1Hello i'm new here and a big fan of Bionicle since I was 5
2so I have a few questions for you Greg if you are willing to answer
3#1 will the mask of life eventually turn Tahu back into a toa Nuva if he wants to
4#2 will Tahnok-kal break out of his lighting cage?
5#3 if the great beings created the fire entity did they create entities comprised of other elements?

21.) Are you going to be working on BIONICLE again, now that it's back? Will there be paperback novels and spin-off stories that aren't directly related to the sets, like "Federation of Fear"?
32.) Have you seen the Clutch Powers movie from 2010? If so, what would you do if you were (hypothetically) asked to write a sequel? I'd like to try my hand at writing a story like that, and I'd like some input from one of LEGO's greatest writers (you).

43.) How does one go about writing comics for LEGO? (I'd like to get such a job.)
54.) Do you know if Mata Nui exists in the new BIONICLE canon?
65.) Who are your favorite writers, and why?
76.) Do you use google or bing?

87.) What are your favorite books, and why?
9Have a great one!

ClutchPowers99 wrote:1And just one last thing, Greg:
2How many elements are there in BIONICLE, and what are they?
3Thanks a ton!
4There are 17 Elements (Not counting legendary powers), 16 in the Matoran Universe, 7 on Spherus Magna, but Fire, Water, Jungle/Plantlife, Stone/Rock, Ice, and Iron overlap.
5The elements are: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Stone/Rock(on Spherus Magna), Ice, Lightning, Magnetisim, Gravity, Plasma, Sonics, Iron, Psionics, Plantlife/Jungle(on Spherus Magna), Light, Shadow, Sand(on Spherus Magna)
ClutchPowers99 wrote:1Hey, Greg. I have some things to ask. I hope it's not a bother, and you don't have to reply right away.
21.) Are you going to be working on BIONICLE again, now that it's back? Will there be paperback novels and spin-off stories that aren't directly related to the sets, like "Federation of Fear"?
32.) Have you seen the Clutch Powers movie from 2010? If so, what would you do if you were (hypothetically) asked to write a sequel? I'd like to try my hand at writing a story like that, and I'd like some input from one of LEGO's greatest writers (you).
43.) How does one go about writing comics for LEGO? (I'd like to get such a job.)
54.) Do you know if Mata Nui exists in the new BIONICLE canon?
65.) Who are your favorite writers, and why?
76.) Do you use google or bing?
87.) What are your favorite books, and why?
9Have a great one!
101) No, I'm not. And I don't know what the publishing plans are for it.
112) No, and it's doubtful I would be asked to write something like that. Hollywood tends to stick to established screenwriters.
123) There is no actual "comic writing" job. We have a staff of five writers here, who write everything from comics to catalog copy to web missions. Basically, whatever needs writing on a given day.
134) I am not involved with BIONICLE 2015.
145) Ambrose Bierce, S.J. Perelman, a handful of others.
156) No
167) Way too many to list. I read on average four or five books a week.
Orionpaxg1 wrote:1Hello i'm new here and a big fan of Bionicle since I was 5
2so I have a few questions for you Greg if you are willing to answer
3#1 will the mask of life eventually turn Tahu back into a toa Nuva if he wants to
4#2 will Tahnok-kal break out of his lighting cage?
5#3 if the great beings created the fire entity did they create entities comprised of other elements?
61-2) At this point, the story is frozen where we left off.
73) It's possible they could have experimented with something like that
voporak1 wrote:voporak1 wrote:voporak1 wrote:voporak1 wrote:voporak1 wrote:voporak1 wrote:1Hello Mr Greg
21.The Great Spirit Robot and Red Star are they immune to the effects of solar EMP?
32.The Red Star has an ion engine? or a motor of antimatter? or a nuclear motor? or one of dark matter?
43. The gravity level of the MU is similar to that of the earth? or a little lower or higher?
54.The people of the MU have need to be recharged like robots? or they have an unlimited source of energy in them?
75.Before that Pahrak Kal reaches the ground of Aqua Magna when he lost control of his plasma power would he cross the head of the GSR ?
8My question is buried.
9The first Rahi were created from Antidermis like Rahi created by the Makuta?
10Buried again
11Who has created Keetongu and Kraaka? The Great Beings or the Makuta?
12Rahi are created using viruses and protodermis, not antidermis. Krahka and Keetongu are Rahi, so they would have been created by the Makuta.
NinjaKnight114 wrote:NinjaKnight114 wrote:Gresh113 wrote:1I was freshening up on my memory on the Melding Alternate Universe today, on BS01. And I was wondering,
21.a. Were Jaller, Hahli, Hewkii, etc. in this universe?
31.b. If so, were they Toa or Matoran?
4Various other questions:
52. Can a Turaga ever become a Toa again?
6You don't have to answer this one.
73. What is your favorite Toa team?
84. Would you consider the Exo-Toa a mech or an armor?
95. Can you create a mask worn by a Kiata (Mask of wisdom or Mask of Valor, for example) by carving a disk created by combining the disks required to create the masks of the Toa who are part of the Kiata?
106. What happened to the Toa Stones Takua used to summon the Toa Mata to the island?
12Bured again
131) Yes
141b) I don't recall
152) No
163) Metru
174) Probably a mech
185) Not sure. We know what mask was created by the merge, but we do not know for certain that if you just combine disks you get the same power.
196) Once they were used, they had no more power, so they were probably just abandoned
rocka99 wrote:1Hi Greg,
2I know that you are not working on the new Bionicle, but I have some questions.
31. What do you like/dislike about the new Bionicle storyline and why?
42. Do you like the simplified ideas in the new storyline and why? Such as the simplified names (protectors, masters, etc.)
6I am not answering questions re: new BIONICLE. My personal opinion really doesn't matter, because I am not the intended audience for it (it's not written for 49 year olds What matters is what the people it IS being written for think.