11. Does Teridax need the other Makuta too complete the final stage of the Plan?
22. Is Teridax still in the Matoran universe?
33. Will we ever learn what Kanohi the Av-Matoran sets wear?
44a. Will you ever reveal The Shadowed One's name? 54b. If no, is that because you want to have some mystery around him?
65. And a non-Bionicle question, how did you become the Chief Editor for the Lego Magazine?
7Thank you for your time.
81-2) Can't discuss it 93) Doubt it, no need to reveal it in story since it's not relevant. 104a) Actually, it has more to do with the fact that when I revealed Teridax's, BZP had a fit and acted like I had just destroyed BIONICLE for all time, so why would I want to go through that again? And this after I polled BZP before I even decided to reveal his name. 115) I was hired as LEGO Club Writer for the magazine in 2000. Five years later, when the editor resigned to move to Colorado, I was promoted into the position.
121-2. Will we learn this info soon?
134a. Maybe you could ask BZP again if they want you reveal his name?
141-2) Yes 154a) Asked last time. BZPers said yes. I revealed it, and they all screamed. Why bother asking again?
16Looks like were gonna learn more about what Teridax is doing soon. And BZP, why say you want to learn Teridax's name and then say "Greg destroyed Bionicle"? Now we'll never learn TSO's name.

1yeah thanks a lot bzpower. we will never know tso's name >:
1yeah thanks a lot bzpower. we will never know tso's name >:
2It's not that everyone said yes to it being revealed then were angry when it was. It's just that those who voted no were very outspoken about it. The people who wanted it, which was the majority, were quiet about it because they were satisfied.
3Greg's revealing a lot of the mysteries now. He may have changed his mind about The Shadowed One's name. Besides, I can see some opportunities to do it in the summer serials...1yeah thanks a lot bzpower. we will never know tso's name >:
2Greg didn't plan to reveal it in the first place.

4It's not that everyone said yes to it being revealed then were angry when it was. It's just that those who voted no were very outspoken about it. The people who wanted it, which was the majority, were quiet about it because they were satisfied.5I guess I should do another survey...

3Greg's revealing a lot of the mysteries now. He may have changed his mind about The Shadowed One's name. Besides, I can see some opportunities to do it in the summer serials...1yeah thanks a lot bzpower. we will never know tso's name >:
2Greg didn't plan to reveal it in the first place.![]()
4It's not that everyone said yes to it being revealed then were angry when it was. It's just that those who voted no were very outspoken about it. The people who wanted it, which was the majority, were quiet about it because they were satisfied.5I guess I should do another survey...![]()
6I actually think the problem is more that some of the people that voted yes had a particular style of name in mind that sounded differently to Teridax. When the name was revealed they may have become disappointed since the name did not match what they had in mind.

12 PMs from me he's answered:
4Well, bye-bye Vezerus's theory.
7I thought there was more than that to the story....
GregF Saber Masquerade 2Hi Mr.Farshtey, i have a theory, i saw the prototypes of the Phantoka on the Battle for Power games, and noticed that the prototype Pohatu is black, and the prototype Kopaka is blue, which made me think, were Gali, Tahu and Onua supposed to be released as Winter sets? Please answer.
3No, so far as I know, the set release schedule was always as it is now. That got set early last year. That sounds more like glitches in the designs than anything else.
4Well, bye-bye Vezerus's theory.
GregF Saber Masquerade 5Hello there Mr.Farshtey, i have another question, i just remembered that there is a place called Naho Bay in Mata-Nui. And when i heard the name Naho in dark mirror was the name of a toa of water, i thought, is there a connection? Please answer, thank you.
6Yes, Naho Bay was named after her by the Turaga
7I thought there was more than that to the story....

12 PMs from me he's answered:
GregF Saber Masquerade 2Hi Mr.Farshtey, i have a theory, i saw the prototypes of the Phantoka on the Battle for Power games, and noticed that the prototype Pohatu is black, and the prototype Kopaka is blue, which made me think, were Gali, Tahu and Onua supposed to be released as Winter sets? Please answer.
