Daler99 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1Greg,what would happen if a revived being on the Red Star was killed? Would he/she/it be revived a second time? Would it keep on happening as long as a body is left to recover?
2That is actually a great question, Daler, and I have a weird answer for you. No. The red star's sensors were programmed to sweep Mata Nui -- not its own interior. So if a revived being is killed WHILE ON THE RED STAR, the machinery won't know it and they will not be revived, The only way revival would happen would be if someone set things moving manually.
3Thank you, Greg!
Wow. Okay. So, if the revived being was killed and then taken to the remains of the Great Spirit robot, would he/she/it be revived? Also, how would one set things in motion manually? Would they take the being to the revival machinery? Again, thank you for that wonderful answer.
4Well, they can be revived within the red star, if they are taken to the appropriate place inside of it. That opens the second problem -- if the teleportation does get fixed, there is no more Mata Nui robot to transport them back to.
Daler99 wrote:1Greg, I read in a previous post of yours that you never liked the idea of Vakama turning evil in 2005. If you didn't like the idea:
2A) Why was it used?
3B) Who (if anyone) would you have liked to turn evil instead?
41) I was on the story team, but I wasn't in charge of the story team. Both I and the BIONICLE web producer argued against this, and we were overruled.
52) Matau. I thought he would have been a more logical choice, since he was vain about his appearance and turning into a Hordika would have/should have affected him more.
Daler99 wrote:1What is the written language of the Great Beings? In their lab on Bara Magna, they had Matoran writing on the walls. Also, do the Agori use the Matoran writing system?
2Matoran is basically computer language, so no, the Agori do not use it. And we do not know what the regular language of the Great Beings is, has never been revealed.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1Greg,what would happen if a revived being on the Red Star was killed? Would he/she/it be revived a second time? Would it keep on happening as long as a body is left to recover?
2That is actually a great question, Daler, and I have a weird answer for you. No. The red star's sensors were programmed to sweep Mata Nui -- not its own interior. So if a revived being is killed WHILE ON THE RED STAR, the machinery won't know it and they will not be revived, The only way revival would happen would be if someone set things moving manually.
3Thank you, Greg!
Wow. Okay. So, if the revived being was killed and then taken to the remains of the Great Spirit robot, would he/she/it be revived? Also, how would one set things in motion manually? Would they take the being to the revival machinery? Again, thank you for that wonderful answer.
4Well, they can be revived within the red star, if they are taken to the appropriate place inside of it. That opens the second problem -- if the teleportation does get fixed, there is no more Mata Nui robot to transport them back to.
5Okay. Why would it be fixed if it would teleport to a pile of metal? I mean, Gaardus got down, so couldn't other beings? Unless, of course, only flying creatures could get down. Also, does the Red Star revive rahi?
CosmicStar17 wrote:1Hi Greg.
2How would the toa nuva deal with a swarm of kirikori nui(locust rahi) if the swarm invaded their home to eat the vegetation?
3Well, Lewa could summon a whirlwind and blow them away .. Kopaka could freeze them ... Tahu could set up a wall of flame to keep them away from certain places ... etc.
LQ1998 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1Greg,what would happen if a revived being on the Red Star was killed? Would he/she/it be revived a second time? Would it keep on happening as long as a body is left to recover?
2That is actually a great question, Daler, and I have a weird answer for you. No. The red star's sensors were programmed to sweep Mata Nui -- not its own interior. So if a revived being is killed WHILE ON THE RED STAR, the machinery won't know it and they will not be revived, The only way revival would happen would be if someone set things moving manually.
3I have a fallow up question on this, could it be possible the kestora where killing off some of the ebings in the red star when things stoped working? It seemed to hint that in the story.
4I doubt I would have been allowed to get quite that dark in the story.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1Greg, I read in a previous post of yours that you never liked the idea of Vakama turning evil in 2005. If you didn't like the idea:
2A) Why was it used?
3B) Who (if anyone) would you have liked to turn evil instead?
41) I was on the story team, but I wasn't in charge of the story team. Both I and the BIONICLE web producer argued against this, and we were overruled.
52) Matau. I thought he would have been a more logical choice, since he was vain about his appearance and turning into a Hordika would have/should have affected him more.
61) Hmm... That's too bad...
72) I agree with that.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:LQ1998 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1Greg,what would happen if a revived being on the Red Star was killed? Would he/she/it be revived a second time? Would it keep on happening as long as a body is left to recover?
2That is actually a great question, Daler, and I have a weird answer for you. No. The red star's sensors were programmed to sweep Mata Nui -- not its own interior. So if a revived being is killed WHILE ON THE RED STAR, the machinery won't know it and they will not be revived, The only way revival would happen would be if someone set things moving manually.
