1Oh well sorry if we already knew that stuff, i personally didn't know it, and BS01 makes no mention of it so I assumed we didn't know.
1BS01 does mention it - it's just that it's in a really obscure article.
1BTW, about the whole Metru-Nui communist thing, I think I asked Greg a while back and he said the Matoran got paid for their work: 24. Are Matoran compensated for their work? (i.e. do they trade their results with other Matoran, or do they just do it because it's their duty?) 34) Yes, in widgets
4I think instead of using taxes, the Turaga simply tells the Matoran what he'd like them to make or do for him. (i.e. Dumakuta wanted Vahi from Vakama, Dume wanted Vahki from Nuparu)
5One thing I was thinking about- it's implied that some Ga-Matoran spend their entire lives as students. So, would they get paid to go to university, or would they have another job on the side?
1BTW, about the whole Metru-Nui communist thing, I think I asked Greg a while back and he said the Matoran got paid for their work: 24. Are Matoran compensated for their work? (i.e. do they trade their results with other Matoran, or do they just do it because it's their duty?) 34) Yes, in widgets
4I think instead of using taxes, the Turaga simply tells the Matoran what he'd like them to make or do for him. (i.e. Dumakuta wanted Vahi from Vakama, Dume wanted Vahki from Nuparu)
5One thing I was thinking about- it's implied that some Ga-Matoran spend their entire lives as students. So, would they get paid to go to university, or would they have another job on the side?
6Being a student indefinately doesn't make much sense.... I thought the students were new Matoran who came into being and older Matoran training for new jobs.
1BTW, about the whole Metru-Nui communist thing, I think I asked Greg a while back and he said the Matoran got paid for their work: 24. Are Matoran compensated for their work? (i.e. do they trade their results with other Matoran, or do they just do it because it's their duty?) 34) Yes, in widgets
4I think instead of using taxes, the Turaga simply tells the Matoran what he'd like them to make or do for him. (i.e. Dumakuta wanted Vahi from Vakama, Dume wanted Vahki from Nuparu)
5One thing I was thinking about- it's implied that some Ga-Matoran spend their entire lives as students. So, would they get paid to go to university, or would they have another job on the side?
6Being a student indefinately doesn't make much sense.... I thought the students were new Matoran who came into being and older Matoran training for new jobs.
7So why are most of the students Ga-Matoran, and most of the Ga-Matoran students?

1Their job was being the R&D center. They experimented with proto as well as supplied it for the forges.
1Hi Mr.Farshtey, I was thinking about this for a while. I really don't know if you deleted but I am resending you. If you did do you mind answer this questions? If didn't the just delete this one.
21.The GB gave the Agori/Glatorian implants and armor that match the main Element in the area (for example the Great Volcano, Great Jungle (Bota Magna)) which a tribe of Agori and Glatorian lived. So the Agori/Glat. are NOT Elemental beings but, their armor and implants makes them look like they are. Normally they look all the same, Right?
32. Is this basically what happen to the Skrall?
43.That's also why the Vorox/Zesk have tails right?
54.Now if Agori/Glat. were born they would be 100% organic, Right?
6Thank you for your time. 7~Ignaka~
81-2) The GBs did not give them their armor. The armor is like a uniform, so you know what tribe you are part of/work for. Underneath, they are organic beings, so without the armor you could not tell what tribe they belonged to. 93) Those came from GB experiments 104) Yes
11Well the thing that their Armor is like a uniform is new. And good to know. 12~Ignaka~
1I sent you an earlier message, but you didn't reply to it, so this is a revised version with fewer questions.
21. You said that the Toa Mata forming Kaita with the Golden Kanohi was "Irrelevant, since that never happened." But didn't the Toa Mata only ever form the Kaita right after they obtained their Golden Masks?
34. Did the Toa's Great Kanohi return to their Suva after they obtained their Golden Kanohi, were they transported to Artakha, or were they just lost?
