ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Andybrick95 wrote:1Hello, Mr. Farshtey!
Uh... Nice weather we're having, huh?
2I know this isn't a BIONICLE or Ninjago-related question, but I'm just curious.
3In LEGO City Undercover, there are a lot of references to different things. They have Pirahna Plants, Albert Spindlerouter (from that movie, y'know?
), and they even had Morgan Freeman play Blu Whittaker, who's appearance is similar to a character he (Freeman) played in a movie IRL. They also included a character that only had one line in the entire game, but I didn't realize there might've been a connection until now.
4My question is this: Was the character "George Fartarbensonbury" based off of you?
5Doubt it. It's unlikely the people who made the game were even aware of me.
6I looked it up. He does have a similar beard to yours... And the initials are the same. George Fatarbensonbury - Greg Farshtey - G F...
7Like I said, if that's the case, I am not aware of it. I don't know anyone involved with the development of the game and I can't see why they would have bothered to include me. Certainly no one ever asked me about being included.
8How would you feel if it WAS a reference to you?
9For the record, he's a crook who gets caught at the end of the first level.
ToaofTime4266 wrote:1Will the De-Matoran live in New Atero or try to find a quiet place to live in on Spherus Magna?
2My expectation is that a lot of the tribes will spread out over time. If the society becomes truly integrated,you may have some Matoran in a tribe living in one location and some in another.
STARROCKS923 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Andybrick95 wrote:1Hello, Mr. Farshtey!
Uh... Nice weather we're having, huh?
2I know this isn't a BIONICLE or Ninjago-related question, but I'm just curious.
3In LEGO City Undercover, there are a lot of references to different things. They have Pirahna Plants, Albert Spindlerouter (from that movie, y'know?
), and they even had Morgan Freeman play Blu Whittaker, who's appearance is similar to a character he (Freeman) played in a movie IRL. They also included a character that only had one line in the entire game, but I didn't realize there might've been a connection until now.
4My question is this: Was the character "George Fartarbensonbury" based off of you?
5Doubt it. It's unlikely the people who made the game were even aware of me.
6I looked it up. He does have a similar beard to yours... And the initials are the same. George Fatarbensonbury - Greg Farshtey - G F...
7Like I said, if that's the case, I am not aware of it. I don't know anyone involved with the development of the game and I can't see why they would have bothered to include me. Certainly no one ever asked me about being included.
8How would you feel if it WAS a reference to you?
9For the record, he's a crook who gets caught at the end of the first level.
10I really have more important things to worry about.
1dear Greg
2this is just some fan mail. i loved the bionicle series as a kid and im so happy that it has returned. i just have a few questions and i would love it if you could answer them for me. if the answers contain stuff that is confidetial just say that you cant tell me right now. thanks!
31.i was wondering if you were writing bionicle again because i bought so many of your bionicle books and i loved them.
42.i was wondering if the tv adds would be in comic form or cgi like they used to be (i personally like cgi better).
53. when will the bionicle sets be released in australia? they always come out about 6 months late but i was wondering if this time they were coming out a bit earlier.
6thanks for your time!
7From Flynn
1Hello Greg,
2I have some questions related to the Kakama worn by a Toa Mangai found by The Shadowed One at one of the Sea Gates of Metru Nui. We do know this mask was the one this Toa Mangai wore just before being eliminated by Eliminator, but since Metru Nui had a Suva and a lot of masks - some spare great masks were done for the Toa Metru even before they were created and stockpiled in the Great Temple - there's a possibility it was not his "normal" mask, but just a secondary one.
31a. Was the Suva of Metru Nui used by the Toa Mangai?
41b. If not, did they sometimes changed their masks manually for a mission?
51c. As you know it, there is currently a poll on BZPower to determine which Toa Mangai wore the Kakama. Do you think making it a secondary mask that is usually in the Suva/the Great Temple should be an option, or should it be considered as the main mask of one of the Toa?
62. Would it be possible one of the Toa Mangai wore an Elemental Mask, like the Garai but for others elements than Gravity?
flidget wrote:1dear Greg
2this is just some fan mail. i loved the bionicle series as a kid and im so happy that it has returned. i just have a few questions and i would love it if you could answer them for me. if the answers contain stuff that is confidetial just say that you cant tell me right now. thanks!
31.i was wondering if you were writing bionicle again because i bought so many of your bionicle books and i loved them.
42.i was wondering if the tv adds would be in comic form or cgi like they used to be (i personally like cgi better).
53. when will the bionicle sets be released in australia? they always come out about 6 months late but i was wondering if this time they were coming out a bit earlier.
6thanks for your time!
7From Flynn
81) No.
92-3) I have no information on this.
1There seems to be.. erm.. some 'small' disagreements about the polls. Some people want there to be an option that says "the masks should remain unknown". Many people have weighed in their opinions on the topic, but the one person's opinion who matters the most wasn't said. So what do YOU think? Should this option be on the polls or not?
Boidoh wrote:1There seems to be.. erm.. some 'small' disagreements about the polls. Some people want there to be an option that says "the masks should remain unknown". Many people have weighed in their opinions on the topic, but the one person's opinion who matters the most wasn't said. So what do YOU think? Should this option be on the polls or not?
2I see no reason not to include that. If the majority of people who vote would rather not know, it is important to be able to see that. If, on the other hand, that option loses in the poll, then you know that a majority of people do want this information and the people who do not are in the minority.