3No, so far as I know, the set release schedule was always as it is now. That got set early last year. That sounds more like glitches in the designs than anything else.
4Well, bye-bye Vezerus's theory.
GregF Saber Masquerade 5Hello there Mr.Farshtey, i have another question, i just remembered that there is a place called Naho Bay in Mata-Nui. And when i heard the name Naho in dark mirror was the name of a toa of water, i thought, is there a connection? Please answer, thank you.
6Yes, Naho Bay was named after her by the Turaga
7I thought there was more than that to the story....![]()
8After the revelation that the Tren Krom pass on Mata Nui was named after a being of legend, one BZP member suggested that maybe all the places on Mata Nui could be named after people the Turaga had respect for (similar to Mount Ihu being named after Nuju's mentor)

1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I was wondering if you could answer some (or all ) of my questions : 21.Can you decieve a Rode-wearer? 3A.If so, how? 4B.Does a Rode always work at a low level, like the Elda? 52a.The Kraahkan gives its user fear and anger powers. Can the user not only create, but control fear and anger? (as turns raw fear into fear of darkness fear of water, make you angery at a certain object) 62b.Also, does the Kraahkan let the user generate darkness(evil) in a person? 73.Will we see any mask usages in Dark Mirror? (Takanuva using the Avohkii to calm others, Tuyet using her mask in a fight) 84.Could a Faxon-wearer duplicate the powers of: 9A. an Energy Hound? (tracking) 10B. a Fenrakk? (acid spit) 11C. Krana and/or the Krana/Kraata thing? 12D. the Bahrag? 13E. a Fireflyer? (burning bites) 14F. Some of the First Rahi? 15G. a Gate Guardian? 16H. Visorak? 17I. Kardas? 18J. Keetongu? 19K. Krahka? 20L. the Rahi Nui or Zivon? 215.Can someone combine mask powers without using Kanohi Nuva? 226.Does the Mask of Probability make something more likely to happen, less likely to happen, or both? 237.Will we see any more new masks this year? 248.Do masks glow when in use, like in the movies, or is that just artistic lisence? 259.The Elda lets you detect hidden beings and the Ignika. Does it let you sense other hidden objects? 2610.Can a Kiril fix protostell? 2711.In '07, the Ignika was cracking and disintigrating. Is it still in danger of falling apart, or has it been 'healed' or fixed somehow? 2812.What are the differences between the Great and Noble Ruru and Matatu? 2913.Does the Shelek make a target deaf and mute, or is it that it make the target deaf or mute? 30That's all I have. I've been waiting a while to send all of these. I hope you can take the time to answer these. Thanks in advance .
311) No 321b) Yes 332a) No 342b) No 353) I haven't finished writing DM yet, so impossible to answer this 364) Krana, kraata and Bahrag are not Rahi, so they don't count. As for the rest, the Faxon lets you duplicate powers, but not natural abilities, and it won't let you change your size, etc. 375) No 386) Either 397) Yes, the summer Makuta masks 408) Artistic license 419) Not that we know of, no 4210) Yes 4311) It's still cracked 4412) Matatu, duration of time the power can be used for and maximum amount of weight that can be lifted; Great Mask Ruru had x-ray vision power along with night vision. 4513) Both
46Just some Kanohi questions.
1Hi Greg, how are you? I was just wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.
