1Hey Mr. Greg, hows moving going?
21. Is the 2009 universe an alternative universe or the original thing? 32. Do the BOM and Artakha use the same method of teleporting people/islands 42a) do the Nynrah use teleportation to deliver goods too? 52b) if yes do they use the same method of teleportation as either Artakha or BOM? 63.How will one of the nuva regain his memories? A blow to the head? 74. You have said that Hydraxon is likely to come back. Does this mean the flash back? 84b) if no, how will he come back?
91) It is not an alt. universe, no. 102) I doubt it 112a) No, you have to go pick stuff up 123) No. The Nuva were in Karda Nui once before, and sometimes exposure to a place you once were can reawaken memories. 134) No, I was referring to in a serial. Remember, though he is a water-breather now, so is Brutaka, so is Takadox, and both were outfitted with tech that let them survive on land.
21. Is the 2009 universe an alternative universe or the original thing? 32. Do the BOM and Artakha use the same method of teleporting people/islands 42a) do the Nynrah use teleportation to deliver goods too? 52b) if yes do they use the same method of teleportation as either Artakha or BOM? 63.How will one of the nuva regain his memories? A blow to the head? 74. You have said that Hydraxon is likely to come back. Does this mean the flash back? 84b) if no, how will he come back?
91) It is not an alt. universe, no. 102) I doubt it 112a) No, you have to go pick stuff up 123) No. The Nuva were in Karda Nui once before, and sometimes exposure to a place you once were can reawaken memories. 134) No, I was referring to in a serial. Remember, though he is a water-breather now, so is Brutaka, so is Takadox, and both were outfitted with tech that let them survive on land.
1Well, if the Mistika Makuta really didn't know what locked them into their form, a mask is very unlikely to be the cause.NtMWell, if the Mistika Makuta really didn't know what locked them into their form, a mask is very unlikely to be the cause.NtM
1Well, if the Mistika Makuta really didn't know what locked them into their form, a mask is very unlikely to be the cause.NtMWell, if the Mistika Makuta really didn't know what locked them into their form, a mask is very unlikely to be the cause.NtM
2True, and if it was a mask was the cause, somebody would have had to trigger the mask, making it a "who", not a "what".
1hi i think greg said about there being one familer(sp?) face in 2009 and i'm pretty sure greg said lesovikk's destiny isnt finished so i think lesovikk mite be the familer face in 2009 what do you guy's think?
1sorry double post
1sorry tripple post
1Hi. Few more questions for you:
21. Exactly what purpose does Visorak Venom serve? I don't really understand how making their victims stronger and more aggressive is useful to them...
32. Why didn't Mutran recognize the Unity Duty Destiny Symbol? 4I imagine the Makuta must be aware of it, as Makuta Teridax had a pool of EP in the Mangaia shaped like it...
53. Why were there Protodermis tubes in the Bohrok Hives for the Toa Mata to conveniently fall into? Are they a part of the Krana-making process?
64. How do you pronounce Niazesk?
71) Oh, I don't know ... if you have the ability to turn anything savage, don't you then have the ability to take even placid creatures and turn them into a potential army for the Makuta? 82) My feeling is that Mutran is not seeing it from high enough in the air, the same way characters in movies who are standing inside large footprints don't know they are in one unless someone is viewing from above. 93) Hasn't been revealed if they served an actual purpose or were a booby trap 104) Knee-uh-zesk (pronounced like "desk")
1If Mutran knew it was a map, then why didn't he think to graph it down, or something? 

