1Hi Greg,
2Over at BS01, we've had a bit of confusion about the history of the Zamor Launchers, specifically where the Nynrah come into it. Can you tell me which of these is closer to the truth, and any errors in them.
3Zamor were first designed by the Nynrah Ghosts and used by a Toa of Magnetism named Jovan, around 79,000 years ago.
4More recently, Zamor Spheres and their launchers were rediscovered by the Vortixx weaponsmiths of Xia; prototype Zamor Launcher models were sold to the Nynrah Ghosts for inspection and later stolen from them by Dark Hunters Nidhiki and Krekka.
5Zamor were first used by a Toa of Magnetism named Jovan, around 79,000 years ago.7.
6More recently, Zamor Spheres and their launchers were rediscovered by the Vortixx weaponsmiths of Xia; prototype Zamor Launcher models were sold to Matoran clients and later stolen from them by Dark Hunters Nidhiki and Krekka
10Jovan had an early model of a Zamor launcher, produced early on by the Nynrah. The Nynrah then did a redesign based off of the early model, and it was the prototypes of the redesign that Nidhiki and Krekka stole and Avak based his creations off of.

1Yeah, that was wierd...
1Ah, sweet, finally a timeline for the Zamor invention. Always nice to know. Wonder how Jovan got in contact with the Nynrah...
1Hi, Greg. Sorry if I'm getting a little annoying, but I PMed a few of these questions to you and they were never answered.
25.) Could a Toa of Sonics create/manipulate any sound (Like mimic a Voice, crashing sound or other)? Or do they just create sound-waves in general?
35) Yes
41) Could you tell me what you meant in the above quote? 52) I noticed you wrote the Exo-Force books, too. Does that mean the Bionicle story team is the same one for Exo-Force? 63) I heard you say that what makes a Rahi a Rahi was that they can't make moral choices. In theory, wouldn't that make a Shadow Matoran a Rahi? 74) Has Takanuva been morally effected by having half his light replaced with Shadow? 85) Would a Toa of Electricity be able to use her element to drain another being's energy?
9Thanks for writing the story serials . 10-P.L.
111) I was saying yes to the first question 122) The only people in common on the two teams were me and a couple guys from the creative agency. Everyone else was different. 133) I never said that was what made a Rahi a Rahi, but I did say it is true that a Rahi cannot do that. But the shadow Matoran are doing evil acts and knowing they are evil -- and Rahi cannot do that either. Rahi don't think in terms of good and evil, Matoran do. 144) Takanuva has been dealing with having to keep his darker impulses in check 155) No. There is no proof electricity provides energy to other beings in this universe. They aren't humans.
16Comments: 171) Sweet .

1Yeah, it COULD be six familiar characters... which fits right into my insane theory.... 2Oh, and btw, about a page back (I think) there was some discussion on the 09 location, and Takua the Wanderer kept saying that Mata Nui (island) was not the 09 location. Is there a quote or anything to prove that, cuz I haven't seen anything? 3And some stuff about MN-- he's NOT based in the core. Interesting....
46. Does 2009 take place in the Dark Mirror Universe? 56) No, it does not. 2009 does not take place in any location you have seen thus far in story.
6It's neither the surface (where the island of Mata Nui and such are) nor the inside or outside of the red star. Guess again.
8Anyway, we've known for a while that Mata Nui isn't in "The World That Feeds The World."

11. Will we be seeing any characters from the Matoran universe in 2009 and beyond?
21) There will be at least one very familiar character in 2009, yes
3Hmm. I wonder if it could be Mata Nui, because he will most likely be awake by the end of the year.
4Or Takanuva...
5Most Likely it's Teridax, after all he's in every year. Maybe it might be Matoro, or Lhikan, or even....maybe the Voya Nui Resistance Team?
1He did say "at least one," but that still doesn't imply that there's six characters that are going to return. It wouldn't be that hard to say "at least six," would it?
And how would dead people come back, besides how Lhikan did in BL5? 

1news on the nynrah ghosts

2QUOTE 3Hi Mr.Farshtey i just have one question at the moment about phantom
4Phantom was previously a Matoran Crafter from an island far from Metru Nui, where there were no Toa.
5was phantom a nynrah ghost?
