1And it's relatively easy to clone females, but that is for another discussion.
2But yeah, I don't see why a Skrall and Glatorian couldn't. I mean, I doubt that they would, but they probably could. It would be a very interesting story point at least.
3But can a glatorian and an agori breed? Hm... I shall have to ask Greg, unless we already know.
4No, they are different species.
5But they might be closely related enough. Maybe.
1actually the second prerequisite is fertile offspring. since the males are sterile and the females are not *or vice versa* they are not the same race, since the interbreed can not procreate.
1Guys, REALLY look for another topic. ಠ_ಠ Seriously.
1If two robots were needed to heal Spherus Magna, what was Mata Nui going to do, since the second robot was never built? Was he even aware that the second robot was never built? 2Mata Nui was going to try his best. He had no way of knowing the second robot was never built, since he did not even remember his mission when he got to Bara Magna.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey . I hope you are having a good day. I only have one simple question for today, I hope you can find the time to answer it.![]()
2I would like to know why there are male and female in Bioncle. I know you confirmed that beings in the Matoran Universe cannot reproduce like us humans. Thus, why would be a need for male and female? I can understand with Bara Magna people, but not the MU inhabitants. Because of which, I feel they should have been left genderless. I can understand from the target audiance standpoint, what, being genderless robots and all, but from a story standpoint it really doesn't line up to me.
3So, why male and female(story-wise)?
4I see. So what you are saying is that females have no use unless they are having children? There are obvious psychological differences between males and females in the MU -- Gali, for example, was a peacemaker where her companions tended to be argumentative and reckless. In Metru Nui, females were the educators while most of the males were doing physical labor.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey . I hope you are having a good day. I only have one simple question for today, I hope you can find the time to answer it.![]()
2I would like to know why there are male and female in Bioncle. I know you confirmed that beings in the Matoran Universe cannot reproduce like us humans. Thus, why would be a need for male and female? I can understand with Bara Magna people, but not the MU inhabitants. Because of which, I feel they should have been left genderless. I can understand from the target audiance standpoint, what, being genderless robots and all, but from a story standpoint it really doesn't line up to me.
3So, why male and female(story-wise)?
4I see. So what you are saying is that females have no use unless they are having children? There are obvious psychological differences between males and females in the MU -- Gali, for example, was a peacemaker where her companions tended to be argumentative and reckless. In Metru Nui, females were the educators while most of the males were doing physical labor.
5Doesn't quite explain why the language would need to make a distintion between males and females, though. This "assignment" of gender based on personality traits could sound arbitrary, unless the GBs are like us in the sense that we are known to refer to robots as "he"s or "she"s.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey . I hope you are having a good day. I only have one simple question for today, I hope you can find the time to answer it.![]()
2I would like to know why there are male and female in Bioncle. I know you confirmed that beings in the Matoran Universe cannot reproduce like us humans. Thus, why would be a need for male and female? I can understand with Bara Magna people, but not the MU inhabitants. Because of which, I feel they should have been left genderless. I can understand from the target audiance standpoint, what, being genderless robots and all, but from a story standpoint it really doesn't line up to me.
3So, why male and female(story-wise)?
4I see. So what you are saying is that females have no use unless they are having children? There are obvious psychological differences between males and females in the MU -- Gali, for example, was a peacemaker where her companions tended to be argumentative and reckless. In Metru Nui, females were the educators while most of the males were doing physical labor.
5Doesn't quite explain why the language would need to make a distintion between males and females, though. This "assignment" of gender based on personality traits could sound arbitrary, unless the GBs are like us in the sense that we are known to refer to robots as "he"s or "she"s.
6Since the Gb's have males and females, like us, it'd make sense they refer to robots as such, like us.
1Giving them genders also makes them less of a robot and more of a living being.I think they were ment to be used for a massive evacutation of the MU. There are multiple exits, so this might just be simply another method.
1On an unrelated note, whatever happened to BZPower's cure all problems with this topic solution of the Farshety Feed? That died pretty quickly...
1On an unrelated note, whatever happened to BZPower's cure all problems with this topic solution of the Farshety Feed? That died pretty quickly...
2The point of the Farshtey Feed is to present just the facts. If you want to see all the shiny new things Greg has revealed without the spam then you go there. It wasn't supposed to somehow stop people spamming in the OGD
1Greg has kindly anwsered my question about the exo toa and 4 has a typo
42the programming one is interesting.
21) Exo-Toa are machines. Machines cannot be good or evil. They do what they are programmed to do.
3i have some more questions
41 who programed them?
