1Actually, they removed it because they didn't like how it was canonized. Apparently they didn't consider it true info.
2That's actually a lie.
3From what I gather, Lewa Krom actually tried to recall said info from GregF. We are still trying to determine if it's something to be considered canon or not.
4You removed the info before LK tried to recall the info from GregF.
5Because we were suspicious of the source. Try not to assume things.
6Agh, not again...
7Kollerak: I believe that only issues #1-#5 of Glatorian are to be included in the GN. The Journey's End segments would probably be included in #11, if #10 sells good. So buy the next two GN's .
9But then there would be a GN for just two comics... maybe the hypothetical 11 would be part comics part exclusive stuff? That would be pretty tight.
1Actually, they removed it because they didn't like how it was canonized. Apparently they didn't consider it true info.
2That's actually a lie.
3From what I gather, Lewa Krom actually tried to recall said info from GregF. We are still trying to determine if it's something to be considered canon or not.
4You removed the info before LK tried to recall the info from GregF.
5Because we were suspicious of the source. Try not to assume things.
6Agh, not again...
7Kollerak: I believe that only issues #1-#5 of Glatorian are to be included in the GN. The Journey's End segments would probably be included in #11, if #10 sells good. So buy the next two GN's .
9But then there would be a GN for just two comics... maybe the hypothetical 11 would be part comics part exclusive stuff? That would be pretty tight.
10That would be awesome, but I think nearly everyone would have to buy GNs for them to find it affordable to do so. Still, the thought of the entire JE novel plot being illustrated, especially in Zanier's style, is win. Maybe they'd even include an epilogue type thing, like the last comic of 2003.
1But then there would be a GN for just two comics... maybe the hypothetical 11 would be part comics part exclusive stuff? That would be pretty tight.
2Well, GN #6 didn't have enough pages, which is why Hydraxon's Tale was written. Same should apply here, maybe extended comic scenes by Pop Mhan or maybe exclusives by Zanier... anything really.
1Was GN6 not having enough pages the reason? I thought it was just an awesome exclusive because Papercutz wubs us.
1Alright well it doesn't matter why it isn't on BS01 yet, it either will be soon, or will be uncanonized. Another point I would like to bring up, Nuhrii the Metruan got Naho herself canonized by simply asking Greg, as well as naming Lhikan's team, the Mangai, and establishing Nektann as an actual skakdi warlord. These were all done via simple PM, just like Lewa Krom did.
1Actually, they removed it because they didn't like how it was canonized. Apparently they didn't consider it true info.
2That's actually a lie.
3From what I gather, Lewa Krom actually tried to recall said info from GregF. We are still trying to determine if it's something to be considered canon or not.
4You removed the info before LK tried to recall the info from GregF.
5Because we were suspicious of the source. Try not to assume things.
6Yes, and now you have the source. Can the Staff just add the info and leave the entire thing alone?
1But LK is getting it uncanon again.
1Alright well it doesn't matter why it isn't on BS01 yet, it either will be soon, or will be uncanonized. Another point I would like to bring up, Nuhrii the Metruan got Naho herself canonized by simply asking Greg, as well as naming Lhikan's team, the Mangai, and establishing Nektann as an actual skakdi warlord. These were all done via simple PM, just like Lewa Krom did.
2Yes, but these all had some sort of evidence to back-up his reasons.
1Alright well it doesn't matter why it isn't on BS01 yet, it either will be soon, or will be uncanonized. Another point I would like to bring up, Nuhrii the Metruan got Naho herself canonized by simply asking Greg, as well as naming Lhikan's team, the Mangai, and establishing Nektann as an actual skakdi warlord. These were all done via simple PM, just like Lewa Krom did.
2Yes, but these all had some sort of evidence to back-up his reasons.
4Will someone please show me the rules for what I'm allowed to ask Greg? I've looked through all of the rules topics for storyline/theories and elsewhere. I can't find where it says what I can and cannot ask Greg.
1I didn't know there were certain things we weren't supposed to ask GregF, but I doubt you did anything against the rules.
1Will someone please show me the rules for what I'm allowed to ask Greg? I've looked through all of the rules topics for storyline/theories and elsewhere. I can't find where it says what I can and cannot ask Greg.
