1I sent a pm too....
2race against time. lol
13Yeah... thought about that after I pmed it. oh well.
2race against time. lol

4Hi Mr. Farshtey,
5I was wondering,
6You stated that there are 3 OoMN agents on Metru Nui... we know Krakua is there, and that Brutaka had to be there at one point to send away Takanuva to DM-verse, but is the third one the OoMN spy on the DH?
7Could this spy be Dweller?
8I dunno, he's a 'loyal', efficient, patient, silent, and stealthy. His powers seem perfect for concealing himself, which would have made him (power-wise) an ideal member of an organization that is supposed to be unknown.
9So... am I close?
10Thank you, 11Madara: Mangekyou Master
12Dweller would be a pretty useless OOMN spy on the DH, since he's not on Odina, he's on Metru Nui. The OOMN doesn't need info on what's going on on Metru Nui, they need info on what's going on on Odina. So answer's no.
13Yeah... thought about that after I pmed it. oh well.
1Nothing much, but...
2Q. If I were to ask a Matoran how he was made, would he be able to tell me?
3A. Probably, yes
4Too bad I don't know a Matoran in real

5QUOTE 6Hello, Mr. Farshety (did I spell that right?). Hope I'm not bothering you. I have a few questions.
71. Are there any "extinct" elements?(elements with no toa, matoran or turaga alive) 82. Are you ever going to reveal how Matoran are made? (born?) (produced?) 93. Are there any Toa of Iron or Magnetism left alive, or did the BoM kill them all?
10Thanks for your time .
121) No 132) No, there's no reason to do so. It's not important to the overall story and if you reveal every little detail, you kill the mystique of the universe 143) I am sure there are one or two, somewhere
151. Fweew162. Awww.
173. Yaayy
19"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
20Too bad... That was one of the REALLY interesting things of this universe.... Now I'm REALLY dissapointed... 21but Greg's right, now the story will keep mistique. Oh, and sounds weird, but, maybe the Matoran are created in next years universe, but where forgotten or something really bad has happened...
22(Can't remember if I sent this before, sorry If I did.)
231a. What was Brutaka doing between City of the Lost and Into the Darkness? 241b. Between Into the Darkness and BL10?
252. When was Brutaka's Olmak damaged?
263. Will we learn more about where Teridax is this year?
274. How come you haven't used the Mask of Elemental Energy in the story?
285. I know you can't do it now, but maybe when you get more spare names you could give the Mask of Creation, Possibilities, and Intangibility Matoran names? I know it make a lot of fans happy.
29Thanks again Greg.
301) He was hiding and watching 311b) Rescued from the Pit by the OOMN 322) When he was in the mutagenic water 333) You'll know where he is by the end of 2008 344) Because it was only ever meant to be a power-up for a video game. 355) We won't be getting spare names that match the old naming scheme for a while, as we are switching to a new naming scheme for 2009
36A new naming scheme? .? Cool .
37I think 3 means something to next year....
1[In first PM, I asked about a specific entry that uses Kojol's virus; which I thought was destroyed.] 2No, that virus is not out where Vortixx could get their hands on it.
3[In another PM, asked him about that member who claimed I didn't have permission; see above. Also asked a second, classified question.] 4I did simply forget, I have a lot going on this spring and BZP contests are not top of mind, unfortunately.
5BTW, a couple more questions for some entries: 63) If members simply say that "the brotherhood" commissioned weapons, that would be okay as long as they didn't get specific about who did or whatnot most likely, right? Since they do commission weapons from Xia. 73) That's fine
84) Would it be likely for a Toa to ever pass through Xia? And if they did, would they likely actually be attacked by Xians? Both seem unlikely to me; besides, Xians are business-savvy so why annoy a potential customer. 94) Toa certainly do visit Xia, and the Vortixx would have no reason to regard them as enemies. They're potential customers. Vortixx have no "side" -- they are arms merchants.
10Certainly no hard feelings that he forgot.