52 can the be active by themselves with no link to other exo toa or there leader?
63 could the gain sentience?
74 could they go rouge?
85 is the claw and the rocket the standard armament?
96 what did the makuta use them for.
10thank you for reading and replying.
111) Matoran, under the direction of the BOM 122) Yes 133) Doubtful. Sentience means you can feel things. They have sensors, but they cannot feel the way we feel. 144) Rouge is a kind of make-up, so no. 155) Yes 166) Guarding things.
17in question 4 i meant could they go against their leaders and serve good.
18i have some more questions 191 is the claw and the rocket the only armament? 202 what would they guard
214) No. They are machines, they can't alter their own programming. 221) Yes 232) Well, six of them existed to stop the Bahrag if they were acting at the wrong time. Other Exo-Toa guarded Brotherhood of Makuta installations.
244 was a extension of 3 in the sense that if it felt things which it felt where wrong it would think for its self and become good in a sense because the implications might alter its programing.
25Exo-Toa cannot think for themselves, anymore than your toaster can. Their AI is simply not that advanced.
26how can it function on auto pilot then when faced with a new enemy?
27It's a guardian. Its job is to guard whatever it has been assigned to guard. Anyone that isn't authorized to be there, it attacks. What else does it need to know?
28could it gain new knowledge through defeating new enemy?
29I don't think so, no.
30i mean it relay's the information to the programmer who updates it.
31There is no programmer who updates it.
32are they dead?
33Is who dead?
34the programmer if they don't update it?
35There's no need to update it. The programming would be something like, "Guard this fortress, until a Makuta gives you different orders." If the Makuta then says, "Go here and guard this instead," then they act on those new orders.
36there programing is follow the makuta above all else?
37Yes. The BOM was who had them built.
38what will they do now since there no makuta would the serve brutaka as he has makuta powers now?
39Depends -- we don't know if they will even migrate to Spherus Magna, since they are not living creatures and could still function in the MU. Depends on if someone sees a need for them.
40nuparu might want to take some to study them and some toa might like to use them?
41Yup, Nuparu might, if he has time. But salvaging machines is going to take a back seat to getting all the living out. I can't see Toa much wanting to use them, since they cut off the use of elemental powers.
42the programming one is interesting.
1I'd expect them to follow that order, if a Makuta gave it, up until the point when the other Makuta orders them differently. And I'm pretty sure if that were true, any Makuta would know that and not try it.
1i wonder whether they could have conflicting orders?
1Hi . Greg I sent you my repplies like 5 days ago and you haven´t ansewerd me, so I decided to instead sent you some new questions, if you have enough spare time could you please answer me this time? its just that it´s so awesome having you answering PMs. sorry if they are too many questions
21.-Why the Voya Nui matoran believed Vezok when he told them he was a Toa of water if all the Toa of Water are female? 32.- if Mata Nui is the one who decides everyone´s destiny then how he didn´t know Teridax was destinated to have control of the giant robot? 43.- if I kill a Krana or a Kraata would that be against the Toa code? what about a Vahki? 54.- Now that everyone is migrating to Spherus Magna would the Turaga let Ahkmou to come with them or will he be exiled? 65.- why only 2 comics of 2009 were ever showed on Bionicle .com what about the rest and the 2010 ones? 76.-why Lhikan´s Hau ended up on Daxia? maybe because Karzahni kept it and while he´s on Daxia the mask is too? 87.- why there´s only one female Toa in every team? (except on the Toa Mangai) 98.-can the Ignika turn the Vorox back to intelligent beings? 109.- on your favorite Bionicle book: Time slip, why did Makuta attacked Keetongu if he wasn´t a real threat? also how did he know he was even there? 1110.- If Teridax always knew about the Ignika why he never went for it by himself instead of waiting for the Toa of light and sending the Piraka? 1211.- why Brutaka allied with the Piraka if he has more power than them? 1312.-why did you decided that Metus should became the traitor? why him? 1413.- Why Hahli´s armor looked like a Toa of lightning´s on 2006? 1514.-if a Toa of lightning performed a Nova blast would everything get paralyzed? 1615.-can a Faxon copy the powers of a Rothuka spinner? 1716.- When Teridax used the virus on Mata Nui he fall on Aqua Magna but why was he flying around it, was he going to reunite the three worlds and everything got ruined because of Teridax? 1817.-if there are female Skakdi the why none of them has ever been a set? 1918.- have you seen Avatar the legend of Aang? if yes then do you think their elemental control is similar to a Toa´s elemental control? 2019.-Once on Bionicle.com I read a few introduction of what was going to be on the summer of 2007 and I remember it said that the Toa were going to be on an island called Akua-Nui can you tell me if that was at some point true? 2120.- maybe you can´t answer this one but I´ll go ahead and try: do you think you will work with Lego for another 5 years? because I plan to go to a comic-con when I´m 18 or before to meet you but i don´t know if you will still be there by that time?
