ScribeGT6817 wrote:Brikkyy wrote:1I am well aware of that. I also know that the shadowed one does have a name, and there has been a lot of curiosity lately. You claim not to reveal it due to backlash, which is almost certainly the case - I am not doubting you, but it could be due to the reason that the name is the same as a protagonist in 2015's story. There has been some evidence of confirmation that the two (storylines) are connected, and if the shadowed one's name was revealed to be the same name as another character, the 2015 story would be ruined.
2Well, it's not the case, so there is no need to worry. The name Ekimu was never on any legally approved list of names during the old BIONICLE era - it was approved for new BIONICLE -- so it could not have been the one I chose for TSO.
3The only connection I have seen between old and new story is the talk about the Vahi being a half mask, and since I do not know story past 1HY 2015, I have no idea if that is something that will actually factor into story or not.
4That said, I think it is very important that people take new story on its own merits. The people who wrote it worked hard on it and they deserve that. I see people on here (not you) twisting themselves into pretzels looking for some way this is really old story disguised, and it's not. It's something new that a new team created, and people should love it or not based on what it is, not what they think it might turn into someday.
5Vezon is back, twisting logic into a pretzel by being a Great Being! xD
6Anyway, TTV said that they were told by LEGO employees during Comic-Con that 2015 is a "soft reboot", similarly to the Star Trek movies reboot. Their claim is doubted by many fans, but if they tell the truth, that means that there is a connection to the old BIONICLE.
7Just sayin' - I'm aware that you probably don't know anything about that.
1Dear Greg,
2So I am actually borrowing this partially from a theory I found online...however I thought it should be brought to your attention. it'd be kinda big to cannonize, so i'm not quite asking for that...
3One of the more memorable interview moments I have heard was that, when you were choosing who the great being was, Kapura was an option, but that you didn't know how his "go quickly by moving slowly" deal worked.
4The theory I saw was this: Just like the Avohkii made Takanuva into a toa of light, the Vahi did this, to a very tiny degree, to Vakama in LoMN. as soon as he removed it, though, since he was a Ta-Matoran, all it did was leave a "residue" of power. It is said in MNOG that Vakama tought Kapura how to move quick/slow...Perhaps Vakama's "training" was him granting Kapura some of his power?
5My theory is different: Perhaps Kapura is a matoran of time. He would have likely been hidden at the same time as the Av Matoran. I have no clue how many this would be, maybe there were only, like, a handful of them in the universe. but it's a possibility.
6What are your thoughts on these?
1Hey Greg:
21) Is the design of the Mata Nui robot basically a scaled up version of the Matoran working inside it (i.e. the Matoran also possessing a power core; core processor)?
32) Can an Agori or Glatorian eat protodermic fruit (i.e. Bula berries)?
43) Also, did Lesovikk hunt down the Zyglak responsible for the deaths of his teamates?
2would visorak kahgarak be outfited with wepons for battles?
4were the 2006 good guys (with the exeption of the gold one) matoran?
6what are the the 2006 QUICK bad guys?
8did spinners get formed by the user if so could they be collected or were they just energy?
10 are gold or silver masks like axon's mask only that color or will the color change depending on what element it is?
Mace3739 wrote:keplers wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Zidonaro wrote:1Why do you hate bionicle fans to the point of not revealing The Shadowed One's name ?
2Has nothing to do with hating anybody. As noted above, when we revealed Teridax's name, we got a lot of very hostile backlash,. That said, Teridax had to be named, to differentiate him from the other Makuta. TSO does not need to be named -- he has a perfectly good name -- and any name we give him is just going to set off another round of complaining. I see no reason to do that to add an element to story that is completely irrelevant. Unless you are planning to send him a birthday card, you don't need to know his real name.
3I actually had meant to send TSO something for Christmas...
4Just address it to Bob, I'm sure he'll get it.
5Doesn't matter who you address it to.
6TSO would intercept a copy of anything important, so he'll get it anyway.
7It would be a discredit to the Dark Hunters if he didn't, after all.
Toa-Nuva-von-Mata-Nui wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Brikkyy wrote:
1Well, it's not the case, so there is no need to worry. The name Ekimu was never on any legally approved list of names during the old BIONICLE era - it was approved for new BIONICLE -- so it could not have been the one I chose for TSO.
2The only connection I have seen between old and new story is the talk about the Vahi being a half mask, and since I do not know story past 1HY 2015, I have no idea if that is something that will actually factor into story or not.
3That said, I think it is very important that people take new story on its own merits. The people who wrote it worked hard on it and they deserve that. I see people on here (not you) twisting themselves into pretzels looking for some way this is really old story disguised, and it's not. It's something new that a new team created, and people should love it or not based on what it is, not what they think it might turn into someday.