45. How were the Golden Kanohi created?
56. Do the Silver Kanohi released in 2002 have any storyline significance (besides the Silver Miru being the Rua)?
67. How did the Toa obtain their Kanohi? Did they obtain them at Kini-Nui or at their respective Suva?
79. Will any of the Toa we know of use a Kanohi that isn't their primary mask in the future?
810. Will any natural fusions such as Kaita ever be see again in the storyline?
913. Why did TSO tell Ancient about the metal-eating virus if he knew he'd have to kill him afterward?
1014. Was the biological make-up of Mata Nui's Toa-sized body related to the Glatorian or something else?
1115. Did Mata Nui at one point ever have or use a Thornax launcher like his set did?
1216. Do Makuta from the Melding Alternate Universe create good Rahkshi and good Kraata as opposed to the nasty Kraata and Rahkshi from the prime reality?
131) I stand corrected. 144) I would assume they went back to Artakha 155) Artakha made them 166) Not that I am aware of. I know I never used them for anything. 177) Depends on which version you believe, I think there was more than one version of that story. But I was not that heavily involved in story in 2001 and never told that story myself. 189) Impossible for me to predict what I might do over the next 18 months 1910) See answer to #9 -- "ever" is potentially a long time 2013) Because he already knew he had to kill him. Ancient had seen him with the vials. So what harm was there in telling him if he could never tell anyone? 2114) Glatorian 2215) Not in story 2316) Yup
1I think that the Silver Kanohi represented them when not in use. Also, the last question is very, very interesting. I'm loving Light Makuta more everyday that passes 

1QUOTE 2Hello Greg, It is The Smoke Monster. I have a quick question to ask you.
3In Bionicle Legends 4: Legacy of Evil, when the Dark Hunter fortress Reidak, Thok, and Zaktan were defending from the Visorak, how were the Oohnorak able to mimic The Shadowed One's voice? I thought that he mainly stayed on Odina, so how did they hear his voice to mimic it? (assuming they hear it to begin with.)
4My assumption in writing the scene is that they are low-level telepaths. They can sense who you trust and imitate that person's voice.
5I found this very cool.
1I tried, but Greg just doesn't want to flesh out details.

2I sent you this a while before, but I think the server ate it...
31) Has Conjurer woken up from his coma (which he went into after trying to copy the Makuta of Stelt's powers)? 41a) If so, has he managed to duplicate any of the Makuta's powers?
52) Remember the Piraka Fusion formed from Reidak and Vezok back in the end of '06? It clearly holds two staffs when it appears. Could we confirm, perhaps, that the creature used two staffs, one of which had power over Earth and one of which controlled Water? It would only make sense, as Reidak and Vezok make up the creature, and both have those respective elements. 62a) In the model for the Piraka Fusion, one of the staffs has a Zamor Sphere Launcher on it. Is this a working Zamor Sphere Launcher in story, or is it just "artistic license"?
7I know you probably think it's pointless for me to be trying to confirm exactly what weapons a creature that hasn't existed for four long years used in its brief lifetime, but there are just so many details in the story that you haven't had time to get to. I'd like to be able to flesh out at least one.
81) No 92) Actually, no, I don't remember, that was four years ago.
1Greg's answers in bold.
2Hi, Greg. I have just a few questions. You may have already gotten this; when I clicked the "send" button, my internet crashed. And this message didn't appear in my "Sent Messages" folder. So, I assumed it never got to you. I apologize if it did.
3Thanks a lot for your time, Greg. I really appreciate it.
Sorry for the confusion at the top of the PM. 4TheSkeletonMan939
51. As you may know, the Mata Nui Saga on BIONICLE.com is narrated first person through the eyes of Mata Nui. Could you say that during Mata Nui's time in the Prototype Robot, he began narrating events to a recording device inside the Prototype so that, if he were to fall, the device could be ejected from the robot for someone to find in the future?
61) I don't think an explanation is really necessary. It's a story device. Sahmad is narrating Sahmad's Tale, doesn't mean he is recording it for posterity.
72. In the 2001 card game, the Toa Mata earned the Makoki stones along with their Golden Kanohi; stepping into their respective Suva, and coming out with them. In the Mata Nui Online Game, they just, well, have them. Poof, they pop into their hands out of thin air. Now, in Tale of the Toa, 2001's chapter book, they place all their masks onto statues of themself, and get their Golden Kanohi. No metion of the stones is given. 8Now, the card game has been confirmed to not be canon, so, do you have anything in the 2001 story bible on the stones, or can we assume something?
92) I no longer have the 2001 story bible, so can't answer this.
