1Well, it could go either way I think. Remember, his team would still have been killed in the DM universe. He could have joined up with the empire as a way to get revenge on the Zyglak
1Then what would Lesovikk do about Sarda? I dont think the empire would let a Toa hang out with a matoran.
1sarda isn't with lessovikk in DM, because there was never a great cataclysm, so voya nui never blasted through the ceiling and no mahri nui. sarda's still on the mainland, and he probably looks like the voyatoran.
1Lesovik loosing sarda had nothing to with the great cataclysm. It happened way before that.
1ah, you're talking about when he first lost sarda, which happened well before tuyet took over. your previous post seemed to have thought that sarda and lessovikk are together in DM, like they are in our universe, which isn't true.
1Dear greg, Why did you make a BIONICLE god? 

1QUOTE 2Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions for you:
41. Of course it wouldn't affect the storyline, but in the Bionicle story, does our universe exist? Like, maybe in another dimension or something?
52. How does Tren Krom walk? Does he have legs, or does he slither around on his tentacles?
63. In the Dark Mirror alternate dimension, Did Jovan become a Turaga and die, or did he become pert of the Toa empire?
74. What was the name of the trader of Sidorak's species encountered on Stelt in Federation of Fear?
85. Do the other Makuta Know where Teridax is?
96. Are there other female Makuta besides Gorast?
107. Where did Tren Krom learn to talk?
118. Will we ever get to see a map of all the Bionicle Islands, in the ocean?
129. Were/are there any other Av-Matoran anywhere besides Karda-Nui? If so, where?
1310. Do the Zyglak speak?
1411. Can Toa Ignika disintegrate into nothing if he wishes?
1512. Will we be seeing any other major locations in 2008?
1613. What does Brutaka and his team want with Miserix
17Thank you for your time,
191) Not to my knowledge, no 202) Hasn't been revealed yet 213) Jovan would be a Turaga now. He turned into a Turaga prior to 3500 years ago and was living on Voya Nui, and died in the Great Cataclysm. The GC never happened here, so he is still alive. 224) I don't think I gave him a name in story. 235) They know where he is supposed to be, yes 246) No 257) Tren Krom always talked, same way the Toa always talked 268) I doubt it 279) Sure. Other Av-Matoran were seeded throughout the universe, same as Takua was. The crazed Matoran Jaller and his team met in Karzahni was an Av-Matoran. 2810) Yes 2911) His body can, yes 3012) 2008 main story is Karda Nui only 3113) Well, think about it ... you have an organization, and the leader gets overthrown and replaced by a new one. Who is the last person the new leader wants to see coming back again?
1Hey Greg, hope you have a good easter . So I have a few questions:
201) Will the Toa Mistika meet Toa Ignika? What about the Makuta Mistika?
302) When do you plan on revealing the Makuta Mistika mask names?
403) Does the 2009 location take place in a parallel universe? Or a pocket one?
504) Is Axxon aware that Brutaka is back in the Order?
605) Will Lesovikk make a comeback? Possibly as an air breather?
706) Will Mata Nui be awakened at the end of the year?
807) So Kardas is in Metru Nui, can we expect a fight with the Mahri? Possibly even Krakua?
908) Are any other Order members or servants in Metru Nui or is Krakua by himself?
1009) Is Krakua going to meet any of the characters this year? Like the Mahri or the Turaga? Or is he acting in secret?
1110) Why do Matoran not date?
1211) We already know that there will be Toa next year. Just out of curiosity, dowe know who they are?
1312) Will any of this year's (or any of the previous years) be making a comeback next year?
1413) Would a Turaga Nuva be different from a regular Turaga? If yes, what would the differences be?
1514) Just out of curiosity, who pays the Story Team when it comes to comics? Lego or DC?
1615) You've mentioned to me once that all the Hagah's staffs have powers of their own. Have you given Kualus and Bomonga their staff powers?
