1Let's just get back on topic. All of this is ridiculous. How does it affect the story in any way?
1Let's just get back on topic. All of this is ridiculous. How does it affect the story in any way?
2Well, it started when Greg said a Toa of Iron could control the flow of blood, which was confusing because I, and most of this topic, assumed that MU inhabitants didn't have blood.
3No, GregF meant the blood in your body.
1Let's just get back on topic. All of this is ridiculous. How does it affect the story in any way?
2Well, it started when Greg said a Toa of Iron could control the flow of lood, which was confusing because I, and most of this topic, assumed that MU inhabitants didn't have lood.
3No, GregF meant the lood in your body.
4Right, which makes this only more pointless. You aren't going to meet a Toa of Magnetism. An Agori might meet a Toa of Magnetism, but that is the realm of fan-fiction. The only thing we're doign is clogging up the OGD.
1I don't know if these were new but at least these are new for me.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
2Hey, Greg. Few questions for you:
31. How many Matoran live in the Universe? In Bara Magna there are only about 1500 Agori. There should be more Matoran in the Universe than there are Agori in BM, right? 42. Do you ever decide the answers to questions at the moment they are asked? 53. Is Makuta (Terry) kinda evil mastermind behind a chess board or a egoistic, guffawing stereotype?
6Thank you for your expencive time.
71) Yes, there are 1000 Matoran just in Metru Nui, so I would say easily 100,000 Matoran or more in the MU 82) Yup, cause a lot of what I get asked is trivia that I haven't bothered to think about 93) The former. Read BA #10: Time Trap, that's the best way to get an idea of who Makuta is.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
1I don't know if these were new but at least these are new for me.
2Hey, Greg. Few questions for you:
31. How many Matoran live in the Universe? In Bara Magna there are only about 1500 Agori. There should be more Matoran in the Universe than there are Agori in BM, right? 42. Do you ever decide the answers to questions at the moment they are asked? 53. Is Makuta (Terry) kinda evil mastermind behind a chess board or a egoistic, guffawing stereotype?
6Thank you for your expencive time.
71) Yes, there are 1000 Matoran just in Metru Nui, so I would say easily 100,000 Matoran or more in the MU 82) Yup, cause a lot of what I get asked is trivia that I haven't bothered to think about 93) The former. Read BA #10: Time Trap, that's the best way to get an idea of who Makuta is.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
11Even that number seems a bit low. There's more people who live in New York City than that.
1I don't know if these were new but at least these are new for me.
2Hey, Greg. Few questions for you:
31. How many Matoran live in the Universe? In Bara Magna there are only about 1500 Agori. There should be more Matoran in the Universe than there are Agori in BM, right? 42. Do you ever decide the answers to questions at the moment they are asked? 53. Is Makuta (Terry) kinda evil mastermind behind a chess board or a egoistic, guffawing stereotype?
6Thank you for your expencive time.
71) Yes, there are 1000 Matoran just in Metru Nui, so I would say easily 100,000 Matoran or more in the MU 82) Yup, cause a lot of what I get asked is trivia that I haven't bothered to think about 93) The former. Read BA #10: Time Trap, that's the best way to get an idea of who Makuta is.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
11Even that number seems a bit low. There's more people who live in New York City than that.
12Hrm. I assumed a 200,000,000 population for the MU, with about 55%-70% of them Matoran. Guess I was way off.
1I don't know if these were new but at least these are new for me.
2Hey, Greg. Few questions for you:
31. How many Matoran live in the Universe? In Bara Magna there are only about 1500 Agori. There should be more Matoran in the Universe than there are Agori in BM, right? 42. Do you ever decide the answers to questions at the moment they are asked? 53. Is Makuta (Terry) kinda evil mastermind behind a chess board or a egoistic, guffawing stereotype?
6Thank you for your expencive time.
71) Yes, there are 1000 Matoran just in Metru Nui, so I would say easily 100,000 Matoran or more in the MU 82) Yup, cause a lot of what I get asked is trivia that I haven't bothered to think about 93) The former. Read BA #10: Time Trap, that's the best way to get an idea of who Makuta is.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
11Even that number seems a bit low. There's more people who live in New York City than that.
12Yes, but don't forget Toa, Turaga, Skakdi, Vortixx, Zyglak, the three Stelt speices, TSO &Ancients species, Axxon's spieces, Brutaka's spieces, and hunfreds of other spieces living in the MU. 13- RC Niner
1I don't know if these were new but at least these are new for me.
