maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1Considering that the great beings made orde male before making other psionic matoran female, does that mean there could be other exceptions to the "gender element" rule with other elements?2Possibly.
3So for the sake of accuracy on BS01, should we say, on the various matoran pages, that "Almost all (element)-matoran are (gender)"?
4Or perhaps you could specify which elements, if not all, have some/an exception(s) to the rule?
5Cuz it would make sense that the great beings experimented a bit with each element... if they made the decision that "all Ko-matoran from here on out are male", something must have happened with a female Ko-matoran to make them do that? (and likewise for the other a few male ga- and vo-matoran?)
6Keep in mind that they did not have lots of time for experimentation. They were in a rush to get this thing built and launched. At any rate, saying this is possible does not mean I want to now assert that there is an exception in every Matoran tribe. I think that would be going too far. And without actual characters being created, I am not sure of the point of specifying tribes.
1Okay, maybe more than few auestions.
21) No, I really did think bio-mechanical dinosaurs would be cool and would fit with where we were idly chatting about taking the story.
32) You mean like a Glatorian? Probably none, they are the equivalent of computer viruses.
43) No idea. That would be up to LEGO and the book publishers. I can only do it if they ask me to.
54) Do you remember the mask name for that? I need to look it up to refresh my memory of what it can and cannot do.
61) I was talking about viruses used by Makuta to create Rahi (or maybe the one used by Spirah to "improve" Skakdi). How would these viruses affect a Toa?
72) Biosector01, article: Others Kanohi. There is Mask of Undeath. Now can you answer my previous questions?
83)How did Velika steal Lesovikk's sword (latet, he killed Karzahni with it)? I know he's a Great Being, but I'm still curiours.
94) Could you at least tell us, how BIONICLE stories would end? Velika would be stopped? Toa Mahri would be saved?
105) I think that this question was asked before, but: Do beings from Matoran Universe have blood? And do they have heart or maybe just some "pump".
116) I know this one is weard: Is there tar in Matoran Universe?
121) I wouldn't think it would have any effect.
132) No, there is nothing in the mask description that says they die once they complete their objective. They would probably just wander aimlessly once the objective is completed. They probably could talk and feel emotions, but would not need to eat. And no, the mask is not going to work more than once -- the returned body will not have enough life force in it for the mask to siphon for a second reanimation.
143) He defeated Lesovikk and then he took it.
154) Nope, because I don't plan my stories ahead of time. I wrote them as they came to me. I don't believe in outlining.
165) MU inhabitants have the equivalent of a lubrication system. They do not have blood.
176) No idea. Why?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Clone2625 wrote:1When the 2008 Shadow Matoran were Av-Matoran did they wear the nobal Kanohi of the Toa Nuva like Solek, Photok, and Tanma?
2Why would they have been wearing Noble Kanohi of the Toa Nuva? The Toa Nuva did not exist at the time those Matoran came into being.
3What he's trying to ever-say is:
4Did Gavla, Radiak, and Kirop wear Noble Kanohi Kaukau, Hau, and Pakari, respectively, before and after they were Matoran of Shadow?
5His think-knowledge to support his thought-belief is that Tanma, Photok, and Solek wore Noble Kanohi Miru, Kakama, and Akaku, again, respectively.
6Ever-sorry about the treespeak.
7Also, according to Christian Faber, the Mata Nui robot being the island on Aqua Magna was created in 1999. Did you think-know about this?
1How did you come up with the mask designs for the original Toa Mata mask designs of 2001 (Hau, Miru, etc.)? Did you think about the Toa Mata's possible personalities and traits? Kopaka's Mask of X-ray Vision and Gali's Water Breathing masks I can understand, but the Mask of Strength? Speed?
Brewers2007 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Clone2625 wrote:1When the 2008 Shadow Matoran were Av-Matoran did they wear the nobal Kanohi of the Toa Nuva like Solek, Photok, and Tanma?
2Why would they have been wearing Noble Kanohi of the Toa Nuva? The Toa Nuva did not exist at the time those Matoran came into being.
3What he's trying to ever-say is:
4Did Gavla, Radiak, and Kirop wear Noble Kanohi Kaukau, Hau, and Pakari, respectively, before and after they were Matoran of Shadow?
5His think-knowledge to support his thought-belief is that Tanma, Photok, and Solek wore Noble Kanohi Miru, Kakama, and Akaku, again, respectively.
6Ever-sorry about the treespeak.
7Also, according to Christian Faber, the Mata Nui robot being the island on Aqua Magna was created in 1999. Did you think-know about this?
81) Sure, why not?
92) Yes. Mata Nui being the island was in the original story bible that I read when I joined LEGO in 2000. It was the heart of the concept from the very beginning.
Brewers2007 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Clone2625 wrote:1When the 2008 Shadow Matoran were Av-Matoran did they wear the nobal Kanohi of the Toa Nuva like Solek, Photok, and Tanma?
2Why would they have been wearing Noble Kanohi of the Toa Nuva? The Toa Nuva did not exist at the time those Matoran came into being.
3What he's trying to ever-say is:
4Did Gavla, Radiak, and Kirop wear Noble Kanohi Kaukau, Hau, and Pakari, respectively, before and after they were Matoran of Shadow?
5His think-knowledge to support his thought-belief is that Tanma, Photok, and Solek wore Noble Kanohi Miru, Kakama, and Akaku, again, respectively.
6Ever-sorry about the treespeak.
7Also, according to Christian Faber, the Mata Nui robot being the island on Aqua Magna was created in 1999. Did you think-know about this?
8You do realize he hates Treespeak, right?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Clone2625 wrote:1When the 2008 Shadow Matoran were Av-Matoran did they wear the nobal Kanohi of the Toa Nuva like Solek, Photok, and Tanma?
2Why would they have been wearing Noble Kanohi of the Toa Nuva? The Toa Nuva did not exist at the time those Matoran came into being.
3Well , I ment did Radiak wear a noble Hau before he became a shadow matoran?(simmilary to Tanma wearing a nobel Miru). Not the same Kanohi as the Toa Nuva just the same types.
1Some questions related to moves recently made in the Bionicle RP.
21. Can a being using an Olmak make more than one portal at the same time?
31.2 If said being makes a portal, can he/she place the opening and exit in the same dimension?
41.3 If the answer to the first two is "Yes", then could a being with an Olmak possibly create a 'box of portals', where a being inside is trapped (whenever he tries to escape through a portal, he just comes back into the box)?
52. A more silly question. In the realm of twisted logic, shadow is faster than light, because however long it takes for light to travel somewhere, darkness is already there.
Would it be possible to malnipulate this to say that beings with the elemental Shadow power can move even faster than light? (Takanuva, I believe, had the ability to move at the speed of light, due to his elemental power) Really, though; if light can travel quickly, shadow should be able to even more so.
6Sorry for sounding like I'm interrogating you