1716) Are former Shadow Matoran affected by Karda Nui's energy in any way?
1817) How exactly are Lightstones powered by Karda Nui's energy? Radiation?
1918) What about Heatstones?
2019) Is there any reason why the Lightstones in the Chamber were dark red instead or their usual yellow?
2120) Are there any Turaga were the Voyatoran and Mahritoran are?
2221) I remember years ago that you said that Matoran could become Turaga if they follow the path of wisdom or something like that. Were you serious or was that just to cover up the fact that they have to transform into Toa first?
2322) How did Karzahni end up working in Ga-Metru in DM? Did Tuyet take over his lair?
241) Yes 252) When we are close to the sets actually coming out. 263) Neither 274) Probably not 285) Haven't decided 296) I can't discuss future storyline 307) We'll see 318) Yes, there are others 329) Yes, he will 3310) No societal need to do so. Romantic rituals in our society basically grew out of the primal need to mate and to reproduce so that the species can continue. Matoran have no such need, because they don't reproduce biologically. 3411) I am not sure why you think you know that, Lei, since I haven't said it. 3512) I can't discuss 2009 3613) Ability to share mask powers, for one thing 3714) Only member of the story team who works on the comics is me, and it is on top of my regular job at LEGO. So I don't get paid any extra for it. LEGO pays DC for the art and lettering. 3815) No, haven't had any need to yet 3916) There are no former shadow Matoran. All the existing shadow Matoran exist as shadow Matoran now. 4017-18) Hasn't been revealed. It's not something I feel any great need to explore in story. 4119) Which chamber? 4220) No. The Turaga of Voya Nui was Jovan, and he's dead. 4321) It's still true, I think. A Toa who is reckless and wild and not wise at all isn't going to make a very good Turaga, now, is he? 4422) The Toa shut him down and gave him a choice -- assist with reeducation, which was sort of a spin on what he was already supposed to be doing, or die.
4511) No no . I meant that we've gotten used to the fact that six new Toa sets are to be released every year (unless there are 12 canister villains like in 2003) I meant have any of the characters (be it Toa, villain, Rahi, Matoran, etc) been introduced before? 4613) What about power level? Where do they stand on the scale? You said a Turaga of Fire could light a candle, what about a Turaga Nuva of Fire? 4719) Chamber of Death, Voya Nui 4816) My mistake, I meant former Av-Matoran. 4922) You mean Matoran can skip the Toa stage and become Turaga?
5011) And I still can't answer it -- I can't discuss who the characters will be in 2009 5113) Turaga Nuva would definitely have more control of their element than a Turaga would 5219) For effect 5316) No, they have already been effected by it, hence their size 5422) No, I mean a Matoran who does not follow the path of wisdom, as a Matoran and as a Toa, is going to make a lousy Turaga and would be better off staying a Toa
55Hmm, Lesovikk might return. I think he'd rebel. And yay . The Mistika meet the Ignika in Toa form . And it would interesting what would happen if the Nuva ever become Turaga, the Mahri would still be amphibious but the Nuva, as always, are on a level of their own.
11) are there different types of shadow leeches because the kraata are all different. 22) How does mutran mutate the kraata 33) Can a shadow leeches effects be reversed 44) is a shadow leech more powerful than a kraata 55) will the vahi, ignika, and mask of light ever be used in future storylines. 6thanks for the time 

1hey greg can you kindly answer these questions.
21: can you reveal portions of legends #11 origanal name but not portions that are spoilers.
32: does tren krom have a purpose?
43: this may be unlikely but when you said ignika can turn turaga back into toa. does that mean we might see the metru again somehow?
54: you said one toa would never wish he saw the recollection of karda nui. gali is not a he. would you leave out tahu and lewa? so would it be chances of pohatu,onua or kopaka.
65: is 2009 going to be the awesome year of bionicle since 2008 is getting hyped up.