1Well, I got the PM back from Greg . . .
7Ah, well. I believe the Trinuma part is nice, 'cause now we know that he's not one of the agents . . . OOMN members FTW .
2Hello . I know I just sent you a PM, but I just have one more question:
3Are Trinuma, Krakua, and Dweller the OOMN agents in Metru Nui?
4If you can't answer this, that's fine, but It's floating around OGD. Thanks for you time,
6Krakua is, Trinuma's not in Metru Nui, and Dweller is a Dark Hunter, not an OOMN member.
7Ah, well. I believe the Trinuma part is nice, 'cause now we know that he's not one of the agents . . . OOMN members FTW .
1krakua, probably brutaka, but who's number 3?
1Brutaka is in Artidax 

1Guys, it's Krakua and three OoMN agents. Krakua is not a member, only a servant. so you'll have to think of other members. Greg doesn't have to name them to include them.
1Hello. I am one of the two admins of a new German Bionicle Wiki, and I need some Information...please excuse my bad english.
21. How many matoran were living on Karzahni (before they went to Metru Nui) 32. If you don't count those Matoran, am I right that there are 993 matoran, 7 turaga and 5 toa in the city? 43. Why works Brutaka for the OoMN again? 54. Why are the Av-Matoran in Karda Nui bigger than the other ones? 65. In The Toa Empire Pocket Dimension, there was no Great Cataclysm. But why do they say "Brutaka was killed on Voya Nui" ? I thought it would not exist in that world? 76. Is the avohkii still the mask of Light ... or is it a Mask of Light and shadow now?
8Well, I have more questions. But these ones are the most important.
9Thank you .
111) Several hundred 122) Yes 133) Why wouldn't he? The OOMN are the good guys. 144) Because of the effect the energy in the core has on them 155) Of course it would still exist. It just exists as part of its original continent. It never broke off and ended up in the surface ocean on this world, but it is still where it was originally. 166) No, it's still Light
172. I think I forgot Krakua... 183. Brutaka was a villian in 2006 . Or was he?
19-- BoL
201) Then just add in "And three OOMN agents" 212) Brutaka was an OOMN member in 2006, who had lost faith in Mata Nui and went bad. He was then sent to the Pit. While there, he sensed Mata Nui's death and rebirth and saw how hard the Toa Mahri were willing to fight for the Great Spirit, and his faith was restored.
22Read the quote above, Keyl. I think that means Krakua is one of the three, although I could be wrong.
1no, if you read it, BoL says, "I forgot krakua" and Greg says, "then add three OoMN members" implying that there's four of them. Krakua is a toa, and toa aren't agents, except for just maybe the first toa, but that's still iffy.
1Yeah, you're right, but It's still iffy. Maybe I'll ask Greg, but later. I already sent him two messages today.
2EDIT: Here's this from a PM I sent earlier:
3Well, I got the PM back from Greg . . .
9See the bold? Yes .
2EDIT: Here's this from a PM I sent earlier:
3Well, I got the PM back from Greg . . .
4Hello . I know I just sent you a PM, but I just have one more question:
5Are Trinuma, Krakua, and Dweller the OOMN agents in Metru Nui?
6If you can't answer this, that's fine, but It's floating around OGD. Thanks for you time,
8Krakua is, Trinuma's not in Metru Nui, and Dweller is a Dark Hunter, not an OOMN member.
9See the bold? Yes .
1no, if you read it, BoL says, "I forgot krakua" and Greg says, "then add three OoMN members" implying that there's four of them. Krakua is a toa, and toa aren't agents, except for just maybe the first toa, but that's still iffy.
2I'm pretty sure that Greg was saying that Krakua is one of the agents. Agent doesn't mean member. Greg has called Roodaka a BoM agent in the past, and she's certainly not a Makuta.
3I think we're just debating the context of his words. You are reading them as "In addition add three OoMN members" while others are reading them as "In that case just add three OoMN members". A follow-up PM would make things clearer.
1even if you don't believe greg will do it, could someone please PM greg this: 2Greg could you please in your spare time give us characteristics of matoran outside the main six elements example: matoran of air are clumsy on the ground but agile in the air. maby you could make matoran of sound commonly loud and skilled at voice mimicry or possibly great musicians.
3please Greg this would be great information and a pleasant treat to all of the fans 4from, pitwalker a fan since 2001
3please Greg this would be great information and a pleasant treat to all of the fans 4from, pitwalker a fan since 2001
1even if you don't believe greg will do it, could someone please PM greg this: 2Greg could you please in your spare time give us characteristics of matoran outside the main six elements example: matoran of air are clumsy on the ground but agile in the air. maby you could make matoran of sound commonly loud and skilled at voice mimicry or possibly great musicians.