3I have a fallow up question on this, could it be possible the kestora where killing off some of the ebings in the red star when things stoped working? It seemed to hint that in the story.
4I doubt I would have been allowed to get quite that dark in the story.
5Isn't the Piraka and Velika close to that dark?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1What is the written language of the Great Beings? In their lab on Bara Magna, they had Matoran writing on the walls. Also, do the Agori use the Matoran writing system?
2Matoran is basically computer language, so no, the Agori do not use it. And we do not know what the regular language of the Great Beings is, has never been revealed.
3Can the Matoran understand Agori speech and vise vera?
1I have a few more questions, Greg:
21. About the Valiant, in Hero Factory Secret Mission 3: I'm a bit of a starship junkie... I'm wondering, how much did you work out about the Valiant? Can you tell me how big it was? What did it have in the way of weapons? What sort of engines did it have (was it a fast ship?)
32. If you had had your way in 2005, and Matau had gone over to Roodaka, would Vakama have been the one to convince him to turn back to the light? Also, this probably would have had an effect on the situation on Mata Nui, yes? That is, Turaga Matau might have had a more major role in the "storytelling" scenes at the beginning of the 2004-2005 books?
42. Concerning Nova Blasts: When a Toa performs a Nova blast, the effects take the form of whatever element the Toa is, correct? Such as when Gali did a Nova Blast on the island of Karzahni, it took the form of a tidal wave. If a Toa of Gravity performed a Nova Blast, what would happen? Would the result be a black hole, or a massive increase in the gravitational pull of the area? How about a Toa of Magnetism?
5Also, despite the differences in effect, Nova Blasts are all generally equal in their destructive power, right? Much like how all the elements really balance each other out?
6That was a bit of a wordy question, sorry. I just have one more:
73. When do you think that Velika began to be disillusioned with the GB's way of running things? Was there a particular event that was the "last straw" for him? Perhaps the GB's failure to stop the Core War set him off?
Daler99 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1Greg,what would happen if a revived being on the Red Star was killed? Would he/she/it be revived a second time? Would it keep on happening as long as a body is left to recover?
2That is actually a great question, Daler, and I have a weird answer for you. No. The red star's sensors were programmed to sweep Mata Nui -- not its own interior. So if a revived being is killed WHILE ON THE RED STAR, the machinery won't know it and they will not be revived, The only way revival would happen would be if someone set things moving manually.
3Thank you, Greg!
Wow. Okay. So, if the revived being was killed and then taken to the remains of the Great Spirit robot, would he/she/it be revived? Also, how would one set things in motion manually? Would they take the being to the revival machinery? Again, thank you for that wonderful answer.
4Well, they can be revived within the red star, if they are taken to the appropriate place inside of it. That opens the second problem -- if the teleportation does get fixed, there is no more Mata Nui robot to transport them back to.
5Okay. Why would it be fixed if it would teleport to a pile of metal? I mean, Gaardus got down, so couldn't other beings? Unless, of course, only flying creatures could get down. Also, does the Red Star revive rahi?
61) You are assuming the kestora know what happened to Mata Nui. Their focus is on fixing it, because that is what they are supposed to do.
72) We don't know the circumstances of Gaardus' return, or how that was effected.
83) I am going to say no, because the Makuta determine how many Rahi are needed and Rahi are specialized as species but usually not as individuals. Having too many Rahi of one type could end up being a problem, so having an automatic return program might not be the best idea.
Daler99 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:LQ1998 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1Greg,what would happen if a revived being on the Red Star was killed? Would he/she/it be revived a second time? Would it keep on happening as long as a body is left to recover?
2That is actually a great question, Daler, and I have a weird answer for you. No. The red star's sensors were programmed to sweep Mata Nui -- not its own interior. So if a revived being is killed WHILE ON THE RED STAR, the machinery won't know it and they will not be revived, The only way revival would happen would be if someone set things moving manually.
3I have a fallow up question on this, could it be possible the kestora where killing off some of the ebings in the red star when things stoped working? It seemed to hint that in the story.
4I doubt I would have been allowed to get quite that dark in the story.
5Isn't the Piraka and Velika close to that dark?
6No, not really. If the kestora were killing things, it would be essentially for an experiment - kill them to make sure the machinery to bring them back is working. LEGO would never let me do that.
GavieB wrote:1greg why is makuta in pretty much every one of the bionicle movies?
2Basically for the same reason The Joker keeps coming back in the comics -- he is the main villain of BIONICLE. And isn't he only in half the movies? He doesn't appear in Web of Shadows and if he appears at all in the fourth film, it's very briefly since the main villains in that film are the Skrall.