diglett809 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:diglett809 wrote:1Greg, at the end of the final BIONICLE web episode it lists the people who helped. Under original concept it had "Greg Farshtey". Does this mean you just were the creator of the original BIONICLE, or did you have some concept part in the new one?
2No, I had nothing to do with the creation of original BIONICLE, although I did add some elements to it over the years, and nothing to do with the creation of new BIONICLE. New BIONICLE was pretty much done by the time I got to see any of it.
3Interesting. So any idea why it said "original concept: Greg Farshtey"
4Probably because he was the main writer.
1I have an additional question to my previous list:
2In The Powers that be, Kopaka saw thing sin the Red Star that "he could have lived without seeing." Biosector presumes these are kestora, but since he already encountered Kestora, and had not the same reaction, am i correct in assuming these beings are Matoran Universe natives who's minds could not handle the transference, and existed now in a sort of Zombified state?
21. When the Toa Metru sailed the Lhikan from Metru Nui to Mata Nui, they used a subterranean river. The problem is that Mata Nui is above Mata Nui. How could they possibly travel "up" a river where the surface of the water was level? Was it some kind of function of the robot involving gravity or something?
32. Is it remotely possible that someone survived the Order's purge of anyone who knew how to get to Artakha? For example, someone who knew, but never told anyone they knew.
43. If Antidermis isn't Protodermis-based, is it made of something else found on Spherus Magna, or is it a totally synthetic material?
54. It was mentioned somewhere that there were still Pit prisoners loose in the waters of Aqua Magna (noted by Teridax in Reign of Shadows, I believe). Did any of them survive the reformation of the planet?
65. Did Teridax maybe create any of the Rahi he used the most on Mata Nui? IE Nui-Rama, Nui-Jaga, Tarakava, Muaka, Kane-Ra, and Manas.
76. When Helryx and Keetongu found the EP source in Destiny War, the place was crawling with beings that looked halfway between Matoran and Rahi. I've seen various theorires as to what these creatures were, anything from them being Agori, Glatorian, and even humans. What were they? Simply mutants?
87. You can't forge an Aki or Rua, correct? You have to merge the Kanohi by forming a Kaita, right?
98. Can Kanohi Nuva be forged as Kanohi Nuva, without having to be exposed to EP?
109. You said that the golden armor replaced Tahu's Adaptive Armor. Does the golden armor also have the ability to adapt to environment?
1110. There are only 3 Legendary Masks in existence, right?
1210b. Are there any possible/potential Legendary Masks that haven't been made yet?
1411. Darkness is a Kraata power. Makuta have control over Shadow. Are these the same thing? I thought the Makuta's Shadow was an actual Elemental power.
1512. Are the Makuta's shapeshifting powers the same as the Kraata power?
commandercody113 wrote:1I have an additional question to my previous list:
2In The Powers that be, Kopaka saw thing sin the Red Star that "he could have lived without seeing." Biosector presumes these are kestora, but since he already encountered Kestora, and had not the same reaction, am i correct in assuming these beings are Matoran Universe natives who's minds could not handle the transference, and existed now in a sort of Zombified state?
3Interesting Question. I would like to know the answer to this one.....
commandercody113 wrote:1I have an additional question to my previous list:
2In The Powers that be, Kopaka saw thing sin the Red Star that "he could have lived without seeing." Biosector presumes these are kestora, but since he already encountered Kestora, and had not the same reaction, am i correct in assuming these beings are Matoran Universe natives who's minds could not handle the transference, and existed now in a sort of Zombified state?
TeridaxXD001 wrote:1Buried:
21. When the Toa Metru sailed the Lhikan from Metru Nui to Mata Nui, they used a subterranean river. The problem is that Mata Nui is above Mata Nui. How could they possibly travel "up" a river where the surface of the water was level? Was it some kind of function of the robot involving gravity or something?
32. Is it remotely possible that someone survived the Order's purge of anyone who knew how to get to Artakha? For example, someone who knew, but never told anyone they knew.
