1I saw part of Metus revenge once. I like the fact that it is canon. The storyline has been so tense ever since the second half of 2008, so we need some comic relief. Personally, I hoped the other movies would have had similar extended endings.
1Yay, Metus Revenge is official . I really liked it for some reason...
1Hello mr.Farshtey, 21. Who is older Gelu or Strakk? 32. Will you eventually decide what the prefixes for plasma, magnetism, plantlife etc. are? 43. Could you canonize that Tiro was a Toa Mangai of stone? Because theirs a canyon is Po-Wahi that is named Tiro canyon so Onewa could of named it after him like Nokama named Naho bay after Toa Naho. 54. Did Gresh's successor die or simply quiet his position as second Glatorian? 6thank you for your time.
71) I would guess Strakk 82) Only if I need to for story 93) Here's the problem. If you are going to say all sorts of things on Mata Nui were named after the Toa Mangai, then why is nothing named after Lhikan? The Turaga actually went out of their way to hide his name. 104) Why do you assume he/she isn't alive and/or active?
71) I would guess Strakk 82) Only if I need to for story 93) Here's the problem. If you are going to say all sorts of things on Mata Nui were named after the Toa Mangai, then why is nothing named after Lhikan? The Turaga actually went out of their way to hide his name. 104) Why do you assume he/she isn't alive and/or active?
1If by successor you mean predecessor, that one was mentioned to have died.
1Theres absolutely no reason to believe Metus' revenge isnt canon. it was made to be included in The Legend Reborn and whether it happened or not has no effect on the story whatsoever, so why not? Its not like a shocking plot detail was revealed that greg doesnt want to use or that contradicts something else. if it was excessively silly like clck threw barrels at him untill he stepped on a rake that might be best left out, but it was not like that at all.
21) it was plausible 32) it didn't contradict existing canon (and still doesn't) 43) it was part of official material
5it astounds me that it even occured to anyone that it might not be canon.
21) it was plausible 32) it didn't contradict existing canon (and still doesn't) 43) it was part of official material
5it astounds me that it even occured to anyone that it might not be canon.
11. why at the moment did zaktan die. 22. please explain why The shadowed one killed Ancient and not trust his closest friend/acquaintance?
31) Not sure I understand your question. Zaktan had become a water-breather. When his tank was shattered, he died from suffocation. 42) Because The Shadowed One is a bad guy. Bad guys don't trust anyone.
5i keep editing the BS01 page, but people keep on saying that Zaktan just 'blew up'.

1Hello mr.Farshtey, 21. Who is older Gelu or Strakk? 32. Will you eventually decide what the prefixes for plasma, magnetism, plantlife etc. are? 43. Could you canonize that Tiro was a Toa Mangai of stone? Because theirs a canyon is Po-Wahi that is named Tiro canyon so Onewa could of named it after him like Nokama named Naho bay after Toa Naho. 54. Did Gresh's successor die or simply quiet his position as second Glatorian? 6thank you for your time.
71) I would guess Strakk 82) Only if I need to for story 93) Here's the problem. If you are going to say all sorts of things on Mata Nui were named after the Toa Mangai, then why is nothing named after Lhikan? The Turaga actually went out of their way to hide his name. 104) Why do you assume he/she isn't alive and/or active?
11Perhaps the Turaga thought if Lhikan was mentioned it would somehow jump start the Matoran's memories? After all, he was a very important person to eevery single Matoran on Metru Nui.

1Wait, Metus' Revenge can't be canon, because Mata Nui had to leave on his quest to find the Prototype Robot's powersource right away, and he wouldn't have time to save some ramshackle vehicle... 