6hope you can answer this thank you for your time
7Gregs answer
1Hi. 2No actual questions today, but a suggestion and a request:
31. I recall that there were a number of Rahi Hordika migrating to Mata Nui along with standard Rahi back towards the beginning of 2005. Many died of their mutations, but many of them must have made their way there. The Kumu Islets were always said to be filled with particularly vicious Rahi which foiled attempts at colonization there, so I was thinking: Could that have been where they migrated to? We never actually saw any mutated Rahi in 2001, and they must have been somewhere...
42. I'm probably stepping a bit out of my place by asking this request, but I was wondering... As you may know, BS01 always uses comic illustrations on our character-pages when we can, which leaves the pages for serial-exclusive characters (Even if they're sets) a bit lacking. Do you think that, in one of the comic pages that advertises the serials, you could get Mr. Gallagher to draw the main characters of each?
51) Makes sense 62) You're not out of line, but I think that would be very difficult to pull off, because no budget exists to get him to do that work (and it would get expensive -- remember, he doesn't work for LEGO, he works for DC as a freelancer). And some of the characters, like Lariska, have no model so there is nothing for him to base his drawing off of.
71. Just for the sake of the wiki, could you give me a full-on yes 8o answer? (If I use "makes sense" as my reference they'll revert my edits.)
91) Yes
1Hi Greg, i've got a few questions to ask you: 21. Are Turaga of Water still capible of limited healing 32. Did Jaller ever notice he had a Noble Mask? 43. Was the Disk of Time tied to the timeline like the Mask of Time? 54. Are the Mahri's masks 'dead' now? 65a. Would a non-organic Elda still tell the user where the Ignika is via headache? 75b. Is the Elda not able to be turned off like the Suletu? 86a. Have the Toa Mahri considered asking Takanuva to join their team, seeing as they are one Toa short? 96b. If asked, would Takanuva join the Toa Mahri? 107. Have there been any other masks in the universe with more than one power besides the Golden Kanohi and the Mask of Light and Shadows? 118. Would you consider the Toa Mahri more slightly more powerful than an average Toa because they can breath underwater without a Kaukau? 129. Do the Toa Mahri know they can still breath water? 1310. Could a Toa of Sonics do a sort of sonar sweep? 1411. In the Rahi sets there were a few with two infected masks. If a krana and an infected mask were on the same Rahi, what would happen? 1512. What was that massive shadow blast Mutran unleashed in Bionicle Legends 9? It sounded like a Nova Blast to me. 1613. Could a Toa that was partialy drained of light and had shadow powers used them both with 4 other Toa to make a Toa Seal? 1714. Is Krakua in the Archives?Thanks in advance .
191) Extremely limited 202) How would he? He had no idea who Lhikan was and he couldn't use the mask power. 213) Do you mean the same thing would happen if it was destroyed?Yes 224) The Mahri's masks are inanimate objects 235a) Yes 245b) No, it is always working at a low level 256a) No, because their team was on Metru Nui along with him, so they already were working together. 266b) No idea 277) Not that I am aware of -- if they haven't been in the story, then I haven't bothered coming up with them 288) Does that really make them more powerful? How often will they ever need to use that ability? 299) Yes 3010) Yes 3111) Would depend on what was stronger, the influence of the Makuta or the power of the swarm. I would bet on the Makuta, myself 3212) No, it was just a massive blast of shadow. 3313) I don't think you could use shadow to make a Toa seal, no 3414) Yes 35Interesting thing about the healing of a Turaga. I'm betting they could heal a sick plant maybe. Also the whole shadow can't be used to make a Toa Seal thing is great info for the BS01 wiki.
191) Extremely limited 202) How would he? He had no idea who Lhikan was and he couldn't use the mask power. 213) Do you mean the same thing would happen if it was destroyed?Yes 224) The Mahri's masks are inanimate objects 235a) Yes 245b) No, it is always working at a low level 256a) No, because their team was on Metru Nui along with him, so they already were working together. 266b) No idea 277) Not that I am aware of -- if they haven't been in the story, then I haven't bothered coming up with them 288) Does that really make them more powerful? How often will they ever need to use that ability? 299) Yes 3010) Yes 3111) Would depend on what was stronger, the influence of the Makuta or the power of the swarm. I would bet on the Makuta, myself 3212) No, it was just a massive blast of shadow. 3313) I don't think you could use shadow to make a Toa seal, no 3414) Yes 35Interesting thing about the healing of a Turaga. I'm betting they could heal a sick plant maybe. Also the whole shadow can't be used to make a Toa Seal thing is great info for the BS01 wiki.