21. Seeing as the roof of the Mainland dome was still broken when Voya Nui returned to its proper place, water was still flowing in for a short while, correct? 31a. Did this affect Voya Nui in any way, like dump some vicious creatures on it, or create a small lake? 42. Jetrax can "see" for Antroz, yes? 53. You say that Mata Nui's character flaw is that he pays very little attention to the beings in his universe, the way nobody pays attention to ants in their house; ants aren't exactly keeping us alive, but Mata Nui's existence depends on the Matoran of Metru Nui. Why would he not pay attention to them? 64. I recall you said there would be a WebComic sometime in May, do you know when that will be released? 75. I could be remembering this wrong, but you had mentioned that the idesign for the Ussanui was "locked away" in Takua's mind, and became unlocked when he transformed into a Toa, is this still canon? 86. Will we be seeing more of the island of Nynrah? 97. Why was there a riddle about the Pit on the 777 Stairs? 108. Makuta can voluntarily leave their armor then, yes? 118a. If so, how? 129. When Mutran reffered to the shadow leech as being able to "drain all of the light of Mata Nui" was it a hyperbole, or could the leech actually have done that (assuming it were to encounter Mata Nui)? 1310. There have been conflicting reports of the Shadow Leech that drained Takanuva. Was it actually intended for Akhmou, or was Takanuva the target all along?
14Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these questions ^^
151) The amount of water that passed through before the hole sealed behind VN was minimal, and while there certainly might have been creatures in it, they were sea creatures. Landing on the dry land of VN would have meant their deaths. 162) Yes 173) To use another analogy -- how much time do you spend paying attention to the interactions of your red or white blood cells? You need them to stay alive, but you only notice them if you're sick -- do you check on their status every day? Mata Nui is occupied providing heat, light and gravity, etc. to the universe and protecting it from any external threats. 184) It's going to be script only, and should be up before the July issue comes out. 195) Yes 206) Don't know at this point. 217) Cause the BIONICLE universe works in mysterious ways 228) Yes 238a) As you said, by choosing to do so 249) It was hyperbole 2510) Going after Ahkmou was definitely part of Icarax's reason for being there, with Takanuva being more of a target of opportunity.
268=Best answer ever.
1Hey Greg
2Just some random questions.
31.Who do you consider more weakened, the Phantuka (without the Shadow Matoran) or the Mistuka?
42.Is this analogy accurate? Vican:Mutran::Carapar:Takadox
53.6Why Mata Nui does not pay much attention to the universe's society?
7Basically, for the same reason that you might focus on what you have to do everyday, but you don't pay attention to, say, ants or mice in your house. You have more important things to worry about.
8Does that mean Mata Nui has other jobs aside from watching over the Matoran universe?
93a.If so, does he consider the other jobs more important?
103b.Did the Great Beings assign him these jobs, as well?
121) Phantoka. They can't see. 132) No. Vican is an assistant, he in no way approaches Mutran in power and his volunteered to be his assistant. Carapar did not volunteer to be hypnotized by Takadox, had a kingdom of his own, and could break Takadox in two without trying hard. 143) Watching over the Matoran universe -- providing heat, light, gravity, and protecting it from external threats -- is a full-time job.
1Hi. 2Could a Kanohi be made back into (a) Kanoka? 3If so, could the Ignika me made into a Kanoka? If it were, would it stay sentient?
4You could melt a mask back down into a disk, yes, and no, doing so would not destroy the Ignika's consciousness. But there is no proof the Ignika ever was a disk to start with -- it wasn't made on Metru Nui, it was made by the Great Beings.
1Whoa, whoa, WHOA. "External threats"? Has that ever been said before? This seems pretty big. I wonder what kind of threats? And why do I have a feeling this has something to do with next year? *rushes off to send message*
2Master of the Rahkshi
3He probably meant collision giant meteors, etc.
4Seeing how it's underground, somehow I doubt it's that much of a problem.
1Whoa, whoa, WHOA. "External threats"? Has that ever been said before? This seems pretty big. I wonder what kind of threats? And why do I have a feeling this has something to do with next year? *rushes off to send message*
2Master of the Rahkshi
3He probably meant collision giant meteors, etc.
4Seeing how it's underground, somehow I doubt it's that much of a problem.
5Well, some may be so big that it could crash through the dome roof, etc. 6You may be right, but if it has any significance, Greg probably couldn't answer it.
1Hi mr fashtey.