1[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]Sorry, mr farshtey. I know you're busy, but if you have the time...in the Great Cataclysm, Voya Nui and Mahri Nui were still one oval of land when they broke off and drifted into Aqua Magna. 700 years later, Mahri Nui sank beneath the sea. 300 years later, the staff of Artakha mended the universe and caused Voya Nui to smash Mahri Nui and fly back to the MU. So if Mahri Nui never got a chance to unify itself with Mata Nui, doesn't that mean he still has a hole in his stomach over Karda Nui? And with energy storms spilling out?Thanks a lot.[/QUOTE]Nope. Because Mahri Nui never existed inside the robot. Mahri Nui was formed from lava from Mount Valmai cooling in the ocean during the years Voya Nui was outside of the body. That's why it broke off so easily and sank. It was never part of the original robot.[/QUOTE]Sorry, mr farshtey. I know you're busy, but if you have the time...in the Great Cataclysm, Voya Nui and Mahri Nui were still one oval of land when they broke off and drifted into Aqua Magna. 700 years later, Mahri Nui sank beneath the sea. 300 years later, the staff of Artakha mended the universe and caused Voya Nui to smash Mahri Nui and fly back to the MU. So if Mahri Nui never got a chance to unify itself with Mata Nui, doesn't that mean he still has a hole in his stomach over Karda Nui? And with energy storms spilling out?Thanks a lot.Nope. Because Mahri Nui never existed inside the robot. Mahri Nui was formed from lava from Mount Valmai cooling in the ocean during the years Voya Nui was outside of the body. That's why it broke off so easily and sank. It was never part of the original robot.
12) You may get this a lot, but when will the next serial chapter(s) be up?
22) I sent the next chapter of Sahmad's Tale to Kelly last Thursday, so it is waiting for when he has time to put it up. I know he was traveling to Denmark today.
3More waiting. -.- But at least it has been written and recorded.
1Theres absolutely no reason to believe Metus' revenge isnt canon. it was made to be included in The Legend Reborn and whether it happened or not has no effect on the story whatsoever, so why not? Its not like a shocking plot detail was revealed that greg doesnt want to use or that contradicts something else. if it was excessively silly like clck threw barrels at him untill he stepped on a rake that might be best left out, but it was not like that at all.
21) it was plausible 32) it didn't contradict existing canon (and still doesn't) 43) it was part of official material
5it astounds me that it even occured to anyone that it might not be canon.
6Well, it is canon now. Greg said it wasn't a while back, but he's never seen it, so you can't blame him, since I believe he didn't write Metus' Revenge.
7Wait, Metus' Revenge can't be canon, because Mata Nui had to leave on his quest to find the Prototype Robot's powersource right away, and he wouldn't have time to save some ramshackle vehicle...
8He could have stayed for a little after the war on Roxtus. After all, he was there for weeks helping the Agori assemble the Mega-Village. It could have happened anytime during that timespan.
11. Are there any Makuta other than Miserix that are still alive? 21a. If so, where are they? 32. How exactly did the Golden armor work to destroy the rahkshi's kraata? Did it use light to disintegrate them? Or since it was a creation of the Mask of Life, did it draw the life out of them? 43. Has legal approved any names for the Piraka Fusion yet? 53a. If so, what have you chosen? 64. If you were a BIONICLE character, who would you be? (i.e. Gresh, Kopaka, etc.)
7Thanks .
81) No 92) I got the impression it was energy, not light. If they just needed light, they could have used Takanuva. 103) I haven't received the approved name list back yet, no 114) No idea.
1I certainly hope that you enjoy this answer.
2Me: When Mata Nui went on a trip in outer space, he explored many different planets. Were there thousands of planets out there that had beings similar to the Matoran, Agori, and the Glatoran? And did the Great Beings create them?
3GregF: There were certainly planets with life forms, but most likely not like the Matoran, and we do not know if they were organic life like the Agori and Glatorian. Since the Great Beings are not gods, and did not create the Agori or Glatorian, it is also the case that they did not create life on any other worlds.

2Me: When Mata Nui went on a trip in outer space, he explored many different planets. Were there thousands of planets out there that had beings similar to the Matoran, Agori, and the Glatoran? And did the Great Beings create them?
