1Other questions:
29) What happened to Kollorak after all? Has he migrated to Spherus Magna?310) Can Toa of Iron conrol the molten iron?411) What happened to Nuva Cubes after all?512) Were Volo Loutu launchers created by Nuparu on Mata Nui? And what happened to it after all?613) Were the Crystals created by Great Beings? Since it were designed to teleport from Ta-Wahi beach to Kini Nui? So, Temples of Principles were created by GBs too?7 13.1) Same questions for the Charms that Hali was collecting all over the island.814) Was Gate of Ice the part of Mata Nui's camouflage system?915) When Matoran were dismantling the GSR, they moved intact locations to the new planet or just destroyed them and then rebuilded?1016) What are Marendar's armor colors?1117) What happened to Nektann's Muaka after the Battle of Bara Magna?1218) Can Artakha create an organic Kanohi?1319) What happened to Staff of Artakha during the Daxia destruction? Did the OMN saved it? Or it was kidnapped/destroyed?1420) What happened to Toa who was forced by Mutran to communicate with the Blade Burrowers via Kanohi Rau, but learned nothing from them? Was he killed? If yes, was he revived?1521) How many Baterra are there?1622) What happened to Nektanns (robots) after the victory of Toa Inika? Are they functioning?1723) Where is Jaller's Hahnah Crab right now?
EddyGould wrote:1Other questions:
29) What happened to Kollorak after all? Has he migrated to Spherus Magna?310) Can Toa of Iron conrol the molten iron?411) What happened to Nuva Cubes after all?512) Were Volo Loutu launchers created by Nuparu on Mata Nui? And what happened to it after all?613) Were the Crystals created by Great Beings? Since it were designed to teleport from Ta-Wahi beach to Kini Nui? So, Temples of Principles were created by GBs too?7 13.1) Same questions for the Charms that Hali was collecting all over the island.814) Was Gate of Ice the part of Mata Nui's camouflage system?915) When Matoran were dismantling the GSR, they moved intact locations to the new planet or just destroyed them and then rebuilded?1016) What are Marendar's armor colors?1117) What happened to Nektann's Muaka after the Battle of Bara Magna?1218) Can Artakha create an organic Kanohi?1319) What happened to Staff of Artakha during the Daxia destruction? Did the OMN saved it? Or it was kidnapped/destroyed?1420) What happened to Toa who was forced by Mutran to communicate with the Blade Burrowers via Kanohi Rau, but learned nothing from them? Was he killed? If yes, was he revived?1521) How many Baterra are there?1622) What happened to Nektanns (robots) after the victory of Toa Inika? Are they functioning?1723) Where is Jaller's Hahnah Crab right now?
189) One would assume so, yes
1910) No
2011) I would guess they were salvaged from the robot and put somewhere for safekeeping
2112) I don't know what you're referring to, but if it is something the online games, I can't speak to it. I had nothing to do with the games.
2213) Same answer
2314) Again, not familiar with what you are asking about
2415) They did not move locations from the robot onto the planet. They dismantled them to build shelters and other equipment. It would have extremely difficult to extract an entire island complete with intact buildings.
2516) No idea. Since he never appeared in story, I never came up with a description for him.
EddyGould wrote:1Other questions:
217) What happened to Nektann's Muaka after the Battle of Bara Magna?318) Can Artakha create an organic Kanohi?419) What happened to Staff of Artakha during the Daxia destruction? Did the OMN saved it? Or it was kidnapped/destroyed?520) What happened to Toa who was forced by Mutran to communicate with the Blade Burrowers via Kanohi Rau, but learned nothing from them? Was he killed? If yes, was he revived?621) How many Baterra are there?722) What happened to Nektanns (robots) after the victory of Toa Inika? Are they functioning?823) Where is Jaller's Hahnah Crab right now?
917) Probably roaming free on SM
1018) Unknown
1119) Yes, the OMN saved it
1220) Yes, he was, and no, he wasn't
1321) Less than 50
1422) I doubt it very much
1523) Probably in the sea
11) Where is the Element Lord of Sand? Is he seeking the Valley of Maze along with the other Element Lords? Same for the Element Lord of Earth.22) What happened to the Element Lords after leaving of Tarduk's squad? Did they kill each other?33) How the Matoran naming system is working? Are there something like the database of existing names? Or "system" creates the names itself using various parts of the words?44) How often do you read BS01?55) Will the all Xian weapons be used on Spherus Magna? And what happened to Judgement Cannon after all? Will it be used?66) Can you grow Knowledge Tower via Knowledge Crystals on Spherus Magna?77) What Angonce thinks about the new society of Spherus Magna? Does he support it? Or is he on Velika's side?88) What is the minimum and maximum temperature that Toa of Ice and Fire can control?99) Did the Matoran bring all items(such as Book of Chronicles, Bamboo Disks, Air Bladders, Flax, Riggings, etc.) from Mata Nui to Metru Nui(and then to Spherus Magna)?1010) Were the Matoran creating the masks after Kanohi Nuva forms? I mean were there any Matoran that wore powerless masks ressembling Kanohi Nuva forms?1111) Was Tren Krom created after Annona? Since GBs did not remember her at all, but her image was to be deposited in their subconscious?1212) Can the Element Lord of Sand control crystals, since sand is made of tiny crystal fragments?1313) Can you use Ice and Shadow together to achieve Absolute Zero?1414) Can it be possible that telepathic voice that told Matoro to put on the Ignika belonged to Velika? In The Kingdom Alternate Universe, that Great Being never went into exile, and Velika was just a Matoran. As a result, the voice never instructed Matoro to act, which led to Mata Nui's permanent death.1515) What happened to the Toa of Plasma who was attacked by Zaktan? All that is left of him was puddle of strange substance, but it was never confirmed he died. So?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:nekaTydaerlA wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:nekaTydaerlA wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1writing the bionicle books wasn't your actual job?