4Vezon is back, twisting logic into a pretzel by being a Great Being! xD
5Anyway, TTV said that they were told by LEGO employees during Comic-Con that 2015 is a "soft reboot", similarly to the Star Trek movies reboot. Their claim is doubted by many fans, but if they tell the truth, that means that there is a connection to the old BIONICLE.
6Just sayin' - I'm aware that you probably don't know anything about that.
7Now - bear in mind that a soft reboot does not have to have any connection with the old story.
8By "soft reboot" the story team almost certainly means that they're just taking a lot of the old story elements - masks, Toa, elemental powers - and incorporating them into the new story. The transition is easy to make and understandable for older fans - hence the "soft" bit. It doesn't necessarily mean that there's a connection.
9By contrast, a "hard reboot" would be something almost entirely different, with the "Bionicle" logo slapped on it.
Firox555 wrote:Toa-Nuva-von-Mata-Nui wrote:
1Vezon is back, twisting logic into a pretzel by being a Great Being! xD
2Anyway, TTV said that they were told by LEGO employees during Comic-Con that 2015 is a "soft reboot", similarly to the Star Trek movies reboot. Their claim is doubted by many fans, but if they tell the truth, that means that there is a connection to the old BIONICLE.
3Just sayin' - I'm aware that you probably don't know anything about that.
4Now - bear in mind that a soft reboot does not have to have any connection with the old story.
5By "soft reboot" the story team almost certainly means that they're just taking a lot of the old story elements - masks, Toa, elemental powers - and incorporating them into the new story. The transition is easy to make and understandable for older fans - hence the "soft" bit. It doesn't necessarily mean that there's a connection.
6By contrast, a "hard reboot" would be something almost entirely different, with the "Bionicle" logo slapped on it.
7Well, I can't find any proper definitions for "soft reboot" and "hard reboot", but the way I understood it, "soft reboot" usually means that there is a connection to the old story, though there may be some bigger changes, like a shift in genre or a different setting with only small connections to the previous storyline, while a "hard reboot" simply does not have a connection to the old storyline and tells a new story from its beginning. If it doesn't have anything in common with the old story at all (no masks, Toa, elemental powers, familiar names or anything), it wouldn't be a reboot at all - it would be something completely different, no matter what they call it.
8It's a moot point, since the LEGO employees supposedly said during Comic-Con that the BIONICLE reboot is similar to the Star Trek movies reboot, which does have a connection to the old story, and even some of its characters are those from the pre-reboot timeline. At least, that's what a Star Trek fan told me. ^^''
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Zidonaro wrote:1I don't know if you can answer this, but can you tell us if the new bionicle team is 100% composed of new people ? Or there are some people from the old line working on it ?
2Don't know. I can tell you that the same creative agency that contributed to Gen1 story and also did all the concept art and a lot of other things for Gen1 is heavily involved in Gen2 as well.
3Do you mean ADVANCE ? So this means Christian Faber is involved ?
Zidonaro wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Zidonaro wrote:1I don't know if you can answer this, but can you tell us if the new bionicle team is 100% composed of new people ? Or there are some people from the old line working on it ?
2Don't know. I can tell you that the same creative agency that contributed to Gen1 story and also did all the concept art and a lot of other things for Gen1 is heavily involved in Gen2 as well.
3Do you mean ADVANCE ? So this means Christian Faber is involved ?
4Advance is heavily involved, but I have no idea whether Christian is working on it or not.
dylanpb wrote:1Dear Greg,
2So I am actually borrowing this partially from a theory I found online...however I thought it should be brought to your attention. it'd be kinda big to cannonize, so i'm not quite asking for that...
3One of the more memorable interview moments I have heard was that, when you were choosing who the great being was, Kapura was an option, but that you didn't know how his "go quickly by moving slowly" deal worked.
4The theory I saw was this: Just like the Avohkii made Takanuva into a toa of light, the Vahi did this, to a very tiny degree, to Vakama in LoMN. as soon as he removed it, though, since he was a Ta-Matoran, all it did was leave a "residue" of power. It is said in MNOG that Vakama tought Kapura how to move quick/slow...Perhaps Vakama's "training" was him granting Kapura some of his power?
5My theory is different: Perhaps Kapura is a matoran of time. He would have likely been hidden at the same time as the Av Matoran. I have no clue how many this would be, maybe there were only, like, a handful of them in the universe. but it's a possibility.
6What are your thoughts on these?
7The difficulty with your theory is that Time is not an element in the MU. There are no Matoran of Time or Toa of Time.
1Hi, Mr. Farshtey,
2I hope everything is going well. I have a few questions for you to consider:
- 3I'm in the process of creating a fanfiction where one of my Toa characters is forced to face down his shadow-self, like the Toa Mata did. My question is, is there any way for a person's dark half to be physically separated from them, outside of a Makuta's illusion powers? For instance, could the Spear of Fusion accomplish this?