3GregF: There were certainly planets with life forms, but most likely not like the Matoran, and we do not know if they were organic life like the Agori and Glatorian. Since the Great Beings are not gods, and did not create the Agori or Glatorian, it is also the case that they did not create life on any other worlds.
1Hello Greg. I have some questions for you, most for Bionicle, but also one that I hope wouldn't be too personal, mostly in relations to you're child. I'll start with this one first:
2One: When you are raising your child, how do you hope to incorporate Bionicle into his/her life (if at all you plan to)? If this is too personal, then you don't have to answer this.
3....and Bionicle....
4Two: Seeing as how the Shadowed One is assumed alive, will his possession of the virus still play an potential role in future story (presuming he can use it as a weapon against MU residents and engineer it for his own purposes)?
5Three: Is is likely that the Dark Hunters will remain active (or to the point of staying together)?
6Four: With Miserix in the picture still, would it be safe to assume that he would try to rebuild the Brotherhood (as far as having massive Rakashi, Rahi, Exo-Toa, and other forces, not sharing power with others of his species or attempt to create more Makuta)? 7A. If so, would he likely turn bad (in turning on the toa bad, even though he already drained all of his light) and try to seek power. It could be assumed that he might try this because Miserix, throughout all of his life in leading and serving the light for gaining something in return, has never gained much from it. Instead, he has been repetitively used, betrayed, and cast aside. In seeing this, he would be convinced that serving the light would do nothing for him and would be inclined to take power, especially after the brotherhood fell with the possiblity to rebuild and his natural darkness (not looking with morality upon situations).
8Five: With the toa and Glatorian separating to form their own villages/communities, will Tahu and Ackar still resume some leadership roles (like how Ackar was assigned as leader of Glatorian guard for Atero after TLR, and Tahu naturally assuming a leading role in rallying the remaining toa)?
9Six: Is the Nui Stone still intact?
10A. If so, does Tuyet retain a piece of it at least?
11Seven: Are Lewa and the rest of his group assumed trapped in the Great Being's Prison (in the case of being stuck in the middle of an unknown region of forest, having the local villagers and residents nearby posing a threat as though they were prison guards, and unknown creatures and conditions that could possibly cost them their lives)?
12And Eight: How far are you on the latest 'Samad's Tale' chapter?
13Thank you and have a good day.
14-Toa Deserok
151) I have no plans to at this point. BIONICLE wouldn't really be appropriate until the kid was seven years old or so, at which point we will be well past the point any new sets were being made. So the odds are it wouldn't be on our child's radar screen at all. Like any kid, his interests will be his own, I am not going to try to force BIONICLE on him just because I worked on it. Hopefully, he will like LEGO building in general, but there is no way to predict that either. 162) If you remember, the virus vials were broken. 173) Yes 184) I do not expect him to try to rebuild the Brotherhood, because at this point he has no access to antidermis. He's nowhere near the Mata Nui robot and I doubt the Toa will be rushing to salvage antidermis from the wreckage. 195) Why do you assume the Toa and Glatorian are separating? They are going to be working together 206) Don't know 217) I don't see them as trapped, no. They are not behind bars, after all. 228) Done, sent to Kelly last Thursday. But he is on a business trip to Denmark, so may not have had time to post it.
1The first one was already stated, so I am just posting the second question. Nothing new really, but it hasn't been asked before (as far as I know).
7I was hoping there were Skakdi with Makuta powers...
22. Since Spiriah gave the Skakdi elemental powers, is it possible that he also gave them Makuta powers (i.e. 3Elasticity, Sleep, Rahi Control, etc.) (not including things like gravity or telepathy, as Makuta can only control one element 4[i.e. weightlessness]of powers like that)
5Thank you for your time.
62) Not to my knowledge.
7I was hoping there were Skakdi with Makuta powers...
1Just some questions I asked; there were more, but they relate to GN8, so you guys don't get them :3
6A little disappointing, but at least that sort of solidifies my understanding of SM geography.
2Hey Greg. After reading Graphic Novel 8 (which I have bought several copies of; here's hoping we get Graphic Novel 10 .), I had a few questions about the overall geography of Spherus Magna, and how certain regions are defined.
