1Hello Mr Greg
2The teleportation device called the Spirit's Wish can be used to travel to other dimensions like the Olmak? If yes, it was this device that the Great Beings of the universe of the fusion have used to bring Mazeka to his world?
3This question will maybe seem you a little silly, but who would win between Axonn and Teridax?
2... On that note, are the set and comic representations of Agori and Glatorian supposed to very closely reflect their actual appearance? Given that those species are mostly organic, it wouldn't really make sense for them to be shaped like they are in the sets (if the set pieces represent an exoskeleton, I'm not sure how it can account for 15%/(whatever percentage of their body is mechanical body) mass).
RocketRacer7235 wrote:11) So if any toa can infuse things with elemental energy, what about makuta? Can they charge a defensive structure with shadow or light?
22) Same question on skakdi?
33) Is there any known upper limit on how much one can charge a rhotuka?
44) Can the makuta power of quick healing heal normally irreparable wounds?
55) If someone used a disk of fusion on one or more kaitas, what would happen? Would the kaitas shatter, possibly disrupting the fusion?
61-2) Realistically, they probably should be able to, but I rather like the idea of having this be a power that only Toa have.
73) Not that we ever set.
84) I would say no.
95) Probably, yes
Orionpaxg1 wrote:11:would the silver Krana Kal of the destroyed bohrok Kal retain the memories of the former bohrok kal if they were placed in new bodies?
22a:if a Makuta were to create a Matoran, would they use the same process as Rahi making or something similar to the matoran making machine
32b: if so could they give Matoran toa energy upon birth?
43:did some of your story ideas from bionicle take inspiration from D.C. comics?
51) Yes
62) They would most likely use the normal process to make Matoran.
72b) We have no evidence that the Turaga (who are the ones who make new Matoran) are responsible for choosing who becomes a Toa or not. I would tend to think they're not, which means a Makuta would not be choosing in this circumstance either.
83) Most DC Comics stories are way too dark and grim for the audience I was writing for
BIONICHARGE wrote:1Hello again!
2Just one question this time: since the Ignika was sentient, is it safe to assume that the Vahi and Mask of Creation were too, or was the Kanohi's sentience a product of its control over Life?
3No, there is no reason to believe the other masks had any degree of sentience.
voporak1 wrote:1Hello Mr Greg
2The teleportation device called the Spirit's Wish can be used to travel to other dimensions like the Olmak? If yes, it was this device that the Great Beings of the universe of the fusion have used to bring Mazeka to his world?
3This question will maybe seem you a little silly, but who would win between Axonn and Teridax?
41) No, there is no reason to believe the SW could pierce dimensions.
52) I never predict fight outcomes. There are too many variables in a fight.
gootah wrote:1Evening where I am, Mr. Farshtey. I just wanted to ask, who was it that passed on the elemental power of lightning to Jay in NINJAGO?
2And was Cole's mother the former master of the element of earth?
3I don't have this information, Gootah. My involvement with Ninjago was limited to writing the GNs, but I don't write the TV show. The people who do are the ones who know all this.
Constructman2 wrote:1Okay. Did Glatorian armor have hydraulics as well? Because I'm currently debating this with somebody that believes that both Toa and Glatorian have hydraulics due to the pistons molded onto the set pieces and the representation in the comics.
2... On that note, are the set and comic representations of Agori and Glatorian supposed to very closely reflect their actual appearance? Given that those species are mostly organic, it wouldn't really make sense for them to be shaped like they are in the sets (if the set pieces represent an exoskeleton, I'm not sure how it can account for 15%/(whatever percentage of their body is mechanical body) mass).
31) Not that I am aware of. Knights who wore armor did not have hydraulics in their armor.
42) They are representations are done with constraction pieces. The set designers were not looking to shift gears and have the Glatorian models look like Knights' Kingdom figures. They wanted them to look like BIONICLE figures, which means they would not look particularly organic.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Orionpaxg1 wrote:11 Of all the Barraki, which one in your opinion is the most redeemable(possible to turn good)
22 Does magic exist in Bionicle? becuase the Dark Hunter Conjurer seems to think so
33 Can the golden skin fusion infuse matoran with Toa energy, or can only a Great Being do that
44 Is it possible for Miserix to regain his inner light? or become a good guy
51, 4) I don't really believe in redeeming characters, Orion. I believe a good villain is a villain for a reason, and they are not just going to suddenly turn good. They may do good things, but it will be out of their own self-interest, not because they have suddenly become virtuous.
62) No
73) You mean through the dream-granting power? It's a good question. I would be interested to hear what other people think on it.
8This is a really interesting question.
9What if the GSB could do that, but only with Matoran who could become/were destined to become Toa? These Matoran have the capacity to become Toa, but others don't.
1Wow, Mr. Farshtey! I didn't know you were still active in this topic.
2I've always been a big fan, I was just wondering. The Bionicle Chronicles were originally written by C.A. Hapka, but you took over for the fourth book and ended up writing all the rest of the Bionicle books.
Why was the switch made?
Thank you!