- 4If a being's shadow-self could be separated, what would happen to the original being? Would they represent themselves, just fully Light instead of both Light and Shadow? Would they gain Light powers?
- 5Could the separated beings rejoin, or would they have to be fused again?
6Also, a couple of other questions:
- 7Could it be possible for other Toa to be destined to become Nuva, or was that fate solely restricted to the six Toa of Mata Nui?
- 8Given that Tahu's Hau gained similarities to a Mask of Charisma in Karda Nui, could the other Adaptive Masks worn by the Toa Nuva bear similarities to other Kanohi as well (you don't need to say which, I'm just wondering if it's possible)?
legoguy2805 wrote:1Hey Greg, I have a couple questions about Kanohi masks.
21) When a Kanohi Nuva is being used, would its user be able to share its powers with non-MU species, such as Agori and Glatorian?
32) According to the description of the Kanohi Rau, the Great version allows its user to understand and speak in almost any written or spoken language within the MU. Considering that Mata Nui was programmed to speak Agori by the Great Beings, would a Rau-wearing Toa also be able to understand and speak Agori when the mask is used?
43) According to BS01, after the Toa Mata were transformed into Toa Nuva, residents of Artakha made them additional Kanohi Nuva using ordinary Kanohi that were "destined" to transform into Kanohi Nuva. Can you elaborate on this?
53a) Could there be masks other than the original six that are/were destined to become Kanohi Nuva at some point?
64) How did Artakha know that the Mata had become Nuva in the first place, if his telepathic ability could not breach the walls of the MU?
7Thanks in advance!
8Buried, unfortunately. Also I thought of a fifth question:
95) When the Matoran of Metru Nui celebrated the defeat of the Makuta following the Siege of Metru Nui, did Gavla celebrate with them? Or was she off sulking somewhere else?
legoguy2805 wrote:legoguy2805 wrote:1Hey Greg, I have a couple questions about Kanohi masks.
21) When a Kanohi Nuva is being used, would its user be able to share its powers with non-MU species, such as Agori and Glatorian?
32) According to the description of the Kanohi Rau, the Great version allows its user to understand and speak in almost any written or spoken language within the MU. Considering that Mata Nui was programmed to speak Agori by the Great Beings, would a Rau-wearing Toa also be able to understand and speak Agori when the mask is used?
43) According to BS01, after the Toa Mata were transformed into Toa Nuva, residents of Artakha made them additional Kanohi Nuva using ordinary Kanohi that were "destined" to transform into Kanohi Nuva. Can you elaborate on this?
53a) Could there be masks other than the original six that are/were destined to become Kanohi Nuva at some point?
64) How did Artakha know that the Mata had become Nuva in the first place, if his telepathic ability could not breach the walls of the MU?
7Thanks in advance!
8Buried, unfortunately. Also I thought of a fifth question:
95) When the Matoran of Metru Nui celebrated the defeat of the Makuta following the Siege of Metru Nui, did Gavla celebrate with them? Or was she off sulking somewhere else?
101) Yes
112) Probably
123) I don't have any info on this beyond the basics. It wasn't something we worried about since the site of the masks' creation wasn't relevant to our story. To my knowledge, there are not other Nuva masks floating around.
134) The Nuva became Nuva underground, so they were not outside the outer wall.
145) I have no idea where she was at the time
DavidM96 wrote:1Hi, Mr. Farshtey,
2I hope everything is going well. I have a few questions for you to consider:
- 3I'm in the process of creating a fanfiction where one of my Toa characters is forced to face down his shadow-self, like the Toa Mata did. My question is, is there any way for a person's dark half to be physically separated from them, outside of a Makuta's illusion powers? For instance, could the Spear of Fusion accomplish this?
- 4If a being's shadow-self could be separated, what would happen to the original being? Would they represent themselves, just fully Light instead of both Light and Shadow? Would they gain Light powers?
- 5Could the separated beings rejoin, or would they have to be fused again?
6Also, a couple of other questions:
- 7Could it be possible for other Toa to be destined to become Nuva, or was that fate solely restricted to the six Toa of Mata Nui?
- 8Given that Tahu's Hau gained similarities to a Mask of Charisma in Karda Nui, could the other Adaptive Masks worn by the Toa Nuva bear similarities to other Kanohi as well (you don't need to say which, I'm just wondering if it's possible)?
91) Not to my knowlegde, no
102) Since it's not possible for what you are describing to happen, 2 and 3 are irrelevant
111) Possible, yes, probable, no. We had no plans to make another Toa into Nuva.
122) What kind of similarities? In terms of appearance? That was purely a set designer thing, there was no story intent that the masks would be similar to other masks.