31. From how I understand, the Northern Frost and Great Jungle are adjacent regions, hence them becoming part of the same celestial body after the Shattering. But prior to that (and afterwards, now), were they both part of the region known as "Bota Magna"? That being, when somebody says "Bota Magna", do people understand that it means both of those areas (similar to "North America" implying America and Canada and Mexico) or is it solely implying the Great Jungle? 41a. Same for "Bara Magna"; when "Bara Magna" is said, does it also imply the White Quartz and Black Spike mountain ranges, or are those distinct regions?
51-1a) Agori would refer to the individual regions by their names, the same way that you would refer to Canada as Canada and not also be referring to the North Pole
6A little disappointing, but at least that sort of solidifies my understanding of SM geography.
1me and waffles were having an interesting conversation in this topic about types of protodermis, which brought up the questions:
21) is proterdermis a chemical element?
32) is antidermis?
43) is energized protodermis?
54) if yes, were these the only chemical elements in the MU?
6The nature of EP remains a mystery, but protodermis and antidermis are both artificially created substances, not elements from nature.
7ah, but there are, in real life, man-made chemical elements have been created. so they don't necessarily have to be elements from nature.
8so.... are protodermis and/ore antidermis synthetic elements?
9or are they specific chemical compounds?
10I don't have this info, T. I focus on what I need for story, and this kind of detail hasn't been needed.
12wish he'd just said 'yes'
1I think it's awesome that you take the time to answer all our random questions. It's like Stan Lee answering fan questions about Spider-Man .
2Question timeCan you tell us all the Kraata powers Tahu gained from using the Golden Armor? Or are you planning to save that for later...
32: What is Tahu going to do with the Golden Armor after he takes it off?
43: Takanuva is in his '03 form again, but with silver armor instead of gold, correct?
51) I'm not planning to go into that here, no
62) What would you suggest? It's not really of much use anymore, it's done what it was intended to do.
73) Takanuva's appearance on Bara Magna was a result of him using his control over light to alter how the eye perceives color. His actual armor has not changed.
81) By "not here," do you mean "going to reveal in some serial" or "not going to bother?"
93)Ah, okay. So is he still silver or did he go back to gold?
101) Not on BZP, most likely elsewhere
113) Gold
121)??? BS01?
13Sorry to keep buggin' you like this.
15Dunno if he knew what I meant on that very last one...Didn't word it too well, though.
1Hmmm... I wonder how he'll reveal it on BS01...
1Maybe Greg understood that he was asking what does BS01 stand for?
1I think what Greg meant is that what new powers Tahu has will be revealed when he uses them in future stories, not in fan questions.
1Hello Greg, hope you are having a good day.
2Also, I really appreciate your replying to my questions .
3If you don't mind, I have other questions that I forgot to mention:
41. Although Life, Time, and Creation are considered Legendary Mask Powers and are NOT elements as they cannot be wielded by Toa, is it still possible that they can have colors associated with them? According to BS01, Heat Vision is associated with the color yellow and it is definitely not an element.
52. Just to clarify, Toa of Psionics CANNOT absorb their own element? 6Also, Toa of Gravity CAN, but they just don't have to?
73. a. Orange is the primary color of Plasma. Does this include Keetorange? 8b. Metallic grey is the primary color of Iron. Does this include silver? 9c. For Light's colors, is it Primary White and Secondary Gold, or Primary Gold and Secondary White? (Again, just to clarify) 10d. Is Sonic's secondary color black? That's what it looks like on the Krakua model.
114. When you say the matoran worked in darkness while constructing Mata Nui, does this mean that they literally worked in the dark, or that they simply did not know what they were making?
125. When destined Av-Matoran become Bohrok, does this happen at the end of their life, or does it just happen whenever?
13Again, I really appreciate your time.
151) That is the color of armor Rahkshi have who have that power, but I do not consider that to be the color associated with the power in general. So no, I have no plans to assign colors to these.
