+absorb kinetic energy from a person/object causing the person/object to freeze in place(absorbing kinetic enegry for too long would require the toa to repel it making him vulnerable)
14Unleash a Kinetic Nova Blast, which would explode outwards, pushing everything around them away with great force
15Weakness 16-the heaveir the object/person the more kinetic energy it requires causing the toa to lose a lot of his EE 17-a toa of gravity can make objects/people heavier making him a challenge to a toa of kinetics 18-aborbing too much kinetic energy would cause the toa to expel it making him vulnerable at that moment.
19While a toa of kinetics can do alot of stuff he is still limited by his EE. Most of the stuff he can do requires a lot of kinetic energy making his reserve of EE last for a few minutes in a fight.
20Thanks for your time.
221) My understanding is that is what they are doing. And I intend to look at both the results and the arguments made in topic, as the people opposed to it include some very well respected members of BZP. 232) No, I have already ruled that out. If it does not garner enough support to make it as a Toa element, making it a legendary power would be a sneaky way of getting around the vote. 242a) Then this is something I suggest you post in the poll topic when it gets made.
25Who else didn't know of a poll?
1I didn't know. And I am pleased that Greg will also read the arguments in the upcoming poll. I am not opposed to new elements, but they should not be canonised at random. We have enough elements to explore right now and don't need more if it can be avoided. Kinetics sounds interesting, though I would like to read a powers description before I say "good".
1Well, the poll topic's supposedly going up today. Put on your arguin' hats.
1I didn't know. And I am pleased that Greg will also read the arguments in the upcoming poll. I am not opposed to new elements, but they should not be canonised at random. We have enough elements to explore right now and don't need more if it can be avoided. Kinetics sounds interesting, though I would like to read a powers description before I say "good".
3By the time I'm done with it and it's posted to vote on, I'm hoping I can get logical decisions out of it

14. You said once in the Legends book #8 that the default form for the Adaptive Armor was just like the Nuva's original armor. However, later, you said it was Tahu's little red chest piece. Which is the default form?
24) Ah, but Tahu in 2010 is NOT a Nuva, so it would make no sense for him to be wearing adaptive armor in a Nuva form. He is a Mata, and this is the default form for a Mata.
3Wait... So Tahu's still wearing the AA?

1Given that, no.
1That isn't the Matoran word for it. 

