Wamsutta wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Wamsutta wrote:1Hi Greg!2No. Even if I had the inclination, I don't have the time.
3Okay, hear me out for this. BIONICLE's storyline will never be finished; let's be realistic here. It is something that is truly heartbreaking for the fans. With that being said, say BZPower created a contest where applicants wrote in informal chapters of The Yesterday Quest and The Powers That Be. The community then decided what entry we liked the most. Say we continued doing this for a number of chapters per serial.
4If we were to hypothetically ask for your approval for these to be canon then that would be breaking legal rules. Would you be willing to say that these chapters BZPower members wrote up and created were the most likely events to happen? This way, these could never be official and LEGO as a company could not get into trouble, nor could you; we would just be reasoning out the possibility of endings to the story that could arise. This would mean the world to a numerous fans out there. It would also allow the fans to truly connect back with the BIONICLE lore and bring it to a close. I understand that you will have reservations on this, but from one BIONICLE lover to another, would you be able to give us your blessing to create the "most likely scenario that would happen"?
5I understand your reasoning, but you have to understand: I can't do something like this unless LEGO gives permission. I can't encourage the creation of "new" old story when the company is trying to keep people focused on the characters and new story of G2. I asked last year about finishing off the old story in some venue and there was no interest, more than likely because it would be confusing for new fans and distract from the new launch.
6Do you think that once the new line is more established, perhaps after the second wave of sets, it might be more likely that LEGO would be interested in letting you finish the serials? It's a real shame that Gen 1 is so open-ended.
Kar0l wrote:1Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions:2"Ninjago 7: Stone Cold" graphic novel31. Were all villains from this graphic novel the Tower of Tears' prisoners? For example, Gahrann the Dreamer is said to be a ruler of Dream World, so I don't think he can be defeated and/or imprisoned.42. I found a poster (made by Jolyon Yates) with all villains with their names. Diamond Ninja-like villain is named Diaman and a group of four villains is named Evil Gang. Are these names from comic script (these characters are unnamed in the comic)?53. One page shows Sensei Wu fighting two creatures ("Across the world I traveled, from the Frozen North... to the burning deserts..."). Are they named or described in comic script? Also, were they imprisoned in Tower of Tears?6"Ninjago 4: Tomb of Fangpyre" graphic novel74. This graphic novel features the origins of Serpentine. Were they created by you or they come from Ninjago story bible?8"A Cup of Victory" short story (from "Ninjago: The Tournament of Elements" activity book)95. This short story introduced the Master of Water named Lar. Was he created by you? Was his creation consulted with Ninjago story team? (For what I remember, you once said that every new story concept have to be approved by the respective story team.)10Other116. Why Papercutz stopped releasing new Ninjago graphic novels after "Comet Crisis"? Weren't they sold well at the end?
12I think these questions got lost.
1If we were to hypothetically ask for your approval for these to be canon then that would be breaking legal rules. Would you be willing to say that these chapters BZPower members wrote up and created were the most likely events to happen? This way, these could never be official and LEGO as a company could not get into trouble, nor could you; we would just be reasoning out the possibility of endings to the story that could arise. This would mean the world to a numerous fans out there. It would also allow the fans to truly connect back with the BIONICLE lore and bring it to a close. I understand that you will have reservations on this, but from one BIONICLE lover to another, would you be able to give us your blessing to create the "most likely scenario that would happen"?
2I understand your reasoning, but you have to understand: I can't do something like this unless LEGO gives permission. I can't encourage the creation of "new" old story when the company is trying to keep people focused on the characters and new story of G2. I asked last year about finishing off the old story in some venue and there was no interest, more than likely because it would be confusing for new fans and distract from the new launch.
3Do you think that once the new line is more established, perhaps after the second wave of sets, it might be more likely that LEGO would be interested in letting you finish the serials? It's a real shame that Gen 1 is so open-ended.
4There's no way I can predict that. I am not in contact with the BIONICLE team currently, so I cannot speak to their thinking.
kristiane143 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:kristiane143 wrote:1Hi Mr.Greg! I am a HUGE Ninjago fan. I just wanted to ask you a few questions:
21. Where did you get the idea of NInjago?
32. What inspired you to make a TV series?
43. What is your dream?
5Well, thanks for taking your time to answer these questions!! Hope to hear from you soon!
