1$10,000??? That's ridiculous . 2That explains so much, except for one thing: How come he didn't think of that back on Voya Nui?
3It would be too much of of a risk as he might kill him. 4Now much is at stake so he may be a bit more liberal with the toa code
5Now that I think about it more, it could be that they didnt want to use their full powers. I think if they can take on a full crew of Makuta powerhouses and live, they can most likely dominate the Piraka if they went all out.
6That makes sense. Because I noticed somewhere on BS01 that it said that the Toa Inika were more lax in obeying the Toa Code and were okay with threatening and harming beings like the Piraka to get their mission accomplished. In stuff like MoL, the Nuva pretty much just used Elemental Powers and didn't really use their weapons. Plus, Tahu realized that it would be stupid to listen to Nektann and just fight without powers. I never heard him doing that on Voya Nui.
7If I remember correctly, Zaktan challenged Tahu to a swordfight without using his Hau Nuva. Tahu accepted the challenge and got defeated. I can't remember how exactly Zaktan was able to win though. Besides, it always seemed weird to me that the most powerful Toa team ever (one that fought and defeated many tough enemies) would get defeated by a bunch of thugs. Perhaps the Piraka were drastically different from what they were used to?
1If I remember correctly, Zaktan challenged Tahu to a swordfight without using his Hau Nuva. Tahu accepted the challenge and got defeated. I can't remember how exactly Zaktan was able to win though. Besides, it always seemed weird to me that the most powerful Toa team ever (one that fought and defeated many tough enemies) would get defeated by a bunch of thugs. Perhaps the Piraka were drastically different from what they were used to?
2I think the reason Nektann was defeated by Tahu in the comics was because Greg didn't assign any special powers to him, rendering him powerless, as he didn't have vision powers and third powers, and he couldn't use his Water element. The Piraka all had rather powerful third powers and/or vision powers, for example, if Zaktan wasn't made of Protodites, he would have been chopped to pieces by Tahu in that swordfight. Same goes with Hakann's mental blasts, Vezok's power absorption etc.
1*sigh* I will reply to give you an answer, but afterwards, please stop this discussion... ![]()
2He can't do that, since he is employee of The LEGO Group and all BIONICLE names have to be copyrighted and trademarked by them, which costs 10.000 $, as the others pointed out.
3Regarding your point about 'I'm fine with fans calling it that' - he is fine if fans call them whatever they like, but only in fan fiction - no canon source (web serials, books, comics) will ever mention these names. And they won't be mentioned on any canon wiki (e.g. BS01).
4Now please move on and start posting Greg quotes again - these off-topic debates are annoying to say the least.
5Did anyone miss this? Please people, lets keep this thread clean of all of the off-topic discussion. There's really no more need in it. Lets not let all of this turn into something that gets this thread locked for a while. Then we'll all be unhappy.
1Takhamavahu, stop being a troll.
2Whatever you may think makes sense does not matter. What matters is the hardcore facts, and that is that it costs money to do this. And we're not talking about US copyright either. We're talking about a global scale. It sure as heck is going to cost more than just three hundred dollars, Ciano.
3You all will stop this conversation right now. Those pushing it are just being ignorant and stubborn, and I am not going to sit idly by and watch this foolishness. It is not a lie.
2Whatever you may think makes sense does not matter. What matters is the hardcore facts, and that is that it costs money to do this. And we're not talking about US copyright either. We're talking about a global scale. It sure as heck is going to cost more than just three hundred dollars, Ciano.
3You all will stop this conversation right now. Those pushing it are just being ignorant and stubborn, and I am not going to sit idly by and watch this foolishness. It is not a lie.
1$10,000??? That's ridiculous . 2That explains so much, except for one thing: How come he didn't think of that back on Voya Nui?
3It would be too much of of a risk as he might kill him. 4Now much is at stake so he may be a bit more liberal with the toa code
5Now that I think about it more, it could be that they didnt want to use their full powers. I think if they can take on a full crew of Makuta powerhouses and live, they can most likely dominate the Piraka if they went all out.