2Hey, Greg. Few questions for you:
31. How many Matoran live in the Universe? In Bara Magna there are only about 1500 Agori. There should be more Matoran in the Universe than there are Agori in BM, right? 42. Do you ever decide the answers to questions at the moment they are asked? 53. Is Makuta (Terry) kinda evil mastermind behind a chess board or a egoistic, guffawing stereotype?
6Thank you for your expencive time.
71) Yes, there are 1000 Matoran just in Metru Nui, so I would say easily 100,000 Matoran or more in the MU 82) Yup, cause a lot of what I get asked is trivia that I haven't bothered to think about 93) The former. Read BA #10: Time Trap, that's the best way to get an idea of who Makuta is.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
11Even that number seems a bit low. There's more people who live in New York City than that.
12Hrm. I assumed a 200,000,000 population for the MU, with about 55%-70% of them Matoran. Guess I was way off.
13remember alot of the MU is sea and there are other sentient species
1I don't know if these were new but at least these are new for me.
2Hey, Greg. Few questions for you:
31. How many Matoran live in the Universe? In Bara Magna there are only about 1500 Agori. There should be more Matoran in the Universe than there are Agori in BM, right? 42. Do you ever decide the answers to questions at the moment they are asked? 53. Is Makuta (Terry) kinda evil mastermind behind a chess board or a egoistic, guffawing stereotype?
6Thank you for your expencive time.
71) Yes, there are 1000 Matoran just in Metru Nui, so I would say easily 100,000 Matoran or more in the MU 82) Yup, cause a lot of what I get asked is trivia that I haven't bothered to think about 93) The former. Read BA #10: Time Trap, that's the best way to get an idea of who Makuta is.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
11Even that number seems a bit low. There's more people who live in New York City than that.
12Hrm. I assumed a 200,000,000 population for the MU, with about 55%-70% of them Matoran. Guess I was way off.
13That's 100,000 Matoran. Not counting Toa, Rahi, Skakdi, Krekka-type-thingies, etc. So you're probably right.
1I don't know if these were new but at least these are new for me.
2Hey, Greg. Few questions for you:
31. How many Matoran live in the Universe? In Bara Magna there are only about 1500 Agori. There should be more Matoran in the Universe than there are Agori in BM, right? 42. Do you ever decide the answers to questions at the moment they are asked? 53. Is Makuta (Terry) kinda evil mastermind behind a chess board or a egoistic, guffawing stereotype?
6Thank you for your expencive time.
71) Yes, there are 1000 Matoran just in Metru Nui, so I would say easily 100,000 Matoran or more in the MU 82) Yup, cause a lot of what I get asked is trivia that I haven't bothered to think about 93) The former. Read BA #10: Time Trap, that's the best way to get an idea of who Makuta is.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
11Even that number seems a bit low. There's more people who live in New York City than that.
12Hrm. I assumed a 200,000,000 population for the MU, with about 55%-70% of them Matoran. Guess I was way off.
13That's 100,000 Matoran. Not counting Toa, Rahi, Skakdi, Krekka-type-thingies, etc. So you're probably right.
14No, that's at least a hundred million Matoran, not a hundred thousand. I was off.
1Why does the population matter? Does anyone have questions about the CW?
1I thought I read something mentioning billions of Matoran. Maybe it was billions of inhabitants.
1Millions probably meaning future inhabitants.
1I don't know if these were new but at least these are new for me.
2Hey, Greg. Few questions for you:
31. How many Matoran live in the Universe? In Bara Magna there are only about 1500 Agori. There should be more Matoran in the Universe than there are Agori in BM, right? 42. Do you ever decide the answers to questions at the moment they are asked? 53. Is Makuta (Terry) kinda evil mastermind behind a chess board or a egoistic, guffawing stereotype?
6Thank you for your expencive time.
71) Yes, there are 1000 Matoran just in Metru Nui, so I would say easily 100,000 Matoran or more in the MU 82) Yup, cause a lot of what I get asked is trivia that I haven't bothered to think about 93) The former. Read BA #10: Time Trap, that's the best way to get an idea of who Makuta is.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
11Even that number seems a bit low. There's more people who live in New York City than that.
12There are 200,000 people alone in Richmond, Virginia . Richmond is the 105th most populous city in the U.S. I think 100,000 for a robot practically the size of Earth is way too small.