6I didn't create Ninjago and I'm not involved at all with the TV series. My involvement with Ninjago has been writing graphic novels and short stories for it.
7Oh. Well then I have one two questions:
81. Did you draw the pictures for the graphic novels? If yes, how did you draw them?
92. What will your next book be about?
10Well, thank you for taking your time to answer these questions!!
111) No. Jolyon Yates did the art for the books.
122) Right now, I am working on some short stories for a Polish Ninjago book and some Polish City books. There are no more Ninjago graphic novels on the schedule.
flashmarsmission wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:flashmarsmission wrote:1And this is what happens when I read too much into gen. 1 history
21: What is Vezon's importance in the storyline?
32: What was Artakha made to do?
43: Metru Nui is supposed to be the "brain" of Mata Nui, so how come during the Great Cataclysm, it sticks out of the ocean (or at least, its cloaking device)?
51) Not sure where to start with this. Are you aware of Vezon's actions in the storyline?
62) Artakha was a creator. He built things.
73) Where better to put your sensor arrays and information-gathering tech than in the brain? That's where ours are.
81: Well, he was made by the Spear of Fusion hitting Vestok in reverse. He stole the spear afterwards, and he was the first between the Piraka and Toa to find the Mask of Life. Which fused him with a Fenrakk spider. The toa/piraka had to battle him for the MoL. That's as much as I know
93: But the cloaking device sticks out of the ocean, which implies that Metru Nui is not in the head, but on it.
101) I would suggest you check out one of the BIONICLE Wikis out there, which would have the whole Vezon story. It would take quite a while for me to type it all out here.
113) Metru Nui is not on the head. It's inside the head. The camouflage system covers the robot's face. Its brain is inside, the same as yours is.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:KoolKai7 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:KoolKai7 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:KoolKai7 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:KoolKai7 wrote:1Greg, are the Toa able to "take off" their adaptive armor (they probably wouldn't want to, but do they have the ability to do so?)?
3How, and was it ever shown in the comics?
4No, it wasn't show in the comics - comics had to reflect what sets looked like, because the point of them was to sell sets. And I assume you would take it off the same way you would take off other armor.
5Can matoran "put on" the adaptive armor?
6No, the armor would be too big for them. It's designed for use by Toa.
7Can makuta put on the armor then?
8Doubt it. The adaptive armor has gaps in it. It does not completely seal the Toa in. Makuta armor is sealed to keep the antidermis from seeping out.
9Is the adaptive armor that the Toa Nuva have the only adaptive armor in the universe?

31) what was the point of Antidermis? Was it ever elaborated why the Great Beings created it? Did they know Mata Nui was going to create the Makuta? Were they around for the Makuta's creation or had Mata Nui already departed Spherus Magna by then?41.5) what motivated the Great Beings to create the plans for the Golden Armor? Did they know that the Antidermis was sentient and could potentially rebel?
52) How intelligent were the Matoran and other beings prior to Velika's Awakening of them? They seemed intelligent enough to sufficiently pass as sapient, so what exactly was changed? Or were Helryx, the Toa Mata, Hydraxon, and the other beings seen in Legends #10 exceptions with most of the inhabitants of the MU being drones?
63) How many MU species were created prior to Mata Nui's departure of Spherus Magna? Would the Great Beings have known about Skakdi, Vortixx, Makuta, etc.?[/color][/I]
11) what was the point of Antidermis? Was it ever elaborated why the Great Beings created it? Did they know Mata Nui was going to create the Makuta? Were they around for the Makuta's creation or had Mata Nui already departed Spherus Magna by then?21.5) what motivated the Great Beings to create the plans for the Golden Armor? Did they know that the Antidermis was sentient and could potentially rebel?
32) How intelligent were the Matoran and other beings prior to Velika's Awakening of them? They seemed intelligent enough to sufficiently pass as sapient, so what exactly was changed? Or were Helryx, the Toa Mata, Hydraxon, and the other beings seen in Legends #10 exceptions with most of the inhabitants of the MU being drones?
43) How many MU species were created prior to Mata Nui's departure of Spherus Magna? Would the Great Beings have known about Skakdi, Vortixx, Makuta, etc.?[/color][/I]
51) My guess is antidermis may have been a byproduct of the creation of protodermis.