6That makes sense. Because I noticed somewhere on BS01 that it said that the Toa Inika were more lax in obeying the Toa Code and were okay with threatening and harming beings like the Piraka to get their mission accomplished. In stuff like MoL, the Nuva pretty much just used Elemental Powers and didn't really use their weapons. Plus, Tahu realized that it would be stupid to listen to Nektann and just fight without powers. I never heard him doing that on Voya Nui.
7If I remember correctly, Zaktan challenged Tahu to a swordfight without using his Hau Nuva. Tahu accepted the challenge and got defeated. I can't remember how exactly Zaktan was able to win though. Besides, it always seemed weird to me that the most powerful Toa team ever (one that fought and defeated many tough enemies) would get defeated by a bunch of thugs. Perhaps the Piraka were drastically different from what they were used to?
8First off, I don't think it is completely right to say that the Piraka were "thugs". That kind of implies that they are ignorant and useless. The Piraka come from a very dangerous society and have lived for decades in a society of killers, plus they are quite powerful. I think it's reasonable to say that they lost to the Piraka maybe because they underestimated them or, simply, because that was better for the storyline and has no real good explanation. After all, the six new Toa Inika were able to defeat the Piraka . 9And the thing about how the six Toa Nuva could hang with lots of Makuta is just inconsistent storyline. Remember that in 2007 all six toa nuva were easily defeated by Makuta Icarax. In 2008, any single one of the Makuta should have easily been able to use his teleportation, gravity, and laser vision to decimate all the toa nuva. Of course, the canister Makuta all had handicaps (blinded or powerless like the Mistikuta), which was very disappointing, I thought.
1...And what is your point, JokerDomination? That you think it would have been bbetter for the Makuta to have been a full power during the 2008 story?
1$10,000??? That's ridiculous . 2That explains so much, except for one thing: How come he didn't think of that back on Voya Nui?
3It would be too much of of a risk as he might kill him. 4Now much is at stake so he may be a bit more liberal with the toa code
5Now that I think about it more, it could be that they didnt want to use their full powers. I think if they can take on a full crew of Makuta powerhouses and live, they can most likely dominate the Piraka if they went all out.
6That makes sense. Because I noticed somewhere on BS01 that it said that the Toa Inika were more lax in obeying the Toa Code and were okay with threatening and harming beings like the Piraka to get their mission accomplished. In stuff like MoL, the Nuva pretty much just used Elemental Powers and didn't really use their weapons. Plus, Tahu realized that it would be stupid to listen to Nektann and just fight without powers. I never heard him doing that on Voya Nui.
7If I remember correctly, Zaktan challenged Tahu to a swordfight without using his Hau Nuva. Tahu accepted the challenge and got defeated. I can't remember how exactly Zaktan was able to win though. Besides, it always seemed weird to me that the most powerful Toa team ever (one that fought and defeated many tough enemies) would get defeated by a bunch of thugs. Perhaps the Piraka were drastically different from what they were used to?
8First off, I don't think it is completely right to say that the Piraka were "thugs". That kind of implies that they are ignorant and useless. The Piraka come from a very dangerous society and have lived for decades in a society of killers, plus they are quite powerful. I think it's reasonable to say that they lost to the Piraka maybe because they underestimated them or, simply, because that was better for the storyline and has no real good explanation. After all, the six new Toa Inika were able to defeat the Piraka . 9And the thing about how the six Toa Nuva could hang with lots of Makuta is just inconsistent storyline. Remember that in 2007 all six toa nuva were easily defeated by Makuta Icarax. In 2008, any single one of the Makuta should have easily been able to use his teleportation, gravity, and laser vision to decimate all the toa nuva. Of course, the canister Makuta all had handicaps (blinded or powerless like the Mistikuta), which was very disappointing, I thought.
10They've faced and ESCAPED Makuta Icarax last time, plus this time they got adaptive weapons, armor, Takanuva with Power Lance, and the Ignika on their side. I don't see how the Toa Nuva would be guaranteed to lose in this case.
11And I guess the Toa Nuva could have beaten the Piraka if they took them seriously... I mean, Onua alone could have made them disappear into the ground, and Kopaka could have trapped them in ice before they had a chance to escape the pit.
1And the thing about how the six Toa Nuva could hang with lots of Makuta is just inconsistent storyline. Remember that in 2007 all six toa nuva were easily defeated by Makuta Icarax. In 2008, any single one of the Makuta should have easily been able to use his teleportation, gravity, and laser vision to decimate all the toa nuva. Of course, the canister Makuta all had handicaps (blinded or powerless like the Mistikuta), which was very disappointing, I thought.