3please Greg this would be great information and a pleasant treat to all of the fans 4from, pitwalker a fan since 2001
5You could get five more posts and do it yourself.
1I feel stupid for asking this, but you only need 10 posts to pm greg right?
1That is correct, yes.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Hello again greg, sorry for the disturbance, 4a few more questions, if you will....
51. did lesovikk look any different pre-pit, I mean aside from the tube &visor, 62. do matoran have cellphones or other hi-tech gadgets such as Ipods, etc. 73. is there a chance we will get the other toa hagah in set form? 84. does vezon still retain his cape, 95. will there be any well-known voices in the new Bio films, 106. can you give us a follow up on some of our favorite mata matoran such as kapura, macku, tamtru, kotu, onewa, hafu and taipu 117. will we ever get sets or resources to build the "new mata" le and onu matoran, because, we never got them in that form, 128. was nidhiki's voltiak silver? 139. will there be any more deaths in '08? 1410. what would happen if you mixed hordika venom, energized protodermis, and pit mutagen?
15thank u for ur time mr. farshtey, and srry for the bad grammar.
161) Not vastly different 172) No 183) I seriously doubt it 194) No 205) The movies have not been cast yet 216) I really don't know where I would have room to do that. 227) I doubt it. We are not in the Matoran universe next year, so no real reason to put those sets out. 238) Not to my knowledge, no, it would have been green. 249) I can't discuss future storyline plans 2510) Well, if the venom and mutagen were not destined to be transformed by the EP, they would be destroyed by it.
26and more
27ello again greg, I have a few more questions for you, if you will.....
281. where do matoran come from, there is no way they could be born, so are they manufactured? 292. was teridax's original body more resembling the Phantoka or Mistika? 303. were/are there any communities like that of Lois Lowry's THE GIVER, where people get "released" and everything has sameness? 314. how does matoran physiology work, do they have a digestive tract, is their heart-stone their heart, DO THEY HAVE SPLEENS??? 325. what are the names of the Toa Mistika's weapons?
33thank you for your time greg.....
341) I am not allowed to discuss how Matoran come into being 352) Neither 363) I have never read that book, so no idea what you are referring to 374) Matoran do not eat like we do, they absorb energy through direct physical contact, they don't need to chew and swallow. As for the rest, falls under "not allowed to discuss it." 385) Nynrah ghost blasters
39AAAaaaannd..... more .
40Hello mr. farshtey,
41I have a few questions for you, if you have the time to answer. 421. do you have any voice in what the masks look like? because Maxilos' faceplate resembles a hau, Hydraxon's faceplate resembles Dekar's 43Kiril (no co-inkydink there .) and the shadow matoran Radiak's mask resembles an Avokhii. possible to explain? 442. what are the Av-Matoran masks, are they lesser versions of their toa/makuta'wils, or are they something else? 453. can you make more than one avokhii or krahkan,? 464. will the red star or the Ignika have significance in to 09 storyline? 47and 485. will we ever see a gold Ignika in set form?
49Dremora von DOOM thanks you greg.
501) No. I am not involved in set design in any way. 512) They are not being identified in story, since they have no powers and won't be used as masks 523) Yes 534-5) I cannot discuss future story or set plans 54UNQUOTE . . . .
55these were some I asked when I first joined, on top is youngest, and bottom is oldest .
51. did lesovikk look any different pre-pit, I mean aside from the tube &visor, 62. do matoran have cellphones or other hi-tech gadgets such as Ipods, etc. 73. is there a chance we will get the other toa hagah in set form? 84. does vezon still retain his cape, 95. will there be any well-known voices in the new Bio films, 106. can you give us a follow up on some of our favorite mata matoran such as kapura, macku, tamtru, kotu, onewa, hafu and taipu 117. will we ever get sets or resources to build the "new mata" le and onu matoran, because, we never got them in that form, 128. was nidhiki's voltiak silver? 139. will there be any more deaths in '08? 1410. what would happen if you mixed hordika venom, energized protodermis, and pit mutagen?
15thank u for ur time mr. farshtey, and srry for the bad grammar.
161) Not vastly different 172) No 183) I seriously doubt it 194) No 205) The movies have not been cast yet 216) I really don't know where I would have room to do that. 227) I doubt it. We are not in the Matoran universe next year, so no real reason to put those sets out. 238) Not to my knowledge, no, it would have been green. 249) I can't discuss future storyline plans 2510) Well, if the venom and mutagen were not destined to be transformed by the EP, they would be destroyed by it.