2Some questions about the kiril and Jutlin.
31)What the Jutlin rots can the jutlin unrot? 41b) Can the kiril repair what the jutlin rots? 51c) if the kiril is rotten but less than a half could the user use the mask power to repair the mask itself? 61d) can a kiril repair another kanohi? 71e) can a kiril user repair the cracked Ignika?
82)Can a Skakdi having no moral be shadow leeched? 92b)if so would he/she have to work with another skakdi to use the shadow elemental powers?
103) you've said that rahi cant be shadow leeched because they have no moral? 113b)can keetongu being the only moral rahi be shadow leeched? 123c) if so, would he have shadow powers?
134) The krana, Kraata and krana are considered by matoran as rahi, that doesnt means a faxon wearer can mimic their power, is this correct.
141) No 151b) Yes, if there is any of it left 161c) No. With very few exceptions, a mask that is damaged ceases to work at all. 171d) Yes 181e) Probably, yes, but no one with a Kiril is anywhere in Karda Nui, so ti's irrelevant 192) Yes. Skakdi are not pure shadow, they just are more shadow than light. 202b) Yes 213) Correct 223b) We know that Keetongu can sense good and evil in others, we don't know that he has an actual moral sense in the same way a Toa does. His revulsion at evil beings may be instinctive and not rational. 233c) Yes 244) How the Matoran see them isn't important in this instance, because they aren't Rahi.
2Some questions about the kiril and Jutlin.
31)What the Jutlin rots can the jutlin unrot? 41b) Can the kiril repair what the jutlin rots? 51c) if the kiril is rotten but less than a half could the user use the mask power to repair the mask itself? 61d) can a kiril repair another kanohi? 71e) can a kiril user repair the cracked Ignika?
82)Can a Skakdi having no moral be shadow leeched? 92b)if so would he/she have to work with another skakdi to use the shadow elemental powers?
103) you've said that rahi cant be shadow leeched because they have no moral? 113b)can keetongu being the only moral rahi be shadow leeched? 123c) if so, would he have shadow powers?
134) The krana, Kraata and krana are considered by matoran as rahi, that doesnt means a faxon wearer can mimic their power, is this correct.
141) No 151b) Yes, if there is any of it left 161c) No. With very few exceptions, a mask that is damaged ceases to work at all. 171d) Yes 181e) Probably, yes, but no one with a Kiril is anywhere in Karda Nui, so ti's irrelevant 192) Yes. Skakdi are not pure shadow, they just are more shadow than light. 202b) Yes 213) Correct 223b) We know that Keetongu can sense good and evil in others, we don't know that he has an actual moral sense in the same way a Toa does. His revulsion at evil beings may be instinctive and not rational. 233c) Yes 244) How the Matoran see them isn't important in this instance, because they aren't Rahi.
1Hi Greg, how are you? I was just wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.
21. Seeing as the roof of the Mainland dome was still broken when Voya Nui returned to its proper place, water was still flowing in for a short while, correct? 31a. Did this affect Voya Nui in any way, like dump some vicious creatures on it, or create a small lake? 42. Jetrax can "see" for Antroz, yes? 53. You say that Mata Nui's character flaw is that he pays very little attention to the beings in his universe, the way nobody pays attention to ants in their house; ants aren't exactly keeping us alive, but Mata Nui's existence depends on the Matoran of Metru Nui. Why would he not pay attention to them? 64. I recall you said there would be a WebComic sometime in May, do you know when that will be released? 75. I could be remembering this wrong, but you had mentioned that the idesign for the Ussanui was "locked away" in Takua's mind, and became unlocked when he transformed into a Toa, is this still canon? 86. Will we be seeing more of the island of Nynrah? 97. Why was there a riddle about the Pit on the 777 Stairs? 108. Makuta can voluntarily leave their armor then, yes? 118a. If so, how? 129. When Mutran reffered to the shadow leech as being able to "drain all of the light of Mata Nui" was it a hyperbole, or could the leech actually have done that (assuming it were to encounter Mata Nui)? 1310. There have been conflicting reports of the Shadow Leech that drained Takanuva. Was it actually intended for Akhmou, or was Takanuva the target all along?
14Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these questions ^^
151) The amount of water that passed through before the hole sealed behind VN was minimal, and while there certainly might have been creatures in it, they were sea creatures. Landing on the dry land of VN would have meant their deaths. 162) Yes 173) To use another analogy -- how much time do you spend paying attention to the interactions of your red or white blood cells? You need them to stay alive, but you only notice them if you're sick -- do you check on their status every day? Mata Nui is occupied providing heat, light and gravity, etc. to the universe and protecting it from any external threats. 184) It's going to be script only, and should be up before the July issue comes out. 195) Yes 206) Don't know at this point. 217) Cause the BIONICLE universe works in mysterious ways 228) Yes 238a) As you said, by choosing to do so 249) It was hyperbole 2510) Going after Ahkmou was definitely part of Icarax's reason for being there, with Takanuva being more of a target of opportunity.
263. What sort of "external forces" do you mean? 274. By script only, do you mean like a short story? 288. Best answer ever. 2910. So when he saw Takanuva, he recognized him as the Toa of Light, and set a Shadow Leeach upon him? How come he did not continue his task to corrupt Ahkmou? 3011. Did the thing that affected the Mistika Makuta only have the ability to lock shapeshifters, or would it have the potential to affect other beings in other ways?
31Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these ^^
323) Anything, natural or un-, that threatens the structure or safety of the universe. 334) No, I mean comic script, in format. 3410) Because Takanuva killed the leech before it finished its work, and Icarax was not going to chance combat with a Toa of Light. 3511) The latter.
36Just some things I was wondering. So, basically, anything threatening the universe.
1Good day Greg, Hope you are fine .
2I know it is too early to talk about 2009, but this is more a suggestion than a question:
3Some time ago, you told us you planned to write a serial in 2009 wich would focus on the Matoran Universe...
4Now, what would you think if it was focused on Kopeke, who is the new chronicler of Metru Nui? There may even be appearances of the Chronicler's company, since Kopeke was part of them . 5I think it would be a cute idea to make a story based on Matoran, rather than Toa (like in the first years). After all, they are the actual inhabitants of this universe, and I always liked the idea that you don't need to be a Toa to be a hero...
6I don't know, I just think that would really please the fans...
7I really don't want to interefere with your own creativity, but this idea has just grown up on me and I wanted to show it to you, and know what you think about it...
8Thanks for your time,
9Best Regards,
111) If we do one set here, which is the plan, it's not going to focus on just one character, but one focused on events happening in the universe as a whole. So while Kopeke might be in it, he would not be the main focus. It would be multi-character.
1...There goes my theory about the Matoran Universe being destroyed. 

110. So when he saw Takanuva, he recognized him as the Toa of Light, and set a Shadow Leeach upon him? How come he did not continue his task to corrupt Ahkmou?
210) Because Takanuva killed the leech before it finished its work, and Icarax was not going to chance combat with a Toa of Light.
3How did Takanuva do that on his own? Maybe the leech was full......
110. So when he saw Takanuva, he recognized him as the Toa of Light, and set a Shadow Leeach upon him? How come he did not continue his task to corrupt Ahkmou?
210) Because Takanuva killed the leech before it finished its work, and Icarax was not going to chance combat with a Toa of Light.
3How did Takanuva do that on his own? Maybe the leech was full......
4I thought it was a OoMN member that saved him

110. So when he saw Takanuva, he recognized him as the Toa of Light, and set a Shadow Leeach upon him? How come he did not continue his task to corrupt Ahkmou?
210) Because Takanuva killed the leech before it finished its work, and Icarax was not going to chance combat with a Toa of Light.
3How did Takanuva do that on his own? Maybe the leech was full......