2...And what is your point, JokerDomination? That you think it would have been bbetter for the Makuta to have been a full power during the 2008 story?
3Well, keep in mind that as part of the plan, the Makuta had to let the Nuva win, which is why they exercised more restraint than usual. If not for that little detail, the nuva would have been wiped out in the first paragraph of "BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky." Most of the makuta were handicapped in one way or another too, as J.D. pointed out, and there was also some infighting with the makuta (I'm looking at you, Icarax). As for the piraka tottally schooling the Toa Nuva, we must remember that the piraka were actually afraid of being defeated, and with good reason. And makuta said so himself in his guide that he was surprised at the piraka's sucsess. I think the key reason for the Nuva's defeat was one, that they underestimated their opponents, and:
Tahu Nuva 4"I know we haven't had a real fight since the rahkshi, but this is ridiculous ."
5But to be honest, I really don't thinks its that big of a deal. I mean, the Nuva and Makuta had dozens of victories to their name. Just because they screw up once dosen't mean their complete loosers. (But then again, Tuma's example seems to contradict that...) My point is, nobody is perfect, so lighten up.
6Sincerely, X-Ray.
1I have some questions to ask you.
21)Will the unknown MU islands be revealed? 32)Since old Av-Matoran turn into Bohrok bodies, can Takanuva turn into a Bohrok? 43)Is that hand/claw thing on Toa Mata:Tahu, Pohatu, and Lewa, a weapon or a hand? 54)Did all of the Shadow Matoran in Karda-Nui turn back into Av? 65)When Teridax was hit in the head by Spherus Magna debris, did it damage Metru-Nui? 76)Does MU have gravity inside since the islands are vertical? 87)If energized protdermis changes things, why didn't it transformveything around it?
91) I have no plans for that, since the MU is going to be evacuated. 102) No. Only Matoran can become Bohrok. Toa cannot. 113) Sorry, I don't know what you're referring to. Those sets were from nine years ago and I really don't remember them. 124) Yes 135) Yes 146) Artificial gravity and stabilizers 157) Because the EP pools are surrounded by a substance that is immune to their effect, much like the artificial EP the Toa Metru found in 2004 story was inside a test tube made of a metal that was immune to EP's effects.
16Interesting huh?

21)Will the unknown MU islands be revealed? 32)Since old Av-Matoran turn into Bohrok bodies, can Takanuva turn into a Bohrok? 43)Is that hand/claw thing on Toa Mata:Tahu, Pohatu, and Lewa, a weapon or a hand? 54)Did all of the Shadow Matoran in Karda-Nui turn back into Av? 65)When Teridax was hit in the head by Spherus Magna debris, did it damage Metru-Nui? 76)Does MU have gravity inside since the islands are vertical? 87)If energized protdermis changes things, why didn't it transformveything around it?
91) I have no plans for that, since the MU is going to be evacuated. 102) No. Only Matoran can become Bohrok. Toa cannot. 113) Sorry, I don't know what you're referring to. Those sets were from nine years ago and I really don't remember them. 124) Yes 135) Yes 146) Artificial gravity and stabilizers 157) Because the EP pools are surrounded by a substance that is immune to their effect, much like the artificial EP the Toa Metru found in 2004 story was inside a test tube made of a metal that was immune to EP's effects.
16Interesting huh?
1I thought it had always been about destiny and that was why the Toa Nuva lost the Piraka fight? At the end of Inferno the Toa Nuva make that reference to the Inika. It was their destiny to find the MoL and that's why the Inika held their own against them. You can check it out at book five.
1They did say that, but I never really considered that a reason.
1QUOTE 2Hello Gregf. Great job on the new ROS.
31: Vezon seemed rather calm in the most recent ROS story, so my question is: Did the great being teach him to be sane?
42: Does goldy (the golden epic monster) walk on four legs or two?
53: Was Miserix (as his painting form) killed when the MU died?
6Thankyou in advance sir.
71) Nope - how do you teach someone to be sane? 82) Two 93) Um, no ... he isn't in his painting form anymore, and hasn't been for a few chapters of ROS. Tren Krom erased that illusion.