26and more
27ello again greg, I have a few more questions for you, if you will.....
281. where do matoran come from, there is no way they could be born, so are they manufactured? 292. was teridax's original body more resembling the Phantoka or Mistika? 303. were/are there any communities like that of Lois Lowry's THE GIVER, where people get "released" and everything has sameness? 314. how does matoran physiology work, do they have a digestive tract, is their heart-stone their heart, DO THEY HAVE SPLEENS??? 325. what are the names of the Toa Mistika's weapons?
33thank you for your time greg.....
341) I am not allowed to discuss how Matoran come into being 352) Neither 363) I have never read that book, so no idea what you are referring to 374) Matoran do not eat like we do, they absorb energy through direct physical contact, they don't need to chew and swallow. As for the rest, falls under "not allowed to discuss it." 385) Nynrah ghost blasters
39AAAaaaannd..... more .
40Hello mr. farshtey,
41I have a few questions for you, if you have the time to answer. 421. do you have any voice in what the masks look like? because Maxilos' faceplate resembles a hau, Hydraxon's faceplate resembles Dekar's 43Kiril (no co-inkydink there .) and the shadow matoran Radiak's mask resembles an Avokhii. possible to explain? 442. what are the Av-Matoran masks, are they lesser versions of their toa/makuta'wils, or are they something else? 453. can you make more than one avokhii or krahkan,? 464. will the red star or the Ignika have significance in to 09 storyline? 47and 485. will we ever see a gold Ignika in set form?
49Dremora von DOOM thanks you greg.
501) No. I am not involved in set design in any way. 512) They are not being identified in story, since they have no powers and won't be used as masks 523) Yes 534-5) I cannot discuss future story or set plans 54UNQUOTE . . . .
55these were some I asked when I first joined, on top is youngest, and bottom is oldest .
14. will the red star or the Ignika have significance in to 09 storyline? 2and 35. will we ever see a gold Ignika in set form?
44-5) I cannot discuss future story or set plans 5UNQUOTE . . . .
6interesting i wonder if the ignika will be in 09 but he wasnt in 01.
7What does not being in 2001 have to do with anything, 2009 won't be a repeat of 2001, it could be completely different, with the only things the same is that it is still lego, and that they have masks.
14. will the red star or the Ignika have significance in to 09 storyline? 2and 35. will we ever see a gold Ignika in set form?
44-5) I cannot discuss future story or set plans 5UNQUOTE . . . .
6interesting i wonder if the ignika will be in 09 but he wasnt in 01.
7What does not being in 2001 have to do with anything, 2009 won't be a repeat of 2001, it could be completely different, with the only things the same is that it is still lego, and that they have masks.
8im pretty sure greg said the old character in 09 will have been in story since 01 but i guesse toa ignika isnt old
1Hi Greg, just a few questions.
21-Will we ever see Mata nui in his physical form? You said his physical form is hard to find, but when you know you found it, you will have. You also said that his physical form is not a character we have seen yet, so how will we know when we have found it?
32-On Bioniclesector01, is states that ata nui has an "alternate form in the Toa Empire pocket dimention, and that this form is still awake. Is this mata nui a second Great Spirit? Or does it count as the same one?
43-"Multiple ways of awakening Mata nui"-on bioniclesector01. One is the ignika, what are the others?
54-This last one confuses me. You said that when Mata nui awakens, all beings in the core will be affected. And that the awakening of Mata nui will affect the Av-Matoran.(this is the part that confuses me ->) if the Makuta are still in the core when he awakes, the matoran will be affected too. What is the connection between the Makuta and the Matoran outside the core. (you are talking about the matoran outside, right? Or are there Matoran inside the core?
61) If you see it, you'll know, from story context 72) It's the Mata Nui of a parallel universe 83) Haven't been revealed 94) Because if Makuta are still in the core, the Ignika is going to kill everything in the universe.
10Wow i wonder if mata nui will be included in the Massacre![]()
11He probably will, but he has an alternate in a paralell universe. And that mata nui is still awake
12So does this mean that in the DM universe Mata Nui is in another form? That's interesting considering Mata Nui can't just shape shift.