61.5) I think the GBs planned for a lot of things that might or might not happen. And I think the reason they did that was because they knew the construction of the robot was ridiculously rushed and a lot of things could go wrong (which they did).
72) It wasn't a question of not being intelligent so much as one of having no emotional freedom, no culture, no capacity for much of anything beyond work. They weren't playing kolhii or doing anything else not necessary to their jobs prior to the Awakening. My analogy would be a colony of ants. They work all day, they have to, but they aren't playing sports or making movies or doing things that are fun just for the sake of it. They work. That's their life.
83) Those that weren't created were programmed into MN, so he could create them. The exception was Rahi, where the Makuta had the freedom to create what they felt was needed to some extent.
Orionpaxg1 wrote:1can energized protodermis turn other toa into toa nuva
2were the zivon, chute lurker, and venom flyers created by chirox
3is spherus magna the only planet in the its solar system
41) Depends on if that Toa is destined to become a Nuva. If not, the EP will just kill him/her.
52) No idea.
63) The only planet? No.
KoolKai7 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:KoolKai7 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:KoolKai7 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:KoolKai7 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:KoolKai7 wrote:1Greg, are the Toa able to "take off" their adaptive armor (they probably wouldn't want to, but do they have the ability to do so?)?
3How, and was it ever shown in the comics?
4No, it wasn't show in the comics - comics had to reflect what sets looked like, because the point of them was to sell sets. And I assume you would take it off the same way you would take off other armor.
5Can matoran "put on" the adaptive armor?
6No, the armor would be too big for them. It's designed for use by Toa.
7Can makuta put on the armor then?
8Doubt it. The adaptive armor has gaps in it. It does not completely seal the Toa in. Makuta armor is sealed to keep the antidermis from seeping out.
9Is the adaptive armor that the Toa Nuva have the only adaptive armor in the universe?
10It's the only adaptive armor I know about.
Kar0l wrote:Kar0l wrote:1Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions:2"Ninjago 7: Stone Cold" graphic novel31. Were all villains from this graphic novel the Tower of Tears' prisoners? .42. I found a poster (made by Jolyon Yates) with all villains with their names. Diamond Ninja-like villain is named Diaman and a group of four villains is named Evil Gang. Are these names from comic script (these characters are unnamed in the comic)?53. One page shows Sensei Wu fighting two creatures ("Across the world I traveled, from the Frozen North... to the burning deserts..."). Are they named or described in comic script? Also, were they imprisoned in Tower of Tears?6"Ninjago 4: Tomb of Fangpyre" graphic novel74. This graphic novel features the origins of Serpentine. Were they created by you or they come from Ninjago story bible?8"A Cup of Victory" short story (from "Ninjago: The Tournament of Elements" activity book)95. This short story introduced the Master of Water named Lar. Was he created by you? Was his creation consulted with Ninjago story team? (For what I remember, you once said that every new story concept have to be approved by the respective story team.)10Other116. Why Papercutz stopped releasing new Ninjago graphic novels after "Comet Crisis"? Weren't they sold well at the end?
12I think these questions got lost.
131) Yes, they were. Don't underestimate Wu's ability to defeat his foes.
142) No, those were not from the script
153) I would have to go back and check the page. I am not sure I even have that script anymore.
164) Ninjago story bible
175) All story concepts and the stories themselves have to be approved by LEGO before publication
186) Papercutz's license with LEGO Company is expiring at the end of this year, and there was no point in trying to put new books out this year when you would then have to rush to move the inventory before your right to sell ends.
1Thanks a lot for being so responsive, Greg. We really appreciate hearing from you and having these questions answered almost non-stop.
21: Was there ever any direct source for Vakama's visions?
3 1b: If it was from the Great Spirit, would that mean Mata Nui was aware of the goings on within himself? If so, why didn't he stop Makuta before the plot went too far? I got the feeling from 2009-10 story that Mata Nui didn't really pay attention to the "lesser" beings within him, and he realized how much it cost him.
42: How did Zaktaan survive the events of Dwellers in Darkness? He later shows up to enter the EP and create the golden being.
53: Is the Golden skinned being's mind a mix of all the beings used to create it, or is it an entirley new entity?
64: Where does the Golden skinned being's powers come from?