1Wait a second... Anyone else notice this?
9Since when do we know what the Baterra look like?
2Dear Greg,
31. How are the Bohrok modeled after the Baterra? They look nothing alike.
4Thank you
51) And you know this because ...?
61. BS01 said so. So are they wrong?
81) Nope. But prototypes often look very different from later models, and that is what the baterra basically are -- they are a prototype with a completely different function and powers than Bohrok have. If you looked at prototype Toa sets, they often look quite different from the final set, which is still based on the prototype.
9Since when do we know what the Baterra look like?

1There are 200,000 people alone in Richmond, Virginia . Richmond is the 105th most populous city in the U.S. I think 100,000 for a robot practically the size of Earth is way too small.
2Ah, but in ancient times even Rome barely made it to a population of one million. You have to bear in mind that in this day an age we are technically overpopulated
1There are 200,000 people alone in Richmond, Virginia . Richmond is the 105th most populous city in the U.S. I think 100,000 for a robot practically the size of Earth is way too small.
2Ah, but in ancient times even Rome barely made it to a population of one million. You have to bear in mind that in this day an age we are technically overpopulated
3And even the one million of the single city of ancient Rome would be ten times the Matoran population of the entire MU.
1There are 200,000 people alone in Richmond, Virginia . Richmond is the 105th most populous city in the U.S. I think 100,000 for a robot practically the size of Earth is way too small.
2Ah, but in ancient times even Rome barely made it to a population of one million. You have to bear in mind that in this day an age we are technically overpopulated
3And even the one million of the single city of ancient Rome would be ten times the Matoran population of the entire MU.
4But don't forget about all the othersapient species in the MU.
1There are 200,000 people alone in Richmond, Virginia . Richmond is the 105th most populous city in the U.S. I think 100,000 for a robot practically the size of Earth is way too small.
2Ah, but in ancient times even Rome barely made it to a population of one million. You have to bear in mind that in this day an age we are technically overpopulated
3And even the one million of the single city of ancient Rome would be ten times the Matoran population of the entire MU.
4Matoran yes, but don't forget to include Vortixx, Skakdi, inhabitants of Stelt, and who knows what else. Just like Rome wouldn't just have had Romans, but Egyptians and Greeks as well to make up its million
1There are 200,000 people alone in Richmond, Virginia . Richmond is the 105th most populous city in the U.S. I think 100,000 for a robot practically the size of Earth is way too small.
2Ah, but in ancient times even Rome barely made it to a population of one million. You have to bear in mind that in this day an age we are technically overpopulated
3And even the one million of the single city of ancient Rome would be ten times the Matoran population of the entire MU.
4But don't forget about all the other sapient species in the MU.
1There are 200,000 people alone in Richmond, Virginia . Richmond is the 105th most populous city in the U.S. I think 100,000 for a robot practically the size of Earth is way too small.
2Ah, but in ancient times even Rome barely made it to a population of one million. You have to bear in mind that in this day an age we are technically overpopulated
3And even the one million of the single city of ancient Rome would be ten times the Matoran population of the entire MU.
4Matoran yes, but don;t forget to include Vortixx, Skakdi, inhabitants of Stelt, and who knows what else. Just like Rome wouldn't just have had Romans, but Egyptians and Greeks as well to make up its million
5But unlike Matoran, Skakdi, Vortixx, Steltians, etc. are mostly limited to just their homelands.
1There are 200,000 people alone in Richmond, Virginia . Richmond is the 105th most populous city in the U.S. I think 100,000 for a robot practically the size of Earth is way too small.
2Ah, but in ancient times even Rome barely made it to a population of one million. You have to bear in mind that in this day an age we are technically overpopulated
3And even the one million of the single city of ancient Rome would be ten times the Matoran population of the entire MU.
4Matoran yes, but don;t forget to include Vortixx, Skakdi, inhabitants of Stelt, and who knows what else. Just like Rome wouldn't just have had Romans, but Egyptians and Greeks as well to make up its million
5But unlike Matoran, Skakdi, Vortixx, Steltians, etc. are mostly limited to just their homelands.
6From the example we've seen they tend to get around. Besides, what effect does staying in their homeland have when you're discussing the population of the MU? They're still in the MU whatever island they're on
1There are 200,000 people alone in Richmond, Virginia . Richmond is the 105th most populous city in the U.S. I think 100,000 for a robot practically the size of Earth is way too small.