4I thought it was a OoMN member that saved him![]()
5Specifically, Brutaka and Krakua. I think.
1Here's alot of q's...
116These are my questions from over a long period of time.

2Q: Are the Barraki the fourth faction, or is it the League of Six Kingdoms? 3A: The Barraki were the League of Six Kingdoms, so it is basically the same thing.
4Q: waddas it mean for a Makuta to be fully powered? 5A: Means he has his basic shadow power, his shapeshifting, his telepathy, plus his 40+ Rahkshi powers.
61) Are the Piraka dead? And is Zaktan still made of protodites?
7ANSWER: No and yes.
82) a) Do all Makuta have control over shadow? I'm assuming yes, because MoMN could throw shadow blasts as Maxilos. And by shadow, I don't mean their darkness Rahkshi power. The Atlas says they can't though? 9The Atlas shows three Makuta all wearing the Kraakran. Is this possible? 10c) What mask did Icarax wear before he retrieved the Mask of Shadows? 11d) If the MoMN wore another mask before the Kraakran, what was it? 12e) Did the Phantoka shapeshift from their "Titan forms" into what they look like now? 13f) Do the Shadow Matoran just call out directions to the Makuta Phantoka, or do the Makuta read their minds through the "piggyback" function? And are the Av-Matoran physically mutated by the Shadow Leeches? 14g) Is "Tridak" a real word? 15h) Can all Makuta become Makuta Nui?
16ANSWER: A - Yes. B - Makuta are shapeshifters, they can make their masks look like whatever they want. C - Hasn't been revealed. D - Again, hasn't been revealed. E - Or other forms, they didn't necessarily look like titans before. Remember, we have seen MOMN as both Matoran and Turaga forms in the past. F - It's a telepathic link. And no, their coloring comes from the loss of light, mutations come courtesy of the Makuta. G - It's a word, but not in BIONICLE. The pods are called Tridax. H - Yes, it is just another shape they can assume.
173) I heard Tanma powers Lewa's Midak Skyblaster. Do all the Av-Matoran do this?
194) a) Can the Toa Mahri breathe water now, or just air? 20When Hahli used her Faxon, she imitated underwater creatures because she was a a water-breather, right? Now that she's an air breather, can she imitate air breathing creatures? 21c) Lesovikk's mask let's him imitate water-breathers too, right? Or does he imitate flying creatures? 22d) Why, oh why, did Jaller's crab get left in the Pit? 23e) Could his crab brathe air?
24ANSWER: A - Just air. B - Yes. C - The Faxon works based on the environment you are in. Adapting the powers of flying creatures when underwater would be sort of pointless, right? D - Because I had no use for him in Metru Nui. E - Not something I have worried about.
255) Could Gadonka breathe air?
26ANSWER: No. Gadunka is a sea creature.
276) Are the Blade Burrowers causing the collapse of the Coliseum? If not, what are they doing?
28ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed.
29Q: QUOTE 30In another PM, you said the Toa Mahri could only breathe air. But:
31QUOTE 32Putting on the mask, Toa Matoro's body transformes into pure energy – the very energy that can bring Mata Nui back to life. Knowing he must sacrifice his own existence to save the universe, Matoro uses his last moments to send the other Toa Mahri back to Metru Nui and make them amphibious, so they can live on land once more. Then his energies combine with those of the Mask of Life in a massive burst of light and brings the Great Spirit back to life
33I'm confused.
35A: When in doubt, published story always takes precedence over my answers here.
36Q: Hey Greg. I've got a few questions about the Makuta.
37-At what point did the Makuta evolve beyond being biomechanical?
38-When the Makuta came into being, what did they look like?
39-Are they in this "default" form in the Mutran Chronicles (and Spiriah in FoF, and the three Makuta in DM, and Icarax in TN?
40-Do the Av-Matoran only have their powers like lightspeed when they're connected to a Toa?
41-Did Mutran change the Shadow Matoran's masks?