22thanks for your time and sorry if there were too many questions
231) Because the Voya Nui Matoran had never met a Toa, so how would they know all Toa of Water are female? 242) He did know, what he didn't know was that Makuta would get it by betraying him 253) Vahki are machines, they aren't alive, so you can't kill them. Krana and kraata are considered to be basically like insects are to us. 264) Ahkmou will most likely wind up hanging out with Agori who don't know his past. 275) Any question related to web content needs to go to Binkmeister, he is the web producer. 286) I really don't recall how that happened, it was years ago in story. 297) Because we are writing a story for 8-9 year old boys, most of whom aren't looking for loads of heroines in their stories. 308) No. What happened to them was the result of a global disaster, not a natural evolution. The Ignika can only turn things back if they are natural evolutions or outright mutations. 319) Well, he knew Keetongu wasn't on his side, so would you let someone who wasn't on your side prowl around when you are trying to get a treasure? I wouldn't. 3210) Because he didn't know where it was. 3311) Because he wanted them to try for the Ignika, take out as many of the defenses as they could, and then he would take it away from them. They were pawns. 3412) Had to be someone, and by his nature -- a deal-maker, a fast-talker, and someone who could be absent from his village a lot without anyone noticing -- he made the most likely candidate. 3513) I am not a set designer, so I can't speak to this. 3614) Um, no. Why would things be paralyzed? 3715) No 3816) He was on his way back to Bara Magna at the time 3917) Because we only made a small number of Skakdi sets, and none of them were female characters. 4018) No. 4119) The name of the island got changed, that's all. 4220) At this point, I don't have plans to go back to Comic-Con anytime soon. Now that BIONICLE is over, there is really no reason for me to be there. I was only there to promote BIONICLE.
43replies: 443.- but can I kill them and still have the title of Toa? 454.- very interesting 468.- 479.- you´re right I wouldn´t too 4812.- interesting 4914.- then what would happen? 5015.- too bad 5116.- so he was going to reunite the three worlds right? 5217.- what I mean is what none of the piraka was a female? 5319.- I knew it . woooohhhhoooo . 5420.- so how would it be posible for me to meet you in person? that would be great
553) Yes 5614) What happens if you get hit by lightning, L? You get fried. 5716) Try to, yes 5817) Because there were only six Piraka -- only six rebels against the Dark Hunters -- and none of them were female. 5920) No idea. I have no personal appearances planned at the moment. Last ones I did were in Utah last October. With BIONICLE over, no real need for me to make them anymore.
21.-Why the Voya Nui matoran believed Vezok when he told them he was a Toa of water if all the Toa of Water are female? 32.- if Mata Nui is the one who decides everyone´s destiny then how he didn´t know Teridax was destinated to have control of the giant robot? 43.- if I kill a Krana or a Kraata would that be against the Toa code? what about a Vahki? 54.- Now that everyone is migrating to Spherus Magna would the Turaga let Ahkmou to come with them or will he be exiled? 65.- why only 2 comics of 2009 were ever showed on Bionicle .com what about the rest and the 2010 ones? 76.-why Lhikan´s Hau ended up on Daxia? maybe because Karzahni kept it and while he´s on Daxia the mask is too? 87.- why there´s only one female Toa in every team? (except on the Toa Mangai) 98.-can the Ignika turn the Vorox back to intelligent beings? 109.- on your favorite Bionicle book: Time slip, why did Makuta attacked Keetongu if he wasn´t a real threat? also how did he know he was even there? 1110.- If Teridax always knew about the Ignika why he never went for it by himself instead of waiting for the Toa of light and sending the Piraka? 1211.- why Brutaka allied with the Piraka if he has more power than them? 1312.-why did you decided that Metus should became the traitor? why him? 1413.- Why Hahli´s armor looked like a Toa of lightning´s on 2006? 1514.-if a Toa of lightning performed a Nova blast would everything get paralyzed? 1615.-can a Faxon copy the powers of a Rothuka spinner? 1716.- When Teridax used the virus on Mata Nui he fall on Aqua Magna but why was he flying around it, was he going to reunite the three worlds and everything got ruined because of Teridax? 1817.-if there are female Skakdi the why none of them has ever been a set? 1918.- have you seen Avatar the legend of Aang? if yes then do you think their elemental control is similar to a Toa´s elemental control? 2019.-Once on Bionicle.com I read a few introduction of what was going to be on the summer of 2007 and I remember it said that the Toa were going to be on an island called Akua-Nui can you tell me if that was at some point true? 2120.- maybe you can´t answer this one but I´ll go ahead and try: do you think you will work with Lego for another 5 years? because I plan to go to a comic-con when I´m 18 or before to meet you but i don´t know if you will still be there by that time?