3No, you are allowed to ask them. However, from what I saw, it seemed like a random question out of the blue. You can't really compare it to Nuhrii, who had evidence. I think how you asked Greg was the cause of all this commotion.
4But yes, you are allowed. And I agree that it should be canon. Please don't be offended.
1You can ask Greg anything, and it's his choice whether he makes it canon. He is in charge of the story, so if he said yes to your question, then it should be canon.
1It's not that you're not allowed. There's just a certain ettiquette that's expected. Asking Greg something like that was a social faux-pas, but Greg didn't have a problem wih it and neither should we.
1Ugh... This fiasco is giving me a headache... Could you please discuss this somewhere else, so we can resume reading Q&A sessions with Greg?
1Ugh... This fiasco is giving me a headache... Could you please discuss this somewhere else, so we can resume reading Q&A sessions with Greg?
2<Seriously guys. I come here for Greg's enlightenment. Not for your bickering. Now leave me and my dumb name alone.>
4Guess what? If you don't want the discussion, go check the Greg Team's topic. All the facts, none of this. Really, we have more free rein now, because the purpose of this topic is no longer to document Greg answers. That's the job of the Greg Team. We just post 'em here, then discuss. If you dislike the discussion, then by all means go ahead and read the other topic.
1i have some Q if u dont mind sir 21. Can Skakdi make Kaita and what about Vortixx can they make one ? 32. about how many Glatorian are there on Spherus Magna ? 43. how many agori are there on Spherus Magna 54. now that the Matoran Universe is damage will any thing live in it anymore ? 65. hows RoS going ? 76. how are U today sir ? 87. is the mask of life made of Protodermis ? 98. about how many member are there right now in the order of mata nui ? 109. the thing that looks like a cross between a Krana and a Kraata is it a rahi ?
111) Not to my knowledge. 122) Oh, probably thousands if you take the whole planet into account 133) Tens of thousands 144) Very little can. Unless you can live without heat, light or fresh air, you can't survive there. 155) I don't know, how is it going? 167) Yes 178) Not something we reveal, since it's a secret organization 189) In the eyes of the Matoran it would be, yes.
1Agh, not again...
2Kollerak: I believe that only issues #1-#5 of Glatorian are to be included in the GN. The Journey's End segments would probably be included in #11, if #10 sells good. So buy the next two GN's .
4Yeah, I asked Greg. Bummer. Hopefully we get a GN #11 with Journey's End and some new stuff.
6Hey Greg, 7I read the Journey's End comic saga and am reading the online story, and I have to say, I thought it was an awesome end to the story. However, I have a few questions:
81) What happened to the Element Lords, baterra, and Sisters of the Skrall following the Battle of Bara Magna?
92) Will the rock tribe join the new social system? What about the bone hunters?
103) Will graphic novel #9 collect the whole Glatorian series, including Journey's End?
114) Will the serials next year and GN 10 focus on what happens after Teridax's death, or fill in events before that?
125) Is the Skrall seen standing next to the Glatorian in the MNS "Buckethead", the Skrall who helped Mata Nui in the '10 movie script?
136) Is it safe to name Oris as the former secondary Glatorian of Tesara, who was replaced by Gresh?
147) Did Gelu recieve Elemental Ice powers?
15A few off-topic questons: 168) How's the English translation of the Crossing going? I'm dying to read it in its full glory.
179) Was the script for Bionicle Legends #7: Invasion ever finalized enough to be read and considered canon?
1810) Are you ever going to reveal TSO's name? Because I really want to know it, and I had no problem with Teridax's.
19Thanks a bunch Greg .
201) Why would anything have happened to them? The battle did not involve them. 212) No and no. If you were an Agori, would you trust either group to live in your settlement? 223) No, only the 2009 comics. The 2010 comics were printed too late to make that book. 234) GN 10 may not even be coming out, so no point in discussing it -- no one has asked me to keep working on it. As for the serials, I intend for them to be set after Teridax's death. 245) That Skrall does not exist, K, because the events of the 2010 movie script never happened. 256) You mean Oris from the 2010 script? Again, doesn't exist, and that name was never approved by Legal so I can't use it. The 2010 events happened in an alternate dimension only. 267) No, because Mata Nui never met him. 278) ?? No idea what you are talking about. I am not involved in any translation on BZP, and I have no knowledge of any plans to publish those books in an English-speaking country. 289) Only about 6000 words of that were ever written, and they no longer exist. 2910) No, I am not going to.