10*face palm* on the last one.
31: Vezon seemed rather calm in the most recent ROS story, so my question is: Did the great being teach him to be sane?
42: Does goldy (the golden epic monster) walk on four legs or two?
53: Was Miserix (as his painting form) killed when the MU died?
6Thankyou in advance sir.

71) Nope - how do you teach someone to be sane? 82) Two 93) Um, no ... he isn't in his painting form anymore, and hasn't been for a few chapters of ROS. Tren Krom erased that illusion.
10*face palm* on the last one.
1I lost whatever came before this. It was long.
301. This makes me happy. 314. This frusterates me to no end.
2I have no plans right now to do flashback stories, but I can answer a few of your questions:
31) Tahu found out Teridax's Rahkshi were moving south, and he and the Nuva simply follow them. 42) Axonn made it back so quickly because Brutaka has the power to teleport, thanks to his exposure to antidermis 53) The shadow Takanuva are fighting alternate Teridax
6I suppose the rest are questions you can't answer, yes? Taka's armour, new serial debut etc?
71. All of the Toa Nuva followed them? Will we hear what they've been up to in serial updates to come or why they didn't make it out of the hatch? They were all in different places, last i know of.
82. Why didn't Brutaka take Keetongu with them?
93. Right. I should have remembered that. So we will hear more abou them then?
104. What's the deal with the Rakshi? I know set wise, that's just what the designers could/wanted to do, but is there a story reason why they're different? 11Do different kinds of Rakshi just have different kinds of armour than others? (Though we saw a heat vision Rakshi in a comic in 2004 which was a yellow version of the 2003 model) 12Or did Teridax alter them or make them differently than other Rakshi? 13Or maybe it depends what stage the Kraata was in when it was transformed. I like that theory best. 14Any idea?
15Thanks continuously, 16Takhamavahu
171) I doubt it. I am planning to wrap up ROS in one more chapter. I leave some things open for fan fiction writers. 182) Keetongu has his own crusade, and didn't want to be part of theirs. 193) Yup 204) Which Rahkshi are you referring to? The 2010 one?
211) Will there be another serial to pick up where it left off? or will it end at the beginning of "All that Glitters"? Are we going to hear anything more about the toa nuva? 222) Are we going to hear what this is or will it be left to our imaginations? 233)244)The 2010 one yes. I know why the set designers had to make it different from the other Rahkshi we've seen, but is there a story reason and is it because the kraata were at another stage when Teridax had them trasformed into Rahkshi?
25Thanks, 26Takhamavahu
271) The Nuva will be living on Spherus Magna and having adventures there, so yes, they will appear again. 282) At this point, it's irrelevant, since the reason for his crusade was Teridax ruling the universe, and he no longer does. 294) No, there is no story reason, anymore than we admit the change in model size into story.
301. This makes me happy. 314. This frusterates me to no end.
1Hi Greg, 2I was reading over some old serials and just had a few questions.
31) In Takanuva's Blog, he mentions that he sent word to Nuparu about the teleportation device on Destral. Will we ever find out about what happened to it? And what Nuparu has been doing? 41) Yes. Their efforts to use the device failed.
52) When the Toa Hagah were under the Coliseum they found an old enscription that Bomonga thought might be a record of something, but he could only read 'Bara Magna'. What might this enscription have said, or been about? 62) It refers to Mata Nui's mission.
7I think both of these are new info, so enjoy
31) In Takanuva's Blog, he mentions that he sent word to Nuparu about the teleportation device on Destral. Will we ever find out about what happened to it? And what Nuparu has been doing? 41) Yes. Their efforts to use the device failed.
52) When the Toa Hagah were under the Coliseum they found an old enscription that Bomonga thought might be a record of something, but he could only read 'Bara Magna'. What might this enscription have said, or been about? 62) It refers to Mata Nui's mission.
7I think both of these are new info, so enjoy

1Hi Greg, 2it's been a while, but I hope you can find some time to answer my questions![]()
31) Now that the giant robot body, aka the Matoran Universe, is 'broken' or 'destroyed', what will happen with the Bohrok and Bahrag?