22thanks for your time and sorry if there were too many questions
231) Because the Voya Nui Matoran had never met a Toa, so how would they know all Toa of Water are female? 242) He did know, what he didn't know was that Makuta would get it by betraying him 253) Vahki are machines, they aren't alive, so you can't kill them. Krana and kraata are considered to be basically like insects are to us. 264) Ahkmou will most likely wind up hanging out with Agori who don't know his past. 275) Any question related to web content needs to go to Binkmeister, he is the web producer. 286) I really don't recall how that happened, it was years ago in story. 297) Because we are writing a story for 8-9 year old boys, most of whom aren't looking for loads of heroines in their stories. 308) No. What happened to them was the result of a global disaster, not a natural evolution. The Ignika can only turn things back if they are natural evolutions or outright mutations. 319) Well, he knew Keetongu wasn't on his side, so would you let someone who wasn't on your side prowl around when you are trying to get a treasure? I wouldn't. 3210) Because he didn't know where it was. 3311) Because he wanted them to try for the Ignika, take out as many of the defenses as they could, and then he would take it away from them. They were pawns. 3412) Had to be someone, and by his nature -- a deal-maker, a fast-talker, and someone who could be absent from his village a lot without anyone noticing -- he made the most likely candidate. 3513) I am not a set designer, so I can't speak to this. 3614) Um, no. Why would things be paralyzed? 3715) No 3816) He was on his way back to Bara Magna at the time 3917) Because we only made a small number of Skakdi sets, and none of them were female characters. 4018) No. 4119) The name of the island got changed, that's all. 4220) At this point, I don't have plans to go back to Comic-Con anytime soon. Now that BIONICLE is over, there is really no reason for me to be there. I was only there to promote BIONICLE.
43replies: 443.- but can I kill them and still have the title of Toa? 454.- very interesting 468.- 479.- you´re right I wouldn´t too 4812.- interesting 4914.- then what would happen? 5015.- too bad 5116.- so he was going to reunite the three worlds right? 5217.- what I mean is what none of the piraka was a female? 5319.- I knew it . woooohhhhoooo . 5420.- so how would it be posible for me to meet you in person? that would be great
553) Yes 5614) What happens if you get hit by lightning, L? You get fried. 5716) Try to, yes 5817) Because there were only six Piraka -- only six rebels against the Dark Hunters -- and none of them were female. 5920) No idea. I have no personal appearances planned at the moment. Last ones I did were in Utah last October. With BIONICLE over, no real need for me to make them anymore.
1Hey, guys. I PMed Greg with the same qs - twice - and he's replied to neither, but they show up on my message tracker. Anyone know what's going on?
1How long ago did you message him?
1I did the same, but I'd wait a few more days. I think people tend to wait a week.
1Greg's answers in bold.2Hello, Greg. Hope your day is going well. Sorry for so many questions. Hope you have a good day, TheSkeletonMan939.
31. Its a shame New World was canceled due to the disapproval of names. But the Stasis Toa name has been/will be approved, hopefully?
41) I really don't see why NW was cancelled, to be honest. I think it was very short-sighted. The only point in having official names at all is so that the names can legally show up in LEGO-produced material -- but NW never was going to show up in LEGO-produced material anyway, as there is precious little of it. I never planned to put NW into the serials. I think this was a real disappointment -- for all they knew, they might have created another Middle Earth or Dune, something that someday maybe someone would want to license from THEM. Instead, they bailed.
52. Out of curiosity, have you ever played or read the walkthrough for MNOLG? Several aspects of it appear in fully canon storyline, such as Gali's mind-link with Takua, Lewa remembering having an infected mask, the Sundial in Onu-Koro, among others.
62) No.
73. Speaking of which, have you thought about what sent Lewa Nuva to get that Sundial in Toa Nuva Blog, or is that future story, or a mystery?