1I don't think Mutran knew it was a map.
1How come I cant PM Greg?
1Because it's huge probably like a kio.
1About the Visorak in general.
2I once asked Greg what purpose the Horde actually had (since I did not get what the BoM gained from them conquering lands) 3Greg then explained that HE WAS TOLD ( .) the Visorak were supposed to conquer lands and thereby lock away Rahi, because the BoM feared that the Great Cataclysm could harm many of them. So the venom was probably a last attempt. It made the Rahi stronger and more resistant and would afterwards help the BoM as warriors.
2I once asked Greg what purpose the Horde actually had (since I did not get what the BoM gained from them conquering lands) 3Greg then explained that HE WAS TOLD ( .) the Visorak were supposed to conquer lands and thereby lock away Rahi, because the BoM feared that the Great Cataclysm could harm many of them. So the venom was probably a last attempt. It made the Rahi stronger and more resistant and would afterwards help the BoM as warriors.
1About the Visorak in general.
2I once asked Greg what purpose the Horde actually had (since I did not get what the BoM gained from them conquering lands) 3Greg then explained that HE WAS TOLD ( .) the Visorak were supposed to conquer lands and thereby lock away Rahi, because the BoM feared that the Great Cataclysm could harm many of them. So the venom was probably a last attempt. It made the Rahi stronger and more resistant and would afterwards help the BoM as warriors.
4who told greg i thought he made up the storyline stuff?
1Well, that was not until after 2005 had begun. You know, until early 2005, Bob Thompson still was the head of the story team and Greg didn't have as much liberty as today. After Thompson left, everything had been renewed and restructured and whole story plans had been changed. (Thompson, by the way, is the guy you can see talking in both the MoL and the LoMN Making Of on the DVD.)
1I found the old quote I have from Greg about the Visorak horde:
7Hope that helps a bit.
29) Last time I asked you when the BoM got the Visorak horde and you said there was no date fixed. This time I'd like to know WHY they got the Visorak army. Ok certainly to conquer islands (and to guard Destral). But why did the Makuta want to conquer islands in the first place? I mean they have their master plan and I guess everything they do has a purpose. Did the BoM use the Visorak to take over crucial places in a similar way the Barraki did? 39) How it was explained to me was that the Visorak were chosen primarily for their ability to shut down the Rahi by webbing them up. Makuta apparently wanted all living things locked away, possibly because he knew or guessed the devastation the Great Cataclysm was going to cause.
4So Makuta wanted Matoran and Rahi (and possibly other species on islands conquered by Visorak) locked away to be sure they survive the Great Cataclysm, so they can hail him as their saviour? 5Or does the BoM masterplan require an intact population of Rahi and other species to work and the Great Catclysm might have endangered that? 6Answer to your first question is basically both
7Hope that helps a bit.
1Hello, and firstly, than you for answering (or attempting
) these questions,
21. Concerning the Toa Empire Dimension, I read on BS01 that if the OOMN knew of Tuyet's killing of matoran, they would attempt to capture her. This leads to two questions: A- I may be totally wrong, but can't OOMN members read minds, thus discovering "the truth." B- Is Axxon still alive, as his Rode could see through the deception, right?
32. Are the prophecies on the telescope on Mata Nui (when the constellations with the red star in them form, this prophecy will happen) still cannon? Will they be important in the near future?
43. Was the mad turaga of Sarda's island one of the first solo Toa, like the first Toa of Water? Or was he just a first turaga?
54. Kind of like a "What if" question, but- If Kojol shared his information with other Makuta, would the OOMN: 6A. Attempt to kill all of the Makuta 7B. Let it go
81) I have never said that was the case. I have said that if it was widely known that she had done that, it is possible that the Matoran and maybe some of the Toa would turn on her. Remember, this is the same OOMN who killed everyone who knew the location of Artakha in our universe, including their own members. As for the rest of your questions, no, OOMN members cannot all read minds, and Axonn is on Voya Nui and has never met Tuyet.
92) Are those from MNOG? If so, I am not familiar with them.
103) I don't really see him as being either
114) The OOMN would have killed anyone who knew the information. In their eyes, they had to.
121. So, was BS01 wrong? If Tuyet's killings were widely known, the OOMN wouldn't attack? 132.
143. Hmmm, possibly a Dume teamate, this turaga wouldn't fit into any other Toa team's time that we know. 154. Wow. If Kojol had shared his information, this OOMN-BOM war serial would be a flash-back

21. Concerning the Toa Empire Dimension, I read on BS01 that if the OOMN knew of Tuyet's killing of matoran, they would attempt to capture her. This leads to two questions: A- I may be totally wrong, but can't OOMN members read minds, thus discovering "the truth." B- Is Axxon still alive, as his Rode could see through the deception, right?

32. Are the prophecies on the telescope on Mata Nui (when the constellations with the red star in them form, this prophecy will happen) still cannon? Will they be important in the near future?
43. Was the mad turaga of Sarda's island one of the first solo Toa, like the first Toa of Water? Or was he just a first turaga?
54. Kind of like a "What if" question, but- If Kojol shared his information with other Makuta, would the OOMN: 6A. Attempt to kill all of the Makuta 7B. Let it go
81) I have never said that was the case. I have said that if it was widely known that she had done that, it is possible that the Matoran and maybe some of the Toa would turn on her. Remember, this is the same OOMN who killed everyone who knew the location of Artakha in our universe, including their own members. As for the rest of your questions, no, OOMN members cannot all read minds, and Axonn is on Voya Nui and has never met Tuyet.
92) Are those from MNOG? If so, I am not familiar with them.
103) I don't really see him as being either
114) The OOMN would have killed anyone who knew the information. In their eyes, they had to.
121. So, was BS01 wrong? If Tuyet's killings were widely known, the OOMN wouldn't attack? 132.