1news on the nynrah ghosts ![]()
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr.Farshtey i just have one question at the moment about phantom
4Phantom" was previously a Matoran Crafter from an island far from Metru Nui, where there were no Toa.
5was phantom a nynrah ghost?
6hope you can answer this thank you for your time
8Clever thinking . Could he be the OoMN spy in the Dark Hunters? I doubt it, but anything is possible...
1Ah, sweet, finally a timeline for the Zamor invention. Always nice to know. Wonder how Jovan got in contact with the Nynrah...
2I read a few pages back that the Nynrah are contacted in much the same way as one would go about asking for something to be created by Artahka: As long as you provide the basic materials, and you actually know what you want, they'll appear and craft it for you. You go back to the same area, and voila, it's there. Hence the term Nynrah "Ghosts" (they're rarely seen)

1Hi Mr.Farshtey i just have one question at the moment about phantom
2Phantom" was previously a Matoran Crafter from an island far from Metru Nui, where there were no Toa.
3was phantom a nynrah ghost?
4hope you can answer this thank you for your time
6Hm, seems quite fitting. "Phantom" was a Nynrah "Ghost"...
1Hi Mr.Farshtey i just have one question at the moment about phantom
2Phantom" was previously a Matoran Crafter from an island far from Metru Nui, where there were no Toa.
3was phantom a nynrah ghost?
4hope you can answer this thank you for your time
5Greg's answer 6Yes
7Good find . This has been added to BS01. Good to see a timeline about The Zamors. I wonder what the prototype launchers looked like in relation to the average ones?
1Some questions I just got back of Greg:
17Wow. That's the longest answer I've ever gotten from Greg. ^^
Aqua I 
2Thanks for answering my last two questions. I have a few more this time:
31)41) A while ago, there was some discussion on BS01 on whether this story was ever officially entered into the canon storyline. I believe it was the winning entry of the first story contest you started, back in '05, but after looking at it, we aren't sure if a prize was for it to be entered into the storylone like the thousand years untold contest. So, is it canon?
51) I'll check.
6Any new on this yet? 72) For the purposes of BS01, can we please have official pronunciations for Kojol and Frostelus? 83) I'd like to write a book, and just for future reference, (I'm nowhere near this point yet..) how do you go about getting it published? As in, how do you approach a company or whatever, do you simply send them a copy of it or have to go for an interview with it or what?
9Aqua I
101) That was indeed the point of the contest, but I frankly do not remember what the story was supposed to be explaining. It was three years ago, and I did not start the contest, I believe it was run by BZP. I have never done a story contest on here, only helped to judge a few. 112) Fross-tell-us (like "frost tell us"), and Koh-jahl 123) Okay, let's say you have written a great book called "Aqua Iruini" and you want to get it published. There are two things you do first -- one is buy a copy of Writers' Market, and the other is buy a copy of the Writers' Market Guide to Literary Agents. Why? I'll explain:
13a) You NEVER send a manuscript of your book to a publisher unless they ask you to do so. If they haven't asked, they will throw it away unopened (seriously). Nobody accepts unsolicited manuscripts. 14A small number of publishers, mostly little ones, will let you send what's called a "query letter." In that letter, you explain who you are, give a QUICK idea of what you have written, and explain anything that makes you uniquely qualified to have written it. If they are interested, they write you back and ask you to send the manuscript for them to read. 15c) Much more often, a publisher will only deal with you if you have an agent. That is where the second book comes in. It lists all the agents out there, what kinds of books they sell, and whether they are looking for new clients or not. With the agent, you do pretty much the same thing, sending them a letter to give them an idea of what you have wirtten, etc. If they are interested, they will ask to see it. They read it and decide whether or not to represent you. If they say no, you are back at square one; if they say yes, then they take over trying to get a publisher interested, and they take 10 percent or so of whatever you make on the book.
17Wow. That's the longest answer I've ever gotten from Greg. ^^

1Some questions I just got back of Greg: 2Thanks for answering my last two questions. I have a few more this time:
31)41) A while ago, there was some discussion on BS01 on whether this story was ever officially entered into the canon storyline. I believe it was the winning entry of the first story contest you started, back in '05, but after looking at it, we aren't sure if a prize was for it to be entered into the storylone like the thousand years untold contest. So, is it canon?
51) I'll check.