83) Yup
94. Did Karzahni make it through Daxia's destruction?
104) Yup
115. Invasion (the original Legends #7) was canceled due to poor book sales. Yet, why were several more novels published? My assumption is that LEGO wanted you to focus more on 2007 sets to increase toy sales, am I correct?
125) No, LEGO had nothing at all to do with the book being cancelled. That was all Scholastic. LEGO never decided what the number of books or the schedule should be, all that is up to the licensee. Invasion was cancelled because Scholastic wanted to reduce the number of books per year. More books were published because the alternative at that point would have been for Scholastic to lose the license, which they were not prepared to do at that point.
136. Was Artakha (the island) destroyed by its Rahkshi attack? They probably would have had an easier time doing it with Artakha on Bota Magna.
146) No. 15-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16Numbers 5 and 6 I find interesting. Can anyone dechipher what he meant for number three? I really don't want to bother him again.
31. Its a shame New World was canceled due to the disapproval of names. But the Stasis Toa name has been/will be approved, hopefully?
41) I really don't see why NW was cancelled, to be honest. I think it was very short-sighted. The only point in having official names at all is so that the names can legally show up in LEGO-produced material -- but NW never was going to show up in LEGO-produced material anyway, as there is precious little of it. I never planned to put NW into the serials. I think this was a real disappointment -- for all they knew, they might have created another Middle Earth or Dune, something that someday maybe someone would want to license from THEM. Instead, they bailed.
52. Out of curiosity, have you ever played or read the walkthrough for MNOLG? Several aspects of it appear in fully canon storyline, such as Gali's mind-link with Takua, Lewa remembering having an infected mask, the Sundial in Onu-Koro, among others.
62) No.
73. Speaking of which, have you thought about what sent Lewa Nuva to get that Sundial in Toa Nuva Blog, or is that future story, or a mystery?
83) Yup
94. Did Karzahni make it through Daxia's destruction?
104) Yup
115. Invasion (the original Legends #7) was canceled due to poor book sales. Yet, why were several more novels published? My assumption is that LEGO wanted you to focus more on 2007 sets to increase toy sales, am I correct?
125) No, LEGO had nothing at all to do with the book being cancelled. That was all Scholastic. LEGO never decided what the number of books or the schedule should be, all that is up to the licensee. Invasion was cancelled because Scholastic wanted to reduce the number of books per year. More books were published because the alternative at that point would have been for Scholastic to lose the license, which they were not prepared to do at that point.
136. Was Artakha (the island) destroyed by its Rahkshi attack? They probably would have had an easier time doing it with Artakha on Bota Magna.
146) No. 15-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16Numbers 5 and 6 I find interesting. Can anyone dechipher what he meant for number three? I really don't want to bother him again.

1Hi Greg.
2First of all, I'm sorry I argued with you so much in Febuary or something.
3Second, I'd like it if you could answer some questions about Bionicle.
41) If two Iden users activated their Idens and sent their spirits flying out of their bodies, could Iden User #1 fly into and steal Iden User #2's body?
52)If a Sanok user uses his Sanok to fling a projectile with great accuracy at a far away target and then takes off the Sanok before the projectile hits its target, with the projectile still be accurate?
63) If two beings are wearing a Pehkui and a Mask of Growth (both Nuva masks) and decide to share the powers of their masks with both them and the other being, will they both grow, both shrink, stay the same size, or will it depend on something else?
74) Is the Iron Tribe Plague fatal PERIOD, or does it only kill most of the time?
85) Can Thok use his vision power on the robotic parts of other people?
96) Can the Matoran and Agori communicate right now?
107) Is Mata Nui dead right now, in a similar state to his thousand years of "sleep" or a completely consious mind without a body?
118) Are you allowed to tell whether the Ignika is at risk of initiating its countdown again?
129) Can a mask forged from Kanoka be re-molded back into the Kanoka?
1310) Is it possible for there ever to be multiple Masks of Time?
141) Yes 152) Yes 163) Would most likely depend on the individual willpower of the users. If the willpowers are pretty much equal, then the effects of the two masks will cancel each other out. 174) It has been fatal up to now. 185) No idea. 196) Yes 207) No, he is dormant but aware. 218) It's not. First off, evil is no longer winning, so the universe is not imbalanced. And the Ignika countdown is keyed to the MU, which is already dead. Once it's outside the MU, the countdown stops. 229) It can be melted down, yes 2310) I don't think so, since there aren't other Great Disks to make one from.