13Good morning, Greg. Would you give reasons for the following.
14Quote (The Mutran Chronicles-8): "Locked within it was the one power we Makuta dreaded, and the unspoken promise of something far worse – the existence, someday, of an actual Toa of Light". The question is: why the Makuta didn's simply destroy Kanohi Avohkii when they took it, if it was constituted a menace for they? It seems to be logical, isn't?
15Thank you, exuse me for trouble, please.
17Basically, because it would be a waste of resources. What if, someday, the Makuta could overcome their aversion to light and find a way to harness the power in the mask ...or an easy way to corrupt it? If they simply destroyed it, they would learn nothing about it and be no better prepared if someday a second one came into being.
18The risk of a possible Toa of Light seems to outweigh the possible power gained from one great Kanohi.

19Right now means during DM, FOF and legends 10. Brutaka is not one of the 3 members.
20"Right now" most likely refers to the main storyline, and we still have not reached the end of Bionicle Legends#10. The serials (except Mutran Chronicles) start after Bionicle Legends#10, so Brutaka is still an option. And probably Greg also counted seranvts - so Krakua possibly is one of the three. My guess for the third one would be the First Toa, since Greg said she would appear in the book.
22But Bionicle Legends#10 ends at the same time as Bionicle Legends#9.

1Some answers.
2Hey Greg. I know you haven't heard of me before but can you please answer these questions?
31.Can the Toa Nuva merge into Toa Kaita Nuva while wearing their Adaptive Armor? 41a.If so, can the Toa Nuva Kaita's armor shift to their surroundings?
52.Can the Toa Nuva take off their Adaptive Armor?
63.Can a BIONICLE dance?
74.What's your favorite BIONICLE set?
85.If you were a BIONICLE, who would you be and why?
91) Yes and yes 102) Yes 113) I suppose 124-5) I'm sorry, I really don't have time for these kinds of questions right now, as I am pretty swamped
2Hey Greg. I know you haven't heard of me before but can you please answer these questions?
31.Can the Toa Nuva merge into Toa Kaita Nuva while wearing their Adaptive Armor? 41a.If so, can the Toa Nuva Kaita's armor shift to their surroundings?
52.Can the Toa Nuva take off their Adaptive Armor?
63.Can a BIONICLE dance?

74.What's your favorite BIONICLE set?
85.If you were a BIONICLE, who would you be and why?
91) Yes and yes 102) Yes 113) I suppose 124-5) I'm sorry, I really don't have time for these kinds of questions right now, as I am pretty swamped
1The clearest PM would be one asking if there are 3 Members and krakua there, or 2 and Krakua. As NN pointed out, agent doesn't mean member, so that pm proved little, except that trinuma's not there.
2when I said agents, I meant members. just to let you know.
3I PMed him "Is Krakua a member of the OoMN or only a servant?" a few minutes ago. We'll see.

1I don't think Toa can be members of the OoMN, I think Greg said that earlier, somewhere, unless their destiny is with the OoMN, and I don't remember Krakua's desiny being revealed, thus he is only a servant. By the way, I think the question was already answered, Krakua is considered an agent since he could represent the OoMN
1I don't think Toa can be members of the OoMN, I think Greg said that earlier, somewhere, unless their destiny is with the OoMN, and I don't remember Krakua's desiny being revealed, thus he is only a servant. By the way, I think the question was already answered, Krakua is considered an agent since he could represent the OoMN
2Then see the answer
3Then just add in "And three OOMN agents"
4Is Krakua a member of the OOMN or just a servant?
5Thank you .
1I don't think Toa can be members of the OoMN, I think Greg said that earlier, somewhere, unless their destiny is with the OoMN, and I don't remember Krakua's desiny being revealed, thus he is only a servant. By the way, I think the question was already answered, Krakua is considered an agent since he could represent the OoMN
2Then see the answer
3Then just add in "And three OOMN agents"
4Is Krakua a member of the OOMN or just a servant?
5Thank you .
9Wow, That's new, on BS01 it says he's a servant, but I've seen GregF change his mind before...

1Mabye he was a servant, till the OoMN decided to recruite him (Yay . I was right from the little debate here a while ago . Toa can be members .)
1This is some serious awesomeness right here .
9YES . . . . This is officially my favorite PM.
2Hi Greg, thanks for answering these questions
31-There are a lot of Rahi with individual names (i.e. Graalok, Ka, etc.). I was wondering if Rahi names were common. For example, a Matoran on Stelt has a pet Archives Mole and decides to name it Thulox. Is this the case?
42-You've said that the Makuta have killed off most of the Toa of Iron and Magnetism. You've also said that you were sure there were one or two left. So is it official that, out of the 33 unknown Toa, there is at least one Toa of Magnetism and one Toa of Iron?
5Thanks, please excuse my rambling.
71) Sure 82) Yes
9YES . . . . This is officially my favorite PM.

1Hope that we'll see a toa of iron in real-time.
1I love Toa of Iron... Them and magnetism would be my two favs.
at least of the elements that don't get much screentime.

1There's a Toa of Iron in the latest Dark Mirror Chapter. It's really interesting.