43. If Antidermis isn't Protodermis-based, is it made of something else found on Spherus Magna, or is it a totally synthetic material?
54. It was mentioned somewhere that there were still Pit prisoners loose in the waters of Aqua Magna (noted by Teridax in Reign of Shadows, I believe). Did any of them survive the reformation of the planet?
65. Did Teridax maybe create any of the Rahi he used the most on Mata Nui? IE Nui-Rama, Nui-Jaga, Tarakava, Muaka, Kane-Ra, and Manas.
76. When Helryx and Keetongu found the EP source in Destiny War, the place was crawling with beings that looked halfway between Matoran and Rahi. I've seen various theorires as to what these creatures were, anything from them being Agori, Glatorian, and even humans. What were they? Simply mutants?
91. If you were talking about normal geography, I would agree with you. But you're not. You're talking about a robot where the direction water flows would be determined by pumps.
102) Not to my knowledge
113) Antidermis is synthetic
124) Yes
135) It's possible, but no list exists of who made what
146) Things transformed by the EP
ScribeGT6817 wrote:commandercody113 wrote:1I have an additional question to my previous list:
2In The Powers that be, Kopaka saw things in the Red Star that "he could have lived without seeing." Biosector presumes these are kestora, but since he already encountered Kestora, and had not the same reaction, am i correct in assuming these beings are Matoran Universe natives who's minds could not handle the transference, and existed now in a sort of Zombified state?
4Thank you!
commandercody113 wrote:1I have a variety of questions nessiscary for expanding my own personal fanon. I'd appreciate any answers you could give my to make it more believeable
- 2Was the 'Elemental inhibitor' Velika gave to Kabrua in any wat linked to Marender?
- 3Would it be in Velika's personality to immedietly immolate the beings he had trapped in the fortress of the Insane GB, or would he rather show his hand first, and cherish the looks of surprise on their faces?
- 4What is the current status of the Sisters of the Skrall?
- 5Were there any other substances in the Great Spirit Robot that supplied power besides EP?
- 6After teridax's GSR fell, was it at all still inhabitable, despite massive destruction? Would the artificial gravity still function?
- 7Is it plausible for the barraki to raise an army after teridax's fall to conquer SM?
- 8Is it plausible that Makuta Teridax had reserves of Antidermis somewhere that survived?
- 9Were there more of Annona's species, or was she one of a kind?
- 10Does the Energized Protodermis Entity represent any being native to SM?
- 11What is the Origin of Energized protodermis? How did it gain sentience? Is it considered a 'native species' to Spherus Magna alongside Annona?
- 12If I recall correctly, you stated there were just under 20 Great beings. There are about 18 differant elements in Canon Bionicle. Is there any correlation between this? (I.E. are GBs specifically attuned to a specific element?)
- 13Is there more of the GB race somewhere in the universe, or are they the last of their kind?
- 14Do Great beings have any equals on Spherus Magna? Is the EP Entity considered their equivelant?
- 15Is tehre a correlation between Tren krom and Annona's similar appearance?
16That's all for now, I look forward to your answers!
17Ummm... greg, did you see this?
11) When Vezon had the Olmak and it's powers transferred into his body, did his appearance change? Was it fused to the back of his head like the Mask of Life? If yes, how did he look? The back of his head widened like the shape of the Olmak, or did the Olmak change it's appearance slightly?
22) Ever since Brutaka's mask was destroyed, does he wear a different mask now that his breathing apparatus is fitted onto? If so, what mask?
33) What was done with the Mask of Life after Mata Nui's spirit withdrew back into the mask at the end of the story? What is to become of Mata Nui? Since the Great Beings come back in the end, will they build a new robot body for Mata Nui?
44) How did Jerbraz look before he became invisible? Roughly toa size, titan size, colors, could he wear kanohi, etc? Could he see himself or his reflection?
55) Did the Mask of Creation look the same/similar in G1 to the way it looks in G2? If not, how did it look in G1?
Stormbringer791 wrote:11) When Vezon had the Olmak and it's powers transferred into his body, did his appearance change? Was it fused to the back of his head like the Mask of Life? If yes, how did he look? The back of his head widened like the shape of the Olmak, or did the Olmak change it's appearance slightly?