1Hi, GregF. I just had a few questions:
21. Do Makuta have something like a default form (the form in which they were created, perhaps)?
32. You've said that the known Toa teams will most likely disband on Spherus Magna. For what reason?
43. Theoretically speaking, could the Spear of Fusion dissolve natural fusions (Kaita, Nui) and/or fusions made by energized protodermis (Takutanuva, the gold reptilian ...thing)?
53b. a Mask of Fusion?
6Non-story related:
74. As a writer, do you begin with the ending in mind, or does it just kind of happen?
8Thanks for your time.
101) One would assume so 112) Because they are supposed to work with the Agori and Glatorian to build a new society. Makes more sense to do that by integrating with teams made up of Glatorian and Agori rather than stay as separate Toa teams. 123) Not that I am aware of 134) With BIONICLE, yes, I usually did know how a given story would end. With my own writing, no.
143. Well, there goes that theory.

1Sorry that these questions are really random and do not really have a specific topic.
21)Do beings other than the Makuta in the Matoran Universe have to sleep? And if so, how frequently?
31) Yes, and about as frequently as you do.
42a) If all of the other domes besides the one that houses Metru Nui are lit by lightstones in the tops of the domes, do they have day and night cycles, or are they in a perpetual state of light?
52) They do have day and night cycles, it works the same way dimmers work in our world
62b) If they do indeed have night inside of the other domes, do they have stars at night, or do the lightstones simply dim? I ask this because the "stars" in Metru Nui are said to be Mata Nui's thoughts.
72b) It may well be that when the lightstones are dimmed, they resemble distant stars
82c) Also is there just a single massive lightstone in each dome to simulate the sun, or are there a bunch that simply make it very bright without a visible sun?
92c) A bunch
103a) It has been stated that the Toa Hagah were given special metallic armor once they all joined up as the Toa Hagah. Does this mean that when they were each on their separate teams that they just had regular elemental colored armor?
113a) Yes
123b) Does that mean that Lhikan was given his special gold colored armor for something, or is his armor simply naturally golden? Was it possibly given to him after a certain event?
133b) No, Lhikan was not a Hagah. (I don't think he understoof what I was asking)
144)Skakdi can control elements other than the primary 6, like a Skakdi of lightning right?
154) Yes
165)Will you ever come up with Matoran attributes for Magnetism, Plasma, Gravity, and The Green? I'm talking about the little things such as greater resistance to heat for Ta-Matoran, or enhanced hearing for the De-Matoran. Just as a suggestion, I think gravity Matoran should be able to jump higher or something.
175) If I need to for story, I will. If I don't need it for story, I may not have time.
186)What would Nova Blasts of Stone, Earth and Iron do? Would it just like shatter all of the stone, earth, or iron in the area? Or would Earth cause massive earthquakes?
196) Actually, it would cover everything for miles and miles around with rock, earth or iron
207)Several islands are mentioned such as the island that Artakha used to have a bridge that connected with it, or the island that Naho swam to to ask for help for Metru Nui, yet none of these islands appear to be on the MU map that we have. Are they simply too small to be seen on the map, or just excluded from it?
217) Well, the island connected to Artakha is long gone. As for the other, how do you know it isn't on the map?
228)Does the average Toa who comes into existence by a Toa Stone look similar to the Toa Metru body style? I ask this because we have seen Toa from 3 separate teams with the same body type, Hagah, Mangai, and Metru. I know this is because the sets were all made around the same time, but is there a storyline reason? Or are all Toa completely different like the Toa Mahri look like?
238) I don't think how you come into being has really anything to do with what your body style is. When you become a Toa, you become a Toa in the shape that you believe a Toa to have. Hence the Metru looking like Lhikan, since he was the Toa they were familiar with as Matoran.
249a) If a Toa runs out of Element Energy and cannot make any more fire for instance, could they still manipulate existing fire to fight with, or would that require energy as well?
259a) That requires energy as well
269b) Could a Toa quickly absorb their element if they are out of it, and then quickly release it?
279b) No, because the ability to do that is part of their elemental power. If they have no elemental power left, they can't do that.
2810) If a Toa uses up some of their Toa energy, they still have the same amount of power right? They only lose their power once every last bit is used up?
2910) Yes
3011) Is it possible that we will ever see new elements, or do you think that they have all been covered?
3111) I don't have plans to introduce new ones any time soon. We have a lot that haven't been explored at all in story, so adding new ones isn't really necessary right now.
3212) If Toa of Sonics retain their weakness to loud sounds, wouldn't their own attacks harm them in battle?
3312) Did we say they retain their weakness as Toa? (Guess that means BS01 needs to be changed.