1BS01 isn't wrong, the only reason the OoMN hasn't killed Tuyet is because they don't know that she killed the Nynrah Ghosts. if they did, she'd be dead or in the pit that night.
2as for the lack of PM containing posts, those are due to two factors. one, the amount of non-PM posts, it's a large amount, which is bound to happen regularly in this thread. Two, just because Greg gets 50 PMs a day, doesn't mean that those PMs are from people who want the info they asked about to be revealed, some are spoilers that they won't show everyone else, others are newer people who are asking general information. about 10% are from people who like to supply this thread with it's food. so about 5 PMs per page, I believe, is adequate.
3And Greg doesn't remember, or really care too much about MNOLG, he didn't work on it, he'll just take from it what he needs to, like the sundial.
2as for the lack of PM containing posts, those are due to two factors. one, the amount of non-PM posts, it's a large amount, which is bound to happen regularly in this thread. Two, just because Greg gets 50 PMs a day, doesn't mean that those PMs are from people who want the info they asked about to be revealed, some are spoilers that they won't show everyone else, others are newer people who are asking general information. about 10% are from people who like to supply this thread with it's food. so about 5 PMs per page, I believe, is adequate.
3And Greg doesn't remember, or really care too much about MNOLG, he didn't work on it, he'll just take from it what he needs to, like the sundial.
1BS01 isn't wrong, the only reason the OoMN hasn't killed Tuyet is because they don't know that she killed the Nynrah Ghosts. if they did, she'd be dead or in the pit that night.
2Actually, the reason they don't act is because in their eyes things aren't really that bad. All potential threats to Mata Nui have been crushed and the Matoran are all working.
1Hello, and firstly, than you for answering (or attempting ) these questions,
21. Concerning the Toa Empire Dimension, I read on BS01 that if the OOMN knew of Tuyet's killing of matoran, they would attempt to capture her. This leads to two questions: A- I may be totally wrong, but can't OOMN members read minds, thus discovering "the truth." B- Is Axxon still alive, as his Rode could see through the deception, right?![]()
32. Are the prophecies on the telescope on Mata Nui (when the constellations with the red star in them form, this prophecy will happen) still cannon? Will they be important in the near future?
43. Was the mad turaga of Sarda's island one of the first solo Toa, like the first Toa of Water? Or was he just a first turaga?
54. Kind of like a "What if" question, but- If Kojol shared his information with other Makuta, would the OOMN: 6A. Attempt to kill all of the Makuta 7B. Let it go
81) I have never said that was the case. I have said that if it was widely known that she had done that, it is possible that the Matoran and maybe some of the Toa would turn on her. Remember, this is the same OOMN who killed everyone who knew the location of Artakha in our universe, including their own members. As for the rest of your questions, no, OOMN members cannot all read minds, and Axonn is on Voya Nui and has never met Tuyet.
92) Are those from MNOG? If so, I am not familiar with them.
103) I don't really see him as being either
114) The OOMN would have killed anyone who knew the information. In their eyes, they had to.
121. So, was BS01 wrong? If Tuyet's killings were widely known, the OOMN wouldn't attack? 132.143. Hmmm, possibly a Dume teamate, this turaga wouldn't fit into any other Toa team's time that we know. 154. Wow. If Kojol had shared his information, this OOMN-BOM war serial would be a flash-back
16Those constellations were already used. Back when the game came out, you'd go check the telescope and it would indicate whether or not new villages had been made available.
1Well, lets get back to talking about Greg's answers. It's a start to PMing Greg, we'll all have questions sooner or later.
2On topic of my post: I think I know what made the Mistkua (Mistika &Makuta) the way they are . Think about it, the BoM curse. But I have a big feeling that's noit it, though.
3I agree.
4Back on topic, Interesting theory, it would make sense, it is a what, and it would be something we would slap ourselves for not figuring out. But the only problem is, The Makuta curse is not well known, I hadn't heard of it until a week ago, so though some people would slap themselves, others would not. Maybe a combination of something and the curse.
1Koro-Nui, Greg hasn't been on for over a day, so he may have taken a rest and spend his pentacost weekend with his wife or something like that.
1Got some important news on Teridax.
10So Teridax will appear in future years.
2Just 3 questions.
31) Do all Makuta have the same destiny, or does each one have there own?
42) Will we learn of Teridax's destiny this year?
5This question is not really story related, but was there any particular reason that made you decide to have Botar be killed?
6Thanks in advance.
71) Each has their own 82) Since his story extends beyond this year, I would say no 93) Well, someone from the OOMN had to go, and since he is not a current set and I had no future plans for him, he was a logical choice.
10So Teridax will appear in future years.
1Got some important news on Teridax.
2Just 3 questions.
31) Do all Makuta have the same destiny, or does each one have there own?
42) Will we learn of Teridax's destiny this year?
5This question is not really story related, but was there any particular reason that made you decide to have Botar be killed?
6Thanks in advance.
71) Each has their own 82) Since his story extends beyond this year, I would say no 93) Well, someone from the OOMN had to go, and since he is not a current set and I had no future plans for him, he was a logical choice.
10So Teridax will appear in future years.
11So Teridax is the old character that will appear in

