jayzor17 wrote:1Hey-
2Does a Toa of Light have to be created by an Av-Matoran wearing the Avohkii, or can they be created using normal methods?3And are there any other "normal methods" than a Toa Stone?4Could the term "Toa Inika" be considered a subspecies of Toa that were specifically created by lightning from the Red Star?
51) No one on the story team ever ruled out the possibility of other methods
62) Not to my knowledge
73) No
jakejiles wrote:jakejiles wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:jakejiles wrote:11. What is your faovorite moment from the BIONICLE story?
22.(A follow up to an earlier question of mine) If a inhabitant of Spherus Magna were to enter the Matoran Universe, could the Red Star revive them?
33.While in Karda Nui, several Makuta were blinded by the use of the mask of light, however Makuta are pure energy, and don't have eyes. Were there senors in thier armor that helped them to see, was the composition of thier energy altered by the light cousing changes?
44.Did Takua have some sort of block placed over his ability to change colors after bieng posed as a Ta-Matoran, or did the memory wipe simply make him forget how.
55.In The Legend Reborn, the Mask of Life morphed itself to encase Mata Nui's head and make him seem more like the lifeforms of the planet, effectivly making it a helmet, but Barix could plainly identify that it was a mask when they met.
66.Makuta destroyed many Toa of Magnetism and Iron as thier powers were harmfull to thier existance. Would they also target Matoran and Turaga of these elements, or were they not considered a threat?
77.Do you ever get annoyed haveing to answer so many questions?
81) Matoro's sacrifice
92) No. SM inhabitants are not artificial beings. The RS is not programmed to work on them.
103) The light overrode the sensory parts of their energy that simulated physical sight
114) The latter
125) What is your question?
136) Turaga would not be a threat. Matoran would be a threat only if he had some reason to believe they were destined to become Toa.
147) If I did, I could just stop. Being here is not part of my job. It's something I choose to do.
15Sorry, I went back to reword the first part and forgot to finish it. I was wondering how Barix managed to reconize it as a Mask when it had the appearence of a helemet?
17I didn't write the screenplay, so I can't really speak to this. That is never referenced in the screen treatment.
fighterlord wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Sorry for the two other questions.
24) What knowledge did Teridax have that Matoro was supposed to put on the Kanohi Ignika and save Mata Nui's life? Did he see this when he took over Matoro's body when Matoro was a Toa Inika during the Voya Nui arc?
35) I'm slightly confused on the notion of a third robot built by the Great Beings. In an earlier comment you were saying how it was Makuta's job to help Mata Nui put Spherus Magna back together. When exactly was this established?
44) I know Biosector has the thing about Makuta possessing Matoro, but I do not recall what book that took place in. I have a recollection that that was going to happen in a story that was never published, which would mean it is not canon.
55) Either 2009 or 2010 storyline.
6About #4...That info was originally going to be in a book called "Invasion", which was canceled due to poor book sales. But you canonized its information in Bionicle Encyclopedia: Updated. So it's canon.
7Just FYI ... it was more of a rescheduling. If the book sales had been that poor circa 2007-2008, there would have been no books in 2008 or 2009.
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
RocketRacer7235 wrote:1Hi Greg.
2If someone wearing a mask of scavenging tried to use it on someone under the effects of a mask of undeath or reanimation, would it have any effect?
3Good question. I think someone who had been reanimated could be victimized by this, but not someone who is undead. The undead are not truly alive. Someone who is reanimated does have life energy in them. At least, that is my take.
fighterlord wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Sorry for the two other questions.
24) What knowledge did Teridax have that Matoro was supposed to put on the Kanohi Ignika and save Mata Nui's life? Did he see this when he took over Matoro's body when Matoro was a Toa Inika during the Voya Nui arc?
35) I'm slightly confused on the notion of a third robot built by the Great Beings. In an earlier comment you were saying how it was Makuta's job to help Mata Nui put Spherus Magna back together. When exactly was this established?
44) I know Biosector has the thing about Makuta possessing Matoro, but I do not recall what book that took place in. I have a recollection that that was going to happen in a story that was never published, which would mean it is not canon.
55) Either 2009 or 2010 storyline.
6About #4...That info was originally going to be in a book called "Invasion", which was canceled due to poor book sales. But you canonized its information in Bionicle Encyclopedia: Updated. So it's canon.
7And to answer the question more fully -- Matoro's mind/spirit would have been absent from the body when Makuta was in there, so there would be no way Makuta could gain knowledge about Matoro while possessing his body.
voporak1 wrote:voporak1 wrote:1Hello Mr Greg i have some questions to ask you.
21. The Red Star can generate a magnetic field around it to protect it from asteroid fields when it is in orbit around a planet?
32. This is a purely theoretical question. If the red star would depart from its position for some reason while that Mata Nui is in a planet. is what the red star could to teleport where it was originally?
43. A Toa would be able to alter his element as he wishes such as to change a small flameche into a huge fire or change a fire into a sword or a bridge?
51) Not something we ever discussed.
62) I don't understand your question.
73) Yes, depending on his/her skill and experience at using it
rockmonster2000 wrote:1Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions for you:
21)What happaned to all of the bohrok after the matoran universe was destroyed? And if they survived, did they just go back into hibernation?
32)Did Pridak and the other Barraki try to rebuild their empires on the reformed Spherus Magna?
43)What happaned to all of the land and ocean rahi after Aqua Magna crashed into Bara Magna?
54)What exactly is the red star? What is its purpose?
6Thank you!
7All the best,
8 Rockmonster2000
91) My guess is they would be reprogrammed to do needed work
102) The story is by and large frozen where it was when we ended, so this has not happened as yet
113) Some lived, and some died
124) The red star exists to take non-functioning beings from the Matoran universe and download their AI into new bodies. Non-Rahi who die in the MU get teleported there, given new bodies, and sent back, when the system is working correctly
ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
3A quick Google search reveals that there was an announcement for this book ... which was an April fool hoax.
4I think there was a fan project by BZP members with a similar name. (I don't remember the exact name.) If I recall correctly, they wanted to create a list of all BIONICLE sets that were ever released, provide them with a short description of the character, and release the finished book as a free PDF download. In the end, the project was cancelled, and I don't know how much of it was actually finished. I'm a bit blurry on the details, though, since I was not part of that project.