3413) This is kinda just a bit of stupid nit-picking, but Toa Pouks' Toa Tool is called the Avalanche Spear. Avalanches are snow-related, not stones, so why would it be called that, or did you never call it that?
3513) While you are correct in terms of dictionary definition, avalanche is used in many places as a synonym for rockslide.
3614) How much stronger would you say a Toa Nuva's elemental abilities are than that of a regular Toa? Twice as strong? 1.5 times?
3714) Not something we have defined
3815) Would the adaptive armor allow for the Toa Nuva to survive inside of a volcano or in lava or is that too extreme?
3915) Probably not, because to do that, they would have to be totally sealed in, which means they wouldn't be able to breathe. If there was even a joint open, the lava could get in and burn the organics.
4016) Do you have a favorite element?
4116) Ice
4217) Does Takanuva still posses his Power Lance and simply favored the smaller and quicker lightstaffs for his last mission, or did he somehow lose the power lance?
4317) One has to assume he abandoned it for some reason.
4418) I'm still not sure exactly what a Toa of Magnetism can do. They can essentially just control metals right? Which is basically what a Toa of Iron can do right?
4518) Wrong. I would suggest going onto Marvel.com and looking up Magneto. As the master of magnetism, he does way more than control metal. For example, he can make a shield for himself out of magnetic force; he can also use magnetic fields to walk on air; he can use magnetism to shut down electronics; he has even been able to do mind control by controlling the iron in human blood.
4619) Now that BIONICLE is no longer making sets, do you have a lot more freedom in what direction you take the story in?
4719) I don't have characters I am mandated to have to use, that is the major difference.
4820) What made the Turaga want to go back to Metru Nui? Was it because Takanuva's discovery made it so that they could no longer keep it a secret, or did the forget about it? Plus why did they leave in the first place when they could have just rebuilt like they ended up doing anyways?
4920) They left because Makuta had escaped from his Toa seal, so it wasn't safe to stay there, and because Vakama had heard a voice telling him they should leave and showing them the way. As for going back there, they always intended to do that, but couldn't until the Toa Mata arrived to defeat the Manas and the Makuta. Otherwise, they would have just been slaughtered.
21)Do beings other than the Makuta in the Matoran Universe have to sleep? And if so, how frequently?
31) Yes, and about as frequently as you do.
42a) If all of the other domes besides the one that houses Metru Nui are lit by lightstones in the tops of the domes, do they have day and night cycles, or are they in a perpetual state of light?
52) They do have day and night cycles, it works the same way dimmers work in our world
62b) If they do indeed have night inside of the other domes, do they have stars at night, or do the lightstones simply dim? I ask this because the "stars" in Metru Nui are said to be Mata Nui's thoughts.
72b) It may well be that when the lightstones are dimmed, they resemble distant stars
82c) Also is there just a single massive lightstone in each dome to simulate the sun, or are there a bunch that simply make it very bright without a visible sun?
92c) A bunch
103a) It has been stated that the Toa Hagah were given special metallic armor once they all joined up as the Toa Hagah. Does this mean that when they were each on their separate teams that they just had regular elemental colored armor?
113a) Yes
123b) Does that mean that Lhikan was given his special gold colored armor for something, or is his armor simply naturally golden? Was it possibly given to him after a certain event?
133b) No, Lhikan was not a Hagah. (I don't think he understoof what I was asking)
144)Skakdi can control elements other than the primary 6, like a Skakdi of lightning right?
154) Yes
165)Will you ever come up with Matoran attributes for Magnetism, Plasma, Gravity, and The Green? I'm talking about the little things such as greater resistance to heat for Ta-Matoran, or enhanced hearing for the De-Matoran. Just as a suggestion, I think gravity Matoran should be able to jump higher or something.
175) If I need to for story, I will. If I don't need it for story, I may not have time.
186)What would Nova Blasts of Stone, Earth and Iron do? Would it just like shatter all of the stone, earth, or iron in the area? Or would Earth cause massive earthquakes?
196) Actually, it would cover everything for miles and miles around with rock, earth or iron
207)Several islands are mentioned such as the island that Artakha used to have a bridge that connected with it, or the island that Naho swam to to ask for help for Metru Nui, yet none of these islands appear to be on the MU map that we have. Are they simply too small to be seen on the map, or just excluded from it?
217) Well, the island connected to Artakha is long gone. As for the other, how do you know it isn't on the map?