7thanks greg
81) The name has already been revealed, it's The Final Batttle 92) All living things have a purpose 103) No, I have no plans for that. The Turaga are not in Karda Nui and Ignika is busy there, plus we are not in the Matoran universe next year. 114) Why would I leave out Tahu and Lewa? 125) That is up to the fans' opinion of it. 2009 is an entirely new direction for the story.
131)well somewhere you said the book had another name but it would reveal too much of 2008 142)will we learn tren krom's purpose in fof6 ? 153) okay. 164) well tahu has been the leader and lewa has too much bad things happen to him. you want to try it on another character that doesnt get much things happening to him. like onua or pohatu 175) okay.
186) how much toa would you say are left since matoro's death and krakua's appearance.
19thats all for now
201) It did, originally, but I am certainly not going to share what that was. 212) Yes 224) Why? It makes sense to do it to the one for whom the development makes logical sense. 236) A little over 50
24will we learn tren krom's purpose in fof6 and there is a little more toa then 50
113. What does Brutaka and his team want with Miserix?
213) Well, think about it ... you have an organization, and the leader gets overthrown and replaced by a new one. Who is the last person the new leader wants to see coming back again?
3Well, now we know it. But I wonder if Miserix is needed for fear (Teridax thinks Miserix is dead) or for some knowledge?
1well, it looks like tahu or lewa is going to be our bad memory toa. i bet it's lewa, just because he messes up so much anyway.
1well, it looks like tahu or lewa is going to be our bad memory toa. i bet it's lewa, just because he messes up so much anyway.
2I think you're right, Lewa because first it was an infected kanohi, then a kratta, then a
3shadow leech in Shadows in the Sky
2Yeah, just because he said it's possible(if he did even say that) it does not at any cost mean that it's likelyto happen. You see, GregF just says those things to stave us off til next year. If he didn't say them, we'd have no imagination of what 2009 will be like. If the questions don't have a definite answer, he just throws in a "maybe"Guys, I was thinking. GregF says that we won't be in a matoran universe. That doesn't mean some matoran and toa and stuff won't come along. There are tons of weird things they could do to do that. He does this kind of thing, you know .1you see greg says in the 2009 can be possible of the humans aparear in the bionicle world?
2Yeah, just because he said it's possible(if he did even say that) it does not at any cost mean that it's likelyto happen. You see, GregF just says those things to stave us off til next year. If he didn't say them, we'd have no imagination of what 2009 will be like. If the questions don't have a definite answer, he just throws in a "maybe"Guys, I was thinking. GregF says that we won't be in a matoran universe. That doesn't mean some matoran and toa and stuff won't come along. There are tons of weird things they could do to do that. He does this kind of thing, you know .1you see greg says in the 2009 can be possible of the humans aparear in the bionicle world?
3We still don't even have a quote about the human thing, so discussing it is pretty pointless and off-topic. Although I think the Tahu/Lewa memory bit might be a trick to confuse us...
4-Shardwing Prime-
2Yeah, just because he said it's possible(if he did even say that) it does not at any cost mean that it's likelyto happen. You see, GregF just says those things to stave us off til next year. If he didn't say them, we'd have no imagination of what 2009 will be like. If the questions don't have a definite answer, he just throws in a "maybe"Guys, I was thinking. GregF says that we won't be in a matoran universe. That doesn't mean some matoran and toa and stuff won't come along. There are tons of weird things they could do to do that. He does this kind of thing, you know .1you see greg says in the 2009 can be possible of the humans aparear in the bionicle world?
3We still don't even have a quote about the human thing, so discussing it is pretty pointless and off-topic. Although I think the Tahu/Lewa memory bit might be a trick to confuse us...
4-Shardwing Prime-
5I think Pohatu might be the one who regains his memory, since
6In BL9 he was the one remembering that Karda Nui was their home.
1Didn't you read my post 9 posts back? Our Universe doesn't exist in the Bionicle universe . Greg doesn't contradict himself.
1Dear greg, Why did you make a BIONICLE god?