22) Ever since Brutaka's mask was destroyed, does he wear a different mask now that his breathing apparatus is fitted onto? If so, what mask?
33) What was done with the Mask of Life after Mata Nui's spirit withdrew back into the mask at the end of the story? What is to become of Mata Nui? Since the Great Beings come back in the end, will they build a new robot body for Mata Nui?
44) How did Jerbraz look before he became invisible? Roughly toa size, titan size, colors, could he wear kanohi, etc? Could he see himself or his reflection?
55) Did the Mask of Creation look the same/similar in G1 to the way it looks in G2? If not, how did it look in G1?
61) No, he didn't look different
72) No. His breathing apparatus is fitted over his face now.
83) That would have been determined by the needs of story, if story had continued. It didn't, so the answer is no idea.
94) The only info that existed on him is that he is roughly 8.5 feet tall and thought of himself as handsome.
105) I can't answer anything related to G2.
commandercody113 wrote:commandercody113 wrote:1I have a variety of questions nessiscary for expanding my own personal fanon. I'd appreciate any answers you could give my to make it more believeable
- 2Was the 'Elemental inhibitor' Velika gave to Kabrua in any wat linked to Marender?
- 3Would it be in Velika's personality to immedietly immolate the beings he had trapped in the fortress of the Insane GB, or would he rather show his hand first, and cherish the looks of surprise on their faces?
- 4What is the current status of the Sisters of the Skrall?
- 5Were there any other substances in the Great Spirit Robot that supplied power besides EP?
- 6After teridax's GSR fell, was it at all still inhabitable, despite massive destruction? Would the artificial gravity still function?
7That's all for now, I look forward to your answers!
8Ummm... greg, did you see this?
91) No
102) Depends on how much of a threat he views them as being
113) I don't see their status as having really been changed.
124) Not to my knowledge
135) The power was out, which means no heat and no air circulation and no light. It would have been possible to survive for a while, but not for the long term, and the robot was broken down and salvaged, so likely does not exist at all anymore.
- 1Is it plausible for the barraki to raise an army after teridax's fall to conquer SM?
- 2Is it plausible that Makuta Teridax had reserves of Antidermis somewhere that survived?
- 3Were there more of Annona's species, or was she one of a kind?
- 4Does the Energized Protodermis Entity represent any being native to SM?
- 5What is the Origin of Energized protodermis? How did it gain sentience? Is it considered a 'native species' to Spherus Magna alongside Annona?
- 6If I recall correctly, you stated there were just under 20 Great beings. There are about 18 differant elements in Canon Bionicle. Is there any correlation between this? (I.E. are GBs specifically attuned to a specific element?)
- 7Is there more of the GB race somewhere in the universe, or are they the last of their kind?
- 8Do Great beings have any equals on Spherus Magna? Is the EP Entity considered their equivelant?
- 9Is tehre a correlation between Tren krom and Annona's similar appearance?
10That's all for now, I look forward to your answers!
11Ummm... greg, did you see this?
121) Yes
132)" Not to my knowledge
143) Don't recall
154) Not sure I understand your question
165) It is a natural substance on SM. And it may well have always been sentient
176) No
187) I don't see the GBs as being the last of their kind. They are a portion of their kind who happened to become super-scientists. And no, I don't see them as existing on other worlds, since the intent never was to turn BIONICLE into space opera
198) Equals in terms of what
209) No
1Hey, Greg! I'm a HUGE fan of your work! I just have three questions
21: Will you be working on the new Netflix show for next year titled, "Bionicle: The Journey to One"?
32: Will you also be working on the new Bionicle books?
43: Will Takanuva be in the story for this year and the next?
diglett809 wrote:1So Greg, you must have missed my quote. Why does it say "Original concept: Greg Farshtey" in the video
2I just answered this question. I had nothing to do with the videos or the credits on them, so I have no idea why that is there. These are G2 videos and I had next to no involvement with G2 story.