2Ah, but in ancient times even Rome barely made it to a population of one million. You have to bear in mind that in this day an age we are technically overpopulated
3And even the one million of the single city of ancient Rome would be ten times the Matoran population of the entire MU.
4Matoran yes, but don;t forget to include Vortixx, Skakdi, inhabitants of Stelt, and who knows what else. Just like Rome wouldn't just have had Romans, but Egyptians and Greeks as well to make up its million
5But unlike Matoran, Skakdi, Vortixx, Steltians, etc. are mostly limited to just their homelands.
6From the example we've seen they tend to get around. Besides, what effect does staying in their homeland have when you're discussing the population of the MU? They're still in the MU whatever island they're on
7Yes, but a population that isn't bound to a single island or region tends to have a much larger population.
1Well the Skakdi must have a fairly large population or they would have wiped themselves out by now. There were, what, 500 of them in that anti-Teridax group? And that's not counting the ones who went off with Nektann or are doing other things
1MUans have no blood. Agori and Glatorian might.
2Yes, but again the point is moot because Greg may not detail it. I'm quite sure he's not even allowed to slip the word in...
3He's not. He's writing for little kids with the books and comics. The serials though ARE aimed at us so....he might be able to say blood. He probably won't though. 4~G.L.
5Bionicle is aimed at those whose ages are 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16.The main toys are probably aimed at around about at those who are 6,7,8 and then if they retain their like for Bionicle they might find a Bionicle book and read it but Bionicle books are books that grade3's would start reading and then if they come across Bioniclestory.com they might read it.So I suppose Greg could mention blood but alot of young Bionicle fans only care for toys and alot probably think all Bionicles are pure robots so mentioning blood would cofuse them alot.And some parents would not like blood bieng mentioned.And remember some people thought those red markings on Pridak were blood and didn't like the set.Plus the people in the MU are mostly machanic and have organic parts like lungs but only machanicle parts can have hart lights and also how would kharzini be able to repair theme if they lost blood before the got there? 6Bara Magna residents most likely do but why mention it without a battle and then everything is focused on the main character and we don't want him to die.So to cut it short ,Bionicle bieng a KIDS line just like all other Lego toy line would not mention blood.

1We know matoran don't reproduce and after thousands of years many would have died.....I think this explains the lack of matoran.
1Hi, Greg, it´s me Lesovikk530 again (the guy whose english needs improving).I have some questions regarding elements...
21)We know the primary color of Plasma is orange. But is it Keetonguorange or Sahmad-orange (Or none of these)? I ask since theirs almost no Sahmad-orange... 32)If Purple becomes the primary color for Gravity (black is the second favorite), would you canonize it? I mean, there are almost no purple parts, which would be very bad for MOCers...
4Questions not regarding elements: 53)Do you know the TV series "The Sarah Connor Chronicles"? I ask because theres two scenes with a guy playing with some BIONICLE Sets and even explainig a bit of the story (he even knew Solek was Takuas best friend biggrin.gif)? 64)How are you? 75)Any plans for new chapters of Sahmad´s Tale/RoS? 86)Are you involved in the making of the Mata Nui Saga? Do you know when it´s going to end?
9Hope I didn´t bother you with these questions. Have a great day.
101) Not something I have worried about. We haven't had a Toa of Plasma appear in story, and until we do, what shade of orange he is isn't way up on my list of things to do. 112) Well, if it does win the poll, I have to assume the people voting for it know that there aren't that many purple parts. The issue you raise is one that has crossed my mind too, but other than you and me, no one else seems to be worried about it. 123) Nope 134) Tired and very busy this week, getting ready for another business trip to Europe 145) Course, just a matter of finding the time to write them 156) No, Binkmeister worked on that, I just proofed it for him.
161)I hope it´s Keetonguorange. Looks great with white. 172)Yeah, we are propably the only one worried about it. 183)Isn´t that improtant anyway. 195)Great.
1Yes, a very long time ago.
1I don't know if these were new but at least these are new for me.
2Hey, Greg. Few questions for you:
31. How many Matoran live in the Universe? In Bara Magna there are only about 1500 Agori. There should be more Matoran in the Universe than there are Agori in BM, right? 42. Do you ever decide the answers to questions at the moment they are asked? 53. Is Makuta (Terry) kinda evil mastermind behind a chess board or a egoistic, guffawing stereotype?
6Thank you for your expencive time.