42And some timeline questions:
43-When did more Toa (not the first Toa, not the first Toa team) come into existance?
44Random questions:
45-The DHG says Reidak was found alone on his home island. World says the Skakdi rose up and wiped out the Visorak and turned on themselves. I believe World, but it also says Skakdi weren't welcome anywhere else but Zakaz. I'm assuming he was tracking someone somewhere else, but then why does it say home island?
46-Did the inhabitants of Ancient's and TSO's home island look like TSO, or Ancient, or both?
47-Do all of Botar's species have his powers?
48And then some big spoiler questions:
49-Is Mata Nui under Metru Nui, or in the Matoran?
50-Are the Blade Burrowers making a map to where Mata Nui is?
51-Are the Blade Burrowers responsible for what's happening to the Coliseum? Or is that Mata Nui's condition? 52A: 1) Long time ago 532) Not that much different than they do now, they simply were biomechanical, but still in the same armor 543) We have never shown them to have a default form -- they are shapeshifters, they look how they like. 554) Yes 565) Yes 576) After the first Toa. Not sure I understand your question 587) Reidak came from a small island off the coast of Zakaz, which does not get mentioned because no one lives there anymore 598) Since the both came from the same place, it's reasonable to assume there are others there who may look similar to them 609) Neither 6110) No 6211) Mata Nui's condition
63Q: Thanks. And by default form, I mean the form in which the came into existance as (the from in question one, which I assume you mean is the MoL Makuta from. 64A: On the contrary, we have no idea if the MOL form is the form he had when he came into existence originally.
65Q: -Was Takanuva physically changed in his journey to the Dark Mirror Universe, or did the Shadow Leech do that. If the latter, why was Taka physically changed when nobody else was? 66A: 1) What do you mean by "physically changed?" Do you mean his increase in height? That hasn't happened yet in story.
67Q: -For the Makuta turning into Antidermis and the Toa appearing, I mean on the timeline: 95, 000 years ago... 100, 000 years ago... 68A: 3) More like 50,000 years ago
69Q: As for Takanuva's size increase, BS01 seems to indicate it has. I'm assuming then his lance of Chap. 3 was given to him by the Makuta?
70How come Toa Ignika is said not to have a Skyblaster, but in the set and comic he clearly wields one. Also, does Icarax return to his "default" form after he is devolved, or is he still biomechanics struggling inside his current armor?
71Did Tahu and co.'s armor change from when they fought in the air to when they were in the swamp? And do the Makuta actually see through the shadow Matoran's eyes, or just get steered around? 72A: 1) Size change doesn't occur until he gets to Karda Nui, which has not happened yet. 732) He pretty much has to have one in comic, because comic has to match the sets, but he doesn't create it until later in the books. 743) He would still be struggling, because his current armor is not designed to work with muscle tissue. 754) Yes 765) See through their eyes via mental link 776) About 50,000 years ago
78Q: Okay, I guess that means you haven't decided. 79I think I understand Adaptive Armor now. I'll use Tahu as an example. 80He recieced the armor, mask, and shield in Artakha. It looked just like Mistika Tahu except minus the jets and Nynrah Ghost Blaster. Arriving in Karda Nui, it gave him a Midak Skyblaster and jets. After he went to the swamp, his weapon became the Nynrah Ghost Blaster so he could better fight the Makuta down there. 81A: Correct 82(please note Greg later confirmed to me the original form of the armor was not like he said so, see later quotes)
83Q: Okay, so they were Matoran, and they all became Toa on different Toa teams. Q: Did they have their spears, and did they have the same masks in the corret shapes, or different ones?. 84A: 1) No, they got equipped after they became Hagah
85Q: So, for that last Hydraxon question, does that mean both Hydraxon's are amphibious?
86Also, are the Toa riding Axalara and Rockoh in the sets Lewa and Pohatu?
87And, in levels of canocity (storyline-wise), is this correct: movies, comics, books?