2You're supposed to PM GregF your questions, since he rarely visits this topic. There's a link on the first page for PMing him.
3But I think I can answer your question anyway. What are you talking about? I know of no BIONICLE god and Mata Nui or the Great Beings aren't gods, is they are who you are talking about.
1the toa nuva lived in karda nui way back .? i have a feeling that the toa nuva arent just only toas of fire water air stone ice and earth............
11) are there different types of shadow leeches because the kraata are all different. 22) How does mutran mutate the kraata 33) Can a shadow leeches effects be reversed 44) is a shadow leech more powerful than a kraata 55) will the vahi, ignika, and mask of light ever be used in future storylines. 6thanks for the time
7Toa Ignika Ignition, you have to PM your questions to Greg (there's a link on the first post), but you have to wait until you have 10 posts first. I have answers for two of them, though: 83) Yes, but it is unknown how. 95) It's always possible, but in 2009 we're not in the Matoran Universe, so it's very unlikely to be anytime soon. 10

1Hiya, I have some questions of my own. 21) Will The Ledgends book series continue into 09, or will there be a new one?
32)Can Tahu, Onua, and Gali fly?
43)Did their armor change in the same way Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka's did?
54) Although they settled their differences, why did Tahu choose Kopaka specifically to be deputy leader?
65) If the mask Toa Ignika wears is silver, does that mean what Maxilos said is coming true?
76) Will bionicle ever go into space? 8Thank you muchly .
32)Can Tahu, Onua, and Gali fly?
43)Did their armor change in the same way Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka's did?
54) Although they settled their differences, why did Tahu choose Kopaka specifically to be deputy leader?
65) If the mask Toa Ignika wears is silver, does that mean what Maxilos said is coming true?
76) Will bionicle ever go into space? 8Thank you muchly .
1Hiya, I have some questions of my own. 21) Will The Ledgends book series continue into 09, or will there be a new one?
32)Can Tahu, Onua, and Gali fly?
43)Did their armor change in the same way Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka's did?
54) Although they settled their differences, why did Tahu choose Kopaka specifically to be deputy leader?
65) If the mask Toa Ignika wears is silver, does that mean what Maxilos said is coming true?
76) Will bionicle ever go into space? 8Thank you muchly .
9GregF doesn't come here; you have to PM your questions to him (there's a link on the first post). I have answers for some of them, though: 102) Yes
113) Yes
125) Yes 13

1Hiya, I have some questions of my own. 21) Will The Ledgends book series continue into 09, or will there be a new one?
32)Can Tahu, Onua, and Gali fly?
43)Did their armor change in the same way Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka's did?
54) Although they settled their differences, why did Tahu choose Kopaka specifically to be deputy leader?
65) If the mask Toa Ignika wears is silver, does that mean what Maxilos said is coming true?
76) Will bionicle ever go into space? 8Thank you muchly .
9You need to PM GregF here.

10EDIT - I'll answer the questions the above member couldn't -
111) No, there will be a new series. 124) He though he would be a good leader/strategist.

11) Could you tell me all beings that can use Nui Stone? 24) Toa can control their element like Telekinesis, correct? 35) Does Toa of Water also have power over Liquid Protodermis as well? 46) When Being uses Nui Stone, is his power level is rising (heavier power) or he has many support energies (can uses power for longer time)? 57) Do Great Beings immune to Pit Mutagen? 68) Do Vortixx immune to Pit Mutagen? 79) Does Mata Nui immune to Pit Mutagen? 810) Does Artakha immune to Pit Mutagen? 911) Does Tren Krom immune to Pit Mutagen? 1012) Do Keetongu's species immune to Pit Mutagen? 1113) Does Krahka immune to Pit Mutagen? 12Thanks
131) Toa 144) Yes 155) Yes 166) Power level rising 177) Can't answer it 188) No 199) Yes 2010-13) No
1Guys, can you stop answering the questions? I know you are all trying to be helpful, but you're encouraging people to post the questions here. I've noticed a lot more people have been posting their questions in this topic lately. I don't really know why. We also don't want people spreading around potentially false information, and saying that Greg answered the question when it was someone in here.