103. In both the Mata Nui Saga (on BIONICLE.com, as I said before) and the comics, Tahu is seen in his "Mistika" form. Now, this is because Brian Ellies and Pop Mhan didn't have the 2003 sets with them, but could this be the forms meant for desert-like terrains as well as marshy, swampy areas? Or does this not make sense, since they're complete opposites of each other?
113) As you say, he looks like that because that is what the artist has to work with. That's the only reason.
2Hi, Greg. I have just a few questions. You may have already gotten this; when I clicked the "send" button, my internet crashed. And this message didn't appear in my "Sent Messages" folder. So, I assumed it never got to you. I apologize if it did.
3Thanks a lot for your time, Greg. I really appreciate it.

51. As you may know, the Mata Nui Saga on BIONICLE.com is narrated first person through the eyes of Mata Nui. Could you say that during Mata Nui's time in the Prototype Robot, he began narrating events to a recording device inside the Prototype so that, if he were to fall, the device could be ejected from the robot for someone to find in the future?
61) I don't think an explanation is really necessary. It's a story device. Sahmad is narrating Sahmad's Tale, doesn't mean he is recording it for posterity.
72. In the 2001 card game, the Toa Mata earned the Makoki stones along with their Golden Kanohi; stepping into their respective Suva, and coming out with them. In the Mata Nui Online Game, they just, well, have them. Poof, they pop into their hands out of thin air. Now, in Tale of the Toa, 2001's chapter book, they place all their masks onto statues of themself, and get their Golden Kanohi. No metion of the stones is given. 8Now, the card game has been confirmed to not be canon, so, do you have anything in the 2001 story bible on the stones, or can we assume something?
92) I no longer have the 2001 story bible, so can't answer this.
103. In both the Mata Nui Saga (on BIONICLE.com, as I said before) and the comics, Tahu is seen in his "Mistika" form. Now, this is because Brian Ellies and Pop Mhan didn't have the 2003 sets with them, but could this be the forms meant for desert-like terrains as well as marshy, swampy areas? Or does this not make sense, since they're complete opposites of each other?
113) As you say, he looks like that because that is what the artist has to work with. That's the only reason.
11. in some of the bioncle moives they said this is the way of the BIONICLE what does BIONICLE mean in matoran ?6I guess we will never know what the way of the BIONICLE means.
22. have you finished the last chapter of RoS ?
3thanks for your time sir
41) Never been explained to me. All I have ever been told is that it stands for "biological chronicle" 52) Nope. Been busy.
1Dear Greg,
21. Since the fragment that crashed Teridax's head was confirmed by the MNS saga as Bota Magna while the comic doesn't state which planet the fragment came from, that confirms that a Bota Magna frament, not an Aqua Magna, fragemnt hit Teridax's head, right?
32. Since Teridax fell on the black spike mountains, are they destroyed?
43. What are the other powers of the golden armor?
61) But I believe in the comic the fragment is colored blue, which is why people assumed it was Aqua Magna. Personally, I would simply say he was struck by an astral body - -which one it was is completely irrelevant to the story, really. If I pick up a rock and hit you with it, does it really matter WHICH rock it was? 72) A good portion, yes 83) Did you read the end of the story? The scene with Tahu?
9I was quite disappointed with #1
1I meant that Tahu got the powers without the golden armour. He learned them, maybe developed them, or gained them from the golden armour's power, but not a function of the armour itself.
3But how could he learn a power? Or just develop them out of the blue?
4Ignika shenanigans.
1Dear Greg,
21. Since the fragment that crashed Teridax's head was confirmed by the MNS saga as Bota Magna while the comic doesn't state which planet the fragment came from, that confirms that a Bota Magna frament, not an Aqua Magna, fragemnt hit Teridax's head, right?
32. Since Teridax fell on the black spike mountains, are they destroyed?
43. What are the other powers of the golden armor?
61) But I believe in the comic the fragment is colored blue, which is why people assumed it was Aqua Magna. Personally, I would simply say he was struck by an astral body - -which one it was is completely irrelevant to the story, really. If I pick up a rock and hit you with it, does it really matter WHICH rock it was? 72) A good portion, yes 83) Did you read the end of the story? The scene with Tahu?
9I was quite disappointed with #1
10Really? I found #1 quite humerus, and a good way to end a debate.