71) Yes, there are 1000 Matoran just in Metru Nui, so I would say easily 100,000 Matoran or more in the MU 82) Yup, cause a lot of what I get asked is trivia that I haven't bothered to think about 93) The former. Read BA #10: Time Trap, that's the best way to get an idea of who Makuta is.
10Haven't read Time Trap... bad for me. Quite many Matoran in there.
11I ment there are quite many Matoran compared to Agori population.
11. Considering you gave a new Great Being, Heremus, does this mean you have approved names now? 22. What are the chances we'll be hearing of new members of the Iron Tribe in Sahmad's Tale? 33. How was The Toa in Stasis on Odina's stasis tube not broken during the earthquake? 44. Would you consider Tuyet a good character now? 55. Do Toa of Magnetism absorb their element or are they like Toa of Gravity or Psionics and can't? 66. Did the Sand Tribe participate in the Core War because BS01 says only 5 tribes went to war. 77. How did the GB's get 5 Glatorian and a Skrall to agree to become Elemental Lords? 88. Are the GBs all dead or are they just in hiding? 99. Did Angonce truely stay behind on Bara Magna or was that a false rumor? 1010. Did Jaller Inika plainly put one of his swords away after he got a Zamor launcher?
111) No, that was from the old list. Remember, that book was written early last year. 122) Unless I get an approved name list in the next month or so, pretty low. 133) Which quake are you referring to? 144) Nope. If Dr. Doom fights Magneto because he wants to rule the world instead of Magneto, that doesn't make Dr. Doom a good guy. 155) I think they can absorb it, though I am not sure where from. 166) I will double-check, but I don't think we ever said they weren't involved. I would want to check the AMEET book, though, because if we said Sand wasn't involved, then it would be there. 177) Well, if someone came up to you said, "Hey, RC, we're going to make you super-powered and put you in charge of your entire tribe," what would you say? 188) I can't discuss this 199) Who knows? 2010) More likely, he simply carried it with him in some way.
213. The one Pohatu Nuva created.
223) What Pohatu did was reduce the stones of the fortress to dust. So what the stasis tube got was a rain of dust down on top of it, which would not break the tube.
231. Oh, dissapointing. 242. Well, here's to hoping TLC is quick. 253. Oh, I thought he caused an earthquake. That explains alot. 264. Oh, dissapointing. 275. Hmm. 286. I'm not shure how to comment on this, so. 297. Never though about that. 308. Argh. 319. I would presume he would. 3210. O.o how does he carry two swords and a gun? 33- RC Niner
1Thanks for the answers, Greg. Had a few follow-up questions in light of the new chapter being released.
21) The coin found by Berix is described to be forged from a metal mined to the north. Is this Exsidian from the White Quartz Mountains, or the Iron of the Iron Tribe in Bota Magna? 32) The main chamber Mata Nui descends into is an antechamber of the Great Volcano, yes?
4Also: 53) The Three Virtues symbol doubles a visual representation of the Shattering, yes? Seems like common knowledge by now, but for some reason, everyone to hesistant to state that. 64) Because chambers of the six different main Bara Magna elements exist in the Underground Lab of the GBs, could you canonize this as the site of the Element Lords' creation? Or will that be explained in Legends of Bara Magna? 75) We have never seen Dune Snakes represented visually, to my knowledge. Because Vastus' symbol is a snake, and they featured prominently on his helmet and shoulder armor, could these be considered modeled after the appearance of the Dune Snake?
8Thanks for your time.
9Triggy 10BS01 Staff
111) Would make more sense for it to be the WQ's, since it relates to something in northern Bara Magna 122) Yes 133) It's basically a map that shows the three pieces, yes 144) Legends of Bara Magna? Not sure what that refers to. Yes, it would make sense for that to be where they were created. 155) Yes
161) So to confirm, it's an Exsidian coin? 174) Sorry, I wasn't clear. I was wondering if the Element Lords' creation was going to be covered in the eighth Graphic Novel, the one detailing the Malum vs. Strakk arena match, Skrall fighting baterra and Core War stories. If so, I wouldn't want you to canonize my suggestion, if it has already been detailed in a different way somewhere else.
181) Yup 194) Their creation is never actually shown -- they are, but not how they were created, so it doesn't conflict with anything I don't believe.
20Of note: I linked Greg to specific images for #5, so he was making a more informed decision.
