1Dear Mr. Farshtey, I've got 2 questions:
21) Are Toa supposed to adhere to the "no-kill" rule of the Toa code, even during total war, e.g. the Toa-Dark Hunter War? It's mentioned that both sides were suffering heavy losses in the war, so I wouldn't think so. It wouldn't make sense for them to, given the extreme danger of these situations, right?
32) When an MU inhabitant absorbs energy from, say, a berry, does the berry get destroyed in the absorbtion process? Or does it shrivel up? Would thereb be any physical changes to it whatsoever?
kyle7475 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey, I've got 2 questions:
21) Are Toa supposed to adhere to the "no-kill" rule of the Toa code, even during total war, e.g. the Toa-Dark Hunter War? It's mentioned that both sides were suffering heavy losses in the war, so I wouldn't think so. It wouldn't make sense for them to, given the extreme danger of these situations, right?
32) When an MU inhabitant absorbs energy from, say, a berry, does the berry get destroyed in the absorbtion process? Or does it shrivel up? Would thereb be any physical changes to it whatsoever?
41) Losses can also refer to beings being so badly wounded they are out of action. The point of the no kill rule is so that Matoran will not be afraid of them ... it's the same reason Batman and Superman and other superheroes followed that rule for decades. The idea is to show you are better than your enemies rather than sink to their level. So while I would not say Toa followed the rule every second of the war, I would say they tried to as much as possible.
52) It would most likely dry up.
MataNuiIsTheGreatSpirit wrote:1Hi again Greg, just one, completely theoretical question this time:
2Lets say that, some time in the future, Bionicle comes back.
3Would you or would you not be told in advance of such a thing, and would you be heading the story again?
4I know of all LEGO lines scheduled for 2015 - I have to, it's my job. That is different from being able to discuss them in public. What I learn as a result of work is considered confidential.
5And, hypothetically, while I would certainly want to work on a new incarnation of BIONICLE if it happened, there is no guarantee I would be on the story team let alone heading it. I would simply help in whatever way I could and whatever way I was needed to.
chancla wrote:1Hi Mr. Farshtey
2reacently some images (maybe fake or maybe true, i don´t know) we´re leaked revealing new sets of bionicle. i want to know if that is true? or If LEGO confirmed something to you?
3I´m asking because in some community pages there is a discusion of it (including in the Spanish one that is where I from).
4I don´t beeing optimistic about it but i just want to ask.
5I haven't seen anything and just heard about this on here this morning.
6But, those of you who know me from my BZPower days know that the key word here is "leaked." I cannot discuss leaked anything - I never have, and I never will.
TwistLaw wrote:1Dear Greg, I'd like to let you know that I'm really impressed by the patience you have with all of us fans, and that only a great and deep passion can be behind this. Thank you very much, from the deep of my heart.
2I just have a little question.
3If Bionicle ended later, would we have seen the Turaga forms of the Toa Mata? They succeded in awakening Mata Nui, so they should be now free to give up their Toa powers.
4My guess would be no. They were really in positions of leadership among the relatively small number of Toa left. I think they would have felt the situation on SM required them to remain Toa.
fishers64 wrote:12) That doesn't make any sense, considering that Teridax smashed Zaktan's water bowl, thus making it look like he was dead. Teridax would have to have teleported him over there, otherwise he would have drowned.
23) How then did the Skakdi know that putting that precise combination of beings in Energized Protodermis would produce that result?
31) Except that given Zaktan's nature, we can't predict what would happen to him in a given situation with too much accuracy.
42) They didn't. They had no way of knowing what was going to emerge when they were done.
bricksmasher2110 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:bricksmasher2110 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:bricksmasher2110 wrote:1Hi, I really like Bionicle.
A bit straightfoward, but it sums it up well.
2I was angry when Yesterday Quest and PTB stopped being added to, but ive come to realize that you have other things to work on. Im content with knowing as much as I do. But I do have some questions.
31. In Dwellers in Darkness when the Toa Hagah, Miserix, and Zaktan are inside of Mata Nui's brain, they find two corpses that Miserix says are like Toa, but different in many ways also. Were they Glatorians? If so, why were they there?
42. This begs the question, If two Glatorian were sent inside of the Matoran Universe (As well as one Great Being sneaking in.), then were there any Matoran Universe dwellers (Matoran, Toa, Makuta, Vortixx, Skakdi, etc.) sent as a test to live among the Spherus Magnans? If so, how would they have been treated, and would they have been valued or despised during the Core War?
61) Yes. They were the pilots for the initial launch and were supposed to eject at a certain point, but things didn't work out that way.
72) No, and remember, the pilots were not anywhere they would be interacting with Toa or Matoran and the GB was there in secret, that was not an official mission.
8@1. I'm assuming the great cataclysm killed them?
9I actually think they died long before then. Their job was just to get the robot in the air and pointed in the right direction, to be simplistic about it, not to pilot it through the entire mission.
10So what went wrong? Why didnt they eject? Sorry if im pestering you.
11You're not pestering me
12Well, we have to figure on one of two reasons:
131) The eject mechanism failed, or ...
142) Something disabled to killed them before they got the chance to use it.
15I would vote for #2, myself.
1Regarding this:
2The Golden Armor was originally created to destroy solid antidermis...
31. If the Makuta brotherhood members had still been in their solid state (and not dead), would he have been able to destroy them with the armor?
42. Does this mean that if he had actually defeated a single brotherhood member with the armor, it would have bestowed upon him all 42 Makuta powers of the brotherhood member?
1Hey Greg! I have a few questions you may be able to answer.
21.) If you could create any D2C for DC Superheroes what'd it be?
32.) Have you ever wanted to write for a comic book company over LEGO? Both seem like fun jobs but if you could choose one what'd it be and secondly, what'd you write?
43.) What is your favorite Batmobile?
54.)What does it take to work at LEGO and how do you pass the cut? I've always wanted to work for LEGO and strive to do so although I think there may be requirements that I'd need. I've emailed LEGO a few times about this and all I got were pretty generic answers but I enjoyed that they actually replied. What departments are at LEGO also?
6Thanks ahead of time if you answer!