2Nope. My job was (and is) editing LEGO Club Magazine. The novels were freelance projects I did on weekends for Scholastic.
3Well extra thank yous for doing that! The books were probably my favorite product the entire franchise spawned. They were still comissioned by LEGO though, yes? How were you selected as the author for them?
johnthacker18 wrote:1Hey Greg this may be a stupid question but where are the original six piraka or are they still alive?
2All six of the Piraka are still alive, but they are currently fused together as part of the Golden-Skinned Being, along with a Vortixx, a Zyglak, and a member of Krekka's species. The fusion is on Spherus Magna.
3Hope this helps!
WhiteAlligator wrote:1Hi everyone -
2Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
3The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
4That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
5Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
6While participating in this topic please remember to ...
71. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
82. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
93. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
10Are you help making the new Bionicle series?
11BIG fan of Biomicle! (:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Biomeca132 wrote:1Hi, Mr.Farshtey.
2[...]3If yes, why he hadn't considered consenquences of the Awakening on MU's inhabitants as glitches and tried to fix them, knowing that they didn't have to be fully sapient?
4If not, has he become it thanks to the Awakening of Velika, allowing him to conceive of the development of intricate cultures inside the MU, to understand why and how certain beings can create some troubles by their ideals/ambitions/values and to know how to deal with this situations, by attributing appropriate destinies to MUians? 5[...]
61) Yes
72) Are you aware of everything going on with the red and white blood cells and bacteria in your body?
83) At this point, it's no longer relevant, since the Mata Nui robot no longer exists and Mata Nui himself is in the Ignika and not involved in the day to day life on Spherus Magna.
92) No, but I don't think this analogy work here. Even if Mata Nui gradually granted less and less attention to MUians, he could always know what's going on inside him, thanks to all the sensors inside most of the Robot Great Spirit. This negligence was for practical reasons (to focus well on his studies of other planets): if a very dangerous and visible threat for the MU had to occur or happened, he wouldn't be remain impassive and could have react to prevent it.10Futhermore, since Mata Nui creates directly the MUians, he would have noticed the difference between new created MUians and others MUians concerned by the Awakening.11So, was Velika able to somehow change the programmation of Mata Nui, allowing him to create MUians with a complete sapience and to consider it as normal?
123) But it's relevant for the coherence of past stories. The Great Spirit Robot isn't an organic body which create cells unconsciously: Mata Nui creates beings and attributes destinies to them according to the demographic and power balance situations inside the MU. 13How could he do this without considering the fact that MUians had become fully sapient?
12) No, but I don't think this analogy work here. Even if Mata Nui gradually granted less and less attention to MUians, he could always know what's going on inside him, thanks to all the sensors inside most of the Robot Great Spirit. This negligence was for practical reasons (to focus well on his studies of other planets): if a very dangerous and visible threat for the MU had to occur or happened, he wouldn't be remain impassive and could have react to prevent it.2Futhermore, since Mata Nui creates directly the MUians, he would have noticed the difference between new created MUians and others MUians concerned by the Awakening.3So, was Velika able to somehow change the programmation of Mata Nui, allowing him to create MUians with a complete sapience and to consider it as normal?
43) But it's relevant for the coherence of past stories. The Great Spirit Robot isn't an organic body which create cells unconsciously: Mata Nui creates beings and attributes destinies to them according to the demographic and power balance situations inside the MU. 5How could he do this without considering the fact that MUians had become fully sapient?
62) I would respectfully disagree with you, simply because this is not my analogy -- it is the analogy created by the team that created BIONICLE in the first place. And they had the firmest grasp on the concept of what Mata Nui was and how it worked.
73) The problem here is that you are approaching it as if Mata Nui consciously created beings and was invested in each and every one. He didn't. He created Makuta at the beginning of his existence, but Matoran were created automatically as Turaga needed them. Mata Nui was not paying attention to every single one as they came out.