162) Actually, I believe BS01 states that Toa of Gravity do not asborb their element.
173A) Why do you want to know? 183b) Silver and metallic gray are totally different colors 193c) Really not something I have worried about 203d) I don't have the Krakua model in front of me, so can't answer
214) Mainly the latter
225) Happens when it is destined to happen.
1Hello Mr.Farshtey, 21. Now that the Toa Nuva's armour is in default form what weapons do they use; Midak Skyblasters or Nynrah Ghostblasters? 32. Why did the male Skrall abandon the female Skrall if they knew they needed them to reproduce? 43. Who is older Malum or Kiina? 54. Were all 42 types of Rahkshi present during the battle of Bara Magna? 65. In Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna, it says that others lived in Roxtus prior to the Skrall's arrival, is it possible the Great Beings live their? 76. Were all the Toa Mangai primary element Toa like fire, water, air etc. Or were their Toa of Plasma, Toa of Gravity etc. on the Toa Mangai? 87. Would the Olmak be able to travel to Earth's dimension? 9Thank you for your time.
101) May not be either, Tuma, it may shift again to something more appropriate for their new environment. 112) There are many animals in nature in which the two genders only get together to mate, and spend no other time together. I assume the Skrall would work the same way. 123) Probably Malum 134) I doubt it 145) No 156) Unknown 167) I don't think so, no. We prefer to keep Earth totally divorced from BIONICLE
101) May not be either, Tuma, it may shift again to something more appropriate for their new environment. 112) There are many animals in nature in which the two genders only get together to mate, and spend no other time together. I assume the Skrall would work the same way. 123) Probably Malum 134) I doubt it 145) No 156) Unknown 167) I don't think so, no. We prefer to keep Earth totally divorced from BIONICLE
1Question:GregF, I have a question about the BIONICLE 5 Treatment:
2Is the treatment script a fully canon alternate universe in the storyline?
3Answer:As an alt. universe, yes, with the exception of character names -- the names for the new characters in the treatment were NOT approved by legal, and so are not canon.
2Is the treatment script a fully canon alternate universe in the storyline?
3Answer:As an alt. universe, yes, with the exception of character names -- the names for the new characters in the treatment were NOT approved by legal, and so are not canon.
1Once again, you have to PM Greg, he doesn't read this topic. Usually. There's a link in the first post.
1GregF, I have a question about the BIONICLE 5 Treatment:
2Is the treatment script a fully canon alternate universe in the storyline?
4Greg rarely reads this topic and doesn't answer any questions posted here. You have to send all of your questions to the G-man himself via PM and then post your answers here

1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I hope your summer is starting off well.
21.) What was the cause/reason of TSO's disaperance? Does it have anything to do with Shadow Stealer?
32.) I read that Shadow Stealer was origanally a member of the Hand of Artakha. After the Hand was disbanded, he joined the Dark Hunters. TSO send Shadow Stealer on a mission to a far flung part of the MU, a mission which, according to TSO, should have taken several years to complete, but which Shadow Stealer completed in mere days. Last we heard, Shadow Stealer was on his way to confront TSO, but his progress has been impeeded by toa and other Dark Hunters. From this little paragraph, I can ask a few questions such as...
42a.) What was this mission that Shadow Stealer was assigned to do? (The one that should have taken years to finish)
52b.) Why would Shadow Stealer want to confront TSO? I mean, he just completed his first big job for him, and now it's like he has a personal vendetta against him or something. Why?
62c.) Was Shadow Stealer created as a one of a kind being, or are there a whole bunch of freaky looking people who look like him lurking about in the southern islands or something?
73.) Has Conjurer awoke from his coma yet?
83a.) If not, then was he transported from Odina to Xia when the Dark Hunters moved their base of operations?
93b.) And other thing. Why would TSO care about the preservation of Conjurer so much? He dosen't sound like the best Dark Hunter out there, and TSO seems more like the type who would have the body tossed in the ocean than use up resources preserving the catonic body. (Personally, I think Conjurer is really cool, BTW)
104.) Do you have any idea how long Gresh has been serving as Tersara's secondary glatorian?