1Guys, can you stop answering the questions? I know you are all trying to be helpful, but you're encouraging people to post the questions here. I've noticed a lot more people have been posting their questions in this topic lately. I don't really know why. We also don't want people spreading around potentially false information, and saying that Greg answered the question when it was someone in here.
2But Nittany, this Topic was build for it. But yeah, Posting Question all here will help some people understand. Also you can ask Greg these questions and post them in another topic since you have the message in your PM list.
1Some more Q's about Tren Krom and some others...
21. Does Tren Krom care about what happens in the universe?
32. Would Tren Krom know if beings stepped on the other side of his island?
43. Does Tren Krom's island have it's own dome or is it sharing with another one?
54. If one would go sailing to some random point in the ocean, and that random point was the point where the center of Destral would appear into, would that being be swept away from it or would he be in Destral itself? 64a. If so, If Destral would reappear somewhere again and that person is still on it, will he be going with it? 74b. Well, will anybody know that this person got in there? If so, would that person get caught by Rahkshi?
85. Are beings other than Matoran smarter than an Artakha Bull? 95a. Is there any Matoran smarter than and Artakha Bull?
106. Can Artakha (land) be accessed through sailing in the ocean? 116a. If one would actually find it, what will happen to that being?
121) Tren Krom is not that aware of what's going on in the universe 132) Yes 143) Sharing with others 154) Most likely he would be destroyed by something teleporting into the middle of him 164a) His dead body would, yes 174b) Again, he'd be dead. 185) Go back and read the entry -- it says "legend says" that they are smarter than Matoran. 196) Yes, if you are in the right dome 206a) The OOMN will have you killed.
1No, Zaktansnake... Nittany Nuva is entirely correct. Such posts should not be made here. From the opening post of the topic:
4And it does appear as if there is an increasing number of people doing that here, and it can, in a way, be attributed to members receiving answers and others noticing. So they figure they can do the same.
6Now, back on topic... Umm. Yay Lesovikk returning?
8(Edit: *looks at post below* Gosh, Lesovikk "returning" then.
2This topic is Not for:
- 3Asking questions. You PM Greg for this, not post the questions here.
4And it does appear as if there is an increasing number of people doing that here, and it can, in a way, be attributed to members receiving answers and others noticing. So they figure they can do the same.
6Now, back on topic... Umm. Yay Lesovikk returning?
8(Edit: *looks at post below* Gosh, Lesovikk "returning" then.

1Isn't that the one in the comic?Where Tanma stopped him.
113. What does Brutaka and his team want with Miserix?
213) Well, think about it ... you have an organization, and the leader gets overthrown and replaced by a new one. Who is the last person the new leader wants to see coming back again?
3Well, now we know it. But I wonder if Miserix is needed for fear (Teridax thinks Miserix is dead) or for some knowledge?
5I doubt that Teridax thinks Miserix is dead...
6He just doesn't have the time to finish Miserix off, himself.
1 ![]()
2Terry sent Krika to kill Miserix, but he spared him, so yes, Terry probably thinks Miserix's dead.
3Some time later Miserix had originally followed Teridax's plan to dominate the universe, but later rebelled and was overthrown. He then ordered Miserix to be executed, but was disobeyed by Makuta Krika, and instead Miserix was imprisoned on an island far to the south of the Matoran Universe. There, he is heavily guarded by Rahi and other beings strong enough to detain a Makuta.
5He was disobeyed by Krika, so he knew Krika didn't kill him, and so decided that Miserix should be imprisoned on an island.
1Teridax doesn't know Krika disobeyed him -- if he did, I seriously doubt we would have a Krika set this summer. So yes, Teridax does still think Miserix is dead.