1Not necessarily. He could appear in 2010 or on... 

1Hmm. Imagine it, BIONICLE ends this year due to huge lack of sales and Teridax won't be able to complete his destiny .
Hope doesn't happen though.

11. Does the BoM curse follow every Makuta around, like the smoke following Antoz and co? 22. Did the Makuta Phantoka arrive in the core before the Mistika? 32a. If yes, did the thing that locked the Mistika the BoM Curse? It seems reasonable, don't you think?
41) It's not a physical thing that follows you around, it's not a separate object 52) No 62a) No. The curse is on all the BOM, so why it only affect the Mistika that way?
7Well, I'm stumped again.
1Hey, quick question here.
21) Could you compare the relationship between Metru Nui and Karda Nui like that of the relationship between a brain and a heart? As in Karda Nui channels energy through Metru Nui, and a heart pumps blood to the brain, which the brain uses to control the body.
3That would be one of a number of reasonable analogies.
1Hi Greg, 2I have 3 quick questions about Mazeka for you, hope you can answer them.
31. Is Mazeka + his vehicle about the same size as Vultraz + his vehicle? 42. Is Mazeka wearing a mask we have seen or is it a new mold? 53. If it´s a mask we know, do you know which one it is?
6Sorry if you can´t answer them, I´m just really interested in this set.7Thanks in advance.
81) Probably close to it, yes 92) Don't know, couldn't tell from the image I saw
10I really want to see Mazeka...
1hello, Greg. A few questions, however maybe you cannot answer them. 21) I'd read in you're blog about your toughts on the 2009 january sets, and there you said that they have masks. 3so, are they more toa like or like the phantoka-makuta villains with a maskt? 42) I know they are not official, leaked, fake etc. but can you post the leaked 2009 names? 5( you know, the ones where you've posted a topic about )
6Thanks and ignore my bad spelling,
81) Can't answer it 92) I don't have a list of them, KR, and since they are not leaked -- they are just completely fake -- not sure why you would want them. They were something someone found on Wikipedia and the entry has since been edited to remove them.
102) so I can trust you that we will see no brutaka in 2009? 11and a new one: 12I heard that there will be 2 characters of the matoran universe a set in 2009 or are in the story? 13is that true?
142) Yes, no Brutaka in 2009. 152a) I have stated that there will be at least one 2001-2008 character who will play a central role in 2009. Beyond that, I can't comment.
16and with 'central role' you mean something as big as Takanuva's role in 2003 ( as at least for me, he was the most important character of '03 )
17Bigger. Takanuva was important in 2003, but only in the story for about 15 minutes.
1And thanks to another quote we now know that this one character could be Teridax....
1Some great info about the Makuta curse:
2Hi GregF
3Some questions: 41- Is the Makuta curse a good thing or a bad thing for the Makuta?
52- You've said that we'v seen the curse in both serial and book, correct? 62b- Wich Serial and wich book?
73- What is your favorite Bionicle species?
84- What is your favorite Bionicle location?
9All for now
101) It varies 112) Anything that had a Makuta in it. 123-4) Sorry, too swamped with questions today to handle these.
1And thanks to another quote we now know that this one character could be Teridax....
2Actually Greg said that Teridax won't be appearing in the 2009 or 2010 main story. So the 2009 character will be someone different.

3Actually, he does not appear at all in 2009 or 2010 main story. When I say "extends beyond this year," I am speaking long-term, not "next year."
1So maybe 2011?