1Okay, as some may recall I once pondered doing a contest for Lein, the Bota Magnan trader mentioned in Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna. Recently I tried to exploit the idea a little further, intending a story contest about hin, but I ultimately rejected it. Still, here is some trivia I gathered from Greg that still is canon, like the date of Lein's death and some infos about who was already around at his time, plus some stuff about Bota Magna society. Even though there will be no contest, I am sure you will like this info.
22) I would need the following info: 3a.) Were the Element Lords already around when Lein lived (and died)? 4b.) Was the Iron Tribe still around during Lein's time? 5c.) Which of the following characters were around at Lein's time: Vastus, Tarduk, Gresh (I suppose Gresh wasn't, since you said something about him not being 18 when the Core War began, which is why he could not participate.) 6d.) Any other 2009 characters (besides Mata Nui) that were not around during Lein's time? 7e.) Anything else worth knowing about pre-Shattering, pre-Core-War Bota Magna?
81) Yes 92a) No 102b) Yes 112c-2d) I don't think I ever referred to "18," but the point is the same. Lein predates all of the existing characters except probably Raanu, who would have been quite young when he was around. 122e) Not that I have developed yet, not.
13Okay, some more questions: 143a) Was Certavus already around? He died long before the 2009 saga started, so I thought he might have been old enough. 153b) What about Surel? 163c) Telluris or Sahmad? 173d) A very young Ackar? He seemed very old in 2009. 183e) According to story sources, the prototype robot exploded 150.000 years before Mata Nui's arrival on Bara Magna. Was Lein old enough to witness that, provided it was visible from where he lived? 193f) Besides Jungle and Iron, which other tribes lived in pre-Shattering Bota Magna? 203g) What about those dinosaurs? Were they already around? 213h) Were the Great Beings already ruling over Spherus Magna? (I'd suppose so, but I wanted to ask anyway.) And if so, were Angonce and Heremus already alive? 224) Do you have a rough time frame for when Lein died or could you come up with an estmate? The fact that the Iron tribe was still around means that he died at least more than 103.000 years ago.
243A) Yes 253b) Yes 263c) No 273d) No 283e) Lein was already dead. 293f) Well, we know the Skrall were neighbors of the iron tribe. Certainly water would have been represented there. Sand would not have been. Ice would have been there, or near there. 303G) Until I write something with the dinos in it, they are not canon in main universe, only alt. universe. 313h) Yes 324) 265,000 years before Mata Nui
333g) What about Fire? Were they present in Bota Magna? 345) Lein set up a trading post at his drift. Was it some major geographical point or was it located at a trading route where a lot of travellers came by? 356) I think it was said before that Lein died naturally. Could that be re-written or is that fixed? 367) Were the Skrall already an invasive tribe? 377a) Were any Skrall we know already alive? Tuma? Stronius? Branar? The one that would later become EL of Rock? 387b) Do Skrall ascend in their caste system or are they born into their class? 398) Were the other warriors that later became the ELs already alive? 409) Surel and Certavus would still have been very young, right?
413g) Not sure, I can't think of where in Bota Magna they would have lived comfortably 425) A drift is basically a river crossing, so if people want to cross the river, they have to go through there. 436) It's fixed. 447) No. 457a) No 467b) Born into it 478) No 489) Yes
4910) What did Lein - or Spherus Magna inhabitants in general - trade?
5010) Food, tools, whatever he could get his hands on that someone might want.
1Wow, Lein is old. I mean really old.
11) Does Takanuva still have the Onu-Koro Sundial (that points the way to the Codrex), or did he leave/ loose it somewhere?
2I believe he still has it, though it would be in the MU, not on him. I don't know that he will bother to retrieve it, since it is of no further use now that the robot is dead.
1So, Raanu was quite young 365,000 years ago... That means Agori most likely don't live past 500,000.
1265,000 years ago... 

1No, 365,000 years ago. He died 165,000 years before Mata Nui was "born."
1Lein is pretty old, So is Raanu for that matter.
1No, 365,000 years ago. He died 165,000 years before Mata Nui was "born."
2No, 265,000 years ago. Before 2009.
3But Greg didn't say "265,000 years ago," he said, "265,000 years before Mata Nui."
4Right. 5265,000 years before Mata Nui landed on BM. 6As compared to 265,000 years before Mata Nui was created.