228)Does the average Toa who comes into existence by a Toa Stone look similar to the Toa Metru body style? I ask this because we have seen Toa from 3 separate teams with the same body type, Hagah, Mangai, and Metru. I know this is because the sets were all made around the same time, but is there a storyline reason? Or are all Toa completely different like the Toa Mahri look like?
238) I don't think how you come into being has really anything to do with what your body style is. When you become a Toa, you become a Toa in the shape that you believe a Toa to have. Hence the Metru looking like Lhikan, since he was the Toa they were familiar with as Matoran.
249a) If a Toa runs out of Element Energy and cannot make any more fire for instance, could they still manipulate existing fire to fight with, or would that require energy as well?
259a) That requires energy as well
269b) Could a Toa quickly absorb their element if they are out of it, and then quickly release it?
279b) No, because the ability to do that is part of their elemental power. If they have no elemental power left, they can't do that.
2810) If a Toa uses up some of their Toa energy, they still have the same amount of power right? They only lose their power once every last bit is used up?
2910) Yes
3011) Is it possible that we will ever see new elements, or do you think that they have all been covered?
3111) I don't have plans to introduce new ones any time soon. We have a lot that haven't been explored at all in story, so adding new ones isn't really necessary right now.
3212) If Toa of Sonics retain their weakness to loud sounds, wouldn't their own attacks harm them in battle?
3312) Did we say they retain their weakness as Toa? (Guess that means BS01 needs to be changed.
3413) This is kinda just a bit of stupid nit-picking, but Toa Pouks' Toa Tool is called the Avalanche Spear. Avalanches are snow-related, not stones, so why would it be called that, or did you never call it that?
3513) While you are correct in terms of dictionary definition, avalanche is used in many places as a synonym for rockslide.
3614) How much stronger would you say a Toa Nuva's elemental abilities are than that of a regular Toa? Twice as strong? 1.5 times?
3714) Not something we have defined
3815) Would the adaptive armor allow for the Toa Nuva to survive inside of a volcano or in lava or is that too extreme?
3915) Probably not, because to do that, they would have to be totally sealed in, which means they wouldn't be able to breathe. If there was even a joint open, the lava could get in and burn the organics.
4016) Do you have a favorite element?
4116) Ice
4217) Does Takanuva still posses his Power Lance and simply favored the smaller and quicker lightstaffs for his last mission, or did he somehow lose the power lance?
4317) One has to assume he abandoned it for some reason.
4418) I'm still not sure exactly what a Toa of Magnetism can do. They can essentially just control metals right? Which is basically what a Toa of Iron can do right?
4518) Wrong. I would suggest going onto Marvel.com and looking up Magneto. As the master of magnetism, he does way more than control metal. For example, he can make a shield for himself out of magnetic force; he can also use magnetic fields to walk on air; he can use magnetism to shut down electronics; he has even been able to do mind control by controlling the iron in human blood.
4619) Now that BIONICLE is no longer making sets, do you have a lot more freedom in what direction you take the story in?
4719) I don't have characters I am mandated to have to use, that is the major difference.
4820) What made the Turaga want to go back to Metru Nui? Was it because Takanuva's discovery made it so that they could no longer keep it a secret, or did the forget about it? Plus why did they leave in the first place when they could have just rebuilt like they ended up doing anyways?
4920) They left because Makuta had escaped from his Toa seal, so it wasn't safe to stay there, and because Vakama had heard a voice telling him they should leave and showing them the way. As for going back there, they always intended to do that, but couldn't until the Toa Mata arrived to defeat the Manas and the Makuta. Otherwise, they would have just been slaughtered.
1Hi, GregF. I just had a few questions:
21. Do Makuta have something like a default form (the form in which they were created, perhaps)?
32. You've said that the known Toa teams will most likely disband on Spherus Magna. For what reason?
43. Theoretically speaking, could the Spear of Fusion dissolve natural fusions (Kaita, Nui) and/or fusions made by energized protodermis (Takutanuva, the gold reptilian ...thing)?
53b. a Mask of Fusion?
6Non-story related:
74. As a writer, do you begin with the ending in mind, or does it just kind of happen?
8Thanks for your time.
101) One would assume so 112) Because they are supposed to work with the Agori and Glatorian to build a new society. Makes more sense to do that by integrating with teams made up of Glatorian and Agori rather than stay as separate Toa teams. 123) Not that I am aware of 134) With BIONICLE, yes, I usually did know how a given story would end. With my own writing, no.
143. Well, there goes that theory.
15With Takutanuva and the Gold fellow, they are combined and transformed, not just combined, so the spear of fusion couldnt split them properly, but theres no reason why it couldnt work on a regular kaita.