42) You mentioned somewhere that eventhough Tahu has been depowered by the Ignika, he will have new powers by the end of Journey's End. Is this true? 52a) if it is, could you give a small hint to what kind of power/powers it is/are? (I understand if you can't)
6Thanks for your time,
81) Bahrag can leave. Bohrok are asleep and so can survive inside the MU still, so they will likely remain asleep. 92) Yup 102a) Nope
11Nothing really new, just some things I was wondering...
1Hey I have these questions:
21) Will other planetary bodies be visited in future story serials?
32) The Bota Magna that Vezon took Lewa to, is that in an alternate universe or in the main universe?
43) Is Tahu stronger than the Toa Nuva with the Golden Armor?
54) Is the next story serial going to start before or after Reign of Shadows finishes this month.
61) Right now, I have no plans for that. I have a whole world to explore. 72) Main universe 83) I wouldn't say so, no, because the golden armor is wired to work on solid antidermis. 94) After. Since we have JE going on too, through April, I don't think there is a rush to add another new serial before ROS finishes.
10This explains a lot.
1It's in a earlier quote somewhere here.
1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. We know that you plan to name the Toa characters in the new Toa Team serial. Do you also plan to name the Toa Team, once you get the new list of names, of course? 32. Did this Toa Team at least exist prior to the end events of Journey's End or are they a result of the aftermath? 43. If the latter, did they come from other Toa Teams? 55. Assuming that there are three different stories in Graphic Novel 10, what would each have been about? I recall one of the stories would have been about Mata Nui's journey to the Valley of the Maze to unintentionally obtain the Power Source. What would the other two stories have been about? 66. Was Toa Helryx created before the first Matoran, Takua? 77. Do you plan to name that Great Being in chains on Bota Magna, when you get the new list of names? 88. Do you plan on naming the Legendary Mask of Creation still, when you get the new list of names? 99. Is it a safe assumption that you will not use any of the new names from the new list of names for an island or two in the Matoran Universe now that the MU is destroyed? 10Thanks.
111) Most likely -- that would probably not need to wait for the name list 122) Aftermath 133) Yup, and Toa working on their own 145) GN 10 was all one story, not three separate ones. 156) I believe it was stated that the Matoran were created first. 167) If it becomes relevant to do so, which it probably will, yes 178) Depends on if I have a name that works for that. 189) Not unless I wind up with a LOT of names. Remember, this list has to do me through the end of 2011.
19I am slowly getting answers about the new Toa Team serial. 20I found the first three answers interesting, though.
1It'll be interesting seeing the team coming together. Do we know how many will be in it?
1Earliest answer: 6. Latest answer: Haven't decided yet.
1Wait, when discussing GN 10 you guys are saying "were" and "was". Does that mean GN 10 won't come out now?
1I beleive they were referring to it being already written.
1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. We know that you plan to name the Toa characters in the new Toa Team serial. Do you also plan to name the Toa Team, once you get the new list of names, of course? 32. Did this Toa Team at least exist prior to the end events of Journey's End or are they a result of the aftermath? 43. If the latter, did they come from other Toa Teams? 55. Assuming that there are three different stories in Graphic Novel 10, what would each have been about? I recall one of the stories would have been about Mata Nui's journey to the Valley of the Maze to unintentionally obtain the Power Source. What would the other two stories have been about? 66. Was Toa Helryx created before the first Matoran, Takua? 77. Do you plan to name that Great Being in chains on Bota Magna, when you get the new list of names? 88. Do you plan on naming the Legendary Mask of Creation still, when you get the new list of names? 99. Is it a safe assumption that you will not use any of the new names from the new list of names for an island or two in the Matoran Universe now that the MU is destroyed? 10Thanks.
111) Most likely -- that would probably not need to wait for the name list 122) Aftermath 133) Yup, and Toa working on their own 145) GN 10 was all one story, not three separate ones. 156) I believe it was stated that the Matoran were created first. 167) If it becomes relevant to do so, which it probably will, yes 178) Depends on if I have a name that works for that. 189) Not unless I wind up with a LOT of names. Remember, this list has to do me through the end of 2011.
19I am slowly getting answers about the new Toa Team serial. 20I found the first three answers interesting, though.
21Wait, did he just say GN 10 was one story? Does that mean the graphic novels didn't sell that well?