114b.) If not, your best guess will do.
125.) Why is Tesara called the "Twin Villages?"
13I hope you have a good day.
151) No, it has to do with the broken vials.
162a) No idea. I didn't create his bio, the fan who built him did.
172b) It states in the bio that he hates his fellow Dark Hunters, remember? Maybe he wants to take over the organization.
182c) I don't see anything to indicate he is a one of a kind being.
193) No
203a) Unknown
213b) How do you know he doesn't have knowledge TSO may need someday?
224) No, I don't
235) Because there were two shelter pieces some distance apart, both of which were acting as shelters for the Tesaran, as opposed to one shelter piece in other villages.

1Hi Greg, just a couple of questions.
21) Was the current Pit destroyed when Teridax fell, meaning the prisoners like Roodaka and Karzahni escaped? 31a) If not, were they released anyway? 42) Did the Vortixx release the Tahtorak and Kanohi Dragon onto Spherus Magna?
51) No. To get out, they will need to be rescued 61a) I hope so, the alternative is you leave them to suffocate or starve 72) Unknown at present.
GregF Redidax 1Hi Mr.Farshtey, I came up with some questions so I want to ask you:
21.Was Mata Nui intended by the GBs not to watch out what was going inside him?
32.Have you planned a general idea about the serials or at least some stuff about what the new serials are going to be? (The Team One and the Protagonists one)
4Thank you, sir.
51) I see Mata Nui as very much like you and me. As you go through your day, assuming you are a generally healthy person, do you go, "I wonder what my white blood cells are doing today" or "Hey, hope my new cells are being produced okay ." No, probably not, unless you get sick and have to worry about things like that. And Mata Nui was the same way. He had the Barraki and then the Makuta who were supposed to look after his insides so he wasn't worrying about them. He was focused on his mission. 62) Nope, I don't work that way. I sit down to write and I write what comes to me. I don't do a lot of planning ahead of time. If I already know what's going to happen, I get bored.
7The Second is interesting to me.
1GregF, I have a question about the BIONICLE 5 Treatment:
2Is the treatment script a fully canon alternate universe in the storyline?
4Greg rarely reads this topic and doesn't answer any questions posted here. You have to send all of your questions to the G-man himself via PM and then post your answers here.
6Yeah, I messed up. Just PM'd him. >_>
11)The Vahi was stolen when we last heard of it in the Matoran Universe. Are there any plans of finding out what happened to it after the reformation of Spherus Magna and the evacuation of the Matoran Universe? 22)Are there still any beings in the Matoran Universe?
3Thanks for your time Mr. Farshtey. 4Sincerely, 5Waffles
61) Haven't decided 72) For their sake, I hope not
GregF Redidax 1Hi Mr.Farshtey, I came up with some questions so I want to ask you:
21.Was Mata Nui intended by the GBs not to watch out what was going inside him?
32.Have you planned a general idea about the serials or at least some stuff about what the new serials are going to be? (The Team One and the Protagonists one)
4Thank you, sir.
51) I see Mata Nui as very much like you and me. As you go through your day, assuming you are a generally healthy person, do you go, "I wonder what my white blood cells are doing today" or "Hey, hope my new cells are being produced okay ." No, probably not, unless you get sick and have to worry about things like that. And Mata Nui was the same way. He had the Barraki and then the Makuta who were supposed to look after his insides so he wasn't worrying about them. He was focused on his mission. 62) Nope, I don't work that way. I sit down to write and I write what comes to me. I don't do a lot of planning ahead of time. If I already know what's going to happen, I get bored.
7The Second is interesting to me.
8Is it me or is anyone else genuinely scared that our cells could potentially be plotting against us as we speak?

9In other news, I am curious to see how theories will play out in the new storyline. Like in main story, we could guess where we were heading. I wonder if that will continue on.