88Appearance-wise, is this also correct (not counting oddties like the Rahaga): Movies, then would it be Bionicle: The Game or Bionicle Heroes?
89This basically means that if an event is in a movie, comic, and book, the movie version is correct, while if it's in a book and comic, the comic version is correct. Appearance-wise, take Takutanuva and Axonn: Takutanuva appears the way he did in MoL, while Axonn looks like he does in Bionicle Heroes.
90I do have some appearance questions. Roodaka and Sidorak have their Rhotuka launchers on their back in WoS, while the Hordika have one tool instead of a hand. Is this correct?
91Also, the Piraka appear in two forms in Bionicle heroes: just like their set form but with two right arms; and just like their set form but with Thok, Zaktan, and Avak's feet. Would I be incorrect to assume the later is canonical? 92A: 1) Neither Hydraxon was ever amphibious 932) Yes 943) I don't think there really is an order, in that sense - for example, the comics and the books are all written by me, and so are equally official. The movies, on the other hand, have had things like Rahaga with helicopter rotors, which do not exist in the sets. 954) No, I don't see it that way. The software games are not intended to be canon. 965) I haven't seen WOS in ages, so don't know 976) As I said, software games are not canon
98Q: Okay, Greg, me and InnerRayg have been working on Adaptive Armor for BS01, since it definitely needs work, and we have conflicting scources. You told me the Adaptive Armor resembled their Phantoka/Mistika forms (minus flying apparati and adaptable tools), while BS01 says it resembled their original armor but with their new masks and tools. Some clarification would be nice.
99Also, so the first Hydraxon breathed air and the second water? 100A: 1) As I told IR this week, to me it would be logical that the armor would look like their original armor when it is not adapting, the problem is it won't be drawn that way in the comic. If we have them drawn outside of Karda Nui, they will still look like their 2008 sets, because that is what the artist will be working from. So we would have a massive contradiction.
1012) Correct
102Q: 13) In the "actual" Bionicle Universe, do they look like they do in the movies? Video games? Flash? Comics?
10314) Who stopped and the zyglak's attack on Mahri Nui?
10415) Is Zyglak/zyglak capitalized?
10516) Do the Matoran Resistance Group's zamor launchers have rapid-fire?
10617) Where did the Piraka get their tools? 107A: 13) There is no "actual" BIONICLE universe, there are differing artistic interpretations of the sets. The books and movies use one interpretation, and the comics and Flash tend to use one that is closer to the sets. 10814) Nocturn 10915) I usually capitalize it 11016) Don't think so, no 11117) Most likely from Odina
112Q: Why did Zaktan's Scissor turn into protodites? Did he create it after his transformation?
113Which of Axonn and Brutaka's powers came from OoMN upgrades? 114A: 1) Yes 1152) Since I have never listed all of A and B's powers and don't intend to, impossible to answer.
116These are my questions from over a long period of time.

1The way you acommodated them is confusing.
1Waitaminute. Didn't Greg once say that the Toa Mahri's tubes were ornamental and then later said they were functional? And now he changed his mind again? What's going on here?
1I just got a pretty interesting reply from Greg:
7-/\/\ajor /\/\arvelous-
2Hi Greg. I know you most likely can not answer this, but I'll go ahead and ask you:
31) Was the new 2009 location made by the Great Beings, the "Greater" beings, neither, or both?
4Hope you can answer it, and if you can't I'm sorry for bothering you.
5-/\/\ajor /\/\arvelous-
6I can tell you it was NOT made by the Great Beings.
7-/\/\ajor /\/\arvelous-
1Well we already knew the GB's created the domed Matoran universe, and not the planet itself. So I would guess we're not in any domed universe at all. I wanna go back outside the planet surface 

1Seems that Greg is indecisive on this subject. 

1Actually, I think he was pretty clear, they're amphibious. That PM was a bit messy, but that reply itself was from a while ago, I'm assuming.
1No, it didn't have Miserix.