6Any new on this yet? 72) For the purposes of BS01, can we please have official pronunciations for Kojol and Frostelus? 83) I'd like to write a book, and just for future reference, (I'm nowhere near this point yet..) how do you go about getting it published? As in, how do you approach a company or whatever, do you simply send them a copy of it or have to go for an interview with it or what?
9Aqua I
101) That was indeed the point of the contest, but I frankly do not remember what the story was supposed to be explaining. It was three years ago, and I did not start the contest, I believe it was run by BZP. I have never done a story contest on here, only helped to judge a few. 11Greg
12If I remember correctly, a short competition was done on BZP to explain why Bohrok were awake in the ol' 'Maze of Shadows' Gameboy game, as they were asleep at that point in time. 13Innerrayg posted his answer as that short story, and the prize was to make it the official explantaion of an awoken Bohrok.
14The idea was basically that a bunch of worms that were an experiment of Teridax escaped and made their way to the Bohrok nest, where they killed the Krana inside and took over the Bohrok bodies.
15Hope that clarifies stuff.
1Look at this:
2Hi, Mr. Farshtey, could you answer a couple of questions please?:
31) Will there be a Toa Hagah Serial?
42) Are the 'Nynrah Ghosts' Matoran?
53) Will we hear about Keetongu again?
64) Will Kardas reach Metru Nui?
7Thank you for your time.
8Yes, yes, probably and yes.
101, 2 and 4 are old news, but I think that 3 is new.
1Mr. Farshtey,
2A few questions regarding Photok, his abilities and the physics of the Bionicle world: 31. Does the theory of general relativity apply in the Bionicle universe? 41a. Specifically, the part that influences time travel- if you go near the speed of light, time slows for you and speeds up for the rest of the world, and when light speed is achieved, time stops, and when you go above the speed of light, time runs backwards? 52. Photok can run at the speed of light, yes? 62a. Is this only in conjunction with Pohatu? 73. How large is Karda Nui? 83a. Is it the same size, roughly, as the island of Mata Nui? Twice as big? 94. Would you say that the speed of light is the same in the Bioniverse as it is here, 1,079,252,849 kilometers per hour, or 787,775,802 kio per hour?
10Thank you for answering these.
121-1A) Nope. Earth science does not apply here, and I am not opening up options for time travel, since that is a can of worms. 132) Yes 142a) Yes 153) Oh, pretty darn large 163a) Oh, bigger 174) When I am writing, I generally figure it is. The problem with going that fast, though, is that it's hard to steer, so while that is a maximum Photok can achieve, I haven't had him go that fast in story
18Random questions, though they bomb my theory- no Photok going back to the future. Bummer. Although, it does bring up the fact that if Photok used his ability, he would promptly run into a wall.
1Yeah, that's right . If Photok used his full power to run at the speed of light in Karda Nui, he would run right into the wall . 

1Unless it's really big.
1Nothing new or particularly interesting,

2Hi Greg,
31) Does Nynrah currently have any Toa stationed?
42) Do the makuta know that phantom is a Nynrah Ghost?
53) Do Toa ever do business with the Nynrah ghosts?
64) Did the Nynrah design anything else we know? (Cordax, Midak?)
7Thanks again.
81) No 92) Phantom is a DH, not a BOM member, so no reason why they would 103) Yes 114) Exo-Toa
1But still, he's going so fast, he could go for maybe a second or two, but still travel over like 700,000 kio . How bg would it have to be? 2Maybe somebody should ask Greg about this...
3Aye- 218,826.61166 kio per second. That's 612 times the length of Mata Nui per second. That means that Karda Nui is bigger than anything we've ever seen before.
1I asked Greg the same question about Phantom and he said no, so you might want to ask him again to avoid false info on BS01.NtM
21) Does Nynrah currently have any Toa stationed?2) Do the makuta know that phantom is a Nynrah Ghost?3) Do Toa ever do business with the Nynrah ghosts?4) Did the Nynrah design anything else we know? (Cordax, Midak?)Thanks again.1) No2) Phantom is a DH, not a BOM member, so no reason why they would3) Yes4) Exo-Toa3he confirms it this post aswell as mine
4I asked Greg the same question about Phantom and he said no, so you might want to ask him again to avoid false info on BS01.NtM
51) Does Nynrah currently have any Toa stationed?2) Do the makuta know that phantom is a Nynrah Ghost?3) Do Toa ever do business with the Nynrah ghosts?4) Did the Nynrah design anything else we know? (Cordax, Midak?)Thanks again.1) No2) Phantom is a DH, not a BOM member, so no reason why they would3) Yes4) Exo-Toa6he confirms it this post aswell as mine
1Hello . I have a few questions about the seven so-called "books" of the Bionicle Story:
21. Are we on "book" #3 right now? 31a. If not, which "book" are we on?
42. How strictly do you follow the content written in the "books"?
53. About how much is written in the "books"?
64. What sort of information is written in the "books"?
75. Approximately how far in to the future would following the "books" bring Bionicle?
8And now some unrelated questions:
91. About how big is Karda Nui compared to Mata Nui?
102. Were any Turaga created as such, or was that reserved for the Mata?
113. Which is a more accurate portrayal of what a character looks like: their form in the comic, movie, or set?
124. Are Pohatu, Krakua, Lesovikk, and now Takanuva the only Toa resisting Tuyet's reign?
135. Gali, Kopaka, and Tahu are confirmed as with Tuyet, and Pohatu is against. Will we learn how Gali and Onua feel about the situation?
146. Was Krakua made into a Toa by the same means in the DM Universe as in the normal one?
157. Other than choosing another Hordika to be the traitor (possibly Matau, I believe you have stated), what is one thing you might have changed about past storyline?
168. Are you considering adding any more elements to the Bionicle storyline? I think that our list now (most recently updated with Iron/Metals) really completes it; other ideas I've seen, (such as Motion, Void/Space, and even more random things like Sponge or Salt) really don't seem to mesh well. Would you agree with me that if we aren't completely done with new elements, we are near to it? (I am expecting a "don't want to paint myself into a corner" answer here)
179. When you have said that 2009 focuses on the idea of Mask of Power, do you mean as in masks in general or a specific Mask of Power? 189a. (You probably can't answer this one) I believe that you said that 2009 does not focus on Kanohi, but just Masks. Does this have to do with how we are shying away from the Polynesian naming style?
1910. What kind of questions do you prefer/enjoy answering?
2011. When someone guesses something correctly that you have been keeping secret, are you more proud of them for piecing it together or disappointed that someone figured out something before you had intended?
21This last one isn't so much of a question, but a thank you: I think it's really great that you write such long, thought out answers when giving advice for aspiring writers. I feel that one of the best things you can do as a person is to impart your knowledge unto the next generation, and that is exactly what you are doing, and you are taking time to do it right. Thanks.
221-5) We really stopped paying attention to the "books" concept after Bob Thompson left LEGO. That was really his way of looking at things.
231) A lot bigger 242) No, there was a first Turaga, just as there was a first Toa 253) I don't see any of them as "more accurate" -- they are simply different artistic interpretations of the same character, like having Batman drawn by a number of different artists. 264) That we know of, yes. Whether there may be others outside of Metru Nui is unknown to the characters in this story. 275) Depends on if I have room. I only have two chapters left in that story. 286) Yes 297) That's pretty much it 308) I can't commit myself to that, because it really gets decided by the set designers. If they do 12 more colors of Toa, I have to come up with 12 more elements. But, since we aren't in this universe next year, I am seeing no pressing need for new elements anytime soon. 319) Kanohi are masks, the two terms are interchangeable. But we never say "Kanohi of Power," we always say, "Mask of Power," which is the phrase I used. As for 2009, can't discuss that. 3210) Ones I can actually answer. 3311) I am pretty sure I already answered this question a couple weeks ago. Anyway, the answer is, I can't get upset with someone for being smart -- sometimes I get upset with me for making a mystery too easy to figure out .
34You're welcome.
361-5: So now we know that the "books" mean next to nothing.
372. I wonder who the first Turaga was?
1Can someone ask greg what kind or matoran Phantom was and if he wore a mask?
1Don't know if he can answer, seeing as it's not really relevant to the story at hand. 

1Hello . I have a few questions about the seven so-called "books" of the Bionicle Story:
21. Are we on "book" #3 right now? 31a. If not, which "book" are we on?
42. How strictly do you follow the content written in the "books"?
53. About how much is written in the "books"?
64. What sort of information is written in the "books"?
75. Approximately how far in to the future would following the "books" bring Bionicle?
81-5) We really stopped paying attention to the "books" concept after Bob Thompson left LEGO. That was really his way of looking at things.