1Hey Greg, there's been sort of a huge "discussion" in the Official Greg Dialogue of a certain aspect of storyline you've recently canonized. It was about Toa Naho and her effects... However, in the quote the member used, many things were uncertain. Like...
21. The canonization of Naho's Toa tool (a warhamer) and Kanohi (Huna) is real and still in effect, correct? 31a. That canonization was not for a fan-made project?
42. In your book, a little random canonization could be fine, as the character is already dead, and she was a minor dead character at that?
5Thank you, Greg, and if I'm missing something, I'll try to get back to you.
71) Here's the story. LewaKrom asked me to canonize this. I did. He then PM'd again and retracted his request, which means the canonization is also retracted. I have no idea for what purpose he wanted those things canonized, but as he no longer does, and no one else is asking for them to be, they are not canon. 82) I have no plans to assign masks or weapons to this character, as I am not doing a story about her. If someone else wants to make a suggestion that's fine. What I don't need is to be dragged into the middle of internal BZP disputes that seem to be bred more out of jealousy among members than anything else.
9Ummm, I think it's a little late, but... whatever.
1@1. That's just unnecessary
1Actually I think that was completely necessary, it shows that Greg didn't mind canonizing these things and that he had no plans to actually attach any weapons or masks to this character, so I think that these people were doing all the fans a favour in doing this as, lets be honest none of the people wanting a poll would have planned for a poll for this character as I have not seen much talk about her previous to this whole thing, IMO lewakrom was doing us all a favour in canonizing some details that otherwise would be left empty.
1Not the canonizing, the retraction.
1Okay, let's try not to start arguing again...
2I can understand why some people want a say in things like these, but I personally think Greg's doing us a favor by establishing more things as canon. He really is good to us fans, you know. We're lucky to ask questions at all.
3Now, Lewa Krom retracted what he did, so let's be respectful (no anarchist talk about how the mods are elitists) and stop having this debate.
4In other news, I'm PMing Greg asking for more details about the Glatorian's elemental powers and whether Gresh's blades are new, stuff like that.

2I can understand why some people want a say in things like these, but I personally think Greg's doing us a favor by establishing more things as canon. He really is good to us fans, you know. We're lucky to ask questions at all.
3Now, Lewa Krom retracted what he did, so let's be respectful (no anarchist talk about how the mods are elitists) and stop having this debate.
4In other news, I'm PMing Greg asking for more details about the Glatorian's elemental powers and whether Gresh's blades are new, stuff like that.

1Gresh's blades are new.
1I have to agree with onua, here... the canonization is no big deal; retracting it because of others- not pointing blame on anyone; just saying there was some pressure in the topic- seems a bit unnecessary...
3The problem with these kind of canonizations is that they could result in an all-out race to get one's ideas canonized. It's not something the mods would like to happen.
1I have to agree with onua, here... the canonization is no big deal; retracting it because of others- not pointing blame on anyone; just saying there was some pressure in the topic- seems a bit unnecessary...
3The problem with these kind of canonizations is that they could result in an all-out race to get one's ideas canonized. It's not something the mods would like to happen.
4Something can be mentioned about future occurrences, but this wasn't too unlike some of the canonizations of the past.
5Granted, even they didn't sit well with some, so to prevent that all-out race, put an end to potential ones, but don't undo the past, or in this case recent ones as a result. It isn't a big thing anyway.
1Solis Magna is epic .
1Hey GregF, 21. What is the name of the sun in the Spherus Magna system? 32. Were the planets we saw at the beginning of TLR planets of the solar system?
41) I believe the name I approved was Solis Magna 52) Makes sense to me -- what else would they be?
6Which Solar System, just some random one in the Wall of Stars?
1I had meant the Spherus Magna system, and I assumed Greg knew what I was talking about.
1Yeah, that was cool to learn. Actually it's kind of funny and interesting. Here on Earth we've named the world after, well, earth. Dirt, ground. The Agori live on their Big Sphere with its Big Desert, Big Forest, and Big Ocean, and they have a Big Sun. I like that.
1They really think BIG, don't they?