11. Considering you gave a new Great Being, Heremus, does this mean you have approved names now? 22. What are the chances we'll be hearing of new members of the Iron Tribe in Sahmad's Tale? 33. How was The Toa in Stasis on Odina's stasis tube not broken during the earthquake? 44. Would you consider Tuyet a good character now? 55. Do Toa of Magnetism absorb their element or are they like Toa of Gravity or Psionics and can't? 66. Did the Sand Tribe participate in the Core War because BS01 says only 5 tribes went to war. 77. How did the GB's get 5 Glatorian and a Skrall to agree to become Elemental Lords? 88. Are the GBs all dead or are they just in hiding? 99. Did Angonce truely stay behind on Bara Magna or was that a false rumor? 1010. Did Jaller Inika plainly put one of his swords away after he got a Zamor launcher?
111) No, that was from the old list. Remember, that book was written early last year. 122) Unless I get an approved name list in the next month or so, pretty low. 133) Which quake are you referring to? 144) Nope. If Dr. Doom fights Magneto because he wants to rule the world instead of Magneto, that doesn't make Dr. Doom a good guy. 155) I think they can absorb it, though I am not sure where from. 166) I will double-check, but I don't think we ever said they weren't involved. I would want to check the AMEET book, though, because if we said Sand wasn't involved, then it would be there. 177) Well, if someone came up to you said, "Hey, RC, we're going to make you super-powered and put you in charge of your entire tribe," what would you say? 188) I can't discuss this 199) Who knows? 2010) More likely, he simply carried it with him in some way.
213. The one Pohatu Nuva created.
223) What Pohatu did was reduce the stones of the fortress to dust. So what the stasis tube got was a rain of dust down on top of it, which would not break the tube.
231. Oh, dissapointing. 242. Well, here's to hoping TLC is quick. 253. Oh, I thought he caused an earthquake. That explains alot. 264. Oh, dissapointing. 275. Hmm. 286. I'm not shure how to comment on this, so. 297. Never though about that. 308. Argh. 319. I would presume he would. 3210. O.o how does he carry two swords and a gun? 33- RC Niner

1Easy. Just carry two at once, and holster/sheathe the third weapon.
11. Considering you gave a new Great Being, Heremus, does this mean you have approved names now? 22. What are the chances we'll be hearing of new members of the Iron Tribe in Sahmad's Tale? 33. How was The Toa in Stasis on Odina's stasis tube not broken during the earthquake? 44. Would you consider Tuyet a good character now? 55. Do Toa of Magnetism absorb their element or are they like Toa of Gravity or Psionics and can't? 66. Did the Sand Tribe participate in the Core War because BS01 says only 5 tribes went to war. 77. How did the GB's get 5 Glatorian and a Skrall to agree to become Elemental Lords? 88. Are the GBs all dead or are they just in hiding? 99. Did Angonce truely stay behind on Bara Magna or was that a false rumor? 1010. Did Jaller Inika plainly put one of his swords away after he got a Zamor launcher?
111) No, that was from the old list. Remember, that book was written early last year. 122) Unless I get an approved name list in the next month or so, pretty low. 133) Which quake are you referring to? 144) Nope. If Dr. Doom fights Magneto because he wants to rule the world instead of Magneto, that doesn't make Dr. Doom a good guy. 155) I think they can absorb it, though I am not sure where from. 166) I will double-check, but I don't think we ever said they weren't involved. I would want to check the AMEET book, though, because if we said Sand wasn't involved, then it would be there. 177) Well, if someone came up to you said, "Hey, RC, we're going to make you super-powered and put you in charge of your entire tribe," what would you say? 188) I can't discuss this 199) Who knows? 2010) More likely, he simply carried it with him in some way.
213. The one Pohatu Nuva created.
223) What Pohatu did was reduce the stones of the fortress to dust. So what the stasis tube got was a rain of dust down on top of it, which would not break the tube.
231. Oh, dissapointing. 242. Well, here's to hoping TLC is quick. 253. Oh, I thought he caused an earthquake. That explains alot. 264. Oh, dissapointing. 275. Hmm. 286. I'm not shure how to comment on this, so. 297. Never though about that. 308. Argh. 319. I would presume he would. 3210. O.o how does he carry two swords and a gun? 33- RC Niner
34*CoughcoughNuparuInikacoughcough*35And wasn't Sand devolved when the Core War was happening?
36Nuparu had a shoulder-mounted one. Jaller held his in his hand. Or did he?