101-5: So now we know that the "books" mean next to nothing.
11What you talkin' 'bout fireknight?
1Basically, as far as I've been able to find out, the original BIONICLE Head, Bob Thompson, wrote them.
2Their purpose was to serve as the basic structure/ideas of storyline lasting them into the far future. Once Mr. Thompson left, however, they became almost completely null-and-void; the only time we have heard them being referred to as canon is things, such as Mata-Nui's appearance, that appeared in the First "book".
3I believe that they still have them handy for inspiration, but they no longer go by that structure. Instead, Greg and the rest of the Story Team gets together and decides the basics of each Arc's and each Year's storyline, then Greg fleshes it out through the Comics, Books, and Serials.
4EDIT: 5And yes, as far as I've gathered, Mata Nui was Book 1, Metru Nui was Book 2, and Voya/Mahri/Karda Nui were all Book 3. So, according to that idea, they have at least some ideas/inspiration for as much as 12 more years of material, assuming that each book followed the same pattern of being 2 or 3 years long.
2Their purpose was to serve as the basic structure/ideas of storyline lasting them into the far future. Once Mr. Thompson left, however, they became almost completely null-and-void; the only time we have heard them being referred to as canon is things, such as Mata-Nui's appearance, that appeared in the First "book".
3I believe that they still have them handy for inspiration, but they no longer go by that structure. Instead, Greg and the rest of the Story Team gets together and decides the basics of each Arc's and each Year's storyline, then Greg fleshes it out through the Comics, Books, and Serials.
4EDIT: 5And yes, as far as I've gathered, Mata Nui was Book 1, Metru Nui was Book 2, and Voya/Mahri/Karda Nui were all Book 3. So, according to that idea, they have at least some ideas/inspiration for as much as 12 more years of material, assuming that each book followed the same pattern of being 2 or 3 years long.
1Eh just some random questions...
2QUOTE 3Doesn't seem like you received my last PM... soo here's some questions 41. Will the Hagah's mask be the remaining Metru Nui kanoka disk powers? Considering Norik has shrink, Iruini has teleport, tho Dume's is already regeneration and Reconstitute at random doesn't seem like a mask a toa would wear... that would still leave 4.
52. Tuyet's sword looks something like this: http://static.zoovy.com/img/tikimaster/-/koasword5_17_05_006 correct?
63. Could you try to reveal weapons or mask powers of Toas revealed in the web serials? (if its not too much trouble)
74. Can Mata Nui or Tren Krom be evolved/devolved by the Ignika?
85a. A great Mahiki can create illusions as well correct?
95b. If so, can an Illusion and shapeshifting be applied at the same time, given the user has enough mental power to do so?
101) Not necessarily, no. I feel no need to be bound to the list of disk powers. 112) No idea, I don't picture things when I write them. I think in words, not pictures. 123) If it makes sense in the story to do so. If a mask is never going to get used in the serial, it's sort of pointless to stop and describe it. 134) Yes 145a) Yes 155b) No
16I really wanted the Hagah's mask powers br the Kanoka powers... oh well
2QUOTE 3Doesn't seem like you received my last PM... soo here's some questions 41. Will the Hagah's mask be the remaining Metru Nui kanoka disk powers? Considering Norik has shrink, Iruini has teleport, tho Dume's is already regeneration and Reconstitute at random doesn't seem like a mask a toa would wear... that would still leave 4.
52. Tuyet's sword looks something like this: http://static.zoovy.com/img/tikimaster/-/koasword5_17_05_006 correct?
63. Could you try to reveal weapons or mask powers of Toas revealed in the web serials? (if its not too much trouble)
74. Can Mata Nui or Tren Krom be evolved/devolved by the Ignika?
85a. A great Mahiki can create illusions as well correct?
95b. If so, can an Illusion and shapeshifting be applied at the same time, given the user has enough mental power to do so?
101) Not necessarily, no. I feel no need to be bound to the list of disk powers. 112) No idea, I don't picture things when I write them. I think in words, not pictures. 123) If it makes sense in the story to do so. If a mask is never going to get used in the serial, it's sort of pointless to stop and describe it. 134) Yes 145a) Yes 155b) No
16I really wanted the Hagah's mask powers br the Kanoka powers... oh well
1Well, like he said in his PM, there's seven books that were planned. I think I heard that it was planned from the beginning, but that was from Wikipedia.