1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. We know that you plan to name the Toa characters in the new Toa Team serial. Do you also plan to name the Toa Team, once you get the new list of names, of course? 32. Did this Toa Team at least exist prior to the end events of Journey's End or are they a result of the aftermath? 43. If the latter, did they come from other Toa Teams? 55. Assuming that there are three different stories in Graphic Novel 10, what would each have been about? I recall one of the stories would have been about Mata Nui's journey to the Valley of the Maze to unintentionally obtain the Power Source. What would the other two stories have been about? 66. Was Toa Helryx created before the first Matoran, Takua? 77. Do you plan to name that Great Being in chains on Bota Magna, when you get the new list of names? 88. Do you plan on naming the Legendary Mask of Creation still, when you get the new list of names? 99. Is it a safe assumption that you will not use any of the new names from the new list of names for an island or two in the Matoran Universe now that the MU is destroyed? 10Thanks.
111) Most likely -- that would probably not need to wait for the name list 122) Aftermath 133) Yup, and Toa working on their own 145) GN 10 was all one story, not three separate ones. 156) I believe it was stated that the Matoran were created first. 167) If it becomes relevant to do so, which it probably will, yes 178) Depends on if I have a name that works for that. 189) Not unless I wind up with a LOT of names. Remember, this list has to do me through the end of 2011.
19I am slowly getting answers about the new Toa Team serial. 20I found the first three answers interesting, though.
21Wait, did he just say GN 10 was one story? Does that mean the graphic novels didn't sell that well?
228 &9 haven't been PUBLISHED yet, and I would imagine that they would base most of their sales things off of those, as like 10, they contain original stories.
1I wonder if Takanuva or Krakua will be part of this new team. Perhaps the Island Fortress that Krakua is supposed to defend will factor into the serial. I also wonder whether the team will be comprised of none of the cardinal elements, or one or two of the main six, and the rest are other elements. If the later is correct, maybe Lesovikk will show up. Guess I'll have to wait.
2Sincerely, X-Ray.

2Sincerely, X-Ray.
1He did say that the island fortress dealt with future story...
1Wait, when discussing GN 10 you guys are saying "were" and "was". Does that mean GN 10 won't come out now?
2I beleive they were referring to it being already written.
3I hope so. I'd be awful sore to hear that it had been canceled. Remember the book about the bohro that was cancelled? Greghad to get the main point of it across in one scene of Swamp of Secrets.
1What book about the Bohrok?
1there was going to be a Legends book in 2008 about the origins of the bohrok, but it was cancelled because book sales were weakenig.
11. How is Protodermis related to Energized Protodermis? 22. Do you need Energized Protodermis as an ingredient to make Protodermis? 33. Do you need Energized Protodermis in the process of creating Protodermis? 44. What was named first by the Great Beings, Protodermis or Energized Protodermis? 55. Since Tahu was depowered by the Kanohi Ignika, what happened to his Nuva Symbol? 66. Every Toa Team has a name, like Toa Mata or Toa Metru. We know that Toa Mata, Toa Metru, Toa Hordika, Toa Mangai, and Toa Hagah mean Spirit Toa, City Toa, Half-Beast Toa, Protector Toa, and Guardian Toa, respectively. So what does Toa Mahri, Toa Nuva, and Toa Inika mean, respectively?. 77. If the Bahrag were to make more Bohrok-Kal, can they create Bohrok-Kal with powers other than the 6 we saw from 2003? Like Sand? Or will it always turn up as Vacuum, Magnetism, Lightning, Gravity, Sonics, and Plasma?
81) We don't know that it is, simply that the GBs named the substance energized protodermis. It is possible they detected some similar properties to liquid protodermis. 92) No. 103) No 114) Protodermis 125) Nothing happened to it, he simply doesn't need it now. 136) Well, my feeling is that Mahri would refer to water or ocean, nuva means new, and Inika is probably related to energy in some way. 147) My guess is other powers would be a possibility
15I'm pretty sure that in one of the books it said that Inika means 'energy from a star' or something along those lines.
17Yep, which I always interpreted to mean 'starlight'.
1Except "Energies of a star Toa" doesn't sound that good. 

1Yeah, I think that it is more of a team name you know? Like Toa Metru would be "City Heroes".