1G'day Greg .5Also, my friend Dekar1221 would like to know a couple of things:
- 2When the Bohrok cleansed the island of Mata Nui, what became of the Krana abandoned in the Krana pits?
- 3Can the baterra shapeshift to look like a member of another species? 4A. If so, can they shapeshift to look like a particular being?
8Thanks in advance from both of us.
- 6What do some characters, such as Lariska and the other Toa Hagah, look like?
- 7He also noted that the mystery of the Red Star hasn't been revealed. Is that a sign of a new storyline, sometime in the future, or will that be revealed by 2011?
91) Most likely retrieved and brought back to the Bahrag 102) No. Had baterra been designed to be spies, that would have been a useful power to give them, but they weren't there to get information -- just ambush and destroy. 113) Well, we know what two of the Hagah look like, Norik and Iruini, because they were sets. As for the rest, there are no sets of them so no definitive information on what they look like. 124) Right now, the story is only scheduled to run through 2011, so if it is going to be revealed, it has to be by then.
1G'day Greg .5Also, my friend Dekar1221 would like to know a couple of things:
- 2When the Bohrok cleansed the island of Mata Nui, what became of the Krana abandoned in the Krana pits?
- 3Can the baterra shapeshift to look like a member of another species? 4A. If so, can they shapeshift to look like a particular being?
8Thanks in advance from both of us.
- 6What do some characters, such as Lariska and the other Toa Hagah, look like?
- 7He also noted that the mystery of the Red Star hasn't been revealed. Is that a sign of a new storyline, sometime in the future, or will that be revealed by 2011?
91) Most likely retrieved and brought back to the Bahrag 102) No. Had baterra been designed to be spies, that would have been a useful power to give them, but they weren't there to get information -- just ambush and destroy. 113) Well, we know what two of the Hagah look like, Norik and Iruini, because they were sets. As for the rest, there are no sets of them so no definitive information on what they look like. 124) Right now, the story is only scheduled to run through 2011, so if it is going to be revealed, it has to be by then.
13I smell a contest....
1That isn't the Matoran word for it.
2Actually, it is. Kanohi is the Matoran word for mask, Hau is shielding, Vahi is time, etc. Kanohi Ignika means Mask of Life, so Garai means gravity.
4Not in all cases. Obviously, Ba is the exception.
5And by the way, if you really want to hear it from Greg, go back 15 pages or so. Because guess what? That's old news. You're not the first to ask, and it's a bit of a waste to go through it again.
1Hello Mr. F, I've recently discovered that Kinetics has found its way back to discussion; this led me to a few questions.
21) Have you allowed BZP to run a poll to decide if Kinetics can be an element or not? 32) Is it possible that it be classified as Legendary, as it seems that the full force of motion would be hard to control, and that it could be called "godly" in a sense, as it can completely stop everything's motion? 42a) If not, I just found a newer, better list of supposed powers for a Toa-element Kinetics: 5QUOTE 6Create kinetic energy 7+shoot a blast of knetic energy at people or objects(heavy objects/people require more kinetic energy to move) 8+apply kinetic energy to one's self
9Control Kinetic energy 10+control the kinetic energy of at a perosn/object 11+change the direction of a already moving person/object(causing an object/person to go upwards would require more kinetic enegry as a result of gravity)
12Absorb Kinetic energy 13+absorb kinetic energy from a person/object causing the person/object to freeze in place(absorbing kinetic enegry for too long would require the toa to repel it making him vulnerable)
14Unleash a Kinetic Nova Blast, which would explode outwards, pushing everything around them away with great force
15Weakness 16-the heaveir the object/person the more kinetic energy it requires causing the toa to lose a lot of his EE 17-a toa of gravity can make objects/people heavier making him a challenge to a toa of kinetics 18-aborbing too much kinetic energy would cause the toa to expel it making him vulnerable at that moment.
19While a toa of kinetics can do alot of stuff he is still limited by his EE. Most of the stuff he can do requires a lot of kinetic energy making his reserve of EE last for a few minutes in a fight.
20Thanks for your time.
221) My understanding is that is what they are doing. And I intend to look at both the results and the arguments made in topic, as the people opposed to it include some very well respected members of BZP. 232) No, I have already ruled that out. If it does not garner enough support to make it as a Toa element, making it a legendary power would be a sneaky way of getting around the vote. 242a) Then this is something I suggest you post in the poll topic when it gets made.
25Hi Greg,
26I was wondering if you could look over my suggestions for the powers of a toa of kinetics. I heard that you are willing to make Kinetics an element if the powers of them are balanced.
27Create kinetic energy 28+shoot a blast of knetic energy at people or objects(heavy objects/people require more kinetic energy to move) 29+apply kinetic energy to one's self
30Control Kinetic energy 31+control the kinetic energy of at a perosn/object 32+change the direction of a already moving person/object(causing an object/person to go upwards would require more kinetic energy as a result of gravity)
33Absorb Kinetic energy 34+absorb kinetic energy from a person/object causing the person/object to freeze in place(absorbing kinetic enegry for too long would require the toa to repel it making him vulnerable)
35Unleash a Kinetic Nova Blast, which would explode outwards, pushing everything around them away with great force
36Weaknesses 37-the heavier the object/person the more kinetic energy it requires causing the toa to lose a lot of his EE 38-a toa of gravity can make objects/people heavier making him a challenge to a toa of kinetics 39-aborbing too much kinetic energy would cause the toa to expel it making him vulnerable at that moment. 40-can't apply kinetic energy or control the kinetic energy of gases, plasma, energy because the atomic structure is too far spread out for a toa to apply/control the kinetic energy to/of all of the atoms.
41While a toa of kinetics can do alot of stuff he is still limited by his EE. Most of the stuff he can do requires a lot of kinetic energy making his reserve of EE last for a few minutes in an intense fight.
42Thanks, 43Filis
44I have already gotten something similar -- the issue is that a lot of BZPers don't want kinetics as a Toa element, which is why I have not made it one.
45Pyro stole my list and asked Greg the same question. You lil' stinker.